Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2024-01-22 Thread grarpamp
Noting many: Jan6th was a setup, an operation, by the Deep State,
CIA, FBI, Democrats, Media, Social, to all remain in power,
up against a free peoples who had come only to seek redress
of grievance, to pause the Power State's forward game, to give
time for the public to openly investigate things. The operations
continue, from before Hilary's Hoax, through to this day.
Rep. Clay Higgins tells reporter that he has SEEN VIDEO EVIDENCE of
POLICE walking into rooms, and then RE-EMERGING, dressed as TRUMP
TRUMP SUPPORTERS roaming the HALLS OF THE CAPITAL well before the

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-11-26 Thread grarpamp
Democrats Political Fraud Knows No Limit...

How The Democratic Party Faked An American Insurrection

Authored by Robert Bridge

Last week, more than 40,000 hours of Jan. 6 Capitol Police security
footage was released in the public domain that once and for all blew a
hole in the pro-Trump ‘violent insurrection’ narrative so dear to the

The one question on countless Americans’ minds following the release
of the damning videos was: will all those men and women recently
locked away as political prisoners for dozens of decades get another
day in court?

Indeed, January 6 may have been a lot of things to many people, but
another Boston Tea Party it most definitely was not.

Social media was alight over the weekend showing one benign scene
after another of the ‘insurrectionists’ casually strolling through the
Capitol Building premises, exchanging pleasantries with the on-duty
police officers, even giving each other fist-bumps.

Here's a January 6 video they've never shown the public.

A protester is uncuffed by Capitol police and then fist bumps
another officer down a hallway away from everyone.
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) November 17, 2023

The revelations of the true nature of the event came to light as newly
appointed House Speaker Mike Johnson released the security footage,
which came as a political manna from heaven for former president
Donald Trump and other members of the Republican Party.

“Truth and transparency are critical,” Johnson said in a prepared statement.

“This decision will provide millions of Americans, criminal
defendants, public interest organizations, and the media an ability to
see for themselves what happened that day, rather than having to rely
upon the interpretation of a small group of government officials.”

Democrats, however, who have milked the ‘insurrectionist’ narrative
for everything it is worth, predictably chafed at the release, calling
it a ‘risk to national security.’

“It is unconscionable that one of Speaker Johnson’s first official
acts as steward of the institution is to endanger his colleagues,
staff, visitors, and our country by allowing virtually unfettered
access to sensitive Capitol security footage,” said New York Democrat
Rep. Joseph Morelle, who sits on the Committee on House

“That he is doing so over the strenuous objections of the security
professionals within the Capitol Police is outrageous. This is not
transparency; this is dangerous and irresponsible.”

And just like that the J6 Committee’s violent insurrection
narrative has crumbled

The Capitol Police facilitated the protesters passage through the building

The vast majority of J6ers should be immediately
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 17, 2023

For almost two years, Democrats, who managed to cherry-pick the most
suggestive scenes of the footage, portrayed January 6th as everything
from another September 11 to a second Pear Harbor.

Last year, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), the photogenic member of
the Democrat’s radical progressive wing, was shown visibly upset after
having to “relive” the events of the Capitol riot.

“I am so angry. Having to relive that footage,” she sobbed,
rubbing her forehead. “I know it’s not just me. This is everyone.”

“These attacks killed people, traumatized people and for any of
you right-winger Trump loyalists, he sent his own people to jail, and
promised his own people that he would pardon them.”

The inconvenient truth, however, is that only one person was killed on
the day of the Capitol riot – unarmed Air Force veteran and avid Trump
supporter, Ashli Babbitt, who was shot by a police officer.

Now, Republicans are demanding justice be served and that the
incarcerated protesters be immediately set free.

“And just like that the J6 Committee’s violent insurrection
narrative has crumbled,” said conservative commentator Charlie Kirk
over X (formerly Twitter).

“The Capitol Police facilitated the protesters passage through the
building…the vast majority of J6ers should be immediately released.”

However, with the Democrats still in control of Washington, D.C.,
together with the FBI, the Justice Department and other administrative
offices, the Republicans will have to wait until November 4th – and
possibly longer if they lose their White House bid – before any real
justice is meted out.

Meanwhile, federal officials have said there is no evidence that law
enforcement officials helped coordinate the attacks.

“If you are asking whether the violence at the Capitol on January
6 was part of some operation orchestrated 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-10-18 Thread grarpamp
Fools keep cheering for Islam and its Invaders,
Islam has a special hatred for Leftists, Gays, and Jews,
only a matter of time until Islam finishes using them
to sneak inside, turns face, and kills them all too...

Insurrection? Pro-Palestinian Protesters Occupy Capitol Building

The far-left pro-Palestinian protests continue in the US with
activists now occupying the Capitol, accusing lawmakers of having
Palestinian blood on their hands.

As with most leftist efforts, the first goal is a narrative shift in
which the people who triggered the conflict are painted as victims.
The Hamas soldiers who launched terrorist attacks killing thousands of
civilians in Israel are dismissed down the memory hole, and now the
focus is only on Palestinian tragedy.

The most logical decision is for America to stay out of the conflict
completely.  However, rabid involvement by leftists on the side of
Hamas may actually push a majority of Americans to throw full support
behind Israel simply because any cause backed by woke organizations is
a cause worth obstructing.  The public will ask themselves:  "When
have these people ever been right?"

There’s an insurrection happening now on Capitol Hill
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) October 18, 2023

The DC event adds insult to injury, considering Democrats have been
accusing conservatives of insurrection for the past few years after
occupying the Capitol.

JUST IN: The United States Capitol has been taken over inside and
outside by pro-Palestine protesters as Rep. Rashida Tlaib spoke with a
crowd nearby.

Are we only allowed to call people like this insurrections when
they are Donald Trump supporters?

Police are now making…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) October 18, 2023

But of course, it's only insurrection when conservatives do it...



— Tim Pool (@Timcast) October 18, 2023

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-09-20 Thread grarpamp
National Guard Refused Before Jan. 6 Because 'Pelosi Will Never Go For
It': Former Capitol Police Chief

Joseph M. Hanneman via The Epoch Times

Three days before Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. House Sergeant at Arms Paul
Irving rejected Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund’s request for
National Guard help because Mr. Irving said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
(D-Calif.) would “never go for it,” Mr. Sund testified before a House
subcommittee on Sept. 19.
Former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund testifies before the
Committee on House Administration's Subcommittee on Oversight in
Washington D.C. on Sept. 19, 2023. (U.S. House/Screenshot via The
Epoch Times)

Mr. Sund’s revelation came during a 90-minute hearing before the
Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight.

In his first testimony before a House committee since he was forced to
resign on Jan. 8, 2021, Mr. Sund detailed his deep frustration at not
getting the National Guard help that would have been a “game changer”
on Jan. 6.

Mr. Sund said in meetings with Mr. Irving and Senate Sergeant at Arms
Michael Stenger on Jan. 3, he had asked them to approve his request
for National Guard soldiers to help secure the Capitol on Jan. 6. Mr.
Irving and Mr. Stenger made up two-thirds of the Capitol Police Board,
which oversees U.S. Capitol Police and had to approve any such

He met first with Mr. Irving.

“I went into his office, again 9:24 in the morning ... and immediately
went up and said, ‘Hey, I'd like to bring in the National Guard to
support me on, to assist me on the perimeter because when we have a
joint session of Congress, it takes a lot of our personnel inside,’”
Mr. Sund testified.
D.C. Metropolitan Police Department riot officers clash with
protesters on the west front of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
(Courtesy of Steve Baker)

“But immediately, as soon as I asked him, his first response was: ‘I
don't know. I don't like the optics of that,’" Mr. Sund testified.
"And his second response was, ‘Besides, the intelligence doesn't
support it.’”

He said Mr. Irving told him to speak to Mr. Stenger about the idea,
which he did in a meeting more than two hours later.

“‘You know, let's come up with another idea,’” he quoted Mr. Stenger
as saying in reaction.

Mr. Stenger suggested that Mr. Sund reach out to the Pentagon to find
out how quickly the Guard could react if needed in an emergency.

“So I called [Army Gen.] William Walker, 6:14 p.m. that night,” Mr.
Sund said. “He told me they have 125 people assisting with COVID
response. He could reallocate those fairly quickly once he got
secretary of defense approval and send them over.”
'I Was Floored'

Mr. Sund was asked by the subcommittee Chairman Rep. Barry Loudermilk
(R-Ga.) if Mr. Irving tipped off Mr. Stenger that he was coming to
request the National Guard.

During a lunch meeting on April 8, 2021, Mr. Sund said he asked Mr.
Stenger about it.

“I said, ‘Mr. Stenger, you came up with that response fairly quickly
for me to call General Walker,’” Mr. Sund testified. “And he told me
Paul Irving had called him ahead of time and said: ‘Sund came here
looking for the National, asking for the National Guard. We got to
come up with another plan. Pelosi will never go for it.’

“I was floored by him saying that,” Mr. Sund told Mr. Loudermilk.

Mr. Stenger, who was appointed to his post by then-Senate Majority
Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), died on June 27, 2022, after an
extended illness. Mr. Irving, appointed by Ms. Pelosi but who also
served under Republican House speakers, could not be reached for
comment. Mr. Loudermilk said Mr. Irving will be called to testify
before the subcommittee.

Mr. Sund’s testimony came on the heels of former President Donald
Trump’s statement on a Sunday talk show insisting that Ms. Pelosi
bears the blame for Jan. 6.

During an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” President Trump said
Ms. Pelosi turned down 10,000 National Guard troops three days ahead
of Jan. 6.

“I offered 10,000 people to the mayor of Washington, D.C. and Nancy
Pelosi, both of them, Nancy Pelosi and to the mayor of Washington,”
President Trump said. “And they turned it down flat."

President Trump then pinned the blame for Jan. 6 on Ms. Pelosi.

"The police commissioner of Capitol Police … said that he wanted it.
And Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t accept it. She’s responsible for 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-09-20 Thread grarpamp
News of the Democrat and Deep State Jan6 False Flag Operation
continues to roll in piece by piece over months...

Have you begun searching for the Truths,
or are you happily keeping head in sand...

FBI Had So Many Paid Informants In J6 Riot They Lost Track And Had To
Perform Audit: Ex-Official

A former assistant FBI director has told lawmakers that the agency had
so many paid informants at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 that it lost
track and had to perform an audit, according to the NY Post's Miranda

Steven D'Antuono, formerly in charge of the FBI's Washington field
office, told the House Judiciary Committee in closed-door testimony
that while his field office knew some of their informants would be at
Donald Trump's "Stop the Steal" rally across town, informants from
other field offices were present at the Capitol that day, as well as
other informants who had participated on their own accord.

One fed informant was on the phone with his handler as he breached the Capitol.

The fed-fest was so overwhelming that the Washington field office had
to ask FBI headquarters to " do a poll or put out something to people
saying w[ere] any CHSs involved," in order to figure out the scale of
the agency's spying (and whatnot) at the event, according to

"We started getting responses back" from FBI headquarters, which he
said helped identify which field offices had confidential informants
in the crowd.

One paid informant from the Kansas City field office was at the
Capitol as the crowd surged inside and allegedly was in communication
with his FBI handler, “while they were in the crowd, I think, saying
that they were going in,” according to the former bureau brass.

“They were trying to stop some of the action happening and they
left or whatnot.”

Asked how many informants the audit discovered were in the crowd
that day, D’Antuono would only say “a handful”. -NY Post

According to the Post, citing DOJ stats, the FBI spends around $42
million per year in payments to its Confidential Human Sources (like
their mole in Burisma who said the Bidens coerced owner Mykola
Zlochevsky into a $10 million bribe for political cover?).

On Tuesday, House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (D-OH) said D'Antuono's
testimony was "extremely concerning," and suggests that "the FBI
cannot adequately track the activities and operations of its
informants, and that it lost control of its CHSs present at the
Capitol on January 6."

"These revelations reinforce existing concerns, identified by Special
Counsel [John] Durham, about the FBI’s use of, and payment to, CHSs
who have fabricated evidence and misrepresented information.

"The Justice Department Inspector General also identified critical
problems in the FBI’s CHS program," Jordan's letter continues.
"including the FBI’s failure to fully vet CHSs and the FBI’s
willingness to ignore red flags that would call into question an
informant’s reliability."

Jordan has asked Wray to provide a “substantive briefing” on how
the FBI used paid informants on Jan. 6, 2021, and “any specific
guidelines or admonishments that were provided to FBI CHSs prior to

Wray has also been asked to provide all debriefing documents
received from Capitol riot informants.

Jordan also wants source reporting documentation relating to
former British spy Christopher Steele, who was responsible for a
now-notorious “dossier of false allegations about the Trump-Russia

The number of FBI informants present during the Capitol riot has
long been a controversial topic at trials of the hundreds of
defendants apprehended since that day. -NY Post

According to one of the "Proud Boys," the FBI had as many as eight
informants spying on their organization alone, at least one of whom
was with them at the Capitol that day, while former Capitol Hill
Police Chief Steven Sund has said that the agency had at least 18
undercover agents in the crowd in addition to the paid informants, and
estimated that at least 20 from the Department of Homeland Security
were also present.

"Hello fellow insurrectionists!"

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-06-06 Thread grarpamp
Rasmussen Reports @Rasmussen_Poll
Jun 6
65% Now Suspect Feds Provoked Riot - and that figure will be climbing.
J6 Unmasked: Security footage confirms Senate door opened, allowing
300 to enter Capitol freely… via

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-06-05 Thread grarpamp
ProgDemSocs consider patriotism offensive to ideology,
comprise most of USCP leadership and DC population...

Capitol Police Halt Christian Children's Choir Performance, Apologize

US Capitol Police issued an apology for halting a Christian children's
choir performance of the national anthem, which had been approved by
the Speaker's Office.

According to a person associated with the choir, "certain Capitol
police said it might offend someone or cause issues."

Rushingbrook Children's Choir were singing the National Anthem in
Statuary Hall in the US Capitol when they were interrupted by Capitol

A representative from the choir was told that "certain Capitol
police said it might offend someone/cause issues."
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) June 2, 2023

"Although popup demonstrations and musical performances are not
allowed in the U.S. Capitol without the proper approval, due to a
miscommunication, the U.S Capitol Police were not aware that the
Speaker’s Office had approved this performance," said the US Capitol
Police in a statement to the Epoch Times.

"We apologize to the choir for this miscommunication that impacted
their beautiful rendition of the ‘Star-Spangled Banner’ and their
visit to Capitol Hill," the statement continues.

A viral clip shows the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir singing
Francis Scott Key’s song, inspired by the persistence of American
forces against the British during the War of 1812, in the building’s
Statuary Hall—itself recently transformed by ideology after Virginia
removed a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee in 2020.

Suddenly, the conductor, David Rasbach, is approached by a man who
whispers something to him. Rasbach cuts off the performance before the
children can deliver the song’s final line: “O’er the land of the free
and the home of the brave.” -Epoch Times

According to Rasbach, the group received permission from House Speaker
Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), in coordination with the office of Rep. Joe
Wilson (R-SC).

In a statement, Reps. William Timmons (R-SC), Russell Fry (R-SC) and
McCarthy denounced the incident, and confirmed that permission had
been granted.

"We recently learned that schoolchildren from South Carolina were
interrupted while singing our National Anthem at the Capitol. These
children were welcomed by the Speaker’s office to joyfully express
their love of this nation while visiting the Capitol, and we are all
very disappointed to learn their celebration was cut short," the
lawmakers said.

The Capitol Police deny telling the group that the performance could
offend someone.

"It is not accurate we told them the song could be offensive," they
told the Epoch Times.

Rasbach says that a staffer for Wilson told him to silence the
children, after which he walked over to three Capitol Police officers,
one of whom said that the group "may not continue singing."

"This is considered to be a demonstration, and that is not allowed in
the Capitol," she added.

"Do you mean to tell me that a choir of children may not sing the
National Anthem in the capitol of the United States?" Rasbach said he

"No, they may not," the officer responded, per Rasbach.

"I left with a sense of utter disappointment, realizing that our
country had certainly changed since the times when, as a child, my
family visited the Capitol many times and could go up the grand front
steps, unrestricted, roam the Capitol halls at will, ascend the grand,
marble staircase and visit the balconies of the stately Senate and
House chambers, all while feeling—even as a child—a deep sense of
respect and pride that this great building and all that it represents
is my birthright!."

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-06-04 Thread grarpamp
DC_Draino @DC_Draino
Jun 3
EXPOSED: January 6th Committee caught adding provocative special
effects to Capitol Security footage videos Newly obtained J6 tapes
have no sound & Capitol Police confirmed that’s what they gave to J6
Cmte What other parts of J6 have they lied about?…

DC_Draino @DC_Draino
Jun 2
Nothing to see here Just a text from Pelosi’s staff secretly editing
the J6 security plan & telling the House Sgt at Arms to “please act
surprised” when the final draft was published Translation: Pelosi’s
staff was directly weakening J6 security & didn’t want anyone to know

DC_Draino @DC_Draino
Jun 2
Now that we have new Pelosi J6 footage, remember: GOP House Reps
released bombshell report showing her staff had regular meetings
setting up J6 security, revised plans, and turned down requests from
USCP & House Sgt at Arms for more funding & Nat’l Guard…
House GOP locates emails, texts showing Pelosi office directly
involved in failed Jan. 6 security
Democrat leadership blamed for "knee-jerk reaction" and failing to
equip police in security staffer's email after tragedy.

DC_Draino @DC_Draino
Jun 2
Just curious Does Nancy Pelosi always have a film crew tracking her
every move in the Capitol? Or only on J6 when she secretly cuts back
Capitol security to allow for the Fedsurrection?

DC_Draino @DC_Draino
Jun 1
Trump’s policies: Americans first No foreign wars Close the border
Clean up our elections Stand up to Chinese aggression Free speech on
social media Grow American families instead of immigration GOP
Establishment: Stop this man at all costs!

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-05-25 Thread grarpamp
Congress demands answers about the J6 pipe bombs after former FBI
Assistant Director admits that the FBI knows who is responsible.
Multiple FBI whistleblowers have pointed out the devices weren’t
operational and presented no danger to anyone. What is the FBI hiding?
@amuse @amuse
May 24
Lawmakers demand FBI explain slow pace of investigation of pipe bombs
at RNC, DNC in 2021.…
@amuse @amuse
SHOCK: We now know that the FBI knows who owns the car that was used
to plant the J6 DNC pipe bomb but is unwilling to identify the
suspect. Are they an HSI or FBI agent, contractor, or informant?……

May 25, 2023 · 6:15 PM UTC · Twitter Web App
Stormcommando @AStormtrooper3
Replying to @amuse
John Seymour @JLSeymour3
Replying to @amuse
"Are they an HSI or FBI agent, contractor, or informant?" A reasonable
assumption until overwhelming evidence establishes otherwise.
Senor Candelario @SenorCandelario
Replying to @amuse
Is that a dildo bomb?
Myra Fleener @myra_fleener
Replying to @amuse
They can somehow identify every yahoo who was at the Capitol, but one
of the most heavily surveilled cities in the world has no idea who
this person is or where they came from.
HB Harry @HBHarry69
Replying to @amuse
Total fed op
JQhn TBIYTC  @BlomeJQhn1
Replying to @amuse
Not a conservativethats for sure.

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-05-16 Thread grarpamp
J6 Attorney Says Feds Using Military Counterterrorism Tactics Against Americans

IN-DEPTH: J6 Attorney Says Feds Using Military Counterterrorism
Tactics Against Americans
Attorney Carol Stewart is also a retired U.S. Army colonel who worked
in intelligence
Pro-Trump protesters gather in front of the U.S. Capitol Building in
Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. (Brent Stirton/Getty Images)
By Matt McGregor
May 10, 2023

An attorney has called on House Republicans to investigate and defund
the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) efforts to prosecute defendants
being treated as domestic terrorists for their presence at the Jan. 6,
2021, rally at the U.S. Capitol.

“This could go on for two or three more years unless House Speaker
Kevin McCarthy takes the floor and declares that the DOJ is abusing
legislation,” Carol Stewart, who represents several J6 defendants,
told The Epoch Times.

Stewart said McCarthy can make a resolution and start an investigation
into the abuse of U.S. criminal codes 1752, 231, and 1512, which
relate to restricted buildings or grounds; civil disorders; and
tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant, respectively. She
said these laws are being misinterpreted to frame American citizens
who protested at the Capitol building as culprits in a plot to
overthrow the 2020 election through a violent insurrection.

The problem, Stewart argues, is that the story the DOJ, the FBI, and
the mainstream media are telling “is a lie.”

One of her clients, 56-year-old Eric Christie, is charged with
violating statute 1752, a misdemeanor that criminalizes the act of
entering or remaining in “any restricted building or grounds without
lawful authority to do so.”

In addition, he’s alleged under subsection (b) of the law to have been
brandishing “a dangerous weapon or firearm” on restricted grounds.

On Christie’s tool belt was a hammer that Stewart said was never
removed, as it was part of a construction worker costume.

“He did not breach or push aside any barriers, assault police,
participate in any violence, witness violence, encourage violence,
enter the building, or do anything besides use protected First
Amendment speech in a peaceful manner in a location that he believed
was approved for speech,” Stewart wrote in her facts of the case.
Unaware of Restricted Area

Christie, an advocate for the Make America Great Again movement from
California, believed he could “lawfully go forward” into an area he
didn’t know was restricted, Stewart argued, because someone had
removed a barricade of bike racks without his knowledge.

Though he never entered the Capitol, Christie was arrested at his
apartment on Dec. 22, 2022—almost two years later—surrounded by a SWAT
team of 20 to 30 people in a histrionic show of force, Stewart said.

According to Stewart, there was no knock, and Christie was never told
he was under arrest, only that the officers wanted to search his
apartment. When he asked for a search warrant, officials had to
retrieve it, as they had not brought it with them.

His water and electricity had been turned off. A drone was sent into
his home and determined that he had guns with the intent to use them.

Having arrived at 9 a.m., it took the officers until 10:45 a.m. to get
the warrant. Instead of bringing it to him directly, they sent in a
robot, which took 30 to 40 minutes of everyone watching it make its
way downstairs.

The FBI had already rammed in the front door and broken the glass,
thrown in flash-bangs and tear gas, and brought in a crisis
negotiator, Stewart said, which led Christie to believe that they were
there to abduct or kill him.

“Other people I’ve interviewed have examined this situation and agreed
with Christie’s assessment,” Stewart said. “You don’t do all of that
unless you’re going in. It’s not done, because you’re inviting danger
if you do that.”

The fiasco was framed as a three-hour standoff, Stewart said.

“His delay in exiting his home had nothing to do with any falsely
claimed ‘barricade,'” Stewart wrote in the court report. “It was due
to shock, anxiety, the belief that the FBI wanted to murder him or
take him to Guantanamo as a terrorist, and the failure of the FBI to
have a search warrant on-site to present to him.”
Epoch Times Photo Supporters of President Donald Trump flock to the
National Mall by the hundreds of thousands for a rally in Washington
on Jan. 6, 2021. (Samuel Corum/Getty Images)
Created Circumstances

At any point, however, the FBI could have gone to Christie’s attorney
and asked to have Christie self-surrender.

Instead, Stewart said, the FBI engaged in tactics designed to elicit a
reaction, not obtain facts.

A week before on Dec. 16, Christie had been pulled over by a state
highway patrolman.

“Understand the bizarre nature of this,” Stewart said. “The FBI has
the California Highway Patrol (CHP) pull him over just to create 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-05-15 Thread grarpamp
Time For Republicans To Confront January 6 Lead Prosecutor

During the 2020 presidential election cycle, Matthew M. Graves donated
$2,000 to the Biden-Harris campaign. The modest contribution was a
no-brainer for Graves. Not only was he a domestic policy advisor for
the campaign, he worked at the time for the same white-shoe law firm
as Douglas Emhoff, Kamala Harris’ husband.

Graves’ kowtowing paid off. In November 2021, Graves took the helm of
one of the most politically-charged U.S. attorneys office’s in the
country: the District of Columbia.

Since then, Graves has escalated the pace and nature of the ongoing
investigation into the events of January 6. His fixation on a
four-hour disturbance that occurred more than 28 months ago has
nothing to do with law and order and everything to do with using the
full weight of the federal government to punish Americans who
protested Biden’s election that afternoon.

At the same time, Graves, who is in the unique position of prosecuting
both local and federal crimes in the nation’s capital, has allowed
D.C. to descend into violent chaos.

Gun crimes and carjackings are skyrocketing: homicides are up nine
percent over last year. Graves is under fire from community groups,
police, and government leaders.

The House Oversight Committee will hear from Graves on Tuesday
morning. Finally. Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) threatened to issue a
subpoena after the Justice Department first refused to make Graves
available for questions. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, departing D.C.
Metropolitan Police Chief Robert Contee, and city administrator Kevin
Donahue also are expected to testify.

But rather than press D.C. officials responsible for the lawlessness
rampant in their city—important as that is—Republicans should instead
use their time to confront Graves about his selective prosecution of
January 6 defendants and force him to account for his actions
publicly. The Biden regime’s double standard of justice runs directly
through Graves’ office.

Here is a partial list of questions for committee members to consider:

1) Mr. Graves, the Washington Post recently reported that you have one
of the highest, if not the highest, declination rates in the country.
According to one site that tracks crime data in D.C., you have refused
to prosecute two-thirds of all criminal cases brought to you by
police—double what it was in 2015. You blame a lack of resources for
refusing to prosecute repeat, violent offenders who threaten the
security of the nation’s capital.

How many January 6 cases brought to you by the FBI over the past 28
months have you declined to prosecute?

2) Not only are you proceeding at full steam with January 6 cases, you
told the Washington Post last year you planned to double the current
caseload—currently more than 1,000 cases—to at least 2,000. What
percentage of your office’s time is spent on January 6 cases versus
the prosecution of local criminal cases?

3) In court documents, your office repeatedly refers to January 6 as a
domestic terror attack. In some cases, you are asking for domestic
terror enhancements at sentencing.

Terror attacks always involve the killing of innocent individuals. Mr.
Graves, how many January 6 defendants are charged with murder? To
continue that inquiry, how many are charged with using a firearm or
bringing a firearm inside the building?

Explosives also are a common feature of terror attacks. Do you have an
update on the pipe bombs found at the headquarters of both the RNC and
DNC on January 6, which prompted the evacuation of adjacent House
buildings and diverted law enforcement away from the Capitol?

4) In fact, Mr. Graves, most of the charges against Capitol protesters
are misdemeanors, correct? According to your latest Capitol “attack”
update, 80 percent of the plea deals you’ve extracted from January 6
defendants are for misdemeanor offenses.

The most common charge is “parading or picketing” in the Capitol, a
petty offense almost always handled in the D.C. Superior Court that
results in a ticket and minimal fine. But your office is asking for
prison time from between 14 days and six months for plea deals or
convictions for parading. Could you explain why you are departing from

5) Mayor Bowser said last week that she would propose legislation to
reform the city’s pretrial detention policies for repeat offenders
arrested for new crimes. In response, you 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-04-24 Thread grarpamp

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

Jacob Chansley’s Lawyers Confront DOJ’s Claim It Didn’t Suppress Jan. 6 Evidence

The Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) latest objection to allegations
that it suppressed evidence in its prosecution of Jan. 6, 2021,
defendant Jacob Chansley flies in the face of the Sixth Amendment,
current and former attorneys of Chansley told The Epoch Times in
separate interviews this week.

“They are hiding. They affirmatively are electing not to disclose
[exculpatory evidence],” Albert Watkins, Chansley’s former attorney
who negotiated the Navy veteran’s 41-month sentencing agreement in
2021, told The Epoch Times on March 14, referring to the DOJ.

“They’re doing so in a fashion which, in my opinion, gives rise to an
inescapable conclusion that the Department of Justice has done more
damage to our democracy by how it has treated Jan. 6 defendants than
anything that had occurred on January 6.”

Watkins was reacting to the DOJ’s March 12 court filing on another
Jan. 6, 2021, defendant’s case, in which the government confronted,
for the first time in court, the newly surfaced surveillance footage
of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol breach aired by Fox News’s “Tucker
Carlson Tonight.”

Among the footage was a clip showing Chansley, unarmed, walking along
with several Capitol Police officers who didn’t attempt to remove him
from the Capitol building, which Carlson said shows that Chansley was
less violent on Jan. 6, 2021, than described by the government.

Despite the video records of the Navy veteran’s behavior, Chansley’s
current and former lawyers argued that the government violated
Chansley’s rights by suppressing this evidence during his trial, in
response to the DOJ’s claims to the contrary on March 12.

The answer to this debate is important because it shines a light on
the government’s prosecutorial conduct in handling Jan. 6, 2021,
cases, many of which have ended with swift sentencing.

Chansley is currently serving a 41-month sentence in federal prison
after pleading guilty to an obstruction charge in September 2021.
Government Shared All Evidence: DOJ

In a filing on March 12, the DOJ stated that it provided the footage
to Chansley’s attorney during the discovery phase of Chansley’s trial
in 2021, therefore satisfying the requirement of producing exculpatory
evidence, or evidence favoring the defendant, to the defense counsel.

The filing was in response to a motion to dismiss filed by the
attorneys of Dominic Pezzola, a Jan. 6, 2021, defendant currently on
trial, which alleged that the footage shown on “Tucker Carlson
Tonight” shows that the government “withheld” evidence in prosecuting
participants of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol breach.
Epoch Times Photo Attorney Steven Metcalf (2nd L), representing
defendant Dominic Pezzola for his alleged role in the Jan. 6, 2021,
Capitol breach, arrives at the E. Barrett Prettyman United States
Courthouse on Dec. 19, 2022. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)

“The CCTV footage is core evidence in nearly every January 6 case, and
it was produced en masse, labeled by camera number and by time, to all
defense counsel in all cases,” the DOJ wrote in its filing.

The department cited Brady v. Maryland, a 1963 case in which the
Supreme Court held that prosecutors must make available to the defense
counsel exculpatory evidence. As a part of that requirement, the DOJ
cited Brady’s text establishing that a Brady violation requires the
material in question to be “something that is being ‘[suppressed] by
the prosecution.’”

“Pezzola’s Brady claim therefore fails at the threshold, because
nothing has been suppressed,” the DOJ wrote, basing it on the claim
that it had provided Watkins with the “necessary tools” to identify
relevant CCTV evidence notwithstanding the voluminous discovery.

“Accordingly, the volume of discovery does not excuse defense counsel
from making reasonable efforts to ascertain whether an item has been
produced, let alone before filing inaccurate and inflammatory
allegations of discovery failures.”
DOJ Suppressed Evidence: Chansley’s Lawyers

Chansley’s lawyers disagreed with the DOJ’s claims, saying that the
bar for suppression is lower than what the government claims it to be.

“Suppression … is not the nefarious burying of evidence,” Bill
Shipley, Chansley’s current counsel, said in an interview with The
Epoch Times on March 13. “It just means it wasn’t brought to light by
the government. The government knew what was there and did not
illuminate the fact that it was there.”

He says the government may have violated Brady because they didn’t
identify the footage and its nature as potentially exculpatory
evidence during Chansley’s trial. Making them available without making
sure the defendant knows of the existence of the footage may

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp

FBI Is Now a ‘Weaponized Apparatchik’ of the Presidential
Administration: Whistleblower

There’s a growing divide between the rank-and-file officers of the FBI
and upper management, according to FBI agent-turned-whistleblower
Steve Friend, and it’s those at the top who are pushing a political

“I spent close to nine years in the FBI, spent a good chunk of my time
just keeping my head down and working the cases in front of me,”
Friend noted in a March 14 interview with NTD News, The Epoch Times’
sister outlet.

“There are a lot of agents that sort of share that sentiment and just
want to drive the mission forward. Unfortunately, there’s a big
disconnect between the rank-and-file and the management class, and as
you climb that ladder, it’s tending to become more and more

The evidence, Friend said, could be seen in the bureau’s disparate
treatment of pro-life activists—like Mark Houck, whose home was raided
by the FBI over an altercation outside of a Planned Parenthood—and
pro-abortion activists, like those who protested outside of Supreme
Court justices’ homes and were never investigated.

“I think there’s an argument to be made that the FBI has now just
become a weaponized apparatchik of the presidential administration,”
he added, holding that public trust in the agency has diminished
largely as a result of the perception of political bias.
Blowing the Whistle

Friend—now a senior fellow at the Center for Renewing
America—previously worked as a special agent in the FBI’s
Jacksonville, Florida, office, but was suspended from the agency after
he came forward last September with concerns about how the bureau was
handling child sexual abuse cases and allegations that cases were
being inappropriately assigned.

Friend had also objected to the FBI’s use of SWAT teams to arrest
individuals suspected of committing misdemeanors during the Jan. 6
Capitol breach.

According to a March 6 letter (pdf) written by whistleblower
organization Empower Oversight, Friend was informed in December by the
Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
that, “after careful consideration,” the OIG had decided against
opening an investigation into his allegations.

However, on March 16, DOJ Assistant Inspector General Sean O’Neill
responded that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz “still intends
to schedule an interview with Mr. Friend regarding his disclosures.”
Views on Jan. 6

Prior to his suspension, Friend was involved in investigations
relating to the Jan. 6 Capitol breach—an incident he said could only
be fully understood through “radical transparency.”

“I’m hoping that this slow drip of surveillance footage is just
eventually abandoned, and we just get the whole amount of it,” he
said, alluding to the recent exposés aired by Fox News’ Tucker

“There’s no reason why it should be leaked out slowly because that
just gives cannon fodder to both sides to accuse the other of
cherry-picking their information.”

As for his views on the events of that day, Friend said he thought the
incident involved a “mixed bag” of people who did some “deplorable and
abhorrent” things and should be held accountable and those who were
just there to exercise their First Amendment rights.

And the Capitol Police, he noted, did appear to give protesters
permission to enter the building.

“Whether or not the Capitol Police were trying to deescalate the
situation doesn’t mitigate the fact that they gave permission to those
folks and assured them that they were within the law to walk through
the Capitol peacefully and admire the House of Representatives and the
The Oath ‘Has to Mean Something’

Given the stresses of the internal conflict between the rank-and-file
officers and leadership, Friend noted that some officers might be
tempted to keep quiet about misconduct at the bureau until they can
collect their pensions and leave.

But that temptation, he said, should not supersede their oath of office.

“You swear an oath in the very beginning, and that has to mean
something at the end of the day,” he said. “I stood up and I swore an
oath before God, my family, and my colleagues that I was going to
protect the Constitution and my fellow countrymen. And I joined the
FBI to do the work of the FBI, not to retire from the FBI.”

As for others on the inside looking to speak out, Friend encouraged
them to do so—but smartly.

“You should look into the proper whistleblowing procedures and make
sure your concerns are brought forward. And hopefully, the select
committee looking at government weaponization will protect
whistleblowers, so that you’re not going to have to sacrifice that

The Epoch Times has contacted the FBI for comment.

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-03-15 Thread grarpamp
What Really Happened on #January6? " #TheRealStoryOfJanuary6," a
#documentary by @epochtimes, reveals the truth that has been hidden
from the American people. Get “The #RealStory of Jan. 6” DVD Today

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-03-14 Thread grarpamp
> jailing political dissidents and free speech,
> same as every other shithole country...
> "Free Jacob Chansley": 'QAnon Shaman' Backed After New J6 Footage Emerges

Jan. 6 Attorney Alleges FBI Criminally Altered Evidence, Requests
Special Master Review Of Leaked Messages

Rogers Roots, an attorney representing Dominic Pezzola, a Jan. 6,
2021, Capitol breach defendant, alleged on Sunday that the FBI had
committed crimes by altering evidence and requested that the court
appoint a special master to review the evidence.
Protesters loyal to President Donald Trump rally at the U.S. Capitol
in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. (AP Photo/ Jose Luis Magana)

Roots’s move came days after the testimony of FBI Special Agent Nicole
Miller, who was involved in the agency’s investigations of the Jan. 6
defendants. When cross-examining Miller, Nick Smith, an attorney
representing Proud Boys member Ethan Nordean (listed as co-defendant
on Pezzola’s case), revealed classified FBI emails that were hidden in
a tab in an Excel spreadsheet, which included a directive to Miller to
“destroy” 338 pieces of evidence and “edit out” an FBI agent from an
informant report.

“Destroying evidence is a federal crime. It actually falls under a
federal crime under more than one statute. The same goes with altering
documents, altering records, that is a federal crime,” the John Pierce
Law attorney told The Epoch Times in an interview on Sunday.

In a filing on Sunday, Roots requested that Timothy J. Kelly, a Trump
appointee presiding over the case, either dismiss the case in its
entirety or appoint a special master to independently review the FBI
messages that were revealed in court.

“The unceremonious and uninhibited nature of Miller’s discussion of
committing these serious crimes suggests an FBI culture of corruption
and lawlessness that must be immediately stopped, and fully
investigated,” Roots said in the filing.

“Accordingly, this case must be dismissed en toto and with prejudice,”
Roots’s filing continues. “Even if the Court were to overlook this
massive trail of FBI corruption and the trial were to proceed,
defendants have a right to cross-examine Agent Miller regarding all of
these crimes, her missing emails, her discussions of violating
defendants’ 6th amendment rights, her discussions of evidence
tampering, and her discussions of altering documents involving
[confidential human sources] in this case.”

“All January 6 prosecutions should be paused for evidentiary hearings
and investigations by a Special Master and Special Counsel,” the
filing reads.
The Leaked Messages

A key question about these leaked messages is whether they fall under
the scope of evidence in the case.

Roots said in the filing that the messages show a violation of due
process, reiterating his argument in an earlier filing that the FBI’s
monitoring of communications between a co-defendant, Zachary Rehl, and
his attorney violated the Sixth Amendment, which prohibits invasion of
the right to counsel (Matter of Fusco v. Moses).

“Miller’s hidden messages reveal casual discussions among the FBI
regarding the monitoring of codefendant Rehl’s trial strategy, Rehl’s
defenses and ‘interesting’ points, and ways the government can get
around Rehl’s defenses,” Roots said in the Sunday filing.

In the filing, Roots requested the court dismiss Pezzola’s case with
prejudice, appoint a special counsel, appoint a special master,
schedule extensive evidentiary hearings, and release Pezzola from

The DOJ, on the other hand, said that because Rehl and his attorney
were communicating over a monitored prison system, they waived the
right to attorney-client privileges.

“The government has not obtained any privileged communications between
defendant Rehl and Moseley,” the government wrote in response to
Roots’s contentions in a filing on Sunday. “As the government
explained in a separate filing … Rehl and Moseley made a fully
informed choice to communicate with one another over a monitored jail
email system. In doing so, they waived any privilege.”

Further, the DOJ said Roots’s argument about the government destroying
evidence is void, arguing that the messages are unrelated to the case.

“This ‘destruction’ of evidence related to the disposition of 338
items of evidence from a nearly 20-year-old multi codefendant trial,”
the DOJ said in a separate filing on Sunday. 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-03-14 Thread grarpamp
> jailing political dissidents and free speech,
> same as every other shithole country...
> "Free Jacob Chansley": 'QAnon Shaman' Backed After New J6 Footage Emerges

McCarthy Says He Will "Slowly Roll Out" Jan. 6 Footage To News Outlets

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said he will “slowly roll out”
the security footage recorded during the Jan. 6 Capitol breach to news

“We will slowly roll out to every individual news agency, they can
come see the tapes as well,” McCarthy told Fox News’ “Sunday Morning

“Let everyone see them to bring their own judgment,” he added. “The
first thing I found is that the January 6 committee was not honest
with us. That it’s not 14,000 hours of tapes, there’s 41,000 hours of

McCarthy has provided Fox News host Tucker Carlson exclusive access to
41,000 hours of surveillance footage from Jan. 6. The host then aired
some of the clips on March 6.

“Taken as a whole, the video record does not support the claim that
January 6 was an insurrection,” Carlson said during his program. “In
fact, it demolishes that claim.”

Footage shown by Carlson raised questions about “QAnon Shaman” Jacob
Chansley’s time in the Capitol and U.S. Capitol Police officer Brian
Sicknick’s death.

McCarthy’s decision to share the footage with Carlson has been
criticized by Democrats, including President Joe Biden and Senate
Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).

When asked if he had any regret over sharing the footage with Carlson,
McCarthy stood by his decision.

“I didn’t give the tapes. I allowed him to come see them, just like an
exclusive with anybody else,” McCarthy said. “My goal here is

The top House Republican added that it was important to have “equal
justice,” pointing to protests after the death of George Floyd in

“The one thing I understand in America, we should have equal justice,”
he said. “What really raises the point with me is, why did I watch
federal courts, why did I watch cities burn, federal agencies or
something, and nobody arrested there? I think we should have equal
justice across this country.

“And it’s really concerning to me, since we’ve taken the majority, the
things I have learned that government has done, that withheld
information from the American people. That will not happen on our
watch, regardless of what information says or doesn’t say,” he added.

“I think transparency is best and allow the American public to see it
all. And we need to have equal justice across this nation,” he

Last week, in an interview with Breitbart News, McCarthy said that the
security footage of Jan. 6  must go through a security review before a
full public release.

“We just want to make sure we go through them all, and it takes time,” he said.
Police begin lobbing munitions into the huge crown on the west front
of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. (Joseph Prezioso / AFP via Getty
Security Footage

Separately on Sunday, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), chairman of the
House Foreign Affairs Committee, told CBS’ “Face the Nation” that
McCarthy had assured him that the Jan. 6 footage would be made
available to all media.

“He has given me assurance, he’s going to turn it over to the entire
media, I think. I believe in the fourth estate freedom of press, and I
think the American people deserve to see all the footage from that
day,” McCaul said.

The Texas lawmaker warned that the footage is not going to show
“tourism at the Capitol.”

“It’s going to show a very dark, tragic day that I witnessed
firsthand, that included our Capitol Police being assaulted, 140 of
them injured, two pipe bombs,” McCaul said. “One Capitol Police
officer killed, and a protester killed. That’s not—that’s not a good

He added that what happened on Jan. 6 could have been prevented.

“I think it should have been prevented had we had good intelligence
that day beforehand,” he said.

Also on Sunday, Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), who sits on the Armed
Services Committee, told NBC’s “Meet the Press” that McCarthy
shouldn’t have released the footage to Carlson alone.

“What I do regret probably as much as anything about the release of
the 41,000 hours is it was released to one person in primetime who is,
you know, rather sensational in his approach and rather than just
releasing it to everybody,” Cramer 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-03-13 Thread grarpamp
> jailing political dissidents and free speech,
> same as every other shithole country...
> "Free Jacob Chansley": Musk Backs 'QAnon Shaman' After New J6 Footage Emerges

Tucker Carlson Unbound: Setting Fire To The Uniparty

In my last column, I compared Fox News host Tucker Carlson to the CBS
journalist Edward R. Murrow, who used his reporting in the 1950s to
change the course of history.

For that comparison I apologize.

It is now apparent that Carlson far exceeds Murrow in his courage, his
thoughtfulness, and his stubborn refusal to accede to pressure.

Let’s get this straight. Murrow was a brilliant journalist, but his
reputation as a dedicated war correspondent during the Battle of
Britain also made him a beloved figure to his fellow reporters and to
the politicians whom he covered. Thus, when he stood up against the
bullying tactics of Sen. Joseph McCarthy, Murrow knew he could count
on the support of CBS, other journalists, and even senators who had
been the target of McCarthy’s blind rage. In a very real sense, it was
McCarthy’s own character flaws that brought him down, to the detriment
of his anti-Communist crusade, which had accurately identified the
very real threat of Soviet sympathizers who had infiltrated the
federal government. Murrow was just the catalyst, and he was lauded
for his efforts.

On the other hand, Tucker Carlson’s decision last week to air
previously unseen video of the Jan. 6, 2021, confrontation between
protesters and Capitol Police put his own career at risk and has made
him the subject of bipartisan scorn. Some even speculate that he was
silently punished by his bosses at Fox News, but Carlson doesn’t seem
worried about being fired, and the condemnation he has received from
both the majority leader and minority leader of the Senate has only
emboldened him.

It will probably take years to fully understand the importance of
Carlson’s challenge of the “official Washington” narrative of Jan. 6
as a “deadly insurrection,” but Carlson wasted no time last Monday in
laying out the framework of his complete rejection of the “accepted
truth” pushed by the Biden Department of Justice, the House Select
Committee on January 6, and the mainstream media.

Only a tiny fraction of the thousands of hours of surveillance video
released to Carlson by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was shown last
week on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” but you only need a small pin to
burst a large balloon, and by the time the week was over, all the
president’s men couldn’t put the Humpty-Dumpty story of a
“Trump-surrection” back together again.

“The images you will see were recorded 26 months ago today on January
6, 2021,” Carlson began. “Until now, politicians have kept this tape
hidden from the public. There is no legitimate justification for that
and there never has been.”

The powers that be would have you believe that Carlson had jeopardized
national security by playing the tapes – probably 30 minutes out of
the 41,000 hours. Now, it is true the tapes provided some interesting
counterbalance to the non-stop harassment of Trump supporters that has
taken place for the past two years, but if truth be told, the evidence
on the tapes was much less significant than the reaction to them. What
you really want to know now is, if 30 minutes of video has the
Uniparty crowd so scared, what else are they hiding?

I think much more than the video, the Censorship-Industrial Complex
(as journalist Matt Taibbi has accurately tabbed it) wants to shut
down any information or even belief that goes counter to the official
narrative, and that’s where Carlson got so deep under their skin that
they were willing to rip themselves to shreds in an effort to get at

Everything Carlson said about Jan. 6 for three days last week was a
threat to their power, and he knew it.

“The protesters were angry. They believed the election they had just
voted in was unfairly conducted. They were right. In retrospect, it is
clear the 2020 election was a grave betrayal of American democracy.”

He didn’t go beyond that in explaining the illegitimacy of the
election, but he didn’t have to. The “it is clear” speaks volumes to
those who haven’t bought into the official narrative that the 2020
election was “the most secure” in the nation’s history. Yeah, it was
secure if you don’t believe the Supreme Courts of Pennsylvania and
Wisconsin that election law was violated en masse in those states. It
was secure if you don’t have any concern about billionaire Mark
Zuckerberg spending hundreds of 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-03-12 Thread grarpamp
> Brazil has their own damn shaman too 藍

US Democrats Entire Jan6 Narrative and Committee gets DESTROYED...
Massive political and public blowback against Dems as yet more truths
about Democrats Corruption Lies Fraud Censorship get revealed...

Proud Boys J6 Sedition Trial Halted After Leaked Chat Logs Show FBI
Agent Said Her Boss Ordered Her To "Destroy Evidence"

Authored by Chris Menahan via Information Liberation,

The feds’ political persecution of the Proud Boys took a wild turn
after unintentionally leaked chat logs from FBI Special Agent Nicole
Miller revealed she said she was ordered by her boss to “destroy” “338
items of evidence.”

The leaked chats also suggest Miller failed to reveal relevant
communications to the defense, potentially spied on privileged
attorney-client communications and was asked by another agent to “edit
out that I was present” during a meeting with a Confidential Human
Source Informant.

Concealing evidence. Doctoring evidence. Destroying evidence.
Violating attorney-client privilege.

What's sad is this will be ignored even by conservative media and
Congress simply bc they are members of the Proud Boys.

That's not a crime no matter how many times Wray says it.
— Julie Kelly  (@julie_kelly2) March 9, 2023

The shocking revelations were shared in a filing by Proud Boy Ethan
Nordean’s (aka Rufio Panman) defense team on Thursday:

The feds are now claiming some of the leaked messages are “likely
classified” in what appears to be a bid to hide this bombshell
evidence from the jury.

>From Politico, “‘Spill’ of classified info derails Proud Boys trial”:

As part of her testimony, prosecutors shared with defense lawyers
a set of internal FBI messages that [FBI Special Agent Nicole Miller]
had sent and received from colleagues related to the case — a standard
production of evidence in criminal cases. To compile those exchanges,
FBI headquarters sent Miller a spreadsheet of her messages — culled
from a computer network classified at the “secret” level. Miller then
reviewed the messages and filtered them to ensure only relevant,
unclassified exchanges were included.

Miller sent her final list to prosecutors, who then packaged the
messages into an Excel spreadsheet that they provided to defense
lawyers. But unbeknownst to them, the messages Miller initially
filtered out — including some that DOJ officials say are likely
classified — were left in the final document as “hidden” rows in the
Excel spreadsheet. Defense counsel stumbled upon them and began
grilling Miller about them in front of jurors in the case.

But unbeknownst to them, the messages Miller initially filtered
out — including some that DOJ officials say are likely classified —
were left in the final document as “hidden” rows in the Excel
spreadsheet. Defense counsel stumbled upon them and began grilling
Miller about them in front of jurors in the case.

Overnight, Justice Department attorneys told the defense team they
were concerned there had been a “spill” of classified information in
the hidden messages they accessed. And on Thursday, U.S. District
Court Judge Tim Kelly paused the trial — already in its third month —
to determine how to handle the error.

It’s the latest hiccup in a seditious conspiracy trial that has
been marked by excruciating delays and extended legal disputes.
Prosecutors say Proud Boys chair Enrique Tarrio and four leaders of
the group schemed to prevent the transfer of power from Donald Trump
to Joe Biden. The group, according to the Justice Department, split
into teams that helped engineer the breach of police lines and,
ultimately, the building itself, when one of the defendants, Dominic
Pezzola, smashed a Senate-wing window with a stolen riot shield.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Jocelyn Ballantine, who is supervising the
case for the Justice Department, acknowledged the likely “spill” of
classified information Thursday morning. She raised particular
concerns about a message sent to Miller by another agent who works on
covert activity — and who she said did not work on the Proud Boys case
— describing a supervisor’s order to “destroy 338 items of evidence.”

“That could impact a classified equity,” Ballantine said.

Defense lawyers cried foul, though, noting that the government’s
claims of “classified” material arrived just as the defense sounded
the alarm about the content of some of the inadvertently disclosed
messages. While Miller testified Wednesday she had produced about “25
rows” of 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Brazil has their own damn shaman too 藍

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-01-08 Thread grarpamp
'I Also Orchestrated It': Uncharged J6 Witness Ray Epps Transcript ...
Ray Epps, the uncharged man identified as a key instigator behind the
January 6, 2020 Capitol Breach for telling people to storm the
Capitol, said in a text message to his nephew that he "orchestrated"
things, according to newly released witness transcripts from the
January 6th Committee.. On January 6, 2021 Ray Epps texted his nephew

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2023-01-07 Thread grarpamp
Ashli Babbit was Murdered by Govt power, instead of prosecuting,
the corrupt Govt power system let the murderer run free and arrested
her mother for refusing the irrational Govt's bogus "order"...

Mother Of Ashli Babbitt Arrested For "Jaywalking" Near Capitol While Protesting

Capitol police have arrested Micki Witthoeft, the mother of Ashli
Babbitt, for allegedly "jaywalking" while protesting during the
anniversary of her daughter's death.

Ashli Babbitt, the January 6th protester and military veteran who was
famously shot and killed by police while unarmed, was the only
fatality of the event that did not involve natural causes.

Witnesses noted that sidewalks near the Capitol Building were blocked
as protesters sought to move closer, which forced them to shift onto
the side of the street in order to navigate around.

Police immediately ordered Witthoeft and others to cross to the
opposite side of the road away from the building.

When Witthoeft refused, she was arrested.

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-12-20 Thread grarpamp
Corrupt FBI caught pushing its disinfo manipulation via Twitter.

'Walk Away' Founder Brandon Straka Sues MSNBC Hosts For Defamation
Over False Statements

Two MSNBC hosts have been sued for making false statements about a man
who pleaded guilty and was sentenced for taking part in the events of
Jan. 6, 2021.
Brandon Straka, founder of the #WalkAway Campaign, speaks at the CPAC
convention in National Harbor, Md., on Feb. 28, 2020. (Samira
Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

Chris Hayes and Ari Melber, the hosts, committed defamation when they
made the statements on-air, Brandon Straka says in the new complaint.

Straka, a Democrat-turned-Republican, pleaded guilty to disorderly
conduct. In exchange, a slew of other charges were dropped, including
impeding a law enforcement officer during a civil disorder.

Hayes, on his MSNBC show on Dec. 17, 2021, claimed that many people
associated with former President Donald Trump “appear to have been
smart enough not to commit the Federal crime of storming the Capitol
live on television.”

“Brandon Straka is the exception,” Hayes said.

Hayes also quoted Straka as saying during the tumult at the Capitol,
“Take it away from him. Take the shield!” And Hayes also claimed that
Straka had broken into the Capitol.

The statements are false because Straka did not commit the federal
crime of storming the Capitol, did not utter the supposed quotation,
and never entered the Capitol building, the new defamation complaint

The evidence to support the case includes a statement of offense from
an FBI agent, which says clearly states that Straka was on Capitol
grounds but did not enter the Capitol. The plea agreement also says
Straka was on Capitol grounds but does not say he went inside the

“Comparing the Hayes Statements to the truth, it is beyond
peradventure that the Statements are materially false,” Straka’s
complaint states.

The documents do say that Straka uttered “take it, take it,” but not
the full quote attributed to him by Hayes.

Melber, meanwhile, talked about Straka during a segment of “The Beat
with Ari Melber” on Oct. 19.

Melber, during an interview, with Straka’s image on screen, said that
Straka “was convicted in connection with the January 6 insurrection”
and “was found to have been trying to help attack police officers.”

According to the plea agreement, Straka recorded people trying to take
a U.S. Capitol Police officer’s shield but did not participate in the
action. The agreement was for a guilty plea for a single charge,
disorderly conduct on the Capitol grounds.

Melber also claimed: “His name is Brandon Straka. He confessed. He
confessed to being guilty. He was found to [have been] helping attack

“The Melber Statements are materially false because Straka did not
confess and was not found by any Court to have helped attack police
officers or to have attempted an attack on any police officer,” the
new complaint states. “Indeed, the public record, reviewed by MSNBC
and Melber prior to publication, demonstrates beyond cavil that Straka
did not engage in any acts of violence or encourage anyone to commit
violence on January 6, 2021. Rather, he was filming events outside the
east side of the Capitol in a journalistic capacity.”

The false statements caused damages to Straka, his lawyers said,
referencing the recent verdicts against InfoWars founder Alex Jones.

“As was true in the Alex Jones cases MSNBC, Hayes and Melber’s actions
caused Straka to be inundated with threats and subject to intense
harassment and hate messages,” they said. “Invitations to appear on
television and podcasts and to participate in events went cold due to
the toxicity of Defendants’ false Statements. Straka suffered insult,
embarrassment, humiliation, mental anguish, injury to his reputation,
loss of income and career damage.”

Melber’s statements were made during an interview with Matt Schlapp,
the chair of the Conservative Political Action Conference, an annual
event where Straka has spoken a number of times. Melber “intentionally
poisoned the opinion of an important and powerful colleague of
Straka,” the complaint states, adding later that “MSNBC and Melber
deliberately attempted to end Brandon’s career and destroy Brandon’s
relationships with high-profile political figures.”

The statements were also made to millions of followers on Twitter, and
to more people on YouTube, the complaint notes.

Read more here...

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-11-27 Thread grarpamp
Cheney trying to make a name for herself, sanctify Pelosi's
corrupt "committee", continue her daddy's Deep State.

True Colors: J6 Staff Lash Out At Liz Cheney For Allegedly Burying
Parts Of The Investigation

There is a deepening division on the J6 Committee as staffers turn on
Liz Cheney over the final report on the January 6th riot. Angry
rhetoric is flying with staffers accusing the Committee of becoming a
“Cheney 2024 campaign” while both the Cheney spokesperson and
Committee spokesperson lashed out at the staff members as
“disgruntled” and producing shoddy or biased work. The underlying
issue, however, is important and revealing. The Committee’s color
coated teams include a “Blue Team” on the failure to prepare
adequately for the riot. That part of the investigation is reportedly
being dumped or reduced.  Members of the “Green” and “Purple” teams
are also reportedly irate.

Cheney was soundly defeated in her primary in Wyoming and will soon
leave Congress. She is being pushed by some Democrats as a possible
surprise candidate for House Speaker if they could get a few
Republican votes. That seems highly unlikely. The Republicans are
likely to end up with the identical margin held by the Democrats for
the past two years. Alternatively, some Democrats want Cheney to run
for president either to dog Donald Trump in the primary debates or to
run as an independent to siphon off votes in the general election.

That seems to be the suspicion for some staffers in the Washington Post story.

Fifteen former and current staffers, who spoke on the condition of
anonymity to discuss internal deliberations, expressed concerns that
important findings unrelated to Trump will not become available to the
American public…

Several committee staff members were floored earlier this month
when they were told that a draft report would focus almost entirely on
Trump and the work of the committee’s “Gold Team,” excluding reams of
other investigative work.

Potentially left on the cutting room floor, or relegated to an
appendix, were many revelations from the “Blue Team” — the group that
dug into the law enforcement and intelligence community’s failure to
assess the looming threat and prepare for the well-forecast attack on
the Capitol. The proposed report would also cut back on much of the
work of the Green Team, which looked at financing for the Jan. 6
attack, and the Purple Team, which examined militia groups and

“We all came from prestigious jobs, dropping what we were doing
because we were told this would be an important fact-finding
investigation that would inform the public,” said one former committee
staffer. “But when [the committee] became a Cheney 2024 campaign, many
of us became discouraged.”

If true, the report will largely track the virtual exclusive focus of
the hearings with open references to the 2024 election as an
overriding concern.

Some of us have lamented that the J6 Committee could have been so much
more than a one-sided, highly partisan investigation. House Democrats
barred two Republican members originally selected by GOP leaders, who
then boycotted the panel in response.

Even with the GOP boycott, the Committee could have followed the type
of balanced inquiry that pursued allegations tied to the Pearl Harbor
attack or Watergate. It could have insisted on balanced hearings with
witnesses and dissenting views.

Nevertheless, the committee revealed important, often disturbing
details. It was important for Americans to hear from figures like
former attorney general Bill Barr and White House lawyers who
struggled to counter unfounded advice given to Trump by outside
lawyers on challenging 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-08-10 Thread grarpamp
Repression, Terror, Fear: The Government Wants To Silence The Opposition

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the
voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the
path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of
terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives
in fear.”

- President Harry S. Truman

Militarized police. Riot squads. Camouflage gear. Black uniforms.
Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. Batons. Strip
searches. Surveillance cameras. Kevlar vests. Drones. Lethal weapons.
Less-than-lethal weapons unleashed with deadly force. Rubber bullets.
Water cannons. Stun grenades. Arrests of journalists. Crowd control
tactics. Intimidation tactics. Brutality. Lockdowns.

This is not the language of freedom. This is not even the language of
law and order.

This is the language of force.

This is how the government at all levels—federal, state and local—now
responds to those who speak out against government corruption,
misconduct and abuse.

These overreaching, heavy-handed lessons in how to rule by force have
become standard operating procedure for a government that communicates
with its citizenry primarily through the language of brutality,
intimidation and fear.

We didn’t know it then, but what happened five years ago in
Charlottesville, Va., was a foretaste of what was to come.

At the time, Charlottesville was at the center of a growing struggle
over how to reconcile the right to think and speak freely, especially
about controversial ideas, with the push to sanitize the environment
of anything—words and images—that might cause offense. That fear of
offense prompted the Charlottesville City Council to get rid of a
statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee that had graced one of its
public parks for 82 years.

In attempting to err on the side of political correctness by placating
one group while muzzling critics of the city’s actions,
Charlottesville attracted the unwanted attention of the Ku Klux Klan,
neo-Nazis and the alt-Right, all of whom descended on the little
college town with the intention of exercising their First Amendment
right to be disagreeable, to assemble, and to protest.

That’s when everything went haywire.

When put to the test, Charlottesville did not handle things well at all.

On August 12, 2017, government officials took what should have been a
legitimate exercise in constitutional principles (free speech,
assembly and protest) and turned it into a lesson in authoritarianism
by manipulating warring factions and engineering events in such a way
as to foment unrest, lockdown the city, and justify further power

On the day of scheduled protests, police deliberately engineered a
situation in which two opposing camps of protesters would confront
each other, tensions would bubble over, and things would turn just
violent enough to justify allowing the government to shut everything

Despite the fact that 1,000 first responders (including 300 state
police troopers and members of the National Guard)—many of whom had
been preparing for the downtown rally for months—had been called on to
work the event, and police in riot gear surrounded Emancipation Park
on three sides, police failed to do their jobs.

In fact, as the Washington Post reports, police “seemed to watch as
groups beat each other with sticks and bludgeoned one another with
shields… At one point, police appeared to retreat and then watch the
beatings before eventually 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-08-10 Thread grarpamp
The J6 Hearings Had Virtually No Impact On Changing Public Views, New
Poll Finds

For months, we have been discussing the heavy-handed, one-sided
approach of the J6 Committee in the presentation of evidence and

Both sides blame each other for the absence of a single
Republican-selected member. Yet, the Committee treated the lack of
balance as a license to present a rigid and scripted account of events
and actions, including editing out countervailing views or evidence.
For those of us who welcomed the greater transparency on the events of
that terrible day, it was a lost opportunity to have a truly historic
investigation akin to Watergate or the Kennedy assassination.

The result is now evident and unsurprising.

A Monmouth University poll shows that almost 90 percent of respondents
report that the hearings have made no change in how they view the J6

Moreover, despite the overwhelming cooperation and support of the
media with the Committee, the vast majority believe that the J6
Committee was a political rather than investigative exercise, focused
on opposing Trump rather than disclosing the facts of January 6th.

Respondents were asked “Have the recent House January 6 Committee
hearings changed your mind about what happened at the Capitol that day
or who is responsible, or have the hearings not changed your mind?”
Only eight percent answered in the affirmative while 89 percent said
it made no change at all in their views.

What was really striking was the response to a prompt stating “Some
say that the Jan. 6 committee’s main aim is to ensure President Trump
can’t run in 2024.” Sixty percent agreed with that statement,
including 62 percent of Democrats and 70 percent of Republicans. That
view was reinforced by the baffling decision of Chairman Thompson,
Vice Chair Cheney and other members to repeatedly end hearings with
calls to oppose Trump in the coming election. It was hardly subtle.

The lack of impact of the hearings is, in my opinion, due to two
threshold decisions of the Democrats.

First, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others decided that the Committee
would focus on reinforcing “a narrative” rather than follow prior
investigatory commissions with an open and balanced inquiry.

After bringing in a television producer, the hearings showed members
reading off teleprompters and witnesses confined in limited roles of
reaffirming what members were declaring about the riot. There was no
effort to present alternative interpretations or viewpoints. It played
into criticism of a “show trial” environment–an image that was
magnified by Cheney declaring in the last hearing that Trump family
and associates had come forward to “confess” and encouraging others to
do the same.

Many of us supported the effort to bring greater transparency to what
occurred on Jan. 6th and these hearings have offered a great deal of
important new information. Indeed, it has proven gut-wrenching in the
accounts of lawyers and staff trying to combat baseless theories and
to protect the constitutional process.

Yet, the heavy-handed approach to framing the evidence has been both
unnecessary and at times counterproductive. The strength of some of
this evidence would not have been diminished by a more balanced
committee or investigation. The unquestioning media coverage likely
added to the feeling of many that these hearings lacked objective
analysis and full accounts of what occurred, including the exclusion
of any discussion of why the Capitol was left poorly protected on that
day despite prior warnings of potential violence.

Second, the Committee over promised the public. At the start of the
hearings, committee members promised they had the long-sought
smoking-gun evidence — new material that would close the circle on
Trump. Committee member Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) indicated he
thought there was now “credible evidence” to 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-08-10 Thread grarpamp
"Coup" Means Whatever The Regime Wants It To Mean

In the immediate aftermath of the January 6 riot at the US Capitol,
many pundits and politicians were eager to describe the events of that
day as a coup d'etat in which the nation was "this close" to having
some sort of junta void the 2020 election and take power in

The headlines at the time were unambiguous in their assertions that
the riot was a coup or attempted coup. For example, the riot was “A
Very American Coup” according to a headline at the New Republic. “This
Is a Coup” insists a writer at Foreign Policy. The Atlantic presented
photos purported to be “Scenes from an American Coup.”

This general tactic has not changed since then. Just this month, for
example, Vanity Fair referred to the January 6 riots as "Trump's
attempted coup" Last month, Vox called it "Trump's cuckoo coup."
Moreover, anti-Trump politicians have repeatedly referred to the riot
as a coup, and "attempted coup" has become the standard term of choice
for the January 6 panel.

At the time, it was obvious that if the riot was a coup at all, it
failed utterly. Thus, the debate is now over whether or not it was an
attempted coup. On January 8, 2021, I argued the riot was not an
attempted coup. Now, 18 months later, after months of "investigation"
and testimony to the January 6 committee, we've learned new details
about the events that occurred that day. And now I can say with even
more confidence: the January 6 riot was not an attempted coup.

It was not an attempted coup because it simply wasn't the sort of
event that historians and political scientists—the people who actually
study coups—generally define as a coup. Even the Justice Department
admits that virtually all of the rioters were, at most, guilty only of
crimes such as trespassing and disorderly conduct. Among the tiny
minority of those charged with actual conspiracy—11 people— they
lacked any sort of institutional backing or support that is necessary
for a coup attempt to take place.

Nor is this just some meaningless debate over semantics. Words matters
and definitions matter. This should be abundantly clear to anyone in
our current age of debates over what terms like "recession" or
"vaccine" or "woman" mean. In fact, the use of term "coup" has been
thoroughly weaponized in that outside academic circles it is employed
largely as a pejorative to discredit political acts designed to
register discontent with a ruling regime or to oppose a ruling
coalition. For many, the term coup is now used increasingly to
describe political acts one doesn't like. But if the term "coup"
ultimately means "political thing those bad guys did" then it ceases
to have any precise meaning at all. But, the use of the term in this
way does explain why so many pundits and politicians routinely use the
term to label their opponents coup plotters. It's basically name
calling, and really only tells us about the user's political leanings.
What Is a Coup?

In their article for the Journal of Peace Research, “Global Instances
of Coups from 1950 to 2010: A New Dataset,” authors Jonathan M. Powell
and Clayton L. Thyne provide a definition:

A coup attempt includes illegal and overt attempts by the military
or other elites within the state apparatus to unseat the sitting

Although the terms "military" and "coup" are routinely employed
together, Powell and Thyne emphasize military involvement at early
stages is not necessary:

[Other definitions] more broadly allow non-military elites,
civilian groups, and even mercenaries to be included as coup
perpetrators. This broad definition includes four sources, including
[a definition stating that coup] perpetrators need only be ‘organized
factions’. We take a middle ground. Coups may be undertaken by any
elite who is part of the state apparatus. These can include
non-civilian members of the military and security services, or
civilian members of government.

Moreover, it is not necessary that violence actually be used. The
presence of a threat issued by some organized group of elites is

This definition is helpful because there are many types of political
actions that are not coups, even if the intended outcome is a change
in the ruling regime. The definition offered by Powell and Thyne is
useful because it avoids "conflating coups with other forms of
anti-regime activity, which is the primary problem with broader

For example, popular uprisings that force ruling executives from power
are not generally coups. Intervention by a foreign regime is not a
coup. Civil wars initiated by non-elites or other outsiders are not
Why the Jan 6 Riot Was Not a 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-08-10 Thread grarpamp
Two-Dozen GOP Lawmakers May Force Capitol Police To Release Unseen J6 Footage

As the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the
United States Capitol continues its effort to prove allegations of
insurrection against former President Donald Trump and his supporters,
Capitol Police and House Democrats continue to block all efforts to
force the release of all surveillance video footage and emails, which
could possibly exonerate those being accused of wrongdoing. Now, Rep.
Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) is citing a United States Code that could
legally force the release of that evidence.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) on Capitol Hill in Washington on June 25,
2019. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

In a July, 29, 2022 letter to Capitol Police Board Chair William J.
Walker, obtained by The Epoch Times, Gohmert—backed by the signatures
of 23 additional GOP lawmakers—demanded the release of footage
captured on Capitol Hill security cameras on Jan. 6, 2021, currently
being withheld under “sovereign immunity.”
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) questions Attorney General William Barr
who appears before the House Oversight Committee on Capitol Hill in
Washington on July 28, 2020. (Matt McClain-Pool/Getty Images)

“As you must be aware,” Gohmert wrote, “2 U.S.C. § 1979 states that
‘any Member … of either House of Congress’ can ‘obtain information
from the Capitol Police regarding the operations and activities of the
Capitol Police that affect the Senate and House of Representatives.’
Subsection (c) makes clear that nothing in that law may be construed
to prevent us, as Members of the House of Representatives from our
ability to obtain those videos.”

Gohmert concluded that “Releasing this information is absolutely
essential to proper governance and truth to protect and perpetuate
this self, governing nation.”
‘It’s About Revenge’

As The Epoch Times reported July 5, attorneys of Jan. 6 prisoners and
defendants have provided evidence in several cases that indicate the
government is manufacturing evidence to arrest and incarcerate people
who attended the protest at the Capitol. In the meantime, Gohmert
insists the government is also hiding evidence that could be used in
the defense of these people.

“That’s exactly what they’re doing,” Gohmert reiterated, noting how he
himself has been a victim of the Jan. 6 Committee’s “Soviet-style

Reports disclose how Cassidy Hutchinson, former aide to the
then-Whitehouse Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, told the Committee during
her June deposition that Gohmert asked then-President Donald Trump for
a pardon.

Gohmert demanded a release of the full, unedited video and transcript
of Hutchinson’s deposition, saying the way the video was presented
erased the fact that he was actually seeking pardons for “very
deserving military members, former military, and one civilian

“I’ve been personally affected by the lies created by using tape,”
Gohmert told The Epoch Times. “They had Cassidy Hutchinson saying I
requested a pardon without getting the full context. I have never
asked for a pardon for myself. I’ve never done anything that needed a
pardon. But I was requesting pardons for a number of people that have
been screwed over by the justice system.”

While a spokesperson for the Capitol Police declined to comment on the
letter to The Washington Times, they did push back on allegations that
Jan. 6 prisoners and defendants were not provided full access to video
that has been provided to the U.S. Attorney’s Office (USAO).

“Every January 6th defendant has access to the same footage, which is
everything the USAO is releasing,” the spokesperson told The
Washington Times. “They do not just get what is relevant to them.”
The Road to 2 U.S.C. § 1979

In a May 19, 2022 letter (pdf) to Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.),
Select Committee Chairman Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) wrote that
the Board was seeking the Congressman’s “voluntary cooperation” in
advancing their investigation.

“Based on our review of evidence 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-07-30 Thread grarpamp
Documentary: The Real Story of January 6

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-07-30 Thread grarpamp
Anything to persecute Freedom, including imprisoning
innocent political opponents...

Video Used to Charge Jan. 6 Defendant Exonerates Him on Charge of
Assaulting Police, Attorney Says

   After nearly a year in jail, court motion seeks his release

   Maybe it was the death threat delivered by a fellow law-enforcement
   officer while he stood shackled in belly chains.

   Perhaps it was being described as a “terrorist” by a federal judge who
   will preside over his trial.

   It could have been being released on bail by a U.S. magistrate judge in
   Tennessee, only to be ordered held until trial by a U.S. district judge in
   Washington D.C.

   Former sheriff's deputy Ronald Colton McAbee, 28, of Tennessee, has faced
   a difficult road since being indicted for alleged criminal actions at the
   U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

   Arguably the most trying situation for McAbee was being denied bail for
   nearly a year based on video evidence that his attorney now says
   exonerates him.

   “What makes the government’s case weak is the fact that the videos
   actually exonerate Mr. McAbee of the very allegations made against him,
   and Mr. McAbee is motivated to appear for trial, take the stand and
   narrate those videos for [the] jury,” wrote attorney William Shipley in
   a May 2022 motion to have his client released from jail.

   McAbee, a former sheriff’s deputy in Tennessee and Georgia with more
   than seven years of law-enforcement experience as a deputy and
   correctional officer, was charged by federal prosecutors with seven
   alleged crimes.

   Charges included assaulting, resisting, or impeding a federal officer, two
   counts of civil disorder, entering and remaining in a restricted building
   or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon, disorderly and disruptive
   conduct in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous
   weapon, engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds
   with a deadly or dangerous weapon, and committing an act of physical
   violence in the Capitol grounds or buildings.

   McAbee was outside the Lower West Terrace tunnel during some of the worst
   violence on January 6. Several times he tried to render lifesaving aid to
   a dying Rosanne Boyland, 34, of Kennesaw, Georgia. His interactions with
   Metropolitan Police Department officers resulted in most of the charges
   and served as justification for a D.C. judge to jail him until trial.

   Epoch Times PhotoEpoch Times Photo Ronald McAbee renders aid to a
   pulseless Rosanne Boyland outside the Lower West Terrace tunnel at the
   U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. "He just was in life-saving mode," Sarah
   McAbee said of her husband. (Graphic by The Epoch Times)

   McAbee was arrested on Aug. 17, 2021, in Tennessee. At a detention hearing
   on Aug. 26, prosecutors argued that McAbee assaulted Metropolitan Police
   Department Officer Andrew Wyatt. They said after Wyatt fell at the tunnel
   entrance, McAbee—who had a broken shoulder from a car accident nine days
   earlier—pulled him down the concrete stairs into a hostile crowd.

   The prosecutor played a video for the court, but there was no sound,
   according to Sarah McAbee, Ronald McAbee’s wife. The lack of audio would
   later prove to be a crucial element of the story.

   After the detention hearing was continued on Sept. 8, 2021, Magistrate
   Judge Jeffery Frensley ruled against the U.S. Department of Justice and
   ordered McAbee released pending trial.

No Danger to Community

   “I do not believe that Mr. McAbee poses a future danger to the community
   if he were to be released between now and the time that he resolves this
   case,” Judge 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-07-29 Thread grarpamp  Patriot Purge - Full Docu 1:09:59

Capitol Police Use of Force Reports Expose Brutality of Unprovoked
   Attacks Against Jan. 6 Protesters

   Conflicting timeline reports and identical language used by numerous
   officers in separate reports raise questions

   A 104-page report issued three months after the events at the Capitol
   Building on Jan. 6, 2021, said the Capitol Police’s Civil Disturbance
   Unit (CDU) was ordered by supervisors not to use “heavier, less-lethal
   weapons,” like flash bangs. However, video evidence—along with Capitol
   Police Use of Force Reports obtained exclusively by The Epoch
   Times—exposes conflicts in timelines, the brutality of the unprovoked
   attacks against Jan. 6 protesters, and how leadership ordered the
   deployment of munitions on a peaceful crowd.

The Video Evidence

  Victoria White

   According to Police1, the "#1 resource for law enforcement online," which
   promotes "the highest standards of business ethics," police are trained to
   target large muscle groups like legs, chest, abdomen, and arms with
   batons. Intentionally striking areas like the head, sternum, and spine are
   considered to be the same act of deadly force as firing a gun.

   However, a video shows Jan. 6 defendant Victoria White being beaten over
   the head 35 times with a metal baton and punched in the face by an officer
   of the Metropolitan Police of the District of Columbia. White, seen
   wearing a Trump hat, is unarmed and posed no threat to the officer. She
   raises her hands in defense during the brutal attack, collapsing more than
   once, only to be stood up by other officers to be maced and beaten again.

   According to a Use of Force report filed 1/7/21 by Officer Dante Price,
   obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times, "approved strike areas" for use
   of a baton "include arms, legs and large muscle groups." Injuries suffered
   by Dante's victim required hospital transport. Another report of an injury
   caused by use of a baton, filed 1/8/21 by Officer Ryan Kendall, states
   "approved target areas" include the "upper abdomen."

   “To add insult to injury," her legal team said at a Jan. 6, 2022 press
   conference, "she was indicted for being pushed into the tunnel entrance
   and for daring to put her hands up in a defensive posture while getting
   beaten by the police.”

   White has filed a $1 million lawsuit against D.C. Police Chief Robert
   Contree and seven unnamed officers, including one known as “Officer
   Whiteshirt,” given the moniker as it is believed his clothing identified
   him as an officer in a position of authority.

  Roseanne Boyland

   Another video obtained by The Epoch Times shows D.C. Metro Police Officer
   Lila Morris beating an unconscious 34-year-old Roseanne Boyland of
   Kennesaw, Georgia with a steel baton and then with a large wooden walking
   stick. According to witnesses, Boyland lost consciousness and stopped
   breathing after being crushed beneath the weight of other fallen
   protesters. Being unconscious, Boyland was no threat to the officer.

   Video still from bodycam footage showing Officer Lila Morris picking up a
   wooden stick that she uses to beat Rosanne Boyland.Video still from
   bodycam footage showing Officer Lila Morris picking up a wooden stick that
   she uses to beat Rosanne Boyland. Video still from bodycam footage showing
   Officer Lila Morris picking up a wooden stick that she uses to beat
   Rosanne Boyland. (Metropolitan Police Department/Graphic by The Epoch

   A DC medical examiner claims Boyland died of an accidental overdose of
   Adderall, a suspicious ruling that sparked outrage from Boyland’s
   friends and family. Her father, Bret Boyland, said his daughter had been
   taking Adderall for about 10 years to treat an attention deficit
   hyperactivity disorder.

   Epoch Times PhotoEpoch Times Photo Luke Coffee plans to fight the Jan. 6
   charges brought against him by federal prosecutors. (Dixie Dixon/For The
   Epoch Times)

   The Epoch Times reported on Feb. 10, an investigation by the
   department’s Internal Affairs Bureau cleared Morris of any wrongdoing
   and deemed her beating of the unconscious Boyland as “objectively

   A separate report describes how Morris first used the wooden stick while
   beating Boyland to strike 41-year-old filmmaker Luke Coffee on the left
   elbow. A second swing missed before she sprayed him in the face with
   pepper gel. "Morris then inexplicably turned her fury on the motionless
   Boyland, striking her in the ribs once and twice in the head," the report

  Ashli Babbitt

   Ashli Babbitt, a 35-year-old unarmed Air Force veteran and ardent
   supporter of former President Donald Trump was shot and killed by U.S.
   Capitol Police 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-07-18 Thread grarpamp
It is well known the j6c members are heavily biased
toward and controlled by Pelosi, because she picked them,
and it's not bipartisan, because there's only two
republicans on it, and they are only rino than representative
of the party, let alone any from "right wing", but Dems are.
Just more Democrat lies in a string of tactics to FUD their
opponents since they can't win on Dem-Soc-Prog-Com-Lib policy.
The Democrats Hillary Obama Biden Pelosi and more have been
nothing but lying fraudsters.

Stefanik Criticizes Jan. 6 Committee For Keeping Pelosi 'Off-Limits' From Probe

House GOP Conference Chairwoman Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) has
called out Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), chair of the Jan. 6
Committee, questioning why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has
remained “off-limits” from the committee’s scrutiny over the events
that led up to violence on Jan. 6, 2021.

“You have only one office that’s off-limits to investigation and
that office is Nancy Pelosi’s office,” Stefanik told Fox News’ “Life,
Liberty and Levin” on July 16.

“Bennie Thompson said at the start of this witch hunt that
everything is fair game,” she added, “except for the speaker of the
House’s office.”

U.S. House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) attends
a press conference at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on June 8, 2022.
(Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

In October 2021, Thompson told CNN that “nobody is off-limits” from
the committee’s investigation, including former President Donald

“[W]e know that the speaker’s office was made aware of potential
threats, potential violence that day. They failed to do their job to
ensure the Capitol Police had the support they needed to secure the
Capitol,” Stefanik said.

“And they have not turned over the communication with the sergeant
at arms office.”

Chairman and Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) arrives for a hearing on
“the January 6th Investigation” on Capitol Hill in Washington on July
12, 2022. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)

Pelosi is facing questions about claims that she rejected a preemptive
National Guard presence ahead of the breach of the U.S. Capitol on
Jan. 6, 2021. According to former U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven
Sund, he requested that the National Guard be brought in to ensure the
Jan. 6 rally went smoothly. However, Sund claims that Sergeant-at-Arms
Paul Irving, overseen by Pelosi, rejected the request, citing concerns
over the “optics” of deploying Guard personnel in the city.

Sund’s requests were eventually denied or postponed six times,
according to his interview with The Washington Post.

“The American people deserve to have that information,” Stefanik said.

She added the Jan. 6 committee is “a waste of taxpayer dollars.”

“It’s not dealing with the crises that are actually impacting and
hurting the American people resulting from Joe Biden and Nancy
Pelosi’s failed policies,” she said.

The Jan. 6 committee consists of seven Democrats and two Republicans,
all of them having voted to impeach Trump. Last year, GOP House Leader
Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) withdrew all of his picks for the committee
after Pelosi rejected two of his selections, Reps. Jim Banks (R-Ind.)
and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). Pelosi then picked Reps. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.)
and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) to sit on the Democrat-dominated panel.

In June, Trump told Punchbowl News that it’s “not even a question”
that McCarthy should have put GOP lawmakers on the panel.

“Well, I think in retrospect, I think it would have been very smart to
put [Republicans on the committee] and again, I wasn’t involved in it
from a standpoint so I never looked at it too closely. But I think it
would have been good if we had representation,” Trump said.
Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a “Save America” in
Anchorage, Alaska, on July 9, 2022. (Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty

Trump added that it “would’ve been great” if Banks and Jordan were on the panel.

“But when Pelosi 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-07-17 Thread grarpamp
1984 Democrats Military Takeover Force, Spies, Corrupt Regime
Agencies, Compliant Military

What Is Adam Schiff Hiding?

Schiff tucked an amendment into the National Defense Authorization Act
that would prohibit any evidence collected in violation of the Posse
Comitatus Act from being used in investigations. Why?

Jeffrey Rosen had a secret on January 6, 2021.

The then-acting attorney general—Rosen was appointed on December 24,
2020 to replace departing Attorney General William Barr—had assembled
a team of elite and highly skilled government agents at Quantico, a
nexus point between the FBI and U.S. military, the weekend before
Congress met to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election.
At the same time he was rejecting President Donald Trump’s last-minute
appeals to investigate election fraud, Rosen was managing a hush-hush
operation in advance of planned rallies and protests in Washington on
January 6.

“Rosen made a unilateral decision to take the preparatory steps to
deploy Justice Department and so-called ‘national’ forces,” Newsweek
reporter William M. Arkin disclosed in a bombshell report earlier this
year. “There was no formal request from the U.S. Capitol Police, the
Secret Service, or the Metropolitan Police Department—in fact, no
external request from any agency. The leadership in Justice and the
FBI anticipated the worst and decided to act independently, the
special operations forces lurking behind the scenes.”

Those assets, according to Arkin, included “commandos” with
shoot-to-kill authority. And among them were members of the military.

“The presence of these extraordinary forces under the control of
the Attorney General—and mostly operating under contingency plans that
Congress and the U.S. Capitol Police were not privy to—added an
additional layer of highly armed responders,” Arkin writes. “The role
that the military played in this highly classified operation is still
unknown, though FBI sources tell Newsweek that military operators
seconded to the FBI, and those on alert as part of the National
Mission Force, were present in the metropolitan area.”

Little else is known about Rosen’s secret mission. His testimony to
the House Oversight Committee in May 2021 was just as obscure. Rosen,
who publicly bragged to the January 6 select committee about his
attempts to deter Team Trump from pursuing vote fraud days before the
Capitol protest, said the FBI opened a multi-agency operation center,
which included the Department of Defense, at FBI headquarters on
January 5. “Each of these federal agencies supplied personnel to staff
the [center] 24/7 beginning on January 5 and 6, and continuing for a
period thereafter,” he said.

To avoid “interfering” in ongoing investigations, Rosen then declined
to answer any questions from lawmakers at the time.

But if the military engaged in any civilian law enforcement activity,
including surveillance or intelligence collection, before or during
January 6, it would represent an egregious violation of the military’s
code of conduct and federal law. Under the Posse Comitatus Act,
military personnel cannot be used as local cops or investigators:
“Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized
by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the
Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, or the Space Force as
a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined
under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”
(Certain exclusions, such as the president’s invocation of the
Insurrection Act and any use of the National Guard, apply.)

The law is both vague and specific at the same time—which brings us to
Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.). Irrefutably the least
trustworthy member of Congress, Schiff tucked an amendment into the
massive National Defense Authorization Act that would prohibit any
evidence collected in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act from being
used in a number of proceedings, including criminal trials and
congressional investigations.

The amendment’s timing, like everything else related to the infamous
Russian collusion 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-07-14 Thread grarpamp

Sexy Big Booty Hot Tamale Crazy AOC admits Jan6 was
a inside job / false flag, doors held wide open.

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-07-11 Thread grarpamp
> their Jan6 "committee" is a total partisan sham.

Former Federal `Informant' Warned of Antifa, BLM Infiltrators at Capitol on Jan6

   Law enforcement aware large crowds would be travelling to Capitol from the
   Ellipse, documents show

   The man whose posting on social media warned authorities that agent
   provocateurs from Antifa and Black Lives Matter would be at the U.S.
   Capitol dressed as Trump supporters on Jan. 6, 2021, is a self-described
   government informant tied to former deputy attorney general Rod

   Rosenstein warned about a “soft coup” against then-President Donald
   Trump in fall 2020.

   On Jan. 4, 2021, an account under the name @JohnHereToHelp posted on
   Twitter that Antifa and BLM agitators were being bussed from Baltimore to
   Washington to cause trouble at the Capitol on the day of Trump’s speech
   at the Ellipse.

   Epoch Times PhotoEpoch Times Photo Jon McGreevey is running for U.S.
   Senate in Maryland. (Ballotpedia)

   “Pantifa/BLM, Balt./DC branches, are already bussing people in to
   disturb Jan. 6,” the post read. “Orders [were] given to dress like
   ‘MAGA,’ blend in [and] cause trouble, especially around cameras. At
   night, arson has been ordered. All to be blamed on Trump supporters
   attending. Please be careful.”

   The post caught the attention of an assistant commander in the
   Intelligence and Counterterrorism Branch of the United States Park Police,
   who forwarded it to officials at the U.S. Capitol Police, the D.C.
   Metropolitan Police Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and
   other agencies.

   The now-suspended Twitter account belonged to Ryan Dark White, also known
   as Jon McGreevey.

   McGreevey has described himself in court papers and interviews as a former
   Department of Justice informant who supplied information on corruption in
   the federal government, law enforcement, and the Trump administration.

   He once used the name Ryan White as a cover but now identifies as
   McGreevey. He is running for federal office in Maryland.

   JohnHereToHelp’s original post was shared more than 6,000 times before
   it hit the radar of the Park Police.

   At the time, McGreevey had more than 120,000 followers on Twitter,
   according to an archived version of his page stored at the Wayback

   Twitter later suspended his account.

   “There are multiple replies to this comment that says BLM/Antifa will
   wear MAGA hats backwards, wear camo, and attempt to blend in with MAGA
   crowd,” the Park Police official wrote to his colleagues on January 5,

   The Wayback Machine archive of White’s post shows nearly 600 replies,
   but the replies are not visible from links on the website.

Infiltrator Warning

   The emails, part of a trove of documents obtained in 2021 through a
   Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by Judicial Watch, show that federal
   law enforcement knew that infiltrators could be among the crowds at the

   They also back up anecdotal reports of BLM and Antifa activists from
   Oregon, Maryland, and other states causing disruption and committing
   vandalism on Jan. 6.

   Trump supporters tangled with alleged Antifa provocateurs in several spots
   on Jan. 6, including the Lower West Terrace of the Capitol.

   Victoria White of Rochester, Minnesota, scuffled with a man attempting to
   break an arched window adjacent to the Capitol’s tunnel entrance.

   As the tightly-packed crowd chanted “[expletive] Antifa,” White
   wrestled for control of the red wooden club wielded by the man, who wore a
   green helmet with Trump stickers.

   “I'm like, ‘We don't do that. We don't do that. Trump supporters, we
   don't do that,’” White told The Epoch Times in an interview for an
   upcoming documentary, “The Real Story of January 6,” on Epoch TV.

   “And then there's other people [who said] ‘No, we're all on the same
   team.’ I'm like, ‘No. No, we're not.’

   Epoch Times PhotoEpoch Times Photo Victoria White lunged to grab a club
   from a protester as the crowd shouted "[expletive] Antifa!" at the U.S.
   Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. (Screenshot via The Epoch Times)“Who brings
   something like that to a Trump rally, let alone to break out the Capitol
   windows?” White said. “That's not us. That's not what patriot
   Americans do. We don't do that stuff.”

   After another man got control of the club and began smashing the window,
   White helped pull him down before she was pulled away by other bystanders.

   Members of the crowd vented anger at the vandals. “We are not Antifa!”
   one protester shouted. A man with a green stocking cap pulled over his
   MAGA hat pulled what appeared to be a stereo speaker from a backpack,
   spurring more howls of protest from the crowd.

   At the same window, the crowd shouted at a man dressed all in 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-07-11 Thread grarpamp
Like the two "Impeachment" proceedings the Democrats launched
against Trump, their Jan6 "committee" is a total partisan sham.

Rep. Gohmert: "Violations Of American Rights" Of Jan. 6 Prisoners "Mind Blowing"

Authored by Patricia Tolson

Jan. 6 prisoner's fiancé recalls: 'We were covered head to toe
from all directions with red laser dots from their assault

At a June 15 [140]press conference in Washington, three GOP
representatives joined forces with the Patriot Freedom Project
and family members of Jan. 6 prisoners to call out the injustice
and denial of [141]due process rights for those incarcerated.
According to Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), the "violations of
American rights" is "mind-blowing."

"We are extremely concerned to see a Department of Justice, not
about justice," Gohmert said at the press conference. "It's
about vengeance. It's about intimidation and the tactics that
we've been seeing from this DOJ and the disregard for rights
coming out of investigations showing the FBI lied, intel lied.
The DOJ lies. It ought to concern every single American."

"As a former felony judge and chief justice, it’s particularly
mind-blowing for me during a time when we should have the most
fair courts in our history. We have more violations of
American’s rights than even under the Hoover FBI," Gohmert
told The Epoch Times in a June 22 interview. "It’s just
incredible. People that have been nominated and confirmed by the
Senate as federal judges, granting warrants that don’t specify
with any particularity—as the Constitution requires—what
they’re for. What’s worse, when they find out they were lied
to under oath by DOJ. But they’re not really bothered. They
don’t do anything about it. For heaven’s sake. Have respect
for your position if you have no respect for yourself."

Also in attendance were Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and
Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.).

According to Cynthia Hughes, founder of the Patriot Freedom
Project, the press conference was "a great day."

"We finally got some support from people in congress, which we
needed," Hughes told The Epoch Times. "We are feeling powerful
and strong."

Hughes also said she was glad to finally have the opportunity to
"personally call out [Rep.] Liz Cheney and know that she could
possibly hear about that."

"Things are finally moving," Hughes said. "I think we moved the
needle. I just looked at representatives and the incredible
women around me and I think we felt more hope than we ever have
in almost 18 months now. It was a good thing."

Family Members Speak

Following the press conference, The Epoch Times was able to
speak with each of the family members to learn the stories of
their loved ones they say the rest of the media refuses to tell.
They want the American people to learn about the citizens their
government has locked away in prison.

[146]Thomas Caldwell

Sharon Caldwell of Berry Hill, Virginia, said she is grateful
for Cynthia Hughes and the Patriot Freedom Project for the
opportunity to have a press conference where she and the wives,
mothers, and family members of Jan. 6 prisoners could speak
about what they are going through.

"Some of us have done interviews on the news but we never really
had the support of Congress people," Caldwell told The Epoch
Times. "I felt like we had that [at the press conference] with
three GOP representatives. It was awesome."

Sharon's husband, [149]Thomas Caldwell, has been charged
with "Seditious Conspiracy Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official
Proceeding Obstruction of an Official Proceeding and Aiding and
Abetting Conspiracy to Prevent an Officer From Discharging Any
Duties Tampering with Documents or Proceedings and Aiding and
Abetting" ([150]pdf).

According to the [151]Save Our Farm website, "the DOJ has
falsely claimed that [Thomas] commanded a group called the `Oath
Keepers' to overthrow the U.S. government.  The allegations are
ridiculous and outrageous."

According to Save Our Farm, the government has already been
forced to admit several mistakes in its investigation:

* Tom was NEVER “Commander” of a group called the “Oath
Keepers”, nor was he ever a “Leader” or a “member”
of this group.
* Tom did NOT enter the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.
* Tom did NOT commit any acts of violence, damage any
property, or threaten anyone, including law enforcement.
* Tom did NOT participate in a plan to enter the U.S. Capitol
on January 6, 2021.

But since his incarceration, he has been "subjected to solitary
confinement, physical and mental abuse, and denial of medical
care, including life-sustaining prescription medications."

The cost of his defense is about to cost the family the historic
family farm he has lived on since he was a child. They have a
[154]donation website for those who want to help.

"I think that's something the American people need to hear
because I think they're not hearing it," Sharon said. "Our loved
ones are not being viewed as human beings. I think I can safely
say this for most of us, 

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-06-30 Thread grarpamp

There's video of cops waving people past the barricades so the cops
certainly could have opened the doors as well.

Undercover feds were among protesters, the national guard wasn't
brought in, etc. They allowed the riot to breach the building as a
means of creating the politically useful "coup" narrative.

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-06-27 Thread grarpamp
You can clearly see Alex Jones and Ali Alexander directing people away
from the Capitol I know this is not the narrative But it is the truth
Alex Jones and Ali Alexander on video urging people away from the Capitol.
Ray Epps on video urging people to go into the Capitol.
Interesting who J6 Committee focuses on and who they protect!

Former Trump attorney launches lawsuit after cell phone 'unlawfully'
seized by FBI in Jan 6 probe

In a video of the incident, Eastman can be heard repeatedly asking the
FBI agents to see a warrant as they search him and take his cell

Eastman filed a lawsuit today to challenge the seizure of his phone

Docket for Eastman v. United States, 1:22-mc-00023 — Brought to you by
the RECAP Initiative and Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to
creating high quality open legal information.

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-06-27 Thread grarpamp
Michael Stenger, Senate Sergeant at Arms on January 6th, was found dead today...

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-06-11 Thread grarpamp
Jan. 6 Committee: An Exercise In Brainwashing The American People

The title of this submission is actually a search request put to Google.

It seems to this writer that the hearings of the Jan. 6 House Select
Committee are a desperate attempt by the deep state, including
Democrat officials and their media allies, to brainwash the American
people into delegitimizing the Republican Party.  The search request
was intended to bring up like-minded commentaries.   Here are the
first few search results to this query:

Not one of these results mentions "brainwashing."

But note how the results reflect that deep state party line on the
Jan. 6 hearings.

What hath the Google algorithm wrought -- on the matter of
brainwashing the American people into regarding the GOP with fear and
loathing?  To put to Google a search request facially critical of the
Pelosi Inquisition Panel is to bring forth results that view favorably
the effort of this exercise in political brainwashing, with one result
bringing up a smiling image of Rep. Jamie Raskin, a leading
perpetrator of this attempt at mind-numbing a hitherto free people.

In view of the most curious Google result for a search request on
"brainwashing" by the "Jan. 6" House Select Committee, Google should
show cause why the public should not conclude that it is the target
of the deep state's program of using the Democrat party to deceive the
American people into accepting the "ambitious sacrifice of the many to
the aggrandizement of the few" (citing the words of James Madison in
the opening line to Federalist Paper No. 57.)

David Brooks, in his New York Times column of June 9 provided another
example of deceit by a member in good standing of the deep state.

The column was called "The Jan. 6 Committee Has Already Blown it,"
The fourth paragraph sought to dismiss political use of Jan. 6 as
being "small-minded and likely to be ineffective."  But reading on,
one finds this Brooks view of the GOP -- "a predatory semi-democratic
faction."   His column closes with a call to focus "on the broad
social conditions that threaten to bring American democracy to its

Republicans should not doubt that David Brooks hopes, with all the
hate-spewing fanaticism he can muster that the "Jan. 6" propaganda
campaign will destroy the "predatory" Republican Party.  When he
suggests that the current persecutorial hearings will fail to crush
the GOP, more likely he speaks as one who is convinced that if he
seems to predict defeat, he will be rewarded with achieving his
(invidious) aims.

James Madison indicated in Federalist No. 57 that he was confident
that the American spirit of liberty would stymie the self-indulgent
class that sought the "ambitious sacrifice of the many to the
aggrandizement of the few."

The lesson of the brainwashing exercise that "Jan. 6" has come to
represent instructs that the struggle between the ambitious few and
those proposing, instead, the common good, is ongoing.

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-06-10 Thread grarpamp
The "January 6th Committee" is nothing but a partisan fraud,
a storybook launched staffed and written by Pelosi picks, yet
another attempt at trying to create any false narratives they can,
desperate to stave off impending Democrat doom in 2022 elections,
biased Media Cabal dutifully gobbling up all PrimetimeTV hours
to hide continuing failures of the Biden Presidency.

Jan. 6 Committee Being Used To "Abolish Electoral College", "Cover Up"
For Pelosi: House Republicans

House Republicans on Wednesday spoke out against the Jan. 6 Committee,
accusing the entire effort of being a “partisan witch hunt” used by
Democrats to abolish the Electoral College as well as to help cover up
what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) does not want the public to
know about matters surrounding the events of Jan. 6, 2021.

“This committee is not about seeking the truth. It is a smear campaign
against President Donald Trump, against Republican members of
Congress, and against Trump voters across this country,” Rep. Elise
Stefanik (R-N.Y.), the House Republican Conference chair, said at a
press conference—the first of several events pushing back against the
Jan. 6 Committee’s public hearings that are set to begin Thursday.

“It does not serve any true legislative or oversight purpose. And it
is not about finding out why Nancy Pelosi left the Capitol so
ill-prepared that day … and it will not prevent another January 6 from
happening,” she added. Stefanik had previously accused the Jan. 6
panel of being a political weapon “used to cover up for Nancy Pelosi’s
House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) (C) speaks
at a press conference, was joined by House Republican Whip Steve
Scailse (R-La.) (L) and Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.), following a
Republican caucus meeting, at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, on June
8, 2022. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

Stefanik also accused Democrats and the Biden administration of
“scrambling to change the headlines, praying that the nation will
focus on their partisan witch hunt instead of [Americans’]
pocketbooks,” noting how Americans are currently facing soaring gas
prices, high inflation, and a shortage of baby formula.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) told reporters on Wednesday, “Regarding
January 6, I think the goal is been stated. Mr. Raskin stated that
their goal is to end the Electoral College and the goal is to stop
President Trump from running in 2024, plain and simple.”
Rep Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) speaks at a press conference following a
Republican caucus meeting at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, on June
8, 2022. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.) said that “based on reports over the weekend,
that the committee is being used to advance the radical Democrat
agenda that includes abolishing the electoral college.”

The two Republicans’ remarks come after Axios reported on June 6,
citing anonymous sources, that Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) “has argued
that the Electoral College should be abolished”—a stance reportedly
concurred by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) but opposed by Rep. Liz
Cheney (R-Wyo.), per the outlet. The Epoch Times cannot independently
verify the details reported by Axios.

The Jan. 6 panel, which has nine members, has been criticized for its
apparent partisanship, in part because the only two Republicans on the
panel—Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) and Cheney—are both known for their
strong opposition to Trump.

“This [Jan. 6] committee is unconstitutional. It is illegitimate. It
was not put together according to the rules of the House,” Stefanik
said, in reference to how Pelosi had selected Kinzinger and Cheney
after refusing to seat Jordan and Banks on the committee.

The two were selected to be on the panel by House Minority Leader
Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), but Pelosi rejected them, saying at the
time: “As legislation allows, I didn’t accept [Jordan and Banks] as
they had made statements and taken actions that I think would impact
the integrity of the commission of the committee.”
Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.) speaks at a press conference following a
Republican caucus meeting at the U.S. Capitol, in Washington, on June
8, 2022. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)
‘A Cover Up’: Rep. Banks


Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-06-10 Thread grarpamp
@RepMTG Interviewing @TaylerUSA Who Was A Firsthand Witness To The
Killing Of Ashli Babbitt Tayler Shows Footage Of Ashli Babbitt
Punching An Agitator To Stop Him From Breaching The Window 7 Seconds
Before She Was Shot & Killed The 1/6 Committee Has Not Reached Out To

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-05-12 Thread grarpamp
Jan. 6 Prosecutors Threatened Oath Keepers With Life Sentences, Raised
Treason Analogy

Members of the Oath Keepers charged with seditious conspiracy were
told they could face life in prison, according to a letter discussing
plea deal negotiations obtained by The Epoch Times.
Police and protesters outside the U.S. Capitol's Rotunda in Washington
on Jan. 6, 2021. (Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images)

Nine members charged with conspiracy were told that a lack of
recommended sentencing for the charge means the court would apply the
sentencing guidelines for the most analogous charge.

“The United States takes the position that the most analogous offense
to seditious conspiracy is ‘treason,'” prosecutors said.

Treason carries a potential death penalty, though prosecutors
indicated the defendants would face a life sentence if they did not
plead guilty.

That’s despite the seditious conspiracy charge itself only carrying a
maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.

The threat was contained in a letter that said the government would
stop negotiating plea deals on May 6.

None of those nine Oath Keepers pleaded guilty before the deadline.

The attempted link to treason “is absurd,” Alan Dershowitz, a
professor of law emeritus at Harvard Law School, and who is
representing a Jan. 6 defendant who is not an Oath Keeper, told The
Epoch Times in an email.

A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of
Columbia declined to comment.

The government could have trouble with its position, since it noted in
a recent filing that the late Sen. Lyman Trumball, the sponsor of the
bill that first made seditious conspiracy a crime in 1861, said the
bill’s purpose was to “to punish persons who conspire together to
commit offenses against the United States not analogous to treason.”

“The Conspiracies Act provided a middle option to address serious
criminal conduct that did not rise to the level of a capital offense,
including conspiracies to commit acts of treason, insurrection, or
obstruction of government functions that failed to achieve their
purpose,” prosecutors added in their brief.

Ben Glassman, a former U.S. attorney in Ohio, told The Wall Street
Journal—which first reported on the letter—that the government “has an
obligation to set out that kind of worst-case scenario for a defendant
because … it is important for a defendant to understand the possible
risks of going to trial.”

Jonathon Moseley, who has been representing one of the Oath Keepers
Kelly Meggs, but is on caretaker status due to his recent disbarment
until his client secures new counsel, said that the letter was part of
a series of actions by prosecutors that are designed to get defendants
to accept plea deals, including quick production of evidence
bolstering the cases against the defendants and lagging presentation
of evidence that could exonerate them.

“It definitely seems like everything about the case here is to try to
pressure people into pleading guilty,” Moseley told The Epoch Times.

Meggs, facing seditious conspiracy and five other charges, would have
considered agreeing to a deal, but only if the government dropped the
more serious charges, as is typical in reaching an agreement.

Lawyers for the eight other defendants either declined to comment or
did not respond to queries.

Three other members of the Oath Keepers pleaded guilty to seditious
conspiracy before the deadline, though it’s not clear if any received
the same or similar letters.

Joshua James pleaded guilty on March 2, Brian Ulrich pleaded guilty on
April 29, and William Todd Wilson pleaded guilty on May 4.

Overall, nearly 800 people have been charged in the breach on the
district or federal level. Approximately 248 have pleaded guilty to
federal charges. Only a handful of trials have been completed. All
defendants who have gone before juries have been convicted on all
charges; those who went before judges received split or full

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-04-10 Thread grarpamp
 Noor Bin Ladin
 Another look at 1/6

Man's World issue 6 page 152

Here's the background story of how I got the rogue US
government's abuse against the January 6 protesters
entered into the official records at the UN.
The transcript below is the original submission, minus
these alterations. ...

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2022-04-10 Thread grarpamp
Calling All Law Students: A Fellowship Opportunity for You ...
A Fellowship Opportunity for You! The Matthew Perna and Ashli Babbit
Legal Fellowships, each awarding a $5,000 cash prize, are open to any
current or prospective law student who can offer the most
thoroughly-researched essay on "any and all instances of Sixth
Amendment Violations on the January 6th defendants.".

Re: Jan6: The American Gulag

2021-11-14 Thread grarpamp
Reports of Human Rights Violations against Jan6 political
prisoners over the last couple months.

The US intends to imprison Assange in this system...

Jan. 6 Defendants Taken Out Of Cells On Stretchers: Court Filing

Multiple Jan. 6 defendants were taken out of their cells on stretchers
on Thursday, according to a court filing.

The situation started when one of the defendants refused to wear a
mask, family members of Kelly Meggs, who is being held in the D.C.
Jail, told Meggs lawyer.

Prison guards began spraying a chemical substance described as “some
kind of mace or pepper spray, according to a filing in federal court.

“They sprayed mace or some type of gas at an inmate and kept
missing so it went into an intake that fed into other cells and the
lady with the key left because she didn’t like the gas, so the inmates
in the cells who were being fed the gas from that intake were locked
in for like 15 minutes while it was going into their rooms and they
couldn’t see/breathe,” the family told Jonathon Moseley, the lawyer.

More than one of the defendants was taken out on stretchers to medical bays.

Julie Kelly, a writer for the American Greatness, reported on
Wednesday that prison guards filled an area of the jail with chemical
spray and three detainees had to be taken out on stretchers.

Moseley and the D.C. Department of Corrections did not respond to
requests for comment.

The lawyer said his client was not in one of the cells that the gas
was cycled into by the ventilation system. He urged the court to
explore with the Bureau of Prisons and Congress whether any federal
funds are already or can be allocated to repair and upgrade the D.C.
Jail facilities.

Neither prosecutors nor the judge has yet responded to the filing.

The jail has been under heightened scrutiny in recent months due to
its holding of dozens of people accused of participating in the breach
of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

One defendant, Christopher Worrell, was released from pretrial custody
last week because U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth became troubled
by the lack of proper medical care he received from the jail.

The U.S. Marshals Service showed up unannounced at the facilities in
mid-October. Officials deemed the part holding Jan. 6 detainees
suitable but found conditions in another part that “do not meet the
minimum standards of confinement,” the agency said in a recent

Lamont Ruffin, the acting U.S. Marshal for Washington, told Quincy
Booth, director of the D.C. Department of Corrections, in a letter
that he personally went to the jail and saw “evidence of systemic

Prison guards routinely shut off water to cells as punishment and
multiple cells had “large amounts of standing human sewage (urine and
feces) in the toilets,” inspectors found. Additionally, guards were
observed antagonizing detainees and hot meals were observed being
served “cold and congealed.”

Jail officials were ordered to transfer around 400 detainees, or 36
percent of the inmates in the Central Treatment Facility, one of the
facilities that makes up the D.C. Jail, to a prison in another state.

Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Louie Gohmert (R-Texas),
after months of attempts, were able to tour the facilities last week.
Greene said she witnessed terrible conditions, including Jan. 6
detainees receiving “very poor food” and “virtually no medical care.”

“I want to be very clear that we will deal with those deficiencies
so that we have a safe jail until such time that the District is able
to build a new one,” Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser, a Democrat who
helped the members secure access, told The Epoch Times in an email.

Avis Buchanan, director of the Public Defender Service for the
District of Columbia, said in a statement it has called out the
treatment of detainees at the D.C. Jail for years.

“The inhumane conditions have included long-term solitary
confinement for people with no disciplinary issues, lack of running
water, full illumination of cells for 24-hours per day resulting in
sleep deprivation, cells soiled with feces and blood, lack of air
conditioning during the summer, and heat during the winter, lack of
proper medical care, failure to provide mental health treatment, and
physical and mental abuse by correctional officers of people in their
custody,” Buchanan said.

Councilman Charles Allen, the Democrat chairman of the D.C. City
Council’s Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, described the
situation as “a crisis” during a remote hearing this