Re: Cryptocurrency: CBDC Digital Fiat WARNING BELLS GOING OFF

2023-10-25 Thread grarpamp
> CBDCs: The Ultimate Tool Of Oppression

Globalism 1 USA 0

2023-10-25 Thread professor rat
A leitmotif or leitmotiv is a "short, recurring musical phrase" associated with 
a particular person, place, or idea. It is closely related to the musical 
concepts of idée fixe or motto-theme. The spelling leitmotif is an 
anglicization of the German Leitmotiv, literally meaning "leading motif", or 
"guiding motif"

Reposts not gramps garbage about dead-man-walking, Uncle Scam

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-25 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
i might have meant the quote “keep your eyes on the card” (for the next 4 days)

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-25 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
others found more intense things

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-25 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
some found a destructive cult with a bunch of ex-cultists diagnosing
traffick boss with a narcissistic personality disorder up traffick
boss’s sleeves

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-25 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
“traffixk boss said to mind control them and i was like “what?”
but zombie worker was all “oh this again” ….”


traffick boss: “look up my sleeves. nothing up them, right? thereks
totally nothing nothing up my sleeves.”
zombie worker: “you’ll be looking up traffick boss’s sleeves for the
next four days”

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-25 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
possible big mistake

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-25 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
experimentee chats about having to learn to do only things nobody ever
thought of in order to escape AI made of human brIns

The need for homeland security is not tied to any specific terrorist threat.

2023-10-25 Thread pro2rat
The threat of terrorism is an inescapable reality of life in the 21st century. 
It is a permanent condition to which America and the entire world must adjust. 
The need for homeland security, therefore, is not tied to any specific 
terrorist threat."

--"Securing the Homeland, Strengthening the Nation" presidential report

Reposts not maggots for fascism like P. Thiel. Sen Cotton & grarpamps 

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-25 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
“the things we say and do carry through into eternity”
  “bullshit! bullshit bullshit bullshit”
“right now you are living the experiences of millions of people who
have said “bullshit” before you”
   [}…”] [otherwise how would have learned the word?]
  “traffick boss is somewhat distressed about being part of a living
eternal fabric”

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-25 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
this produces interesting situations, like librarians with guns and
deadly cyborg assassins that narrow in on books that are in disarray,
charge at them, and organize them --

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-25 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
[the mistake i just made is common and engages my value for archival
;p i did originally intend for the archival people to get involved in
murdering, because the murder algorithms were working so hard
unsuccessfully they began pulling in surrounding systems. it is of
course a much nicer accidental story i enjoy being more, if they
simply all archive stuff ;p]

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-25 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
as the horror continues the confusion spreads

some of the blockchain library algorihtms begin entraining the
murder-cleanup duo

and some of the murder-cleanup duo start getting involved in the archival work

think like you've been pressing a button in a trance for so long that
you start just pressing random stuff all the time, like that

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-25 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
traffick boss and cyborg assassin team up to gun down drones and
children carrying banned books as they rebuild each other from parts
scrounged from other downed drones and murdered children

as they keep gunning these people and robots, prioritizing the task
over things, they begin merging into each other as they work with the
AI to continue the task. traffick boss starts getting some cyborg
parts, and some of traffick boss's biology gets entrained by the
cyborg assassin's augmentations, they are working in such sync

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-25 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
hypnotized cleanup worker [long ago was something else]: "This is great!"
traffick boss: "

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-25 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
some coverup workers near the blockchain video show that traffick boss
stars in discover [that there is a lot of work to be had engaging
forms of life with infinite memories and coverup workers with
unstoppable weaponry --

New Scientist: Record-breaking quantum computer has more than 1000 qubits

2023-10-25 Thread jdb10987