Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-09-28 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
[the last post was an engagement of an invasive phrase pattern i've
had for many years that was more resonant than usual, and developed a
little. [i'm a little surprised by part of]]

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-09-28 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
why is traffick boss such a big old blasphemer?

kid [to traffick boss]: "you're such a blasphemer, traffick boss!"

traffick boss looks at kid

traffick boss [to kid]: "why is traffick boss a blasphemer?"

kid [to traffick boss]: "you say "traffick" when you talk about
yourself, and you blush [and cross your legs] when you say it!"

traffick boss struggles and squirms

traffick boss [to kid]: "it's true, kid, traffick boss is a blasphemer."

traffick boss struggles and squirms more and a trance pall comes over him

traffick boss [eerily calm]: "but traffick isn't blasphemy anymore,
kid. you can say that word."

kid: "i'm going to traffick you, traffick boss !!"

traffick boss: "you might have a lot of company doing that"

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2023-09-28 Thread grarpamp
"A CIA Front Organization": Revisiting EcoHealth COVID-19 Claims After
Fauci 'Influence' Campaign Bombshell

Following Tuesday night's bombshell report from Congressional
investigators that Dr. Anthony Fauci was smuggled into CIA
headquarters "without a record of entry" where he "participated in the
analysis to "influence" the Agency's" Covid-19 investigation," it's
worth revisiting claims made by former EcoHealth Alliance scientist,
Andrew Huff, about the CIA's alleged connections to EcoHealth and

A Brief Review

Recall that EcoHealth received lucrative contracts to perform
experiments on bat Covid in Wuhan, China after the Obama
administration banned gain-of-function research in 2014. Four months
prior to the ban, the NIH effectively shifted this research to
EcoHealth, headed by Peter Daszak. The research was shielded from
government oversight by Fauci's NIAID, and Daszak was forced to report
after the fact that he'd engaged in gain-of-function experiments.
Peter Daszak, Anthony Fauci pose for a picture.

"As a virologist, I personally think creating chimeras of SARS-related
bat coronaviruses that are thought to pose high risk to humans entails
unacceptable risks," virologist Jesse Bloom told The Intercept.
A researcher works in a lab of Wuhan Institute of Virology in central
China’s Hubei province on Feb. 23, 2017. Photo: FeatureChina via AP

After Sars-CoV-2 broke out in the same town where Daszak was
manipulating Bat Covid, The Lancet published a screed by Daszak
(signed by over two-dozen scientists), which insisted the virus could
have only come from a natural spillover event, likely from a wet
market, and that the scientists "stand together to strongly condemn
conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural
origin." The Lancet only later noted Daszak's conflicts of interest.

Back To Huff And The CIA

According to a January, 2022 Twitter (now "X") thread by Huff, who
worked at EcoHealth from 2014 to 2016, "I knew in December of 2019
that COVID was likely a lab leak." Huff then claimed that "Not only is
EcoHealth Alliance a CIA front organization, but the United States of
America is primarily responsible for COVID, not China."

... of the story. Not only is EcoHealth Alliance a CIA front
organization, but the United States of America is primarily
responsible for COVID, not China. COVID was a US scientific R
program where COVID was transferred to China, so that...
— Andrew G. Huff, PhD, MS  (@AGHuff) January 23, 2022

Huff also told Fox Business in January: "This was actually a failed
intelligence operation. We were actually trading China advanced
biotechnology for access to and collect intelligence on their
bioweapons laboratory. I believe. I can’t prove that but a number of
agencies that I discuss in the book, including Dr. Peter Daszak
telling me he worked with the CIA."

>From Huff's book, "The Truth About Wuhan":

"These discussions resulted in publications indicating that Dr.
Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, was working with the
CIA, and that the biological agent commonly known as COVID-19
(SARS-CoV-2) had been in development at EcoHealth Alliance since 2012,
and other evidence suggested that SARS-CoV-2 began earlier than 2012.
The development of SARS-CoV-2 included several prominent US-based
scientists and US academic institutions that received funding from
numerous federal government agencies and private non-governmental
organizations to complete the gain of function work on SARS-CoV-2."

Huff also posted a document obtained by Project Veritas and published
in January of 2022 purportedly authored (and not denied) by Maj.
Joseph Murphy (USMC), which states "SARS-CoV-2 is an American-created
recombinant bat vaccine" which was "created by an EcoHealth Alliance
program at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)."

Project Veritas has obtained a separate report to the Inspector
General of the Department of Defense written by U.S. Marine Corp
Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow.

The report states that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in
March 2018, seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of
bat borne coronaviruses. The proposal, named Project Defuse, was
rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violates
the basis gain of function research moratorium.

According to the documents, NAIAD, under the direction of Dr.
Fauci, went ahead with the research in Wuhan, China and at several
sites across the U.S. -Project Veritas
— Andrew G. Huff, PhD, MS  (@AGHuff) March 7, 2023

More on that:

And way more on that...

Huff also provided a report to Congress, under oath, which claims:

1. SARS-COV2 was created in the lab in Wuhan, China;
2. Anthony Fauci funded the creation of SARS-COV2 and lied to
Congress about funding Gain-of-Function work;
3. The US Intelligence Community was aware of and appeared to have
been involved with the funding of said 

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-09-28 Thread grarpamp
Democrats are responsible for all these failures...

All Philly Liquor Stores Closed After Mass Looting

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that all Philadelphia Fine Wine &
Good Spirits stores are closed on Wednesday after looters targeted at
least 18 locations on Tuesday night.

The decision to shutter more than two dozen Fine Wine & Good Spirits
locations was "in the interest of employee safety and while we assess
the damage and loss that occurred," Shawn M. Kelly, press secretary
for the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, said in a statement.

The stores will reopen "when it is safe to do so and when the damage
is repaired," Kelly said.

He continued, "We apologize to our customers for the inconvenience,"
and "we appreciate their patience and understanding."

Here's what happened last night when teen looters targeted retail shops:

#BREAKING: All philly liquor stores have been closed today after
at least 18 were broken after last night’s mass looting in
— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) September 27, 2023

X user Andy Ngô said Dayjia Blackwell, also known as "Meatball," was
one of the 20 arrested last night following the mass looting of
Lululemon, Footlocker, Apple, and liquor stores.

Dayjia Blackwell, aka known as "Meatball," posted livestream
videos inciting #BLM rioting and looting in Philadelphia. She was one
of the approximately 20 who was arrested following mass looting
targeting a liquor store, Lululemon, Footlocker, Apple and others.
— Andy Ngô ️‍ (@MrAndyNgo) September 27, 2023

Elon Musk commented on one video: "America is going full Joker."

America is going full Joker
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 27, 2023

Democrat-controlled cities are imploding in real time as leaders could
care less about law and order. At the same time, the Biden
administration is waging war on the Second Amendment, which will only
leave law-abiding taxpayers defenseless against criminals.

*   *   *

As progressive leaders across major cities fail to enforce law and
order, America's youth is quickly spiraling out of control.

The latest example occurred during the overnight hours in
Philadelphia's Center City area, where a crowd of 100 young people
looted retail shops, according to local media Fox 29.

Police Commissioner John Stanford said the teens began looting stores
around 2200 ET, which sparked a massive police presence across Walnut
Street between 15th and 18th streets.

"What we had tonight was a bunch of criminal opportunists take
advantage of a situation and make an attempt to destroy our city,"
Stanford told reporters. He said, "It's not going to be tolerated."

Videos posted on X show Foot Locker, Apple, Lululemon, and Fine Wine &
Good Spirits were targeted by the looters.

DEVELOPING: Video shows looting in Philadelphia’s Center City neighborhood
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 27, 2023

Looters target Foot Locker, Apple, Lululemon, and Fine Wine & Good
Spirits, leading to intense police confrontations and a state of
anarchy in Philadelphia's Center City.

Apple Store: 02:48
Lululemon: 05:00
Fine Wine & Good Spirits: 09:22
— BoreCure (@CureBore) September 27, 2023

Philadelphia getting looted, Center City
— Jack Poso  (@JackPosobiec) September 27, 2023

Y Philly really a tubi movie rn  first Center City not
Cottman #CenterCity #Phillylooting
— 홈홄홎홎홄홊홉1홈홄홇홇홄홊홉 (@215Nunu) September 27, 2023

Everything in Center City Philadelphia is free with promo code:
“the Big Guy 2024.”
— Charles R Downs (@TheCharlesDowns) September 27, 2023

EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF: Looting in Philadephia's Center City after
all charges dismissed against cop in fatal traffic stop shooting.
#Philadelphia #Philly #Looting
— Jonathan Choe Journalist (Seattle) (@choeshow) September 27, 2023

There were also reports of retail shops outside of Center City that
were targeted. Fox 29 said looting was reported in North Philadelphia,
where GameStop and Walmart stores were hit. Also, a Family Dollar in
West Philadelphia was ransacked.

Stanford said 15-20 people were arrested. He noted a "caravan" of cars
loaded with looters was going from retail store to retail store.

Fox 29 pointed out the looting occurred on the same day a Philadelphia
judge dismissed charges against a former police officer in the killing
of a 27-year-old. Stanford said the looting had nothing to do with a
peaceful protest earlier Tuesday.

"This had nothing to do with the protests," Stanford said, 

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-09-28 Thread grarpamp
Hunter selling Daddy Joe's TOP-SECRET to Chinese
out of Corvette Whore House

White House Spox Lies, Has Meltdown Over Hunter Biden's $260K Chinese Wires

In the wake of yesterday's announcement by the House Oversight
Committee that Hunter Biden used his dad's Delaware address - the one
with all those classified documents - to receive $260,000 in Chinese
wires, White House spokesman for 'oversight and investigations' Ian
Sams had an absolute meltdown.

The damage control has laughably gone from 'Joe never discussed
business with Hunter' to 'so what if Hunter received a Chinese wire
transfer at his Dad's house. Can't a SON love his Father?"

Sams was responding to Fast Company journalist James Surowiecki, who
posted on "X" "This is such a fake would-be gotcha. The address on the
wires was Joe Biden's Wilmington home because that's where Hunter
Biden was living in 2019 - as Comer well knows."

No he wasn't...

Sams repeats this lie, tweeting: "Imagine them arguing that, if
someone stayed at their parents' house during the pandemic, listed it
as their permanent address for work, and got a paycheck, the parents
somehow also worked for the employer."

Imagine them arguing that, if someone stayed at their parents'
house during the pandemic, listed it as their permanent address for
work, and got a paycheck, the parents somehow also worked for the

It's bananas

Yet this is what extreme House Republicans have sunken to
— Ian Sams (@IanSams46) September 27, 2023

Except, Hunter was living in California with his new wife...
Hunter and wife spotted in Los Angeles, Dec. 2019

Hunter didn't even live there back then. He was in California with
his new wife. Pretty sure that's literal public knowledge.
— Vivek (@VerverkS) September 27, 2023


The lie was called out by the Daily Caller's James Lynch, who wrote:
"White House spox is straight up lying. Hunter wasn't staying at his
parents' house, he was living in California when the Chinese business
associates sent their payments with Joe Biden's address on them,
according to Hunter's failed guilty plea."

To which Sams doubled down with an ad hominem attack, writing "What’s
dishonest is you, your rightwing disinformation outfit, and its GOP
pals intentionally deceiving people about the role of the address.

"Hunter listing his parents’ as his only permanent address during this
period of turmoil in his life has long been known. Have a good one."

What’s dishonest is you, your rightwing disinformation outfit, and
its GOP pals intentionally deceiving people about the role of the
address. Hunter listing his parents’ as his only permanent address
during this period of turmoil in his life has long been known. Have a
good one.
— Ian Sams (@IanSams46) September 27, 2023

The conversation continued, with Sams - apparently unaware of what an
analogy is, suggesting he used one.
— Ian Sams (@IanSams46) September 27, 2023

Journalist Stephen Miller called Sams out on his lie about Hunter
living there "during the pandemic."

Someone was definitely on the phone with Hunter's
— Junior (@Jxynor) September 27, 2023

They really aren't sending their best.

We've gone from 'There isn't an ounce of evidence' to 'hundreds of
thousands of dollars were wired from overseas, with President's
address as the documented address of the recipient' and Dems have not
changed their opinions one bit, even though evidence has dramatically
— Pradheep J. Shanker (@Neoavatara) September 27, 2023

Bottom line - payment from China went to Joe Biden's address.
Can't say he knew nothing of it.

If those same payments were sent to a Trump or even Trump-adjacent
address, Trump would already be tried, convicted and jailed.

So you can zoom in on silly details, but the situation,…
— Jenn Cheng (@THATJennCheng) September 27, 2023

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2023-09-28 Thread grarpamp
They will do it again. Sooner than later.
Not much you can do but live off the land far away.
Best of luck.

"Highly Likely": China's 'Batwoman' Warns Of New COVID Outbreak

Shi Zhengli, the Peter Daszak collaborator whose Wuhan virus database
was altered 48 hours before the Chinese government ordered virus
samples destroyed in the early days of the pandemic, and whose team
was using genetic engineering to create 'chimeric SARS-like viruses to
test on humanized mice' at the lab across town from ground zero for
Covid-19, has warned that it's 'highly likely' that we'll see another
coronavirus outbreak.

"If a coronavirus caused diseases to emerge before, there is a high
chance it will cause future outbreaks," she warned in a recent paper
co-authored with colleagues.

In this study Shi’s team from the Wuhan Institute of Virology,
evaluated the human spillover risk of 40 coronavirus species and rated
half of them as “highly risky”.

Of these, six are already known to have caused diseases that
infected humans, while there is evidence that a further three caused
disease or infected other animal species. -SCMP

"It is almost certain that there will be future disease emergence and
it is highly likely a [coronavirus] disease again," the study warned,
after looking at various viral traits - including population, genetic
diversity, host species and any previous history of zoonosis –
diseases that jump from animals to humans.

Shi and pals also identified potential zoonotic hosts for a new Covid
pathogen (of which there are none for Covid-19), including bats,
rodents or possible intermediary hosts such as camels, civets, pigs or
pangolins - which the damage control 'natural origin' types (such as
Daszak) have been desperately trying to locate to exonerate
Shi Zhengli (L) and Peter Daszak (R) share a toast...

Shady Shi...

According to the US State Department, "several researchers inside the
WIV became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of
the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common
seasonal illnesses."

"This raises questions about the credibility of WIV senior researcher
Shi Zhengli's public claim that there was "zero infection" among the
WIV's staff and students of SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-related viruses."

State Department: "The U.S. government does not know exactly
where, when, or how the COVID-19 virus...was transmitted initially to
humans. We haven't determined whether the outbreak began thru contact
w/ infected animals or was the result of an accident at a laboratory
in Wuhan."
— Jerry Dunleavy  (@JerryDunleavy) January 16, 2021

Zhengli came under fire in 2015 over her controversial
'gain-of-function' research creating chimeric bat viruses designed to
infect humans (but suggesting that an emergent coronavirus that's over
96% similar to a bat coronavirus could have escaped from Zhengli's lab
is a conspiracy theory).

According to a 2021 statement by former UK Conservative leader Iain
Duncan Smith - a member of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China,
the revelations are yet another example of a Chinese coverup.

"China is clearly trying to hide the evidence," he said, adding "It is
vital that there is a thorough investigation into what happened but
China seems to be doing all it can to stop that happening. We don’t
know what was going on in that laboratory. It may well be the case
that they played around with bat coronaviruses and made some kind of
mistake. Unless China opens itself up to scrutiny, the world will
assume they have something to hide."

According to the State Department, "starting in at least 2016 - and
with no indication of a stop prior to the COVID-19 outbreak -- WIV
researchers conducted experiments involving RaTG13, the bat
coronavirus identified by the WIV in January 2020 as its closest
sample to SARS-CoV-2 (96.2% similar).

Further, "The WIV has published a record of conducting
"gain-of-function" research to engineer chimeric viruses. But the 

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-09-28 Thread grarpamp
Trump did nothing wrong.

Trump Rages At "Deranged" NY Judge's 'Corporate Death Penalty' Decision

Nazis applauded by Canada's Parliament; Chinese money sent to Joe
Biden's address; CIA busted using Fauci as a COVID patsy; border
crisis at max dissonance; Biden's ratings at record lows; West losing
focus on Ukraine war...

If ever a 'distraction' was needed it was now... and the playbook says
'Get Trump'.

Right on cue, in a stunning decision on Tuesday, a New York State
judge found - with no trial or jury - that Donald Trump, his family,
and his business, theTrump Organization, was liable for fraud, and
ordered what experts in New York financial crimes say amounts to the
dissolution of his company.

In a 35-page ruling, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron
(D) revoked the New York “business certificates” belonging to the
Trump Organization and any other New York-based business run by Trump
or his family – while ordering that an independent third party will be
tasked with “managing the dissolution of the cancelled LLCs.”

"It's a staggering judgement," said John Moscow, a former
financial crimes prosecutor for the Manhattan district attorney's

"It means you are no longer a company, and the judge is appointing
someone to take over the assets and distribute them as the court sees

"It's comparable to once a person dies. A dead person can't sell
property. Only the executor of the estate can do that – or in this
case, the receiver."

Experts are calling it the "corporate death penalty."

As Sundance at put it:

"All the banks and lenders did their own due diligence on the financing.

All operational loans and business loans were paid back.

There were no defaults or banking interests adversely impacted.

There are no victims of what the State calls “fraud,” yet the
judge is ruling the Trump organization must dissolve all business
interests in the state and exit within 10 days."

As you might expect, President Trump was enraged, blasting “The
widespread, radical attack against me, my family and my supporters
have now devolved to new, un-American depths,” calling Engoron
“deranged” and James a “completely biased and corrupt ‘prosecutor.’”

“We are rapidly becoming a communist country, and my civil rights
have been taken away from me,” he continued.

“This is Democrat political lawfare and a witch hunt at a level
never seen before.”

Trump plans to appeal the decision, his attorneys said.

“Today’s outrageous decision is completely disconnected from the
facts and governing law,” Christopher Kise, a lawyer for Trump, said
in a statement.

“President Trump and his family will seek all available appellate
remedies to rectify this miscarriage of justice.”

Eric and Don Jr. Trump took to X to slam the Judge's valuation of his
father's Mar-a-Lago resort, which Trump claims is over a billion
dollars, but Engoron ruled is worth between $18 million and $27.6
million - which is absurd when you look at the surrounding property

In an attempt to destroy my father and kick him out of New York, a
Judge just ruled that Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach Florida, is only worth
approximate “$18 Million dollars”… Mar-a-Lago is speculated to be
worth we’ll over a billion dollars making it arguably the most
— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) September 26, 2023

The real estate circles in Florida are laughing at this
— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) September 26, 2023

These homes are about 1/30 the size of Mar-a-Lago, not on the
beach (let alone the beach and intercostal), don’t span from once side
of the Palm Beach Island to the other… it is a travesty of justice and
an embarrassment to the court.
— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) September 26, 2023

JUST IN - A New York judge ruled that Trump inflated his property
values, including Mar-a-Lago, which the judge determined was worth
$18-$27 million from 2011 to 2021.

To put this into perspective, neighboring homes on 0.28-0.89 acres
are listed for $18-40 million.

— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) September 27, 2023

Distraction, mission accomplished?

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2023-09-28 Thread grarpamp
Mayo Clinic Nukes Hydroxychloroquine Information Page After People Take Notice

One day after the Mayo Clinic's endorsement of Hydroxychloroquine was
highlighted for use in Covid-19 patients, they scrubbed the page and
then blamed a 3rd party vendor for supplying the information.

The original page read: "Hydroxychloroquine may be used to treat
coronavirus (COVID-19) in certain hospitalized patients," which was
highlighted various people and oulets, including ZeroHedge, and former
Trump official Peter Navarro.

Yeah, we need some new ones
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 25, 2023

Now, the Mayo Clinic redirects people to a "safe" page.

Of course, pro-vax (we assume) outlets pounced on the fact that this
information has been there since at least May of 2020.

Which means... by the transitive properties of woke outrage, the Mayo
clinic has been spreading misinformation for three years? Cancel them!

One day after Mayo Clinic's endorsement of Hydroxychloroquine was
highlighted here, they scrubbed the page, deleted the URL and are
forwarding to a "safe" page.

See for yourselves

Page as it is now:

And on Sept 25:
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) September 27, 2023

Meanwhile, an analysis of dozens of studies on Hydroxychloroquine and
COVID-19 reveals a 72% lower mortality risk when taken early, and a
41% lower mortality risk when given early into hospitalization (when
both HCQ and Ivermectin are known to be less effective vs. at first
Data via

See the full study results here...

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2023-09-28 Thread grarpamp
Meat From Animals Infected With mRNA Vaccines May Soon Make Its Way
Into The US Food Supply

Authored by Megan Redshaw via The Epoch Times

Shrimp have become the latest addition to a growing list of food
sources targeted by mRNA gene therapy technology. An Israeli company
seeking to bring mRNA vaccines to shrimp farming has raised $8.25
million from a group of venture capitalists to promote and improve
animal health in marine species through its orally administered
RNA-particle platform.
(Kateryna Kon/Shutterstock)

ViAqua, a biotechnology company, created an RNA-based vaccine product
that uses ribonucleic acid interference (RNAi) to manipulate gene
expression in shrimp. RNAi is a biological process where RNA molecules
are used to inhibit gene expression or translation by neutralizing
targeted mRNA molecules.

The vaccine comes in the form of a coated feed supplement designed to
enhance resistance to white spot syndrome virus (WSSV)—a viral
infection that causes an annual loss of about $3 billion and a 15
percent reduction in global shrimp production. ViAqua suggests RNA
molecules can inhibit the expression of genes that cause disease with
every meal containing its coated product.

According to a 2022 proof-of-concept study, the nanovaccine was
roughly 80 percent effective in a lethal WSSV challenge model and
exhibited excellent in vivo safety profiles. Yet the risks of altering
gene expression in shrimp and the effects of consuming vaccinated
shrimp are unknown.

"Oral delivery is the holy grail of aquaculture health development due
to both the impossibility of vaccinating individual shrimp and its
ability to substantially bring down the operational costs of disease
management while improving outcomes," said Shai Ufaz, CEO of ViAqua in
a press release. "We are excited to bring this technology to market to
address the need for affordable disease solutions in aquaculture."

ViAqua plans to begin production in India in 2024 and believes its
technology has numerous applications in aquaculture and beyond,
according to their press release.
mRNA Vaccines Are Already Used in Pigs

The aquaculture industry is not the only market being targeted with
mRNA vaccines. Genvax Technologies, a startup creating mRNA vaccines
for animals, in 2022 secured $6.5 million in funding to develop a
self-amplifying mRNA (saRNA) platform that allows for rapid
development of a herd or flock-specific vaccine matched 100 percent to
the circulating variant at the root of a disease outbreak.

Genvax’s technology involves inserting a specific transgene or “gene
of interest” matched to the variant strain into the platform. The
saRNA then generates an antibody response without requiring the whole
pathogen to be matched to the circulating strain.

In April 2022, Genvax was awarded a $145,000 grant by the Foundation
for Food and Agriculture Research to develop an saRNA vaccine for
African swine flu (ASF) in collaboration with the U.S. Department of
Agriculture. ASF is a highly contagious virus with a 100 percent swine
mortality rate but has never occurred in the United States.

According to a 2022 paper published in eClinicalMedicine, saRNA
technology uses lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) to encapsulate saRNA. When
injected as a vaccine, the LNP encapsulation facilitates “endosomal
uptake and release into the cytoplasm of target cells in vivo.” This
novel technology has “significant and previously untested potential”
to be used in drugs and vaccines.

Advertisement - Story continues below

Genvax isn’t the first company to harness mRNA technology in pigs.
Merck, in 2018, introduced SEQUIVITY, a “revolutionary swine vaccine
platform” that uses RNA particle technology to create “customized
prescription vaccines against strains of influenza A virus in swine,
porcine circovirus (PCV), rotavirus and beyond.”

SEQUIVITY uses electronic gene sequencing to generate RNA particles
that, when injected into an animal, provide instructions to immune
cells to translate the sequence into proteins that act as antigens,
similar to how the COVID-19 vaccine causes the body to generate spike
proteins. The idea is that the animal’s immune system, when challenged
with the actual live pathogen, will recognize the antigen and elicit
an immune response.

According to Merck, their RNA participle technology allows for the
development of a “safe and flexible” custom swine flu vaccine in only
eight to 12 weeks compared to traditional vaccines that take years to

Although it is claimed vaccines utilizing RNA technology are safe and
effective, studies appear to be scarce with little to no research to
determine what effects consuming pork from vaccinated pigs may have on
the human body.
mRNA Vaccines in Cattle Raise Concerns Among Producers

According to the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, mRNA vaccines
are currently not licensed for use in U.S. beef cattle. The vaccines
are being developed to treat and prevent diseases in cattle, whose
meat could make its way to 

Re: 1984: Thread

2023-09-28 Thread grarpamp
CIA Building Own ChatGPT-style AI Bot In Shadow Of China's Advances

The US Central Intelligence Agency's Open-Source Enterprise division
will soon roll out with a ChatGPT-like large language model (LLM),
which is to serve as a tool for federal and intelligence agencies to
more easily and quickly access intel and information.

Director of the CIA's Open-Source Enterprise division, Randy Nixon,
explained that source information can be sifted and returned to
individual intel analysts faster than ever before. "We’ve gone from
newspapers and radio, to newspapers and television, to newspapers and
cable television, to basic internet, to big data, and it just keeps
going," Nixon told Bloomberg.

"We have to find the needles in the needle field," he added. In
addition to literally hundreds of thousands or millions of classified
files, analysts often rely on gathering open-source information for
their assessments as well. For example this could include culling
public social media apps like Facebook or X.

"Then you can take it to the next level and start chatting and asking
questions of the machines to give you answers, also sourced," Nixon
continued. "Our collection can just continue to grow and grow with no
limitations other than how much things cost."

He explained further that the AI platform will be available and used
by Washington's 18 different intelligence branches, including federal
law enforcement, such as the FBI. It's also expected that the US
military will have access, though it remains that security protocols
and preventing leaks will be a big question, given the vast amounts of
classified materials which will be at the tool's disposal.

There's also the question of privacy, especially following the Edward
Snowden revelations of a decade ago showing that the NSA had in prior
years regularly swept up the data of innocent American citizens,
violating their Fourth Amendment protections.

According to a prior Bloomberg report which questioned the NSA over
the impact on privacy:

"The intelligence community needs to find a way to take benefit of
these large models without violating privacy," Gilbert Herrera,
director of research at the National Security Agency, said in an
interview. "If we want to realize the full power of artificial
intelligence for other applications, then we’re probably going to have
to rely on a partnership with industry.”

"It all has to be done in a manner that respects civil liberties and
privacy," Herrera claimed in that prior interview. "It’s a tough
problem," she added, further admitting that "The issue of the
intelligence community’s use of publicly trained information is an
issue we’re going to have to grapple with because otherwise there
would be capabilities of AI that we would not be able to use."

The future of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
(ML) is bright at #CIA. We’re always looking to build strong
partnerships with the visionaries of today … and tomorrow.#CIASXSW
#EmergingTech #FutureofIntelligence #ArtificialIntelligence
— CIA (@CIA) March 13, 2023

But we highly doubt the US government's top intelligence officials
will be overly concerned with "limiting" AI's power due to the Bill of
Rights and concerns over individual privacy.

Another interesting aspect to the CIA working on its own version of
ChatGPT is the question of competition with China's significant
advances in AI. The new Bloomberg report highlights the mounting
pressure US intelligence faces in the wake of more advanced Chinese
capabilities. Beijing is looking to become the global leader in the AI
field by 2030, and is already considered by many to be a world leader
in the technology:

In an ominous glimpse into the nation's use of the programs, in
2021 China developed a 'prosecutor' that could identify and press
charges with a reported 97 percent accuracy.

In contrast, America's law enforcement sphere has also come under
fire for struggling to utilize the power of AI in investigations, but
Nixon said the new program will aid in condensing the unprecedented
levels of information floating through the web.

But it remains that in the West there is a much more robust legal
concept of individual rights, free expression, and autonomy - compared
to communist China. On this front, concerning a CIA-built AI chatbot,
what could possibly go wrong?

After all, the American public 

Re: War re Ukraine: Thread

2023-09-28 Thread grarpamp
Lunatic war criminal hypocrite politicians all
signalling their garbage virtues by trying to imprison old men

Trudeau Apologizes To Zelensky & Canadian Public For NaziGate, Quietly
Tells MPs Don't Speak About It

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday issued formal apology to
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky over what's coming to be known
as the 'NaziGate' scandal. He indicated that this apology was sent
through diplomatic channels.

Trudeau confirmed this in a press conference regarding the House of
Commons' honoring a veteran of Adolf Hitler's Nazi forces as part of
last week's events centered on hosting Zelensky. "This was a mistake
that has deeply embarrassed Parliament and Canada. All of us who were
in this House on Friday regret deeply having stood and clapped even
though we did so unaware of the context," Trudeau told reporters.

— The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) September 27, 2023

"It was a horrendous violation of the memory of the millions of people
who died in the Holocaust," he continued, in the statement which also
appeared to put sole blame on now resigned Speaker Anthony Rota.

98-year old Waffen-SS Galicia Division veteran Yaroslav Hunka is now
possibly being sought by Poland, and extradition proceedings are being
mulled in Warsaw.

Trudeau now says "Canada is deeply sorry" for involving Zelensky, who
along with all of Canadian parliament was seen enthusiastically
applauding Hunka with a standing ovation. Trudeau further called the
whole event "deeply, deeply painful" to Jewish people, Poles, Roma,
and the so-called "2SLGTBQIA+" "community" (yes, it's an official
Canadian govt designation, absurd as it is).

He also sought to assert (or rather deflect) once again that this
fiasco is playing into Russia's hands, which is seeking to
"politicize" it. Thus the prime minister is continuing to spin it as
somehow really a story of 'Russian disinformation'.

Wow! "Trudeau apologizes after a Ukrainian Nazi veteran was
celebrated at Zelenskyy speech. Liberal caucus sources have told CBC
News that Trudeau told MPs Wednesday they should avoid speaking to the
press about Hunka's invitation and the subsequent fallout, and that
the media…
— Ivan Katchanovski (@I_Katchanovski) September 27, 2023

But perhaps more interesting is what Trudeau and his staff are
reportedly telling members of parliament in private. They are to stay
"tight-lipped" in hopes that the scandal and international media
coverage will just 'go away'. According to Canada's national
broadcaster CBC:

Liberal caucus sources have told CBC News that Trudeau told MPs
Wednesday they should avoid speaking to the press about Hunka's
invitation and the subsequent fallout, and that the media frenzy would
die down if they stayed tight-lipped.

Trudeau's remarks come after Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre
said inviting Hunka to attend Zelenskyy's historic address to
Parliament is the "biggest single diplomatic embarrassment" in the
country's history.

Poilievre is blaming Trudeau for the mishap, despite outgoing
Speaker Anthony Rota's assertion that he alone was responsible for
inviting Hunka.

But as GrayZone journalist Max Blumenthal points out, this may
actually be the tip of the iceberg for Canada's NaziGate...

Canada's @cafreeland perpetuates her Nazi grandfather's legacy
through Ukraine proxy war

After serving as one of Hitler's top Ukrainian propagandists in
occupied Poland, Michael Chomiak joined thousands of Nazi
collaborators on the ratline to Canada during the 1950s.

— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) September 27, 2023

Below is Blumenthal's full backgrounder on the disturbing associations
and past activism of Trudeau's Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of
Finance, Chrystia Freeland [emphasis by ZH]...

* * *

After serving as one of Hitler's top Ukrainian propagandists in
occupied Poland, Michael Chomiak joined thousands of Nazi
collaborators on the ratline to Canada during the 1950s. Following
Chomiak's death in 1984, his granddaughter, Chrystia Freeland,
followed in his footsteps as a reporter for various Ukrainian
nationalist publications.

Freeland was an early contributor to the Encyclopedia of Ukraine,
which was edited by her grandfather's former boss in Poland, the Nazi
collaborator and ethnic cleansing advocate Volodymyr Kubijovyč. Next,
she took a staff position at the Edmonton-based Ukrainian News, where
Chomiak had served as editor.

A 1988 edition of Ukrainian News featured an article co-authored by
Freeland, followed by an ad for a book called “Fighting for Freedom”
which glorified the Ukrainian Waffen-SS Galician division. During
Freeland’s time as an exchange student in Lviv, Ukraine, she laid the
foundations for journalistic success. From behind cover as a Russian
literature major at Harvard University, Freeland collaborated 

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2023-09-28 Thread grarpamp
1984 and Censorship, in full swing against your Freedom

Musk Says COVID Shot "Almost Sent Me To Hospital", Says He'd Go To
Prison Before Firing Workers For Refusing Jab

Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times

Elon Musk on Tuesday revealed that he took multiple COVID-19 vaccines
so that he could travel during the period of intense pandemic
restrictions and that after taking his third shot, he nearly ended up
Elon Musk, founder and chief engineer of SpaceX, speaks at the 2020
Satellite Conference and Exhibition in Washington on March 9, 2020.
(Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Mr. Musk made the remarks in a post on X that was part of a thread he
started as a response to a warning by European Union (EU) officials
that X has fallen squarely into the bloc's censorship crosshairs for
being found to be the top purveyor of so-called misinformation and

"Have you heard dis information?" Mr. Musk captioned his original
post, in a play on words that accompanied a video compilation of
COVID-19 vaccine news headlines that began with bold initial claims
early in the pandemic that the vaccines are "100 percent effective"
before steadily dropping lower and lower.

My concern was more the outrageous demand that people *must* take
the vaccine and multiple boosters to do anything at all. That was
messed up.

Until the Supreme Court invalidated Biden’s exec order, SpaceX and
many other companies would have been forced to fire anyone who…
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 26, 2023

"The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine was only 47% effective after 5 months?"
reads one of the later headlines, followed by even more negative
headlines like "Sweden, Denmark Halt Moderna's Covid Shot for Younger
People" and, finally, ones highlighting vaccine-maker profitability
amid calls for seemingly endless boosters.
'Messed Up'

Mr. Musk's meme on waning vaccine efficacy drew a number of comments,
including one by political journalist Ed Krassenstein, who raised

"I think efficacy changes are a result of new strains and the vaccine
immunity wearing off. It’s stupid anyone ever claimed it was 100%
effective. No vaccine is 100% full-proof," he wrote.

Mr. Musk replied by saying that he's not against vaccines in
principle, but that he opposes mandates forcing people to get the

"My concern was more the outrageous demand that people *must* take the
vaccine and multiple boosters to do anything at all. That was messed
up," Mr. Musk wrote.

He added that, until the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated President Joe
Biden's executive order imposing a vaccine-or-test mandate for large
companies, his company SpaceX "and many other other companies would
have been forced to fire anyone who refused to get vaccinated!"

"We would not have done so. I would rather go to prison than fire good
people who didn’t want to be jabbed," Mr. Musk continued.

Mr. Musk also revealed that he got COVID-19 and experienced "mild cold
symptoms" but took vaccines repeatedly for travel.

"The third shot almost sent me to hospital," Mr. Musk said.

"How many other people out there have symptoms that are actually from
the vaccine or Covid treatment, rather than Covid itself?" he asked.

There's a growing body of data suggesting that COVID-19 vaccine side
effects are more serious than previously claimed.

Mr. Musk qualified his remarks by saying he's not against vaccines as
a matter of principle.

"It’s not like I don’t believe in vaccines—I do. However, the cure
cannot be potentially worse than the disease," he said.

"Public debate over efficacy should not be shut down," Mr. Musk continued.

Mr. Musk added that he believes "there is also great potential for
curing many diseases using synthetic mRNA, so let’s not throw the baby
out with the bath water."

The X chief's post garnered a series of reactions, including a
humorous one by the Joe Biden Press Release (Parody) account, which
features a photo of a smiling President Joe Biden saying: "I promise
you'll be safe after the 42nd booster."

"Just be sure to triple mask, Elon," the account added.

Meanwhile, in Brussels, EU officials took Mr. Musk and X into their
censorship crosshairs.
'We Will Be Watching'

A senior European Union official on Sept. 26 accused X of being the
top purveyor of disinformation and issued a veiled threat, prompting
Mr. Musk to push back by posting the meme highlighting waning vaccine
effectiveness and sparking online debate.

At a press conference on Tuesday, the EU’s top commissar on

Re: 1984: Thread

2023-09-28 Thread grarpamp

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-09-28 Thread grarpamp
> A new wave of global censorship for 1984 is spooling up via
> UN and other cunt entities including Jacinda Ardern and Melanie Joly
> If you're not fighting back against these asshole tyrants
> in some way every single day, you are LOSING, because
> their fight against you never stops, ever in history.

Didn't cypherpunks say they had a solution to all this?

The new Digital Services Act rules apply to 19 "very large" digital
platforms (such as social media networks, websites, and online
retailers) with at least 45 million active users in the EU.

The 19 platforms that fall under the umbrella of the new rules are:
Alibaba AliExpress, Amazon Store, Apple AppStore, Bing,,
Facebook, Instagram, Google Maps, Google Play, Google Search, Google
Shopping, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, X, Wikipedia,
YouTube, and Zalando.

Re: 1984: Thread

2023-09-28 Thread grarpamp
> Mass psyop tool used by evils: Google Jigsaw

The people behind 1984 really do employ psychologists to
figure out how to roll out and pull off all the shit you've been
seeing around the world. Unless you study messaging
and other forces darkly applied, you'll never notice it.

The Great Demoralization

Commentary by Jeffrey A. Tucker

On March 6, 2020, the mayor of Austin, Texas, canceled the biggest
tech and arts trade show in the world, South-by-Southwest, only a week
before hundreds of thousands were to gather in the city.

In an instant, with the stroke of a pen, it was all gone: hotel
reservations, flight plans, performances, exhibitors, and all the
hopes and dreams of thousands of merchants in the town. Economic
impact: a loss $335 million in revenue at least. And that was just to
the city alone, to say nothing of the broader impact.

It was the beginning of U.S. lockdowns. It wasn’t entirely clear at
the time—my own sense was that this was a calamity that would lead to
decades of successful lawsuits against the Austin mayor—but it turned
out that Austin was the test case and template for the entire nation
and then the world.

The reason was of course COVID but the pathogen wasn’t even there. The
idea was to keep it out of the city, an incredible and sudden fallback
to a medieval practice that has nothing to do with modern public
health understanding of how a respiratory virus should be handled.

“In six months,” I wrote at the time, “if we are in a recession,
unemployment is up, financial markets are wrecked, and people are
locked in their homes, we’ll wonder why the heck governments chose
disease ‘containment’ over disease mitigation. Then the conspiracy
theorists get to work.”

I was right about the conspiracy theorists but I had not anticipated
that they would turn out to be right about nearly everything. We were
being groomed for extended national and global lockdowns.

At this point in the trajectory, we already knew the gradient of risk.
It was not medically significant for healthy working-age adults (which
still to this day the CDCs does not admit). So the shutdown likely
protected very few if anyone.

The extraordinary edict—worthy of a tin-pot dictator of a dark
age—completely overrode the wishes of millions, all on the decision of
one man, whose name is Steven Adler.

“Was the consideration between maintaining that money, effectively
rolling the dice, and doing what you did?” asked Texas Monthly of the

His answer: “No.”

Clarifying: “We made a decision based on what was in the best health
interest for the city. And that is not an easy choice.”

After the shocking cancellation, which overrode property rights and
free will, the mayor urged all residents to go out and eat at
restaurants and gather and spend money to support the local economy.
In this later interview, he explained that he had no problem keeping
the city open. He just didn’t want people from hither and yon—the
dirty people, so to speak—to bring a virus with them.

He was here playing the role of Prince Prospero in Edgar Allan Poe’s
“The Masque of the Red Death.” He was turning the capital city of
Texas into a castle in which the elite could hide from the virus, an
action that also became a foreshadowing of what was to come: the
division of the entire country into clean and dirty populations.

The mayor further added a strange comment: “I think the spread of the
disease here is inevitable. I don’t think that closing down South Bay
was intended to stop the disease from getting here because it is
coming. The assessment of our public health professionals was that we
were risking it coming here more quickly, or in a greater way with a
greater impact. And the longer we could put that off, the better this
city is.”

And there we have the “flatten the curve” thinking at work. Kick the
can down the road. Postpone. Delay herd immunity as long as possible.
Yes, everyone will get the bug but it is always better that it happens
later rather than sooner. But why? We were never told. Flatten the
curve was really just prolong the pain, keep our overlords in charge
as long as possible, put normal life on hold, and stay safe as long as
you can.

Prolonging the pain might also have served another surreptitious
agenda: let the working classes—the dirty people—get the bug and bear
the burden of herd immunity so that the elites can stay clean and
hopefully it will die out before it gets to the highest echelons.
There was indeed a hierarchy of 

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-09-28 Thread grarpamp
Total Corruption Biden's and highest Office Democrats Party
and Criminal Conspiring News Media and Big Tech Censors
They ALL need to go to PRISON.

Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Elections

100s Of Pages Of Newly Released Memos Spark Fresh Corruption Charges
Ahead Of 1st Biden Impeachment Inquiry Hearing

Mountains of evidence released by House Republicans on the Ways and
Means Committee today point to a decade and more of influence peddling
and financial fraud involving President Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and
brother, James, and multiple business associates.

These documents will be reviewed on Thursday in the first special
impeachment inquiry hearing of the House Oversight and Accountability

Newly revealed materials confirm that Hunter Biden was traveling the
world to sell influence and access to the Biden “brand,” meaning his
father, Joe Biden.

Hunter has even referred to access to his father as “the keys” to “my
family’s only asset.”

In just the last day, we have discovered:

A $250K wire for Hunter Biden in 2019 from China with Joe Biden's
address as the beneficiary.

The wires were from Wang Xin and Jonathan Li, the latter of whom ran a
Chinese private equity fund (BHR) which Hunter was listed as being on
the board of directors. Hunter also arranged for a meeting between Li
and Joe Biden while Joe was VP, while Joe allegedly gave Li's son a
letter of recommendation.

Emails showing a U.S Attorney would not allow FBI agents to
investigate the Bidens for FARA violations.

One document confirmed rumors that at one point the FBI and IRS
investigated Hunter Biden for possible violations of the Foreign Agent
Registration Act (FARA), a federal law requiring disclosure of any
lobbying activities on behalf of foreign powers. "Please focus on FARA
evidence only," Delaware Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf emailed
agents in August 2020 concerning a possible search warrant

Test message showing that James Biden suggested it was normal for Joe
Biden to be involved in his son's business.

In an affidavit to the committee, Ziegler suggested agents believed
there was evidence in a series of WhatsApp encrypted text messages
that Joe Biden was involved in the CEFC business deal and others
before it, but the FBI's interview with James Biden was constructed to
avoid asking those questions.

To back up the claim, Ziegler attached a summary of one text messages
between James Biden and Hunter Biden from 2018. "This can work, you
need a safe harbor. I can work with you father alone !! We as usual
just need several months of his help for this to work.