Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-25 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Pic attacked.

Some comedy for ya, Tazer:



On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 07:32:12AM -0700, Razer wrote:
> No. Not really. Not ALL 'white people'. Just people who think being 'white 
> people' gives them some privilege or another. IOW It's open season on Nazis. 
> Snowflake.
> Ps. I LUV it when the pigs do their job right (by accident ofc) and snuff 
> rich little white supremacist punks.
> Rr
> Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice with K-9 Mail

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-25 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-25 12:36 pm, Punk wrote:

As to the fact that merchants, manufacturers and government are 
partners in crime,

The "partnership" is one sided and brutally unequal, as becomes 
painfully visible every time a woman cries "sexual harassment"

You are a commie shill, shilling communism to anarcho capitalists.  And 
if you were not paid to shill and supervised by Human Resources in your 
shilling, you would have been able to commit a thought crime.

I challenged you to commit a thought crime, on any topic whatsoever, and 
you did not do so.  Dead giveaway that you are being paid to shill and 
supervised in your shilling.

All sexual harassment complaints, and all rape complaints about 
successful rapes by whites, as near to all of them as make no 
difference, are women running shit tests against men that they are 
sexually interested in.

When a man is sexually interested in a woman, he is nice to her.  When a 
woman is sexually interested in a man, she gives him shit to see if he 
is the shit, women being hypergamous, something that used to be 
routinely depicted in old movies, but is now no longer depicted in 
videos produced in the USG Hegemony, even in porn.

And the brutal one sidedness of the "partnership" is apparent whenever 
women deploy shit tests in the workplace.

Probably your employer is a university, since the FBI shills mainly 
shill trooferism, anti trump black pills, and solicit white people to 
commit stupid acts of pointless terrorism, while the university shills 
target the intellectuals.

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Fwd: Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-24 Thread jamesd wrote:

Merchants never rule.

On 2019-08-18 12:52 pm, Punk wrote:

Of course they do. Merchants tell politicians to manufacture laws to 
enrich them both and steal from the consumers. Again, A of the ABC of political 

The theory that capitalists are the ruling class is your spin on the 
anarchism of Spooner, Bastiat, and Gustav de Molinari.  It is not what 
they say.

You are commie telling anarcho capitalists that communism is the real 
anarcho capitalism, similar to the large supply of shills explaining 
that progressivism is the real antisemitism, the real reaction, and the 
real Christianity.

"Hail fellow Christian, I love God and Jesus, and by the way God demands 
gay marriage and you need to transition your boys at age nine to attend 
drag queen story hour"

"Hail fellow white male heterosexual, I hate Jews, and, by the way, 
Trump is an orange crypto Jew who fails at everything, so you should 
vote for a brown commie Democrat."

And you are telling us "Hail fellow anarcho capitalist. I totally oppose 
the state, and, by the way capital is actually the state"

Here is how one can tell a paid shill from someone who actually believes 
what he is saying:

A paid shill can never commit a thought crime, because he is posting 
from an FBI office or university office on an FBI or university 
computer, and Human Resources would black list him if he committed 
thought crime.

So, to prove you are not yet another paid shill working from a shill 
office, commit a thought crime.

Here is a selection of questions with potential thought crime answers.

To prove you are not a paid shill working from a shill office, answer 
whichever question has the most unthinkable thought crime answer.

What caused the great minority mortgage meltdown?  (This question should 
be as easy as "what color is a black hole", but describe the mechanism 
and process)?

Why do a larger proportion of women in female majority workplaces report 
sexual harassment than women in workplaces that have only a small female 

Why are women extremely steamed about entirely imaginary fraternity 
rape, and totally relaxed about massive and widespread Muslim rape?

What proportion of new ventures headed by women, or with mixed male and 
female heads, fail, and why do almost all off them fail?

What is the cause of the high imprisonment rate of blacks, and the 
particularly high imprisonment rate of American blacks? hint, it might 
have something to do with your relative safety in certain streets.

What is the origin of Ashkenazim Jews, what is the connection between 
Ashkenazim and the crusades?

What is Darwin's big idea, and what is the role of races in Darwin's big 

Answer one of the above, where the answer will prove that HR is not 
watching your posting.

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-23 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-22 7:26 am, Punk wrote:

Now, I quoted Adam Smith explaining the ABC of mercantilism

Commies spin Adam Smith to be a commie, and you spin Adam Smith to be a 
commie. He was not a commie.

So, to prove you are not yet another paid shill working from a shill
office, commit a thought crime.

Priceless...Everything I write on this list is a 'thought crime'.

Nothing you have written on this list would cause HR to blacklist you.

I have listed a bunch of questions where truthful answers would get you 

If you cannot give a truthful answer to any of those questions, your 
posts are being supervised by a boss, you are answerable to HR for your 
posts, you are hired, probably by a university or the FBI, to shill for 
communism.  Most shills are FBI, but they don't shill for communism, so 
probably a university or an ngo.

From stressing the fact that the US military blew up the 'world trace 


Nah, you imply Mossad blow up the World Trade center, which was 
Mueller's cover story, the "dancing Israelis" when he got into trouble 
for ordering the FBI to ignore Muslim terrorists even if they got in 
people's faces, and look for white male heterosexual christian 
terrorists regardless of whether they existed or not, with the result 
that Osama Bin Laden's people got a free pass.

9/11 trooferism is an FBI scam.  Mueller started it with the "dancing 
Israelis".   You cannot get into trouble supporting a Mueller cover 
story, any more than you can get into trouble by chanting "Orange man 
russian Israeli racist" or cheering facebook for banning "Russian 
Trolls", or calling for the murder of cops, or the extermination of 
white people.

No end of twitterati calling for white genocide and the murder of cops 
and not only to they not get banned, and not get fired, they get 
appointed to the board of the New York Times.

to pointing out that 'age of consent' 'laws' are fascist nonsense,

Fucking nine year old boys at Drag Queen Story hour on the library floor 
will not get you fired.

Inducing a girl of seventeen years and nine months to send you a naughty 
selfie will get you five years in prison.

I see no end of notorious pedophiles who fuck boys who suffer no 
employment problems.  (Unless they are Christian priests)

What caused the great minority mortgage meltdown?  (This question should
be as easy as "what color is a black hole", but describe the mechanism
and process)?

what - there wasn't any minority mortage meltdown.


That is a ridiculous lie

There was a transfer of 18 FUCKING TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS from the poor 

I was at ground center of the great minority mortgage meltdown, 
sunnyvale california.

In 2005, every purchase was a million dollar purchase by a cat eating 
no-hablo-english hispanic with no job, no income, and no assets, that no 
normal person would lend five dollars to for a hamburger.

If you look at the location of the defaults in 2009, they are all in 
hispanic, or black and hispanic areas.

Those guys did not have trillions to transfer to wall street scum.

Those loans were issued largely to stony broke hispanics by hispanics 
affirmative actioned into power over white people's money, the most 
infamous hispanic, the one who pissed away more white people's money 
than anyone else, was Angelo Mozillo.

What happened was that trillions of dollars were pissed away on minority 
loans, and then the banks received a trillion dollar bailout, and no one 
dared point to where the money was lost.

Why do a larger proportion of women in female majority workplaces report
sexual harassment than women in workplaces that have only a small female

I don't know. I'd assume it's because the males have all been castrated 
by your beloved, jew-kristian puritan corporatocracy.

You do know.  It is because complaints about sexual harassment are 
caused by the lack of sexual harassment, not the presence of sexual 
harassment, the same pattern we notice with Muslim rape versus 
fraternity rape, but you cannot say that because the HR department of 
the organization that is paying you to make these posts would fire you.
	Hey sonny, I'm 100x more anti feminazi than you. 

And yet, you are unable to notice female shit tests, because that is a 
firing offense, while being "anti feminazi" is not a firing offense.

If you are anti feminazi, tell us about shit tests in the workplace.  I 
see a whole lot of disruptive shit testing in the workplace.  Companies 
go down the tubes in shit tests.  If you are anti feminazi, tell us 
about that.

What is the origin of Ashkenazim Jews,

a cross between arabs and europeans

True, but not the disturbing truth that is likely to get you into 
trouble.  True enough  that you might not be familiar with, or might not 
know or care about, the politically incorrect answer, but it is 
distinctly odd that you are unable to give politically 

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-22 Thread Ryan Carboni
“A free enterprise system is a necessary but not a sufficient condition. There 
is only one economic system in the world, and that is capitalism. The 
difference lies in whether the capital is in the hands of the State or whether 
the greater part of it is in the hands of people outside of State control. 
Where there is State capitalism there will never be political freedom. Where 
there is private capitalism there may not be political freedom, but there 
cannot be political freedom without it. I am grateful to the hon. Member for 
allowing me to make that clear.”

- Prime Minister Thatcher

Sent from ProtonMail Mobile

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-17 Thread Razer

On August 17, 2019 8:42:21 PM PDT, SomeRacistScum wrote:

>When those blacks that sold their brethren to us migrate to the US
>under their own power, they and their children are far better behaved than
>the descendants of those that they sold, even though their children are 
>raised in exactly the same environment.

Affluent people are known to be socially conforming weasels, and terrorists are 
known to grow from the ground where innocent blood is spilled.

The ethnic aspect is nonexistent in your argument.

Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice with K-9 Mail

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-17 Thread jamesd

US has the highest incarceration rate on the planet. Any country is
freer than the US. Next.

Most of those are blacks, and most of those blacks are descended from
those that their home country did not want wandering around for much
same reasons as we do not want their descendants wandering around.

You're so fucking disingenuous, or maybe just so fucking
stupid, you don't think the effects of enslavement have
rippled out to the modern day? 


Subsaharan Africans in Africa, who never experienced slavery, behave 
worse than whites, (check the murder rates) and some kinds of Africans 
behave worse than others.

While subsaharan Africans are inherently worse behaved than whites, 
there is a marked difference  between those who came here as slaves, and 
those who came here under their own power.

When those blacks that sold their brethren to us migrate to the US under 
their own power, they and their children are far better behaved than the 
descendants of those that they sold, even though their children are 
raised in exactly the same environment.

The problem is obviously a genetic propensity to bad conduct, a 
propensity considerably worse among the those descended from those who 
got enslaved for hunting other people's cattle and gathering from other 
people's gardens.

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-17 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-17 2:59 pm, Punk wrote:

> None of these are real monarchies, where the monarch exercises real power.

Real monarchs don't have any real power.

The King of the emirate of Dubai, the land of which Dubai is the 
capital, quite obviously exercises real power, Dubai is largely his 
personal property, and Dubai is, for its citizens, and for the better 
sort of people among its non citizen majority, the most free country in 
the world (for other non citizens, not so free)

The King of Thailand exercises a lot of power, though less than the King 
of Dubai.  He has to accommodate the military, but the military have to 
accommodate him.  You are free to say bad things about the military, but 
the one substantial restriction on freedom in Thailand is that you are 
not free to say bad things about the King.

Never ever did. There's only one form of government : oligarchy. An organized 
gang of criminals and 'merchants'

That is Commie class theory, that capitalism is rule by the capitalist 

Merchants never rule.  We are always ruled by priests or warriors, and 
currently ruled by priests.

Reactionary class theory:

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-17 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Aug 18, 2019 at 10:03:38AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 11:19:53AM +, John Newman wrote:
> > ... laws ...
> > has ground the little black guy even harder for even longer,
> You really (seriously) should take in some african "immigrants"
> (fresh off a boat), and put them up in a spare room, sunroom, tent,
> whatever - especially islamic Africans fresh off the boat, especially
> if you have young children sharing your home, especially if those
> young or teenaged children are female.
> Enjoy the "love" John, enjoy the love and utopia of peaceful and
> inspiring miscegenating heavenly love, banging down your beaten sorry
> cracka arse. Would be very fitting that - may be smack some wake up
> sense into you, get a dose of the true bullshit we've been programmed
> to believe.

OK, John "walk the talk, I ain't no pussy whipped talker muffa"
Newman is our up front and deeply personal example du jour for "if
you say it must be done, YOU must personally do it" slavery
reparator. This is the anarchy "f#@k government" list after all John.

John, for your dignity, you have no option bro, you MUST take in some
(more than one) young male slavery reparation African boat Muslims
seeking nuthin but a better dindoo life in the New World.

We just -know- Salvini'll thank you :)

You have a duty to your ancestors John, to your family and most
importantly to the cypherpunks list you personally hail from, to
personally do that which you want others to do - you MUST set the
example John, or forEVER henseforth be known as John "The Cowardly
Hypocrite" Newman...

We remain riveted to your weekly reports.

What shall it be now? Hypocrite or hailed reparator?

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-17 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 11:19:53AM +, John Newman wrote:
> On August 17, 2019 12:35:38 AM UTC, wrote:
>  your bar is pretty low. Majority of countries are better than
>  the US,
> >
> >>> Where?
> >
> >> US has the highest incarceration rate on the planet. Any country
> >> is freer than the US. Next.
> >
> >Most of those are blacks, and most of those blacks are descended
> >from those that their home country did not want wandering around
> >for much the same reasons as we do not want their descendants
> >wandering around.
> You're so fucking disingenuous, or maybe just so fucking
> stupid, you don't think the effects of enslavement have 
> rippled out to the modern day?

Come on John - that's a change of topic, so a bit of a straw man.

Your 'arguments' will be received much more powerfully if you begin
with acknowledgment of that part of your opponents 'argument' which
you are able to acknowledge - reactionary topic changing suggests to
the reader that you may be close to unable to assess (rationally that
is) both sides of the argument you just pounded into emotionally -
it's an easy thing to do, just as well --I'd-- never do that :D

> There's a reason black people are over represented in things like
> extrajudicial killings (murder by pig), and incarceration,

We have a lot of bad laws.

We jave some bad cops.

We have many self serving politicians, and an administration (behind
the politicians) which operates mostly in the murky shadows.

For your argument that 'murder by pig' is supposedly significant (at
least, to any discerning reader), you'd have to separate the actual
statistics/ ratios, per race, per locality, for both sides of such
shootings, and for both directions of such shootings - 'murder of
pig' is the other direction.

Only THEN can you normalise (if you have the statistical ability) for
the delta between specific cases.

Without doing this, you're emotionally handwaving or reacting.

If you did do that, or found someone who has done that, this would be
positively intriguing information - or at least something much close
to information than your above spouting.

There is a very simple stat which has been memed prodigiously in the
last few "TDS" years - the murder rate, for blacks and whites, and by
whom - blacks murder at an extremely high rate, and murder their own
at similarly high rates.

The testosterone of the black man is notably higher than (at least
modern) white man. Combine this fact with a bunch of bullshit laws
such as smoking and selling weed being "illegal; to jail sonny" and
that testosterone in the blacks flairs up in particularly
unfortunately useless ways like shooting one another, rather than
uniting, forming their own local sanity coalitions... whitey appears
to have a consistent advantage when it comes to strategic thinking.

> and those reasons are (a) racist assholes like you

That's meaningless, emotionally reactive "leftist" crap.

> and (b) a system that already grinds the little guy down

This is a very agreeable assertion. Pathetic laws which consistently
advantage fake persons such as corporations, and the wealthy and
powerful oligarchs.

> has ground the little black guy even harder for even longer,

You really (seriously) should take in some african "immigrants"
(fresh off a boat), and put them up in a spare room, sunroom, tent,
whatever - especially islamic Africans fresh off the boat, especially
if you have young children sharing your home, especially if those
young or teenaged children are female.

Enjoy the "love" John, enjoy the love and utopia of peaceful and
inspiring miscegenating heavenly love, banging down your beaten sorry
cracka arse. Would be very fitting that - may be smack some wake up
sense into you, get a dose of the true bullshit we've been programmed
to believe.

> with no appreciation for the fact that the wealth of these "United
> States" were built on the bloody whipped backs of those self same
> people.

Local African king or warlord is offered gold for some of his own,

The high testosterone rowdy males who step over their own tribal line
(within their own dang localities and people even) are often offered
the choice - go work for cracka in the New World, or we will point
the bone at you | burn you alive | run you out of the tribe.

Fine choice - what a great option indeed, go to the new world,
possibly make a life their.

So, some form of convict in other words.

Remember, white Irish slaves were the first slaves in America...

Anyway, in our own way we probably all wish the world was simpler -
more black and white (no pun intended).

Due to the limits of data collection and corresponding statistical
analysis, we shall likely never know the true % of those slaves who
were criminals vs "undesirable for non criminal reasons" or those
just plain kidnapped "in coastal raids" into the slave trade by the
(arguably largely Jewish) slavers or slave traders (la sluttie Wikkie
do not seem to

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-17 Thread John Newman

On August 17, 2019 12:35:38 AM UTC, wrote:
 your bar is pretty low. Majority of countries are better than the
>>> Where?
>> US has the highest incarceration rate on the planet. Any country is
>freer than the US. Next.
>Most of those are blacks, and most of those blacks are descended from 
>those that their home country did not want wandering around for much
>same reasons as we do not want their descendants wandering around.

You're so fucking disingenuous, or maybe just so fucking
stupid, you don't think the effects of enslavement have 
rippled out to the modern day? There's a reason black
people are over represented in things like extrajudicial
killings (murder by pig), and incarceration, and those 
reasons are (a) racist assholes like you and (b) a system 
that already grinds the little guy down has ground the little 
black guy even harder for even longer, with no appreciation
for the fact that the wealth of these "United States" were 
built on the bloody whipped backs of those self same 

>The incarceration rate for whites is similar to that of most white 
>>> The US is as free or freer than any white country,
>>  like I said I won't bother with rankings.
>What white countries have you been to?
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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-16 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-17 9:22 am, Punk wrote:

ps: more than a few european countries are monarchies. And yet you claim the US 
is better. Tsk tsk. (sweden, the united cesspool, I mean UK, and spain, off the 
top of my head).

None of these are real monarchies, where the monarch exercises real power.

And you still have not told me what countries you have been to, from 
which I conclude that you have not been to any of them.

And you seem to think that Molinari is some kind of commie.  He is not.

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-16 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-17 8:41 am, Punk wrote:

On Sat, 17 Aug 2019 08:35:38 +0800 wrote:

What white countries have you been to?

anwers my questions - do you speak thai?

No I don't speak Thai.  Now.  Which countries have you been to?

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-16 Thread jamesd

your bar is pretty low. Majority of countries are better than the US,


US has the highest incarceration rate on the planet. Any country is freer than 
the US. Next.

Most of those are blacks, and most of those blacks are descended from 
those that their home country did not want wandering around for much the 
same reasons as we do not want their descendants wandering around.

The incarceration rate for whites is similar to that of most white 

The US is as free or freer than any white country,

like I said I won't bother with rankings.

What white countries have you been to?

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-16 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 11:11:53PM +0800, wrote:
> > > > So AGAIN, why does pretend to be libertarian when you are
> > > I want liberty.
> On 2019-08-16 2:36 pm, Punk wrote:
> > No you don't.
> I wander the world to avoid the impact of states, and of the three countries
> where I have found the most freedom, two have kings, and the third has a
> president equipped with death squads.

Have a personal friend with a factory in China - comments that
general liberty to travel (e.g. drive) and do what you choose within
the country is notably above various such "liberties" in Australia.

For one example police officers are stationed at busy intersections
and don't stop anybody, regardless of speeding, running red lights,
etc - only if there's an accident the police will charge you if you
were the one running the red light.

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-16 Thread jamesd

> If you want liberty, China is better than the US,

On 2019-08-17 6:10 am, Punk wrote:

your bar is pretty low. Majority of countries are better than the US,

Where?  In England and Europe you get thrown in jail for thought crimes 
that in the US would merely result in HR having you fired.

What countries do you have in mind as more free than the US?  I named 
several.  Name a few.

The US is as free or freer than any white country, considerably more 
free than any other democracy, considerably more free than Western 
Europe, England, Australia, or New Zealand.

If you have counter example, name it.

nice thing about thailand is that prostitution is more 'tolerated' and 
there are no piece of shit jew-kkkristians. Apart from that, I expect thailand 
to be under the rule of jew-kristian anglo-american scum, associated with the 
local oligarchy.

Your expectations are incorrect.

thailand's version of the americunt 'war on drugs' seems to be 
especially unhinged.

I can buy testosterone there.  Cannot buy it in the US.  Cops there are 
courteous.  Airport security helpful and friendly rather than jackbooted 
thugs.  I can say anything in Thailand except that I cannot disrespect 
the King.  I can even disrespect the state religion provided I do not do 
so in a holy place.  And illegal drugs seem to be readily available, 
though I find legal drugs more than adequate.

I have been to these places. It is obvious that you have not.

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-16 Thread grarpamp
Interrupt serious talk with random noise and lols...

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-16 Thread rooty
HI James and punk. Please take a breather you have been going for days have 
glass water and relax.

 Original Message 
On Aug 16, 2019, 8:11 AM, wrote:

>> > > So AGAIN, why does pretend to be libertarian when you are
>> > I want liberty.
> On 2019-08-16 2:36 pm, Punk wrote:
>> No you don't.
> I wander the world to avoid the impact of states, and of the three
> countries where I have found the most freedom, two have kings, and the
> third has a president equipped with death squads.
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-16 Thread jamesd

> > So AGAIN, why does pretend to be libertarian when you are

> I want liberty.

On 2019-08-16 2:36 pm, Punk wrote:

No you don't.

I wander the world to avoid the impact of states, and of the three 
countries where I have found the most freedom, two have kings, and the 
third has a president equipped with death squads.

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-16 Thread jamesd

On Fri, 16 Aug 2019 14:18:01 +0800

> > > >  So you don't have any definition for "left"?
> > > > or "right" for that matter.

> > wrote:
> > > Right and left were defined in the French Revolution.

> On 2019-08-16 4:01 am, Punk wrote:
> > And the right defended monarchy, feudalism and theocracy
> > while the left opposed it. The left included the LIBERTARIANS,
> > or whoever passed for libertarian.

> wrote:

> The left immediately started issuing lots of fiat money, imposed price
> controls, and engaged in mass conscription.

On 2019-08-16 2:47 pm, Punk wrote:

and by the way, you stupid liar, I didn't mean that the socialists and 
libertarians during the french revolution were the same party. I only  pointed 
out that both sat 'on the left' and that both opposed monarchy.

The people you are calling libertarians are those who opposed price 
controls on grain.

Events proved that it was a disastrous idea for them to sit on the left, 
as the left implemented the reverse of their policies, and executed 
large numbers of them.

For two hundred and fifty years, libertarians have been kissing up to 
the left, and for two hundred and fifty years, the left has responded 
with brutal violence.

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-15 Thread jamesd

> > >  So you don't have any definition for "left"?
> > > or "right" for that matter.

> wrote:
> > Right and left were defined in the French Revolution.

On 2019-08-16 4:01 am, Punk wrote:
>And the right defended monarchy, feudalism and theocracy
> while the left opposed it. The left included the LIBERTARIANS,
> or whoever passed for libertarian.

The left immediately started issuing lots of fiat money, imposed price 
controls, and engaged in mass conscription.

I don't much like your version of libertarianism.

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-15 Thread jamesd wrote:

When war comes, the brown democrats will see Jews as white Europeans, as
you do, but this is going to come as a mighty big shock to a great many

On 2019-08-16 4:01 am, Punk wrote:

I don't think so - jews are not that stupid.

They have been exactly that stupid in the Islamisation of France, which 
they are now fleeing.

Many, probably most Jews, do not think of themselves as white Europeans.

It doesn't matter, that's what they are.

That most of them  do not think of themselves as Europeans means they do 
stupid shit as they did in France.

Which matters enough that Jews are fleeing, and have largely fled, France.

> The problem with your views is that you as a racist want to
> explain politics in terms of 'race'. Note that of course there's no
> Jewish race. Jewism is just a pseudo culture.

Jews vote on their ethnicity, not on their economic class.  The problem 
is not that I am "racist", but that every voting block mobilized by the 
Democrats is "racist".

> > And if, not what 'race' do you think they belong to?

> What matters is not what race I think they belong to, but what race they
> think they belong to.

there's no jew race.

Persuade them of that.

So at this point, I have to rhetorically ask, what class do you think you belong to? 

Reactionaries don't believe in the Marxist class analysis, neither did 
Lysander Spooner, whom you claim to be an adherent of.

The reactionary class categorization is priests (including professors, 
the mainstream media, public intellectuals, lawyers, judges, etc) 
warriors (including officers, soldiers, police, rentacops, mercs, etc) 
merchants (capitalists, entrepeneurs, businessmen, and such) and the masses.

In which categorization I am primarily a merchant, trying out for the 
priesthood.  But I spend more time on merchant stuff.

> And what are your political beliefs? The only reason I ask is
> because the very first author that shows up on is
> Lysander Spooner, but, YOU NEVER READ A WORD HE WROTE.

You interpret Lysander Spooner as a commie.  I interpret him otherwise.

I was an anarcho capitalist, but as tribalism grew, I realized that 
anarcho capitalism was incapable of defending itself against tribes and 
religions (defining religions broadly, as I have defined priests 
broadly, to include communism and progressivism)

Something like anarchocapitalism worked in saga period Iceland because 
it was a state enforced theocracy, and the official religion upheld the 
right of every man to himself avenge wrongs done to him - the official 
religion denied the state the monopoly of legitimate of violence.  The 
fragility of that system became apparent when Christianity hit them.

 I have therefore come to the conclusion that the best system is a long 
established and stable monarchy, as exemplified by the Emirate of Dubai, 
and such monarchies can only grow out of military dictatorship.  So I 
now favor military dictatorship, thinly disguised as the Republic, for 
America, as Augustus become military dictator of Rome, under a thin 
disguise of the Republic continuing.

Which is the usual outcome when democracy self destructs, as it is self 
destructing now.

The outcome I hope for is Holy American Emperor Trump, King under God, 
but a more likely and more readily achievable outcome is God Emperor Trump.

And a far more likely outcome than either of those is a long period of 
chaos and ruin.

>   ...And so we get a ruling elite that  fails to hold together.

And why is that a problem for LIBERTARIANS?

One King three thousand miles is a lesser problem than a thousand kings 
three miles away. The loss of cohesion in the ruling elite leads to 
anarcho tyranny, not anarcho capitalism.  Yesterday I was trying to 
transfer a sum of money while avoiding tax impact, and one bank thought 
the legalities worked one way, and the other bank thought the legalities 
worked a different way, and they could not agree because the laws and 
regulations are complicated, intrusive, obscure, incomprehensible, there 
is no one who actually knows what that mean, except that no matter what 
you do, if they want to charge you with something, they will probably 
find something to charge you with.

> >    So you don't have any definition for "left"?  or "right" for 
that matter.4

> Right and left were defined in the FrenchRevolution.

And the right defended monarchy, feudalism and theocracy while the left opposed it. 

What the french left supported in place of monarchy, feudalism, and 
theocracy was terror, mass murder, socialism, total war, and the 
enlightenment, the enlightenment being a state imposed religion 
immensely more destructive than Christianity.

> So AGAIN, why does pretend to be libertarian when you are


I want liberty.

If you want liberty, China is better than the US, but Dubai (Monarchy) 
and Thailand (

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-15 Thread jamesd

On August 15, 2019 9:02:05 AM PDT, wrote:
> MSNBC tells us  most white people need to be destroyed

> >
> >

> >
> > When calls for war, mass murder, and mass destruction receive
> > social approval and state backing, war, mass murder, and mass
> > destruction always follows.

On 2019-08-16 12:44 am, Razer wrote:

Well they got part of it right. Scumbag Nazis like you need to be

> destroyed, with malice.

Pretty sure that Trump voters are "Scumbag Nazis" also.  And the other 
thirty percent of whites will, their surprise, find that they look like 
Trump voters.

The left murders the King, then they murder the priests and the 
aristocrats, then there is, surprise surprise, a mysterious grain 
shortage, and they murder the peasants for ""hoarding" grain and "price 

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-15 Thread Razer

On August 15, 2019 9:02:05 AM PDT, wrote:

>MSNBC tells us  most white people need to be destroyed

Well they got part of it right. Scumbag Nazis like you need to be destroyed, 
with malice.

Ps. It's a testament to the ineffectually, the endangerment created by 
non-violent 'action', that the crowd didn't swarm and destroy this piece of 
human shit's vehicle  as soon as it stopped and 
the perp hid behind the cops ... like the Snowflake coward he is, leaving him 
able to do it again at his leisure.

Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice with K-9 Mail

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-15 Thread jamesd

MSNBC tells us  most white people need to be destroyed

When calls for war, mass murder, and mass destruction receive social 
approval and state backing, war, mass murder, and mass destruction 
always follows.

War is easy, peace is hard, in the sense that falling off a cliff is 
easy, climbing a cliff is hard.  To avoid war, always have crack down on 
the trouble makers on your own side, and listen to the enemy.  Leftists 
are not listening, and they are not restraining their zealots.

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-15 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-15 3:56 pm, Punk wrote:
	First, the absolute percentage of jews in the ruling class is small though of course it's not small at all compared to the total number of jews. Second, they are for all intents and purposes white europeans. 

When war comes, the brown democrats will see Jews as white Europeans, as 
you do, but this is going to come as a mighty big shock to a great many 

Many, probably most Jews, do not think of themselves as white Europeans.

And as we drift towards tribal war, one of the major failure modes of 
democracy, this matters a lot.  People are voting and organizing on 
race, ethnicity, tribe, and religion, not class.

The Holodomor, which murdered about ten million or so, was in 
substantial part caused by Jewish animus towards Christians.

Note also the historical tendency of Jews to back Muslims in the never 
ending war between Christians and Muslims, even though Jews have only 
ever prospered under Christian rule.

Similarly observe Jewish support for the Islamic conquest of Europe, 
even though it is absolutely obvious that Muslims are already beginning 
to expel Jews from Europe.  This echoes the similarly self destructive 
Jewish behavior during the crusades.  It always seems to come as shock 
to Jews when they ally with anti Christian factions, and the anti 
Christian factions do not ally back.  In the crusades, the Jews 
supported the Muslims, but the Muslims did not support the Jews, a story 
that the brown Democrats are now re-enacting.

And if, not what 'race' do you think they belong to?

What matters is not what race I think they belong to, but what race they 
think they belong to.

I then explained why white people do this to other white people

No you didn't. You didn't explain, at all, why is there a ruling class.

There is always a ruling class.  The problem is that our ruling class is 
losing internal cohesion, partly due to tribalization, and partly due to 
loss of moral character in our ruling class.

The purpose of political correctness is to humiliate and degrade by 
demanding that people accept an obvious lie, thus demonstrating who has 
the power and who shall submit.

Point deer, make horse.

PC is the opposite of the old honor codes. Instead of an honor code, we 
have a dishonor code. Instead of compliance testing young potential 
elite members for courage, honor, and dignity, we compliance test them 
for cowardice, lying, and groveling.  And so we get a ruling elite that 
fails to hold together.

So now the question is what the fuck do you mean by 'leftism', because 
by any common standard, the plutocratic fascists from twitter, facebook, 
amazon, and all the rest of silicon-valley-US-military-govcorp are anything but 

Take a look at a the recently leaked list of sites deranked by Google.
Right wing sites are artificially deranked, left wing sites are
artificially upranked.

	 So you don't have any definition for "left"?  or "right" for that matter. 

Right and left were defined in the FrenchRevolution.

Left is the party for knocking over the apple cart to grab some apples. 
They loudly announce that this will produce an abundance of apples, and 
for a short while it does.  Right is the party of order, as exemplified 
in the French Revolution.

When a mysterious apple shortage ensues, they launch a hunt for the 
witches casting the magic spells causing the mysterious shortage of 
apples, and a hunt for some more apple carts to knock over.  Thus most 
of the people murdered in the French Revolution were not aristocrats, 
but rather people accused of "hoarding", "profiteering", and ""price 
gouging".  Typically bakers and peasants.

This not only describes socialism, but also such innovations as the 
sexual revolution and the destruction of marriage.  They figured that 
men would get more sex, but most men are getting less sex.  Similarly, 
about fifty percent of men who transition to the female role suicide, 
and the rest are mostly working as whores.

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-14 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-15 10:25 am, Punk wrote:

So now the question is what the fuck do you mean by 'leftism', because 
by any common standard, the plutocratic fascists from twitter, facebook, 
amazon, and all the rest of silicon-valley-US-military-govcorp are anything but 

Take a look at a the recently leaked list of sites deranked by Google. 
Right wing sites are artificially deranked, left wing sites are 
artificially upranked.

Google has a policy of responding to searches by producing politically 
correct results, even image searches for couples will systematically 
uprank mixed race couples, image searches for high status profession 
will systematically uprank images of members of the profession that 
belong to official victim groups.

You tube, similarly, purges and artificially deranks politically 
incorrect videos.

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-14 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-15 10:25 am, Punk wrote:

On Thu, 15 Aug 2019 07:17:57 +0800 wrote:

On 2019-08-14 2:22 am, Punk wrote:

Tell me James, who created and who controls twitter and facebook and 
all the infrastructure that enables those honeypots? Yeah, it was 'white people'

Leftism is defection against near, and alliance with far in order to
destroy near.

You just make up bullshit as you go james. You were talking about 
'whites' and when I presented the obvious fact that 'whites' are the number one 
enemy of freedom you had to change the script on the fly and switch to 
'leftist' whites.  

Your argument is that those imposing second class status on whites are 
themselves largely white (though a lot of them are Jews that probably do 
not identify as white)

I then explained why white people do this to other white people - for 
much the same reasons as the the largely Jewish Soviet Communist party 
disproportionately murdered Jews.

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-14 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 07:17:57AM +0800, wrote:
> On 2019-08-13 4:14 pm, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> > > > It is NOT fine to ANY person to be rude, being orange, white, black,
> > > > yellow, red, green, blue, violet, rainbow, et al.
> wrote:
> > > On the contrary, it is totally OK to be rude to white people.
> > > 
> > > Look at all the murderous hatred spewed against white people on twitter
> > > and facebook.
> On 2019-08-14 2:22 am, Punk wrote:
> > Tell me James, who created and who controls twitter and facebook and 
> > all the infrastructure that enables those honeypots? Yeah, it was 'white 
> > people'
> Leftism is defection against near, and alliance with far in order to destroy
> near.
> Thus white leftists ally with none whites in order to destroy their nearby
> white enemies in the pursuit of power.  Democrats import non whites to live on
> crime, welfare, and voting democrat, without thinking beyond the next
> election.  Hatred of white males is the KKKrazy glue that holds the Democratic
> Party coalition of the fringes together.  To seize despotic power and loot the
> country, you need an enemy, and the deplorables in flyover country have been
> nominated as the enemy, much as Trotsky nominated the more successful
> peasants.
> Without that KKKrazy glue, the mestizo portion of the Democrat coalition would
> be shooting  the black portion of the Democrat coalition in the streets, and
> the Muslim portion of the Democrat coalition would be tossing the gay portion
> of the Democrat coalition from high buildings.
> Thus, for example, the Populares, who wanted a more democratic Roman Empire,
> allied with the Samnites, who wanted to kill every Roman male and overthrow
> the walls of Rome.  And similarly the Democracy protestors in China ally with
> the USG state department (far), who want China to return to poverty and chaos.
> Facebook is controlled by a Jew, and Jews notoriously fail to identify as
> white, and delusively imagine that the pets that they have affirmative
> actioned into positions of power will go along with Jews adopting white or
> nonwhite identity as convenient at any given moment, hence the Jewish
> enthusiasm for the Islamic conquest of Europe, even though it is obvious that
> they will be the next to be liquidated.

-Surely- you got the memo about it being anti-Semitic to name a the
Jews in power?

Any PC sheeple should know by now that Jews may not identify much as
White, but that the rest of us goy are supposed to identify -them- as

Sheesh! Back to the Neo-Marxist FaceSlut Ministry for you or it's a
lifetime being rectified by the Jewish Googlag!

> The Jew Trotsky, a failed urban money lender, told the peasants that he too
> was a peasant, and their real enemy was the kulak, that the enemy of the
> peasant with one cow was the peasant with two cows.  Meanwhile he told the
> Jews that he too was a Jew, and that together with him, they would murder the
> peasants - except that he soon noticed it was more lucrative to torture the
> Jew for hoarded gold coins, than to torture the peasant for buried seed corn,
> and the disproportionately Jewish Russian communists wound up murdering far
> more Jews than Hitler did.

Now that's interesting ... where can we read up on this juicy little
snippet of 'istory?

> Trotskyists, who are mostly Jewish, hate Jews more than Nazis do, just as
> white Democrats hate whites.
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-14 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-14 3:06 am, John Newman wrote:

James is a bitter, crazy old fuck, a member of a bunch of dumb assholes
who call themselves "neo-reactionaries", who wants to be able to enforce
a patriarchy with Donald Trump as the "God Emperor" and

Democracy has been tried before.  It always self destructs much the way 
it is self destructing now, leading, after a longer or shorter period of 
chaos and ruin, to rule by Caesar.

One of the common modes of self destruction is that people vote their 
tribe, ethnicity, race, and religion, which eventually results in tribal 
warfare and the recreation of states with a common race and religion, 
which is the failure mode that we are entering into now.

The reactionary movement is people positioning themselves for the coming 
end of democracy.  We hope to survive it, we hope for our children to 
survive it, and our politics and plots are aimed at making the 
transition shorter, smoother, and less bloody.  We look at how people in 
the past have successfully dealt with the problems we are now 
encountering, and look at the past how people in the past have bloodily 
and catastrophically responded unwisely to the problems we are 
encountering now, to learn from past success and past failure.

Trump as holy American Emperor (King under God) would be the ideal 
solution, God Emperor Trump (cult of personality and all that) a more 
realistic and practical solution, but a long period of bloody chaos is 
more realistic and likely.  Trump is a deal maker, not a warrior, 
therefore not the best candidate for God Emperor.  But war approaches, 
and you go with the leader you have, not the leader you want.

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-14 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-13 4:14 pm, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

It is NOT fine to ANY person to be rude, being orange, white, black,
yellow, red, green, blue, violet, rainbow, et al. wrote:

On the contrary, it is totally OK to be rude to white people.

Look at all the murderous hatred spewed against white people on twitter
and facebook.

On 2019-08-14 2:22 am, Punk wrote:

Tell me James, who created and who controls twitter and facebook and 
all the infrastructure that enables those honeypots? Yeah, it was 'white people'

Leftism is defection against near, and alliance with far in order to 
destroy near.

Thus white leftists ally with none whites in order to destroy their 
nearby white enemies in the pursuit of power.  Democrats import non 
whites to live on crime, welfare, and voting democrat, without thinking 
beyond the next election.  Hatred of white males is the KKKrazy glue 
that holds the Democratic Party coalition of the fringes together.  To 
seize despotic power and loot the country, you need an enemy, and the 
deplorables in flyover country have been nominated as the enemy, much as 
Trotsky nominated the more successful peasants.

Without that KKKrazy glue, the mestizo portion of the Democrat coalition 
would be shooting  the black portion of the Democrat coalition in the 
streets, and the Muslim portion of the Democrat coalition would be 
tossing the gay portion of the Democrat coalition from high buildings.

Thus, for example, the Populares, who wanted a more democratic Roman 
Empire, allied with the Samnites, who wanted to kill every Roman male 
and overthrow the walls of Rome.  And similarly the Democracy protestors 
in China ally with the USG state department (far), who want China to 
return to poverty and chaos.

Facebook is controlled by a Jew, and Jews notoriously fail to identify 
as white, and delusively imagine that the pets that they have 
affirmative actioned into positions of power will go along with Jews 
adopting white or nonwhite identity as convenient at any given moment, 
hence the Jewish enthusiasm for the Islamic conquest of Europe, even 
though it is obvious that they will be the next to be liquidated.

The Jew Trotsky, a failed urban money lender, told the peasants that he 
too was a peasant, and their real enemy was the kulak, that the enemy of 
the peasant with one cow was the peasant with two cows.  Meanwhile he 
told the Jews that he too was a Jew, and that together with him, they 
would murder the peasants - except that he soon noticed it was more 
lucrative to torture the Jew for hoarded gold coins, than to torture the 
peasant for buried seed corn, and the disproportionately Jewish Russian 
communists wound up murdering far more Jews than Hitler did.

Trotskyists, who are mostly Jewish, hate Jews more than Nazis do, just 
as white Democrats hate whites.

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-13 Thread Razer
The rich white punks.

Ps. "In San Jose, a Different Approach to Gun Control"

San Jose's mayor suggests liability insurance for guns.

NOTHING different here. 

Making guns more expensive to own just means more poor people will be disarmed, 
but a rich kid from the 'burbs who actually has a spare $1,500 dollars kicking 
around can still buy a Bushmaster to shoot up a garlic festival or threaten a 
WalMart (see the pic). 

You can bet the insurance will be exorbitantly expensive or perhaps even 
unavailable in high-crime neighborhoods. You know... where people actually need 
them because the police ALWAYS put most of their manpower where the money and 
people who have it are.

Excuuuse my brevity. Not.

On August 13, 2019 12:35:58 AM PDT, Cecilia Tanaka  
>On Mon, Aug 12, 2019, 11:32 Razer  wrote:
>> No. Not really. Not ALL 'white people'. Just people who think being
>> people' gives them some privilege or another. IOW It's open season on
>> Nazis. Snowflake.
>> Ps. I LUV it when the pigs do their job right (by accident ofc) and
>> rich little white supremacist punks.
>My darling,
>Please, ignore that Australian eternal fire garbage.  No heart, no
>soul, no
>music, or poetry.  No useful comments or news about interesting
>He only brings hate and discord to this list, to this world. 
>life becomes lighter and more pleasant using filters and avoiding to
>time giving attention to hateful people.
>Z. is so proud of being a "white man" and his skin is much darker than
>mine  (3 shades, at least),  a Japanese girl living in a pretty hot
>tropical country.  I bet a simple and cheap 23andMe DNA Test will show
>he has Black, Muslim, and Jewish blood too.  It would be a honor for
>not a shame.
>Take care, Rr...  <3

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-13 Thread John Newman
On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 03:22:15PM -0300, Punk wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Aug 2019 17:41:33 +0800
> wrote:
> > On 2019-08-13 4:14 pm, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> > > It is NOT fine to ANY person to be rude, being orange, white, black, 
> > > yellow, red, green, blue, violet, rainbow, et al.
> > 
> > On the contrary, it is totally OK to be rude to white people.
> > 
> > Look at all the murderous hatred spewed against white people on twitter 
> > and facebook. 
>   Tell me James, who created and who controls twitter and facebook and 
> all the infrastructure that enables those honeypots? Yeah, it was 'white 
> people' 
>   Further, tell me what's the color of the skin of the vast majority of 
> politicians, cops, soldiers, bankers, CIA, NSA, or any other branch of YOUR 
> govcorp? Look! It's white as well! 
>   I can see exactly what you are doing james. Just like the white jews 
> hysterically whining about 'antisemitism', you are playing the victim while 
> looting and destroying the whole world.
> PS : I suggest you get a history book and learn about  the portuguese empire, 
> dutch empire, spanish empire, british empire. Oh and don't forget the roman 
> empire, americunt empire, slavery in the USA, apartheid in the USA, and the 
> very creation of the USA by slave owners like jefferson, washington, 
> franklin, henry and all the rest. All of them...white european scum.

James is a bitter, crazy old fuck, a member of a bunch of dumb assholes
who call themselves "neo-reactionaries", who wants to be able to enforce
a patriarchy with Donald Trump as the "God Emperor" and
I won't go on, I feel the vomit rising up. 

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-13 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
On Tue, Aug 13, 2019, 11:49  wrote:

> In the past year, all of the following headlines have appeared, in
> well-read publications:
> * The White Guy Problem
> * White Men Must be Stopped: The Very Future of Mankind Depends on
> It
> * I Don’t Know What To Do With Good White People
> * Ten Things White People Need To Stop Saying
> * Dear White People: Here’s a List of Things We’d Wish You’d Stop
> Doing

Jeez, your country is pretty strange!  Ugh, radical SJWs give me allergic
crisis!  :P

I am deeply sorry about these ridiculous statements and this fake
politically correct world.  White cis men never were the problem.  Racism,
bigotry, and all kinds of discrimination are the problem.


Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-13 Thread jamesd
In the past year, all of the following headlines have appeared, in 
well-read publications:

* The White Guy Problem
* White Men Must be Stopped: The Very Future of Mankind Depends on It
* I Don’t Know What To Do With Good White People
* Ten Things White People Need To Stop Saying
* Dear White People: Here’s a List of Things We’d Wish You’d Stop Doing

What is new is the direct indictment of white people as a race. This 
happened through a strange rhetorical transformation over the past few 
years. At first, “white men are our greatest threat” postings tended to 
be ironic, a way of putting the racist shoe on the other foot. They were 
meant to show that blaming an entire race for the harmful actions of a 
few individuals is senseless.

Then the tenor changed. What started as irony turned into an actual 
belief that white people, specifically white men, are more dangerous and 
immoral than any other people, and that systematic state discrimination 
against them is therefore moral, necessary, virtuous, and deserved.

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-13 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-13 4:14 pm, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
Hey!  Did you notice most of the serial killers around the whole world 
are white like you?  ;)

That is because only white killers are sufficiently competent to get 
away with it time after time after time.

Far more blacks are killers than whites are killers.

Far more whites are murdered by blacks than blacks are murdered by whites.

A black man is safe in white district.  A white man is not safe in black 

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-13 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-13 4:14 pm, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
It is NOT fine to ANY person to be rude, being orange, white, black, 
yellow, red, green, blue, violet, rainbow, et al.

On the contrary, it is totally OK to be rude to white people.

Look at all the murderous hatred spewed against white people on twitter 
and facebook.  If anyone said anything like that against any other race, 
his twitter account or you tube channel would be immediately shut down 
by twitter, facebook, or youtube.

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-13 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-13 4:14 pm, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
Believe me, "white people are not second class citizens."  

Sarah Jeong issued, over many years, an enormous pile of tweets 
expressing hatred of white people, and among those tweets a few 
expressing intent to murder all white people.

Naturally she was appointed to the editorial board of the New York Times.

Needless to say this appointment has been stoutly defended by every 
goodthinking leftist, though I see some white male leftists showing 
symptoms of mental breakdown, their mask of sanity slipping.

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Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-13 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
On Tue, Aug 13, 2019, 00:11 rooty  wrote:

> Ty James for saying that. Something you hear only Tucker Carlson
>  Original Message 
> On Aug 12, 2019, 3:33 PM, <> wrote:
> On 2019-08-12 10:32 pm, Razer wrote:
> > No. Not really. Not ALL 'white people'. Just people who think being
> 'white people' gives them some privilege or another. IOW It's open season
> on Nazis. Snowflake.
> When Kathryn Steinle was shot in the back on the embarcadero, how did
> her killer know she believed she had privilege?
> White people are second class citizens.
> A white person does not dare be rude to a nonwhite, but it is just fine
> for nonwhites to be rude to whites.
> Police are more likely to shoot whites in a confrontation, because they
> know they can get away with it. There are a lot more confrontations
> between police and nonwhites, in part because nonwhites know they can
> get away with confronting police when whites cannot.
> When non whites walk down the street, they take up more space on the
> pavement than whites, expecting whites to get out of the way.
> Usually, I never read James' messages because they are full of hypocrite
victimising.  So I created another filter for him years ago.

I heard about "man spreading", but never about "non-white spreading",

"Get out of my way because I want to walk like John Wayne, like a man with
bloody hemorrhoids, opening pretty wide my legs, and using all the
pavement, peregrine!"

Hahaha!!!  It's a hilarious idea, James!  ;D

It is NOT fine to ANY person to be rude, being orange, white, black,
yellow, red, green, blue, violet, rainbow, et al.

Believe me, "white people are not second class citizens."  They probably
never will be humiliated in markets being prejudged thieves, being followed
for employees or another embarrassing situation.  And a brown boy, even
being innocent, will probably be shoot instead a white guy...  :((

Hey!  Did you notice most of the serial killers around the whole world are
white like you?  ;)


Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-13 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
On Mon, Aug 12, 2019, 11:32 Razer  wrote:

> No. Not really. Not ALL 'white people'. Just people who think being 'white
> people' gives them some privilege or another. IOW It's open season on
> Nazis. Snowflake.
> Ps. I LUV it when the pigs do their job right (by accident ofc) and snuff
> rich little white supremacist punks.

My darling,

Please, ignore that Australian eternal fire garbage.  No heart, no soul, no
music, or poetry.  No useful comments or news about interesting subjects.
He only brings hate and discord to this list, to this world.  Sometimes,
life becomes lighter and more pleasant using filters and avoiding to spend
time giving attention to hateful people.

Z. is so proud of being a "white man" and his skin is much darker than
mine  (3 shades, at least),  a Japanese girl living in a pretty hot
tropical country.  I bet a simple and cheap 23andMe DNA Test will show us
he has Black, Muslim, and Jewish blood too.  It would be a honor for me,
not a shame.

Take care, Rr...  <3


Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-12 Thread rooty
Ty James for saying that. Something you hear only Tucker Carlson

 Original Message 
On Aug 12, 2019, 3:33 PM, wrote:

> On 2019-08-12 10:32 pm, Razer wrote:
>> No. Not really. Not ALL 'white people'. Just people who think being 'white 
>> people' gives them some privilege or another. IOW It's open season on Nazis. 
>> Snowflake.
> When Kathryn Steinle was shot in the back on the embarcadero, how did
> her killer know she believed she had privilege?
> White people are second class citizens.
> A white person does not dare be rude to a nonwhite, but it is just fine
> for nonwhites to be rude to whites.
> Police are more likely to shoot whites in a confrontation, because they
> know they can get away with it. There are a lot more confrontations
> between police and nonwhites, in part because nonwhites know they can
> get away with confronting police when whites cannot.
> When non whites walk down the street, they take up more space on the
> pavement than whites, expecting whites to get out of the way.
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-12 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-12 10:32 pm, Razer wrote:

No. Not really. Not ALL 'white people'. Just people who think being 'white 
people' gives them some privilege or another. IOW It's open season on Nazis. 

When Kathryn Steinle was shot in the back on the embarcadero, how did 
her killer know she believed she had privilege?

White people are second class citizens.

A white person does not dare be rude to a nonwhite, but it is just fine 
for nonwhites to be rude to whites.

Police are more likely to shoot whites in a confrontation, because they 
know they can get away with it.  There are a lot more confrontations 
between police and nonwhites, in part because nonwhites know they can 
get away with confronting police when whites cannot.

When non whites walk down the street, they take up more space on the 
pavement than whites, expecting whites to get out of the way.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-12 Thread Razer

No. Not really. Not ALL 'white people'. Just people who think being 'white 
people' gives them some privilege or another. IOW It's open season on Nazis. 

Ps. I LUV it when the pigs do their job right (by accident ofc) and snuff rich 
little white supremacist punks.

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