Re: Public Shielded Room Work

2018-10-16 Thread jim bell
 On Monday, October 15, 2018, 7:36:44 AM PDT, John Young  
 >Several years of Tempest (EMR-shielded) documentation (1985-2014):

>Tempest timeline (1700s-2001)

TEMPEST Timeline

I first read about Tempest in about 1982, I think.  In 1983, I visited a 
customer in Washington DC at a military-technology convention, where Tempest 
was a major subject.In the summer of 2002, I was in USP Atwater California 
prison, working at Unicor (Federal Prison Industries).   Our job was 
"de-manufacturing" (disassembling; recycling) many, many computer monitors.  (a 
typical prisoner would recycle maybe 15 of them in an 8-hour workday.)I was the 
only person in the entire prison who knew what all those computer parts were, 
on the PC boards.  One day, I saw a monitor (with the case off) which seemed to 
be shrouded in a fine wire-mesh foil.  Instantly, I knew what it was:  A 
Tempest-grade monitor!  I had never knowingly seen one before, and certainly 
not on the inside.    
                      Jim Bell


Re: Public Shielded Room Work

2018-10-15 Thread Mirimir
On 10/15/2018 07:20 AM, Karl wrote:
> On 10/14/18, Mirimir  wrote:
>> I worked on this for a while. I was thinking about compartmentalizing
>> services in multiple Raspberry Pi, connected via opto-isolators. Like
>> Markus Ottela's Tinfoil Chat,[0] but expanded to work more like Qubes.
>> And indeed, the Qubes team have announced work on Qubes Air:[1]
>> | This approach even allows us to host each qube (or groups of them)
>> | on a physically distinct computer, such as a Raspberry PI or USB
>> | Armory. Despite the fact that these are physically separate devices,
>> | the Admin API calls, qrexec services, and even GUI virtualization
>> | should all work seamlessly across these qubes!
>> But, you know, I wondered about EMF cross-talk between qubes. So I
>> decided to learn how to measure that :)
> How far did you end up getting on this?

I gave up :(

Basically because professional signal/spectrum analyzers cost so much.
For example, used Tektronix RSA306 (9kHz to 6.2GHz) go for ~$3000. And
you really want something that detects higher frequencies, such as an
Anritsu MS2850A (9 kHz to 44.5 GHz). I can't even find used ones, but
I'm guessing several $1000.

Maybe less-expensive alternatives that are good enough. I find a lot on
. For example, Anritsu
But ignoring stuff over ~6GHz might be problematic.

>>> I don't have any formal training and have developed some cognitive
>>> issues, resulting in slow progress, but this is all I am spending my
>>> free time on.  I do not work a job, being supported for now by a
>>> trust.
>> Yeah, me neither. But no trust :(
> Maybe we can help each other.  Do you have any experience with funding
> platforms like or something?


> My trust is small.  I'm happy to share as much as it will allow me to,
> but maybe if we could use something general, donations would
> eventually come in.

Thanks :) But I'm not qualified, so hey.

>>> I'm currently residing in Green Bank, WV, where emissions are
>>> regulated for a radio observatory.  I am trying to develop some
>>> relatively simple software using the rtl-sdr to measure the power of a
>>> noise source independent of background traffic, so as to quickly and
>>> repeatedly measure shielding effectiveness.
>> I tried that approach. And it was a nightmare. The setup -- SDR stick,
>> upconverter and laptop -- generated far too much EMF noise. I played
>> with testing stuff in a Faraday cage. But I didn't manage a signal feed
>> to the SDR etc that didn't introduce unacceptable noise.
> My current setup is an oscillating noise source powered by a
> single-board computer that toggles a relay, turning it on and off at a
> consistent rate.
> By averaging the noise level when the source is powered, and averaging
> the noise level when the source is unpowered, over many thousands of
> samples, I believe I can determine the power of the emitter without
> regard to background noise by comparing the statistical distributions
> of the two sets of samples.
> I make the assumption that the foreground signal is the arithmetic sum
> of the generated noise and the background noise.
> Any thoughts?

That sounds reasonable. But again, I did some RF stuff in physics lab,
and that was a _long_ time ago ;)

>> I believe that you'd need professional equipment, which is properly
>> shielded, and doesn't bleed noise into the testing environment.
> Have you tried or researched any professional equipment to report
> back?  I haven't, at this time.

As noted above, it seems that is a good
source. And eBay, of course ;)

>>> I then plan to try to measure a variety of setups ranging from
>>> homemade aluminum foil & iron paint to soldered copper and welded or
>>> bolted stainless steel, to identify ways for everyday people to
>>> cheaply create shielded environments that are actually effective.  I
>>> would like to find a way people can use off-the-shelf supplies to make
>>> environments that are isolated from DC to light, if desired.
>> That is also harder that it might seem. For high frequencies, with very
>> small wavelengths, even tiny cracks are enough to leak horribly. You
>> need joints with elastic seals, to mitigate against misalignment and
>> wear. Such as beryllium copper finger strips, elastic beryllium copper
>> tubular braid, etc.
> I've looked into that a little.  After skimming through some shielding
> books, I've got the following thoughts:
> Permanent Seams:
> - Alu foil can be stapled or tightly taped (see David Weston's paper
> on aluminum foil rooms) to increase its frequency range.  I expect
> using a wire brush to remove oxidation, and tightly flattening it,
> would help too.  Testing is needed to see if this is worth the effort.
> - Metal filings can be mixed 

Re: [liberationtech] Public Shielded Room Work

2018-10-15 Thread Travis Biehn
Hey Karl,

On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 10:01 AM Karl  wrote:

> Thanks so much for your replies.
> On 10/14/2018 09:07 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> > Consider utilizing a github / wiki somewhere for this project,
> > People can join together to generate the motivations and goals,
> > outline areas of research, hacking and acquisitions needed,
> > develop workplans, reproducible test setups, progress, results,
> > costs, etc. Perhaps also some form of makerspace later on.
> Okay.  I made these:
> - gitlab wiki:
> - chat: on matrix and #openemissions on freenode
> - loomio decision-making group:
> I struggle with organization and would really appreciate any work to
> make things more organized.
> If anybody is interested in collaborating actively on this right now,
> chat is most convenient for me at the moment.
> On 10/14/18, CANNON  wrote:
> > Any power going into such a room should use a UPS battery to prevent data
> > leakage through power lines/usage.
> > (Would power lines become an antennae for electro-magnetic frequency
> > leakage?) Would a UPS be sufficient enough for
> > security?
> Your use of 'UPS' seems a little ambiguous here.  I have been thinking
> of keeping a 12V battery inside the room, and using only DC power.  AC
> power seems like just another source of emissions to track, to me.
> My understanding is that filters are placed on lines to prevent any
> but acceptable frequencies being carried on them.  The field of
> electromagnetic compatibility covers this a lot, I think.  Power lines
> completely behave as antennae, and couple nearby signals from one end,
> to the other, by receiving them and then re-radiating them.
> Filtered AC power could be plugged straight into the mains, but I
> don't at this time have the experience to trust the filters, and it
> complicates construction of the room to make an additional penetration
> for the wiring.
> > And if network connectivity is needed, to prevent network cables from
> being
> > a carrier of EMF leakage, perhaps fiber optic line?
> As above, I think sneakernet is the way to go for highest security.
> With regard to fiberoptic transmissions, it seems to me the gold
> standard would be open-source transcievers that are shielded to
> decrease the utility of compromising them, and a way to sniff the
> fiber-optic line to verify it does not carry unexpected data.

I recently prototyped one of these types of systems, just to prevent EMR
between different security domains, using off-the-shelf components;
PC <-> Arduino <-> MAX232 <-> Fiber Converter <-> Duplicate (apparently
popular for aging SCADA systems, cheaper than BAE Data Diodes - probably
just as good.)

Unidirectional properties are as easy to confirm as leaving a fiber cable
unplugged. Monitoring the fiber itself is probably hard & expensive - but
the signal out of the MAX232s at either end, and going in and out of the
microcontrollers, is easy to inspect using a cheap PC attached Logic
Analyzer (digital domain smuggling between bits) and Oscilloscope (unlikely
analog domain covert channels, which Apple has employed for different
reasons.) I used DSLogic kit paired w/ their fork of sigrok. All very

IF a transmitter was modified to analyze or retransmitting important parts
of EMR over a covert fiber channel, and the receiver was modified to
forward clean RS232 and covertly exfil from the fiber side channel, you
won't catch it with this setup. Interested in whether it's more feasible to
detect side-channels over fiber or verify the transmitters.

> Karl
> --
> Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable on Google. Violations
> of list guidelines will get you moderated:
> Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by emailing the moderator
> at

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Re: Public Shielded Room Work

2018-10-15 Thread jim bell
 On Sunday, October 14, 2018, 12:46:49 PM PDT, Karl  wrote:

"My name is Karl Semich and I have a desire to make available to
everyone highly secure shielded rooms / SCIFs, for privacy and
security in this modern age."

"I then plan to try to measure a variety of setups ranging from
homemade aluminum foil & iron paint to soldered copper and welded or
bolted stainless steel, to identify ways for everyday people to
cheaply create shielded environments that are actually effective.  I
would like to find a way people can use off-the-shelf supplies to make
environments that are isolated from DC to light, if desired."

Sounds like a fascinating project.  You should take a while do define your 
goal.  Do you want the room to be magnetically (static; DC?) shielded as well?  
If so, look for iron sheet or foil to back your aluminum-foil walls, floor, and 
ceiling.  However, iron foil is very expensive, compared with household-grade 
aluminum foil.
Sheet metal, even if it is thicker than foil, would probably be cheaper than 
this.  You may also want to install a layer to absorb the radio waves emitted 
inside the room.  There are commercial materials to do that, some form of iron 
compounds, known as "ferrites".  Google 'ferrite powder' for some examples.  
There is also 'ferrite paint'.
Take a look at the episodes of Better Call Saul, for an attorney who thinks 
that he is somehow allergic to electricity.  He lit his room with gasoline 
lanterns.  Lighting a radio-sealed room could be done with thick fiber optics 
(think rods, maybe 0.1" thick, driven by white LEDs through the walls.  Or, 
drive the white LEDS using batteries, inside the room itself.  (If you are 
willing to accept the small static magnetic field of the DC current flowing; 
driving the LEDs using coaxial cables should greatly reduce even that effect.)
              Jim Bell


Re: Public Shielded Room Work

2018-10-15 Thread John Young

Several years of Tempest (EMR-shielded) documentation (1985-2014):

Tempest timeline (1700s-2001)

Full compromising radiation protection is extremely hard to 
accomplish, maybe impossible, and the topmost is highly classified. 
Just about anything transmits radiation to a greater or lesser 
extent, bodies, clothing, air, feces, sweat, et al.

Most protection systems transmit while seeming to block, in that way 
leaky like crypto. Crypto emanates. Your best friends and lovers and 
cohorts emanate, like GitHub.

Perhaps join NSA, best of all one of its wizard contractors, or, if 
you get pretty good, USG or another spy agency they will grab you 
with an irresistable offer. Just don't succumb to Julian Assange's or 
Cody Wilson's tempestation. Semen may emanate above all others, shield it.

At 10:00 AM 10/15/2018, you wrote:

Thanks so much for your replies.

On 10/14/2018 09:07 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> Consider utilizing a github / wiki somewhere for this project,
> People can join together to generate the motivations and goals,
> outline areas of research, hacking and acquisitions needed,
> develop workplans, reproducible test setups, progress, results,
> costs, etc. Perhaps also some form of makerspace later on.

Okay.  I made these:

- gitlab wiki:
- chat: on matrix and #openemissions on freenode
- loomio decision-making group:

I struggle with organization and would really appreciate any work to
make things more organized.

If anybody is interested in collaborating actively on this right now,
chat is most convenient for me at the moment.

On 10/14/18, CANNON  wrote:
> Any power going into such a room should use a UPS battery to prevent data
> leakage through power lines/usage.
> (Would power lines become an antennae for electro-magnetic frequency
> leakage?) Would a UPS be sufficient enough for
> security?

Your use of 'UPS' seems a little ambiguous here.  I have been thinking
of keeping a 12V battery inside the room, and using only DC power.  AC
power seems like just another source of emissions to track, to me.

My understanding is that filters are placed on lines to prevent any
but acceptable frequencies being carried on them.  The field of
electromagnetic compatibility covers this a lot, I think.  Power lines
completely behave as antennae, and couple nearby signals from one end,
to the other, by receiving them and then re-radiating them.

Filtered AC power could be plugged straight into the mains, but I
don't at this time have the experience to trust the filters, and it
complicates construction of the room to make an additional penetration
for the wiring.

> And if network connectivity is needed, to prevent network cables from being
> a carrier of EMF leakage, perhaps fiber optic line?

As above, I think sneakernet is the way to go for highest security.

With regard to fiberoptic transmissions, it seems to me the gold
standard would be open-source transcievers that are shielded to
decrease the utility of compromising them, and a way to sniff the
fiber-optic line to verify it does not carry unexpected data.


Re: Public Shielded Room Work

2018-10-15 Thread Karl
On 10/14/18, Mirimir  wrote:
> I worked on this for a while. I was thinking about compartmentalizing
> services in multiple Raspberry Pi, connected via opto-isolators. Like
> Markus Ottela's Tinfoil Chat,[0] but expanded to work more like Qubes.
> And indeed, the Qubes team have announced work on Qubes Air:[1]
> | This approach even allows us to host each qube (or groups of them)
> | on a physically distinct computer, such as a Raspberry PI or USB
> | Armory. Despite the fact that these are physically separate devices,
> | the Admin API calls, qrexec services, and even GUI virtualization
> | should all work seamlessly across these qubes!
> But, you know, I wondered about EMF cross-talk between qubes. So I
> decided to learn how to measure that :)

How far did you end up getting on this?

>> I don't have any formal training and have developed some cognitive
>> issues, resulting in slow progress, but this is all I am spending my
>> free time on.  I do not work a job, being supported for now by a
>> trust.
> Yeah, me neither. But no trust :(

Maybe we can help each other.  Do you have any experience with funding
platforms like or something?

My trust is small.  I'm happy to share as much as it will allow me to,
but maybe if we could use something general, donations would
eventually come in.

>> I'm currently residing in Green Bank, WV, where emissions are
>> regulated for a radio observatory.  I am trying to develop some
>> relatively simple software using the rtl-sdr to measure the power of a
>> noise source independent of background traffic, so as to quickly and
>> repeatedly measure shielding effectiveness.
> I tried that approach. And it was a nightmare. The setup -- SDR stick,
> upconverter and laptop -- generated far too much EMF noise. I played
> with testing stuff in a Faraday cage. But I didn't manage a signal feed
> to the SDR etc that didn't introduce unacceptable noise.

My current setup is an oscillating noise source powered by a
single-board computer that toggles a relay, turning it on and off at a
consistent rate.

By averaging the noise level when the source is powered, and averaging
the noise level when the source is unpowered, over many thousands of
samples, I believe I can determine the power of the emitter without
regard to background noise by comparing the statistical distributions
of the two sets of samples.

I make the assumption that the foreground signal is the arithmetic sum
of the generated noise and the background noise.

Any thoughts?

> I believe that you'd need professional equipment, which is properly
> shielded, and doesn't bleed noise into the testing environment.

Have you tried or researched any professional equipment to report
back?  I haven't, at this time.

>> I then plan to try to measure a variety of setups ranging from
>> homemade aluminum foil & iron paint to soldered copper and welded or
>> bolted stainless steel, to identify ways for everyday people to
>> cheaply create shielded environments that are actually effective.  I
>> would like to find a way people can use off-the-shelf supplies to make
>> environments that are isolated from DC to light, if desired.
> That is also harder that it might seem. For high frequencies, with very
> small wavelengths, even tiny cracks are enough to leak horribly. You
> need joints with elastic seals, to mitigate against misalignment and
> wear. Such as beryllium copper finger strips, elastic beryllium copper
> tubular braid, etc.

I've looked into that a little.  After skimming through some shielding
books, I've got the following thoughts:

Permanent Seams:
- Alu foil can be stapled or tightly taped (see David Weston's paper
on aluminum foil rooms) to increase its frequency range.  I expect
using a wire brush to remove oxidation, and tightly flattening it,
would help too.  Testing is needed to see if this is worth the effort.
- Metal filings can be mixed with paint.  This allows for tight
sealing, but the conductivity is likely poor.  Advantage is that
sweepings are available for free.  Testing needed.
- Metal can be tightly bolted, as is done for modular rooms.  The
bolts must be frequent and close, to pull microvariations of the metal
into each other.
- Steel can be welded.  This is the gold standard.  Welding is not that hard.
- Copper can be soldered.  This is easier than welding !

Temporary Seams:
- Fingerstock is purchasable and not that expensive, but complicated
and needs cleaning.
- Bolts can be temporary, to bolt a door on as modular walls are
bolted together.  It's laborious, but it's workable and cheap and
doesn't require mail-order.  A robot could tighten and loosen them.
Testing needed.
- A door could perhaps be given pressure that does not penetrate it,
to keep a tight seal, perhaps via an automatic mechanism.  Cleaning
will be needed.  Testing too.
- A copper door could be actually soldered closed, and then desoldered
to open it.  A robotic door could automatically do this.  Very 

Re: Public Shielded Room Work

2018-10-15 Thread Karl
Thanks so much for your replies.

On 10/14/2018 09:07 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> Consider utilizing a github / wiki somewhere for this project,
> People can join together to generate the motivations and goals,
> outline areas of research, hacking and acquisitions needed,
> develop workplans, reproducible test setups, progress, results,
> costs, etc. Perhaps also some form of makerspace later on.

Okay.  I made these:

- gitlab wiki:
- chat: on matrix and #openemissions on freenode
- loomio decision-making group:

I struggle with organization and would really appreciate any work to
make things more organized.

If anybody is interested in collaborating actively on this right now,
chat is most convenient for me at the moment.

On 10/14/18, CANNON  wrote:
> Any power going into such a room should use a UPS battery to prevent data
> leakage through power lines/usage.
> (Would power lines become an antennae for electro-magnetic frequency
> leakage?) Would a UPS be sufficient enough for
> security?

Your use of 'UPS' seems a little ambiguous here.  I have been thinking
of keeping a 12V battery inside the room, and using only DC power.  AC
power seems like just another source of emissions to track, to me.

My understanding is that filters are placed on lines to prevent any
but acceptable frequencies being carried on them.  The field of
electromagnetic compatibility covers this a lot, I think.  Power lines
completely behave as antennae, and couple nearby signals from one end,
to the other, by receiving them and then re-radiating them.

Filtered AC power could be plugged straight into the mains, but I
don't at this time have the experience to trust the filters, and it
complicates construction of the room to make an additional penetration
for the wiring.

> And if network connectivity is needed, to prevent network cables from being
> a carrier of EMF leakage, perhaps fiber optic line?

As above, I think sneakernet is the way to go for highest security.

With regard to fiberoptic transmissions, it seems to me the gold
standard would be open-source transcievers that are shielded to
decrease the utility of compromising them, and a way to sniff the
fiber-optic line to verify it does not carry unexpected data.


Public Shielded Room Work

2018-10-15 Thread Ryan Carboni
Work in a basement where you don’t have cell phone reception. You’ll be
shielded from everything except what is directly above you, which is good
enough for most people.

Re: Public Shielded Room Work

2018-10-14 Thread Mirimir
On 10/14/2018 12:45 PM, Karl wrote:
> Hi,
> My name is Karl Semich and I have a desire to make available to
> everyone highly secure shielded rooms / SCIFs, for privacy and
> security in this modern age.
> I was wondering if anybody else was pursuing this, or if anybody knew
> of anybody pursuing this, that I might stay in contact with them or
> support them.

I worked on this for a while. I was thinking about compartmentalizing
services in multiple Raspberry Pi, connected via opto-isolators. Like
Markus Ottela's Tinfoil Chat,[0] but expanded to work more like Qubes.
And indeed, the Qubes team have announced work on Qubes Air:[1]

| This approach even allows us to host each qube (or groups of them)
| on a physically distinct computer, such as a Raspberry PI or USB
| Armory. Despite the fact that these are physically separate devices,
| the Admin API calls, qrexec services, and even GUI virtualization
| should all work seamlessly across these qubes!

But, you know, I wondered about EMF cross-talk between qubes. So I
decided to learn how to measure that :)

> Or even if anybody had some experience with this concept, and might
> mentor me, it would be incredible.

Maybe a little ;)

> I don't have any formal training and have developed some cognitive
> issues, resulting in slow progress, but this is all I am spending my
> free time on.  I do not work a job, being supported for now by a
> trust.

Yeah, me neither. But no trust :(

> I'm currently residing in Green Bank, WV, where emissions are
> regulated for a radio observatory.  I am trying to develop some
> relatively simple software using the rtl-sdr to measure the power of a
> noise source independent of background traffic, so as to quickly and
> repeatedly measure shielding effectiveness.

I tried that approach. And it was a nightmare. The setup -- SDR stick,
upconverter and laptop -- generated far too much EMF noise. I played
with testing stuff in a Faraday cage. But I didn't manage a signal feed
to the SDR etc that didn't introduce unacceptable noise.

I believe that you'd need professional equipment, which is properly
shielded, and doesn't bleed noise into the testing environment.

> I then plan to try to measure a variety of setups ranging from
> homemade aluminum foil & iron paint to soldered copper and welded or
> bolted stainless steel, to identify ways for everyday people to
> cheaply create shielded environments that are actually effective.  I
> would like to find a way people can use off-the-shelf supplies to make
> environments that are isolated from DC to light, if desired.

That is also harder that it might seem. For high frequencies, with very
small wavelengths, even tiny cracks are enough to leak horribly. You
need joints with elastic seals, to mitigate against misalignment and
wear. Such as beryllium copper finger strips, elastic beryllium copper
tubular braid, etc.

> If anybody else is working on something like this, I would love to
> support you in any way available.  I can donate money, I can get
> drinks and run errands, I can read books and pursue a degree if
> needed, I can mode hardware around and even develop and debug
> software.


> Please let me know,
> Karl


Re: Public Shielded Room Work

2018-10-14 Thread CANNON
On 10/14/2018 09:07 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> Consider utilizing a github / wiki somewhere for this project,
> People can join together to generate the motivations and goals,
> outline areas of research, hacking and acquisitions needed,
> develop workplans, reproducible test setups, progress, results,
> costs, etc. Perhaps also some form of makerspace later on.
> Sounds fun :)
> See also...

Yes, collective collaboration is good for the success of any project.
My inputs, 

Any power going into such a room should use a UPS battery to prevent data 
leakage through power lines/usage.
(Would power lines become an antennae for electro-magnetic frequency leakage?) 
Would a UPS be sufficient enough for

And if network connectivity is needed, to prevent network cables from being a 
carrier of EMF leakage, perhaps fiber optic line?

Re: Public Shielded Room Work

2018-10-14 Thread grarpamp
Consider utilizing a github / wiki somewhere for this project,
People can join together to generate the motivations and goals,
outline areas of research, hacking and acquisitions needed,
develop workplans, reproducible test setups, progress, results,
costs, etc. Perhaps also some form of makerspace later on.

Sounds fun :)

See also...

Public Shielded Room Work

2018-10-14 Thread Karl

My name is Karl Semich and I have a desire to make available to
everyone highly secure shielded rooms / SCIFs, for privacy and
security in this modern age.

I was wondering if anybody else was pursuing this, or if anybody knew
of anybody pursuing this, that I might stay in contact with them or
support them.

Or even if anybody had some experience with this concept, and might
mentor me, it would be incredible.

I don't have any formal training and have developed some cognitive
issues, resulting in slow progress, but this is all I am spending my
free time on.  I do not work a job, being supported for now by a

I'm currently residing in Green Bank, WV, where emissions are
regulated for a radio observatory.  I am trying to develop some
relatively simple software using the rtl-sdr to measure the power of a
noise source independent of background traffic, so as to quickly and
repeatedly measure shielding effectiveness.

I then plan to try to measure a variety of setups ranging from
homemade aluminum foil & iron paint to soldered copper and welded or
bolted stainless steel, to identify ways for everyday people to
cheaply create shielded environments that are actually effective.  I
would like to find a way people can use off-the-shelf supplies to make
environments that are isolated from DC to light, if desired.

If anybody else is working on something like this, I would love to
support you in any way available.  I can donate money, I can get
drinks and run errands, I can read books and pursue a degree if
needed, I can mode hardware around and even develop and debug

Please let me know,