A fundamentally constructive message is that folks need to get going in their 
own lives, figuring out (if they have not done so already) what "good" or 
"righteous" means to themselves, and then actually live that; that is, choose 
and do actions which are in support of their own understading and reality of 
right and wrong.

To pick one totally random example, the CIA has systemic or "structural" 
limitations, in that for starters they are meant to support the USA president, 
and so we can imagine that the wildcard "bad orange" president may well not 
survive the November elections, and then those "organs of state" which support 
the president suddenly would have to again "switch gears" so to speak, in that 
case supporting the soon to be gone Biden, likely replaced by Hillary or some 
equally despotic equivalent.

So we must work in a very real sense as individuals, within the limits of our 
capacity and authority, and where we can, expanding those limits.

Plainly, a lot (for the West) obviously hinges on November, and so it's all 
very well for angry little punks to run around throwing the gauntlet down, but 
that by itself does not change reality - we must each do what we can, day by 

Create our world,

   Martenson: We Are On Our Own In The Post-COVID World
   Chris Martenson via PeakProsperity.com,

      It's time to be our own heroes, because those in charge sure won't be...

      Even before the coronavirus pandemic hit, things weren’t all that great 
for the bottom 90% of households.

      The median household was barely scraping by with ultra-low financial 
reserves, meager retirement savings and high levels of debt. All while being 
relentlessly crushed by cost of living inflation running far higher than the 
blatantly fraudulent government statistics offered up by the BLS.

      Even more infuriating, the economic pie was preferentially handed to the 
top 10% — well, more specifically, to the top 1%. And even more dramatically to 
the top 0.1%.  Don’t even get me started on the 0.001%…

      While often presented in the media as a puzzling thing without any root 
cause, both the income and wealth gaps are the direct result of Federal Reserve 
policies and actions Helped, of course, by lobbyists for the elites influencing 
Congressional tax legislation.


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