Sweden Joins NWO

2016-12-29 Thread grarpamp

Re: Sweden Joins NWO

2016-12-30 Thread Razer
On 12/29/2016 08:53 PM, grarpamp wrote:

> http://theindicter.com/how-sweden-bribed-its-way-to-a-seat-in-the-un-security-council-using-millions-taken-from-the-public-budget-for-aid-to-poor-countries/

Most nations calling themselves "Socialist" are really variations on
National(ist) Socialism... AKA Fascism. Sweden being a glaring example
of that tendency. They also tend to move to the right when economic
times are hard, as seen recently in Norway as their petro-economy flounders.


> "First and foremost, all socialists are unequivocal anti-militarists
> and anti-imperialists. They understand that there is no genuine
> social, political, economic or cultural reform as long as the
> militarists and their corporatist allies in the war industry continue
> to loot and pillage the state budget."  ~Chris Hedges
> http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article42917.htm
