Free Julian Assange

2023-12-31 Thread zeynep

Julian Assange hasn’t been free for 1726 days 
 And Happy New Year :)

Free Julian Assange

2023-12-30 Thread zeynep

 Julian Assange hasn’t been free for 1725 days 

Free Julian Assange

2023-12-29 Thread zeynep

 Julian Assange hasn’t been free for 1724 days 

Cryptocurrency: WikiLeaks Afghan War Logs Inscribed, Project Spartacus, Free Julian Assange !!!

2023-10-12 Thread grarpamp
Expect an insurance dump before long...

Someone Is Inscribing All Of WikiLeaks' Infamous Afghan War Logs On Bitcoin

Authored by NAMCIOS via

What's started with a mysterious inscription on October 7 may end up
turning into the latest global protest in support of journalist and
activist Julian Assange.

As revealed by Bitcoin Magazine, an unknown "Project Spartacus" has
formed in an attempt to immortalize on bitcoin the classified
information that the U.S. government has long alleged Julian Assange
illegally provided to journalists in the infamous Afghan War Diary.

Following the inscription, an anonymous individual has contacted
Bitcoin Magazine claiming responsibility for the project, which aims
to inscribe the tens of thousands of logs from the Afghan War
published by Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks in July 2010 into the bitcoin

These logs created a big upheaval in U.S. media at time they were
published, and elicited strong reactions from the country's
government. Notably, the content of the logs not only differed from
what had been presented in mainstream media but also offered troubling
insights into what actually happened in Afghanistan. At times, the
logs raised questions about the conduct of some U.S. military

On this day in 2006 Julian #Assange created @wikileaks.

Julian is 52 now. He was 38 when WikiLeaks published Collateral
Murder and was last free. The video shows the US army killing a dozen
civilians, including two Reuters employees on assignment and the
rescuers who stopped to…
— Stella Assange #FreeAssangeNOW (@Stella_Assange) October 4, 2023

The publication of the war logs, which was coordinated with The
Guardian, The New York Times, and others, caused a spur inside the
government. The first indictment brought against Assange focused on an
alleged conspiracy between him and Chelsea Manning to crack an account
on a computer in her military base. Per the charges, the “primary
purpose of the conspiracy was to facilitate Manning’s acquisition and
transmission of classified information.”

However, as reported by The Intercept, it later became clear that the
alleged hacking not only didn’t happen, but it also couldn’t have
happened. New testimony, reported by investigative news site
Shadowproof, also showed that Manning already had authorized access
to, and the ability to exfiltrate, all of the documents that she was
accused of leaking — without receiving any technical help from

In truth, the indictment describes the kinds of activities conducted
by many news organizations and journalists every day, including
obtaining and publishing true information of public interest,
communication between a publisher and a source, and using encryption

In addition to the Afghan War logs, WikiLeaks also published those of
the Iraq War. This picture depicts a wounded Iraqi being loaded onto a
van during an attack by Apache helicopters that killed a dozen people
in Baghdad, including two Reuters news staff on July 12, 2007.

Ho New / Reuters file

It seems this backdrop is the context through which Project Spartacus
attempts to take a foothold in the bitcoin ecosystem. The project
leverages the Ordinals protocol, a metaprotocol for bitcoin that lets
anyone add arbitrary data to the original cryptocurrency's blokchain.
Given the properties of bitcoin and its decentralized network of
nodes, once data is added to its blockchain it can never be removed or

Such properties are seemingly great for the use case of combating
censorship of information. Under this light, it seems Project
Spartacus aims to take a stand towards freedom of information and
knowledge, making it impossible for anyone to mess with the data that
Assange risked his life to make public. The journalist currently faces
potential extradition to the U.S., despite being an Australian citizen
and not having committed alleged offenses on U.S. soil. The outcome of
the extradition process remains uncertain, and concerns continue to
grow regarding his future and whether he will ever regain his freedom.

Project Spartacus's website provides a public interface through which
any person can “inscribe” –– Ordinals jargon for adding data to
bitcoin –– a war log. There seem to be no fees associated with this
action apart from network fees, a necessary component to any
transaction submitted to the bitcoin network. The page also features a
"donate" button, which opens up a panel through which 

Re: Free Julian Assange

2020-07-15 Thread таракан
An 'open letter' is unlikely to free Mr assange.

It's interesting that when people are in jail, the most common thought of their 
supporters is that writing letters will make them going out of jail...

Statistically speaking, most prisoners escaped jails by defeating the inner 
security of the prison by various ways (tunnels, disguise, etc...) and this 
usually involved a net of complicity (prison administration, drivers, 
helicopters, weapons etc...)

I'm afraid the same applies to Mr Assange ...

Free Julian Assange

2020-07-12 Thread jim bell

40+ Rights Groups Call on UK to Free Julian Assange

WikiLeaks publisher turns 49 in prison, facing U.S. extradition

Dozens of press freedom, human rights, and privacy rights organizations across 
five continents have co-signed an open letter to the U.K. government, calling 
for the immediate release of imprisoned WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The 
publisher, who turns 49 years old today in HMP Belmarsh, is facing extradition 
to the United States where he has been indicted under the Espionage Act for 
WikiLeaks’ 2010-11 publications of the Iraq War Logs, the Afghan War Diaries, 
and State Department cables. If convicted, Mr Assange would face up to 175 
years in prison, “tantamount to a death sentence.”

The co-signers write,

“This [indictment] is an unprecedented escalation of an already disturbing 
assault on journalism in the US, where President Donald Trump has referred to 
the news media as the ‘enemy of the people’. Whereas previous presidents have 
prosecuted whistleblowers and other journalistic sources under the Espionage 
Act for leaking classified information, the Trump Administration has taken the 
further step of going after the publisher.”

Seventeen of the 18 charges against Mr Assange are under the 1917 Espionage 
Act, marking the U.S.’s first-ever attempt to prosecute the publication of 
truthful information in a fundamental test of the First Amendment’s protection 
of press freedoms. Mr Assange has also been charged with conspiring to violate 
the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which uses language similar to the Espionage 

Reporters without Borders, PEN International, ARTICLE19, the International 
Federation of Journalists, and the National Union of Journalists are among the 
40 rights groups who have signed on to the letter, initiated by the Courage 
Foundation, a whistleblower support network which campaigns for Mr Assange’s 
freedom and the public’s right to know.

Carles Torner, Executive Director of PEN International, said:

“This indictment effectively opens the door to criminalising activities that 
are vital to many investigative journalists who write about national security 
matters. Beyond the case itself, we are concerned that the mere fact that 
Assange now risks extradition and potentially decades behind bars if convicted 
in the USA has a chilling effect on critical journalism, which is essential for 
exposing the truth about crimes committed by governments.”
[end of partial quote]

Jim Bell's comments follow:
Yes, I am aware of how controversial Julian Assange is on the Cypherpunks list. 
  My position is, 'Any leak that some government, somewhere, doesn't like is 
very likely to be a good leak.'