Re: Help sought

2020-11-10 Thread Zenaan Harkness

7) As is widely seen, the empowered mob contains individuals who do not take 
kindly to criticism, and often react violently to -effective- criticism.

The most effective criticism are implied yet indisputable truths delivered in 
comedic form, e.g. memes of visual or textual or musical etc form.

So, in the AP world, the most effective meme-sters shall be swiftly targetted.

Even the DemRats are now beginning to be targetted:

   A marauding pack of, uh, "ideas" smashed up another political office over 
the weekend.

because as some have thankfully reminded us, the left always eats its own.

AP is nothing but a turbocharged "tool of the left".  Use or otherwise build 
that at our collective peril.

RE: Help sought

2020-11-10 Thread professor rat
The screams of the wounded echoes in my ears.  With all the trouble in the 
world and you are worried about Jim Bell, 
APster Tsar!
Of course if you weren't a total fucking eunuch you would have helped CJ and I 
shut the Gates by now.
What a pathetic creature you are.
Bill Gates —

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Bill Gates —


The official home of The Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool




Re: Help sought

2020-11-10 Thread professor rat
 Jordan Peterson might have been a good suggestion a few years ago. But he's 
already brain dead.
APster is a sword of Damocles over the famous / infamous -, not the 
little-people. Unless you count car-thieves.
I said private LAND title not private property. Proudhon also said " Property 
is freedom ". 
You should get some remedial reading help then read Jim's marvelous essay. Get 
up to speed. 
Its a brave new cryptoanarchist world. 

( Snip )

Re: Help sought

2020-11-10 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 07:31:15AM +, professor rat wrote:
> Help sought to get some names listed at Stiffs dotcom. Biden, Thiel, Bezos, 
> Harris, Pelosi, etc
> And something else - I don't think we should be talking up blockchain voting 
> for traditional 
> politics - or freehold land titles either.  Maybe some of those traitors to 
> the sacred cause of 
> anarchist freedom that do this sort of thing need killing.  Even if I'm in a 
> minority on this I'll 
> continue to agitate. Representational politics and private beaches are not 
> just orthogonal to 
> anarchism. They are a knife at our neck. 
> Yrs in social-revolution, etc

1) The law of karma or "cause and effect" or even simply "moral equivalence", 
brings the sword upon he who lives by the sword.  Sometimes there are moments 
to righteously draw arms (in defence), this is not one of those.

2) You want AP.
That appears to have significant, and not meaningfully discredited, probability 
of descent into a very dark place for all of us - a place in which dissidents 
may well cease to exist.
Feel free to download cp list archives for October - December 2019 and respond 
meaningfully as best you can to bring meaningful counter args.
Or start a new thread.
But there are apparently fatal flaws, likelihoods (a number of them) of 
collectively falling into hell with far greater difficulty of clawing our way 
out should such happen.

3) Any successful AP system will ultimately be used against "us anarchists" or 
liberalists or whatever you choose to name us as.

4) As Juan has recently reminded us, our fundamental problems are political 
(small "P") in the sense that we live in a world ... with other humans.
Without meaningful marketing of your proposal (as it is) to some significant 
majority - i.e. without sellability, if your proposal fails to appeal to 
sufficient numbers of our fellow humans, then expect swift response against 
your actions seeking any such AP system.

4.b) If you do get sufficient "public buy in" (and see point 6 below), then 
we're on a rapid path to a Bolshevik style revolution: You only get to choose 
socialism/ communism/ Marxism, once.

5) Any and every AP system or call attracts the attention not only of those (in 
this case) obscenely wealthy individuals you call for "to be targetted" but of 
the regular existing arms of gov - police, fbi, cia, etc.
To even "make the call" as you have just done, demonstrates that you are 
failing a basic acid test (apparently of your own making, but no less obvious 
to those who witness it...).

6) Get rid of private property?  You really think communism is going to be a 
seller and "real communism" will finally work this time?  Really?
It appears obvious you have thoroughly failed to do your homework of listening 
to Jordan Peterson's concise summary and outline on this very point, of which 
one link has been recently posted (by itself that was insufficient, but it's a 
Without even an attempt to rebut, debunk, tear down or at least "marginally 
dispute" Peterson's summary, you may find you are granted little credibility 
amongst 10s of millions of people (yes, he is THAT popular - and for good 

The likes of AOC, Joe Biden and millions of others, "can't stand smart people" 
and literally highlight this fact publicly (a good thing they are so public).

But those lists of deplorables they are (under AOC and others) beginning to 
produce (this is all over the interwebs) will be used in any such revolution as 
you seem to seek.

Mercy does not exist within such mobs.