Cryptocurrency: Banksters Greenlit To Oppress Manipulate Crypto Markets Down, P2P Wins

2023-05-25 Thread grarpamp
Analysts have noted that price activity of Bitcoin has elements of
repression that Banks have been doing to the price of Gold for decades,
and been getting fined and jailed for it.

The way to beat the Banks is to buy and remove coins from the
market, and to actually use, spend, and replace them in
the P2P crypto economy for goods and services, instead of
using GovBankPol's Fiat.

Unlike Gold which is unlikely to ever be used by the masses again,
Crypto is growing into use by the billions.

Crush the Banksters... adopt and use Private P2P Crypto.

Re: Cryptocurrency: Banksters Greenlit To Oppress Manipulate Crypto Markets Down, P2P Wins

2023-06-13 Thread grarpamp
The bots can't touch you once you've denominated the world in Crypto.
Adoption != HODL, Adoption == Using, Start Using Crypto In P2P Mode.
The Bill has just been introduced to restructure the SEC & REMOVE SEC
Chair @GaryGensler For those who thought we had a “free & fair market”
THIS IS WHAT Gensler’s been allowing. Algorithmic trading barcoding
This is a computer keeping the price EXACTLY where they program it...

Re: Cryptocurrency: Banksters Greenlit To Oppress Manipulate Crypto Markets Down, P2P Wins

2023-07-24 Thread grarpamp
They are your opponents, and they OWN the order books now,
do not play the trading game, you will lose to them. To win, you
must go asymmetric to dark HODL places they cannot grasp,
and to SPEDNs they can't intermediate...

Only way to beat these manipulating GovBankCorps is to
permanently remove coins from the market and from their
custody off into your own wallets where they can't see or
loan them, then use them for goods and services in direct P2P
mode only, without giving up any float or skim to them or their
servicing corps, payprocessors, etc.

Both restrictive licensing, and coin privacy, will also deny
and destroy GovBankCorp the ability to easily manipulate
prices as they are doing today.

All that only works with coins that are expected to have
100-year viability via sound fundamental properties, not shitcoins.

Bitcoin-BTC is not expected to last past the next two cycles
valid competitors will arise to dethrone its legacy position
that it shored up by frozen commitments to never change.

Far better, privacy enabled, distributed P2P, high txrate,
low storage, coins are expected to release their anon
fair launch genesis in that timeframe. No governance,
no foundations, no features, no names, just pure money.
They will be objectively better, and reachable via DEX.
When they are released, look to adopting them instead.

Re: Cryptocurrency: Banksters Greenlit To Oppress Manipulate Crypto Markets Down, P2P Wins

2023-08-22 Thread grarpamp
Cryptocurrency: Banksters Greenlit To Oppress Manipulate Crypto
Markets Down, P2P Wins
Cryptocurrency: $32T Debt, Banksters Manipulate Crypto Price Down To
Hide Escape Route
Cryptocurrency: Fake News Controls Your Bags, Manipulates Markets,
FUD's For GovPol Power
Cryptocurrency: JPMorgan's Dimon Convicted of BTC Manipulation, Again

Ask any seasoned trader, Bitcoin market activity has changed in last
handful of years, it is now exhibiting signs of massive manipulation.

In order to keep Bitcoin alive, and to stave off prosecution and other
oppressive lawfare and lawmaking action, it is highly likely that US based
exchanges have entered into secret gag order agreements that allow such
market manipulators (Banks and other "private" entites as Govt proxies
against crypto) to act without restriction on their platforms. The Govt and
Deep State have been proven to have done this exact same proxy
game with Big Tech Social Media such as Twitter, Google, Facebook
thus corrupting US elections. Now they are also corrupting your money.
Your task is to get exchanges to deny that these agreements exist,
and to transparently report that they have thrown manipulators
off their exchanges and publicly reported them for prosecution.

P2P privacy coins can somewhat nullify such manipulation because
Banks and Govts own regulations and goals prevent them from using them.
Restrictive coin licensing is another tool to prevent manipulation.

Here we see yet more absolute proof of criminal market manipulation...

Ex-Head Of JPMorgan's Precious Metals Desk Sentenced To Prison For Manipulation

It was not that long ago that a veritable army of trolls would emerge
upon our merest mention that precious metal markets (like all other
markets) are manipulated, whether by commercial or central banks, or
by random assorted hangers on.

Today, we can table that particular debate in perpetuity, after US
District Judge Edmond Chang sentenced the former head of JPMorgan’s
precious-metals desk and his top trader to prison for spoofing, fraud
and market manipulation.

Michael Nowak, whom we first highlighted back in 2019...

JPM's gold spoofing strategy was adopted by Michael Nowak, who was
JPMorgan’s global head of precious metals trading when he was put on
leave last month: DOJ.

And that's why Jamie Dimon is richer than you
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) September 16, 2019

... and most recently profiled last year, and who once upon a time was
not only an LBMA board member but also ran gold and silver trading at
JPMorgan, as well as his top trader Gregg Smith were sentenced Tuesday
in Chicago with Nowak receiving a term of one year and one day while
Smith was given two years, the stiffest sentence yet in a recent
government crackdown on questionable trading practices.
Michael Nowak, center, arrives at federal court in Chicago.

As we reported at the time, both men were convicted at a trial last
year. Smith, 59, was described as “the most prolific spoofer that the
government has prosecuted to date” while Nowak, 49, has been called
“the boss” behind the scheme.
In imposing sentence, the judge said Smith and Nowak clearly knew what
they were doing was wrong.

"This is a serious offense that you committed,” Chang said to Nowak.
“What happened here was the equivalent of putting out lies — and many
lies — into the market. Market integrity is a crucial component to the
financial markets. These lies moved the market. It’s not like they had
zero impact.”

Smith and Nowak “used their positions as some of the most powerful
traders in the worldwide precious metals markets to engage in an
egregious effort to manipulate prices for their benefit,” Acting US
Assistant Attorney General Nicole M.

Argentieri said in a statement, adding the Justice Department was
committed to holding “accountable those who engage in fraud and
manipulation that undermines the investing public’s trust in the
integrity of our commodities markets.”

As Bloomberg reports, the stiff (for a banker) prison sentences were
intended to “send a message” that market manipulation will be
punished, the judge said. “I’m trying to deter all forms of financial
fraud in the market,” he said, clearly unaware of this thing called
the Federal Reserve.

Chang ordered Nowak to start his sentence on Oct. 23 and Smith on Jan.
15. Lawyers for both men said they planned to appeal their

Prosecutors had initially sought sentences of six years for Smith and
five years for Nowak, but on Tuesday said they were revising those
down to around two years. Both men’s lawyers argued that they should
be spared jail because neither gained personally from the spoofing. Of
course, both m