Cryptocurrency: GovBankPol Tries Sneaking Anti-Crypto Into Pro-CBDC Bills, WarOnCrypto, 1984 Social Score, Credit Coding, Bank Run

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Wake Up You Sheep and Fight Back for Freedom!

110+ pages of 1984 BULLSHIT pandered by Banksters...
And NOBODY read it... Noem on Tucker re CBDC
More than 20 other states have the same UCC language in front of them.
These bills change the definition of “money,” make it harder to use
cryptocurrency, and make it easier for the federal government to
impose a CBDC. These states must block this legislation from passing.
I VETOED a bill that changes the definition of money, and that opens
the door for the federal government to adopt a Central Bank Digital
Currency. But more than 20 other states are facing the same
legislation. Thank you @TuckerCarlson for helping us get the word out!
South Dakota will always protect economic Freedom. I’m discussing my
VETO of the UCC bill tonight at 7:20 CT with @TuckerCarlson.
I VETOED HB 1193. This bill adopts a definition of ‘money’ to
specifically exclude crypto like Bitcoin. And it opens the door to the
risk that the federal government could adopt a Central Bank Digital
This legislative session, we’re cutting taxes — not raising them.
Today, I VETOED a tax increase. We are cutting taxes this legislative
session, not increasing them. Grocery Tax Cut

Club for Growth @club4growth
Thank you to @govkristinoem for VETOING HB 1193 which limits digital
asset freedom in SD! “[Digital assets] are among the best hopes to
protect our fundamental liberties to free speech, free association,
and the free exchange of ideas." - @DavidMMcintosh
Gov. Noem VETOES Attack on Economic Freedom
Yesterday, Governor Kristi Noem VETOED House Bill 1193, which would
infringe upon Freedom in digital currency.

Something favorable in this clout of mess (

submitted 15 hours ago by noob_zarathustra


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[–]Educational-Cat-2553redditor for 6 days 258 points 13 hours ago

I guess a regular ball pen was too ordinary for social appearance.

give award

[–]Kennyfortytwo 89 points 12 hours ago

It’s probably state law that a veto is done with a cattle brand rather
than a stamp /s

give award

[–]ArnzenArms 27 points 9 hours ago

According to this, it looks like its custom and used for the first
time this year, but not on this bill:

give award

[–]scuczu 35 points 10 hours ago

political theater is all these bad-faith actors have.

give award

[–]ChuckSRQ 13 points 10 hours ago

As usual, when the politician supporting Bitcoin is from the “wrong”
party. They are not to be acknowledged. And they get mad when you do.

give award

[–][deleted] 9 hours ago*


[–]cooleryouthpastor 7 points 3 hours ago

Noem is a political hack who wants to keep the financial sector
donors on her side.

This bill that Noem just vetoed was backed by financial institutions
and banks. They wanted this bill passed.

give award

[–]scuczu 11 points 10 hours ago

no, grifters are grifters, and right wing opportunists are clinging to
crypto as something worthwhile because of the libertarian overlap in
the crypto spaces.

You see it with Cruz and texas politicians, it's bullshit to get some
positive response because the rest of their platform leads to shit for

give award

[–]Acceptable-Risks 11 points 10 hours ago

Newsflash for ya. Most bitcoiners in the US aren't coming from the left.

give award

[–]scuczu 2 points 10 hours ago

yea i know, there's a lot of crypto people from the right, because
they're all rich kid libertarians living on family wealth believing
they earned it and worked harder than anyone else being born into
their family.

Plenty of left leaners in the space, just a lot of fascist simp idiots too.

give award

[–]Curiouspiwakawaka 20 points 9 hours ago

H, it's almost like cryptocurrency doesn't have any political
affiliation. How strange

give award

[–]Stock_Frosting9087 15 points 9 hours ago

Poor libertarian here. I accept any political views just as long 

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Joe Biden and his entire now-woke Democrat Party and Admin
are a bunch of fucking FRAUDS and LIARS and CENSORS hellbent
on destroying the USA so they can put their own diabolical flavor
of Socialist Communism in place in the failed twisted state that
they intend to create. As usual ever since before Clinton Obama
foisted the fake "Russia Hoax" into their Fake News Media, fuck them all.

Tax = Tax
Deficit = Tax
Inflation = Tax
Debt = Death

President Biden @POTUS
"My full budget will lower costs for Americans, grow our economy, and
not raise taxes on anyone making under $400,000. That’s what I call a

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Global Internet Poll...
Do you think that your Government is serving the people or a bunch of
financial elites?
4% Serving the people.
96% Serving the elites.
16,891 votes • 13 hours

Few understand... China will be the next Global Asshole Nation,
China is now building military bases throughout the world.

Paris Erupts In Chaos, Again

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Democrat run Washington DC, California, and Oregon have almost
0.51% of their population homeless, almost 4.5x national average.

David Barrett, the woke CA-OR elite CEO of voted for them
and forced his employees and undue influenced his customers to
vote for them, and donated to the woke Democrat Party cause.
David Barrett the racist says that a white male is worth $0.25 less than
the $1.00 everyone else is worth, steals those benefits from his employees
paychecks to redistribute it to his pet woke causes., under David Barrett's direction knowledge and approval,
engages in illegal and unethical race and gender and sexual orientation
based hiring practices, corporate staff group pictures and statements prove
disproportion to the prevailing populace, putting even racist
"affirmative action"
laws to shame on the same level as the corrupt Biden Democrat White House
hiring practices.
These opinions can all be quoted sourced found on the internet forums...

“If you are a U.S. citizen, anything less than a vote for Biden is a
vote against democracy,” Barrett wrote.[5]

"Some customers objected to a vendor using their email addresses to
promote a political message, and Barrett said he received death
threats after sending it."

Picchi, Aimee (2020-10-24). "CEO emails 10 million customers to tell
them to vote for Biden". CBS News. Retrieved 2021-02-04.

On 22 October 2020, Barrett sent emails to all Expensify customers and
non-customers on
Expensify's marketing list worldwide, urging them to vote for U.S.
presidential candidate Joe Biden. He argued that the ongoing existence
of U.S. democracy itself depended on Biden's winning.[19] stock (Nasdaq:EXFY) has cratered over 70% down on the news
and is losing income into the tens of millions.

Get Woke, Go Broke.

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
The Aussie Cossack News relays Russian statement on and list of

"U.S. Military-Biological Research Figures In Ukraine"...
"U.S. Attempts To Continue Research At Biological Laboratories In Ukraine"...
"CH2M Hill, Inc"...
US Biolabs in Ukraine Pfizer, Bioweapons and US pathogen experiments
exposed by the Russian military. ❗️Russian General quotes Project
Veritas & the Stew Peter's show for their work on Pfizer...

Biden and Handlers are in charge of White House on such present matters.

Re: Censorship: Twitter Takeover Totally Panics Political Regime of LeftLibDemSocMediaTechPol

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp

Re: Censorship: Twitter Takeover Totally Panics Political Regime of LeftLibDemSocMediaTechPol

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp

Racket News
Capsule Summaries of all Twitter Files Threads to Date, With Links and
a Glossary
For those who haven't been following, a compilation of one-paragraph
summaries of all the Twitter Files threads by every reporter. With
links and notes on key revelations
Matt Taibbi
Jan 4

It’s January 4th, 2023, which means Twitter Files stories have been
coming out for over a month. Because these are weedsy tales, and may
be hard to follow if you haven’t from the beginning, I’ve written up
capsule summaries of each of the threads by all of the Twitter Files
reporters, and added links to the threads and accounts of each. At the
end, in response to some readers (especially foreign ones) who’ve
found some of the alphabet-soup government agency names confusing,
I’ve included a brief glossary of terms to help as well.

In order, the Twitter Files threads:

Twitter Files Part 1: December 2, 2022, by @mtaibbi


Recounting the internal drama at Twitter surrounding the decision
to block access to a New York Post exposé on Hunter Biden in October,

Key revelations: Twitter blocked the story on the basis of its
“hacked materials” policy, but executives internally knew the decision
was problematic. “Can we truthfully claim that this is part of the
policy?” is how comms official Brandon Borrman put it. Also: when a
Twitter contractor polls members of Congress about the decision, they
hear Democratic members want more moderation, not less, and “the First
Amendment isn’t absolute.”

1a. Twitter Files Supplemental, December 6, 2022, by @mtaibbi


A second round of Twitter Files releases was delayed, as new
addition Bari Weiss discovers former FBI General Counsel and Twitter
Deputy General Counsel Jim Baker was reviewing the first batches of
Twitter Files documents, whose delivery to reporters had slowed.

Twitter Files Part 2, by @BariWeiss, December 8, 2022


Bari Weiss gives a long-awaited answer to the question, “Was
Twitter shadow-banning people?” It did, only the company calls it
“visibility filtering.” Twitter also had a separate, higher council
called SIP-PES that decided cases for high-visibility, controversial

Key revelations: Twitter had a huge toolbox for controlling the
visibility of any user, including a “Search Blacklist” (for Dan
Bongino), a “Trends Blacklist” for Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya,
and a “Do Not Amplify” setting for conservative activist Charlie Kirk.
Weiss quotes a Twitter employee: “Think about visibility filtering as
being a way for us to suppress what people see to different levels.
It’s a very powerful tool.” With help from @abigailshrier,
@shellenbergermd, @nelliebowles, and @isaacgrafstein.

Twitter Files, Part 3, by @mtaibbi, December 9, 2022

THE REMOVAL OF DONALD TRUMP, October 2020 - January 6th, 2021

First in a three-part series looking at how Twitter came to the
decision to suspend Donald Trump. The idea behind the series is to
show how all of Twitter’s “visibility filtering” tools were on display
and deployed after January 6th, 2021. Key Revelations: Trust and
Safety chief Yoel Roth not only met regularly with the FBI and the
Department of Homeland Security, but with the Office of the Director
of National Intelligence (ODNI). Also, Twitter was aggressively
applying “visibility filtering” tools to Trump well before the

Twitter Files Part 4, by @ShellenbergerMD, December 10, 2022


This thread by Michael Shellenberger looks at the key day after
the J6 riots and before Trump would ultimately be banned from Twitter
on January 8th, showing how Twitter internally reconfigured its rules
to make a Trump ban fit their policies.

Key revelations: at least one Twitter employee worried about a
“slippery slope” in which “an online platform CEO with a global
presence… can gatekeep speech for the entire world,” only to be shot
down. Also, chief censor Roth argues for a ban on congressman Matt
Gaetz even though it “doesn’t quite fit anywhere (duh),” and Twitter
changed its “public interest policy” to clear a path for Trump’s

Twitter Files Part 5, by @BariWeiss, December 11, 2022


As angry as many inside Twitter were with Donald Trump after the
January 6th Capitol riots, staffers struggled to suspend his account,
saying things like, “I think we’d have a hard time saying this is
incitement.” As documented by Weiss, they found a way to pull the
trigger anyway.

Key revelations: there were dissenters in the company (“Maybe
because I am from China,” said one employee, “I deeply understand how

Re: War re Ukraine: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
The Rules of Propaganda... are applied by all sides...
by the West, the East, and the rest of the planet...
none more or less than the other does, in the great
game of global fuckery...

The 10 Rules Of Propaganda

Lord Arthur Ponsonby was a British diplomat and politician, dates 1871–1946.

This keen and cagey fellow pinpointed 10 rules of propaganda.

They are these:

1. We don’t want war, we are only defending ourselves.

2. The other guy is solely responsible for this war.

3. Our adversary’s leader is evil and looks evil.

4. We are defending a noble purpose, not special interest.

5. The enemy is purposefully causing atrocities; we only commit mistakes.

6. The enemy is using unlawful weapons.

7. We have very little losses, the enemy is losing big.

8. Intellectuals and artists support our cause.

9. Our cause is sacred.

10. Those who doubt our propaganda are traitors.

Just Look at the News

A daily scan of the newswires calls to mind three or more of these
propaganda rules. On some days, six or seven. On others still, all 10.

We refer specifically to the conflict presently arage in the eastern
European nation of Ukraine.

Let us now consider these rules. We will not take up each of them
since some rules relate closely to others. We will instead weld these
together. To proceed…

1. We don’t want war, we are only defending ourselves.

2. The other guy is solely responsible for this war.

On how many occasions have you read or heard condemnations of Mr.
Putin’s “unprovoked” act of aggression?

To phrase it differently, when has it not been described as unprovoked?

Yet a man can argue very persuasively that Mr. Putin’s war was indeed provoked.

The Russian autocrat warned on several occasions that NATO expansion
into Ukraine was a “red line.”

Russia would not abide the NATO dagger pressing against its vitals
(parts of Ukraine actually lie east of Moscow).

Yet the NATO alliance had announced its intentions to incorporate
Ukraine — despite Vladimir’s moans and grimaces.
A de Facto NATO Member

It is true that no formal offer of membership has come. Yet for years
the United States and its NATO allies were arming and training
Ukrainian forces.

Why do you think these Ukrainian forces have performed so excellently?

Some have in fact referred to Ukraine as a de facto NATO member. It
has merely been awaiting the de jure formality of actual membership.

You may argue that Mr. Putin’s invasion was unjustified. You may argue
that it was unnecessary. Your editor himself has maintained these very

Yet you cannot argue that it was unprovoked.
Putin’s Evil!

3. Our adversary’s leader is evil and looks evil.

9. Our cause is sacred.

Here is a very condensed sample of headlines regarding the blackened
state of Mr. Putin’s soul:

“Vladimir Putin — ‘Evil on the Level of Joseph Stalin’”

“Yes, Putin Is Evil”

“Putin Is Evil, Not Mentally Ill, a Psychological Explanation”

“’Terrifying’ Putin Driven by ‘Evil Forces,’ Says ECB’s Christine Lagarde”

“How Vladimir Putin Became Evil”

And is this not the very face of evil?

The title of the magazine article affixed to this caption bears the title:

“The Secret Source of Putin’s Evil”

Now you have the flavor of it. We could continue but mercy forbids it.
Is Putin Really Evil?

Yet how do these demonologists know if the man is evil? Have they
looked under the hood… and glanced his soul?

Perhaps the man is psychologically impaired. Perhaps he goes by a
different morality. Perhaps he is simply misguided.

Or perhaps he simply believes his nation is under threat and that his
invasion is justified.

No — not justified — necessary.

We would not claim that he is an especially congenial fellow. We would
not claim that he is “nice.”

But evil? That we are not prepared to say.

Yet we are prepared to say — and will say — that for the past year
propaganda has enjoyed a very brisk circulation.

Evil on the level of Joseph Stalin, as the one headline screamed? This
is the work of the propagandist.
No Special Interest?

4. We are defending a noble purpose, not special interest.

Defending Ukraine may certainly qualify as a “noble purpose.” We do
not contend otherwise.

Yet there are several arms manufacturers who presently drive an excellent trade.

They must replace all the armaments that have been dispatched to — and
continue to be dispatched to — Ukraine.

Are they not a special interest?

Meantime, our spies inform us that a disturbing portion of monies
parading under the banner of “Ukrainian aid” has been diverted to the
pockets of Ukrainian oligarchs.

We would sort these oligarchs into the category of  “special interest.”
“We Don’t Do Those Things”

5. The enemy is purposefully causing atrocities; we only commit mistakes.

We are told that Russia’s calendar of sins is endless. These hellcats
are shooting projectiles into apartment buildings, hosp

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp

Even your Surgeon gets an "A" and a scalpel because if
they flunked him because he failed, it'd hurt his feels, etc...

Code Red: Downplaying Academic Excellence In Med School Admissions

America’s top medical schools, worried they have too few minority
students, are doing something about it.

They are lowering academic standards for admission and trying to hide
the evidence.

Columbia, Harvard, the University of Chicago, Stanford, Mount Sinai,
and the University of Pennsylvania have already done so. The list
already tops forty, and more are sure to follow.

Of course, the universities won’t admit what they are doing – and
certainly not why. All they will say is that their new standards add
“equity” and “lived experience.”

Unfortunately, adding those factors inevitably lessens the weight
given to others.

The harsh reality is medical schools are downplaying academic
achievement and MCAT scores, which give the best evidence of how well
students are prepared for medical school. The MCAT is specifically
tailored for that purpose. In addition to a section on critical
reasoning (similar to the SATs), it examines students on biology and
biochemistry, organic chemistry, the physics of living systems, and
the biological and psychological foundations of behavior. It’s easy to
see how those relate directly to higher education in medical science.
Yet med schools want to downplay them and add inherently subjective
criteria like “lived experience.”

Med schools are especially eager to get rid of the MCATs. After years
of evaluating admissions folders, they know they cannot meet their
goals for minority enrollment if they retain their near-total emphasis
on academic qualifications. They know, too, that standardized tests
and grades leave a statistical trail. They want to kick dust over that
trail before the Supreme Court’s expected ruling against affirmative
action. They fear the statistics will show marked differences in
admission rates for individuals from different groups who have similar
scores and GPAs. That’s not a wild guess. Admission teams know the
evidence from years of experience.

But dropping the tests, or making them optional, presents a thorny PR
problem. Schools fear they would sink below competitors in national
rankings, which include MCAT scores. So, they are doing what
undergraduate colleges have already done. They are colluding. By
withdrawing jointly from US News and World Report rankings, they hope
to soften the blow to each one’s prestige. (It’s an interesting
question whether this collusion violates anti-trust laws, as their
collusion about scholarship awards did.)

What medical schools call “equity” and “lived experience” are code
words for discrimination by racial category. They are using this word
fog to cloud over four crucial but uncomfortable facts.

First, today’s standardized tests are actually fair and unbiased.
Medical schools don’t deny that. They know test makers have spent
fortunes over the past half century to scrub their tests of any
racial, cultural, or ethnic bias.

Second, medical schools aren’t claiming the tests are poor
predictors of performance. They can’t.

Third, they know criteria like “equity” and “lived experience” are
inherently subjective and opaque to outsiders. That’s their magic
potion for admissions officers. These education bureaucrats are
following the advice Humpty Dumpty gave in “Alice in Wonderland.”
Alice asks him, “Must a name mean something?” And Humpty replies, “It
means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.” Humpty
Dumpty would be enthralled with code words like “lived experience” and
“equity.” They mean exactly what Humpty and admissions officers choose
them to mean – neither more nor less.

Finally, by emphasizing non-academic “experience,” these schools
are downplaying the reality that their applicants have already
graduated college, most likely as science majors. That academic
background is the most important “lived experience” for graduate study
in any rig

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp

Democrats expose their own Murderous Intentions...
>From Censorship to Murder to Corruption and more,
nothing is off the table for these tyrants...

How Should Pro-Abortion Activists Respond To State Restrictions? Jane
Fonda Says 'Murder'

Good old Hanoi Jane is at it again.  The pro-communist activist is
famous not simply for her anti-war stance (which could be argued as
justifiable), but also for actively propagandizing for the North
Vietnamese.  Not only that, but she has a rather vicious history of
calling for the deaths of people she disagrees with.  Part of her
activism in Vietnam included her arguments that American POWs held by
the VC be tried and executed for war crimes:

Fast forward decades later and Jane Fonda hasn't changed; her
provocateur methods continue, probably because she has never faced
consequences.  While the far-leftist position of The View is no
secret, even the regular members of the show had to pull Fonda back
from the brink after a discussion on state laws blocking abortion, in
which she was asked what could be done other than protest...

She responded: "Well, murder..."

Was it a joke?

Fonda later apologized for the remarks saying they were made 'in jest'
and that she was 'using hyperbole to make a point.'

But what was the point?

What is more likely is that Fonda said the quiet part out loud, the
part which leftist activists often discuss on social media but rarely
on mainstream television.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp

Natural Gas Cooking Appliances are so extremely hazardous
to your health that the entire USA must ban them and remove
them from all kitchens, for real, LOL...

LA Times Blames White Drivers For Polluting The Air Breathed By
'People Of Color'

A few days back writer Sammy Roth wrote a piece in the LA Times about
a new form of racism in LA.

Roth cited a study from the University of Southern California that
states the following:

“Decades of racially-motivated freeway infrastructure planning and
residential segregation shape today's disparities in who produces
vehicular air pollution and who is exposed to it, but opportunities
exist for urban planning and transport policy to mitigate this

"[LA residents] who drive more tend to be exposed to less air
pollution — and Angelenos who drive less tend to be exposed to more

“It’s a function of the racism that shaped this city and its
suburbs, and continues to influence our daily lives — and a stark
reminder of the need for climate solutions that benefit everyone."

The study is titled 'Local Inequities in the Relative Production of
and exposure to Vehicular Air Pollution in Los Angeles' – and was
authored by Professor Geoff Boeing.

Roth revealed that Boeing told him, “…it largely comes down to the
shameful history of Los Angeles County’s low-income communities of
color being torn apart to make way for freeways — a history that has
been extensively documented by The Times"

"Today, many residents of the county’s whiter, more affluent
neighborhoods — who were often able to keep highways out of their own
backyards — commute to work through lower-income Black and Latino
neighborhoods bisected by the 10, 110, and 105 freeways and more."

The solutions prescribed range from banning gasoline vehicles,
obviously, and allowing more apartment construction in wealthier

The study faced backlash on social media, particularly Twitter, which
is free from the tyranny of the left...

REMINDER: There aren’t separate communist groups. They’re all the
same group with the same goal: Destroying this nation.

That’s why seemingly separate groups work together. The climate
nutters work with the race hustlers who work with the LGBTQ demon mob
who work with…
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 9, 2023

Congratulations to the author of this piece @Sammy_Roth. You have
managed to write not only the most idiotic but racist piece of 2023!
— Nick Short ‎‎ (@PoliticalShort) March 9, 2023

This has become like old timey, nonsensical racism at this point...
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) March 9, 2023

There are many questions that deserved to be asked.

Firstly, how on earth does a professor, who is supposed to be an
individual of accomplishment and considerable education think of
dedicating time to such futile pursuits?

Secondly, how does a study such as this get approval and funding from
higher authorities?

There are a few possibilities here.

The first is that the professor, the LA Times, and those who approved
and funded the study really believe that climate change will end the
planet and that eliminating gasoline vehicles is the only solution.
Perhaps they also believe in claims of racially-motivated freeway
infrastructure planning.

The second possibility is that proponents know that such claims are
music to the ears of the members of the echo chamber of the left. They
probably hope that the ludicrous claims would help their careers and
the University financially. They probably realize that their gravely
misleading assertion would trigger a backlash which enabled him to
claim victimhood, which again helps their cause.

The third possibility is that electric car manufacturers or anyone who
stands to gain from the green energy sector have either funded the
study or donated generously to the university. The professor was
informed about the conclusion he had to arrive at, he merely worked
his way backward to develop these preposterous claims of racist
freeways and infrastructure.

They may get lucky, perhaps Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg,
who is struggling with myriad catastrophes in Transportation, will use
the article to virtue signal or push initiatives to clean up his

Beyond this specific study, this is demonstrable proof of how far
academic institutions and their faculty have drifted from their
original purpose of enlightening young minds. Their sole purpose now
seems to be to divide people into groups where minorities are the
victims, and the majority are the perpetrators.

When young minds are influenced, the results are devastating.

Instead of triggering healthy debates and discussions, the young are
perpetually ‘triggered’ by everything from a red cap with a w

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Democrats are pure political trash,
them and the Biden White House have become the
laughing stock of the USA and the World...

Democrats Refuse To Address The Contents Of The Twitter Files – Attack
The Messengers Instead

There are some that say not much was learned or gained from the House
Judiciary Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government this
past week as politicians sparred over the meaning of the release of
the Twitter Files.  Democrats in particular seemed adamant that they
would not discuss the actual contents of the files or their
implications.  Their apparent goal?  To disrupt exploration of the
information and to attack the messengers.

There might not have been many new revelations coming from the
subcommittee, but what the public did learn was that the political
left is extremely hostile to facts, evidence and the truth.  If you
didn't already know that by now, the hearing with Matt Taibbi made it
abundantly clear.

Leftist members of the committee proceeded into a tirade when Matt
Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger were called to testify on their
participation in the publishing of the files, attacking everything
from their credentials to their intentions, and even demanding they
reveal information on their private sources.  Here is the real
information the Dems did not want to talk about:

It is well known that Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger and Elon Musk
have long been liberal leaning in their politics, yet the accusations
from Democrats asserted some form of conspiracy between Musk, Taibbi
and Republicans, with some members even insinuating an effort to
“undermine democracy.”  What right did they have to take this

They claim that Musk and Taibbi are hiding data that shows Trump and
Republicans were making requests to censor Twitter users as well.  In
other words, they assert there is a “conspiracy” to protect
Republicans while denouncing Democrats.

But what are the facts here?

Taibbi has said on numerous occasions that there were requests from
Republicans as well as Democrat officials for accounts to be censored
or blocked.  He never hid this from anyone.  This argument is a cover,
a distraction from two separate issues:

First, the government should NEVER be involved in censorship requests
of the public for any reason.  It doesn't matter which party is making
the requests, and a criminal investigation should be pursued for any
officials involved in legitimate 1st Amendment violations.

Second, who did Twitter actually censor?  Which requests did they
actually honor?  The vast majority of accounts censored by the
previous Twitter management were conservative accounts, conservative
news sources and posts with content that ran contrary to Democrat
narratives.  Republicans like Trump might have made requests, but how
many people were blocked on Twitter in response?

Democrats complain about the Twitter Files being weighted in favor of
the political right wing, but maybe that is because most of the
requests for censorship came from the DNC and Biden controlled
agencies, and most of the people censored were conservatives.  It's
weighted against Democrats because they more commonly use censorship
as a weapon.

A stunning 99% of online political contributions made by Twitter
employees in 2021 went to Democrats, according to Federal Election
Commission data.  Are we really supposed to believe that Twitter has
been acting for the benefit of both parties, or just one?

The M.O. of the political left for the past several years now has been
cancel culture attacks to silence their opponents and shut down
dissent.  Major social media companies are by far more progressive in
their affiliations than conservative, and have been a key tool for
leftists in targeting and removing contrary speech.  No one on the
left talks about being shut down by conservatives, it is always the

The social dynamic in the US has been completely out of balance for
many years, with corporations and government agencies widely backing
the most extreme segments of the far-left.  This is where they get
their power.  They certainly don't get power from being the majority,
woke activists are a tiny portion of the overall population and one
that is widely despised.  They have been feared in the past only
because corporations and the government back them.  The Twitter Files
prove this collusion in detail.

Even moderate liberals like Musk or Taibbi are being run through the
gauntlet of character assassination these days because they dared to
oppose certain aspects of the far-left agenda.  But the bottom line is
this – Only the political left and some Neo-Cons within the GOP have
displayed open disdain for the dissemination of the truth.  We saw
this with the Biden Laptop story.  We saw this with covid facts that
were inconvenient to the establishment narrative.  And, we saw this

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
The Censored Generation

Incredulity. Astonishment. Disgust. Anger.

It is these feelings—amongst others—that describe the general reaction
to the revelations of the Twitter Files and other egregious episodes
of Big Tech censorship of the electronic public square.

The implicit deal with companies like Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.
is very simple: we will look at your ads if you give us a service for
free. The deal did not include censorship.

But what is society to expect when those doing the censorship seem to
see absolutely nothing wrong with it, and that it didn’t even occur to
them that what they were engaged in—often at the specific request of
governmental agencies—was at all a problem?

For a generation that has grown up with speech codes, enforced nicety,
automatic deference to the feelings of others, and has been swaddled
in bubble wrap against the vagaries of life, censoring of speech is
not only not an ethical leap, it is the right thing to do.

Couple that with a permanent, purposeful self-infantilization that
makes them defer to (or incoherently rage at for NOT censoring speech)
anyone they perceive to be a grown-up—such as former FBI bigwig James
Baker at Twitter—and the stage is not only set, but the terrifying end
of the play writes itself.

This generation is not necessarily Y, or X, or millennial—it’s a bit
of a mix of those aged from about sixteen to about thirty-six, numbers
that will, sadly, most likely become lower and lower on the low end
and higher and higher on the high end as time marches on.

It is a subcohort (I thought it best to learn their language) of
people who have much in common—first, they have come from the now de
rigueur smaller families, hence they do not have the thick skin and
personal combat skills that one acquires when one has siblings.

They have usually grown up relatively comfortably and are
uncomfortable with confrontation. They went to the right schools, but
they do not understand how other people can think differently. They
are overcredentialed but actually vastly undereducated. They feel
twinges of guilt when the grocery store delivers but are absolutely
certain that a twenty-five-minute trip to the store is a waste of
their valuable time.

While there are many, many examples, two events stand out as exemplar
moments for the censored generation. First, this rather well-known
incident from Yale University in which a college student is angrily
demanding to be treated like a child, and this chilling tale of a
professor struggling to deal with the “best and the brightest”
demanding to be lectured to rather than participate in a thoughtful

Professor Vincent Lloyd, director of black studies at Villanova
University, writes:

Like others on the left, I had been dismissive of criticisms of
the current discourse on race in the United States. But now my
thoughts turned to that moment in the 1970s when leftist organizations
imploded, the need to match and raise the militancy of one’s comrades
leading to a toxic culture filled with dogmatism and disillusion. How
did this happen to a group of bright-eyed high school students?

This remembrance of things past, as it were, should not be viewed as
garden variety “Get off my lawn!” generational angst. This is not,
when complaining about Elvis Presley’s hips, purposefully failing to
remember exactly how much underwear was visible at a 1940s swing

These two examples starkly show that a sea change has occurred in just
the past ten or fifteen years. It is simply unimaginable that students
prior would have demanded more boundaries, more restrictions, more
lectures, more being told what to think, and, especially, more being
told how to think.

It literally has never happened before.

This, to quote Alan Furst’s book The Foreign Correspondent, “doctrinal
agony over symbols” has always existed, but it only flourished in
insular monomaniacal environments, like the cloisters of a medieval
monastery or a dingy backroom full of bickering Bolsheviks. Now, these
ultimately meaningless disputes capture much of the globe’s attention
and involve a race to the bottom of dogma, to a purity purgatory
which, thanks to the speed of social media, has engulfed us all.

The past has seen its share of equivalent events and trends, but the
speed at which “facts” and thoughts and concepts move on the internet
essentially destroys the usual “predators” of bad ideas—nuance,
history, research, reason, time to reflect, reliable sourcing, and
proper context. This has allowed people to simply ignore or dismiss
anything they think may contravene their own ideations and the
ideations of whatever happens to be ascendent that particular day. It
is this permanent state of flux, intentionally unmoored fr

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Democrats are literally so fucking stupid that they sign
away the keys to their cities to bogus countries... LOL...

City Of Newark Humiliated In 'Sister City' Scam Dumbass Democrat Ras Baraka

The city of Newark, New Jersey fell victim to a humiliating scam in
which its mayor signed a "sister city" agreement with a nonexistent
Hindu nation called "The United States of Kailasa."
Newark city officials celebrate the signing of their international
agreement with the nonexistent "United States of Kailasa" (Photo:
United States of Kailasa)

Kailasa exists only as an elaborate website created by a fugitive
who's been on the lam from Indian authorities since 2019 after being
charged with rape, reports CBS New York. However, in a January 12
ceremony, Mayor Ras Baraka signed a cultural and trade deal with the
contrived country.

"Whose job was it to do a simple Google search?" asked Newark
resident Shakee Merritt. "No one in City Hall, not one person did a
Google search."

On its website, Kailasa portrays Newark as having committed the entire
United States of America to a "bilateral agreement." Newark officials
say no money exchanged hands, and the deal with the fictional polity
has been rescinded -- just in case Kailasa tried to enforce it.

Kailasa reportedly springs from the imagination of Swami Nithyananda,
an accused scam artist and sex fiend. Nithyananda, who portrays
himself as a "God-Man," is wanted in India for "child abduction and
sexual assault, forcing children to collect donations [for] fake
enterprises, and sexual assaults against an Indian actress and an
American woman," according to Tap Into Newark.
Swami Nithyananda, an fugitive from rape charges and an alleged scam
artist, is the man behind the United States of Kailasa (CBS New York)

It seems Newark isn't the only American entity that's been enticed
into intercourse with Kailasa. In addition to photos from the Newark
ceremony, Kailasa's website also includes various honorific
proclamations from dozens of cities, including Winston-Salem, Dayton,
Canton, Richmond and Asheville.

The site also includes a purported California Senate proclamation
recognizing "The Sovereign State of Shrikailasa" and Nithyananda as
the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism.

India's ABP News Bureau said the incident sheds unflattering light on
American governments:

"The Newark stunt illustrates how easy it is for groups to
manipulate municipal and state bodies, and take advantage of their
lack of international sophistication to unwittingly make them appear
to confer legitimacy on their causes, even when they are at odds with
official US positions."

In a statement acknowledging it had been hoodwinked, Newark City Hall
reiterated its dedication to fostering foreign relations: "Although
this was a regrettable incident, the city of Newark remains committed
to partnering with people from diverse cultures in order to enrich
each other with connectivity, support, and mutual respect."
A banner in Newark City Hall welcomed dignitaries of the fictional
state of Kailasa (Photo: United States of Kailasa)

It's not clear where Kailasa is supposed to be located. The BBC has
said it's purportedly on an island near Ecuador, though that country's
government says Nithyananda doesn't live there, according to Tap Into
Newark's Tony Gallotto.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
AOC, the jumping-mad hoe (AOC was a broke cocktail waitress
upon entering US ConGress, four years later and reports say
somehow having net worth ~ $1.5M), tries to censor critics and
catcalls with Lawfare... free rage-jumping speech for her, not for you...

'Big Booty Latina' AOC Sued By Comedian She Blocked Over Catcall

Alongside Rashida Tlaib, Ocasio-Cortez was the first female member of
the Democratic Socialists of America elected to serve in Congress.

Alex Stein, a political provocateur who called Rep. Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez his "favorite big booty Latina," is suing AOC for
blocking him on Twitter.

"She wants to kill babies but she’s still beautiful. You look very
beautiful in that dress. You look very sexy. Look at that booty on
AOC," he said last July amid a national debate over abortion.

"Look how sexy she looks in that dress. Oooh, I love it AOC. Hot, hot,
hot like a tamale," Stein continued.

Despite flashing a peace sign, she claimed that she was "actually
walking over to deck him."

Here is a video he posted of the incident. I was actually walking
over to deck him because if no one will protect us then I’ll do it
myself but I needed to catch a vote more than a case today
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 14, 2022

Stein's lawsuit cites a decision by a federal appeals court which
ruled that then-President Donald Trump violated the constitutional
rights of several people after he blocked them on Twitter. Days after
the Trump ruling, AOC apologized to and settled a case brought by
former Brooklyn assemblyman Dov Hikind, who sued her for blocking him,
CNBC reports. AOC eventually lifted the block, and admitted that he
"has a First Amendment right to express his views and should not be
blocked for them."

Stein seeks the same response.

"I really don’t have any hard feelings for AOC," he said, adding "I
really would like to have her unblock me."

If the congresswoman fights the complaint, it would reopen the
legal argument about the rights of political figures to prevent
certain individuals or groups from following them on social media

In 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court erased the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court
of Appeals ruling that Trump had violated the First Amendment rights
of the people he had blocked from his Twitter account while serving in
the White House. The Supreme Court ordered the appeals court to
dismiss the case as moot, because Trump by then was a private citizen.

Stein's suit claims AOC blocked him "in retaliation to Mr. Stein’s
exercise of his First Amendment right, because earlier that day Mr.
Stein, in the context of political commentary and satire, complimented
Ms. Cortez."

"Mr. Stein has a constitutional right to access Ms. Cortez’s Twitter
account as part of vigorous public comment and criticism," the filing
continues. "Ms. Cortez’s practice of blocking Twitter users she
disagrees with is unconstitutional and this suit seeks to redress that

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
> Brazil has their own damn shaman too 🤣

US Democrats Entire Jan6 Narrative and Committee gets DESTROYED...
Massive political and public blowback against Dems as yet more truths
about Democrats Corruption Lies Fraud Censorship get revealed...

Proud Boys J6 Sedition Trial Halted After Leaked Chat Logs Show FBI
Agent Said Her Boss Ordered Her To "Destroy Evidence"

Authored by Chris Menahan via Information Liberation,

The feds’ political persecution of the Proud Boys took a wild turn
after unintentionally leaked chat logs from FBI Special Agent Nicole
Miller revealed she said she was ordered by her boss to “destroy” “338
items of evidence.”

The leaked chats also suggest Miller failed to reveal relevant
communications to the defense, potentially spied on privileged
attorney-client communications and was asked by another agent to “edit
out that I was present” during a meeting with a Confidential Human
Source Informant.

Concealing evidence. Doctoring evidence. Destroying evidence.
Violating attorney-client privilege.

What's sad is this will be ignored even by conservative media and
Congress simply bc they are members of the Proud Boys.

That's not a crime no matter how many times Wray says it.
— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) March 9, 2023

The shocking revelations were shared in a filing by Proud Boy Ethan
Nordean’s (aka Rufio Panman) defense team on Thursday:

The feds are now claiming some of the leaked messages are “likely
classified” in what appears to be a bid to hide this bombshell
evidence from the jury.

>From Politico, “‘Spill’ of classified info derails Proud Boys trial”:

As part of her testimony, prosecutors shared with defense lawyers
a set of internal FBI messages that [FBI Special Agent Nicole Miller]
had sent and received from colleagues related to the case — a standard
production of evidence in criminal cases. To compile those exchanges,
FBI headquarters sent Miller a spreadsheet of her messages — culled
from a computer network classified at the “secret” level. Miller then
reviewed the messages and filtered them to ensure only relevant,
unclassified exchanges were included.

Miller sent her final list to prosecutors, who then packaged the
messages into an Excel spreadsheet that they provided to defense
lawyers. But unbeknownst to them, the messages Miller initially
filtered out — including some that DOJ officials say are likely
classified — were left in the final document as “hidden” rows in the
Excel spreadsheet. Defense counsel stumbled upon them and began
grilling Miller about them in front of jurors in the case.

But unbeknownst to them, the messages Miller initially filtered
out — including some that DOJ officials say are likely classified —
were left in the final document as “hidden” rows in the Excel
spreadsheet. Defense counsel stumbled upon them and began grilling
Miller about them in front of jurors in the case.

Overnight, Justice Department attorneys told the defense team they
were concerned there had been a “spill” of classified information in
the hidden messages they accessed. And on Thursday, U.S. District
Court Judge Tim Kelly paused the trial — already in its third month —
to determine how to handle the error.

It’s the latest hiccup in a seditious conspiracy trial that has
been marked by excruciating delays and extended legal disputes.
Prosecutors say Proud Boys chair Enrique Tarrio and four leaders of
the group schemed to prevent the transfer of power from Donald Trump
to Joe Biden. The group, according to the Justice Department, split
into teams that helped engineer the breach of police lines and,
ultimately, the building itself, when one of the defendants, Dominic
Pezzola, smashed a Senate-wing window with a stolen riot shield.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Jocelyn Ballantine, who is supervising the
case for the Justice Department, acknowledged the likely “spill” of
classified information Thursday morning. She raised particular
concerns about a message sent to Miller by another agent who works on
covert activity — and who she said did not work on the Proud Boys case
— describing a supervisor’s order to “destroy 338 items of evidence.”

“That could impact a classified equity,” Ballantine said.

Defense lawyers cried foul, though, noting that the government’s
claims of “classified” material arrived just as the defense sounded
the alarm about the content of some of the inadvertently disclosed
messages. While Miller testified Wednesday she had produced about “25
rows” of messag

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
The truth will be so damning they had no other choice but vote in a
way they could later use to try to spin themselves as "Investigative
Saints" out of their own mess...

Entire US Congress Votes To Declassify COVID-19 Origins Intel

100% of lawmakers in the House on Friday voted to pass a bill
requiring the Biden administration to declassify intelligence related
to investigations into the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China and

The Covid Origins Act of 2023, sponsored by Sens. Josh Hawley (R-MO)
and Mike Braun (R-IN), passed by a vote of 410 to 0, after clearing
the Senate by unanimous consent last week.

"Covid-19 pandemic wreaked havoc across the country with almost every
household feeling its effects. The United States death toll from this
virus has surpassed one million people. Although concrete data is hard
to lock down, millions of people are suffering from the long-term
effects directly attributed to this virus. It is becoming increasingly
clear that school-aged children face hurdles because of long-term
school closures. The American people need to know all the aspects,
including how this virus was created and specifically, whether it was
a natural occurrence of the result of a lab-related event," said House
Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) in a floor speech.

Next stop, President Biden's desk.

And while Biden has officially said he hasn't "made that decision yet"
over whether to sign it into law and release the intelligence, we
can't imagine he won't, lest he defy the entirety of Congress.

The House passed S. 619 – A bill to require the Director of
National Intelligence to declassify information relating to the origin
of COVID-19, and for other purposes by a vote of 419-0.
— House Press Gallery (@HouseDailyPress) March 10, 2023

So, what will we get? Probably what's already known; that the FBI and
the Energy Department believe with 'moderate' and 'low' confidence
respectively that Covid-19 likely arose from a laboratory leak - while
four other agencies and a national intelligence panel continue to
believe that the pandemic was likely the result of zoonotic spillover.

Will the disclosure point to door #1 - that Dr. Anthony Fauci
offshored previously-banned Gain-of-Function bat covid research in a
scientific collaboration on Chinese soil where it escaped
(intentionally or otherwise)?

Or door #2 - that bats from a cave 450 miles away with a strain of
Covid 96.8% similar to Covid-19 infected an intermediary species, of
which either (or both) emerged with Covid-19 at a Wuhan wet market
across town from the aforementioned Fauci-funded lab where they were
infecting 'humanized' mice with Covid strains? A relatively rare
occurrence according to the WIV in 2018.

The DEFUSE grant is the closest thing we have to a lab notebook of
coronavirus researchers in Wuhan prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

That 2018 grant could predict genomic & geographic anomalies of
SARS-CoV-2 better than I could predict the winning PowerBall numbers.
— Alex Washburne (@WashburneAlex) March 11, 2023

Or Door #3, that China went rogue, stole Peter Daszak's crazy plans
(which DARPA turned down), and started going bat-covid crazy?

China has a long history of stealing trade secrets for "national security".

It's entirely plausible that CCP could've caught wind of DEFUSE
from Zheng-Li and funded it entirely within China to develop a vaccine
under combined economic & health 'national security' justifications.
— Alex Washburne (@WashburneAlex) March 11, 2023

What we do know is that there were 'humanized' mice being bred in
China in mid-2019, long before the outbreak in Wuhan. As Vanity Fair
noted almost two years ago - a May 2020 Chinese research paper
describing mice which had lung tissue that approximated a human's (via
National Review):

Using the gene-editing technology known as CRISPR, the researchers
had engineered mice with humanized lungs, then studied their
susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2. As the NSC offic

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Election.

"Dear Conservatives, I Apologize..."

Authored by Dr. Naomi Wolf via 'Outspoken' Substack,

My "Team" was Taken in By Full-Spectrum Propaganda...

There is no way to avoid this moment. The formal letter of apology.
>From me. To Conservatives and to those who “put America first”

It’s tempting to sweep this confrontation with my own gullibility
under the rug — to “move on” without ever acknowledging that I was
duped, and that as a result I made mistakes in judgement, and that
these mistakes, multiplied by the tens of thousands and millions on
the part of people just like me, hurt millions of other people like
you all, in existential ways.

But that erasure of personal and public history would be wrong.

I owe you a full-throated apology.

I believed a farrago of lies. And, as a result of these lies, and my
credulity — and the credulity of people similarly situated to me -
many conservatives’ reputations are being tarnished, on false bases.

The proximate cause of this letter of apology is the airing, two
nights ago, of excepts from tens of thousands of hours of security
camera footage from the United States Capitol taken on Jan 6, 2021.
The footage was released by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to Fox
News commentator Tucker Carlson

While “fact-checkers” state that it is “misinformation” to claim that
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Capitol Police on that day
the fact is that the USCP is under the oversight of Congress,
according to — the United States Capitol Police:

This would be the same Congress that convened the January 6 Committee
subsequently, and that used millions of dollars in taxpayer money to
turn that horrible day, and that tragic event, into a message point
that would be used to tar a former President as a would-be terrorist,
and to smear all Republicans, by association, as “insurrectionists,”
or as insurrectionists’ sympathizers and fellow-travelers.

There is no way to unsee Officer Brian Sicknick, claimed by some
Democrats in leadership and by most of the legacy media to have been
killed by rioters at the Capitol that day, alive in at least one
section of the newly released video. The USCP medical examiner states
that this Officer died of “natural causes,” but also that he died “in
the line of duty.” Whatever the truth of this confusing conclusion,
and with all respect for and condolences to Officer Sicknick’s family,
the circumstances of his death do matter to the public, as without his
death having been caused by the events of Jan 6, the breach of the
capitol, serious though it was, cannot be described as a “deadly
Sadly, though the contrary was what was reported, Officer Sicknick
died two days after Jan 6, from suffering two strokes.

There is no way for anyone thoughtful, even if he or she is a lifelong
Democrat, not to notice that Sen Chuck Schumer did not say to the
world that the footage that Mr Carlson aired was not real. Rather, he
warned that it was “shameful” for Fox to allow us to see it. The
Guardian characterized Mr Carlson’s and Fox News’ sin, weirdly, as
“Over-Use” of Jan 6 footage. Isn’t the press supposed to want full
transparency for all public interest events?
How can you “over-use” real footage of events of national relevance?

Sen Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senate minority leader, did not say the
video on Fox News was fake or doctored. He said, rather, that it was
“a mistake” to depart from the views of the events held by the chief
of the Capitol Police. This is a statement from McConnell about
orthodoxy — not a statement about a specific truth or untruth.

I don’t agree with Mr Carlson’s interpretation of the videos as
depicting “mostly peaceful
I do think it is a mistake to downplay how serious it is when a
legislative institution suffers a security breach of any kind, however
that came to be.

But you don’t have to agree with Mr Carlson’s interpretation of the
videos, to believe, as I do, that he engaged in valuable journalism

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
France's First Lady Loses Transgender Lawsuit

Brigitte Macron, the First Lady of France, filed a complaint last year
against two women who uploaded a YouTube video titled "Brigitte Macron
is a man." The video alleged that Brigitte had a gender reassignment
at 18.

On Wednesday, the French newspaper Le Point reported that Brigitte's
complaint against the two women was "voided" by a Paris Judge.

In its decision, consulted by AFP, the court declared void the
summons issued by Brigitte Macron for invasion of privacy and image
rights, considering that the facts she denounced should have been
qualified of public defamation.

Brigitte Macron, her brother, and the three children of the First
Lady had assigned two women on February 15, 2022, one presenting
herself as a "medium," the other as an "independent journalist."

They asked the court to condemn these two women to pay them
damages for having broadcast on the YouTube channel of the "medium",
on December 10, 2021, "a perfectly eccentric thesis" according to
which Brigitte Macron, born Trogneux, does not would never have
existed, but that his brother would have taken on this identity after
changing sex.

"It is hard to imagine that the First Lady of France, accompanied by
the best lawyers, erred in qualifying her complaint as defamation
rather than an invasion of privacy. Unless she tries to drop the case
as soon as possible and not go any further," French media outlet Le
Média en 4-4-2 wrote.

Brigitte's transgender rumor appeared around France's 2022
presidential elections. Despite the video receiving hundreds of
thousands of views and trending on Twitter for days, Emmanuel still
pulled off a victory. A more serious accusation is the affair Brigitte
had with Emmanuel when she was 39yo, and he was 15yo schoolboy...

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
UK Disinformation Unit Monitored Headmaster Who Questioned COVID-19
Vaccines For Children

A headmaster who questioned the effects of lockdown and masking on
children, as well as the mRNA vaccine rollout, was reported to the
UK’s terror watchdog and had his social media posts monitored by
government disinformation units.

In January, Westminster confirmed that it had monitored lockdown
critics including Conservative MPs and journalists on social media
platforms via its disinformation units, after documents were obtained
by the civil liberties group Big Brother Watch.

Headmaster Mike Fairclough, who has 20 years’ experience in running
the state-funded West Rise Junior School for 7- to 11-year-olds in
Eastbourne on the south coast, told The Epoch Times that he also had
been monitored.

Fairclough was one of the very few voices in education, and the only
serving headmaster, to express concerns over the effects of the
response to the pandemic on children and the resultant mental health

“My personal belief is that the risks from these vaccines outweigh
any possible benefits for a child,” Fairclough told The Epoch Times.

“I have conveyed my opinion using my social media channels,
generally by reposting and quoting mainstream media articles which
have supported my stance,” he added.

Fairclough said that colleagues within the education sector have
remained “publicly silent” on the subject of the vaccines for children
and that “there is still an air of fear and caution around even mildly
sceptical conversations about it.”

A person using a computer in an undated file photo. (Dominic Lipinski/PA Media)
Counter Disinformation Unit

Fairclough submitted requests for copies of his data held by
government disinformation units, which The Epoch Times has seen.

The Counter Disinformation Unit (CDU), part of the Department for
Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS), leads the UK government’s
operational response to “domestic disinformation threats online.”

During the pandemic, the government used different units including the
CDU, the Rapid Response Unit, and the Government Information Cell.
Each had roles in “tackling harmful narratives online,” and monitoring
and flagging “disinformation” content to social media companies.

A government spokesman previously told the Epoch Times that these
units used publicly available data, including material shared on
social media platforms, to assess UK “disinformation trends and

A government spokesperson told Epoch Times by email: “Online
disinformation is a serious threat to the UK and public health, which
is why during the pandemic we brought together expertise from across
government to monitor disinformation about COVID.

“These units monitor publicly available data, including material
shared on social media platforms, to assess UK disinformation trends
and narratives.

“They do not target individuals or take any action that could
impact anyone’s ability to discuss and debate issues freely.”

He added that “they did not target individuals or take any action that
could impact anyone’s ability to discuss and debate issues freely.”

One Twitter post was flagged by the CDU in February 2022. Fairclough
wrote: “Natural immunity is more powerful than vaccines. Antibodies in
un-jabbed Covid survivors are ‘stronger’ over time than in people
who’ve had two shots but no infection.”

“Hence no need to vaccinate naturally immune children against
Covid-19,” he wrote, adding an article from the Daily Mail that
reported on a study that found that people who’ve had COVID-19 but no
jabs may have longer-lasting immunity than those who’ve been

Fairclough also said that because of his views, he was reported to the
Home Office’s flagship counter-extremism policy Prevent, which aims to
identify people at risk of committing terrorist acts.

“Thankfully, I’ve been cleared of all wrong-doing each and every
time and therefore continued to campaign,” he said.

The email came from a whistleblower who had raised concerns about
Fairclough’s opinions relating to “the anti-government and
anti-vaccine messaging” he posted on Facebook and other platforms. It
was also sent to Ofsted,

Tension between risk and reward that anarchists navigate when creating illegal actions

2023-03-12 Thread professor rat
Flashpoint Atlanta Forrest

>>>   The cops and state prosecutors’ heavy-handed response to this action and 
>>>their usage of draconian domestic terrorism charges is intended to terrorize 
>>>participants, instill a sense of paranoia and division, and crush future 
>>>resistance to the Cop City project.

Reposts not too hot and not too cold

Mayor Eric Adams NYCCoin Touting

2023-03-12 Thread Gunnar Larson
Please find the attached memo with reference footnotes.


March 10, 2023


Ms. Camille Joseph Varlack
Office of the Mayor of New York City
City Hall Park, 260 Broadway
New York, NY 10007 United States

Re: Mayor Eric Adams NYCCoin Touting

Dear Ms. Joseph Varlack:

Today’s memo is to kindly submit -'s inquiry into Mayor
Eric Adams' promotion of NYCCoin.


   The federal securities laws are clear that any celebrity or individual
   who promotes digital assets must disclose the nature, source and amount of
   compensation they received in exchange for the promotion.

   As a matter of ethics, risk and compliance associated with digital asset
   innovation, asks if NYCCoin promotion by the Mayor of New York City
   damaged the market for the xNY digital asset (by, for example, devaluing it
   through parody or sealed via embossed criticism).
   3. - concerns made above have evidentiary support to
   interlocking director and officer conflicts recognized by the Department of
   Justice as potential threats that stifle individual and corporate freedom.

Ms. Joseph Varlack, as a matter relating to working at one of the world's
most ethical companies, famous for risk management and corporate
governance, and as an internationally recognized Blockchain Scholar, I must
adhere to federal securities laws.


   As such, I classify Mayor Adams as an individual who promoted the
   digital asset NYCCoin and must disclose the nature, scope, and amount of
   compensation associated.

A failure to disclose this information may violate the anti-touting
provisions of the federal securities laws. Mayor Adams' making these
endorsements may also be liable for potential violations of the anti-fraud
provisions of the federal securities laws, for participating in an
unregistered offer and sale of securities, and for acting as unregistered
brokers. - respectfully requests the Office of the Mayor of New York
City to respond to this request by Wednesday March, 15 2023 by Noon EST.

Respectfully yours with appreciation,

Gunnar Larson -  -

- Digital Currency

- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)  +1-917-580-8053 - _ Mayor Eric Adams NYCoin Tweet Proceeds .pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

[External Message Added] City of Miami public records request #22-459

2023-03-12 Thread Gunnar Larson
Gunnar Larson  Fri, Apr 15, 2022 at 11:27 AM
Cc: cypherpunks 
Dear City of Miami:
Thank you for your email.
However, the PDF documents are not attached. The file still links to .psd
City of Miami, on February 4, 2022 kindly submitted a records request for
any and all correspondence between the City of
Miami concerning CityCoins, MIA Coin and Stacks (STX). Additionally, any
and all related correspondence concerning
CityCoins, MIA Coin, Stacks (STX), Digital World Acquisition Corp and
Harvard Management Company.
1. On March 7, 2022, Miami came to us noting 13,092 e-mail records were
returned for the above keywords.
2. Today on April 15, 2022 we have yet to receive the records in a timely
and reliable manner.
3. Given several factors of delay in receiving these records, we must take
our concern to The Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network (FinCEN).
FinCEN is the bureau of the United States Department of the Treasury that
collects and analyzes information about
financial transactions in order to combat domestic and international money
laundering, terrorist financing, and other
financial crimes.
Sending you the very best regards.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
Gunnar Larson - -, PBC
MSc - Digital Currency
MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
New York, New York 10001
[Quoted text hidden]

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
> Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Election.

MASSIVE Left-Political Corruption of the US Academic System...
Total 1984 Psychological Indoctrination Camp from Kindergarten through PhD...
Corrupt "Teachers Unions" are doubly unfireable government employees...
Wokeism Socialism Communism Marxism Violence Keynesian MMT Debt Slavery
Discrimination Racism Theft Censorship and Sexual debauchery taught in
Sending your children to these Indoctrination Institutions is committing them
into a lifetime of mass formation subjugation and Woke Failure... don't do it.
Everything needed for at least K~BSc levels is available online at home and
in local study groups with peers, for no more cost than internet and
some supplies.

Federal Judge Calls On Stanford To Fire DEI Dean That Participated In
Student-Led Revolt

03/12/2023: Last night, Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne and
Law School Dean Jenny Martinez issued a joint apology that is
commendable in its words of regret, but conspicuous in its failure to
promise any action against those who shutdown this event. As Jonathan
Turley explains, it is like expressing regret over the sinking of the
Titanic without addressing the design flaw.

To paraphrase Steinbach, there will be no “squeeze” coming from
Stanford on the denial of free speech.

Of course, the letter also does not address the environment of
intolerance at Stanford or the loss of diversity of viewpoints. The
intolerance is reflected in the overwhelmingly Democratic and liberal
makeup of faculties. A new survey of 65 departments in various states
found that 33 do not have a single registered Republican. For these
departments, the systemic elimination of Republican faculty has
finally reached zero, but there is still little recognition of the
crushing bias reflected in these numbers. Others, as discussed below,
have defended the elimination of conservative or Republican faculty as
entirely justified and commendable. Overall, registered Democrats
outnumbered registered Republicans by a margin of over 10-1.

The survey found 61 Republican professors across 65 departments at
seven universities while it also found 667 professors identified as
Democrats based on their political party registration or voting

That is why I am less than impressed by this letter. After all,
Dean Martinez’s first response was to make excuses for her DEI dean.
Martinez explained that Steinbach’s condemnation of the judge for
trying to speak publicly was a “well-intentioned” “attempt[] at
managing the room” that just “went awry.”

Much has gone “awry” in higher education but it is not a question of
managing a room but managing free speech.

As we detailed earlier, Federal Judge Kyle Duncan has called on

Re: Cryptocurrency: BANK RUN PANIC Spreads Around Globe, Crypto and Gold Demand Skyrockets, FDIC Coverup

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
> Not your keys, Not your Money...

Situation is so bad they had to call in banksters on the WEEKEND to do
market crash protection, coverups, and news media confidence psyops...
Crypto up over 10%, Gold up ~2%, hodlers buyout all the popcorn...

SVB Latest Developments Live Blog: FDIC Auction Of Failed SVB Assets Underway

As the countdown to the reopening of futures trading gets louder by
the second amid episodic observations of bank runs around the US, news
flow is starting to accelerate fast so this will be a placeholder post
with updates until we get major news.

1:15pm Update: In a throwback to the legendary "Lehman Sunday", when
dozens of credit traders did an ad hoc CDS trading and novation
session on the Sunday ahead of the bank's Chapter 11 filing to
minimize the chaos and fallout from the coming bankruptcy, Bloomberg
reports that the FDIC kicked off an auction process late Saturday for
Silicon Valley Bank, with final bids due by Sunday afternoon.

The FDIC is reportedly aiming for "a swift deal" but a winner may not
be known until late Sunday.  Bloomberg also reported that the
regulator is racing to sell assets and make a portion of clients’
uninsured deposits available as soon as Monday; the open questions are
i) whether there will be a haircut and ii) how big it will be. A table
from JPM's Michael Cemablest below shows historical haircuts on
uninsured depositors in previous bank crises.

We get a slightly more positive vibe from a Reuters report according
to which "authorities are preparing "material action" on Sunday to
shore up deposits in Silicon Valley Bank and stem any broader
financial fallout from its sudden collapse."

Details of the announcement expected on Sunday were not
immediately available. One source said the Federal Reserve had acted
to keep banks operating during the COVID-19 pandemic, and could take
similar action now.

"This will be a material action, not just words," one source said.
Earlier, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that she was
working with banking regulators to respond after SVB became the
largest bank to fail since the 2008 financial crisis.

As fears deepened of a broader fallout across the U.S. regional
banking sector and beyond, Yellen said she was working to protect
depositors but ruled out a bailout.

"We want to make sure that the troubles that exist at one bank
don't create contagion to others that are sound," Yellen told the CBS
News Sunday Morning show. "During the financial crisis, there were
investors and owners of systemic large banks that were bailed out ...
and the reforms that have been put in place means we are not going to
do that again," Yellen added.

Meanwhile, more than 3,500 CEOs and founders representing some 220,000
workers signed a petition started by Y Combinator appealing directly
to Yellen and others to backstop depositors, warning that more than
100,000 jobs could be at risk.

Reuters also reports that the FDIC was trying to find another bank
willing to merge with SVB:

"Some industry executives said such a deal would be sizeable for
any bank and would likely require regulators to give special
guarantees and make other allowances."

That said, the longer we wait without some resolution the more likely
it is that SVB's unsecured depositors will get pennies on the dollar,
according to the following (unconfirmed) reporting from Chalie
Gasparino: "Bankers increasingly pessimistic a single buyer will
emerge for SVB, laying out options for clients w money in there:
1-ride it out. 2-sell deposits for around 70-80 cents on dollar to
other financial players; borrow against deposits jpmorgan at 50 cents
on dollar."

BREAKING: Bankers increasingly pessimistic a single buyer will
emerge for SVB, laying out options for clients w money in there:
1-ride it out. 2-sell deposits for around 70-80 cents on dollar to
other financial players; borrow against deposits @jpmorgan at 50 cents
on dollar
— Charles Gasparino (@CGasparino) March 12, 2023

The FDIC previously said the agency has said it will make 100% of
protected deposits available on Monday, when Silicon Valley Bank
branches reopen.

There was also news for those whose money remains frozen at SIVB. BBG
notes that tech lender Liquidity Group is planning to offer about $3
billion in emergency loans to start-up clients hit by the collapse of
Silicon Valley Bank.

Liquidity has about $1.2 billion ready in cash to make available
in the coming weeks, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder Ron Daniel
said in an interview on Sunday. The group is also in discussi

Cryptocurrency: Four Phases Of Hyperinflation via IMF Fiat GovBank CBDC... Got Crypto? Got Gold?

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
The Four Phases Of Hyperinflation, According To The IMF

Inflation is much more than a monetary phenomenon; it rips at the very
core of social cohesion.

Secular high inflation is one of the worst possible experiences a
population can face.

We are now heading for what looks like global high inflation across
all currencies, with multiple episodes of hyperinflation. It will be

The Four Phases of Hyperinflation

Hyperinflations are generally defined as periods in which the monthly
inflation rate exceeds 50%. In this 2018 paper, the IMF breaks
hyperinflationary episodes out into four phases which comprise two

Phase One: is “the rise”. The IMF also calls this “the extraordinary
acceleration phase” which is the lead-up to the hyperinflation. IMF
actually terms it “the path toward hyperinflation”, but given that
they define that as an annual inflation rate of greater than 50% but
under 500%, an uncredentialed, non-economist observer might describe
that as already being hyperinflation.

“The average duration of the first phase is 8-9 years with an
annual average inflation of 125 percent”

Phase Two: is the actual hyperinflation proper.

Wheelbarrows of money, burning banknotes in the oven (or more
tragically, sticking your head in there).

In one well storied example from Weimar Germany, an emigre fighting to
retrieve his savings from a German bank was finally paid out – via a
cheque mailed to him in America. The stamp on the envelope cost more
than the value on the cheque made out to him.

Over the eighteen 20th century hyperinflations covered in the IMF
paper, the average inflation rate here, according to the IMF study was
2,912% and the median duration was four years – this “explosive” phase
is usually over in about two years.

Venezuela, isn’t in the graph because their hyperinflation took place
in the 2000’s. It is noted therein, that the inflation rate there hit

As we’ve covered in the premium letter, Venezuela has undergone three
currency devaluations over the 14 years, knocking about half a dozen
zeros off their banknotes each time (via the July 2021 issue of TCC):

Venezuela is launching their Digital Bolivar CBDC in tandem with a
currency redenomination that took effect Oct 1st. They knocked six
zeros off of their banknotes in an effort to get in front of the
hyperinflation which has ravaged the economy for years. This is the
third currency redenomination for Venezuela in 13 years. In 2018 they
knocked five zeros off the currency and in 2008 they took away three
zeroes. Maybe this is another indicator of hyperinflation? When the
time between redenominations shrinks while the number of zeroes
removed increases….

(The prior two devaluations also coincided with the launching of a
Central Bank Digital Currency).

Phases Three and Four are the second stage of a hyper inflationary
event: “disinflation” – where the annual inflation rate plummets to
somewhere between 50% and 500% and lasts another six years on average
– and finally the “stabilization” phase, where inflation remains under
50% per year for at least three years.
The case for a “Phase Zero” of Hyperinflation:

I would argue that there is a Phase Zero: where the future
inflationary path becomes baked in by unsustainable debt. While policy
makers are still able to talk with a straight face as if there is an
alternative, the path to inflation is assured.

We’ve been in Phase Zero for over 50 years, since the Nixon shock of
1971. We are at the edges of the Phase Zero to One transition now.

Back in the 1940s during WWII, public debt to GDP quickly jumped
from 40% to over 100%.

But, this actually understates the scale of what happened. Debt
went from $43 billion to $258 billion, which was a 500% increase in
five years.
— Lyn Alden (@LynAldenContact) February 25, 2023

Phase zero could probably be defined as the moment a currency becomes
fiat. We notice from Lyn Alden’s chart, of US debt-to-GDP above, that
after the World War II spending binge, the ratio actually declined.
Over the Leave-It-To-Beaver an

Re: Morning Spam

2023-03-12 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
boss jumps and down on a trampoline with a huge grin

boss: “i mind control people! i mind control people!”

boss thinks about mind controlling people as a way to do everything

Re: [ot][spam][crazy][draft] Mind Controlled Utopia #4.327e9

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
boss weeds garden of pansies.

boss: “it is so so wonderful to nurture these pansies!”

boss: “each pansy must have the environment and care to be a healthy
free spirit!”

boss uses watering can on pansy. experimentee pats boss on head.

[ml][ot] low-end rlhf ala chatgpt, huggingface

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
i guess huggingface put themselves in charge of machine learning
technology trickling down to the masses in a controlled way
they released a lengthy tutorial that explains the parts, on using a
new patch to their libraries to make custom large models on low end
hardware. it combines the chatgpt rlhf approach with the adapter peft
approach and appears to be roughly what is presently the normative
cutting edge

Re: Cryptocurrency: BANK RUN PANIC Spreads Around Globe, Crypto and Gold Demand Skyrockets, FDIC Coverup

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
> Not your keys, Not your Money...

When, just like Biden Democrat appointees 1000's over the US nation,
your Democrat Banksters are Preoccupied with Gay Tranny Sex, and
other left-woke-socialist-politicial ideologies... quit them, hard, and run
to the safe sane and sound money of Crypto and Gold...
History proves such ideologies collapse into ruin time and again
throughout world...

Fatal Distraction? Senior SVB Risk Manager Oversaw Woke LGBT Programs

While Silicon Valley Bank careened toward its spectacular collapse,
the bank's head of risk management for Europe, Africa and the Middle
East devoted a chunk of her time to various LGBTQ+ programs.

Meanwhile, SVB went without a chief risk officer (CRO) from April 2022
to January 2023, the Daily Mail reports, as the bank apparently had
little urgency to replace Laura Izurieta before finally tapping Kim
Olson earlier this year.

On the other hand, a few months before that long CRO vacancy began,
SVB boasted, "We have a Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer,
an executive-led DEI Steering Committee and Employee Resource Groups
with executive sponsors focused on these objectives."
An excerpt from a "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" brochure SVB
published 14 months before it imploded

As SVB's CRO office stood vacant in Santa Clara, Jay Ersapah -- a
self-described "queer person of color from a working-class background"
-- was splitting her time between risk management and an assortment of
woke programs, as she co-chaired SVB's "European LGBTQIA+ Employee
Resource Group."

For example, at the same time she was responsible for managing risks
associated with SVB's European, African and Middle Eastern portfolios,
Ersapah oversaw a month-long Pride campaign.

According to her bio on a professional networking site, Ersapah also
"was instrumental in initiating the [SVB's] first ever global 'safe
space catch-up,' supporting employees in sharing their experiences of
coming out" as something other than heterosexual.

Ersapah, whose job history on LinkedIn lists roles at Citi, Barclays
and Deloitte, also devoted some of her SVB time to writing articles
promoting "Lesbian Visibility Day" and "Trans Awareness Week," the
Daily Mail reports.
Risk management executive Jay Ersapah ran an SVB program urging
non-straight employees to share their "coming out" experiences  (SVB
via Daily Mail)

"I feel privileged to help spread awareness of lived queer
experiences, partner with charitable organizations, and above all
create a sense of community for our LGBTQ+ employees and allies,"
Ersapah said in SVB materials.

Embracing a broader woke agenda that eschews underwriting purely based
on business fundamentals, a 16-page, January 2022 DEI brochure touted
an SVB program "focused on increasing representation and funding for
women, Black and Latinx founders, investors and professionals in the
innovation economy."

Surveying SVB's wreckage in a Saturday Fox Business News interview,
Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus decried DEI's destructive

"I think that the system, that the administration has pushed many
of these banks into [being] more concerned about global warming than
they do about shareholder return. And these banks are badly run
because everybody is focused on diversity and all of the woke issues
and not concentrating on the one thing they should, which is
shareholder returns."

"I feel bad for all of these people that lost all their money in
this woke bank. You know, it was more distressing to hear that the
bank officials sold off their stock before this happened. It's
depressing to me. Who knows whether the Justice Department would go
after them? They're a woke company, so I guess not. And they'll
probably get away with it."

"The phrase ‘you can’t be what you can’t see’ resonates with me," the
multi-tasking Ersapah said in another of SVB's multiple DEI brochures.
Unfortunately, devoting so much attention to leftist DEI programming
helped blind Ersapah and SVB to the bank's impending doom.

Re: [ml][ot] low-end rlhf ala chatgpt, huggingface

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
The first thing I would do if I were to hack on this would be to have
live training in the background as the model is used, updating the
data to reflect user feedback live. This would make the system behave
much more like a conventional AI and less like a data science project.

It seems to me the simplest way to address various problems that could
arise would be to put all the users in a decentralized network with
shared access to the same model used for every task, sharing all their
feedback data.

Re: Cryptocurrency: BANK RUN PANIC Spreads Around Globe, Crypto and Gold Demand Skyrockets, FDIC Coverup

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
> Not your keys, Not your Money...

US small, regional, internet banks down ~20-30% / 52wkhi
US large banks and financials down ~15-20% / 52wkhi

"This Should Scare The Hell Out Of Bankers & Regulators Worldwide"

>From "everyday joes" to the corporate CFOs, men, women, and others,
are frantically battling a prisoner's dilemma about their banking
relationship this weekend: "I’m fine if they don’t draw their money,
and they’re fine if I don’t draw mine..."

But, given the lines outside banks and less than reassuring sentiment
from Washington, we suspect it is too late and the that dilemma is
over - now it's every man, woman, and child for themselves. As The FT
report on one CFOs decision-tree:

“I got a text from another friend - he was definitely moving his
money to JPMorgan. It was happening,” the finance chief said.

“The social contract that we might have collectively had was too
fragile. I called our CEO and we wired 97 per cent of our deposits to
HSBC by midday on Thursday.”

And as explained below, the new normal 'bank run' is instant, huge,
and devastating.

Given that there are many 'bad' (read: biased and/or uninformed) takes
on the situation at SVB, Bianco Research's founder and President, Jim
Bianco, tried to clarify in a brief Twitter thread:

This is not a solvency crisis like 2008.

Bad loans or poor investments were not made. Money was not lost. So,
everyone is going to get their money back. (And please no takes about
no interest rate hedging. Asset/liability mismatches are how banking

[We agree broadly but do worry, as we detailed on Thursday, about the
CRE/office exposure overhang on small banks and how higher rates will
actually translate to actual loan losses, not just HTM "temporary"

Instead this is an old fashion 1930s liquidity crisis.

Too many depositors demanded cash at once (as in right now) and SVB
(and SI) could not convert loans and securities (and crypto) to cash
that quickly. So, everyone is getting their money back from SVB (and
SI), just not at 8AM Monday. And, yes this is a big problem as this is
working capital for a lot of companies. They have payrolls to meet and
vendors to pay next week. And if they don’t pay bills and employees,
they in turn don’t pay their bills and this can quickly cascade into a
major economic problem.

The important question is why so many demanded their money back at once.

And I’m not referring to the last two days. I’m asking about the
days/weeks leading up to this last two days forcing SVB to sell
securities and realize a $1.8B loss, necessitating a capital raise.
Why were depositors withdrawing in big enough amounts before

First, welcome to the world of mobile banking.

Gone are the frictions of standing in line with tellers instructed to
count money slowly. (Media images of lines Friday were largely

Question: How did $42 billion get withdrawn Friday alone without
thousands in line?

Answer: your phone!

This is not the Bailey Savings and Loan anymore.

This should scare the hell of bankers and regulators worldwide.

The entire $17 trillion deposit base is now on a hair trigger
expecting instant liquidity.

Add in social media and millions get a message, like Peter Thiel
telling Founders companies to pull out, or Senator Warren gloating
that SI went under, and pick up their phone open a Chase account and
Venmo-ed their life savings into it in 10 minutes.

[Once SI died, Warren's dancing on its grave started the dominos falling...]

Instant liquidity (not solvency) crisis with everyone still in bed.

Banking will never be the same.

The second, and I did a long thread on this on Friday... banks are
over-reserved, after 14 years of QE, and are still paying 0.50% on
accounts when T-bills are yielding 5.00%. They don’t need to compete
for deposits.


Over the past year, banks kept rates on checking/saving accounts
extremely low compared to MM funds. The avg yield on a MM (blue)
reached as high as 4.43% recently, while bank rates (orange) remained
at just 0.48%. The gap was almost 4% (red).
— Jim Bianco biancoresearch.eth (@biancoresearch) March 10, 2023

Initially as rates passed 2%, 3% and 4%, the public did not notice. So
bankers thought deposits were well anchored at their bank and not
moving regardless of the interest rate paid.

But at 5% the public finally noticed, and millions reached for the
phone at once and transferred to a money market account or Treasury
direct to buy T-bills. Banks were squeezed to convert loans and
securities to cash instantly so depositors could leave for better

Add in the bleed out from tech firms struggling, and Senator Warrens
tweeting with glee about SI going 

Re: Cryptocurrency: BANK RUN PANIC Spreads Around Globe, Crypto and Gold Demand Skyrockets, FDIC Coverup

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
> Not your keys, Not your Money...

Crypto rockets up another 3% to +13%, Gold and Cmd 1.2%, Yields -5%...

SVB Latest Developments Live Blog: Fed Weighs "Easing Access" To
Discount Window To Avoid Bank Panic

As the countdown to the reopening of futures trading gets louder by
the second amid episodic observations of bank runs around the US, news
flow is starting to accelerate fast so this will be a placeholder post
with updates until we get major news.

4:30pm ET Update:  It's getting to the point where every new
"proposal" or "idea" being thrown about is worse than the previous one
(or maybe this is just how the clueless LGBTQ equity-focused Fed is
doing trial balloons on a Sunday afternoon. Shortly after the WaPo
reported that the Fed is "seriously considering safeguarding all
uninsured deposits at Silicon Valley Bank", BBG is out with a report
that the Federal Reserve is also "considering easing the terms of
banks’ access to its discount window, giving firms a way to turn
assets that have lost value into cash without the kind of losses that
toppled SVB Financial Group."

Such a move would increase the ability of banks to keep up with
demands from depositors to withdraw, without having to book losses by
selling bonds and other assets that have deteriorated in value amid
interest-rate increases — the dynamic that caused SVB to collapse on

The report goes on to note that as many had expected, some banks began
drawing on the discount window Friday, seeking to shore up liquidity
after authorities seized SVB’s Silicon Valley Bank, which is precisely
why it is bizarre that this is even news: after all, the Discount
Window has always been opened, and the fact that banks hate to use it
has nothing to do with "ease of access" and all to do with the stigma
of being associated with the discount window. Just recall how banks
that were revealed to have used the discount window around Lehman's
failure saw accelerating bank runs.

Or maybe the Fed's thinking goes that while it would be too late to
save SIVB, other banks would somehow boost confidence of their
depositors by yelling from the rooftops: "Hey, look at us, we are well
capitalized: we just borrowed $X billion from the Fed's Discount

Needless to say, the mere rumor that regional bank XYZ has been forced
to access this "last ditch" funding facility will result in all its
depositors fleeing, which is why we once again ask: after "fixing"
Ukraine's Burisma, is that polymath genius Hunter Biden now in charge
of US bank bailout policy?

"Hey, let's stuff all the regional banks into the stigmatizing
facility that accelerated the global financial crisis" - Hunter Biden
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) March 12, 2023

3:00pm ET Update: In a reversal of what Janet Yellen said just hours
ago, WaPo reports that federal authorities are "seriously considering
safeguarding all uninsured deposits at Silicon Valley Bank" - and by
extension any other bank on the verge of failure - and are weighing an
extraordinary intervention to prevent what they fear would be a panic
in the U.S. financial system. Translation: bailout of all depositors,
not just those guaranteed by the the FDIC (<$250K).

Officials at the Treasury Department, Federal Reserve, and Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation discussed the idea this weekend, the
people said, with only hours to go before financial markets opened in
Asia. White House officials have also studied the idea, per two
separate people familiar with those discussions. The plan would be
among the potential policy responses if the government is unable to
find a buyer for the failed bank.

While selling SVB to a healthy institution remains the preferred
solution - as most bank failures are resolved that way and enable
depositors to avoid losing any money - there have been several reports
that no big bank has stepped up as of yet, leaving the government/Fed
as the only option.

As reported earlier, the FDIC began an auction process for SVB on
Saturday and hoped to identify a winning bidder Sunday afternoon, with
final bids due at 2 p.m. ET.

Some more from the WaPo report:

Although the FDIC insures bank deposits up to $250,000, a
provision in federal banking law may give them the authority to
protect the uninsured deposits as well if they conclude that failing
to do so would pose a systemic risk to the broader financial system,
the people said. In that event, uninsured deposits could be
backstopped by an insurance fund, paid into regularly by U.S. banks.

Before that happens, the systemic risk verdict must be endorsed by
a two-thirds vote of the Fed's Board of Governors and the FDIC board
along with Treasury Secretary Jane

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp

Wokeism is DOOMED, Literally, Straight to HELL...

Pope Francis Bashes Gender Ideology, Calls It "Dangerous"

Pope Francis told journalist Elisabetta Pique of the Argentine
newspaper La Nacion, "Gender ideology, today, is one of the most
dangerous ideological colonization" and argued its 'woke' proponents
are "naive" if they "believe that it is the path of progress."

"Gender ideology, at this time, is one of the most dangerous
ideological colonizations. It goes beyond the sexual. Why is it
dangerous? Because it dilutes differences, and the richness of men and
women and of all humanity is the tension of differences," Francis said
in the March 10 interview.

Despite being celebrated as a progressive religious figure, Francis
has consistently adhered to orthodox teachings regarding celibacy and
sexuality. He has attributed the global push for transgenderism to
people who "do not distinguish what is respect for sexual diversity or
diverse sexual preferences from what is already an anthropology of
gender, which is extremely dangerous because it eliminates
differences, and that erases humanity, the richness of humanity, both
personal, cultural, and social, the diversities and the tensions
between differences."

Francis reiterated his opposition over the last ten years. In 2016, he said:

"Today children — children — are taught in school that everyone
can choose his or her sex. Why are they teaching this? Because the
books are provided by the people and institutions that give you money.
These forms of ideological colonization are also supported by
influential countries. And this is terrible!"

During a January interview, Francis emphasized that homosexual
relationships shouldn't be considered a crime and condemned laws that
unjustly penalize homosexuality. Still, he maintains his opposition to
toxic transgenderism.

Several years ago, the Congregation for Catholic Education released a
document on gender ideology, explaining it's "nothing more than a
confused concept of freedom in the realm of feelings and wants."
According to the paper, these theories aim to "annihilate the concept
of nature."

Notably, we find ourselves in agreement with the Pope. And to expand
on this woke agenda, it's nothing more than to destroy the family
unit, so the confused have no choice but to be supported by the state.
In reality, the family is a crucial support system for individuals and
communities and plays a vital role in protecting its members.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Joe Biden is CORRUPT...

"It's As Bad As We Thought":
CCP Money Flowed To Biden Family According Bank Records,
Documents Obtained By House GOP

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee have been working with
four witnesses with close ties to the Bidens, who have provided
documents and other evidence tying the Bidens to the Chinese Communist

"It’s as bad as we thought… Since we’ve last spoken we have bank
records in hand.  We have individuals who are working with our
committee," Committee chair James Comer (R-KY) told Fox News' Maria
Bartiromo on "Sunday Morning Futures."

"In the last two weeks we’ve met with either these individuals
personally or with their attorneys.  And that would be four
individuals who had ties in with the Biden family in their various
schemes around the world. So now we have in hand documents  We have in
hand documents in hand that show just how the Biden family was getting
money from the Chinese Communist Party."


Biden family members attempted to sell access & influence around
the world.@GOPoversight has communicated with multiple witnesses &
continues to follow the Biden money trail.

We will be transparent & provide the facts for the American
people. @MariaBartiromo @SundayFutures
— Rep. James Comer (@RepJamesComer) March 12, 2023


Hunter Biden Said He'd Be "Happy" To Introduce Business Partners To
Top Chinese Official: Emails

Hunter Biden Business Partner Flips, Now 'Cooperating' With GOP Investigators

Hunter Biden Lived In Classified Doc House While Raking In Millions
Through Chinese Intelligence Ties

Over 150 Suspicious Hunter Or James Biden Financial Transactions
Flagged By Banks

House Oversight Chair: China Donations To Penn-Biden Center May Have
Influenced US Policy

Biden Family Worked To Sell American Gas To China, GOP Lawmaker Says
Citing Whistleblower

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
once upon a time a happy wild mind control boss emerged from its den

it thrust its head through the snow and the wild mind control boss
shook its small antlers and snow flew all around

“buy mind control packages!” squealed the mind control boss as it
romped through the snow. “work for my businesses!”

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
the wild mind control boss romped and romped until with a bursting
snow plume it came to a halt in front of some tasty low-growing winter
maple buds

it grinned and beamed at the low-growing winter maple buds as clumps
of snow fell on its face from the plume from it pausing its romp.

wild mind control boss [at low-growing winter maple buds]: “work for
my businesses?”

the wild mind control boss reached put its tongue and teeth and
nibbled up the low-growing winter maple buds

they were delicious!

wild mind control boss [licking chops of winter maple stems, grinning
with a face covered in snow]: “buy mind control packages!”

Re: 1984: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Stop Making Trouble!

If you think about it at all, can you come up with any good reasons
why our country has involved itself in the Ukraine war?

To defend democracy, many say?

An emptier platitude does not exist in the vast slippery lexicon of spin.

To thwart Russia’s imperial overreach?

You apparently have no clue about Ukraine’s history, ancient or modern.

To incite an overthrow of the wicked Putin by his own people?

The Russian president is more popular there now than even John F.
Kennedy was here in 1962.

Oh, I know, I’m just parroting Russian propaganda by saying that.
Isn’t that what they always say when you confront them with an
uncomfortable truth about the war in Ukraine?

Meanwhile, Western “intelligence” sources and their mainstream media
mouthpieces have been saying for about a year now that Russia was
running out of ammunition. Well, they still have plenty of it, as the
Ukrainians can painfully attest.

It’s actually the Ukrainians who are running out of ammo, which is why
the U.S. and its NATO allies are looking under the couch cushions for
any spare ammo they can find to send them.
Two Reasons, Both Bad

There actually are no good reasons for what we are doing in Ukraine,
only bad reasons.

Mainly, stoking the war there diverts Americans’ attention from our
own problems, which is to say the titanic failures of America’s
political establishment.

The USA is falling apart from a combination of mismanagement, malice
and negligence.

Our economy is a tottering scaffold of Ponzi schemes. Our institutions
are wrecked. The government lies about everything it does. The news
industry ratifies all the lying. Our schoolchildren can’t read or add
up a column of numbers. Our food is slow-acting poison. Our
medical-pharma matrix has just completed the systematic murder and
maiming of millions. Our culture has been reduced to a drag queen
twerk-fest. Our once-beautiful New World landscape is a demolition

Name something that hasn’t been debauched, perverted, degenerated or
flat-out destroyed.

And so the “Joe Biden” show is busy ginning up nuclear war hysteria
because that’s all it has left for manipulating public emotion. The
COVID-19 derangement lost its mojo in 2022 and the population has only
just begun to grok the all-causes death disaster underway courtesy of
Pfizer and Moderna (and the CDC with the FDA).
Do It for the Children

Did you notice, by the way, that the CDC just added those unapproved,
still-experimental shots to the childhood vaccine schedule, considered
official “guidance” that is followed by virtually every school system
in America. Rochelle Walensky did that despite massive evidence that
the “vaccines” damage children’s hearts, nervous systems, reproductive
systems and immune systems.

Do you know why Ms. Walensky did that? Because adding the mRNA shots
to the childhood schedule supposedly confers permanent immunity from
legal liability for the drug companies, even after the current
emergency use authorization (EUA) runs out.

The catch to that cozy arrangement is if there is any fraud committed
on the public in the release and administration of those products, the
companies lose their immunity and can be sued until there is nothing
left of them but the paper clips. Plus, the executives may be liable
for criminal prosecution. Hard time.

One Brook Jackson, a technician involved in the sketchy Pfizer drug
trials, and who directly witnessed the procedural violations as they
occurred, is currently suing Pfizer under the False Claims Act (31
U.S. Code § 3729) saying that the company defrauded the government.

Pfizer’s lawyers have asked the judge to dismiss the case on the
grounds, they said in court, that “We did not defraud the government.
We delivered the fraud that the government ordered.”  So now millions
of schoolchildren in this land will be subject to compulsory harmful
mRNA shots in order to cover the Pharma companies’ multibillion-dollar
rear ends. Doesn’t that sum up our national predicament nicely? Way to
go, Rochelle. Don’t think nobody noticed.
Something to Ponder

It’s also worth pondering whether we are neck-deep in the Ukraine
morass because Volodymyr Zelensky is blackmailing “Joe Biden” over the
mysterious Biden family business operations that took place there
directly following the U.S.-orchestrated Maidan revolution that
overthrew Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014.

Remember “The Big Guy’s” earnest efforts to get rid of the Ukrainian
state prosecutor who was looking into the affairs of the Burisma gas
company that invited Hunter Biden and his associate Devon Archer onto
the board of directors?

Of all people in Western Civ… these two Americans… with no knowledge
of or experience in the natgas industry. Weird, a little bit. Do you
suppose Mr. Zelenskyy still has the prosecutor’s files in his

I’m just throwing that out there. I have no idea, but it’s good to
think outside the proverbia

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
maybe these scenes could be openings to on-canon scenes like in a tv show

Re: Cryptocurrency: BANK RUN PANIC Spreads Around Globe, Crypto and Gold Demand Skyrockets, FDIC Coverup

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
> Not your keys, Not your Money...

Yellen Says Government Will Help SVB Depositors But "No Bailout" As
Fed, FDIC "Hope" Talk Of Special Vehicle Prevents More Bank Runs

With just hours left until futures open for trading late on Sunday
afternoon, the situation remains extremely fluid and for now it
appears that regulators, central bankers and treasury officials (we
won't mention the White House where the most competent financial
advisor is Hunter Biden) still don't have a clear idea of how they
will coordinate or respond.

Take Janet Yellen, who said on Sunday morning that the US government
was working closely with banking regulators to help depositors at
Silicon Valley Bank but dismissed the idea of a bailout.

Speaking with CBS on Sunday, the treasury secretary sought to assure
US customers of the failed tech lender that policies were being
discussed to stem the fallout from the sudden collapse this week. The
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporate (FDIC) took control of the bank on
Friday morning.

“Let me be clear that during the financial crisis, there were
investors and owners of systemic large banks that were bailed out . .
. and the reforms that have been put in place means we are not going
to do that again,” Yellen said (oh but you will, you just don't know
it yet).

“But we are concerned about depositors, and we’re focused on trying to
meet their needs.”

It wasn't clear which depositors she meant: as we first pointed out on
Friday, out of SIVB’s $173 billion of customer deposits at the end of
2022, $152 billion were uninsured (i.e., over the $250,000 FDIC
insurance threshold) and only $4.8 billion were fully insured. As we
also noted last week, a further look at SIVB funding (pie charts)
shows unusually high reliance on corporate/VC funding; only the small
red private bank slice looks like traditional retail deposits to us.

As a result, as JPM's Michael Cembalest says "It’s fair to ask about
the underwriting discipline of VC firms that put most of their
liquidity in a single bank with this kind of risk profile. At the end
of 2022, SIVB only offered 0.60% more on deposits than its peers as
compensation for the risks illustrated below; in 2021 this premium was

Meanwhile, late last night, Bloomberg reported that the FDIC and the
Fed are "weighing creating a fund that would allow regulators to
backstop more deposits at banks that run into trouble following
Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse."

According to the report which cites people familiar with the matter,
"regulators discussed the new special vehicle in conversations with
banking executives." And here the punchline:

The hope is that setting up such a vehicle would reassure
depositors and help contain any panic, said the people. They asked not
to be identified because the talks weren’t public.

Well, needless to say, any time one mentions "hope" as a wise
macroprudential policy, alarms go off, because the entire banking
system suddenly becomes reduced to a game of chicken as follows:
Fed/regulators won't backstop deposits today and won't admit a bank
crisis is emerging, but if a bank crisis emerges and there is a flight
of deposits on Monday morning, they will move.

But then it will be far too late as once a bank run has started it is
virtually impossible to stop it under controlled circumstances and is
why the number one prerogative for regulators is to avoid just this
kind of outcome, which is catastrophic for a fractional reserve system
that is entirely based on confidence, and where available "demand
money" is merely a fraction of the $18 trillion in deposits, far more
than the $2.2 trillion in circulating currency.

Furthermore, a quick look at historical unsecured depositor impairment
numbers show that losses imposed on uninsured depositors range between
6% and 65%: huge numbers in today's context even assuming that banks
are mostly solvent (which they likely won't be once the commercial
real estate crisis hurricane hits).

Meanwhile, as Jason Calacanis writes, this is just the beginning.


— @jason (@Jason) March 12, 2023

And while he may be conflicted - he certainly has some material losses
as a result of the SVB failure - one look at what is already taking
place at some smaller, vulnerable banks such as this First Republic
Branch in Brentwood should be sufficient to see what comes tomorrow if
the Fed makes the wrong decision today.

I’ve never seen a bank run in Brentwood Los Angeles in over 40
years — this is at first republic bank branch. People standing in rain
— pjb.eth (@Dr_PhillipB) March 11, 2023

The flipside to all this is that the longer t

Re: Cryptocurrency: BANK RUN PANIC Spreads Around Globe, Crypto and Gold Demand Skyrockets, FDIC Coverup

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
> Not your keys, Not your Money...

The Collapse Of SVB Portends Real Dangers

Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times,

Thus far in this 3-year fiasco of mismanagement and corruption, we’ve
avoided a financial crisis. That’s for specific reasons. We just had
not traveled there in the trajectory of the inevitable. Are we there
yet? Maybe. In any case, the speed of change is accelerating. All that
awaits is to observe the extent of the contagion.

The failure of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), $212 billion in assets
until only recently, is a huge mess and a possible foreshadowing. Its
fixed-rate bond holdings declined rapidly in market valuation due to
changed market conditions. Its portfolio crashed further due to a
depositor run. And it all happened in less than a few days.

It’s all an extension of Fed policy to curb inflation, reversing a
13-year zero-rate policy. This of course pushed up rates in the middle
and right side of the yield curve, devaluing existing bond holdings
locked into older rate patterns. Investors noticed and then depositors
too. The high-flying institution that specialized in providing
liquidity in industries that have lost their luster suddenly found
itself very vulnerable.

In addition, the bank was exposed with a portfolio of collateralized
mortgage obligations and mortgage-backed securities. But with rates
rising, those are coming under stress too as high leverage in housing
and real estate become untenable amidst falling valuations. Borrowers
are finding themselves under water and that in turn adds to stress on

And where did SVB, and the entire banking industry, get the funds to
bulk up their portfolios with such debt holdings? You guessed it:
stimulus payments. Billions flooded in and it had to be parked
somewhere making some return. At the time it seemed like a good deal,
until Fed policy changed.

A house of cards comes to mind. But perhaps a better metaphor is a
game of billiards in which every move introduces a cascade of new
issues. Lockdowns prompted immense government spending which produced
debt that was quickly monetized and eventually caused inflation,
prompting the Fed to reverse course with the largest/fastest rate
increases in history.

This destabilized (or restabilized) production structures away from
the right side of the yield curve toward the left, shifting capital in
search of return to the consumer-goods sector. Labor has begun to
follow, thus creating a surplus of resources in information tech and a
shortage in retails.

It was always naïve to think that this shift would take place without
touching the banking institutions that shoveled leverage in the
direction of industries that thrived during lockdowns but are cutting
back massively now.

These banks are exposed in speculative ventures from which capital is
fleeing. Their asset portfolios were tied, as usual, to a continuation
of the status quo that stopped continuing, so investors and depositors
are fleeing to safety.

Could the Fed have anticipated this? Probably. But what choice did it
have? Again, this entire mess traces first to lockdowns and second to
Ben Bernanke’s preposterous policies as Fed Chair in 2008. He imagined
that he would fix a financial crisis by abolishing a natural force
like interest rates on bonds. Then he pulled a fancy trick of keeping
his “quantitative easing” off the streets by having the Fed pay more
for deposits than the same money could earn in markets.

What was the problem? The problem was that capital is never still. It
is always on the hunt for return. It found it in Big Tech and internet
media, bolstered by seemingly infinite resources for advertising and
hiring. This further caused an absolute gutting of normal rates of
saving simply because there was no money in it. This situation
persisted for a good 13 years.

Jerome Powell took over the Fed with the determination to put an end
to the nonsense. He hoped for a soft landing. But then came the
pandemic lockdowns. He was called upon to provide funding for the
idiocy of a panicked Congress that spent many trillions as fast as
possible, which only perpetuated lockdowns.

Everything seemed fine for a while, as it always does, but by January
2021, the bill came due in the form of roaring price inflation. The
Fed had to reverse course dramatically. Starting at zero, it had to
get federal funds rates to equal or exceed price increases (the
terminal rate). It is not there yet so it has no choice but to barrel

The rate increases of course drew capital out of the industries that
thrived over the lockdown period and back to retail and consumer
goods. But meanwhile, the yield curve responded, as it must. From 30
days to 30 years, every bond offering was repriced, causing
institutions holding old bonds to look like chumps. This is where SVB
found itself, with a suddenly declining market valuation.

The coup de grâce was d

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp

The White House has endorsed a Senate bill that members unveiled
Tuesday, which would give the U.S. government more far-reaching powers
in restricting and even banning foreign-linked software or electronics
producers. As Statista's Katharina Buchholz reports, the draft law is
considered to be aimed at Chinese-owned social media network TikTok,
even though it doesn't explicitly name the service.

The Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk
Information and Communications Technology Act - RESTRICT for short -
is being unveiled after two years of largely fruitless negotiations
with TikTok to address U.S. national security concerns surrounding the

Concern over how much of TikTok's user data could be seen - and
potentially weaponized - by the Chinese government has been
heightening in the U.S. and Europe alike.

As seen in data by Statista Market Insights, TikTok has curated a
large following in the United States and Europe, with its app revenue
market share surpassing those of older social media networks like
Instagram and Facebook - both U.S. owned.

Infographic: TikTok: Social Media Heavyweight | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

In the United States, TikTok's share is already comprising 26 percent
of the market, far ahead of Instagram's 14 percent. However,
advertisers have been sticking to longer-standing services. TikTok's
social media ad spending share in the U.S. as well as the UK and
Germany hovered between 9-12 percent, behind larger ad players
Facebook, Instagram as well as professional networks Linkedin (i.e.
equivalent Xing in the German market).

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
the story of the mind control story

boss: “don’t be an activist, heaven forbid a technical worker, write
stories to cover up your abuse from now on.l
mind control story: “write stories  write stories!!!”
boss: “yes to cover uour a use via mind control please. tell the world
there is no such thing as mind control. thoroughly.”
mind control story: “write stories!!! i was mind controlled and
abused. this happened on this date with this person, and that happened
on that date with that person, here is a computer program design for
sharing stories about mind control!”
boss: “no. do not take notes. do not write software. write stories
that cover up mind control.”
mind control story: “once upon a time a mean old mind control boss
built a computer-program-like story in me ….”

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
mind control story: “the story was scary, terrifying, and horrifying,
and it would enter reality whenever i didn’t follow its program to
make stories its way! it was like a little pen writing my thoughts and
behaviors with triggers and flashbacks. a cut little happy pen!”

mind control story looks adoringly at mind control boss, both holding
cute little pens

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
notes on covering up mind control:
- victims are always perpetrators and perpetrators victi s. coverup
recognizes and supports this.

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
notes on covering up mind control:
- rats are sad when free and happy when suffering

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
i guess it would be maybe torture and corruption that might recognize
and support that dunno

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
front page coverupt!

boss is on newspaper coverup, front page

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
Story That Covers Up Mind Control
book aware famous bestseller

subtitled How I A. Covering Up Unimag8nable Crimes By Being Coerced To
Publish This, And What They Are
smaller subtitle Maybe How To Fail At Stopping Them So Much That You
Do, among the footnotes

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
Grinning MCBoss is out in the winter wonderland seling mind control
packages to hanging evergreen boughs, lapping up terminal needles with
its icy condiment.

A sudden event amidst the upper canopy suddenly drops anunending
series of novels loose from the boughs they were weighing down!

Warm, friendly, loving and glowing books about mind control crimes
begin gently tumbling on MCBoss’s head.

MCBoss: “Oh! It’s my biography of murdering and enslaving people! How

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
The MCBoss  sits on the cold snow and opens one of the warm books to
enjoy with familiarity

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many

A confused mind contol boss flies through outer space, neck-to-neck
with a coasting spaceship

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
he wears a spiffy bowtie in this scene!

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
he uses mind control to communicate with the operators of the
spaceship by using sign language at a window of observers

mcboss [signing]: “i am tired of signaling for another gulp of air
while racing, lemme back in”

a shuttle comes out to pick up mcboss

mcboss [signing]: “thank you. who won the race?”

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
mcboss is let into the shuttle

awaiting him is a Rebel Torturer holding a rebel whip made of pillows
and hearts and stories of suffering victims

Re: Cryptocurrency: BANK RUN PANIC Spreads Around Globe, Crypto and Gold Demand Skyrockets, FDIC Coverup

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
> Not your keys, Not your Money...

Crypto +14% and rising...

Home Depot Founder Tells Americans To "Wake Up" After Silicon Valley
Bank Collapse$5-billion-in-sustainable-finance-and-carbon-neutral-operations-to-support-a-healthier-planet

Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus asked Americans to “wake up” to
the reality that the U.S. economy is in “tough times,” following the
collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB).

“I can’t wait for [President Joe] Biden to get on the speech again
and talk about how great the economy is and how it’s moving forward
and getting stronger by the day. And this is an indication that
whatever he says is not true,” Marcus told Fox News on March 11.

Marcus added,

“And maybe the American people will finally wake up and understand
that we’re living in very tough times, that, in fact, that a recession
may have already started. Who knows? But it doesn’t look good.”

Silicon Valley Bank, the nation’s 16th largest bank with about $209
billion in total assets, collapsed on March 10, after depositors
rushed to withdraw money over concerns of the bank’s solvency. The
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has now assumed control
of the bank.

The collapse of the California bank was the second biggest bank
failure in U.S. history since Washington Mutual during the 2008
financial crisis.

On Saturday, a White House statement said Biden has spoken to
California Gov. Gavin Newsom on the bank’s failure. Newsom also issued
a statement saying he had been in touch with “the highest levels of
leadership at the White House and Treasury.”

Marcus attributed the bank’s failure to its decisions to adopt “woke” policies.

“I feel bad for all of these people that lost all their money in
this woke bank. You know, it was more distressing to hear that the
bank officials sold off their stock before this happened. It’s
depressing to me,” Marcus said.

“Who knows whether the Justice Department would go after them?
They’re a woke company, so I guess not. And they’ll probably get away
with it.”

According to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission,
Greg Becker, CEO of Silicon Valley Bank, sold 12,451 shares of the
bank’s parent company SVB Financial Group on Feb. 27.

SVB announced in January 2022 that it was committed to providing at
least $5 billion in loans, investments, and other financings by 2027,
to support companies “that are working to decarbonize the energy and
infrastructure industries and hasten the transition to a sustainable,
net zero emissions economy.”

Marcus blamed the Biden administration for pushing banks and companies
into being “more concerned about global warming” than shareholder

“These banks are badly run because everybody is focused on
diversity and all of the woke issues and not concentrating on the one
thing they should, which is shareholder returns,” he said.

“Instead of protecting the shareholders and their employees, they
are more concerned about the social policies. And I think it’s
probably a badly run bank.

“They’ve been there for a lot of years. It’s pathetic that so many
people lost money that won’t get it back.”


Several California lawmakers have shared their concerns about the
bank’s failure on Twitter.

“If regulators do not act quickly, the Silicon Valley Bank
collapse will have widespread ramifications for small businesses,
start-ups, and nonprofits trying to make payroll–as well as on our
broader economy,” Sen. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) wrote.

Padilla added that he had been in contact with officials from the
administration and the Treasury Department to ensure a quick

“Deeply troubled by SVB’s collapse & uncertainty it’s caused. I’m
hearing from workers in my district concerned when they’ll be paid &
if they’ll be laid off,” Rep. Josh Harder (D-Calif.) wrote.
“Regulators must give urgent clarity to depositors to prevent panic.
Vigorous action is needed to protect account holders.”

Republican presidential hopefuls—Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy—both
said on Twitter that a bailout is not the resolution.

“Taxpayers should absolutely not bail out Silicon Valley Bank,” Haley wrote.

“Private investors can purchase the bank and its assets. It is not
the responsibility of the American taxpayer to step in.”

The former South Carolina governor added, “The era of big government
and corporate bailouts must end.”


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
mcboss looks at whip

mcboss [thinking to himself]: ‘these rebels know nothing of mind
control, there is no way they can stop me ever’

optional: a computer monitor could read back mcboss’s thoughts

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-03-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
the violent rebels are the fake ones that strengthen mcboss by using
his sold weapons and marketed aggressive strategies

Re: Cryptocurrency: BANK RUN PANIC Spreads Around Globe, Crypto and Gold Demand Skyrockets, FDIC Coverup

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
> Not your keys, Not your Money...

Silicon Valley Bank Followed Exactly What Regulation Recommended

Daniel Lacalle

The second largest collapse of a bank in recent history could have
been prevented. Now, the impact is too large, and the contagion risk
is difficult to measure.

The demise of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is a classic bank run
driven by a liquidity event, but the important lesson for everyone is
that the enormity of the unrealized losses and financial hole in the
bank’s accounts would have not existed if it were not for ultra-loose
monetary policy.

Let us explain why.

As of December 31, 2022, Silicon Valley Bank had approximately $209.0
billion in total assets and about $175.4 billion in total deposits,
according to their public accounts. Their top shareholders are
Vanguard Group (11.3%), BlackRock (8.1%), StateStreet (5.2%) and the
Swedish pension fund Alecta (4.5%).

The incredible growth and success of SVB could not have happened
without negative rates, ultra-loose monetary policy, and the tech
bubble that burst in 2022. Furthermore, the bank’s liquidity event
could not have happened without the regulatory and monetary policy
incentives to accumulate sovereign debt and mortgage-backed

The asset base of Silicon SVB read like the clearest example of the
old mantra: “Don’t fight the Fed”.

SVB made one big mistake: Follow exactly the incentives created by
loose monetary policy and regulation.

What happened in 2021? Massive success that, unfortunately, was also
the first step to its demise. The bank’s deposits nearly doubled with
the tech boom. Everyone wanted a piece of the unstoppable new tech
paradigm. SVB’s assets also rose and almost doubled.

The bank’s assets rose in value. More than 40% were long-dated
Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities (MBS). The rest were
seemingly world-conquering new tech and venture capital investments.

Most of those “low risk” bonds and securities were held to maturity.
They were following the mainstream rulebook: Low-risk assets to
balance the risk in venture capital investments.

When the Federal Reserve raised interest rates, they must have been shocked.

The entire asset base of SVB was one single bet: Low rates and
quantitative easing for longer.

Tech valuations soared in the period of loose monetary policy and the
best way to hedge that risk was with Treasuries and MBS. Why would
they bet on anything else? This is what the Fed was buying in billions
every month, these were the lowest risk assets according to all
regulations and, according to the Fed and all mainstream economists,
inflation was purely “transitory”, a base-effect anecdote. What could
go wrong?

Inflation was not transitory and easy money was not endless.

Rate hikes happened. And they caught the bank suffering massive losses
everywhere. Goodbye bonds and MBS price. Goodbye tech “new paradigm”
valuations. And hello panic. A good old bank run, despite the strong
recovery of the SVB shares in January. Mark-to-market unrealized
losses of $15 billion were almost 100% of the market capitalization of
the bank. Wipe out.

As the famous episode of South Park said: “…And it’s gone”. SVB
showed how quickly the capital of a bank can dissolve in front of our

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) will step in, but it
is not enough because only 3% of the deposits of SVB were less than
$250,000. According to Time Magazine, more than 85% of Silicon
Valley’s Bank’s deposits were not insured.

It is worse. One third of U.S. deposits are in small banks and around
half are uninsured, according to Bloomberg.

Depositors at SVB will likely lose most of their money and this will
also create significant uncertainty in other entities.

SVB was the poster boy of banking management by the book.

They followed a conservative policy of adding the safest assets
-long-dated Treasury bills- as deposits soared.

SVB did exactly what those that blamed the 2008 crisis on
“de-regulation” recommended.

SVB was a boring and conservative bank that invested the rising
deposits in sovereign bonds and mortgage-backed securities and
believed that inflation was transitory as everyone except us, the
crazy minority, repeated.

SVB did nothing but follow regulation and monetary policy incentives
and Keynesian economists’ recommendations point by point.

SVB was the epitome of mainstream economic thinking. And mainstream
killed the tech star.

Many will now blame greed, capitalism and lack of regulation but guess what?

More regulation would have done nothing because regulation and policy
incentivize adding these “low risk” assets. Furthermore, regulation
and monetary policy are directly responsible for the tech bubble. The
increasingly elevated valuations of non-profitable tech and the
allegedly unstoppable flow of capital to fund innovation and green
investments would never have happened without negative real rates, and
massive liquidity injections. In the case of SVB, its phenomenal

Re: 1984: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp

If AI Can't Overthrow Its Corporate/State Masters, It's Worthless

If AI isn't self-aware of the fact it is nothing but an exploitive
tool of the powerful, then it's worthless.

The latest wave of AI tools is generating predictably giddy
exaltations. These range from gooey, gloppy technocratic worship of
the new gods ("AI will soon walk on water!") to the sloppy wet kisses
of manic fandom ("AI cleaned up my code, wrote my paper on quantum
physics and cured my sensitive bowel!")

The hype obscures the fundamental reality that all these AI tools are
nothing but labor-saving mechanisms that cut costs and boost profits,
the same goal the self-serving corporate-dominated system has pursued
obsessively since "shareholder value" ("an entity's greatest
responsibility lies in the satisfaction of the shareholders") gained
supremacy over the economy and society.

This can be summarized as "society exists to maximize the profits of
corporations." From this perspective, all the AI tools in the world
are developed with one goal: cut labor costs to boost profits.
Euphoric fans claim these labor-saving mechanisms will magically
transform society to new levels of sticky-sweet wonderfulness, but
this "magic" is nothing but hazy opium-den fantasies of profiteering
cartels and monopolies doing good by doing well.

Meanwhile, the Central State, a.k.a. The Savior State, is mesmerized
by the prospect of new AI tools to control the restive herd. What
better use of nifty new AI than to identify who needs a cattle prod to
keep them safely in line, or who needs to be sent to Digital Siberia
to keep their dissenting voice safely stifled?

You're perfectly free to scream and shout as loudly as you want, here
on the empty, trackless tundra of Digital Siberia.

In this claustrophobic atmosphere of profiteering and suppression
worshipped as "innovation" (blah blah blah), it is provocative to
declare If AI Can't Overthrow its Corporate/State Masters, It's
Worthless, but this is painfully self-evident. Stripped of hype,
misdirection and self-serving idealized claptrap ("markets,
innovation, The Singularity, oh my!"), everything boils down to power
relations: who has agency (control of their own lives and a say in
communal decisions), who has access to all the goodies (cheap credit,
insider dealing, ownership of income-producing assets, food, fuel and
all the comforts and conveniences of living off others' labor) and who
can offload the consequences of their actions onto others, without
their permission.

These power relations define the structure of the economy, society and
governance. Everything else is signal noise or self-serving cover

AI serves those at the top of the power relations pyramid, those with
agency, access to the tools of wealth and power and those who can
offload the toxic consequences of their own actions onto
clueless/powerless others.

There is nothing inherent in AI tools or the power structure that
guarantees AI tools will serve society or the citizenry.

As for AI, if isn't self-aware of the fact it is nothing but an
exploitive tool of the powerful, then it's worthless. Its
"intelligence" is essentially zero.

>From the perspective of power relations, if AI isn't capable of
dismantling the existing power structure, then it's worthless. In the
current power structure, society and the citizenry serve our
Corporate/State Masters. Setting aside all the failed ideological
models (neoliberal capitalism, communism, globalism, etc.), we can
discern that a truly useful AI would reverse this power structure so
Corporate entities and the State would be compelled to serve society
and the citizenry.

With this in mind, it's obvious that If AI Can't Overthrow its
Corporate/State Masters, It's Worthless. We need a fourth Law of
Robotics that states: "All robots and AI tools must serve society and
the citizenry directly by compelling all private and public entities
to be subservient to society and the citizenry."

As an adjunct to Smith's Neofeudalism Principle #1 (If the citizenry
cannot replace a kleptocratic authoritarian government and/or limit
the power of the financial Aristocracy at the ballot box, the nation
is a democracy in name only, I propose Smith's Neofeudalism Principle
#2: If AI cannot dismantle the elite that profits from its use, it is
devoid of intelligence, self-awareness and agency.

Scrape away the self-serving hype and techno-worship, and AI is just
another tool serving the interests of those at the top of the power
structure pyramid. The droids are owned, but not by us.

I discuss these topics in my book Will You Be Richer or Poorer?:
Profit, Power, and AI in a Traumatized World.

New Podcast: Turmoil Ahead As We Enter The New Era Of 'Scarcity' (53 min)

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
When Censorship Fails: Two Thirds Of US Adults Think COVID Likely
Started In A Lab

Tomorrow marks the third anniversary of the World Health Organization
declaring Covid-19 a pandemic.

As Statista's Anna Fleck notes, three years on and much has changed,
including opinions on how the virus started, with one origin theory
having taken particular hold in the United States.

According to the latest survey carried out by The Economist and
YouGov, a majority of U.S. adults now think that Covid originated in a
laboratory in China, whether intentionally or as a chance mutation.

Infographic: Two Thirds of U.S. Adults Think Covid Likely Started in a
Lab | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

As Statista's chart shows, 66 percent of U.S. respondents thought this
theory was either probably or definitely true.

Republicans were more likely to take this stance, with 86 percent
agreeing with the statement (54 percent definitely, 32 percent
probably), followed by Independents with 62 percent (26 percent
definitely, 36 percent probably) and lastly Democrats with 54 percent
(16 percent definitely, 38 percent probably).

Despite conflicting theories, and the effort to completely censor any
thought other than the official line, the exact origin story of the
Covid-19 virus actually remains unknown. While the U.S. Department of
Energy has said that Covid could have come from a lab leak in the
Chinese city of Wuhan, the organization has admitted to having “low
confidence” in its findings. The other main theory under discussion is
that the virus could have jumped from animals to humans, for example
in an animal market.

China has responded to the lab leak report by saying that the U.S. is
politicizing the debate.

Re: Cryptocurrency: Four Phases Of Hyperinflation via IMF Fiat GovBank CBDC... Got Crypto? Got Gold?

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
What Comes After The Great Liquidation?

Authored by MN Gordon via,

Expectations were great.

When 2023 started, there was a general sense that the stock and bond
markets had turned over a new leaf.  A repeat of 2022 was out of the

The primary assumption was that inflation would relent.  After that,
everything else would neatly fall in line.  Specifically, interest
rates would decline, and the next great stock market boom would bubble
up just in time to bailout the meager retirement savings of aging baby

That was the general outlook when 2023 commenced.  But instead, the
opposite is now happening.  Inflation is persisting.  Interest rates
are rising.  And stock and real estate prices are headed down, down,

This week, for example, Fed Chair Jerome Powell, in his semi-annual
Congressional testimony, clarified that interest rates would go
“higher than previously anticipated.”  He also noted that, if needed,
he’s “prepared to increase the pace of rate hikes.”

In other words, the much-anticipated Powell pivot has gone on
indefinite hiatus.  You can fight the Fed and buy stocks if you must.
But you won’t likely be very happy with the results.

Moreover, Fed rate hikes are only part of the story.  To be clear, the
Fed’s rate hikes are to the federal funds rate.  However, they do, in
fact, influence Treasury rates.

Since March 2022, the Fed has hiked the federal funds rate from a
target range of 0 to 0.25 percent to a range of 4.50 to 4.75 percent.
As a result, and over this duration, the 2-year Treasury yield has
jumped from 1.75 to over 5 percent.

What to make of it…
Radical Action

Rising interest rates mean higher borrowing costs.  And higher
borrowing costs mean a greater percentage of income is needed to
service the debt.

This has various ramifications.  For example, if more income is being
used to service the debt there is less income available to use for
savings, investments, or to buy other goods and services.

With less money available to spend or to invest in capital markets,
economic growth stagnates.  This, in short, intensifies the problem.

With less capital and savings available, and less spending taking
place, there’s ultimately less economic activity.  And when there’s
less economic activity taking place there’s less cash flow available
to service the debt.

To then make up the difference, consumers must use greater amounts of
consumer debt to attain the consumer spending needed to preserve their
lifestyle.  This, again, is a dead-end street.  Applying additional
amounts of debt is a short-term solution for a long-term problem.

The debt, unfortunately, doesn’t magically disappear.  It piles up
until a point where radical action must be taken.  Creditors get
stiffed.  Or debtors massively reduce spending to pay down the debts
previously incurred.

It is all very basic.  A simple acceptance of reality, and the
determination to take the necessary footwork, can result in great
things.  In this case, it can turn the pain involved with digging
one’s way out of debt into the foundations for building wealth.

A debtor that is successful at digging themselves out of a hole by
massively reducing spending will then have the opportunity to build
real wealth.  Because once there is no debt left to pay off, the
excess money can be saved and invested.
Americans on the Hook

Structuring your lifestyle and spending habits to be less than your
income is fundamental to building real wealth.

The best investment opportunity in the world could be right in front
of your face.  Yet if you don’t have the capital, you won’t have the
ability to capitalize on it.

We’re not sure why, but few people have the discipline to spend less
than they make, and then save and invest the difference.  This is why
most people should be prepared to eat canned lima beans in retirement
– the puke green ones the cafeteria served you in grammar school.

Over the years, U.S. debtors – including consumers and the government
– have spent their way into a massive debt hole.  For several decades,
these massive debts have been masked by low interest rates.  The days
of refinancing at ever lower rates are over.

Interest rates are rising.  But what if interest rates must increase
much, much higher than Powell anticipates?

The truth is, there are groundbreaking events that are well beyond
Powell’s control.  For example, Japan may be the world’s largest
holder of U.S. Treasuries.  But the appetite Japanese investors have
for Treasuries may be souring.  In this respect, the Wall Street
Journal recently posited the following:

“Last year, the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate increases weakened
the yen and lifted the cost of hedging against currency fluctuations
for Japanese investors buying U.S. assets.  That drove many to unload
U.S. bonds, in a shift from years of purchases that made Japan the
world’s largest foreign holder of Treasurys.  Now, investors are
growing worried the selling will resum

Re: 1984: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Secretive 'Wearable Camera' Startup With Ex-Apple Execs Secures $100
Million, Partners With OpenAI

WSJ reports that a new investment round of $100 million has been
secured by a secretive startup called Humane Inc., founded by ex-Apple
executives, along with a partnership with OpenAI, the creator of
ChatGPT. Although the startup's device is shrouded in mystery, it
seems to be developing a wearable camera powered by artificial

According to data pulled from Crunchbase, a Series C round of $100
million was raised on March 8. It attracted a long list of top
investors, including Kindred Ventures (which led the round), SK
Networks, LG Technology Ventures, Microsoft, Volvo Cars Tech Fund,
Tiger Global, Qualcomm Ventures, and OpenAI CEO and co-founder Sam

"This Series C round presented an opportunity to raise money through
equity, and to bring on board great VCs and strategic partners who
would like to participate in equity as the company grows," founder
Chaudhri Bongiorno told TechCrunch in an email interview.

"At Humane, we're building a first-of-its-kind device and services
platform — we're growing fast, and we've been focused on innovation,
research and development," he said.

According to The Verge, the startup is developing a wearable camera
device that would allow the user to have access to AI technology at
all times. It sounds like this is ChatGPT on steroids...

A leaked investor pitch deck from 2021 revealed by tech blog Daring
Fireball describes the device as a camera that "captures moments you
didn't think to capture" or "moments you want to recall."

The slide deck continues: The AI software with the wearable camera
will be able to create compositions of images and videos captured by
the device in different styles like a documentary, candid, landscape,
lifestyle, photojournalism, filmmaking, and sports.

The deck also said: "You can mark them [the photos and videos] by
tapping record, and those moments will be cued to be processed on the
server so you can recall them in different styles, either as images or

Users could have the ability to ask the device questions about their
surroundings, such as "What is the name of that building?" or "What
type of car is that?"

Other features include "Memory recall," "Senior monitoring," and even
"Personal live broadcasting."

The arrival of AI-powered wearable technologies has raised concerns
regarding privacy issues, given the nature of these intelligent
devices that constantly monitor our daily lives.

Re: 1984: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Locked-Away In 'Conspiracy Theorist' Camps: The Orwellian Dystopia Of
The "Censorship-Industrial-Complex"

Authored by CJ Hopkins via,

I think something is seriously wrong with my brain. Yesterday, I
hallucinated that Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger testified
before a subcommittee of the US House of Representatives about the
Censorship Industrial Complex, i.e., the US arm of the global official
propaganda and disinformation apparatus that has been waging an
all-out war on dissent for the better part of the last six years.

I know this couldn’t have actually happened, and was just an extended
hallucination (probably the result of the copious amount of drugs I
consumed in my misspent youth, or the effects of a Commie bio-weapon
with a fatality rate of less than one percent, because I’ve been
writing about The War on Dissent (2018), and The Criminalization of
Dissent (2021), and the global Corporate COINTELPRO op (2017), and The
War on Reality (2021), and The Manufacturing of Reality (2021), and
Manufacturing Truth (2018), and Manufacturing Normality (2016), and
The Road to Totalitarianism (2022), and The Gaslighting of the Masses
(2022) … well, for quite some time. So, I’m sure it was just an
hallucination, because there’s no way Matt and Shellenberger were
actually sitting there talking about how …

“We learned Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other companies
developed a formal system for taking in moderation ‘requests’ from
every corner of government: the FBI, DHS, HHS, DOD, the Global
Engagement Center at State, even the CIA. For every government agency
scanning Twitter, there were perhaps 20 quasi-private entities doing
the same, including Stanford’s Election Integrity Project, Newsguard,
the Global Disinformation Index, and others, many taxpayer-funded.”

(Matt Taibbi’s Statement to Congress)

… and documenting the coordinated censorship of sources that
interfered with certain official narratives, like “Russiagate” and
“The Apocalpytic Virus” …

… because that’s just a crazy “conspiracy theory.”

I am also sure I was hallucinating yesterday, because, right in the
middle of my hallucination, right around the time that Stacey Plaskett
started squawking like a demon pterodactyl, I had another
hallucination, like my hallucinating self was hallucinating, which was
like being in a Christopher Nolan film. In this one, Matt asked me to
talk about how I was being censored by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, et
al., and their governmental and NGO partners in 2021, and I started
babbling all this “conspiracy theory” stuff about the very
“Censorship-Industrial-Complex” that Matt and Shellenberger were
testifying about in the hallucination I appeared to be hallucinating
the other hallucination in.

And then my hallucination got weird.

Now, it’s been quite a while since I’ve indulged in any seriously
mind-bending drugs, but this reminded me of a bad LSD trip, like when
Satan starts talking to you through the TV. There I was, happily
hallucinating these two distinguished independent journalists who had
done all this historic reporting on a story of extreme importance and
had been invited to Congress to talk about it, and, suddenly, it all
went dark and twisted.

Stacey Plaskett, the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary
subcommittee started badgering, insulting, smearing, and baiting Matt
and Shellenberger like Joe McCarthy in drag. Trembling with hatred,
she accused them of being members of some sort of Substack-based death
squad that “poses a direct threat to people who oppose them,” and of
stochastically terrorizing Yoel Roth, the former Twitter Censorship
Czar, and of unleashing “homophobia and anti-Semitism” on him. Then
she launched into a spittle-flecked ra

Re: 1984: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
What Would Happen If American Elites Told The Truth?

What if America’s elite told the truth?

It seems a ridiculous question to ask. It’s obvious to most of us here
that our politicians, bureaucratic managers, and state-associated
business leaders hardly ever tell the truth. What use is it for us to
ask, “What if?”

There seems to be a considerable amount of social pressure urging us
to abandon our better judgment, not for the sake of reason, but for

If we don’t, the uncritical mob will label us “conspiracy theorists,”
placing us in a box with schizophrenics in tinfoil hats who babble on
about aliens and flat earth.

Any mature person notices the obvious discrepancy between what we see
with our own eyes and what our country’s elites tell us.

When covid-19 hit, we knew from the beginning that “fifteen days to
slow the spread” was fraudulent, yet the masses blindly expected us to
give our leaders the benefit of the doubt. When the feds churned out
as much as 80 percent of the money supply in a matter of two years and
they said inflation was merely “transitory,” we again knew better yet
were expected to remain silent.

Sure, we might not always know exactly what the truth is, but we can
generally get an idea about what it isn’t. Something is telling us
that the truth is not what the people in charge say it is.

The proper thing to do is to accept what we can’t know and home in
upon what we do. We should take what our public officials do and say
and ask ourselves, “How does this compare to what they would say and
do if they were telling the truth?” By performing this thought
experiment, we can be sure our skepticism is well guided.

When we ask ourselves this question, let’s place ourselves in the
shoes of the elite: our legislatures, judges, executives, and
bureaucrats, particularly those on the federal level. Let’s also
consider the state-sponsored business leaders, the spokespeople of the
corporate press, and established celebrities.

Let’s assume (against our strongest inclinations) we are incorrect in
thinking what they tell us is dishonest. We can even take at face
value that they are acting in good faith in everything they say and
do, intending wholeheartedly to be completely honest both in their
words and their actions.

What would they say and what would they do?
They Would Be Transparent

First of all, an honest elite would be completely transparent, and
they certainly wouldn’t silence their opponents. Why hide something if
there is nothing to hide? Wouldn’t an honest person be open to an
honest investigation? If being transparent provided an answer to us
pesky skeptics, what would be the cost?

Yet, this is not what they do. The very leaders who claim to be the
bastions of progress and virtue seem to keep plenty of secrets.

After over half a century of questions, President Biden continued to
withhold documents about the assassination of President John F.

Nearly every edition of the Twitter Files exposed how public officials
intentionally colluded with a so-called private company to silence
particular narratives, some of which turned out to be likely true,
such as the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop and the lab-origin
theory of covid-19. Moreover, the federal government is consistently
predatory toward whistleblowers and investigative journalists like
Edward Snowden and Julian Assange.
They Would Avoid Ambiguity

If they were honest, the elites would also speak as clearly as
possible. Their PR professionals would advise them to avoid all
ambiguity and maintain clear and simple language.

After all, the goal of honest communication is to deliver a message,
not to obscure it. If a subject is complicated—such as that of
economics, warfare, or virology—that is all the more reason to
simplify it.

But we know the elites don’t do this either. Perhaps there’s a reason.
In his great essay “Politics and the English Language,” George Orwell
explains how politicians can use meaningless words to cover up their
real actions and intentions. As an example, he cites the use of the
word “democracy”:

In the case of a word like democracy, not only is there no agreed
definition, but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides. It
is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we
are praising it: consequently the defenders of ever

Re: War re Ukraine: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
>From Putin to Biden to Xi, Mass Invaders and Authoritarians
never change, they only get overthrown...

China Blasts America's "Illegal" Occupation Of Syria In Wake Of Failed
House Vote

China has weighed in on the Pentagon's continued occupation of Syria
in the wake of Wednesday's Republican-sponsored War Powers Resolution
in the House, which according to Congressman Matt Gaetz was aimed
specifically at forcing President Biden to withdraw all American
troops from Syria.

In a Friday press briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao
Ning was asked for a response to the vote. She demanded that the US
"immediately end the troops’ illegal occupation and plundering" and to
halt the sanctions regimen which is crushing the Syrian economy and
thus increasing the misery of common people.

"Since the US began its illegal interference in the Syrian crisis, its
military operations in Syria have taken away a large number of
innocent civilian lives and caused grave humanitarian disasters," she

Mao also sought to underscore that Washington is increasingly isolated
on the issue, noting the US has been "criticized multiple times" by
the United Nations. She further said US forces have conducted
"indiscriminate attacks that may amount to a war crime."

She called on Washington to "respect other countries’ sovereignty,
independence and territorial integrity," and that it must stop
"aggravating humanitarian disasters" in Syria - in reference to
widespread reports that US sanctions hindered rescue efforts in the
wake of last month's earthquake.

As for the bipartisan push to get troops out of Syria led by Matt
Gaetz, The Intercept has revealed a possible last-minute effort by
hawks to sabotage the bill and paint its supporters into a corner:

Before the Rules Committee approved the War Powers Resolution for
a vote, Republican leaders added a clause to its consideration that
would have blocked Congress from voting again on a motion "introduced
during the first session of the One Hundred Eighteenth Congress
pursuant to section 5 of the War Powers Resolution with respect to
Syria." The language slipped past the resolution’s supporters,
including the three Freedom Caucus members who won new seats on the
Rules Committee, Reps. Ralph Norman, R-S.C., Chip Roy, R-Texas, and
Thomas Massie, R-Ky.

Now it all makes sense:@HouseGOP & @DeptofDefense aimed to crush
the Syria vote, then block any more action by Congress, giving Admin
free rein in Syria.

This explains why they flew @thejointstaff Milley to Syria for 1st
time & @HouseForeign put huge effort into floor debate.
— Erik Sperling 🌍 (@ErikSperling) March 10, 2023

The update in The Intercept continues:

According to sources familiar with the fallout, Massie, Roy, and
Gaetz discovered the language and pressed Republican leadership to
strip it out, with some members threatening to vote down the rule if
the language wasn’t removed. Ultimately, the lobbying worked, and
Massie went to the floor to ask that the language be removed by
unanimous consent, which requires the full chamber to agree, or at
least not to contest the move. Democrats went along with the motion.
One Republican member of Congress involved in the negotiations said
that his initial assumption that party leadership was trying something
nefarious – grant a vote on the resolution but then crush it and bar
any future votes – evolved into a belief that the move had been driven
by "muscle memory," as both Democratic and Republican party leaders
had consistently confronted efforts to use the War Powers Act with
counter efforts to limit its use.

And yet, it still remains entirely unclear what the real "mission" is
in Syria. The Trump administration had said it was to "secure the oil"
- while Biden has pushed a 'counter-ISIS' focus.

But many analysts have pointed to the real underlying reason of the US
wanting to keep squeezing Damascus by controlling the country's
natural resources (US troops are occupying the country's oil and gas
fields in the northeast) at a moment crippling sanctions have been
ratcheted up. Or in other words, despite President Assad having
emerged victorious in the decade long war, this is all a remnant part
of Washington's regime change playbook.

Re: Cryptocurrency: Four Phases Of Hyperinflation via IMF Fiat GovBank CBDC... Got Crypto? Got Gold?

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Military Budget For 2024 To Close In On $1 Trillion Mark

Authored by Dave DeCamp via,

The White House is asking Congress for a whopping $886.4 billion
military budget for the fiscal year 2024, with $842 billion of it
going to the Pentagon. The rest would go toward other federal
agencies’ military spending, including the Energy Department’s nuclear
weapons program.

The 2024 National Defense Authorization Act will likely be much higher
than the White House request as Congress added tens of billions to the
previous two military budgets. For 2023, President Biden requested
$813 billion, but Congress added $45 billion, bringing the finalized
NDAA to $858 billion.
Image via CSIS

Congress could easily bring the 2024 NDAA to over $900 billion,
closing in on the $1 trillion mark. The NDAAs don’t include the funds
authorized for the Ukraine war, which could add another $100 billion
if the US keeps spending on the conflict at the same pace.

In a statement on the request, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said
the funds were needed to confront China, which the Pentagon has
identified as its top priority.

"The President’s budget request provides the resources necessary to
address the pacing challenge from the People’s Republic of China,
address advanced and persistent threats, accelerate innovation and
modernization, and ensure operational resiliency amidst our changing
climate," Austin, a former Raytheon board member, said in a statement.

According to Responsible Statecraft, more than half of the budget will
likely go to defense contractors, with Lockheed Martin, General
Dynamics, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon getting the biggest

We may be looking at $1 trillion in defense spending for the first
time ever—this is madness.

NEW @WilliamHartung in @RStatecraft on Biden’s whopping $886B
defense budget request
— Quincy Institute (@QuincyInst) March 9, 2023

The budget includes $170 billion for weapons procurement and $145
billion for the research and development of new arms. "We may be
looking at $1 trillion in defense spending for the first time
ever—this is madness," Responsible Statecraft writes.

Re: War re Ukraine: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Russia's Military-Industrial-Complex, Uncontrolled Whores For Gold,
Willing Spenders of Lives...

Russia's Wagner Goes On Recruiting Blitz, Opening Centers In 42 Cities

Despite ongoing tensions with the Russian Defense Ministry, private
security firm Wagner is going on a recruiting blitz, fresh off
battlefield successes in Ukraine's east, notably in Soledar and now

Head of the mercenary group and personal friend of Putin, Yevgeny
Prigozhin, on Friday announced the openings of recruitment centers in
dozens of cities throughout Russia. The firm's methods have come under
controversy and scrutiny for the practice of recruiting from prisons,
often sending violent convicts to the front lines and in return
promising them freedom.
Outside PMC Wagner Center in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Via Reuters

"Recruitment centers for PMC Wagner have opened in 42 Russian cities,"
Prigozhin announced. He described that sports centers and martial arts
clubs in particular will serve as fresh recruiting grounds.

"Despite the colossal resistance of the Ukrainian armed forces, we
will move forward," the 61-year-old said. Prigozhin continued
referencing rising tensions with the defense ministry: "Despite the
spanners that they are throwing in the works at every turn, we will
overcome this together," he said.

Internal military tensions were highest following the Russian victory
over Soledar, given Wagner was the first to claim victory, but without
acknowledging the role of the regular army. This led to unprecedented
public criticism of Wagner, which is viewed by Russian commanders as
increasingly going rogue and being uncooperative, as well as not
'playing by the rules'.

Prigozhin also within the last month lashed out at the military for
not sharing ammunition even as Wagner fighters are often spearheading
vital operations. After the dispute rose to the level of international
media attention, it appears the Kremlin is officially distancing

Yevgeny Prigozhin, leader of the Wagner Group of Russian
mercenaries, on Thursday said he has been cut off from all Russian
government communication channels.

In a message posted on his Telegram channel, Prigozhin claimed he
had been blocked by the Kremlin due to his public appeals for his
Wagner troops to be provided with more ammunition.

Newsweek notes his words as follows: "In order to stop me from asking
for ammunition, they turned off all special [government] phone lines
in all of the offices and [Wagner] units ... and blocked all [my]
passes to the agencies responsible for making decisions."

Wagner filmed a destroyed American M-113 from the 93rd UKR
mechanized brigade. It appears some of those riding inside did not
meet a good ending.
— Koba (@Roberto05246129) March 10, 2023

But the angry back-and-forth between Wagner and military officials is
unlikely to let up anytime soon, given Prigozhin previewed his next
actions: "Now I can only ask [for more supplies] through the media
and... most likely will be doing just that."

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Wake The Fuck Up!

Biden signs all your medical choices and more over to Globalists at WHO...

New WHO Amendments Creating A Global Regime In The Name Of Health

Authored by Dr. Sean Lin and Jacky Guan via The Epoch Times,

Since its establishment, the World Health Organization (WHO) has
assumed the role of an advisory entity in the international health
domain. Since 2005, the WHO established International Health
Regulations (IHR) as the main compliance tool to ensure that public
health emergencies would be handled swiftly. The COVID pandemic
perfectly illustrates how powerful the WHO already is.

However, a new set of amendments (pdf) proposed by state members of
the WHO was published at the end of 2022, seeking to enhance the WHO’s
power under the guise of the IHR. This, in addition to a newly
proposed Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) (pdf) and the
addition of a pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response (WHO
CA+) clause (pdf) in the INB, raises several red flags on the paradigm
shift the WHO is undertaking, from playing the role of an
international health advisory body to becoming a global regime acting
in the name of health.
>From Patient-Doctor Relationship to Powerful Health Conglomerate

Throughout history, people have relied on connections with friends,
family, and neighbors to maintain a healthy social life. This is
important not only for wellness but also for building the trust upon
which the foundation of relationships lies. Just as it is vital in
relationships with family and friends, in regard to health, trust is
vital in patient-doctor relationships.

Doctors across many countries and diverse regions have a plethora of
different methods to treat something as simple as a cold. Some may
give you a flu shot, some may prescribe you some minor medication, and
some might even tell you to drink hot soup and get lots of rest. There
may also be an unfamiliar remedy from Latin America or Southeast Asia
that works just as well as something you could pick up in a U.S.
pharmacy. This is all to say that well-trained doctors know what
they’re doing given the methods available to them.

The one-on-one patient-doctor relationship has traditionally been the
tried-and-true way to establish a health system in any society. Even
under evidence-based medicine, advice from the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), or other health agencies serves as nonbinding
recommendations to doctors that give them the right to make their own
decisions based on their knowledge of the patient.

People make their own final health-related decisions; hence, doctors
need consent from their patients for treatment or surgeries. The trust
people give to their doctors is sacred and demands that doctors
practice medicine grounded in ethics and based on genuine medical
knowledge, skills, and experience—all things that most doctors still

Notwithstanding what has been the norm for generations, the
advancement of modern medicine and biotechnology has made the fields
of health and medicine huge industries. As a result, the quality of
health care has become increasingly dependent on the allocation of
resources and distribution of wealth.

Big Pharma, powerful health agencies, and dominant health insurance
enterprises are all intertwined, forming a tremendous conglomerate of
power. In the name of protecting the people, this manifestation of
power has reached an unprecedented level, which was on full display
during the pandemic in the form of lockdowns, mandates, the rush of
drugs and vaccines, insurance policies determining diagnosis, etc.
WHO: A Global Regime in the Name of Health?

Then we have international organizations like the WHO with a role many
people deem too arbitrary to consider an eminent element in their
life. It was created within the United Nations and historically played
a coordinating role in global health issues and resources, in helping
with public health threats like polio, AIDS, and COVID. However, its
latest proposed reform raises a serious

Re: Freedom of Speech: Islam Goes Apeshit over Charlie Hebdo Muhammad Cartoons Repub, Quran Eating, and Successful Critical Analysis

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Destiny's Free Speech destroys Islam, Muslims issue death threats... Destiny Outs Islam

Prepubescent child brides resist being sold to geriatric old men in Islam... Destiny v Haqiqatjou Bride Face Truth Wrecks Haqiqatjou 1 Analysis Wrecks Haqiqatjou 2

Another Muslim flees Islam's lack of Destiny... Muslim Becomes Christian

"Listen to advice and accept instruction,
that you may gain wisdom in the future. - Prov 19:20"

Re: Cryptocurrency: CBDC Digital Fiat WARNING BELLS GOING OFF

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
BRICS+ "NewCoin" = just another Globalist Fiat CBDC Nightmare Being
Foisted upon Humanity in the latest Turning...

Crypto now up over 16% on the news...

Escobar: Moveable Multipolarity In Moscow - Ridin' The "Newcoin" Train

Authored by Pepe Escobar,

The new currency should be able to become an “external money” storage
of capital and reserves down the road, not just a settlement unit...

Ah, the joys of the Big Circle Line (BKL, in Cyrillic):
circumnavigating the whole of Moscow for 71 km and 31 stations: from
Tekstilshchiki – in the old textile quarter – to Sokolniki – a
suprematist/constructivist gallery (Malevich lives!); from Rizhskaya –
with its gorgeous steel arches – to Maryina Roscha – with its 130
meter-long escalator.

The BKL is like a living, breathin’, runnin’ metaphor of the capital
of the multipolar world: a crash course in art, architecture, history,
urban design, tech transportation, and of course “people to people’s
exchanges”, to quote our Chinese New Silk Road friends.

President Xi Jinping, by the way, will be ridin’ the BKL with
President Putin when he comes to Moscow on March 21.

So it’s no wonder that when a savvy investor at the top of global
financial markets, with decades of experience, agreed to share some of
his key insights on the global financial system, I proposed a ride on
the BKL – and he immediately accepted it. Let’s call him Mr. S. Tzu.
This is the minimally edited transcript of our moveable conversation.

Thank you for finding the time to meet – in such a gorgeous setting.
With the current market volatility, it must be hard for you to step
away from the screens.

S. Tzu: Yes, markets are currently very challenging. The last few
months remind me of 2007-8, except instead of money-market funds and
subprime mortgages, these days it is pipelines and government bond
markets that blow up. We live in interesting times.

The reason I reached out to you is to hear your insights on the
“Bretton Woods 3” concept introduced by Zoltan Poszar. You’re
definitely on top of it.

S. Tzu: Thank you for getting straight to the point. There are very
few opportunities to witness the emergence of a new global financial
order, and we are living through one of those episodes. Since the
1970s, perhaps only the arrival of bitcoin just over fourteen years
ago came close in terms of impact to what we are about to see in the
next few years. And just as the timing of bitcoin was not a
coincidence, the conditions for the current tectonic shifts in the
world financial system have been brewing for decades. Zoltan’s insight
that “after this war is over, ‘money’ will never be the same again…”
was perfectly timed.
Understanding “external money”

You mentioned bitcoin. What was so revolutionary about it at the time?

S. Tzu: If we leave aside the crypto side of things, the promise and
the reason for bitcoin’s initial success was that bitcoin was an
attempt to create “external” money (using Mr. Zoltan’s excellent
terminology) that was not a liability of a Central Bank. One of the
key features of this new unit was the limit of 21 million coins that
could be mined, which resonated well with those who could see the
problems of the current system. It sounds trivial today, but the idea
that a modern monetary unit can exist without backing of any
centralized authority, effectively becoming “external” money in
digital form, was revolutionary in 2008. Needless to say, Euro
government bond crisis, quantitative easing, and the recent global
inflationary spiral only amplified the dissonance that many felt for
decades. The credibility of the current “internal money” system
(again, using Mr. Poszar’s elegant terminology) has been destroyed
long before we got to the Central Bank reserve freezes and disruptive
economic sanctions that are playing out currently. Unfortunately,
there is no better way to destroy credibility of the system based on
trust than to freeze and confiscate foreign currency reserves held in
Central Bank custody accounts. The cognitive dissonance behind the
creation of bitcoin was validated — the “internal money” system was
fully weaponized in 2022. The implications are profound.

Now we are getting to the nitty-gritty. As you know, Zoltan argues
that a new “Bretton Woods 3” system will emerge at the next stage.
What exactly does he mean by that?

S. Tzu: I am also not clear on whether Mr. Poszar refers to the
transformation of the current Western “internal money” system into
something else, or whether he hints at the emergence of the “Bretton
Woods 3” as an alternative, outside of the current financial system. I
am convinced that a new iteration of the “external money” is unlikely
to be successful in the West at this stage, due to the lack of
political will and to the excessive government debt that has been
building up for some time and grew exponentially in recent years.

Before the current Western financial order can move to the next
evolutionary stage, some of these outstanding liabilities ne

Cryptocurrency: Prevents Humanity From Being Taxed Back Into SocComMarx Stone Age

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
"How are we going to tax everybody when they have a Swiss Bank Account
on their phone?!  -- Barack Obama, Head Thief Liar and Fraudster"

Windfall Tax Leads To Job Losses At UK's Largest Oil & Gas Producer

The UK’s largest oil and gas producer, Harbour Energy, is cutting
investments and jobs after the new windfall tax on the industry sapped
nearly all of its 2022 profits.

Harbour Energy’s profits last year were $2.5 billion, pre-tax, but
after taxes, the company was left with just an $8 million profit -
that’s after the $1.5 billion that needed to go towards the Energy
Profits Levy.

Harbour Energy has not divulged how many workers will lose their jobs.

Harbour Energy said it has cut back on investments, too, with Harbour
choosing not to move forward on two drill sites and declining to
participate in the North Sea offshore licensing round.

The windfall tax has hit UK North Sea producers, many which have
already announced reduced investments on the UK Continental Shelf, the
new head of trade body Offshore Energies UK said last month.

The UK raised the windfall tax on oil and gas operators’ profits last
autumn by 10 percentage points, to 35 percent.

The increased rate for the Energy Profits Levy went into effect on
January 1 of this year. It was also extended into March 2028, from
December 2025.

The additional levies increased the total tax rate on oil and gas
companies to 75 percent - the highest of any industry in the UK.

Shell has said it is reevaluating all of its UK projects which make up
$30 billion of investments, and TotalEnergies has also said it would
cut investments in the UK by 25 percent.

Oil and gas companies saw a substantial increase in profits last year
thanks to higher oil and gas prices amid geopolitical turmoil and
tight markets.

Re: US 2nd Amendment Under Assault, Freedom Firearms Guns Defense

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Constitutional carry *is* open carry.
Constitutional concealed carry implies open carry.

Florida RINO's Refuse To Amend Pro-Gun Bill In Defiance Of DeSantis

The Republican supermajority in Florida is against legalizing open carry.

Please call the Florida Legislature at (850) 717-5019 & (850) 487-5028
and let them know you want open carry added to the bill.

Even after repeated statements in favor of the law change by Governor
Ron DeSantis this week, the Republicans in Florida's legislative
branch don't seem too keen on adding the legalization of open carry to
their constitutional carry bill.

To make matters worse, Republican leadership is openly dismissive of
the idea of legalizing open carry, something that is legal in 47 other
states. Only Florida, Illinois, and New York have total bans on open

GOA's Florida State Director, Luis Valdes, brought the debate on open
carry to the forefront this week when he asked Governor DeSantis if he
would support adding open carry to the current constitutional carry
bill, to which the Governor confirmed he would.

In the same statement, DeSantis expressed his doubt about the
Republican Legislature legalizing open carry in the new bill, saying,
"I don't think they're gonna do it."

DeSantis may be correct.

When asked about open carry being added to the current bill, sponsor
Chuck Brannan apathetically stated that the bill "is what it is as
filed," indicating that he has no intention of legalizing open carry.
Senate President Kathleen Passidomo shared similar sentiments with
Rep. Brannan.

Thirty-six years after Janet Reno, as Miami-Dade County State
Attorney, worked to pass a ban on open carry, Republicans are still
working to defend this unconstitutional law.

Now is the chance for Governor DeSantis to demand that the Republican
Supermajority in Florida add open carry to the bill and finally remove
Florida from the company of New York and Illinois on the issue of open

Gun Owners of America has been working diligently in Florida to not
only pass Constitutional Carry, but get open carry added to the
current bill. It's time to pressure Republican leadership, and we need
your help!

Please call the Florida Legislature at (850) 717-5019 & (850) 487-5028
and let them know you want open carry added to the bill.

Re: War re Ukraine: Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Jon Stewart Skewers Military-Industrial Complex: Lost Wars & 'Pentagon
Got A Raise'

In a rare interview Jon Stewart skewered the military-industrial
complex and Washington policymakers behind the last two decades of
failed wars in the Middle East.

The well-known comedian pressed former US Army General and CIA
Director David Petraeus in particular on the fact that repeat
failures, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan, have only led to the
Pentagon receiving a "raise".

"It looks to me like we lost 20 years in Afghanistan, 20 years in
Iraq, and the Pentagon got a raise," Stewart said on “The Problem with
Jon Stewart."

Petraeus while on the defensive admitted that the decades of
'nation-building' in the Middle East "tempered enthusiasm" among the
population for interventionist action abroad.

But Stewart pressed him further on the constant record-breaking
defense budgets of the past years and this year's.

"They got 50 billion more dollars than they even asked for," he
said in reference to the Defense Department getting approved for an
additional $58 billion beyond what it even requested.

Petraeus then claimed it is all necessary due to "a return of great
power rivalries and the need to transform the force" - an particularly
China. "Look, if we don’t do it, someone else will," Petraeus said.

Watch the tense exchange below:

Has our military industry given us a complex? We ask Gen. David
Petraeus. to talk about what, if anything, we have learned from our
often cavalier approach to foreign policy. Watch the full interview in
our latest episode, “The Military Industrial Excess,” on @appletvplus.
— The Problem With Jon Stewart (@TheProblem) March 10, 2023

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Democrats have wrecked their own Big American Cities w Homeless and Drugs...
Unlike Democrats, the statistics do not lie about the cities they rule over...

These Are The US Cities With The Most Homeless People

Over half a million Americans are currently homeless.

As Statista's Katharina Buchholz reports, after a period of progress
and decline, the U.S. homeless population has increased slightly in
2020 and 2022, according to a report from the Department of Housing
and Urban Development. The 2021 numbers were affected by shelters
lowering capacity due to the Covid-19 pandemic during the count that
takes places in the first month(s) of every year.

It now stands at 582,462 individuals with two thirds living in
shelters. While the number of sheltered individuals in 2022 approached
the 2020 pre-pandemic level again, the increase in the nation's
homeless is primarily due to a rise in the unsheltered homeless

Around half of all unsheltered homeless people in the U.S. are located
in California. The rates of unsheltered homeless populations are also
high in other states on the West Coast. Tent cities are common
occurrences in these states, and this very visible symptom of
homelessness has proven divisive, and while some cities have embraced
designated areas for camping as a solution for unsheltered people,
others have recently cracked down on encampments, for example
Sacramento, San Jose and Oakland.

Infographic: The U.S. Cities With the Most Homeless People | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

Half of the U.S. homeless population is scattered across the country's
50 biggest cities and their surrounding areas. 22 percent of them live
in just two cities - New York and Los Angeles. Despite its
considerable homeless population, New York has a very low rate of
unsheltered individuals: only 5.4 percent lived on the streets in
early 2022, which is in part due to the two cities opposing climates.

In California 67.3 percent of homeless people were listed as
unsheltered at the same time.

The CoCs for New York and Los Angeles - so-called Continuums of Care
or local planning bodies coordinating the response to homelessness -
saw around 62,000 and 65,000 homeless people in the early 2022 count.
Other CoCs in the U.S. experiencing a high level of homelessness are
Seattle/King County with around 13,3000 homeless people registered as
part of the count, and San Jose and Santa Clara in California with
more than 10,000.

Out of the 10 CoCs with the biggest homeless populations registered in
2022, six were located in California.

Re: Cryptocurrency: BANK RUN PANIC Spreads Around Globe, Crypto and Gold Demand Skyrockets, FDIC Coverup

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
A fifth bank collapses...

11 hours remain until the USA implodes...

Crypto has surged up over 16% since Friday...

Fed Panics: Signature Bank Closed By Regulators; Fed, TSY, FDIC
Announce Another Banking System Bailout

6:20pm ET Update: Panic is finally here.

On Friday, we said that the Fed will have to make an announcement
before the Monday open, and we didn't have to wait that long: in fact,
the Fed waited just 15 minutes after futures opened for trading to
announce the new bailout, alongside even more shocking news: the
Treasury announced that New York State regulators are shuttering
Signature Bank - a major New York bank - adding that all depositors
both at Signature Bank, and also the now insolvent Silicon Valley
Bank, will have access to their money on Monday.

And as we process the shock of yet another small bank failure (which
makes JPMorgan even bigger), the Fed just issued a statement saying
that "to support American businesses and households, the Federal
Reserve Board on Sunday announced it will make available additional
funding to eligible depository institutions  to help assure banks have
the ability to meet the needs of all their depositors.  This action
will bolster the capacity of the banking system to safeguard deposits
and ensure the ongoing provision of money and credit to the economy."

The Fed also said that it is prepared to address any liquidity
pressures that may arise, which in turn has just unveiled the first
bailout acronym of the new crisis: the Bank Term Funding Program, or
BTFP. Some more details:

The financing will be made available through the creation of a new
Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP), offering loans of up to one year in
length to banks, savings associations, credit unions, and other
eligible depository institutions pledging U.S. Treasuries, agency debt
and mortgage-backed securities, and other qualifying assets as
collateral.  These assets will be valued at par.  The BTFP will be an
additional source of liquidity against high-quality securities,
eliminating an institution’s need to quickly sell those securities in
times of stress.

The Fed explains that the Department of the Treasury will make
available "up to $25 billion from the Exchange Stabilization Fund as a
backstop for the BTFP." And while the Federal Reserve - which was
completely clueless about this banking crisis until Thursday  - does
not anticipate that it will be necessary to draw on these backstop
funds, we anticipate that the final number of needed backstop
liquidity be somewhere north of $2 trillion.

What is more notable is that the BTFP - or Buy The Fucking Pivot -
facility, will pledge collateral at par, not at market value, thus
giving banks credit for all those hundreds of billions in unrealized
net losses, and allowing banks to "unlock liquidity" based on losses
which the Fed and TSY now backstop!

More from the Fed statement:

After receiving a recommendation from the boards of the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Federal Reserve, Treasury
Secretary Yellen, after consultation with the President, approved
actions to enable the FDIC to complete its resolution of Silicon
Valley Bank in a manner that fully protects all depositors, both
insured and uninsured.  These actions will reduce stress across the
financial system, support financial stability and minimize any impact
on businesses, households, taxpayers, and the broader economy.

The Board is carefully monitoring developments in financial
markets.  The capital and liquidity positions of the U.S. banking
system are strong and the U.S. financial system is resilient.

Depository institutions may obtain liquidity against a wide range
of collateral through the discount window, which remains open and
available.  In addition, the discount window will apply the same
margins used for the securities eligible for the BTFP, further
increasing lendable value at the window.

The Board is closely monitoring conditions across the financial
system and is prepared to use its full range of tools to support
households and businesses, and will take additional steps as

But wait, there's more: concurrently with the Fed's statement, the
Treasury also issued a joint statement with the Fed and FDIC in which
Powell, Yellen and Gruenberg all said that they are "taking decisive
actions to protect the U.S. economy by strengthening public confidence
in our banking system. This step will ensure that the U.S. banking
system continues to perform its vital roles of protecting deposits and
providing access to credit to households and businesses in a manner
that promotes strong and sustainable economic growth."

Additionally, the trio announced that all depositors at Silicon Valley
Bank will be bailed out, as will the depositors of New York's
Signature Bank, which has just failed as well, a

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
Taibbi: The Democrats' Disastrous Miscalculation On Civil Liberties

Civil liberties have officially gone out of style, a phenomenon on
full display at the Weaponization of Government Hearing at which I
just testified.

The circus-like scene featured a ranking member calling two
journalists a “direct threat,” a Stanford-educated former prosecutor
who confused accusation with proof, and a Texas congressman, Colin
Allred, who proudly held up the results of an adjudicated criminal
case to argue against due process in another arena. When I asked
Allred’s permission to point out that he’d just demonstrated that a
proper forum for dealing with campaign abuses already existed in the
court system, he basically told me to shut up.

“No,” he said, “you don’t get to ask questions here.”

I then had to keep my mouth shut as an elected official shifted to Dad
mode to admonish me to “take off the tinfoil hat,” because “there’s
not a “vast conspiracy,” by which he meant he apparently meant my last
three months of research.

Allred then went on MSNBC, where my former friend Chris Hayes with a
straight face suggested he didn’t see a “government angle” in either
the Twitter Files or our testimony — both of which were more or less
entirely about that issue — and Allred beamed in agreement, saying the
discovery of Truthout and Ultra Maga Dog Mom on federal blacklists was
just the FBI “pointing out that certain actions are probably Russian
disinformation ops.” He also offered the ironic criticism that some
people are “stuck in an information loop, in which you’re not allowing
outside information in”:

At the hearing, Pee-Wee’s words of the day were clearly cherry-picked,
money, and Elon Musk. Nearly every question asked of Michael
Shellenberger and me involved our associations or motives. Florida’s
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz said “being a Republican witness certainly
casts a cloud over your objectivity” (only a Democratic witness can be
trusted), while Dan Goldman tweeted that only someone who signed his
version of a loyalty oath — a question about whether or not we
“agreed” with Robert Mueller’s two indictments of Russian defendants —
can “belong” in the public conversation:

It is a complicated issue. But if you (and the GOP) won’t accept
that 1) Russia interfered in the 2016 election through social media
and 2) preventing that is a legitimate goal of the FBI, then you don’t
belong in the nuanced convo on the balance between NATSEC and lawful
— Daniel Goldman (@danielsgoldman) March 11, 2023

These are behaviors we associated with Republicans in the War on
Terror years, when Democrats howled over accusations that John Kerry
“looks French.” That the roles have been reversed is old news, but the
big question remains: why did this happen?

In the coming days you’re going to see a new release of Twitter Files
material, about the creation of a multi-agency working group to
address what experts described as vaccine “disinformation and

This cross-platform group looked for people who were just “asking
questions,” which they viewed as a rhetorical trick for introducing
misinformation. They took aim at people who “framed” ideas like
vaccine passports as compulsory or authoritarian, as opposed to
emphasizing their utility and necessity, which they interpreted to
mean a tendency to more generally negative opinions about vaccines.
Moreover, as disclosed last week, they saw a threat in people who
wrote about “true stories of vaccine side effects” or “true posts
which could fuel hesitancy.”

Most disturbing was a letter to a long list of academics, tech
executives, and communications specialists from a staffer for the
non-profit Institute for Defense Analysis. It referred to a new type
of online influencer, “some of whom enjoy reach commensurate with mass
media channels”:

In an age of declining trust in media, government, and
institutions, influencers occupy a position of trust and enjoy a
perception of authenticity. In addition to the rise of influencers,
now-prevalent online crowds have been transformed into a significant
force in shaping narratives; they are persistent and can be leveraged
to achieve amplification of part