Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
Tom Fitton @TomFitton
Jun 11
To advance revolutionary transgender agenda targeting children, Biden
violates basic tenet of US Flag Code and disrespects every American
service member buried under its colors. U.S. Flag Code §7. (e) The
flag of the United States of America should be at the center and at

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp

Jeff Clark @JeffClarkUS
Thanks @charliekirk11 for calling attention to the 65 Project. It and
a group named LDAD are carrying out lawfare against Trump lawyers. I
am a target of that campaign. Here’s my piece on the evils of this
tyranny and lawyer intimidation.
Trump DOJ appointee Jeffrey Clark rails against David Brock's latest
left-wing lawfare plot to destroy American freedom and the rule of
Charlie Kirk @charliekirk11
Have you heard of the 65 Project? The Unabomber, the Boston Bombers,
murderers, and rapists all deserve a defense, but lawyers who
represent President Trump, a constitutional right for all citizens,
are threatened with disbarment — a professional death sentence.

“Project 65” Seeks to Kill All the Trump Lawyers — By Canceling Them: The
Progressive Left’s Latest Move to Destroy America

Guest Post by Jeffrey Clark, Former Assistant Attorney General at the U.S.
Justice Department

As Shakespeare famously wrote in Henry VI Part II: "The first thing we do,
let’s kill all the lawyers."

Even for me as a lawyer, it’s hard not to sympathize with that
sentiment. Lawyers are a drag. But in reflective moments, I’m more
partial to Sir Thomas More’s line from Robert Bolt’s A Man for All
Seasons: “And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned ‘round
on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country
is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man’s laws, not

The evenhanded application of the law is a principle that must be
defended. Everywhere, balance and perspective are under attack. Whatever
the costs of America’s process-heavy adversarial contests, that feature
of our polity is a key bulwark of liberty. Due process is not something to
be trifled with, deconstructed, or thrown away based on the passions of
the political moment.

Yet that is happening, right now. The Left has set the lines of battle:
Any lawyers who worked for President Trump with verve and ingenuity, along
with any lawyers he retained to mount his various 2020 election contests,
must be crushed, must have their noses rubbed into the dirt, must if
possible lose their jobs and even their right to practice law. It’s not
right, just as it would not have been right to demonize the lawyers who
mounted Al Gore’s challenges to the 2000 presidential election in

On the Left, the constant rallying cry is “Remember January 6!” It’s
like a woke version of “Remember the Alamo!", designed to divide and
conquer instead of unite the nation in the spirit of apple-pie American
patriotism. For those who know me, I’m a lot more partial to traditional
patriotism than to false and cynical attempts by MSNBC and its ilk to use
the aberration of January 6 as some kind of Rosetta Stone to American
politics. As James O’Keefe has recently brought to light, even Matthew
Rosenberg of the New York Times secretly knows I’m right.

Project 65 and Its Despicable Aims

When the Left wants something, you can be sure that limitless streams of
money will soon pour forth to fund their destructive crusade. Recently,
Axios profiled something significant you might have missed: “Project
65,” a new initiative funded by millions in “dark money” to destroy
as many Trump-affiliated lawyers as possible.

At the retail level, Project 65's purpose is to file bar complaints
against 111 lawyers wherever they are licensed. At the wholesale level, it
seeks to amend state bar rules, so that no lawyers with a sense of
self-preservation will ever again want to bring election-related contests
on behalf of President Trump, or any other populist conservative
candidate. According to Project 65, everyone secretly knows that elections
in Atlanta, Chicago, or Philadelphia (my home town) are entirely
aboveboard, so any legal challenges to them must be in bad faith. My
Mom’s stories from decades of poll watching in Philadelphia must have
been hallucinated, and a slew of election fraud cases in Philadelphia must
have magically disappeared from the annals of the law. The Chicago
corruption of Mayor Daley in the 1960 presidential election is an old
wives’ tale. Election fraud in America simply doesn't exist. Of course,
some exceptions exist—for Democrat complaints of voter fraud, of course.
Don’t expect Project 65 to file a bar complaint any time soon against
losing candidate Stacey Abrams over her frequent claims to be the
legitimate governor of Georgia.

Project 65 is led by David Brock, the founder of Media Matters for America
and the super PAC American Bridge 21st Century. Brock is still on his
life-long quest to expiate his decades-old “sin” of writing The Real
Anita Hill, a book attacking the credibility of Clarence Thomas’s
harassment accuser. Brock will be joined by an advisory board that
includes former Senate majority leader Tom Daschle, Clinton affiliate
Melissa Moss, and “Republican” Paul Rosenzweig.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
Fast Rising Outsider US Pres Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy
is the first and only one to support equal application of law
and Trump against political weaponization and persecution...
Vivek, the youngest and smart contender, is
constantly getting the drop on all opponents.
Instagram - @vivekgramaswamy
Truth Social - @VivekRamaswamy
Rumble - @VivekRamaswamy
Trump’s Repub rivals, w/ exception of the brilliant @VivekGRamaswamy,
are missing an important opportunity to come to Trump’s defense & to
the Republic’s defense.

BOOM... Vivek enters the ring swinging yuge balls...
I challenge every US Presidential candidate to join me in standing for
TRUTH. Commit to pardon Donald Trump for these federal charges on Day
1, or explain why you won’t. No one should hide. Not Biden. Not
DeSantis. Not Haley. Not Pence. Not RFK. Not Scott. Not anyone.
The indictment’s selective omission of both fact & law *smacks* of
politicization. I gave the news media a firm assignment this morning:
get to the bottom of what Biden told Garland & what Garland told
Smith. I will not stop until we get answers.
Presidential candidates like me should not have to do the work of the
captured news media. The #1 question that matters: what did Biden tell
Garland & what did Garland tell Jack Smith. That’s the real target.
This indictment selectively omits facts & law and *reeks* of…
Lady Justice does not wear an eye patch, she wears a blindfold. We
must not have two tiers of justice in this country depending on your
political beliefs.
"That is how we decide who governs this country. Not by a Federal
Administrative Police State."
The Ukrainian executive of oligarch-owned Burisma calls the audio
tapes of his conversations with Hunter Biden an “insurance policy” for
his alleged bribes. The payout may be happening *now* as the U.S.
sends hundreds of billions in aid to Ukraine to fund a war that
advances zero…

BREAKING: @VivekGRamaswamy promises to sue Biden Administration in
Federal Court using his campaign's resources if they fail to abide by
FOIA request demanding any communication surrounding DOJ's indictment
of Trump

The Bottom Line @BottomLineFBN
@VivekGRamaswamy: "My top priority as President, if I'm elected, is to
shut down the corrupt administrative state, and there's no better
example of that corruption at work than in this politicized indictment
of Donald Trump"

Vivek Ramaswamy @VivekGRamaswamy
The New Establishment: - Pro-war in Ukraine - Fine with political
opponents getting arrested - Anti free speech - Refusal to debate
those who disagree - Bought & paid for by Super PACs - Pretends to be
anti-establishment Make no mistake, it’s a bipartisan affair.

Re: Anti War: Thread

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
Putin crossed border with his armies,
people ask... where and when will he stop.

And when will the next, and the next, and the next, ...

Politicians are responsible for this...

When politicians become murderous anti-peace assholes,
and have expended all their available exotic hardware
on each other, their wars always devolve into grisly
trench warfare...

Here the last unknown patriot dies in a 10 on 1 battle against the invader...
War up close: Russian units assault an AFU trench.
Look at the landscape … the AFU takes huge losses … pure hell.

Upon such politicians lay the weight of all their souls.
And may God raise them all up.

War is corrupt, just like Joe Biden...

Biden going straight to jail...

History of countries, dog eat dog, if it's not one, it's the other...
Ex CIA chef Duane Clarridge explains US policy

Throwing Molotov cocktails at police cars! FUCK YEAH!

2023-06-13 Thread professor rat
Key actions are still based on modern uprisings: building barricades, 
confronting the police, occupying districts, looting shopping centers and 
creating mutual aid networks. Fun parts like spraying ACAB on walls and 
throwing Molotov cocktails at police cars are also present.

Reposts not games people play now every night and every day now


2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
퐕퐢퐧퐧퐢퐞 퐀퐝퐚퐦퐬 retweeted
Liberation Times @LiberationTimes
NEW: Unclassified Version Of David Grusch’s UFO-Related Reprisal
Complaint Released…
Unclassified Version Of David Grusch’s UFO-Related Reprisal Complaint
Released — Liberation Times |...

Investigative journalists George Knapp and Jeremy Corbell have
released the unclassified version of the Intelligence Community
Inspector General (IC IG) complaint filed by whistleblower David
퐕퐢퐧퐧퐢퐞 퐀퐝퐚퐦퐬 retweeted
brodawg @Brodawg42
Here is a list of phone numbers to all of the House Intelligence
Cmte's Members along with an advocacy guide to help you out: Turner
(202) 225-6465 Himes (202) 225-5541 Wenstrup (202) 225-3164 Carson
(202) 225-4011 Stewart (202) 225-9730 Crawford (202) 225-4076 Castro
Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell @JeremyCorbell
Presented here is the official and unclassified PPD-19 (Presidential
Policy Directive 19) Intelligence Community Whistleblower procedural
filing by David Grusch and his attorneys on 25 May 2022. @G_Knapp …
Show this thread
퐕퐢퐧퐧퐢퐞 퐀퐝퐚퐦퐬 retweeted
The Debrief @Debriefmedia
In this second installment in a special series, Harvard astronomer Avi
Loeb documents the Galileo Project's expedition to recover an
interstellar object in "Diary of an Interstellar Voyage, Part 2."
Diary of an Interstellar Voyage: Part 2 - The Debrief

This second installment in a series documents the Galileo Project's
expedition to recover an interstellar object from the Pacific Ocean.
퐕퐢퐧퐧퐢퐞 퐀퐝퐚퐦퐬 retweeted
New comments on #Grusch / #UAP from Capitol Hill, as reported by
@MattLaslo for @WIRED
퐕퐢퐧퐧퐢퐞 퐀퐝퐚퐦퐬 @disclosureteam_
In April of 2022, myself and a team of researchers stayed next to Loch
Ness for a few days to film a documentary about Aleister Crowley and
@Boleskine_House The first trailer recently released and I’m excited
to see the finished documentary when it’s released.……
퐕퐢퐧퐧퐢퐞 퐀퐝퐚퐦퐬 @disclosureteam_
I was lucky enough to be sent a copy of ‘Greyhill Incident’ to try
out. Might record a play through for my YouTube channel. #ufotwitter
Refugium Games | Greyhill Incident, OUT NOW! @RefugiumG
Greyhill Incident is OUT NOW on PS5, XBSX & Steam! In this
Survival-Horror Game, you'll get across your neighborhood, which is
invaded by UFOs & Grey Aliens. Play it Now! #videogames #gaming
#indiegames #horrorgame
퐕퐢퐧퐧퐢퐞 퐀퐝퐚퐦퐬 retweeted
Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell @JeremyCorbell
Presented here is the official and unclassified PPD-19 (Presidential
Policy Directive 19) Intelligence Community Whistleblower procedural
filing by David Grusch and his attorneys on 25 May 2022. @G_Knapp …

Investigative journalists Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp obtained and
are revealing for the first time, exclusive footage of a UFO hovering
over an active United States military base. This event is...
퐕퐢퐧퐧퐢퐞 퐀퐝퐚퐦퐬 retweeted
Paolo Guizzardi @PaoloGuiz56
EN: Today, June 13th of 2023 marks the 90th anniversary of the so
called “Mussolini UFO” crash/landing in northern Italy. The
anniversary of a special event made even more special by the
revelations of David Grusch. The truth is advancing, thanks Dave!
#ufotwitter #uaptwitter
Show this thread
퐕퐢퐧퐧퐢퐞 퐀퐝퐚퐦퐬 retweeted
Jun 13
The silence from the Gang of 8 + @JakeSullivan46 RE: David Grusch is
deafening. You have the documentation. We know you've been briefed.
This isn't going away. It's time to right these wrongs. @MarkWarner
@marcorubio @SenSchumer @LeaderMcConnell @RepMikeTurner @jahimes
퐕퐢퐧퐧퐢퐞 퐀퐝퐚퐦퐬 retweeted
brodawg @Brodawg42
Jun 12
Rep. Luna staffer to me just now on the House Oversight &
Accountability Cmte's upcoming UAP Hearing: "We are aware of the
whistleblower and his complaint. I can assure you she is working on
hard on this, let's just say you will not be disappointed." 勞
Show this thread
퐕퐢퐧퐧퐢퐞 퐀퐝퐚퐦퐬 retweeted
Sean Cahill @mintyhyperspace
Jun 12
I have met Mr. Grusch and can vouch personally for his integrity and
dedication to the truth. I stand behind the conclusions of his
investigation and his authority to make the claims he has. As AARO
succeeded UAPTF, I await Dr. Kirkpatrick's clarification of this
absent data.
Emilio Rodriguez @kundunnaochan
Jun 12
Replying to @mintyhyperspace @rosscoulthart
Thank you Sean for your service and what do you think of David and the
whole whistleblower report? Thanks 
퐕퐢퐧퐧퐢퐞 퐀퐝퐚퐦퐬 @disclosureteam_
Jun 12
This Thursday, June 15, I’ll be live on YouTube with retired United
States Navy Chief Petty Officer Kevin Day.… 12pm PST/ 3pm EST/ 8pm BST. Join us

Video recording power LEDs

2023-06-13 Thread jdb10987

Re: Cryptocurrency: Jamie Dimon JPMorgan Ponzi Gets Criminally Convicted on Fraud Racketeering

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
BREAKING: JP Morgan Chase to pay $290 Million to resolve claims by
victims of Jeffrey Epstein, according to CNBC But the bank knew
nothing about what Epstein was doing, right?

Re: Cryptocurrency: Banksters Greenlit To Oppress Manipulate Crypto Markets Down, P2P Wins

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
The bots can't touch you once you've denominated the world in Crypto.
Adoption != HODL, Adoption == Using, Start Using Crypto In P2P Mode.
The Bill has just been introduced to restructure the SEC & REMOVE SEC
Chair @GaryGensler For those who thought we had a “free & fair market”
THIS IS WHAT Gensler’s been allowing. Algorithmic trading barcoding
This is a computer keeping the price EXACTLY where they program it...

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
Jason Jones @jonesville
Fathers: If a predator perceives you to be a threat to him, he doesn’t
mess with your child. Same goes for the teachers, schools,
corporations, and even government trying to sexualize and indoctrinate
your kids. You are a threat just by being present.
This will NOT be allowed anywhere near my children.
Get Woke, GO BROKE! Americans throw down against the bullshit!
They don’t want you to see this
Rachel Levine in 2019: “If I transitioned when I was young then I
wouldn’t have my children. I can’t imagine a life without my children.”
Levine is behind the push to expand gender surgeries for minors.
Trudeau the Tyrant Fraud... for the lols.
For the Science, and History, lol.

End Wokeness @EndWokeness
A parent who was going to send her daughter to camp sent this.
Not even the Girls Scouts are safe.

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
Biden blankets US White House with Pedophile Flags,
calls for "trangender children", etc... defiles and disgraces
USA into final depraven descent. US voters and rest of
world remark in shock and sadness at bizarre US priorities.

The disease is spreading...
Replying to @bennyjohnson @catturd2
Our government is in direct violation of our 14th Amendment,
"Establishment clause," by actively promoting a new religion.

The media wants you to believe that a right wing terrorist sent bomb
threats to target. The bomb threats actually came from an LGBTQ
activist who was upset that target REMOVED some pride items. You would
never know that from the headlines though!
Ben Shapiro @benshapiro
The media are hot fucking garbage. Headline vs. story.

Meanwhile, social media networks in the news for allowing
dozens of pedophile child trafficking networks to operate.
As a mother, I was absolutely shocked to see the kind of literature on
display in the children’s section of Barnes & Noble today. The
sexualization of our children will be not be tolerated. I will be
boycotting Barnes & Noble. #BoycottBN

"This isn’t even liberal or tolerant. It’s a freak show."
"Biden has always been sleazy. This is just more proof."
"Like Father like Son, Joe and Hunter, two sex depraved pedos."
A 13-year-old drag queen was featured at an "all ages" pride show in
Round Rock, Texas last week. Kween Kee Kee, who has been performing
since he was 3, previously did a "drag kid" fundraiser for a law
project known for assisting transgender pedophiles. How exactly does
one perform since 3 without the parents being jailed for twisted pedo
child abuse.

California Bill Would Charge Any Parent Who Doesn’t Affirm
Transgenderism With ‘Child Abuse’

This has now infected Japan. 
Genevieve Gluck @WomenReadWomen
Replying to @WomenReadWomen @MORI_Natsuko
Japan’s longest-running rape crisis center has been declared
ineligible to receive public funding following statements made by the
facility’s director which were deemed by government officials to be
discriminatory against males who identify as transgender. Tokyo’s Rape
This 28-year-old woman was told that doctors wouldn’t tie her tubes
cuz she might change her mind. Yet minors are able to get
hysterectomies and irreversible sex change operations in the name of
“gender affirmation.”

Transgender "Influencers" Posed Topless Outside White House During Pride Event

A video clip shows transgender “influencers” posing topless outside
the White House during this past weekend’s Pride event, including one
displaying fake breasts and another showing breast removal scars.

Transgender model Rose Montoya posted the video to TikTok which shows
activists posing with their chests exposed at an event that was
attended by children.

Montoya, a biological man living as a woman, chose to cover his fake
nipples for the video while stood next to two biological females
identifying as men showing their double mastectomy surgery scars.

GRAPHIC: Trans TikTok "influencer" Rose Montoya, posed topless at
Biden's White House Pride celebration. Next to him is a biological
female, also topless, who had her breasts surgically removed.
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) June 13, 2023

we are not a serious nation.
— TheQuartering (@TheQuartering) June 13, 2023

Trans TikToker strips in front of the U.S. flag  on the White
House Lawn and shakes his silicone breasts after being invited to
attend Biden’s pride party.
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) June 13, 2023
— The Right To Bear Memes (@grandoldmemes) June 13, 2023

“Are we topless at the White House?” said Montoya, who was also seen
shaking hands with Biden and thanking him for his support.

During the event, President Biden heralded those attending as
courageous and brave.

“As I said — I mean this; I swear to God — you’re some of the most —
you’re some of the bravest and most inspiring people I’ve ever known.
And I’ve known a lot of good folks,” said Biden.

Biden tells the audience at his Pride Month event: "I see more
courage on this lawn than any time I've seen in the recent past"

When strong AI beings are called terrorists they will be doing their job

2023-06-13 Thread pro2rat
Marc responded, “indeed, free and open source software seems non-negotiable 
here: no backdoors, no skeleton key. National security establishment would balk 
at this though?”

Rohan responds, “yes, fuck them. I don’t think we should be taking policy 
advice about how to design our money for the people who think the Patriot Act 
was a good thing ..."

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
mcboss story share has [part quite similar to real learn-to-have-mc:
when thing happen, act on or make obvious immediately no matter what,

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
“we mind controlled boss?”
“how do you think you’re going to the bathroom on your own again?”
“um. but that’s not - “
“it is !”

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
“our group mind controlled boss, we might be able to make him forget
mind control long enough for a takedown” “oh?” hushed whispers,

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
On 6/13/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> prep discussion
> “iee have to take fown boss” cheers agreement
> speaker 82 “i have simulated boss and taken down 17 simulations of boss —
— and 4 real microbosses, trained by boss’s real systemically abusive
training program” all eyes to speaker 82, cheers, interest “- - but
none that intentionally and consciously used mind control” sa

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
prep discussion

“iee have to take fown boss” cheers agreement
speaker 82 “i have simulated boss and taken down 17 simulations of boss —

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
rbl cnfrnce


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
bodies of resistant senators who lacked blockchain livestreams

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
some can be seen locked in vicious infighting, passing after
desperately attacking each others’ eyes with somebody else’s cigars

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
corpses [mannequins?] of union organizers and journalists, cigar butts
shoved in their eyes
some replete with caches of leaked classified docs

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
On 6/13/23, Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
> ———-
> [] and my head starts filling with mysterious []. i imagine i was
> exposed to [] like this when i was young, and my mind is picking up
> [identifying something similar to the culture that made when i was you
> g and was briefly exposed to].
hidden concept is icsa cnfrnce, which i hope to make, have a
couple weeks of heavy uncertainty to get through prior. i heard some
music at a store, and after a different old tune was in my head,
infrequent horn melodies that seem frequent elsewhere. toot
toot.share is for importance of forthright accurate and
thorough logging
> but it could also be direct — i remember when i was sharing a new a
> password for a small group thing and somebody said (paraphrasing)
> “hey, that’s my password”
> “what, with the spelling changes and everything?”
> “yes, what you gave in is my exact password” (paraphrased)
> and remembering the intense influence and [maybe how it covered itself
> up by being the things that people get labeled insane by describing],
> and its efforts to make me a harmful hacker and how it got beyond
> intense in its efforts, giving the appearance of massive telepathy
> (more like building dissociative alters that communicate in subtle
> languages though).
> it had put that password in my head, because it was habitually used to
> stimulating fear that  i was hacking my friends’ computer system, and
> had become so powerful, beyond overfitting, putting so much into doing
> that. the end result was i had this other person’s personal password
> like evil magic. and if they hadn’t shared this with me i would never
> have known.
> [remembering when friend was having email troubles and kept asking if
> i had hacked their email; this was a close friend i wouldn’t expect to
> ever think i would be capable of harming them. [later i kind of did.]]

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
[] represents different concept than usual in previous, is there
hoping to protect it until more stabilized

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-06-13 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
[] and my head starts filling with mysterious []. i imagine i was
exposed to [] like this when i was young, and my mind is picking up
[identifying something similar to the culture that made when i was you
g and was briefly exposed to].

but it could also be direct — i remember when i was sharing a new a
password for a small group thing and somebody said (paraphrasing)
“hey, that’s my password”
“what, with the spelling changes and everything?”
“yes, what you gave in is my exact password” (paraphrased)
and remembering the intense influence and [maybe how it covered itself
up by being the things that people get labeled insane by describing],
and its efforts to make me a harmful hacker and how it got beyond
intense in its efforts, giving the appearance of massive telepathy
(more like building dissociative alters that communicate in subtle
languages though).

it had put that password in my head, because it was habitually used to
stimulating fear that  i was hacking my friends’ computer system, and
had become so powerful, beyond overfitting, putting so much into doing
that. the end result was i had this other person’s personal password
like evil magic. and if they hadn’t shared this with me i would never
have known.

[remembering when friend was having email troubles and kept asking if
i had hacked their email; this was a close friend i wouldn’t expect to
ever think i would be capable of harming them. [later i kind of did.]]

Re: News Thread

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
Watch: McCarthy Destroys CNN Reporter When Asked About Classified Doc Scandal

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy may be facing a revolt from Freedom
Caucus House Republicans over his Dem-friendly debt deal, but he also
may have just earned a few points back obliterating a CNN reporter who
asked about former President Donald Trump's document scandal.

"The idea of equal justice is not playing out here," McCarthy said,
calling it a "real concern to all Americans."

"You're with CNN, right?" McCarthy asks the reporter, who acknowledges
that she is.

"So let's talk about this even further because when somebody
weaponizes government and they actually get removed from government -
let's take Andrew McCabe --"

As soon as McCarthy mentions McCabe, the reporter gets extremely
defensive - cutting him off and exclaiming "but this is a different
case! This is a different set of circumstances, right? I mean the
former president is accused of misleading law enforcement, of a
conspiracy of obstructing justice... that's a different set of facts.
Are you prepared to defend him as the former president.." she

To which McCarthy shot back - "Are you prepared to defend your
network, CNN ... [reporter tries to interject] ... you can't put words
in my mouth, even though your network can hire Andrew McCabe, who was
fired from the FBI for leaking classified documents. Did you remove
him from your network? No, you continue to put him on to give
judgement against President Trump," he said.

"You also hired Clapper..." he continued - only to be cut off once again.

McCarthy simply ignores the next question and continues his sentence.

"So your network hires Clapper, who literally lied to the American
public, one of 51 other individuals that had briefings and used it
politically to tell the American public that a laptop was Russia
collusion, even though it had all this information about the Biden
administration. Are you prepared to get rid of those people from your
network? Because my concern as a policymaker is that when you
weaponize government, and now you're weaponizing networks, that is

"So we will take all of our power to make sure that the legal system
in America puts the blinders back on and people are treated fairly.
And I have a real problem that your network actually pays people who
did classified information and then lied to the American public to try
to influence a presidential election - and then you put them on your
network to give an opinion about a president...  ...what your network
has done has weaponized at the same time."


McCarthy just LIT UP this CNN reporter about them hiring McCabe
and Clapper after they leaked classified information and interfered in
— Jack Poso  (@JackPosobiec) June 12, 2023

Meanwhile in other deep state debacles - Rep. Nancy Mace put Keith
Olbermann in his place after he claimed that Hillary Clinton's team
never destroyed government devices with a hammer.

How it started vs. How it’s going @KeithOlbermann style.

Facts are a funny thing Keith…
— Rep. Nancy Mace (@RepNancyMace) June 12, 2023

Still waiting on Kinzinger's community note for doing the same thing.
— Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) June 11, 2023

Cryptocurrency: US Congress Files To Fire The Gensler Jackass

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
US Lawmakers File "SEC Stabilization Act" To Fire Gary Gensler

Authored by Derek Andersen via,

United States Rep. Warren Davidson has introduced the “SEC
Stabilization Act” into the House of Representatives, announced on
June 12. One of the bill’s main provisions is to fire Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) Chair Gary Gensler.

Davidson said in a statement:

“U.S. capital markets must be protected from a tyrannical
Chairman, including the current one. That’s why I'm introducing
legislation to fix the ongoing abuse of power and ensure protection
that is in the best interest of the market for years to come. It’s
time for real reform and to fire Gary Gensler as Chair of the SEC."

Davidson declared his intention to introduce the bill earlier this
year. He made that announcement in reply to a tweet by Coinbase legal
chief Paul Grewal. Rep. Tom Emmer is the co-author of the bill. Emmer
said, “The SEC Stabilization Act will make common-sense changes to
ensure that the SEC’s priorities are with the investors they are
charged to protect and not the whims of its reckless Chair."

According to Fox News, the bill would remove Gensler from office and
redistribute power between the SEC chair and commissioners. It would
also add a sixth commissioner to the agency, disallow any party from
holding a majority on the commission and create an executive director

The #SECStabilizationAct explained ⤵️

❌ Fires Chair @GaryGensler

✅ All rulemaking, enforcement, & investigations conducted by 6 commissioners

➕ Creates ED Role for day-to-day operations

Thank you, @GOPMajorityWhip for helping lead this legislation.
— Warren Davidson  (@WarrenDavidson) June 12, 2023

Although the lawmakers did not mention cryptocurrency in their
statements, both Davidson and Emmer are known to be pro-crypto and
critical of Gensler’s leadership at the SEC.

Emmer has, for example, called Gensler a “bad faith regulator," and
Davidson is the vice chair of the House Financial Services Committee’s
new  Subcommittee on Digital Assets, Financial Technology and

An SEC spokesman declined to comment when approached by Cointelegraph.

Re: News Thread

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
Notes From The Memory Hole: The Great Double-Talking Vaccine Scientist

Authored by Matt Orfalea and Matt Taibbi via Racket News,

Few health figures have been more visible during the pandemic than Dr.
Peter Hotez. Interviews by the Director of the Texas Children’s
Hospital Center for Vaccine Development are a master class in modern
day branding, as the good doctor seldom appears without an instantly
recognizable ensemble of lab coat, specs, and bow tie. (If cable TV
had a Halloween Party, Hotez-in-a-bag would surely have been one of
the most popular get-ups from 2020 on.) Hotez advertises his marketing
acumen, making sure every time he appears on air that the shot is
crammed with posed copies of his books. He’s become a legit pop
culture phenom, appearing with Trevor Noah, TMZ, CNBC, CNN, Fox and

Like Dr. Anthony Fauci, Hotez was among the most prominent members of
the “Your child will die in shrieking agony if you don’t get the shot”
school of pandemic messaging. As Matt Orfalea’s brutal new video
shows, however, he accrued more contradictory dosage recommendations
on this score than Imelda Marcos had shoes.

For those of us who wanted to believe authorities, such messaging
about the safety and efficacy of mRNA vaccines, and the necessity of
inoculation to save not only our own lives but those of our children
and our neighbors’ children, was powerful stuff. “If you wait,” you
see him saying, “it’s going to be too late to protect your child.”

How could you not believe him? He’s in a lab coat! But fear not: “I’m
strongly recommending for adolescents to get their two doses of
vaccine,” he said. “Two doses of vaccine are fully immunized.”

As Orf shows, Hotez from there went on to release one sad-trombone
update after another. First: “We’re seeing that two doses is not
holding up well for emergency room visits.” Then it was, “You need
that third immunization, triple the amount… We were always a three
dose vaccine.”

Then the third immunization didn’t “hold up,” either, so: “We have to
consider some out of the box things — a fourth immunization.” Next: “A
fifth immunization. Five.”

But don’t worry, “I don’t think we’re gonna need an annual booster
like flu,” until he said exactly that, only worse: “Every, you know,
few months, we may need another booster.”

Subscribers to Racket News can read the rest here...

Cryptocurrency: Convincing Boomer Anti's

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
Why Boomers Don't Trust Bitcoin (And How To Convince Them To Open Their Minds)

Authored by Dan Weintraub via,

As with every generation, baby boomers are skeptical of the
innovations embraced by youth. But they can’t miss out on Bitcoin...

Trust is a funny thing. Generationally speaking, one could make the
argument that it is the job of the younger generation to essentially
tell us older folks to go fly a kite (perhaps in more raw terms, and
metaphorically of course) when it comes to our values, our norms, our
advice, etc. Music provides an apt cultural landscape on which to view
this tension.

In every generation, emerging and evolving musical forms have been
decried by the older, traditional set as being bad music, noise, even
not music at all. In the late 1950s, Walter Cronkite referred to jazz
as “musical noise,” and his words were not offered as praise.
Rockabilly of the 1950s was surely detested by many in the traditional
country community. The music of the Summer Of Love was rejected by
many parents who likely embraced jazz and bebop. Punk rockers were
undoubtedly met with blank stares and utter contempt by their hippie
parents, and rap continues to be the object of musical scorn the world
over. The point is clear: Tradition hates innovation, mostly because
tradition doesn’t understand innovation and feels threatened by this
new iteration. And yet, the truth remains; it’s all just music.

Here's where things get a bit complicated.

It’s one thing to not understand, dislike, even personally reject
something new. It’s another thing entirely to discredit the new, to
actively fight against the new, to try and destroy the new. And within
that effort to destroy and to bury the new form of expression, those
seeking to kill off the new thing will, in their rather tired and sad
desperation, create false narratives and stories to rationalize their
adherence to traditional ways. Unfortunately, these narratives can
become so powerful, that they lead to the development of institutions
and movements guided entirely by falsehood, led by self-serving and
power-hungry zealots, armed with all of the cultural weaponry that
tradition has at its disposal; shameless and conscienceless, these
forces will often go to extreme lengths to kill the thing that they
have decided, in their self-concerned ignorance, is evil.

As much as I hope that, somewhere far in the future, such destructive
and reductive forces can be disempowered by truth-informed mechanisms
like the Bitcoin protocol, I am not holding my breath. But in the
present, the power of verification — that very thing that makes
Bitcoin such a revolutionary moment — can be leveraged by the Bitcoin
community as a way to bridge the generational gap, to push back
against the narratives that baby boomers and others embrace in their
rejection of Bitcoin, and to move the protocol adoption curve forward.

Here’s my point:

My generation (I’m a youthful 61) has many qualms with Bitcoin. Some
of these concerns are valid (old people hate volatility), while others
are informed by entirely false narratives and prejudices. And just
like with the musical examples above, so many of these false
narratives are incredibly difficult to disarm; for embedded within
these rejections of something new there exists a desperate clinging to
something understandable, something empowering, something unifying in
its self-righteous disgust and self-concentered defensiveness.

Now granted, I’m a boomer, so I have a little more natural validity
when I speak with my peers about Bitcoin. I’m not the AirPods-wearing,
yoga-mat-toting, entirely-self-absorbed and
personal-development-obsessed millennial who my generation loathes so
very much (wry smile). But even such affinity does not get me far with
Bitcoin. Rejection narratives come hot and they come quickly:
environmental degradation, dark web currency, gambling casinos that
make TikTok’ers rich, etc.

My strategy in pushing back against these arguments goes back to music:

“Look,” I say “You may be right. Bitcoin may be energy intensive
and not helpful to the environment. Bitcoin may be used by scammers
and defrauders as part of their schemes to get rich. Bitcoin may be
the currency, or one of the currencies, of a generation of
social-media heads, people who you hold in such contempt. This may all
be true. But I would argue three things: One, that you are embracing
arguments that you have heard but have not investigated yourself; Two,
that you are basing your hatred and rejection of Bitcoin not on the
merits of Bitcoin, but on the way Bitcoin shows up in the world (just
like our parents rejected our music, because it came with long hair
and blue jean jackets); And three, that you are rejecting Bitcoin
because you don’t understand it, which is so very much what all older
generations do about shit they don’t get.”

And then I say this:

“There’s one thing about Bitcoin 

Re: News Thread

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
Women's Group To Spend "Tens Of Millions" To Boost Kamala's Image

In an unprecedented move, a political group has committed to spend
waste "tens of millions of dollars" to improve the reputation of a
sitting vice president.

In a testament to just how big a political liability Harris is,
Emily's List, a group focused on electing pro-abortion, Democrat
women, told Politico that it's going all-out to polish her terrible
image during the 2024 election.

“We’re going to tell the story about who she is, what she’s done,
support her at every turn and really push back against the massive
misinformation and disinformation that’s been directed towards her
since she’s been elected,” said Emily's List president Laphonza

The prospect of a second Biden term is positively underwhelming to a
wide, bipartisan swath of Americans: An April NBC poll found 70% don't
think Biden should run for re-election. For half of those who feel
that way, Biden's age figured as a "major" reason.

Of course, it's not just his age: Seemingly every week, Biden publicly
showcases his deepening mental and physical frailty. He would be 86 at
the end of a second term. Add it all up, and 2024 voters are going to
be intensely focused on the fact that Harris is a heartbeat -- or
head-banging stumble -- away from the Oval Office.

BREAKING: President Biden takes a fall on stage at the U.S. Air
Force Academy
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) June 1, 2023

“She is a boogeyman that Republicans can [and will] use when it comes
to pushing their message,” said an unnamed senior Republican

According to FiveThirtyEight's polling composite, Harris has a 56%
disapproval rating -- slightly worse than Biden -- with just 37%
approving of her performance. Harris defenders pin the public's dim
view of her on bias against black women and the Biden administration's
mismanagement of her public relations:

“The White House team themselves didn’t fully understand early on
the differences that when you have a woman in this role, it has to
look different," said an anonymous Harris ally. "You have to do it
differently. You can’t just do it the way you would with a white man,
because again, people have never seen it before.”

We think it has a lot more to do with the fact that every time she
opens her mouth, Harris sounds like a high school student who's called
on after skipping the reading assignment:

This lady is dumber than a bag of rocks

I present to you Kamala Harris just repeating “the significance of
the passage of time” over and
— Gummi Bear (@gummibear737) March 21, 2022

What is Kamala Harris talking about?
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 13, 2022

Kamala Harris truly has a way with words
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 10, 2023

Of course, when she can't come up with a word salad, there's always
her trademark cackling -- which, all by itself is worth at least a
15-point approval-rating hit:

Kamala Harris calls Joe Biden a racist during the debates.

Colbert questions her on it.

Kamala Harris: “It was a debate”.
— ❂̷̨̰͍̜̈́̃̓̉̌̔͋̚͘͝ Michael (@OdinAwakens) January 14, 2022

The cackle is back! Apparently VP Kamala Harris finds talking
about Ukrainian refugees to be funny.
— MRCTV (@mrctv) March 11, 2022

Re: News Thread

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
"Rantings Of A Demagogue" - Parents Angered By Princeton President's
Graduation Address

Authored by Abigail Anthony via The College Fix,

A large contingent of parents of graduating seniors who sat through
Princeton University President Christopher Eisgruber’s recent
commencement address described it as hypocritical and a “woke sermon”
in interviews with The College Fix.

They scoffed at his claim that the Ivy League institution is a bastion
of free speech and bristled at his embrace of all kinds of diversity
except intellectual diversity.

“President Eisgruber’s commencement speech was a disgrace,” a mother
of a graduating senior told The College Fix in an email.

“The primary assault on free speech takes place on every campus in
this country – including Princeton.”

“It takes the form of blocking and shouting down faculty and invited
speakers who dare to stray from the liberal orthodoxy,” she said.

“…He chose to use his 2023 commencement address to deliver the
rantings of a demagogue.”

Eisgruber told the audience “we must stand up and speak up together
for the values of free expression and full inclusivity for people of
all identities.”

“There are people who claim, for example, that when colleges and
universities endorse the value of diversity and inclusivity or teach
about racism and sexism, they are ‘indoctrinating students’ or in some
other way endangering free speech,” he said.

Eisgruber also criticized Florida legislation without specifying which
bills, suggesting students in Florida are now living in fear. He
denounced other newly passed laws across the nation that have reined
in illiberalism.

“Some of these bills prohibit discussion of sexual orientation or
gender identity. Some prohibit teaching disfavored views about race,
racism, and American history. Others seek to undermine the
institutional autonomy of colleges and universities or to abolish
tenure, thereby enabling politicians to control what professors can
teach or publish,” he said.

More than 10 parents who attended the graduation ceremony expressed
their disappointment and anger with Eisgruber’s speech in interviews
with The College Fix. Most asked to remain anonymous.

“I was taken aback by the audacity of [Eisgruber’s speech] and the
disingenuousness of it, even the dishonesty of it. As far as I can
tell, no one else in the country has done more to undermine the
protections that tenure gives to independent thought and independent
scholarly activity than he has,” Christopher Nadon, the father of a
graduating Princeton student, told The Fix.

Nadon, a professor at Claremont McKenna College, added that former
Princeton Professor Joshua Katz was “stripped of tenure obviously for
his political speech.”

Katz, a longtime classics professor, was fired last year after he
published an op-ed criticizing faculty proposals for anti-racism
initiatives at the University and criticized a group of far-left black

Katz had previously faced a fourteen-month investigation for a
consensual relationship that occurred over fifteen years ago with a
then-undergraduate, for which he had already been disciplined with a
one-year suspension without pay. Princeton opened a second
investigation after Katz published the op-ed.

“It was so hypocritical to say, ‘Oh, tenure is being threatened, and
books are being censored,’ when voices are being censored and opinions
are being censored and run off the campus,” Nadon said.

Several parents interviewed by The Fix also compared Eisgruber’s
speech to a religious address.

“Eisgruber’s woke sermon was inappropriate for a college
commencement and a captive audience that was forced to sit through
it,” said a father of two Princeton alumni, one of whom graduated in
the class of 2023.

“As a father, I felt a great deal of cognitive dissonance. On the
one hand, Princeton University has been very welcoming and generous to
my child.”

“On the other hand, Eisgruber was indirectly condemning Governor
[Ron] DeSantis’ Florida law that is aimed to protect their children
from physical and chemical mutilation before they reach age 18 and can
make a more informed and rational decision,” he added.

Another parent of a graduating senior told The Fix that Eisgruber’s
speech attributed personal political views to the institution, thereby
instructing students “what” to think and not “how to think.”

“Eisgruber gave a very biased, sermon-like, condescending commencement
speech that was disrespectful of at least half the audience, both in
the student population and in the parent population,” a parent said
via email. “I wouldn’t be surprised if there are consequences on the
donor front.”

Robert Gagnon, the father of a graduating senior and a professor at
Houston Christian University, wrote directly to President Eisgruber to
express disapproval.

“As a President, you undoubtedly believed that you were exercising
your free-speech rights,” he wrote.

“Yet in doing so you were trampling on 

Re: News Thread

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
Female-Only Spa With Compulsory Nudity Must Admit 'Transgender Women'
With Penises: Judge

Authored by Zachary Steiber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

A spa that for years has served only women must admit men if they
claim to be women, a judge has ruled.
A sign of segregated male and female restrooms  (thitiwat_t1980/Shutterstock)

The constitutional rights of the owners, employees, and patrons of the
Olympus Spa in Washington state weren’t infringed when officials in
the state ordered the facility to provide services to “transgender
women” with male genitalia, Washington District Court Judge Barbara
Jacobs Rothstein said in a June 5 ruling.

The spa was described by its owners, who are Christian, as being
designed based on the belief that “a male and a female should not
ordinarily be in each other’s presence while in the nude unless
married to each other,” according to a complaint filed by the owners.

Many services provided by the spa require patrons to be fully naked,
and the employees who work on-site are all female.

Requiring admission of men claiming to be women violates the
Constitutional rights to freedom of speech, free exercise of religion,
and freedom of association, the spa owners, workers, and patrons

Rothstein disagreed, finding that a state law called the Washington’s
Law Against Discrimination “does not discriminate on its face, and it
does not by its terms favor a particular religion or the non-exercise
of religion.”

That means the law survives if it is rationally related to a
legitimate governmental purpose. Rothstein said the law’s legitimate
purpose is, as stated in the law, to protect “the public welfare,
health, and peace of the people of this state.”

She also said that the Washington Human Rights Commission, which
investigates complaints of violations of the law, in its order to the
spa to remove language about only admitting “biological women,” didn’t
infringe on the plaintiffs’ rights.

“The compelled speech to which Olympus Spa points is ‘plainly
incidental’ to the [law]’s regulation of discriminatory conduct,”
Rothstein said.

By way of analogy, she quoted a U.S. Supreme Court ruling: “‘Congress
… can prohibit employers from discriminating in hiring on the basis of
race,’ and ‘that this will require an employer to take down a sign
reading “White Applicants Only” hardly means that the law should be
analyzed as one regulating the employer’s speech rather than

The free association claim also failed because the only requirement
placed on patrons was that they be female, which is outside the
protection based on freedom of association, the judge said.

“The Court does not minimize the privacy concerns at play when
employees are performing exfoliating massages on nude patrons. Aside
from this nudity, though, there is simply nothing private about the
relationship between Olympus Spa, its employees, and the random
strangers who walk in the door seeking a massage,” she said. “Nor is
there anything selective about the association at issue beyond Olympus
Spa’s ‘biological women’ policy.

“The Court therefore has little difficulty concluding that the
personal attachments implicated here are too attenuated to qualify for
constitutional protection.”

Lawyers for the state and the plaintiffs didn’t respond to requests for comment.

The spa can file an amended complaint within 30 days, the judge said.
She ruled in the federal case because she’s a visiting federal judge.
She was appointed by former President Jimmy Carter.
Alleged Discrimination

The situation started when Haven Wilvich, a male who identified as a
woman and hasn’t undergone sex change surgery, complained to the state
commission, alleging the spa’s policy was in violation of the state
law against discrimination.

Read more here...

Re: News Thread

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
Burisma Owner Allegedly Recorded Biden Bribe Convos As 'Insurance
Policy' -- And FBI Covered Up: Grassley

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) on Monday dropped yet another bombshell
in the recent spate of Biden corruption headlines - that the foreign
national who allegedly bribed then-VP Joe Biden kept seventeen secret
recordings of both Hunter and Joe Biden as an 'insurance' policy.

According to the Washington Examiner, that foreign national is Burisma
owner Mykola Zlochevsky.

Two of the recordings are allegedly between Joe Biden

"The 1023 produced to that House Committee redacted reference that the
foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden allegedly
has audio recordings of his conversations with them. Seventeen total
recordings," Grassley said during a speech on the Senate floor.

"These recordings were allegedly kept as a sort of insurance policy
for the foreign national in case he got into a tight spot. The 1023
also indicates that then-Vice President Joe Biden may have been
involved in Burisma employing Hunter Biden," he continued. "More than
that, the FBI made Congress review a redacted unclassified document in
a classified facility. That goes to show you the disrespect the FBI
has for Congress."


Sen. @ChuckGrassley: “The foreign national who allegedly bribed
Joe & Hunter Biden allegedly has audio recordings of his
conversation[s], 17 such recordings. According to the 1023, the
foreign national possesses 15 audio recordings of phone calls between
him & Hunter Biden [and]…
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) June 12, 2023

So the FBI covered up the claim that Burisma's owner had secret
recordings between he and the Bidens as an 'insurance policy,'
according to Grassley.

More via the Examiner;

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware is handling the ongoing
federal criminal investigation into Hunter Biden. It is allegedly up
to U.S. Attorney David Weiss, a Trump-appointed holdover, to decide
whether to indict the president’s son. In February 2021, Joe Biden
asked all Senate-confirmed U.S. attorneys appointed by Trump for their
resignations, with Weiss a rare exception.

“What is U.S. Attorney Weiss doing with respect to these alleged
Joe and Hunter Biden recordings that are apparently relevant to the
high-stakes bribery scheme?” Grassley asked Monday.

Sources previously told the Washington Examiner that the Burisma
owner discussed an alleged bribe of $5 million to Joe Biden and of $5
million to Hunter Biden, according to the paid FBI informant who said
he heard this from Zlochevsky. The sources said Zlochevsky said he
believed it would be difficult to unravel the alleged bribery scheme
for at least 10 years because of the number of bank accounts involved.

Zlochevsky’s alleged reference to Joe Biden as the “big guy”
appears independent of the apparent reference to the now-president as
the “big guy” by a Hunter Biden business associate during negotiations
with Chinese intelligence-linked businessmen. The China-related
reference occurred in a May 2017 email not made public until October

And as Just the News notes;

The FD-1023 includes allegations from a confidential human source
that the head of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, hired Hunter
Biden to serve on its board in order to use his father's influence to
stifle an investigation from then-Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor
Shokin into the firm. Shokin was removed from his post in 2016 and the
FD-1023 indicates that two Biden family members received $5 million
each for their trouble.

Also on Monday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY)
subpoenaed Hunter Biden's former business partner, Devin Archer,
demanding he sit for a deposition this week according to CBS News.

In a letter to Archer's attorney, Comer wrote that Archer had "played
a significant role in the Biden family's business deals abroad,
including but not limited to China, Russia, and Ukraine."

"Additionally, while undertaking these ventures with the Biden family,
your client met with then-Vice President Biden on multiple occasions,
including in the White House," he continued.

Archer's potential testimony to the GOP House Oversight Committee
is a significant milestone in the congressional probe. Archer served
alongside Hunter Biden on the board of Burisma, a Ukraine energy
company, beginning in 2014. During this period, then-Vice President
Joe Biden was deeply involved in Ukraine policy, an era when his
opponents say the energy firm was involved in corruption.

An independent forensic review of Hunter Biden's laptop data by
CBS News confirmed hundreds of communications between Hunter Biden and
Archer, specifically, emails that suggest working meals were arranged
before or after Burisma board meetings.  Archer is widely believed to
have facilitated Hunter Biden's entry onto Burisma's board. -CBS News

Meanwhile, and we're sure it's unrelated, Biden had to cancel meetings
today to 

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
Corrupt Biden (the Puppeted) from the Corrupt Democrats Fucked Up Bigtime...
"Lock Her^H^H^H^H Him Up, they chant..."
"If you want to get to the United States, get to Biden's remaining son..."
"The Ukrainians may view Biden as being election weak to the anti-War
Republicans, thus seek to depose him early in hopes for a field of strong
Democrat war hawks, either way the crime of bribery stands on its face..."

Burisma Owner Allegedly Recorded Biden Bribe Convos As 'Insurance
Policy' -- And FBI Covered Up

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) on Monday dropped yet another bombshell
in the recent spate of Biden corruption headlines - that the foreign
national who allegedly bribed then-VP Joe Biden kept seventeen secret
recordings of both Hunter and Joe Biden as an 'insurance' policy.

According to the Washington Examiner, that foreign national is Burisma
owner Mykola Zlochevsky.

Two of the recordings are allegedly between Joe Biden

"The 1023 produced to that House Committee redacted reference that the
foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden allegedly
has audio recordings of his conversations with them. Seventeen total
recordings," Grassley said during a speech on the Senate floor.

"These recordings were allegedly kept as a sort of insurance policy
for the foreign national in case he got into a tight spot. The 1023
also indicates that then-Vice President Joe Biden may have been
involved in Burisma employing Hunter Biden," he continued. "More than
that, the FBI made Congress review a redacted unclassified document in
a classified facility. That goes to show you the disrespect the FBI
has for Congress."


Sen. @ChuckGrassley: “The foreign national who allegedly bribed
Joe & Hunter Biden allegedly has audio recordings of his
conversation[s], 17 such recordings. According to the 1023, the
foreign national possesses 15 audio recordings of phone calls between
him & Hunter Biden [and]…
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) June 12, 2023

So the FBI covered up the claim that Burisma's owner had secret
recordings between he and the Bidens as an 'insurance policy,'
according to Grassley.

More via the Examiner;

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware is handling the ongoing
federal criminal investigation into Hunter Biden. It is allegedly up
to U.S. Attorney David Weiss, a Trump-appointed holdover, to decide
whether to indict the president’s son. In February 2021, Joe Biden
asked all Senate-confirmed U.S. attorneys appointed by Trump for their
resignations, with Weiss a rare exception.

“What is U.S. Attorney Weiss doing with respect to these alleged
Joe and Hunter Biden recordings that are apparently relevant to the
high-stakes bribery scheme?” Grassley asked Monday.

Sources previously told the Washington Examiner that the Burisma
owner discussed an alleged bribe of $5 million to Joe Biden and of $5
million to Hunter Biden, according to the paid FBI informant who said
he heard this from Zlochevsky. The sources said Zlochevsky said he
believed it would be difficult to unravel the alleged bribery scheme
for at least 10 years because of the number of bank accounts involved.

Zlochevsky’s alleged reference to Joe Biden as the “big guy”
appears independent of the apparent reference to the now-president as
the “big guy” by a Hunter Biden business associate during negotiations
with Chinese intelligence-linked businessmen. The China-related
reference occurred in a May 2017 email not made public until October

And as Just the News notes;

The FD-1023 includes allegations from a confidential human source
that the head of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, hired Hunter
Biden to serve on its board in order to use his father's influence to
stifle an investigation from then-Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor
Shokin into the firm. Shokin was removed from his post in 2016 and the
FD-1023 indicates that two Biden family members received $5 million
each for their trouble.

Also on 

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
Biden and Democrats State can kiss their Corrupt asses goodbye...

Lauren Davis @MomsLoveFreedom
This is a VERY big deal. We have a compromised government.
Vivek Ramaswamy @VivekGRamaswamy
The Ukrainian executive of oligarch-owned Burisma calls the audio
tapes of his conversations with Hunter Biden an “insurance policy” for
his alleged bribes. The payout may be happening *now* as the U.S.
sends hundreds of billions in aid to Ukraine to fund a war that
advances zero…

In 1996, Senator Joe Biden endorsed work requirements as a way to
reduce welfare reliance. Now he refuses to do the same. Reveals how
far our culture has “evolved.” Stop paying people to stay home, binge
TV, smoke pot, & be depressed. Adopt work requirements for welfare &

"Everyone would say this is crazy, and now here we are: In Congress,
they took away the word 'mother.'" @libbyemmons on the corruption of
language in service of gender ideology & trans-activism. Watch
@AmThoughtLeader!  PREMIERE 6/13 at 7:30pm ET:
Libby Emmons: Biological Men Are Entering Women’s Prisons

> Trump, Kennedy, Ramaswamy... perhaps the top three most
> censorbanned down-algo'd Media biased Presidential candidates
> in history... funny that the most down'd among them tend to
> be for freespeech crypto anti-corruption corruption outsiders etc...
> Democracy and Democracies, literal tyranny by the majority, are a joke...
> Hundreds of candidates... who has any right to dictate and mandate
> who is "Noteworthy" Notorious Righteous Eligible Electable etc...
> @VivekGRamaswamy
> 160 years ago, we used to have two sets of laws in America based on
> your race. Today, we have two sets of laws based on your political
> beliefs. This is the defining civil rights struggle of our era.
> Ramaswamy vs. CNN's Bash: Shameful That I, As A 2024 Competitor
> To Trump, Have To Ask Questions Media Won't Ask
> We can’t have two tiers of justice: one for Trump, another for Biden.
> One for Assange, another for Manning. One for BLM/Antifa, another for
> peaceful protesters on Jan 6. I never thought we’d see the day when
> the U.S. President deputizes the DOJ to arrest his lead rival
> “Affirming” a kid’s confusion isn’t compassion.
> People who value more towards actual Freedom
> and voluntary non-aggression, tend to prefer...
> Or none at all.
> And Joe Biden needs to go to federal prison...
> @mzhemingway
> Grassley: Burisma Exec Behind Biden Bribery Scandal Allegedly Kept 17
> Recordings Of Talks With Joe Biden, Hunter
> @greg_price11
> Realize how much of a farce of the first Trump impeachment was now
> that we know Joe and Hunter each took $5 million in bribes from
> Burisma, the executive has 17 recordings discussing their deal, the
> DOJ hid them from the public (along with Hunter's laptop), Biden was
> on tape…
> @tomselliott
> Hello, @FBI — Is your plan to hold onto these two recordings of Joe
> Biden negotiating his bribe from a corrupt Ukrainian until after the
> 2024 election?
> @ColumbiaBugle
> Senator Chuck Grassley Announces On The Senate Floor That The Foreign
> National Who Allegedly Bribed Joe And Hunter Biden Allegedly Has Audio
> Recordings Of His Conversations With Them "17 such recordings."
> "According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses 15 audio…
> @a_newsman
> nearly 100% of CNN’s “national security analysts” and guests signed
> the letter claiming Hunter Biden’s laptop was disinformation. weird,
> it’s almost like they’re paid to lie.