Re: Any Cypherpunk there ?

2020-06-26 Thread recondite
There's some in the aether somewhere. 

The vulgarity is a side effect of free speech. But me, I'm fine with it. Would 
much rather be able to call a spade a spade instead of guessing who is what in 
the kayfabe of normalcy. 

But you're right a true cypher punk wouldn't be disgussing plans to subvert 
government on an open message board

Jun 26, 2020, 18:19 by

> I am a Mathematician and involved in "industrial" cryptography.
> However, I am interested in the Cypherpunk movement as described by the 
> Cypherpunk's manifesto.
> I am unsure if this mailing list still relates to the original Cypherpunk 
> movement...
> Obviously it contains many inordinate messages containing vulgar terms.
> I also do believe that a public mailing list would be the last place on earth 
> Cypherpunks would choose to meet and discuss but who knows?
> ---
> Crypto
> --
> --
> Sent from > ProtonMail > , encrypted email based in 
> Switzerland.
> Sent with > ProtonMail >  Secure Email.

Re: Industrial society and its present

2020-06-21 Thread recondite

Jun 20, 2020, 18:09 by

>>> I'm reminded of the Thomas Jefferson quote, "a well-informed electorate is
>>> a prerequisite to democracy."
> Democracy is statists scam over you,
> keep voting yourselves deeper into purgatory.
> Worlds big parties in power await your every ballot.

Since Neoliberal policy and economics became the norm with Reagan this is 
absolutely true. Before then maybe 50% true on a good day. The possibility of 
decentralized, tamper-proof democratic systems is promising. 

>>> Well, the same is true for any societal
>>> structure, those that are involved need to be well-informed in order to
>>> navigate the system and not get fucked over.
> Stop building such structures.

I always wonder how people would propose such a completely uninformed idea such 
as this (assuming you're talking about tearing all societal structures with a 
power dynamic down). Here are some examples of societal structures I would like 
to see an alternative to where the alternative wouldn't ruin peoples' lives 
even more: the family unit, teacher-student relationships, romantic 
relationships, garbage collection services, and farmers' markets (in a general 
sense). All of those structures require the participants to be well-informed 
(just like a democracy) otherwise they won't function at all. If you went on a 
date thinking it was the farmers market you probably never pass on your genes, 
if you thought the teacher-student relationship was like having your garbage 
collected you would never learn. 
I realize you may say that there should just be societal structures that just 
don't screw people over if that's the case, what's the plan for getting rid of 
all the ass holes that take advantage of others whenever they can?

>>> What's great for the elites of today is that the system (almost any/every
>>> system) is so incredibly complex that the people within it are likely
>>> never going to understand how it functions. Frankly, the people in power
>>> don't need to know how it works either, just how to operate it enough to
>>> where it maximizes their benefit.
> You gave them your tools, they fucked your anus with them, whose fault, yours.
> You're probably building tools right now to detect drugs
> downstreaming from your corona induced diarrhea flow,
> give it to them and they will use it to surveill and arrest you.

Incomprehensible. At any rate, I'm not the one using gmail so, who's getting 
fucked again?

>>> Since technology is basically magic to the common citizen it's the easiest
>>> thing to use to manipulate them. So, yes; I think this character of an
>>> average man has lost absolute control
>>> what to do with
>>> that information generally has to go up a hierarchy with mostly humans on
>>> the top of it.
>> Yeah, so called machine learning is just a tool used by humans. The fact
>> that a 'trained' program can classify pictures of cats and dogs doesn't
>> imply any actual 'intelligence'...contrary to techofascist marketing. Also,
>> 'big data' and 'machine learning' are newspeak for total automated
>> surveillance.
>>> We're in some kind of purgatory between elites controlling the tech and
>>> the tech controlling the elites; the general public has negligible
>>> suspicion which will probably continue ad infinitum. I think one or two of
>>> three things could happen in the future, (1) oligarchic technocrats rule
>>> the world (possibly already do, it's debatable), (2) the people get smart
>>> and learn tools they should know in order to take digital power back (the
>>> cryptoanarchists win), or (3) the machines gain sentience and side with
>>> one general population (commons or elites) or just kill everyone off in a
>>> Darwinian stage of evolution.
>> As to the idea of sentient machines ... doesn't seem
>> to be a practical issue at the moment. A more likely scenario in a not so
>> distant future might be 'enhanced' 'elites' with brain implants, and
>> 'enhanced' serfs with brain ...

> ... removed. That has already been done by the elites (1) TV programming.
> Which is why you don't see Assassination Politics of (2) rolled out, yet,
> (2) has a bit more self deprogramming, more research to coding, and
> world has few more years of cyber ecosystem developments,
> before able to hit that launch key.
> Sentience of (3) probably long way off, Humans more likely to
> devolve themselves sooner.

Re: Forbes: Have Apple And Google Suddenly Uploaded A COVID-19 Tracking App To Your Phone? The Facts Behind The Furore

2020-06-20 Thread recondite
I just found Covid contract tracing settings on my phone under google assistant 
settings today. Looked like factory settings were set to off, but off means 
more than one thing to google.

Jun 20, 2020, 16:26 by

> Forbes: Have Apple And Google Suddenly Uploaded A COVID-19 Tracking App To 
> Your Phone? The Facts Behind The Furore.> 

Social Atomization and Social Capital

2020-06-07 Thread recondite
What do you guys think about the loss of social capital through atomization of 
society via tech?

Trying to figure out the ways that atomization is being sold to the masses as a 
perk, like working from home, but where it actually makes it easier to control 

Here's a section of the piece I'm working on.

##Atomization and Social Capital##

The relationshipbetween social atomization and social capital is something 
thathasn’t been so firmly established, if at all. Surely, at firstglance they 
seem to be similar, almost exactly the same but they’renot. Atomization, in a 
sociological sense, is the breaking down ofsociety into smaller pieces; in 
scientific terms to atomize somethingis to spray it, like gasoline into the 
cylinder of a car. Diffusionis a synonym to both uses.

Social capital,though, is a much slippery term. I think it is most 
succinctlydefined as: the networks of relationships among people who live 
andwork in a particular society, enabling that society to functioneffectively.

We have entered aburgeoning era in western society where there is less and less 
socialcapital needed between people for the society to continue tofunction. For 
example, most of us don’t need to trust a farmer todeliver food that isn’t 
poisoned because in the US we have the FDAwhich sets qualifications for 
producers to meet so that the food inthe grocery store doesn’t harm anybody. 
There are numerous agenciesand technologies that have the sole purpose of 
existing in order tolessen the amount of trust that we need in each other. I 
don’tthink this is a bad evolution in society, to the contrary, I thinkit’s a 
net benefit for all involved.

Therefore, thedeclining amount of social capital needed in our society for it 
tofunction is good for our economic production and physical well-being(at least 
at face value, but that’s a topic for another time.) Onthe other hand, what 
this allows for is further societal atomizationwithout any harmful effects to 
economic production and/or physicalwell-being. The danger instead is shifted to 
our personal lives.Belonging to a community that has no other interest other 
thangetting together with people that have similar ideologies, the amountof 
people growing a family, public recreation, and many otherpro-social activities 
are all declining.

The most recentdevelopment is in the workplace. Many workers have been 
operatingremotely since the onset of the pandemic and the organizations 
theywork for have been realizing that productivity has not beendramatically 
affected. Jack Dorsey recently announced that mostTwitter employees would not 
be required to come into the office evenafter the pandemic slows, and in 
general the ability to work fromhome is being sold to us as a perk. But in the 
long run “Workingfrom Home Post-Coronavirus Will Give Bosses Greater Control 
ofWorkers’ Lives” as mentioned by Luke Savage in his article of thesame name as 
well as essentially abolish casual co-workingsocialization and further diminish 
social capital in the work place.

Frankly, we don’tneed these social aspects in life to have our basic 
necessities metbut it’s well known that most are beneficial, sometimes 
critical,for psychological growth and well-being.

Articles and notes on recent events

2020-06-05 Thread recondite


## Curfews have been lifted in D.C. andL.A. county. The violence is dying down, 
and the four officers beingcharged seem to have had an effect. Was there also 
an effect from theNational guard?

#Jim Craig, an associate professor ofmilitary and veteran studies in relation 
to the Ferguson civildistress in 2014 said, “calling out the national guard for 
a floodis one thing, calling out the national guard for riots and unrestmoves 
say into the extreme.”

#So let’s not discount the extremenature of what has just happened and also the 
fact that it has becomeobviously much more common since many states deployed 
the nationguard this last week.

#As of June 2, 23 states activated theNational Guard in reaction to the riots, 
17,000 of them on Mondaymorning. 45,000 have already been activated in response 
to the Covidcrisis. That means about 66,700 National Guard personnel are 
activeright now in all 50 states. This is multiples of the amount ofactive-duty 
troops in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

##Even though things seem to have been dying down and staying peacefulPortland 
is still dealing with violence as they have a large ANTIFAto citizen ratio, and 
some rioters abroad have begun to express theirsolidarity with the American 
rioters by rioting themselves. Greekdemonstrators as the most extravagant of 
them all threw Molotov cocktails towards the U.S. embassy in Athens.

## Nolonger are the protests for justice for George Floyd as that seems tobe 
well on its way, but the riots are now against white superiority and police 

##This is good, more or less, it’s undoubtedly something that needs tobe 
addressed. But what comes to mind is Killer Mike’s speech inAtlanta a few days 
ago. We need to be beating our opposition up in thevoting booth. By putting the 
the politicians you want into the jobswhere they can make a difference there’s 
a big chance of changingsome things. But right now the rioters are trying to 
kill wasps witha shotgun, it’s not going to work, they’re going to cause a 
lotof damage, and get themselves hurt in the process. Dealing with 
waspsproperly is going to take more time and effort but will be much 

...Whichleads me to, another success in this saga:

## Defund the Police

## NYC Comptroller Wants $1.1B cut fromthe NYPD

#The cut is supposed to happen over thenext four years in order to aid 
“vulnerable communities mostimpacted by police violence and structural racism.”

#The plan: $265M annually by reducingheadcount through attrition, suspending 
hiring of new police classes,and scaling back overtime. According to statement 
from ScottStringer.

#The 1.1B cut is a %19 reduction in the overall budget for the NYPD

## So that’s a win! Or, is it just aconsolation prize? Like we talked about 
there is a substantial amountof National guard deployed right now. I realize 
that many of thepeople in the national guard are average citizens on reserve, 
butthis feels close to martial law! Maybe governors of all the statesare 
realizing how easy it is to deploy the National Guard reservesduring a crisis 
and therefore don’t feel the need to have policefunded? This is a major 
speculation and as I’m sure the NYCcomptroller and Governor Cuomo know each 
other but it’s a long shotthat they are colluding.

## Never the less, I am alwayssuspicious when the government “cuts back” and 
ask myself, arethey really cutting back or are they just moving power and 
influenceform the front-end to the back-end in order to save face but 

## If it is in good faith, is it reallythe most effective route to take? Right 
now it probably is for manyreasons, the least of them not being that of calming 
down the angrypeople and showing them that the government cares. But I feel 
there’smore of a change in the way of a spiritual revolution that could beof a 
larger benefit.

## Nicolo Machiavelli’s eighth ruleof war: Discipline in war counts more than 

## “Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.” - Aristotle


## NYC hits zero confirmed covid deathsfor first day since march

#NYC hit it’s peak death rate onApril 7