Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2024-01-22 Thread grarpamp
Alexander Soros signals for assassination of Trump...

Recall that Gretchen Whitmer had carefully arranged "86 45" as
the background on her desk for her 2020 television appearance,
turned out that plot got exposed having fabricated setup issues too...

Recall all the Democrat politicians, including Kamala, inciting violence...

Alexander Soros has been meeting in White House many many times...

JFK was a CIA Deep State operation...

The US terminated redemption of Silver and Gold Certificate banknotes,
the US people, and everyone else in the world, now has worthless paper
and Corrupt Behemoth Governments as a result, and the US and World
Govts and Banksters are trying to kill off and or commandeer Crypto...
Everyone only noticed the bullet and the $47 in cash.
@AlexanderSoros’s death threat against President Trump is much deeper.
Read my post below to see how much more sinister this threat is. 👇🏻
Laura Loomer
Jan 22
.@AlexanderSoros is the son of @georgesoros. His post tonight is a
direct threat of violence against President Trump. If you look closely
at the photo in the @TheAtlantic article Alex Soros posted tonight,
there is a call for assassination embedded in the pictures. Not only
does one of the pictures have a single bullet hole through glass, and
not only is $47 of cash seen, but there’s messaging conveyed through
the arrangement of the money. While some of the bills are upside down
with obfuscated writing, “States of America” is legible on one of the
bills. On another bill, the finger is covering the face of the US
President. And on another bill, the words “silver certificate” are
legible. The $47 in cash is a reference to the 47th President of the
United States Of America (Donald Trump). Silver Bullet= simple
guaranteed solution for a difficult problem =certificate Alex Soros is
conveying that “the silver bullet” for $47 is death and that a
financial award will be paid to the person who does it. This is a
threat against the life of President Trump. The son of George Soros
and @TheAtlantic are suggesting they will give an award to whoever
kills 47. This assassination threat needs to be taken very seriously.
@SecretService @FBI @JasonMillerinDC @LaCivitaC @TeamTrump @DanScavino
@TheStevenCheung @EricTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump RECEIPTS!
Laura Loomer
Jan 22
A bullet hole through broken car glass and $47 in cash.
@AlexanderSoros is inciting violence against President Trump.
Jan 22, 2024 · 5:03 AM UTC

Michael Tracey
I can confirm witnessing Laura get ejected from the Dean Phillips
event tonight in Manchester. The (bipartisan) persecution of Laura
continues! Dean’s campaign might have to change their slogan to
“Everyone’s invited… except Laura Loomer!”

WATCH: Tonight I asked Democrat Presidential candidate @marwilliamson
Marianne Williamson how many votes she thinks Democrat Presidential
candidate @NikkiHaley is going to take away from her tomorrow at the
New Hampshire primary after @BarackObama’s campaign manager
@davidplouffe told Democrat donors and voters to support @NikkiHaley
with their votes and their money. Why is Barrack Hussein Obama’s
progressive campaign apparatus, along with @HillaryClinton’s donor
base and @MSNBC and @CNN backing @NikkiHaley instead of the
progressive Democrat candidates on the ballot in New Hampshire?
@JoeBiden isn’t even on the New Hampshire ballot. Nikki Haley is the
leading Democrat Candidate on the ballot in New Hampshire. Nikki has
the @DNC seal of approval and has been endorsed by Barrack Obama’s
campaign manager.
"Nikki! Will you marry me?" Nikki Haley: "Are you gonna vote for me?"
"I'm voting for Trump..." "Oh. Get out of here!"

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2024-01-22 Thread grarpamp
What Are “They” Afraid That a "Dictator” / President Trump Might Do?
Ok, let’s examine what a supposed dictator Trump might do if he were
to be elected this November? 1) Will he hide the fact that in 2024 he
attempted to hire a foreign ex-spy to work with Russian sources to
create a fake anti-Biden dossier (while sneakily hiding his payments
behind three paywalls), seed it with the media, and hatch lies that
Biden was a “Putin poodle” and “Russian asset”? 2) Would a Trump
president weaponize a vengeful FBI to begin contracting with X and
Facebook to suppress stories he feels will hurt MAGA candidates? Would
his FBI alter FISA warrants to go after his leftwing opponents? Would
he and his FBI henchmen have leftwing newspapers blacklisted from X?
3) Would Trump’s future Secretary of State round up 51 right-wing
ex-CIA “authorities” to swear and lie on the eve of the balloting that
the Russians created the Stormy Daniels nondisclosure agreement? 4)
Maybe Trump will get his DOJ to go easy on any future accusations of
tax fraud on behalf of his sons by weaponizing the IRS. 5) Maybe Trump
will dictatorially cancel student loan debt on the eve of the 2026
midterms. Or would he dare by fiat drain the strategic petroleum
reserve merely for Republican advantage in the midterms? 6) Maybe a
dictator Trump might appoint a special counsel to investigate the
entire Biden family. Would his legal counsel consult with local and
state Republican prosecutors to coordinate 90 or so more indictments
against ex-president Joe Biden? Will he order the FBI to sweep down on
one of the Biden residences to hunt for more missing classified files
that Biden removed as a senator and vice president? 7) Will he
postfacto declare the 2020 riots to be an armed “insurrection” and
retroactively start trying, convicting, and jailing the some 14,000
who were arrested and released—on charges of rioting, looting, arson,
murder, and assault, in addition to “illegal parading” and conspiracy
to burn a federal courthouse, a city police precinct, a historic
church? Would dictator Trump keep in preventative detention
indefinitely those arrested in 2020 for rioting and violent protest?
8) Maybe dictator Trump will refuse to discuss all medical questions
concerning his 78-year age. 9) Will Trump minions in the media and
military start talking about rooting out “leftwing rage”, or Antifa
and BLM “domestic terrorists” from the military ranks? Would Trump
order the Pentagon to discharge any soldier who refused to get one of
his Operation Warp Speed COVID mRNA boosters? 10) Will dictator Trump
protect some 500 “sanctuary cities” from ignoring federal laws—as they
nullify the endangered species list or federal gun registrations
statutes? 11) Would dictator Trump’s America destroy the southern
border deliberately and invite in 10 million illegal aliens from
countries he thought would ensure new conservative voters? 12 ) Would
dictator Trump's America start seeing red-states removing the names of
Democratic candidates from the ballot? 13) Would dictator Trump start
jailing ex-Biden officials who refused Republican congressional
subpoenas? 14) Would dictator Trump’s America turn over $50 billion in
weapons and supplies to terrorists like the Taliban? 15) Would
dictator Trump’s America see an epidemic of big-city lawlessness, as
conservative prosecutors deliberately let out felons convicted of
smash and grab and car-jacking, and exempted theft and shoplifting
from punishment? 16) Would dictator Trump start shaking down foreign
governments to send $30 million into the Trump family coffers? 17)
Would dictator Trump camp out at Mar-a-Lago for 3-4 days a week, and
turn the presidency into a pastime job? So what exactly would a
“dictator” Trump do that our "civil libertarian” Joe Biden already has
not done? -Victor David Hansen

Re: USA 2024 Elections Thread

2024-01-22 Thread grarpamp
US Supreme Court controversy...

Interview: John McGreavy aka Ryan White w Lin Wood on 01/09/2021

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2024-01-22 Thread grarpamp
Noting many: Jan6th was a setup, an operation, by the Deep State,
CIA, FBI, Democrats, Media, Social, to all remain in power,
up against a free peoples who had come only to seek redress
of grievance, to pause the Power State's forward game, to give
time for the public to openly investigate things. The operations
continue, from before Hilary's Hoax, through to this day.
Rep. Clay Higgins tells reporter that he has SEEN VIDEO EVIDENCE of
POLICE walking into rooms, and then RE-EMERGING, dressed as TRUMP
TRUMP SUPPORTERS roaming the HALLS OF THE CAPITAL well before the

Microsoft Windows and Bill Gates still suck Donkey Dick

2024-01-22 Thread grarpamp
Attention: Bill Gates... Go Fuck Yourself !!!
Long-time Microsoft employees explain changes in Windows:
Designers were handed full control over UX. Engineers who fought for
usability over a slick-looking interface burned out and left after
repeatedly being overruled.

Microsoft has been reduced to little more than
an online cloud-based SpyVeillance platform.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2024-01-22 Thread grarpamp
Attention: Asshole Globalist Elites, and
Pussy Self-Preserving Corrupt Members Parliaments...
Your Legacy has Expired... Go Fuck Yourselves !!!

Sullivan stated that the Bill contains “very invasive search powers on
the grounds of material that hasn't even yet been communicated.”
Asked about potential parallels to the situation in the U.K., where
police have raided houses for offensive tweets, Sullivan said, “I
think the fact that many of these offences are vaguely worded is
@HMcEntee has dismissed objections to her Bill's lack of a definition
for 'hate', stating that “we all have an understanding of what hatred
means.” But Sullivan says that “there are requirements that criminal
law be clear.”

Destroying freedom of speech means destroying democracy

"Just because they're attractive white blonde females, doesn't make
them not leftist globalist tyrants... honeytraps, trojan horses for
the Schwab'ian regime that should be booted from office and power
⚠️ Civil Rights Alert: The below screenshot is from @CNaM_ie's draft
Online Safety Code. CnaM have been given authority by Dublin &
Brussels to regulate Video-Sharing Platform Services (VSPS), such as
@X, @YouTube, & @facebook. Through their Code, CnaM are proposing to
make VSPS penalisable for 'harmful content' posted by users. Most
notable, 𝗩𝗦𝗣𝗦 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿
𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗱
𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗳𝘂𝗹 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁, or as they say “content that is
indissociable from user-generated videos.” This would mean to avoid
penalties, platforms such as X would need to censor user content that
is not even regarded as 'harmful' under the Code. While these
regulations are to be enforced in Ireland, they could lead to
censorship worldwide. The offices of many of the VSPS based in Dublin
are their European headquarters. Brussels-based journalist
@PeterCaddle says such censorship could soon hit America as it will
“likely be easier to apply EU censorship rules to all users rather
than to try to split the user base into EU and non-EU users.” The
deadline for submissions for the consultation on the draft Online
Safety Code is the 31st of January. Details can be found here.

Re: FreeSpeech and Censorship: Thread

2024-01-22 Thread grarpamp
Attention: World "Economic" Forum (WEF) and
Asshole Politicians in Ireland... Go Fuck Yourselves !!!

Act for the Irish peoples at the link below...
Free Speech Ireland
The Irish government wants to pass a law that could see you or your
loved ones jailed for possession of memes, cartoons or any content
that could be deemed "hateful". The Bill includes no definition of
hate and is wide open to abuse by bad actors. Defend free speech – say
no to this legislation. Sign the petition:… #BinTheBill
This Bill will have major consequences for Freedom of Speech in
Ireland and around the world. Now more than ever, the scale of what we
could be doing has outpaced what we can do. If you can, please support
us. #BinTheBill Watch this video...

- I’m sure Trudeau is very upset that his government didn’t propose this first
- The Thought Police is here. Literally.
- The fact that we even need to protest such crap is terrifying.
- I can smell Stalin

Re: Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin Miners Blocking Transactions

2024-01-22 Thread grarpamp
Because cpunks become lazy searchless crybabies when
they don't get links spoonfed to them...

Re: Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin Miners Blocking Transactions

2024-01-22 Thread grarpamp
Ocean Mining Jack Dorsey Luke Dash Jr

Jack Dorsey was Global Head of Censorship at Twitter.
Luke Dash Jr is head of Digital Censorship at the Vatican.
Is it any wonder they conspired to create a Bitcoin censorship
platform, and urge people to apply whatever feature censorship
templates they like.

Now of course an anon featureless disinterested privacy cash
monetary coin at scale cannot be censored and will succeed
where Bitcoin fails... some of these nextgen coins will be reaching
public notice soon, look to them for a pleasant re-emergence
of OG thought leadership.

7 Dec 2023
We can confirm that @ocean_mining has enacted a policy of censoring
Whirlpool coinjoin transactions and BIP47 notification transactions as
of Dec 6, 2023 This is a regrettable action by the operators @jack and
@LukeDashjr and far surpasses any hostile action we have seen before.

Re: [log] Fwd: Morning Spam

2024-01-22 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 17:35 Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim &
Survivor of Many  wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 17:33 Baffo 32  wrote:
>> [import info most misplaced/damagef (driving over 80mph on highway)
>> traffick boss is in prison because of his plan to pretend to be a
>> criminal “anarchist”, using this to back trafficking of peaceful community
>> folk.
>> anarchists are not scared to charge people with human trafficking.
>> we will keep ecposing tr
> 1734 -0500 01-22
> early draftbumpy

- traffick boss portrays anarchists and others as criminals, sending them
away from aid via law enforcement. this is a common trafficking tactic.
- anarchists etc think they could be criminals, when traffick boss is mind
controlling them. records developed under undue influence are absolveable.

1748 1749

(earlyish draft


Re: [log] Fwd: Morning Spam

2024-01-22 Thread Baffo 32
[import info most misplaced/damagef (driving over 80mph on highway)

traffick boss is in prison because of his plan to pretend to be a criminal
“anarchist”, using this to back trafficking of peaceful community folk.

anarchists are not scared to charge people with human trafficking.

we will keep ecposing tr

Re: [log] Fwd: Morning Spam

2024-01-22 Thread Undescribed Horrific Abuse, One Victim & Survivor of Many
On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 17:33 Baffo 32  wrote:

> [import info most misplaced/damagef (driving over 80mph on highway)
> traffick boss is in prison because of his plan to pretend to be a criminal
> “anarchist”, using this to back trafficking of peaceful community folk.
> anarchists are not scared to charge people with human trafficking.
> we will keep ecposing tr
1734 -0500 01-22

early draftbumpy

Fed’s Watchdog Clears Ex-Officials Kaplan, Rosengren in Probe of 2020 Trades

2024-01-22 Thread Gunnar Larson
Fed’s Watchdog Clears Ex-Officials Kaplan, Rosengren in Probe of 2020

The Federal Reserve’s internal watchdog cleared two former policymakers of
legal wrongdoing in a years-long probe into their trading activity in 2020,
when the central bank deployed a variety of large-scale operations to
stabilize markets at the onset of the pandemic.

PLTR Stock: Palantir Stock Pops, Reclaims 50-Day Moving Average | Investor's Business Daily

2024-01-22 Thread Gunnar Larson

Shares in Palantir Technologies (PLTR) popped Monday, reclaiming the 50-day
moving average for PLTR stock. Fourth quarter earnings for Palantir stock
are due Feb. 5.

BREAKING: High Court To Consider If Feds Can Stop Rio Grande Water Deal

2024-01-22 Thread Gunnar Larson


BREAKING: High Court To Consider If Feds Can Stop Rio Grande Water Deal

By Juan-Carlos Rodriguez

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to consider whether the federal
government has the authority to scuttle a Rio Grande water sharing
agreement between Texas, New Mexico and Colorado.

 Order List attached | Read full article »

 | Save to favorites »

A Fed Whistleblower Reveals Efforts to Silence Him 30 Years Ago

2024-01-22 Thread Gunnar Larson

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 22, 2024 ~

Walker F. Todd, Former New York Fed and Cleveland Fed Insider
Walker F. Todd, Former New York Fed and Cleveland Fed Insider

The U.S. Department of Justice needs to immediately appoint an independent
Special Counsel to investigate how long and in how many ways the U.S.
Central Bank (the Federal Reserve or simply “the Fed”) has been functioning
as a protection racket for Wall Street mega banks.

We’ll get to the latest revelation about the Fed bullying and intimidating
a Fed official in a moment, but first some necessary background.

In 2013 the American people learned that Carmen Segarra had been a bank
examiner with a law degree at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, one of
Wall Street’s key regulators. Segarra charged in a Federal lawsuit that she
was bullied by colleagues to change her negative examination of the
powerful Wall Street mega bank, Goldman Sachs. Segarra detailed how her
colleagues also obstructed and interfered with her investigation. When she
refused to alter her findings, she was terminated in retaliation and
escorted from the Fed premises, according to her lawsuit. Segarra’s lawsuit
was dismissed by a federal judge, Ronnie Abrams, whose husband was engaged
in legal matters for Goldman Sachs. (See The Carmen Segarra Case: Welcome
to New York, Wall Street and McJustice. See also, These Are the Banks that
Own the New York Fed and Its Money Button.)

Unfortunately for the New York Fed, however, the secret tape recordings
that Segarra had made to document the matter, ended up going viral.

Then there was the 2015 case of the Wall Street Journal reporter, Pedro da
Costa, asking Fed Chair Janet Yellen an uncomfortable question about Fed
leaks of confidential information and finding himself without a job.
According to a deep dive by Max Moran, writing for The American Prospect,
the individual who cracks the whip at the Fed to keep reporters in line is
Michelle Smith, Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s Chief of Staff and the woman “who
has served every Fed Chair of the last 30 years in some capacity—Powell,
Janet Yellen, Ben Bernanke, and Alan Greenspan.”

Intimidating the press to toe the line on asking acceptable questions and
writing acceptable articles is not compatible with a free society. See our
report: There’s a News Blackout on the Fed’s Naming of the Banks that Got
Its Emergency Repo Loans; Some Journalists Appear to Be Under Gag Orders;
and Mainstream Media Has Morphed from Battling the Fed in Court in 2008 to
Groveling at its Feet Today.

Then there was the stench around former Fed Chair Janet Yellen stepping
down as Fed Chair and embarking on a multi-million dollar money grab
dressed up as speaking fees at the banks regulated by the Fed. (See Janet
Yellen’s Cash Haul of $7 Million Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg; She Failed
to Report Her Wall Street Speaking Fees from JPMorgan and Others in 2018.)
Yellen was then reconstituted as the U.S. Treasury Secretary, where her
rubber stamp is required under Dodd-Frank financial “reform” legislation in
order for the Fed to throw more trillions of dollars at Wall Street.

And, finally, more than two years after the former President of the Dallas
Fed, Robert Kaplan, was exposed as trading like a hedge fund kingpin while
sitting on confidential Fed information, there has still been no
investigative findings in this matter shared with the American people by
the U.S. Department of Justice; the Securities and Exchange Commission; or
the Fed’s Inspector General.

Against that backdrop, consider the latest news about intimidation and
efforts to silence a Fed official – going back 30 years.

Last month, financial writer Lynn Parramore conducted an interview for the
Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) with two former Federal Reserve
Bank employees: Walker Todd, a former attorney and legal officer at the New
York Fed and a former legal and research officer at the Cleveland Fed; and
Bill Bergman, a Clinical Instructor in Finance for Loyola University who
worked previously at the Chicago Fed.

During the interview, Todd stuns with this revelation:

“I had the misfortune of drafting an article for publication by the
Cleveland Fed, which came out in ’93, about the emergency lending
provisions of FDICIA [Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement
Act]. I explained how this came about. The sense of the provision was a
section that said that the Fed was able to make emergency loans based on
any collateral satisfactory to it – which could be just about anything.
Changing that provision allowed securities firms to borrow directly from
the Fed for the first time in history because the Fed discount window was
originally set up to make loans only on types of collateral eligible for
discount — and investment securities most definitely were not eligible for

“The Board staff turned out to be ver

A Rewiring of the World’s Biggest Bond Market Will Transform Trading

2024-01-22 Thread Gunnar Larson's baby bond fund is something I am excited for:

A Rewiring of the World’s Biggest Bond Market Will Transform Trading

After years of regulatory tinkering, Washington is now forcing through the
most rigorous overhaul of the world’s biggest bond market in decades.

3rd Circ. Sides With US Trustee In Battle For FTX Examiner

2024-01-22 Thread Gunnar Larson
3rd Circ. Sides With US Trustee In Battle For FTX Examiner

By Rick Archer

The Third Circuit on Friday ordered the appointment of an examiner in the
bankruptcy of cryptocurrency giant FTX, agreeing with the U.S. Trustee's
Office that the appointment is required by law.

 Decision attached | Read full article »

 | Save to favorites »

Cuomo Says NY AG Must Share Sex Harassment Documents

2024-01-22 Thread Gunnar Larson
Cuomo Says NY AG Must Share Sex Harassment Documents

By Hailey Konnath

Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has asked a state court to force Attorney
General Letitia James to fork over documents underlying her investigation
into sexual harassment allegations against him, claiming that James wrongly
denied the bulk of his public records request and he needs those materials
to defend himself.

 Complaint attached | Read full article »

 | Save to favorites » Concern of BitLicense Marketplace Manipulation

2024-01-22 Thread Gunnar Larson

July 25, 2021


United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
14420 Albemarle Point Place
Suite 102
Chantilly, VA 20151-1750

Re: Concern of BitLicense Marketplace Manipulation

Dear Sir or Madam:

Virtual currency fraud is a serious problem for such a developed country as
the United States, whose bank regulators have drawn attention to the
increase of these crimes. Having discovered that an unregulated virtual
currency sphere (such as in Africa, or other developing markets) is very
popular among virtual currency fraudsters, the New York State Department of
Financial Services (NY-DFS) concluded that this kind of regulatory fraud
was threatening U.S. national security.’s NY-DFS Shelf Charter application journey has prompted us to
contact the SEC with concern of common Directors at Facebook and PayPal
(incl. Xoom) who have potentially manipulated the New York State Common
Retirement Fund and New York State Teachers Retirement Fund through
BitLicense marketplace manipulation tactics and computer crimes.'s key definition of virtual currency computer crimes is a
consistent message across markets. These crimes are relatively new, having
been in existence for only as long as Bitcoin has—which explains how
unprepared society and the world, in general, is towards combating these
crimes. We see this as no fault of NY-DFS and the original BitLicense

Facebook and PayPal along with Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo have leveraged
BitLicensee connections to profit daily from virtual currency market
manipulation structures with cross-border reach.
PayPal's “Conditional BitLicense” may now be employed as a marketplace
manipulation instrument. Meanwhile, common Directors at Facebook, PayPal
(incl. Xoom) and Diem seemingly have collaborated in orchestrating a
virtual currency marketplace manipulation exercise.

The New York State Common Retirement Fund and New York State Teachers
Retirement Fund are significant investors in Facebook, PayPal, Goldman
Sachs and Wells Fargo.

>From their California headquarters, Directors at PayPal (incl. Xoom) have
potentially leveraged a Conditional BitLicense award in collaboration with
common Directors at Facebook to engage in marketplace manipulation
techniques. The Diem Association further shares common PayPal and Facebook
Directors in a potential chain of virtual currency computer software and
market manipulation architectures. must take the necessary steps to guard against fraud and to be
extra vigilant about manipulation. We seek SEC guidance on the
aforementioned concerns as we organize a reputable Board of Directors for
NY-DFS approval.

Respectfully yours with appreciation,

Gunnar Larson - |

MSc - Digital Currency
MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) +1-646-454-9107 - Board of Directors SEC TCR.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Despite delivering investors losses of 74% over the past 3 years, PayPal Holdings (NASDAQ:PYPL) has been growing its earnings - Simply Wall St News

2024-01-22 Thread Gunnar Larson - | DOJ Memo #2 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement

2024-01-22 Thread Gunnar Larson

February 1, 2022


Mr. John Marzulli
United States Department of Justice
Eastern District of New York
271 Cadman Plaza East
Brooklyn New York, 11201

Re: Memo #2 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement

Dear Mr. Marzulli:

The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1 with our recent

to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred
Prosecution Agreement

with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical
enforcement being concerned.

Memo #2 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with the Middle

The Bank of London vs. The Bank of London and the Middle East


   November 30, 2021 two New York based firms lead investment in The Bank
   of London based in the United Kingdom.

   July 1, 2007 The Bank of London and the Middle East opened in the United

   The Bank of London and the Middle East confirms they have no association
   with The Bank of London (correspondence referenced here


The Bank of London seemingly has been funded from New York to irritate the
Middle East.  Recently, we made 91 highlights of research

associated with The Bank of London and the Middle East's recent sale to a
firm in Kuwait.

Harvey Schwartz is the Chairperson at The Bank of London, after spending
over 20 years at Goldman Sachs Group, where he oversaw sales and trading,
finance, technology, and operations. He completed his tenure as the firm’s
President and Co-Chief Operating Officer. He joined Goldman Sachs in 1997
and subsequently held numerous senior leadership positions including Chief
Financial Officer, Global Co-Head of the Securities Division, amongst other
positions. He additionally served as a member of the firm’s Management
Committee and co-headed its Risk Committee, Steering Committee on
Regulatory Reform and Finance Committee. Mr. Schwartz established the
firm’s Investment Policy Committee on which he also served as a member.

It would appear that Mr. Schwartz has no friendly diplomatic agenda in
London banking, potentially looking to profit off of The Bank of London and
the Middle East.

Furthermore, Goldman Sachs seemingly has a part in the scheme from New York.

Bank of London and the Middle East is listed on the NASDAQ, Dubai.


   Mr. Marzulli, during a recent telephone discussion together it was your
   general assessment that the Deferred Agreement in question was self
   policing.  Can you kindly advise at your earliest convenience what (if any)
   DOJ systems, processes and control mechanisms are in place to monitor the
   purity of the Deferred Agreement?

   Furthermore, if the Deferred Agreement is self-policing, can the DOJ
   kindly share any and all supporting material information that would prevent
   the agreement from being violated without the DOJ's general oversight?

   Finally, we have made 28 highlights to Deferred Agreement

   as a reference resource tool.

Memo #1 and Memo #2 both outline instances that correspond with the
associated highlight references. We are concerned that potential breaches
to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise.

We are looking forward to learning more about the DOJ’s approach to
assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates.

Respectfully yours with anticipation,

Gunnar Larson -  |


- Digital Currency

- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip)  +1-646-454-9107

The Introverts Have Taken Over the US Economy

2024-01-22 Thread Gunnar Larson
The Introverts Have Taken Over the US Economy

A hip and sophisticated friend, a longtime New Yorker, complained to me
recently about a potential date. “He wanted to meet at 6 o’clock for
dinner,” she said. “Can you imagine? I don’t leave the house until 7:30 at
the earliest!” I nodded sympathetically, but as someone who has been known
to have an early dinner myself, I couldn’t help but wonder: “What does she
think this is, 2018?”