Re: Individual sovereignty -- Re: member the Fed - global debt jubilee is due about now (ish) - [PEACE] [MONEY] [FORGIVENESS]

2020-07-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 12:51:12PM +, таракан wrote:
> >
> > To this end, Russia.
> Russia is the last untouched territory, still resisting to the 'global' 
> system which is now in control of the vast majority of the planet.
> But despite what you may think, this has very few to do with 'modern 
> Russians', it's a more historical consequence and the result of the past 
> events ... still a "mass" is present there...
> 'Modern Russia' is vastly awful. A perfect example of social and cultural 
> emptiness, mediocrity and vulgarity. To some extent even far worse than west 
> ...
> 'Modern Russia' is one thing and 'what still could exist in Russia' is one 
> other thing ...
> Putin is a middleman, a compromise, a perfect example of modern 'Menshevik'. 
> In other terms a hypocritical political personage whose goal is to keep the 
> illusion alive ... bullshit army with super-weapons made of cheap Chinese 
> parts and vintage songs (very badly interpreted what's more)
> Until 1991, Marxism-Leninism was ruling in Russia (USSR) ... what they - the 
> communists-  achieved and constructed is still there despite the ideology 
> been (purposively) destroyed.
> There is an intangible "mass" present there, a 'force field' still alive that 
> the other 'mass' of the west is fearing...
> But All this is now invisible to the common people. The official 'ideology' 
> of Russia is to drink beer, vodka, get girls, go to the nearby mall and buy 
> good products and show to others how rich (sic) you are (well... how good you 
> stole everything 20 years ago)
> 'Воры и проститутки' ... it's modern Russia and all what you will meet 
> there, nothing else.
> Well among that, every 100,000 of such people there remains one very 
> different of 'them', a straw, a drop of water... and this is the real 
> Russia... invisible.

>From foreign view, I do not see hypocrisy of Putin, I just see him make steady 
>steps in the face of great difficulties.

I believe Russia is just getting her feet, barely, with international chains 
still around her neck - she needs another referendum to release these bonds, 
then a time of recuperation, and then new life.

It is slow from individual perspective unfortunately.

There is a deep wisdom in the Russian, enough to not only stay alive after 
1991, but to reach today's standing in the world despite relentless Western 
bullying and financial chains.

I pray that Russia shall be consecrated, and rise again, in peace and 
compassion.  This is probably easier to see from the outsider "Westerner" point 
of view, but the West is a financial crack addict struggling to get home at 
night time.

Russia needs time, and she will have it.  2014 did not become major war.  We 
are still in the balance.

We exist.

We be.

Re: Individual sovereignty -- Re: member the Fed - global debt jubilee is due about now (ish) - [PEACE] [MONEY] [FORGIVENESS]

2020-07-18 Thread таракан
> To this end, Russia.

Russia is the last untouched territory, still resisting to the 'global' system 
which is now in control of the vast majority of the planet.

But despite what you may think, this has very few to do with 'modern Russians', 
it's a more historical consequence and the result of the past events ... still 
a "mass" is present there...

'Modern Russia' is vastly awful. A perfect example of social and cultural 
emptiness, mediocrity and vulgarity. To some extent even far worse than west ...

'Modern Russia' is one thing and 'what still could exist in Russia' is one 
other thing ...

Putin is a middleman, a compromise, a perfect example of modern 'Menshevik'. In 
other terms a hypocritical political personage whose goal is to keep the 
illusion alive ... bullshit army with super-weapons made of cheap Chinese parts 
and vintage songs (very badly interpreted what's more)

Until 1991, Marxism-Leninism was ruling in Russia (USSR) ... what they - the 
communists-  achieved and constructed is still there despite the ideology been 
(purposively) destroyed.

There is an intangible "mass" present there, a 'force field' still alive that 
the other 'mass' of the west is fearing...

But All this is now invisible to the common people. The official 'ideology' of 
Russia is to drink beer, vodka, get girls, go to the nearby mall and buy good 
products and show to others how rich (sic) you are (well... how good you stole 
everything 20 years ago)

'Воры и проститутки' ... it's modern Russia and all what you will meet 
there, nothing else.

Well among that, every 100,000 of such people there remains one very different 
of 'them', a straw, a drop of water... and this is the real Russia... invisible.

Individual sovereignty -- Re: member the Fed - global debt jubilee is due about now (ish) - [PEACE] [MONEY] [FORGIVENESS]

2020-07-18 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Individual sovereignty is the foundation of anarchism/ political anarchy.  It 
is purported to be the foundation of democracy.

"Human rights" (though that term has in certain cases been completely degraded 
in the main stream media to "moar gibs, muh human right to be fed, clothed and 
housed by the sweat of others") is another way to say "individual sovereignty".

We live in a technocratic almost post-industrial world.  A Musk or Bezos can 
roll out a global system of enslavement, becoming a super predator.

In this world of super predators, can individual sovereignty be upheld 
practically, widely, viably, by the average soccer mum, without national 
sovereignty, i.e. in a One World Order?

We may posit that national sovereignty, a balance of national powers, is a less 
dangerous option to a One World Order.

A sovereign nation which wields its sovereignty in justice and righteousness, 
refusing to preference the million Marxist minorities to the detriment of 
procreation and stable happy families, is surely an asset to any anarchist 
seeking that his personal rights and freedoms be respected - we have no need to 
be led astray by the classic Western (((MSM))) false dichotomies where The End 
Of History (and the wanton destruction of our history and curture) leads to 
nothing but abject nihilism, the destruction of family and procreation, and the 
breakdown of community structures and sanity itself.

To this end, Russia.

Unlike Cambodia which just as with Russia was also subjected to despotism few 
would imagine, when Russia was on death's door with the Western ((("Harvard 
boys"))) vultures carving up the people's assets "for the glory of capitalism" 
with their ruthless "economic shock therapy", the Russian people had produced 
Putin, a young patriotic and highly principled man, who by providence was in 
the right place at the right time, and has allowed and helped Russia to rise 
again, a phoenix resplendent of dignity and yet the results of a people hit as 
hard or harder than any other.

This difference in this example, speaks to a difference in the people, a 
fundamental in-built/ genetic difference - it is not Putin per se, it is all 

Everyone is SO not the same!  Peoples are inherently different, and thank God 
for that.

In fact Putin was and remains by many accounts, the most accomodating to the 
West, leader that Russia could possibly have elected, and yet here we are, 
treated with stern (and Oh so appropriate) rebuke from this fatherly and humble 
man "Putin", speaking on behalf of all Russians, still speaking with us, over 
and over again still speaking with those who will listen, despite our 
collective Western descent into madness at the precipice of our own despotism 
and destruction!

And it is not World War Three we now experience, merely the sigh of relief 
possible with a drilled "lock down".  What's not to be grateful for?

By God we owe it to ourselves to be grateful to all Russia...

Despite incredible and relentless efforts by our Western oligarchs, Russia 
still stands!  And we are not once again fighting and killing whites against 
whites, all against all.  Technically, scientifically, literally and actually, 
we Whites _are_ the minority on this planet and in times past we have been 
caused to fight ourselves, to slaughter our best on the front lines of "the 
war" murder machine.

For Russia and her national sovereignty, there is some undermine in their 
"Harvard boys" constitution still, but great strides were recently made in 
their recent referendum.

The Western world waits until November.

Make good use of this time, it's a rare respite ...

On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 12:15:11PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 08:13:38AM +0800, wrote:
> > On 2019-08-14 3:06 am, John Newman wrote:
> > > James is a bitter, crazy old fuck, a member of a bunch of dumb assholes
> > > who call themselves "neo-reactionaries", who wants to be able to enforce
> > > a patriarchy with Donald Trump as the "God Emperor" and
> > 
> > Democracy has been tried before.  It always self destructs much the
> > way it is self destructing now, leading, after a longer or shorter
> > period of chaos and ruin, to rule by Caesar.
> In the FLOSS world we are becoming aware of certain concepts which
> may be useful to us collectively in the near future when we see the
> next cyclical currency reset:
>  - the model of the benevolent dictator (e.g. RMS, Linus, van Rossum
>  - the right to fork - any sub-group, or individual, has the right to
>fork, to start again, to discard any or all, and to create anew
>  - absolute individual sovereignty - the right to pursue ones own
>path, unilaterally
> When a benevolent Soul is identified, that one ought be recognised,
> 'loved' by those who seek a benevolent dictator - kind of an implicit
> in foundation in "democracy" which sadly ends up mob or oligarchic
> rule.
> Stable