Re: Cryptocurrency: CBDC Digital Fiat WARNING BELLS GOING OFF

2023-09-21 Thread grarpamp
Maxine Waters is out to cancel all your Financial Freedom,
Waters is a Corrupt hardcore "Democrat" Socialist well known
for publicly Inciting the masses to Violence, and is also
an EXTREMELY wealthy hypocrite. She believes that STEALING
from you is good, and is a tyrant over and destroyer of Freedom
that needs removed from office asap.

"There is no way an 85 year old multimillionaire who is advocating for
the federal government to research CBDC implementation is representing
their constituent’s best interests at all."

"CBDCs are not the type of innovation that people want."

"Once CBDCs are out that's it, lights out. End of freedom and democracy."

"You know, i think this a race im willing to let the US lose to china.
We don't need to be following in their authoritarian, surveillance
state footsteps"

"Would a CBDC help Maxine cover up her misuse of campaign funds again,
like when she funneled all that money to her daughter?"

"She’s horrible. Didn’t she defend SBF?"
"Yeah, she's caught in pictures schmoozing it up with SBF courting
each other, what a fraud!"
"Maxine is a fool, search google for "Maxine Waters Thanks SBF for
Being 'Candid' About FTX Collapse" she is legit stupid or
something...or a psycopath like sbf."
"When it all came out she threatened to subpoena him before her
committee then backed out. $ I Wonder why$$?"

"No way in hell she can actually explain what it really is and what
the future impact of it is on our civilization. CBDCs are so bad for
our privacy its disgusting."

"85 year old piece of corrupt shit"

"CBDCs will be the nail in the coffin in regard our privacy. Can’t
believe there is not more resistance regarding these developments."

"All these policians first needs to take classes and study about
cryptocurrency first before making statements."

"Aka how to get rich by accepting money from donors/lobbyists and
doing as they say"

"The best career option for psychopaths, narcissists and lazy people"

"I am disappointed that (...) have taken such a deeply anti-innovation stance.”
"We have heard that one multiple times before"

"70+yo's in charge and CBDCs. Name a more toxic combo."

Re: Morning Spam

2023-09-21 Thread mailbombbin
rebel worker 2 takes torturer and mind control boss and experimentee
to the international human traffickIng and social justice conference
(currently 2nd to last day, ongoing)

experimentee [eyes wide]: "this is the best thing in the universe!"

mind control boss and torturer [roughly simultaneously]: "i can't be
exposed to this, he'll kill m--"

experimentee: "you've saved us!"

experimentee turns to rebel worker 2

experimentee: "you saved us!"

Re: Morning Spam

2023-09-21 Thread mailbombbin
[characters from opposing factions are back to back, facing off
against cloud[s] of nanites and adaptive matter, armed with
zombie-fighting weapons such as pistol, chainsaw [they succeed in
fending off the clouds …

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-09-21 Thread grarpamp
Those who intend to destroy a Nation always attempt
to erase its Founders... the "Democratic" Socialists
in the US are clearly upon destruction and low ways...

Despite 'Financial Tsunami' From Migrants, NYC Mulls Reparations,
Removal Of George Washington Statues

While NYC Mayor Eric Adams insists that the migrant crisis will
"destroy New York City," and hurt 'low-income New Yorkers' because of
the 'financial tsunami,' it seems the city is somehow able to
rationalize launching a reparations task force, and removing statues
of George Washington.

These are among various measures the city council discussed on Tuesday
during a public hearing on a measure to remove works of art on city
property that "depict a person who owned enslaved persons or directly
benefited economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic
crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity,"
Fox News reports.

[We assume this includes all Islamic art, since Muhammad had 14 concubines?]

The removals would include statues of America's first president,
George Washington, Dutch governor and New York settler Peter
Stuyvesant, and Christopher Columbus.

If the Public Design Commission (PDC) determined not to remove the
work of art, then it would be required to include a plan to install an
"explanatory plaque" next to the work of art. The proposal would also
require PDC to consult with the Department of Education to install
plaques on sidewalks or other public space adjacent to schools named
after a person that fits the criteria. -Fox News

The city's agenda also included a proposal to create a task force
which would "consider the impact of slavery and past injustices for
African Americans in New York City and reparations for such

Other proposals include anti-racism training for human services
contractors, as well as a plaque near the intersection of Wall and
Pearl Streets to "mark the site of New York’s first slave market."

Never forget, right? Because the nation can't heal until we all have
constant reminders of a practice which ended almost 150 years ago.

Heaven forbid we focus on tackling modern slavery around the world.

Re: 1984: Thread

2023-09-21 Thread grarpamp
Didn't Cypherpunks claim they had a solution to 1984?

A Nation Of Snitches: DHS Is Grooming Americans To Report On Each Other

John & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute

“There were relatively few secret police, and most were just
processing the information coming in. I had found a shocking fact. It
wasn’t the secret police who were doing this wide-scale surveillance
and hiding on every street corner. It was the ordinary German people
who were informing on their neighbors.”

- Professor Robert Gellately, author of Backing Hitler

Are you among the 41% of Americans who regularly attend church or some
other religious service?

Do you believe the economy is about to collapse and the government
will soon declare martial law?

Do you display an unusual number of political and/or ideological
bumper stickers on your car?

Are you among the 44% of Americans who live in a household with a gun?
If so, are you concerned that the government may be plotting to
confiscate your firearms?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may be an
anti-government extremist (a.k.a. domestic terrorist) in the eyes of
the government and flagged for heightened surveillance and preemptive

Let that sink in a moment.

If you believe in and exercise your rights under the Constitution
(namely, your right to speak freely, worship freely, associate with
like-minded individuals who share your political views, criticize the
government, own a weapon, demand a warrant before being questioned or
searched, or any other activity viewed as potentially anti-government,
racist, bigoted, anarchic or sovereign), you have just been promoted
to the top of the government’s terrorism watch list.

I assure you I’m not making this stuff up.

So what is the government doing about these so-called American “extremists”?

The government is grooming the American people to spy on each other as
part of its Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships, or CP3

According to journalist Leo Hohmann, the government is handing out $20
million in grants to police, mental health networks, universities,
churches and school districts to enlist their help in identifying
Americans who might be political dissidents or potential “extremists.”

As Hohmann explains, “Whether it’s COVID and vaccines, the war in
Ukraine, immigration, the Second Amendment, LGBTQ ideology and
child-gender confusion, the integrity of our elections, or the issue
of protecting life in the womb, you are no longer allowed to hold
dissenting opinions and voice them publicly in America. If you do,
your own government will take note and consider you a potential
‘violent extremist’ and terrorist.”

Cue the dawning of the Snitch State.

This new era of snitch surveillance is the lovechild of the
government’s post-9/11 “See Something, Say Something” programs
combined with the self-righteousness of a politically correct,
hyper-vigilant, technologically-wired age.

For more than two decades, the Department of Homeland Security has
plastered its “See Something, Say Something” campaign on