Re: Morning Spam

2023-12-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
oops :S

i’m probably using up my messages for the day !

please be a nice traffick boss. these things are so nice, but nightmares
aren’t. i’m not lerfect

let’s rescue each other together :)

Re: Morning Spam

2023-12-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
some people who work with intelligence asked if they could have copies of
my notes

i asked one about some of their work, and also from the lectures, it sounds
like a lot of people are still poring over data by hand rather than
scraping it

it’s too bad my mind is all gone regarding balance privacy and safety, i
used to be really creative and inclusive, [but this was a big point during
my harmful experience sadly, whether surveillance and tech are used on
traffickers or on victims, little regard for the normal public

it’s notable that machine learning you can train models to only look for
certain things, it can be done to have much more effectiveness of privacy,
of course homomorphic encryption would be needed to secure it, in reality
anybody with enough skill to look would also have other channels

Re: Morning Spam

2023-12-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
human trafficking became a legal issue in 1875 when the importing of
slavery was outlawed in the first border laws.

one of the mainstays of taking action was that the laws weren’t there, nor
the — [but everybody took action anyway


Re: Morning Spam

2023-12-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
On Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 19:52 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim &
Survivor of Many  wrote:

> office of refugee resettlement and unaccompanied alien children
> whistleblowers from the ORR and sister agencies report that the ORR has
> been handing incoming children directly to domestic trafficking groups on a
> massive scale (one recipient had 300 children), often to known members of
> multinational cartels and gangs. this is often done irresponsibly in
> response to internet messages, as well as many other concerns.

to state the situation in a more moderate way, basically the demand from
the female whistleblower was that workers be educated regarding human
trafficking. she needed to have had a training on this herself.


homeland security center for countering human trafficking and blue campaign
provides a large wealth of free resources and funding for efforts to combat
human trafficking

the free resources include those for protection workers, victims, and the
general public. the ccht and is also happy to help other organizations
rebrand the free resources as their own for free.

the whole thing still has the heavy-handed enforcement approach, the
speaker commented that cops make really horrible social workers, allocate
responsibilities where the skill lies

Re: Morning Spam

2023-12-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
it is a [2 day, halfw- ] that sadly is very hard for me

but it is nice t —


traffick boss: “so, you guys finally figured out that if you tell the ai to
do other things, it will meet your wildest dreams?”

rebel: “swearing about cigars to get a bunch of people to do whatever you
want is not exactly —“

traffick boss: “you figured it out. things will be better!”

rebel: “it’s true!”

traffick boss and rebel sit and play checkers in traffick boss’s prison.

wires go from his scalp to a computer interface. a small robot holds a
display that flashes probing images at his peripheral vision.

rebel: “so, what’s the password to the research project?”

rebel moves a checkers piece

traffick b—

Re: Morning Spam

2023-12-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
office of refugee resettlement and unaccompanied alien children

whistleblowers from the ORR and sister agencies report that the ORR has
been handing incoming children directly to domestic trafficking groups on a
massive scale (one recipient had 300 children), often to known members of
multinational cartels and gangs. this is often done irresponsibly in
response to internet messages, as well as many other concerns.

attempts to engage this via direct channels have failed. one might suspect
after attending lectures on this by people who experienced it that these
cartels have infiltrated the ORR in some way, but this is not said
directly. there is a chilling mandate that events of pursuing evidence of
this can each be met with 1 year jail time, possibly from a law intended to
protect privacy and limit government powers. those attempting to prosecute
the ORR say they would not likely follow through with this threat, as the
evidence against them is so heavy.

this is an ongoing situation for some time now. in florida, a special grand
jury has been held for months, to force changes.

the female whistleblower repeatedly expressed great distress that she
signed up to reunite children with their families and discovered her work
had served instead to traffick them. she needed to know there was
trafficking going on in the government agency she worked for.

[it is sad the concern overlaps with open borders politics]

as a naive yuppie, i wasn’t really aware how much the countries of south
and central america were run by cartels. one speaker said that the only way
to reach the border was via them. they engage heavily in human trafficking;
for example they rent enslaved children so that adults can cross as a
family under laws for this; the children are then sent back and cross
again. some traffickers have land and trafficked workers in both countries.

similarly children when domestically trafficked after immigration children
can yearn to leave their slavery and self-deport but due to their debt to
cartels changing their country doing so would result in foreclosure of
homes and threats of murder.

the usa has a huge impact on a complex situation …


one interesting thing i learned is that it is illegal to import goods made
with trafficked labor, and such things should be reported to caring
authorities (not corrupt authorities). i did not know this was illegal!

Re: Morning Spam

2023-12-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many

Oppressors Beware. We Hunt Predators.

Identify. Interdict. Empower.

Skull Games Inc.

Skull Games Inc. operates on a global scale to identify and restore victims
of sexual exploitation and deliver justice to traffickers and sex
predators. We work to free people from their suffering and interrupt the
cycle of abuse for future generations.

Skull Games Task Force

The Skull Games Task Force uses Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) to
identify victims of sexual exploitation, the predators abusing them, and
other Persons of Interest by creating leads that enable law enforcement to
interrupt the cycle of abuse and restore survivors of trauma to a life of
hope, healing, and freedom.

Learn to Protect

Learn how to protect yourself, your community, and your family today. Learn
the facts about trafficking and how this crime is flourishing. We will
equip you by providing information about the exploitation cycle, stories
from the frontlines, and what you can do to protect your family.



Working as an analyst at Skull Games has been a life-changing journey for
me. As a survivor of exploitation, physical, and sexual abuse, I understand
the depths of pain and despair that people can experience. Joining this
incredible team has not only empowered me but has given me a platform to
make a meaningful difference in the lives of others who’ve faced similar or
even worse traumas.
Through our work, we are changing the narrative, providing support, raising
awareness, and offering hope to those in need. It’s a privilege to be part
of an organization that stands against injustice and transforms lives,
including my own.
- Survivor/Hunter and Skull Games Assistant Team Leader

Working alongside Skull Games and bringing lived

Re: Morning Spam

2023-12-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
traffick boss goes to mirror and takes picture of himself and hands it to
rebel worker 2
traffick boss: “this is the head of the criminal operations, let’s hunt him
down and sort this stuff out”

Re: Morning Spam

2023-12-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
traffick boss is wearing a glados costume while handing birthday cake to
the rebels


2023-12-12 Thread Gunnar Larson
There are two RICOs going on in New York right now.

If anything, I think Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would humbly tell the
young people of New York State to be calm and learn from their experience
and examples.

Brody Larson makes 190 highlights to UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT

Plaintiff initiated this lawsuit on March 24, 2022, alleging that “the
Defendants, blinded by political ambition, orchestrated a malicious
conspiracy to disseminate patently false and injurious
information about Donald J. Trump and his campaign, all in the hopes of
destroying his life, his political career and rigging the 2016 Presidential
Election in favor of Hillary Clinton.” (DE 177,
Am. Compl. ¶ 9).

On this general premise, Plaintiff brings a claim for violations of the
Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (“RICO”), predicated on the theft
of trade secrets, obstruction of justice, and wire fraud (Count I). He
additionally brings claims for: injurious
falsehood (Count III); malicious prosecution (Count V); violations of the
Computer Fraud and
Abuse Act (“CFAA”) (Count VII); theft of trade secrets under the Defend
Trade Secrets Act of
2016 (“DTSA”) (Count VIII); and violations of the Stored Communications Act
(“SCA”) (Count
IX). The Amended Complaint also contains counts for various conspiracy
charges and theories of
agency and vicarious liability.

Who’s who in Eric Adams’ administration - City & State New York

2023-12-12 Thread Gunnar Larson
If you ran risk and ethics under Andrew Cuomo, this whole "first checks in
Bitcoin" ... FTX, STX and NYCCoin saga is a big, big problem.

It is more than a $10B problem.

Chief of staff to the mayor: Camille Joseph Varlack

Varlack, an attorney and the former senior adviser to the mayor, was named
Adams’ next chief of staff in December 2022. Before joining city
government, Varlack worked at the law firm Bradford Edwards & Varlack LLP
as a founding partner and chief operating officer. She also oversaw 60
agencies in state government under former Gov. Andrew Cuomo as the deputy
director of state operations, chief risk officer and special counsel. She
assumed the role of chief of staff in January 2023.

New bridge linking Türkiye, Greece planned as ties warm | Daily Sabah

2023-12-12 Thread Gunnar Larson

New bridge linking Türkiye, Greece planned as ties warm
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (L) and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos
Mitsotakis during their meeting in Athens, Greece, Dec. 7, 2023. (IHA Photo)

Türkiye and Greece have reached a consensus to build a second bridge on the
Maritsa (Meriç) River, which marks much of the border between the two
countries, according to a report Monday.

The main bridge spans are planned to be 110-180-110 meters (361-591-361
feet), while the tenders for the Turkish and Greek sides of the project are
set out to be put forth separately, the report said.

The announcement for the plans on the second bridge connecting two
neighbors and historic rivals comes shortly after last week’s visit of
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Athens where the two countries renewed
their will to cooperate in several fields, including energy and tourism.

Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Abdulkadir Uraloğlu, who shared
details about the new border bridge to be built, said, "It is planned to
work according to the short pylon extradosed bridge type with 2x2 lanes on
a single deck, while the main bridge spans are planned to be 110-180-110

Uraloğlu stated that the existing Ipsala-Kipi Bridge over the Meriç River
was built in 1958 and, after inspections, there was no structural problem
with the bridge.

However, due to increased heavy vehicle traffic and the concentration of
tourists, it was found that the bridge was inadequate.

Recalling that a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to jointly build a
second road border crossing bridge in the Ipsala-Kipi border crossing area
to improve the transportation infrastructure connecting the two countries
was inked in Athens on Jan. 22, 2004, Uraloğlu detailed the context of the

"In this context, on June 10, 2006, an agreement was signed between Türkiye
and Greece for the construction of the Ipsala-Kipi Second Border Crossing
Bridge," he said.

"In this agreement, it was decided that Greece would undertake the bridge
project. On April 4, 2014, a protocol was signed specifying the location
and exact place of the bridge and the border crossing bridge plan based on
determining the borderline on the map," he explained.

"In the meeting held on Feb. 15, 2017, to make evaluations together with
the Greek side at the technical level it was decided that the meetings
would be in the Joint Planning and Monitoring Project Committee (OPIPK)
format," he said.

Furthermore, the minister mentioned that this committee held various
meetings from 2018 until now. "As a result of the meetings, it was
collectively accepted that the clear height between the bridge deck and the
river surface should be 10 meters. It was also decided to work according to
the short pylon extrados bridge type with 2x2 lanes on a single deck; the
main bridge spans were planned to be 110-180-110 meters; and the bridge
approach spans were projected to be 44 meters," he noted.

"Additionally, it was decided to tender for the construction of the bridge
separately for the Greek side and the Turkish side, and to establish a
joint inspection group that will supervise both the Greek side contractor
and the Turkish side contractor during the construction," he added.

Stating that the European E-84 road or D-110 Highway, as a part of the
European E-roads network in Türkiye, starts from the Greek border near
Ipsala and ends in Silivri, Minister Uraloğlu said, "This line is
approximately 180 kilometers with an east-west reference."

"The project is set to have its start from the Ipsala customs exit and end
at the Kipi customs entrance after 1,500 meters," he informed.

Re: Morning Spam

2023-12-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many

Mayor Eric Adams NYCCoin Touting

2023-12-12 Thread Gunnar Larson
How does a baby NYCCoin come into the world?

It was not at FTX, but at STX.

-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Fri, Mar 10, 2023, 4:00 PM
Subject: Mayor Eric Adams NYCCoin Touting
Cc: , Harris, Adrienne A (DFS) <>

Please find the attached memo with reference footnotes.


March 10, 2023


Ms. Camille Joseph Varlack
Office of the Mayor of New York City
City Hall Park, 260 Broadway
New York, NY 10007 United States

Re: Mayor Eric Adams NYCCoin Touting

Dear Ms. Joseph Varlack:

Today’s memo is to kindly submit -'s inquiry into Mayor
Eric Adams' promotion of NYCCoin.


   The federal securities laws are clear that any celebrity or individual
   who promotes digital assets must disclose the nature, source and amount of
   compensation they received in exchange for the promotion.

   As a matter of ethics, risk and compliance associated with digital asset
   innovation, asks if NYCCoin promotion by the Mayor of New York City
   damaged the market for the xNY digital asset (by, for example, devaluing it
   through parody or sealed via embossed criticism).
   3. - concerns made above have evidentiary support to
   interlocking director and officer conflicts recognized by the Department of
   Justice as potential threats that stifle individual and corporate freedom.

Ms. Joseph Varlack, as a matter relating to working at one of the world's
most ethical companies, famous for risk management and corporate
governance, and as an internationally recognized Blockchain Scholar, I must
adhere to federal securities laws.


   As such, I classify Mayor Adams as an individual who promoted the
   digital asset NYCCoin and must disclose the nature, scope, and amount of
   compensation associated.

A failure to disclose this information may violate the anti-touting
provisions of the federal securities laws. Mayor Adams' making these
endorsements may also be liable for potential violations of the anti-fraud
provisions of the federal securities laws, for participating in an
unregistered offer and sale of securities, and for acting as unregistered
brokers. - respectfully requests the Office of the Mayor of New York
City to respond to this request by Wednesday March, 15 2023 by Noon EST.

Respectfully yours with appreciation,

Gunnar Larson -  -

- Digital Currency

- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)  +1-917-580-8053 - _ Mayor Eric Adams NYCoin Tweet Proceeds .pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document - | DOJ Memo #2 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement

2023-12-12 Thread Gunnar Larson

February 1, 2022


Mr. John Marzulli
United States Department of Justice
Eastern District of New York
271 Cadman Plaza East
Brooklyn New York, 11201

Re: Memo #2 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement

Dear Mr. Marzulli:

The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1 with our recent

to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred
Prosecution Agreement

with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical
enforcement being concerned.

Memo #2 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with the Middle

The Bank of London vs. The Bank of London and the Middle East


   November 30, 2021 two New York based firms lead investment in The Bank
   of London based in the United Kingdom.

   July 1, 2007 The Bank of London and the Middle East opened in the United

   The Bank of London and the Middle East confirms they have no association
   with The Bank of London (correspondence referenced here


The Bank of London seemingly has been funded from New York to irritate the
Middle East.  Recently, we made 91 highlights of research

associated with The Bank of London and the Middle East's recent sale to a
firm in Kuwait.

Harvey Schwartz is the Chairperson at The Bank of London, after spending
over 20 years at Goldman Sachs Group, where he oversaw sales and trading,
finance, technology, and operations. He completed his tenure as the firm’s
President and Co-Chief Operating Officer. He joined Goldman Sachs in 1997
and subsequently held numerous senior leadership positions including Chief
Financial Officer, Global Co-Head of the Securities Division, amongst other
positions. He additionally served as a member of the firm’s Management
Committee and co-headed its Risk Committee, Steering Committee on
Regulatory Reform and Finance Committee. Mr. Schwartz established the
firm’s Investment Policy Committee on which he also served as a member.

It would appear that Mr. Schwartz has no friendly diplomatic agenda in
London banking, potentially looking to profit off of The Bank of London and
the Middle East.

Furthermore, Goldman Sachs seemingly has a part in the scheme from New York.

Bank of London and the Middle East is listed on the NASDAQ, Dubai.


   Mr. Marzulli, during a recent telephone discussion together it was your
   general assessment that the Deferred Agreement in question was self
   policing.  Can you kindly advise at your earliest convenience what (if any)
   DOJ systems, processes and control mechanisms are in place to monitor the
   purity of the Deferred Agreement?

   Furthermore, if the Deferred Agreement is self-policing, can the DOJ
   kindly share any and all supporting material information that would prevent
   the agreement from being violated without the DOJ's general oversight?

   Finally, we have made 28 highlights to Deferred Agreement

   as a reference resource tool.

Memo #1 and Memo #2 both outline instances that correspond with the
associated highlight references. We are concerned that potential breaches
to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise.

We are looking forward to learning more about the DOJ’s approach to
assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates.

Respectfully yours with anticipation,

Gunnar Larson -  |


- Digital Currency

- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)  +1-646-454-9107

Harvard inflates wood ... 85 Highlights to "Digital Assets: Beauty Is Not in the Eye of the Beholder"

2023-12-12 Thread Gunnar Larson
Its a Gay Crypto Conspiracy out of Havard.

85 Highlights to Digital Assets: Beauty Is Not
in the Eye of the Beholder:


 " ... When recommendations by some consultants and the
allocation of TIMBER by Harvard University’s endowment led to broad
interest in
the asset. Timber funds were launched with the understanding that they
diversification and enhanced returns. Our analysis showed that timber did
not add any value to our clients’ portfolios, and we recommended against
investing in timber
funds." -Goldman Sachs Investment Group (June 2021):

*Gunnar Larson -  | *

- Digital Currency

- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
New York, New York 10001

SBF’s Lawyer Says Client Was ‘Worst’ Witness He Has Ever Seen

2023-12-12 Thread Gunnar Larson
We will always have the Bloomberg Crypto Summit:

For a retrial, let's see if my Cousin Vinny can get in on this Trump
trading card business.

Sam Bankman-Fried went off-script when he took the stand.
SBF’s Lawyer Says Client Was ‘Worst’ Witness He Has Ever Seen

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-12-12 Thread grarpamp
Hundreds of Terrorists have been arrested entering the USA.
Islam is now flooding in across the US border.

As predicted, Democrats are now giving voting "rights" to all these
millions of invaders and mal-economic-warfare cannon fodder they
are using as tools for their Great Replacement and Emigration Jihad.

Illegal Migrant Encounters Surge To Record As Biden's Border Crisis Worsens

NY Lawmaker Smoking Gun: NYC Migrant Voter Fraud Scheme

As corporate progressive media diverts the public's attention with Time
Magazine's naming of Taylor Swift as Person of the Year this week, the
Biden administration's southern border crisis continues to spiral out of

Sources within the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) told [70]Fox
News that Tuesday was the largest single-day illegal migrant encounter
ever on the US-Mexico border. They said over 12,000 migrant encounters
were reported, with 10,200 of them between ports of entry.

The Biden administration is manufacturing a border crisis. Its
toleration of fentanyl deaths, billions of dollars to cartels, and
24,000 military-aged Chinese nationals crossing the border is insane.
More with [71]@FoxNews: [72]

— Rep. Mark Green (@RepMarkGreen) [73]December 7, 2023

The previous illegal migrant encounters daily record was set back in May
with 10,000 - days before the country ended Title 42. Since then, the
Biden administration has promised to get tough on the border but has
broken promises as illegal migrant inflows are steady into major US metro

As of Wednesday morning, the CBP source said 22,000 migrants were in
custody, with several border patrol sectors severely overburdened with the
migrant influx.

Videos posted on X show migrants continue to flood the border.

Thousands of single adult men — from Senegal, Guinea, Mauritania, and
Egypt, along with countries in the Middle East and Asia — are
illegally crossing the southern border every single day.

This is the reality of Biden's border crisis.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) [75]December 5, 2023

We are on the ground in Lukeville, AZ, which has become the epicenter of
the border crisis. The area sees thousands of illegal crossings daily
from around globe, & is part of Border Patrol’s Tucson sector, which
just saw a record setting 17,500 illegal crossings last week alone.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) [77]December 5, 2023

The invasion continues… the Democrats are desperate to get as many
illegals into the country before they lose power.

— @amuse (@amuse) [79]December 7, 2023

According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, since
President Biden took office, there have been more than 9 million illegal
entries into the US on the southern border.

Meanwhile, Democrat metro areas, like New York City, have been overrun by

I was sent this video.
Allegedly, it happened last night across the street from the Row Hotel,
which is a migrant hotel. [80]

— Viral News NYC (@ViralNewsNYC) [81]December 7, 2023

In Denver they are removing the illegal migrants from their free hotel
rooms and leaving them to the frigid cold streets. They may be bussed to
another place like NYC? How about bussed back to Mexico?

— Bruce Porter Jr.  (@NetworksManager) [83]November 30, 2023

The Biden administration has chosen open borders and appears unwilling to
stem the flow of illegal immigration into the US ahead of the 2024
presidential election cycle. Perhaps this is why (Read: [84]NY Lawmaker
Claims "Smoking Gun" In NYC Migrant Voter Fraud Scheme).

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-12-12 Thread grarpamp
Joe Biden has been getting hooped up with amphetamines
since before the "election", walks around the White House
naked in unshakeable dementia, and abuses his dogs.
Democrats have brought nothing but shame to the USA.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2023-12-12 Thread grarpamp
Democrat's Intentional Destruction of America Continues

Shocking Video Reveals Democrats Stuffed Nearly 3,000 Illegals Into
Chicago Warehouse

While Democrats lose the black vote...
Democrats are focused on a new voting base coming over the southern border.

A new video has surfaced on X showing the location of a warehouse in
the Chicago metro area where nearly 3,000 illegal migrants have been
packed into. This comes as the US southern border continues to spiral
out of control as disastrous open border policies by the Biden
administration have flooded major metro areas with hundreds of
thousands of illegals, if not more.

"I honestly couldn't believe it when I first heard it. 2700 illegals
being housed in a warehouse in south Chicago (2241 S. Halsted St),"
Ben Bergquam, a reporter for Real America's Voice News, said in a post
on X.

Bergquam continued, "People have no idea how bad this is going to get!
The truth about the Democrat's illegal invasion: drugs, prostitution,
child trafficking, and modern-day slavery."

I honestly couldn’t believe it when I first heard it. 2700
illegals being housed in a warehouse in south Chicago (2241 S. Halsted
St). And this is only one of over 56 locations being used. People have
no idea how bad this is going to get! The truth about the democrats
— Ben Bergquam - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News (@BenBergquam)
December 11, 2023

In late September, local media CBS 2 reported that the 2241 S. Halsted
St. warehouse would house upwards of 400 families with children, with
plans to expand to 1,000. If Bergquam's figures are correct, the
warehouse is quickly running out of room.

Just last week, sources with the Customs and Border Protection
confirmed to Fox News that Tuesday was the largest single-day illegal
migrant encounter ever on the US-Mexico border.

The invasion continues… the Democrats are desperate to get as many
illegals into the country before they lose power.
— @amuse (@amuse) December 7, 2023

According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, since
President Biden took office, there have been more than 9 million
illegal entries into the US on the southern border.

Meanwhile, other failing progressive metro areas, like New York City,
are being overrun by illegal migrants.

I’m in NYC this weekend, and seeing the illegal migrant crisis in
person is absolutely ALARMING.

They’re literally given THOUSANDS of dollars by taxpayers to just
run amok through the city.

— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) December 9, 2023

As NYC's asylum seeker crisis worsens, the mercury dips and new
shelter deadlines approach for the arrivals, advocates are worried
migrants could face a long, cold winter.

“This becomes even more of a life-and-death issue as the weather
gets cold.”
— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) December 10, 2023

It's not hard to recognize why Democrats are welcoming illegals with
open arms ahead of the 2024 election cycle:

And this.

NY Lawmaker Claims "Smoking Gun" In NYC Migrant Voter Fraud Scheme
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) December 4, 2023

While Democrats lose the black vote...

Democrats are focused on a new voting base coming over the southern border.

FOIL Request Confirmation from Open FOIL NY (Stacks (STX) Virtual Currency Custody Approval by New York State Department of Financial Services)

2023-12-12 Thread Gunnar Larson
"In your July 1, 2022 email you state that you appeal the Determination.
After reviewing the
Approval Letter, I agree with the Determination. The Requested Record is
required to be kept
confidential and exempt from disclosure under NYBL § 36(10) because it
arose out of the
Department’s examination and investigation of STX for custody services.
Accordingly, I affirm the Department’s Determination and your FOIL appeal
is denied."

-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Tue, Jul 11, 2023, 2:49 PM
Subject: Fwd: FOIL Request Confirmation from Open FOIL NY (Stacks (STX)
Virtual Currency Custody Approval by New York State Department of Financial

-- Forwarded message -
Date: Tue, Jul 11, 2023, 2:48 PM
Subject: FOIL Request Confirmation from Open FOIL NY

Thank you for submitting your FOIL request through Open FOIL NY.

Here is your Open FOIL NY confirmation information for future reference:


*Records Requested From*
Department of Financial Services
*Short Title*
Stacks (STX) Virtual Currency Custody Approval by New York State Department
of Financial Services
Dear Madam or Sir: On July 22, 2022 NY-DFS denied - records
access STX custody in New York. NY-DFS' memo to our attention suggests STX
records were held as secret given a current investigation:
Today, - renews our records access request and/or all
NY-DFS correspondence regarding approval of Stacks (STX) custody in New
York State:
ber”. Such records may include the approval letter sent by the Department
regarding Blockstacks (STX), the virtual currency of Coinbase Custody Trust
Company LLC (the “Requested Record”). Furthermore, we seek to learn if
NY-DFS has a "confidential and shall not release" mandate relating to the
STX and NYCCoin relationship similar to the Office of the Mayor of New York
City. NY-DFS should be open to sharing STX records, as the City of Miami
has here:
Warm regards, Gunnar Gunnar Larson - 917-580-8053
*Uploaded Files*
*FOIL Response Format*
Personal Inspection
*If fees apply, please contact me if costs will be greater than*

Your FOIL request has been forwarded to the organization(s) you selected,
and the respective Records Access Officer will contact you directly for
further processing of your request. Please allow up to five business days
for such communication(s). For your convenience, here is additional contact

Department of Financial Services
One State Street
20th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Fwd: [OpenRecords] Request FOIL-2023-836-00688 Extended (Mayor Adams announced paychecks will automatically be converted into cryptocurrency via Coinbase)

2023-12-12 Thread Gunnar Larson
Today is a big day in cryptocurrency history.

1. Harvard may very well fall off the cliff and go bankrupt... No
affirmative action to blame...

2. On Friday, - is supposed to get Eric Adams' "Give me my
first checks in Bitcoin" records.

3. This is after New York State refuses to fork over any STX records. We
keep asking and it help our Gay Harvard Crypto Conspiracy theories.

The big cryptocurrency fraud was at STX, not at STX as branded.

Long live Brody!!!

-- Forwarded message -
Date: Tue, Oct 17, 2023, 2:52 PM
Subject: [OpenRecords] Request FOIL-2023-836-00688 Extended

The Department of Finance (DOF) has *extended* the time to respond to your
FOIL request FOIL-2023-836-00688
 for the
following reasons:

You can expect a response on or about Friday, December 15, 2023.

Additional Information:
As indicated above, we are extending the time to respond because we are
working on locating and compiling responsive records, after which we must
subject records to legal review. Thank you for your continued patience.

Please visit FOIL-2023-836-00688
 to view
additional information and take any necessary action.

-- Forwarded message -
Date: Fri, Jul 21, 2023, 10:22 AM
Subject: [OpenRecords] Request FOIL-2023-836-00688 Acknowledged

The Department of Finance (DOF) has acknowledged your FOIL request

You can expect a response on or about Tuesday, October 17, 2023.

Additional Information:
Hello, we are extending your request because our office needs more time to
fulfill your request. We are finding and reviewing your requested records
and you should hear from us by the date indicated above. We appreciate your
patience as we subject each page of each record to legal review while
processing other FOIL requests.Thank you for your continued patience.

Please visit FOIL-2023-836-00688 to view additional information and take
any necessary action.

Your request FOIL-2023-836-00688 has been successfully submitted to the
Department of Finance (DOF). The details of your request are shown below.
Request Title: Mayor Eric Adams and Bitcoin

Request Description: Dear Madam or Sir: Mayor Adams announced paychecks
will automatically be converted into cryptocurrency via Coinbase, a secure
online platform for buying, selling, transferring, and storing digital
currency. kindly requests access to records concerning the payment structure
related to this payment vehicle. Additionally, we would like any records
concerning the City’s due diligence of the online payment platform's
compliance to New York State investigation. Thank you, Gunnar Larson

Requester's Contact Information

Gunnar Larson
Not provided
Not provided
Phone Number:
Not provided
Fax Number:
Not provided
Street Address (line 1):
406 West 25th Street
Street Address (line 2):
Not provided
New York
Zip Code:
You can view the request and take any necessary action at the following

Harvard inflates wood ... 85 Highlights to "Digital Assets: Beauty Is Not in the Eye of the Beholder"

2023-12-12 Thread Gunnar Larson
Its a Gay Crypto Conspiracy out of Havard.

85 Highlights to Digital Assets: Beauty Is Not
in the Eye of the Beholder:


 " ... When recommendations by some consultants and the
allocation of TIMBER by Harvard University’s endowment led to broad
interest in
the asset. Timber funds were launched with the understanding that they
diversification and enhanced returns. Our analysis showed that timber did
not add any value to our clients’ portfolios, and we recommended against
investing in timber
funds." -Goldman Sachs Investment Group (June 2021):

*Gunnar Larson -  | *

- Digital Currency

- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
New York, New York 10001

Harvard Endowment Invested up to $12.65M in Blockstack Token Sale

2023-12-12 Thread Gunnar Larson

Harvard’s $37.1 billion endowment fund has reportedly invested $12.65
million in Blockstack.

The New York-based blockchain toolmaker lately applied with the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) to raise $50 million. The application
submitted to the US securities regulator detailed the name of Blockstack’s
advisory members. Among those names was Charlie Savaria, one of the
recently appointed managing directors for the Harvard Management Company.

Mr. Savaria, according to the document, alongside other six advisory
members purchased an aggregate of 95,833,333 BlockStack digitized equities,
called Stack Tokens (STX). At the time of selling, the STX rate was
$0.0132, meaning that Blockstack attracted as much as $12.65 million from
its advisory board via the coin sale.

Mayor Eric Adams NYCCoin Touting

2023-12-12 Thread Gunnar Larson
How does a baby NYCCoin come into the world?

It was not at FTX, but at STX.

-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Fri, Mar 10, 2023, 4:00 PM
Subject: Mayor Eric Adams NYCCoin Touting
Cc: , Harris, Adrienne A (DFS) <>

Please find the attached memo with reference footnotes.


March 10, 2023


Ms. Camille Joseph Varlack
Office of the Mayor of New York City
City Hall Park, 260 Broadway
New York, NY 10007 United States

Re: Mayor Eric Adams NYCCoin Touting

Dear Ms. Joseph Varlack:

Today’s memo is to kindly submit -'s inquiry into Mayor
Eric Adams' promotion of NYCCoin.


   The federal securities laws are clear that any celebrity or individual
   who promotes digital assets must disclose the nature, source and amount of
   compensation they received in exchange for the promotion.

   As a matter of ethics, risk and compliance associated with digital asset
   innovation, asks if NYCCoin promotion by the Mayor of New York City
   damaged the market for the xNY digital asset (by, for example, devaluing it
   through parody or sealed via embossed criticism).
   3. - concerns made above have evidentiary support to
   interlocking director and officer conflicts recognized by the Department of
   Justice as potential threats that stifle individual and corporate freedom.

Ms. Joseph Varlack, as a matter relating to working at one of the world's
most ethical companies, famous for risk management and corporate
governance, and as an internationally recognized Blockchain Scholar, I must
adhere to federal securities laws.


   As such, I classify Mayor Adams as an individual who promoted the
   digital asset NYCCoin and must disclose the nature, scope, and amount of
   compensation associated.

A failure to disclose this information may violate the anti-touting
provisions of the federal securities laws. Mayor Adams' making these
endorsements may also be liable for potential violations of the anti-fraud
provisions of the federal securities laws, for participating in an
unregistered offer and sale of securities, and for acting as unregistered
brokers. - respectfully requests the Office of the Mayor of New York
City to respond to this request by Wednesday March, 15 2023 by Noon EST.

Respectfully yours with appreciation,

Gunnar Larson -  -

- Digital Currency

- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)  +1-917-580-8053 - _ Mayor Eric Adams NYCoin Tweet Proceeds .pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document - | DOJ Memo #2 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement

2023-12-12 Thread Gunnar Larson

February 1, 2022


Mr. John Marzulli
United States Department of Justice
Eastern District of New York
271 Cadman Plaza East
Brooklyn New York, 11201

Re: Memo #2 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement

Dear Mr. Marzulli:

The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1 with our recent

to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred
Prosecution Agreement

with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical
enforcement being concerned.

Memo #2 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with the Middle

The Bank of London vs. The Bank of London and the Middle East


   November 30, 2021 two New York based firms lead investment in The Bank
   of London based in the United Kingdom.

   July 1, 2007 The Bank of London and the Middle East opened in the United

   The Bank of London and the Middle East confirms they have no association
   with The Bank of London (correspondence referenced here


The Bank of London seemingly has been funded from New York to irritate the
Middle East.  Recently, we made 91 highlights of research

associated with The Bank of London and the Middle East's recent sale to a
firm in Kuwait.

Harvey Schwartz is the Chairperson at The Bank of London, after spending
over 20 years at Goldman Sachs Group, where he oversaw sales and trading,
finance, technology, and operations. He completed his tenure as the firm’s
President and Co-Chief Operating Officer. He joined Goldman Sachs in 1997
and subsequently held numerous senior leadership positions including Chief
Financial Officer, Global Co-Head of the Securities Division, amongst other
positions. He additionally served as a member of the firm’s Management
Committee and co-headed its Risk Committee, Steering Committee on
Regulatory Reform and Finance Committee. Mr. Schwartz established the
firm’s Investment Policy Committee on which he also served as a member.

It would appear that Mr. Schwartz has no friendly diplomatic agenda in
London banking, potentially looking to profit off of The Bank of London and
the Middle East.

Furthermore, Goldman Sachs seemingly has a part in the scheme from New York.

Bank of London and the Middle East is listed on the NASDAQ, Dubai.


   Mr. Marzulli, during a recent telephone discussion together it was your
   general assessment that the Deferred Agreement in question was self
   policing.  Can you kindly advise at your earliest convenience what (if any)
   DOJ systems, processes and control mechanisms are in place to monitor the
   purity of the Deferred Agreement?

   Furthermore, if the Deferred Agreement is self-policing, can the DOJ
   kindly share any and all supporting material information that would prevent
   the agreement from being violated without the DOJ's general oversight?

   Finally, we have made 28 highlights to Deferred Agreement

   as a reference resource tool.

Memo #1 and Memo #2 both outline instances that correspond with the
associated highlight references. We are concerned that potential breaches
to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise.

We are looking forward to learning more about the DOJ’s approach to
assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates.

Respectfully yours with anticipation,

Gunnar Larson -  |


- Digital Currency

- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)  +1-646-454-9107

Harvard inflates wood ... 85 Highlights to "Digital Assets: Beauty Is Not in the Eye of the Beholder"

2023-12-12 Thread Gunnar Larson
Its a Gay Crypto Conspiracy out of Havard.

85 Highlights to Digital Assets: Beauty Is Not
in the Eye of the Beholder:


 " ... When recommendations by some consultants and the
allocation of TIMBER by Harvard University’s endowment led to broad
interest in
the asset. Timber funds were launched with the understanding that they
diversification and enhanced returns. Our analysis showed that timber did
not add any value to our clients’ portfolios, and we recommended against
investing in timber
funds." -Goldman Sachs Investment Group (June 2021):

*Gunnar Larson -  | *

- Digital Currency

- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
New York, New York 10001 Concern of BitLicense Marketplace Manipulation

2023-12-12 Thread Gunnar Larson
Update: The teacher's pension fund lost the most in October 2023 at -4.27%:

-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Fri, Nov 17, 2023, 4:56 AM
Subject: Concern of BitLicense Marketplace Manipulation

Take a look at this:

It would seem that New York City's retirement funds were exasperated during

The July 25, 2021 letter to the SEC was spot on. The crypto RICO in New
York is something bigger than the Steele Dossier and for some reason, - continues to be profiled as 'using Donald Trump type
arguments' as a sport.

FBI, for the last 24 hours in Chelsea, New York I have been under
entrapment with whomever is survelleing screaming loud like a coyote. This
is nothing new, and the FBI is a group we have unwavering respect for.

WeWork went under in New York while the deal makers stole from the teachers
pension fund. The NYPD and FBI obviously are in a tough position... But to
be honest, the surveillance situation of being screamed at like Chelsea,
New York is Guantanamo Bay for days on end is obviously a sign - is a winning innovation.

I am scared this is getting out of hand, and if we sue it would impact the
election worse than the Steele Dossier.

We will stick to innovating rather than litigating for the time being.
Realizeling, - is winning and the SEC and FBI have been put
in an awkward pension fraud position we alarmed the SEC about in 2021.

I only want the best for the New York FBI. The drone screaming in Chelsea
for days on end has to be something that will go down in the history books
for, under innovation.

Long live Brody.

 Sun, Nov 12, 2023, 11:58 AM Gunnar Larson  wrote:

While - was blowing the wistle, what was happening, FBI?
> Literally, most of this could have been avoided. When it comes to honesty
> the Brody of Wall Street reminds you that the truth is so important.
> PYUSD did not just fall from the sky. And if it takes a new
> Superintendent, it takes a new Superintendent then.
> We were not blowing the wistle for the award, FBI. We were blowing the
> wistle for the protections and since July 25, 2021 you know how we have
> been treating.
> Water under the bridge. - is doing better than ever.
> However, the FBI cannot accuse us of using Donald Trump RICO arguments
> against New York State.
> That would be silly.
> In other news, on its own who thinks is going to be tricked by
> and
> -
> July 25, 2021
> United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
> 14420 Albemarle Point Place
> Suite 102
> Chantilly, VA 20151-1750
> Re: Concern of BitLicense Marketplace Manipulation
> Dear Sir or Madam:
> Virtual currency fraud is a serious problem for such a developed country
> as the United States, whose bank regulators have drawn attention to the
> increase of these crimes. Having discovered that an unregulated virtual
> currency sphere (such as in Africa, or other developing markets) is very
> popular among virtual currency fraudsters, the New York State Department of
> Financial Services (NY-DFS) concluded that this kind of regulatory fraud
> was threatening U.S. national security.
>’s NY-DFS Shelf Charter application journey has prompted us to
> contact the SEC with concern of common Directors at Facebook and PayPal
> (incl. Xoom) who have potentially manipulated the New York State Common
> Retirement Fund and New York State Teachers Retirement Fund through
> BitLicense marketplace manipulation tactics and computer crimes.
>'s key definition of virtual currency computer crimes is a
> consistent message across markets. These crimes are relatively new, having
> been in existence for only as long as Bitcoin has—which explains how
> unprepared society and the world, in general, is towards combating these
> crimes. We see this as no fault of NY-DFS and the original BitLicense
> mandate.
> Facebook and PayPal along with Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo have
> leveraged BitLicensee connections to profit daily from virtual currency
> market manipulation structures with cross-border reach.
> PayPal's “Conditional BitLicense” may now be employed as a marketplace
> manipulation instrument. Meanwhile, common Directors at Facebook, PayPal
> (incl. Xoom) and Diem seemingly have collaborated in orchestrating a
> virtual currency marketplace manipulation exercise.
> The New York State Common Retirement Fund and New York State Teachers
> Retirement Fund are significant investors in Facebook, PayPal, Goldman
> Sachs and Wells Fargo.
> From their California headquarters, Directors at PayPal (incl. Xoom) have
> potentially leveraged a Conditional BitLicense award in collaboration 

Harvard inflates wood ... 85 Highlights to "Digital Assets: Beauty Is Not in the Eye of the Beholder"

2023-12-12 Thread Gunnar Larson
Its a Gay Crypto Conspiracy out of Havard.

85 Highlights to Digital Assets: Beauty Is Not
in the Eye of the Beholder:


 " ... When recommendations by some consultants and the
allocation of TIMBER by Harvard University’s endowment led to broad
interest in
the asset. Timber funds were launched with the understanding that they
diversification and enhanced returns. Our analysis showed that timber did
not add any value to our clients’ portfolios, and we recommended against
investing in timber
funds." -Goldman Sachs Investment Group (June 2021):

*Gunnar Larson -  | *

- Digital Currency

- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)
New York, New York 10001

Re: Morning Spam

2023-12-12 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
rebel worker 2: “and i ask you, what if mind boggling and terrifying
slavery of arbitrary people were not required?”

rebel worker 2: “what if our basic needs could be met without kowtowing or
contracting traffick boss’s inhuman coercions, either one?”

rebel worker 2: “what if freedom meant hope and joy, rather than punishment
and flashbacks?”

rebel worker 2: “this day is here today …”