Fuck Assange

2024-01-21 Thread pro2rat
GEOFFREY "sexual offence for a man to deliberately deceive a partner whose 
consent has been conditional upon his use of a condom" ROBERTSON

Julian Assange arrested in London on rape charges

JULIAN " Being guilty of aggravated rape has nothing to do with our party" A. 
Broinowski. Wikileaks Party NSW candidate for au Senate. 2013.

"... Mr Assange agreed that some level of privacy was necessary for the 
successful operation of the military ..."

JULIAN " ‘[The military] protects the sovereignty of Australia. It protects the 
independence of Australia.' ASSANGE July, 2013

Julian Assange · LRB 6 March 2014
http://www.lrb.co.uk/v36/n05/andrew-ohagan/ghosting …
Mar 6, 2014 - I wouldn't say this publicly, but Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in 

Assange discussing Hitler's Mein Kampf: ''When people have been put in prison 
who might never have had time to write, the thing they write can be galvanising 
and amazing. I wouldn't say this publicly but Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in 

Jul 20, 2015 - Julian Assange: To be honest, I don't like the word 
transparency; cold dead glass is transparent..."

JULIAN " “People with strong principles don’t survive for long ” ASSANGE quoted 
in " Risk" released in 2017.

WIRED: Cryptographers Are Getting Closer to Enabling Fully Private Internet Searches

2024-01-21 Thread jdb10987
https://www.wired.com/story/cryptographers-fully-private-internet-searches-cybersecurity-databases-privacy/ "SUBSCRIBEBackchannelBusinessCultureGearIdeasPoliticsScienceSecurityMerchPodcastsVideoWired WorldArtificial IntelligenceClimateGamesNewslettersMagazineEventsWired InsiderJobsCouponsMADISON GOLDBERGSCIENCEJAN 21, 2024 8:00 AMCryptographers Just Got Closer to Enabling Fully Private Internet SearchesThree researchers have found a long-sought way to pull information from large databases secretly. If the process can be streamlined, fully private browsing could be possible.

Re: Assange's Case #FREEASSANGE

2024-01-21 Thread grarpamp
Julian has been imprisoned for 12 years.

He has a wife and children and has harmed no one.

Release Julian Assange !!!

Re: Assange's Case #FREEASSANGE

2024-01-21 Thread grarpamp
Assange is the first geopolitical prisoner, who
exposed many corrupt global elites via Free Speech.

Biden was able to free Assange on Jan 20 2021, instead it is now
Biden and all the rest that need to rot in jail without a pardon.

A single phone call from Canberra would be enough to save the life of
Julian Assange.

Free Assange!

Here is Part 1 with Craig Murray in full, including a call from Julian!

Re: 1984: Thread

2024-01-21 Thread grarpamp
The biggest threat to the globalist elites, deep state warmongers and
pharma profiteers is that you have access to the truth. That’s why
they fight the truth by calling it ‘disinformation’. Their evil plans
only work if you are forced to consume propaganda on all channels.

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2024-01-21 Thread grarpamp
More bad news for the "Laptop From Hell" deniers...
Even the Corrupt Fraudulent Partisan FBI and the Leftist
Lying Fake News Propaganda Media have now been forced
to acknowledge the 100% authenticity of Hunter's Laptop...
The Internet had known and reported the laptop's reality for
months before the 2020 Election, covered up by criminal conspirators
the Fake News, FBI, and Deep State Intel Agents, including the
LeftProgSoc Jack Dorsey and his corrupt unconstitutional backdoor
Twitter censorship channels with the US Govt Deep State Left...

"10% for the Big Guy (aka: Joe Biden, Profiteer of High Crimes)..."






Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2024-01-21 Thread grarpamp
No party in the US has ever been more corrupt and dishonest than the
Democrat Socialists ever since before its racist KKK beginnings,
the fakeass Democrat race-card playing reverse affirmative
racist lying manipulating frauds pandering for votes never ends...

The FBI goes rogue and defies US Court order to turn over Seth Rich
evidence because it would destroy the Democratic Party.
FBI Defies Court Order After Stalling for Over a Month - Refuses to
Turn Over Seth Rich Evidence
Attorney Ty Clevenger is the bulldog attorney who has been after the
DOJ and FBI for years to get to the bottom of the Seth Rich murder.

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a
problem for us since they've got something now they never had before,
the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do
something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just
enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll
have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years. --
LBJ, Democrat, 1963, via Kessler"
"Son, when I appoint a nigger to the court, I want everyone to know
he's a nigger. -- LBJ, via Dallek"

Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-01-21 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
I did a simple draft translation of general complex inference to machine
learning (introspectively):

3 models (or prompts):
1. a generative or simulation model for a context
2. a classifier identifying the context
3. a trainee that generates missing system representations

Models 1 and 2 perform forward inference from the output of 3 to make a
loss function that compares with known data, and bam you have a system that
can depict plausible underlying causes in whatever mode you train it on.
It’s cool because similar to human thought. 3 ends up making a decision
tree since multiple outputs compared. (guessing)

For example you could use this to predict the source code for a binary
without looking inside it (easier with an RL env or just user handholding
of it):
1. prompt language model to execute source code
2. prompt language model to identify it is correct code and any other known
3. soft tune a prompt to produce source


Re: [spam][crazy][fiction][random] Non-Canon MCBoss Spinoffs

2024-01-21 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
The Mind Disassembler

2024-01-20 1913 -0500

2042 did not realize how hungry was!, didn’t notice hungry at all ! instead
was spasmy. :S :s

explosive crisis :/

traffick boss is embarrassed because his left hand fell off [in public, he
quickly put back on but people saw

NO STATE solution to world peace coming online

2024-01-21 Thread professor rat
No state solution requires care due to Israel’s Samson Option. 

Why I propose Israel be the last nation-state abolished by the rolling 
cryptoanarchist world revolution.


Reposts not blighted parochial regionalism from suspected statists

Violent “anarchists” suspected of attacks on Police Academy franchise

2024-01-21 Thread professor rat
Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum needs killing ( My 2k sats )


Reposts not snorements of boredom from petticoat junction

With the power of a thousand stampeding wooly mammoth

2024-01-21 Thread pro2rat

Reposts not blegs to pause defenestration to briar patch please massa FOX

Haley’s Campaign Dismisses Trump Taunts as She Gains on Ex-Boss

2024-01-21 Thread Gunnar Larson
What is a Nimbra?

Haley’s Campaign Dismisses Trump Taunts as She Gains on Ex-Boss

Nikki Haley’s campaign manager dismissed Donald Trump’s recent spate of
insults as “temper tantrums” on Saturday, but stopped short of condemning
taunts like “birdbrain” or “Nimbra” as racist or sexist.

Trump’s 2016 Win Shook Markets. Traders Won’t Get Fooled Again.

2024-01-21 Thread Gunnar Larson
The innovation board must get back to xNY.io - Bank.org immediately.


Trump’s 2016 Win Shook Markets. Traders Won’t Get Fooled Again.

Donald Trump’s surprise victory in the 2016 presidential election delivered
a shock to financial markets. If he manages to secure a second one, traders
will — if anything — be far more prepared.

Why did JPMorgan buy First Republic Bank

2024-01-21 Thread Gunnar Larson
xNY.io - Bank.org is pricing this crypto RICO at $10B.

What they did to us at First Republic has nothing to do with the hush money
situation. Honestly, they let Gunnar Larson speak his mind and I appreciate
the Cypherpunks list for that utility.

Anyhow, I heard the NY-DFS Superintendent banks at First Republic too.
Small world!


JPMorgan won that auction, and it's paying a cool $10.6 billion for the
bank, but not without some guarantees. JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon said
the deal to rescue First Republic only modestly benefits his bank.

Cop-loving statist fan of WL dies

2024-01-21 Thread pro2rat
I'm so old I remember when this rotten creep could pass himself off as 

" . . . Molly Fischer writes that, at the end of his life, Graeber was active 
in the UK Labour Party. “The reason I support [Jeremy] Corbyn, or am happy 
about him,” he said in an interview, “is because he is willing to work with 
social movements.” Graeber, reports Fischer, “had struck up a connection with 
John McDonnell, Corbyn’s shadow chancellor of the exchequer [in] an effort to 
bring ordinary Britons into the workings of government.” Corbyn’s 
communications director described Graeber as someone “sparking the imagination 
for what’s politically possible.” Responding to the charges of antisemitism 
that, in part, led to the end of Corbyn’s leadership, Graeber recorded a video 
in his defense
 . . . "
It is not clear, to me at any rate, that one can be an anarchist and not also 
be an egalitarian and an anti-statist!

Any and all pro Graeber anarchists of the last decade will be called to account 
and severely punished for their depraved indifference since May 2012.

Death to spies - death to traitors


Reposts not yet more requests that Karl Semich go fuck himself before we dox 

83 highlights to New York State Executive Law Article 15 HUMAN RIGHTS LAW

2024-01-21 Thread Gunnar Larson
Gunnar Larson (in memory of Brody Larson, on his 14th Birthday...) collates

83 highlights to New York State Executive Law Article 15 HUMAN RIGHTS LAW:

Gunnar wants to further share if you search "bank" in this HUMAN RIGHTS
document, 13 results show with 'bank' associated.

With the First Republic matter:

25. The term "superintendent", when used in this article, means the head of
the banking
department appointed pursuant to section twelve of the banking law.


2024-01-21 Thread Gunnar Larson
Gunnar Larson (in memory of Brody Larson, on his 14th Birthday...)
collates  --


Boomer, wherever you are your daddy loves you ❤️

Fwd: FOIL Request Confirmation from Open FOIL NY - First Republic Bankk Collusion Conflicts Ceck

2024-01-21 Thread Gunnar Larson
*I can't be certain that Gunnar Larson's First Republic story is bigger
than Nigel's. I may need to hire Mr. Farage as an expert witness and
Bradley (because I know a fund we can raid).*

*Anyway, we have dug our heels in at First Republic until they make a
deposit into my nice new FRB account. :)*

*Long live Brody. *

*Nigel Farage Coutts bank scandal* occurred in June 2023 when the private
bank Coutts  closed the account
held by the British broadcaster and former politician Nigel Farage
. NatWest
, the owner of Coutts, initially
claimed that he failed to meet the Coutts eligibility criteria of holding
£1,000,000 or more in his account, following the expiry of his mortgage.
NatWest instead offered him an account with the retail side of the bank.

After Farage went to the press about the closure, it was discovered that
Coutts had closed Farage's account as they deemed him to be "at best seen
as xenophobic and pandering to racists". Following media attention, the
NatWest CEO, Dame Alison Rose resigned.


-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Fri, Jan 19, 2024, 8:19 AM
Subject: Fwd: FOIL Request Confirmation from Open FOIL NY - First Republic
Bankk Collusion Conflicts Ceck

Brody of Wall Street.

I was saving First Republic, but got too excited about my friends the

A pet rock.

-- Forwarded message -
Date: Fri, Jan 19, 2024, 7:51 AM
Subject: FOIL Request Confirmation from Open FOIL NY

Thank you for submitting your FOIL request through Open FOIL NY.

Here is your Open FOIL NY confirmation information for future reference:



*Records Requested From*
Division of Human Rights
Department of Financial Services
*Short Title*
First Republic Bankk Collusion Conflicts Ceck
Dear Madam or Sir: xNY.io - Bank.org kindly requests any and all records
concerning First Republic (in all names, including First Republic Bank) and
the last NY-DFS Superintendents' over the last five years. Can DFS kindly
submit proof to any hush money de/bunking campaigns out of DFS? Thank you,
Gunnar Gunnar Larson xNY.io - Bank.org 917-580-8053
*Uploaded Files*
*FOIL Response Format*
*If fees apply, please contact me if costs will be greater than*

Your FOIL request has been forwarded to the organization(s) you selected,
and the respective Records Access Officer will contact you directly for
further processing of your request. Please allow up to five business days
for such communication(s). For your convenience, here is additional contact

Division of Human Rights
One Fordham Plaza
4th Floor
New York, NY 10458

Department of Financial Services
One State Street
20th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Fwd: FOIL Request Confirmation from Open FOIL NY - First Republic Bankk Collusion Conflicts Ceck

2024-01-21 Thread Gunnar Larson
They closed my First Republic account under suspicious circumstances. TWICE!


-- Forwarded message -
From: Gunnar Larson 
Date: Fri, Jan 19, 2024, 8:19 AM
Subject: Fwd: FOIL Request Confirmation from Open FOIL NY - First Republic
Bankk Collusion Conflicts Ceck

Brody of Wall Street.

I was saving First Republic, but got too excited about my friends the

A pet rock.

-- Forwarded message -
Date: Fri, Jan 19, 2024, 7:51 AM
Subject: FOIL Request Confirmation from Open FOIL NY

Thank you for submitting your FOIL request through Open FOIL NY.

Here is your Open FOIL NY confirmation information for future reference:



*Records Requested From*
Division of Human Rights
Department of Financial Services
*Short Title*
First Republic Bankk Collusion Conflicts Ceck
Dear Madam or Sir: xNY.io - Bank.org kindly requests any and all records
concerning First Republic (in all names, including First Republic Bank) and
the last NY-DFS Superintendents' over the last five years. Can DFS kindly
submit proof to any hush money de/bunking campaigns out of DFS? Thank you,
Gunnar Gunnar Larson xNY.io - Bank.org 917-580-8053
*Uploaded Files*
*FOIL Response Format*
*If fees apply, please contact me if costs will be greater than*

Your FOIL request has been forwarded to the organization(s) you selected,
and the respective Records Access Officer will contact you directly for
further processing of your request. Please allow up to five business days
for such communication(s). For your convenience, here is additional contact

Division of Human Rights
One Fordham Plaza
4th Floor
New York, NY 10458

Department of Financial Services
One State Street
20th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Scotland’s Salmon Farms Navigate Troubled Waters for Global Industry

2024-01-21 Thread Gunnar Larson
Big fish.

Scotland’s Salmon Farms Navigate Troubled Waters for Global Industry

At a village hall near Loch Linnhe, a sliver of water sandwiched between
the Hebrides and Glasgow, Stewart Hawthorn laid out his plan to build the
biggest salmon farm in the UK near this aging rural community. Once
completed, the managing director of Long Loch Salmon said, it would create
at least 16 jobs. It would feature eight enclosures holding up to 8,000
tons of fish, with a density double the industry standard. And most
importantly, he claimed, it would help alleviate one of the biggest
problems plaguing the business — excessive death rates.


2024-01-21 Thread grarpamp
