Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-10-28 Thread grarpamp
Laura Loomer
 TWO TIERED JUSTICE SYSTEM” The Capitol CCTV footage that
shows Democrat Congressman Jamaal Bowman @RepBowman intentionally
ripped warning signs off the door of the Capitol before he pulled the
fire alarm was deliberately held and released until THE DAY AFTER Rep.
Bowman struck a plea deal. There wasn’t a single @HouseGOP Republican
demanding for the tapes prior to the deal was made, and none of them
challenged @CapitolPolice about why they decided to hold and release
the damning video evidence until after Bowman accepted a plea deal,
allowing him to avoid further scrutiny from the media and the public.
Democrats continue to control the narratives even under a “Republican
controlled House”. I also haven’t seen any outrage over this by
@SpeakerJohnson… Jamaaly Bowman should be EXPELLED from Congress,
especially now that these newly released tapes PROVE that he 100%
pulled the alarm on purpose and removed warning signs about the alarm
from the door before he pulled it. Funny how the media doesn’t want to
show anyone this new footage. When will a motion to expel Rep. Bowman
from Congress hit the floor of the House? The footage below was
released Thursday 10/26/23 at 3:00 PM EST. @RepBowman made his plea
deal Wednesday 10/25/23, and he appeared in court the morning of
Thursday 10/26/23 to formally plead. Later that day, at 3:00 PM EST,
the damning footage was released. But only after he made a deal. The
video proves he committed a FELONY! Per the terms of @RepBowman’s plea
deal, the DC attorney general will drop all of the charges against
Bowman in 3 months in exchange for a formal apology and a $1,000 fine.
And the DC Attorney General’s office really wants you to believe that
“Congressman Bowman was treated like anyone else who violates the law
in the District of Columbia.” Just another win for the Dems thanks to
GOP cowardice. RECEIPTS 
Laura Loomer
Oct 27
WATCH: Nobody is buying that @JamaalBowmanNY pulled that fire alarm in
the House Office Building on's okay though, Jamaal. I
know you didn't do nothing! That fire alarm was clearly racist!

Re: Wokeism is Doomed

2023-10-28 Thread grarpamp
> Cheering for Islam is cheering for your own death.

Would have been nice if everyone just stayed the fuck home
and mind their own business after WWII. Doesn't look like
that's going to happen anytime soon... be prepared.

Memri.Tv bringing the Truth About Islam's Sharia Law
to the suicidal Wokesters...
A Palestinian scholar from the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem sends a
message to the “Queers for Palestine-crowd” in the West: “The people
of Palestine will not allow a single homosexual in our land," such
perversion brings the wrath of Allah”
Anti-Israel protesters brought a combined Palestine/LGBTQ+ flag to the
demonstration in Brooklyn, New York City today to show the solidarity
between the queer community and Palestine

"NATO member" Erdogan Incites Islam into Global Jihad.
That’s all one needs to know about him. People who grow up in Western
societies and still became communists are people who never bothered to
open a history book.
 F*CK ISRAEL  American Communists are back…
2 young Israeli children tried to hide in this closet in their home.
They were found by Hamas and shot on the spot. For those people
questioning why Israel is launching a ground invasion of Gaza.

Jose Stratton @JoseStratton3
We can look at the largest Muslim population in the US in Dearborn,
MI. They routinely show up to protest the school board's LGBTQ
initiatives in schools. They're the majority and they're vocal. They
don't want gays near their children. What do you say about that

Maggie @MaggieNorthman
OMG EXACTLY! Not to mention Dearborn Michigan had a protest with
30,000 pro Hamas demonstrators.

Thousands of students walked out of Dearborn high schools Friday to
stage a pro-Hamas protest, reportedly chanting "Allahu Akbar."

Danny Dean @MccaigeDean
Jewish synagogue President murdered in Detroit, yet police say no
known motives. Are you kidding? Look at the Anti-Israel protests,
especially in Dearborn, where there Imams and representatives and US
Congresswoman Rep. Rashida Terrorist spew their hate and blame Israel.

A large crowd of anti-Israel protesters are marching through the
George Washington University in D.C. At times, participants walked up
to the house of a Jewish fraternity to start a conflict. Jewish
students say they are being regularly intimidated on campus.

This woman destroyed dozens of posters of kidnapped Israeli civilians
in Primrose Hill, London today. When asked why she was doing it, she
said she doesn't believe Hamas actually kidnapped all those people.

Iranian security forces have confiscated the body of 16-year-old
Armita Geravand, who was beaten to death by the morality police for
showing her hair in public. The family was banned from burying her in
her hometown. The regime will bury her in an unmarked grave in Tehran.
16-year-old Armita Garavand died in Iran today after being taken off
life-support. She had earlier been declared brain dead. The young girl
was beaten into a coma in the subway by the morality police in for not
wearing the mandatory headscarf in public

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: Says it's impossible to crush Hamas
without destroying the Gaza Strip. He added that destroying Gaza and
forcing its 2 million residents to leave would create a catastrophe
for decades, if not centuries. But invading 40 mln in Ukraine is fine?

Even Hamas people know that Hamas did an evil thing. It's only
psychotic Western leftists who seem not to know it.
Hamas spokesman says Hamas only attacked military targets on October
7th. When the interviewer points out that they massacred hundreds of
civilians in their own homes, he gets angry and walks out of the

College students in the U.S. claim that “Israel is worse than Nazi
Germany” What are they teaching at American universities?

Dozens of Ukrainian families used to live in this apartment building
in Mariupol. Only the elevator shaft remains. Russia is a terrorist

Marcusbury @marcusbury2
Americans need to realize not only do Muslims believe Americans are
stupid for allowing them to take over Dearborn Michigan in the 80’s ,
Muslims: try this in their country ur shit instantly Video: Rep. Tlaib
'cries' at pro-Palestine protest, blames Israel

It's very different when it hits home, doesn't it?
Tariq Nasheed just deleted a post about his nephew getting shot by a
black man 2 days ago he was mocking people on X for worrying about
black-on-black crime

Oct 14
JUST IN: Violent Palestinian Rioters have another pro-HAMAS and
pro-Islamic terrorist “emergency protest” today, October 14, in
DEARBORN, MICHIGAN and DETROIT, MICHIGAN at 2 pm. Dearborn is one of
the top ISIS recruitment locations in the 

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-28 Thread mailbombbin
> 1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h
> marketers and actor shills and interns run around the area that looks
meant scabs. people who work when union says bad idea.
> populated, screaming as if in fear, “my baby!” “he destroyed my
> house!”

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-28 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  2d

traffick boss sends government workers to advanced technology business
to order them to work for traffick boss via their government

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h

traffick boss bends gloatingly over a city of people

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h

he’s in a gigantic cardboard replica of an armored robot. employees
work the cardboard to move it as if it is a real robot.

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h

traffick boss [in gigantic cardboard war robot marionette]: “oh you
little civilians are in so much trouble! you won’t be able to avoid
this cleanup!”

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h

traffick boss pulls fake levers and the giant cardboard robot lifts
its giant cardboard leg and stomps hard on an area that appears

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h

marketers and actor shills and interns run around the area that looks
populated, screaming as if in fear, “my baby!” “he destroyed my

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h

traffick pulls more levers and the giant cardboard robot folds its arms smugly

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h

traffick boss sets himself up with a gun platform. rebel workers
ensure the guns fire blanks. he has hypnotized special agents cut a
hole in the roof and ceiling of active building

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h

news crews come in to observe and broadcast him. he is in some kind of trance.

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h

he lowers through the ceiling slowly on wires on his platform, and
yells at all the people as he aims the guns and fires

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h

everybody ducks and covers and flees and yells. he keeps yelling and
firing. nothing is getting damaged from the gunfire.

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h

this continues for a bit. emergency services pull into the building’s
parking lot to arrest him.

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h

as various emergency enforcement teams bust in through the doors and
run toward him, he aims his guns at them and keeps madly firing blanks
and blanks at them as they approach.

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h

he’s laughing and yelling, both maniacally. the emergency teams break
into ordered groups to organize access the gun platform and roof via
various means.

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h

on the roof the hypnotized special agents who helped traffick boss and
the on-the-job special agent stopping him encounter each other.
they’re coworkers and friends.

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h

“oh, hi special agent 4! how’s work?” “special agent 3! such a
surprise to see you here!” “special agent 5, about that fiver i owe
you …”

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h

mistake: “on-the-job special agents stopping him”

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  4h


1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  3h

traffick boss starts to come out of his horrifying maniacal reverie
and looks up to the hole in the roof. “hey! haul me up!”

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  3h

the news crews and live cameras flock to the roof

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  3h

meanwhile ground teams are bringing ladders in, and somebody has a
megaphone aimed at the gun platform from the ground

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  3h

and the civilians are being safely moved elsewhere and protected. some
are taken aside and are being interviewed.

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  3h

person with megaphone [at gun platform hanging from sawed hole in
ceiling by steel cables]: “mr. traffick boss, you are trespassing and
must leave.”

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  3h

on the roof the hypnotized special agents don’t seem to understand
that they helping traffick boss. they start to haul him up while
giving office quips.

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  3h

traffick boss [while being pulled toward news crews and special
agents, just a hairs breadth away from a group at the top of a
ladder]: “your armor protected you this time!”

1Q9CWBAePD6NaBar  3h

he fires off more blanks as he rises

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2023-10-28 Thread grarpamp

Oct 23
US Government & NewsGuard Sued by Consortium News… The suit accuses #NewsGuard of defaming
@Consortiumnews and the U.S. government of acting in concert with
NewsGuard to violate the First Amendment. Read about it and watch the
news conference.

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-28 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
something like, calling out organized crime counters torture,
different projection could make mediation maybe

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-28 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
traffick boss [to grassroots activist, in torture room]: "you must
learn to stop being a terrorist"
experimentee [to traffick boss, kidnapped by rebel works holdin their
consciousness in brains]: "you must learn to care for everyone else
unsure, i guess overlaps with story form

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-28 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
maybe traffick boss busts down rebel specialist's door, finds charity hospital

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-28 Thread Undiscussed Groomed for Male Slavery, One Victim of Many
bridge word, opposing factions communicate via controlled human

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-28 Thread mailbombbin
missing bits

Re: Morning Spam

2023-10-28 Thread mailbombbin
social ai develops similarity to mind link
uses human behavior and experience as one mode of information storage and relay
people engage mind link
but stimulate trauma rather than discussing

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-10-28 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
scared traffick boss with sticks stuck in brain climbs into powersuit
traffick boss: "powersuit i am frightened and want to curl up into a
tiny ball for a few days. could you ravage the countryside while I
quiver and quake?"

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-10-28 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
got it going !
javascript was disabled, seems to need it
i must have rebooted the system or such

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-10-28 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
maybe explained with some kind of caching ?
i'm presently in a walmart parking lot
when i was using a kind of mobile internet i hadn't seen the refresh
issue, at least not the same way (instead i had to refresh the page
for posts after the first to go through)

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-10-28 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
meanwhile, posts i make on aren't showing up on refresh --
this happened for one post.

it's interesting because this was happening with my gmail over the
past year or more, when posting these.

much more resolvable in theory, since the dataserver is an open network.

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-10-28 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
i think part of the struggle could be a strong inner thing that tries
to project me as being a horrible criminal, unsure

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-10-28 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
running into issues so typing a little here
"traffick boss is sad. in one universe, he is acting like an animal
and expressing sadness. in another, he is murdering all animals and is
in an office."
basically i noticed during the expression that i was using it to
preserve a part of myself that had an idea of animal feelings, and
it's notable that this influenced the expression to remove that thing.
gave an avenue to add more information on the bad thing.

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-10-28 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
once upon time

previous email unresolved. continuing spasmodic expressions on

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2023-10-28 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
traffick boss acts sad
he hangs his head and doesn't eat from his feeding dish
he lays in the corner of [his cage?] and skulks