Austro-Libertarian Orcs are working tirelessly to bring forth netstates where crypto Reagans and cypherpunk Thatchers can roam free

2024-01-17 Thread professor rat
Anarchism calls for full unemployment

(  Reposts not solidarity and support for Nuclear Wintour and similar Walking 
Corpse Media )

Btc is impeccably monetarist . . . right up to the point each sat becomes worth 
a million dollars and Keynes takes the reins.

Divisibility: Bitcoin is much more divisible than fiat currencies. One bitcoin 
can be divided into up to eight decimal places, with constituent units called 
Bitcoin is divided into units as small as 0.0001 BTC. In the future, if 
needed, the divisibility of bitcoin can be increased to 100 billion smaller 

Tokenization with any cryptocurrency, combined with virtually unlimited supply, 
means you’ll soon be able to securitize your household mortgage and . . . oh 

" You expect me to talk about the interest rate on stablecoins? "

No Mr Bond. I expect you to die!

Friedman always pushed for state management of the money supply). To Burns, 
Friedman was a conservative because his prescriptions were often based on 
historical analysis, and because his career followed the arc of postwar 
American conservatism, with its “hybrid blend of libertarian economics, 
opposition to Communism, and defense of traditional values and hierarchies.”

And if ordinary Chileans didn’t understand ’ Freedom to choose " and ’ Public 
choice ’ economics there was always august general Pinochet to assist them. 
Similar to Presidente Bukkake in neighboring El Slavador… And Von Miele of Val 
Verde. The Strasser junta. And the Immobilari.

It may well be a sign of Libertarian statists decline when they drop all talk 
of smaller , leaner government in favor of smaller, leaner nuclear-power 
stations. Maybe!

Austro-Libertarian Orcs are working tirelessly to bring forth netstates where 
crypto Reagans and cypherpunk Thatchers roam free.

The suspense is terrible - I hope it lasts!

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-01-17 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
traffick boss puts clown outfit back on, jams foot back in toilet bowl
where it gets stuck again

aims emptied gun at rebel worker

traffick boss: "nobody wants to be made a traffick boss, and that's
why we won't be making you into one."
1540 2024-01-17 -0500

zombie government worker: "nobody wants to be murdered for talking
about mind control, and that's why we won't be stopping you from
talking about it, or killing you if we notice it."


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-01-17 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
exotic jokes

traffick boss and zombie government worker have machine guns and
approach player on street
aims machine gun at your ass
player is scared, quaking, arms in air
"nobody wants to be shot in the ass -- and that's why we're not going
to shoot you in the ass."
gun is moved away from ass
[missing: head]
"nobody wants a loaded gun aimed at them -- and that's why we're not
loading the gun"
empties gun of munitions
"nobody wants to have their wallet stolen at gunpoint -- and that's
why we're not taking your wallet"
zombie government worker hands you $5

the mind-controlled duo moves on
player is in shock but has $5

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-01-17 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
note: styrofoam containers like going inside another container ("trash bag").

Everything that’s Dangerous about U.S. Banks Today in One Highly Readable Book

2024-01-17 Thread Gunnar Larson

By Pam Martens: January 17, 2024 ~

The Bankers' New ClothesAnat Admati, Professor of Finance and Economics at
Stanford Graduate School of Business, and German economist Martin Hellwig,
have performed a public service to all Americans with their newly released,
updated and expanded book The Bankers’ New Clothes: What’s Wrong with
Banking and What to Do about It. It puts the interlocking web of corruption
that is mistakenly referred to as the U.S. banking system into a pristinely
documented and highly readable book.

Let us first explain those men without pants on the book jacket. That
provocative graphic comes from the storyline in the Hans Christian Andersen
tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Tailors offer to make the emperor magical
clothes that will be visible only to smart people and invisible to the
stupid and unfit. When the emperor’s ministers go to inspect the clothes,
they see nothing, but they are fearful of being called stupid if they admit
this. The emperor, also fearful of being regarded as intellectually
lacking, says nothing and tours the capitol in his nonexistent garments.
Only a child is brave enough to shout out in the capitol “The emperor has
no clothes,” thus breaking the conspiracy of silence.

The authors explain in example after example how corruption has taken over
the banking system today but the guardians of our democracy have bought
into the “pervasive myth that banks and banking are special and different,”
so they have allowed themselves to be socialized to silence out of fear of
being “declared incompetent to participate in the discussion.”

As I read that insightful analogy, the image of 60 Minutes’ Lesley Stahl
treating JPMorgan Chase’s crime boss, Jamie Dimon, like a revered financial
wizard in a televised interview in 2019 flashed through my mind. (Less than
a year after that program aired, JPMorgan Chase admitted to another two
felony counts brought by the U.S. Department of Justice, bringing its total
to an unprecedented five felony counts in the span of six years.)

A key area on which Admati and Hellwig shine much needed sunshine is the
accounting gimmickry that allows U.S. banks to hide billions of dollars in
losses on bonds by simply labeling them “held to maturity” securities. (For
background, see here and here.) The authors write that “Accounting rules
should be changed so that banks must apply fair-value accounting to all
assets regardless of how long they intend to hold them.”

Admati and Hellwig also provide brilliant new insights into the second,
third and fourth largest bank failures in U.S. history that occurred in the
spring of last year. Those bank failures resulted in the Federal Reserve
creating yet another new bailout program, the Bank Term Funding Program,
despite the American people being reassured since 2010 that the Dodd-Frank
financial reform legislation ended “too big to fail.”

The authors compare the persistent attack by banks, their lobbyists, and
their toadies in Congress that bank regulations impose a “cost” on society
to “chemical companies complaining about increased costs when they are
prohibited from dumping toxic chemicals into rivers next to their plants.”

This is a spot-on comparison considering that the worst financial crisis in
the U.S. since the Great Depression occurred from 2007 to 2010 as a result
of the Wall Street mega banks dumping their toxic mortgage securities
across the financial landscape of America and imploding a vast stretch of

The final chapter of the book, “Above the Law?” is a testament to the
encyclopedic banking knowledge of the authors. They have selected some of
the most revealing episodes of banking crimes to illustrate how Americans
now live under the jackboot of Wall Street banking titans with all avenues
of redress locked up tight.

One example cited in the chapter is vital to understanding the perilous
nature of how Americans have been stripped of their ability to fight back
against the banking cartel – whose tentacles now extend into the courts,
the Congress, the Justice Department and federal prosecutors’ offices
across the land.

On November 19, 2013 the Justice Department, together with a number of
state attorneys general, announced a stunning $13 billion settlement with
JPMorgan Chase for “misleading investors about securities containing toxic
mortgages.” The Justice Department’s Statement of Facts was so devoid of
critical details that it was impossible to unravel the scope of what had
gone down.

The nonprofit watchdog, Better Markets, was so incensed by the subterfuge
that it filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice in February
2014, writing as follows:

“…the Executive Branch, through DOJ, acted as investigator, prosecutor,
judge, jury, sentencer, and collector, without any review or approval of
its unilateral and largely secret actions. The DOJ assumed this

Women in Finance Criticize City of London's ‘Tokenistic’ Diversity Efforts

2024-01-17 Thread Gunnar Larson
Still no word from my Senators.


Women in Finance Criticize City of London's ‘Tokenistic’ Diversity Efforts

Testimonies from 40 women across banking, insurance, and asset management
in Britain describe diversity and inclusion initiatives as often
“tokenistic,” and lacking the “teeth” to make a change in an industry where
misogynistic attitudes linger.

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-01-17 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many

i found an older empty water bottle :D older because it's not the one
i was using yesterday. i have not further organized the vehicle, but
am enjoying holding the plan to replace my missing laundry bag with
finding the water bottle will save me the money of buying yet another !


we can really get stuff done when we're persistent. i had also found
an old bottled-water bottle; the water has frozen to ice and i am
melting it some.


the waterbottle i found was under one of my bags of goodies for
rewarding myself for going to hard things like therapy, this is pretty
cool to find too, but easy to lose again since nothing in that
category was planned today (but could be used for organizing vehicle
possibly [some instability around maybe


i think i'll be satisfied with finding the empty water bottle for now.


let's have more boxing matches because they produce a tiny smidge of
communication across lines ?
uncertain ?

Unwanted Dissociated Parts Boxing Match

Any contenders? Anybody want to box?

Traffick Boss steps into the ring

Traffick Boss: "I should be in charge. That's what I say! Anybody care
to take me down?"

Karl part enters ring.

Karl part: "I need to do things that make sense!"

Traffick Boss: "Yeah? Like, um, uh .. like what?"

Karl subpart: "Like getting in my sleeping bag! Yeah"!

Traffick Boss: "Oh be a man and do it."

Here we go.


we're a little confused in that the sun rises soon, but we remember it
was so hard to go to bed last night that we planned to do it even if
it was late in the following day tomorrow, just to do it at all.
that's how hard and important it was :)

we should box with organizing the vehicle if we get back 0542

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-01-17 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
2024-01-17 0446 -0500

[this is probably not non-canon, but haven't explained that the
expirimentee/AI hybrid controlling everything mutates reality
arbitrarily while sustaining the properties their collective is
focusing on [OOPS]. traffick boss's prison situation has moved deeper
into the research area. the below is happening in private.]

Traffick Boss is in a robotic vivisectee research lab, alone. A
mostly-robot cyborg assembly coming out of a wall is persistently and
slowly taking his body apart and moving the parts here or there into
some organization it seems only it knows about.

Traffick Boss's face is visible. He looks conscious, jaded, not in
pain despite the dismemberment. The robot-cyborg has parts extending
into his head and spine.

[flash to nearby room. discussion between two vivisectee/hybrids
0450 -0500

[non-canon now]
traffick boss looks at a giant flower that comes out of the wall
traffick boss: "flower, how do you grow, rather than die?"
flower: "i am an illusion you are experiencing because your brain is
being reconstituted."
traffick boss shakes head
traffick boss: "waitaminute! put my brain back together."
robots pause, hesitate
some brain parts are habitually put into traffick boss's head
this is satisfying to him but not sufficient for his consciousness to
function better. they need to be wired together as brain parts

robot pulls base out of wall and comes down to chat with

robot [to partly-dismembered traffick boss]: "I'm having an oozy
feeling in my corner. Do you know what to do?"

traffick boss stares at robot

traffick boss focuses very very hard

traffick boss: "I need a medical doctor. A medical doctor is needed in
this room. Go fetch one."

robot: "okay!"

robot hobbles out of room, partly skipping, partly shambling
0452 -0500 [karl is now looking for water to drink.
[[let's next write what our night is like.
0453 -0500
0456 -0500 [
somehow i seem to have misplaced both of my water bottles. i did find
a canned beverage from a soup kitchen, a soda called zevia. i haven't
had a soda in many years.

my experiences are maybe epitomized by my behavior of shaking the soda
accidntally and heavily, intentionally, before opening it v_v

maybe i'll make an actual adventure game! maybe not.

maybe some good old triangle --

{our goal is to drink water. we want to drink water. are we without
water atm? this is sad, unfortunate.

Welcome To Being Thirsty

You are a funny-behaving human being who would like to drink water.
You have multiple sources around you, but are sadly experiencing
persecutory dissociative issues resulting in issues finding things.
One of your issues is that you can become blind to things you are
looking for, when looking at them. Another issue is that when you
might find something you're looking for, your body might sneakily and
quickly behave on its own to distract you or hide it.

It's important to drink water when you are thirsty, especially if you
have significant issues.

Here is some example interaction:
> Look for my water bottle where it is.

You expect you have 3 water bottles at the back of the copilot seat.
You look and don't find any of them, but you do find a can of soda you

> Drink the soda

You shake the soda before opening it, for some reason this seemed to
make sense to you. It splatters and gets you wet. You are so thirsty!
You drink some. It tastes so icky! It doesn't taste like hydration at
all. It tastes fizzy and icky. You open the door and put it outside to
manage it, where it will likely freeze and contribute to litter and
could harm a small animal. This saddens you and you dissociate around

Now look for water more:
0504 -0500

> Look at items at seat back. What is there?

It's hard to see and type all the items. At top are two styrofoam
takeout containers from a soup kitchen. You had lunch from these
yesterday and they are empty.

> Put them outside with the can.

No, you don't want to litter. The can is only there because it was too
confusing and messy. You have a tendency to knock things, which would
spill the can, but the styrofoam containers won't spill.

> Put them outside anyway.

No, you don't want to. Would you like to enter a Dissociatve Parts
Boxing Match, where you try to mediate with your internal conflicts?

> um 

> enter Dissociative Parts Boxing Match around putting the styrofoam containers 
> outside

You enter the ring.

"You don't want to put the styrofoam containers outside. Why put them outside?"

> they're in the way and I want to find water. I need to find water!

You get a boxing point when you mention you need to find water. The
opponent part cowers in fear.

"I don't know how I will put them back in the vehicle after putting
them outside. I need to learn to keep the vehicle [organized


the boxing match is fun we actually discuss different things.
the proposal is interesting [struggle struggle 

Re: [log] Fwd: Morning Spam

2024-01-17 Thread Baffo 32
I want to add recognition to these posts that my behavior on this list
is weird to the degree that I could be supporting a professional
psyop. I'm specifically producing a situation that avoids and clashes
peoples' normal judgements. Hence it would make sense to take measures
out of the norm to handle it.

I'm not sure it's sufficient, I meant the list is not very topical any
more, public disinformation on it exists uncorrected ...

[log] Fwd: Morning Spam

2024-01-17 Thread Baffo 32
last post could relate this, 4 days prior

-- Forwarded message -
From: Baffo 32 
Date: Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: Morning Spam
To: Greg Newby 
Cc: cypherpunks 

I’m thinking I sent them from the same interface so gmail probably put
an identical header on them, but it seemed to make sense to touch

On Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 17:17 Baffo 32  wrote:
> Greg, are you uniting my email aliases for the 24 post limit?
> On Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 13:13  wrote:
>> You have already sent 24 posts to this list in the last 24 hours.
>> -- Forwarded message --
>> From: Baffo 32 
>> To: cypherpunks 
>> Cc:
>> Bcc:
>> Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2023 13:12:37 -0600
>> Subject: Re: Morning Spam
>> i have reached my 24 message limit
>> On Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 13:11  wrote:
>>> You have already sent 24 posts to this list in the last 24 hours.
>>> -- Forwarded message --
>>> From: "Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many" 
>>> To: mailbombbin 
>>> Cc: cypherpunks 
>>> Bcc:
>>> Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2023 13:11:12 -0600
>>> Subject: Re: Morning Spam
>>> as people start realizing about human trafficking more of the trafficking 
>>> AI starts modelling crying about it
>>> boss starts tearing up and people start holding each other’s heads in their 
>>> hands and bending over and vibrating
>>> an especially connected worker bursts into tears
>>> crying worker: “oh no !”
  I'm using Inbox When Ready to protect my focus.
  I'm using Inbox When Ready to protect my focus.

[log] Fwd: Your message to cypherpunks awaits moderator approval

2024-01-17 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
Found this in my inbox dated 2023-12-12. Not finding any accompanying
message in the outbox with the same date. Demonstrates hijinx.

-- Forwarded message -
Date: Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 6:22 PM
Subject: Your message to cypherpunks awaits moderator approval

Your mail to 'cypherpunks' with the subject

Re: Morning Spam

Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

The reason it is being held:

Message may contain administrivia

Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
notification of the moderator's decision.  If you would like to cancel
this posting, please visit the following URL:[censored]

  I'm using Inbox When Ready to protect my focus.