Re: Tibetan slaughter by Chinese -- Re: 100 years of shame/ a new Century of Shame for China -- Re: China reparations - returning Tibet - Wuhan China virus - [PEACE]

2020-07-16 Thread таракан
what's the fuck*** relationship with cypherpunk movement ?

Tibetan slaughter by Chinese -- Re: 100 years of shame/ a new Century of Shame for China -- Re: China reparations - returning Tibet - Wuhan China virus - [PEACE]

2020-07-16 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sun, Apr 12, 2020 at 03:50:29PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 12, 2020 at 11:44:05AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > China ought be held to return Tibet to the Tibetans, under the authority of 
> > the Dalai Llama, as part of the reparations for the China virus/ Wuhan flu.
> > 
> >   Coronavirus response in Tibet: arrests, crackdown, religious repression
> >   
> >
> >   
> >
> > ..
> > - China has responded to the spread of coronavirus to Tibet by cracking 
> > down on people who post information online about the deadly illness, 
> > including one man who was detained by police simply for encouraging his 
> > contacts to recite prayers to ward off infection.
> > - Chinese authorities also announced the cancellation of public 
> > religious festivals and prayer ceremonies for “Losar,” the Tibetan New 
> > Year, which begins Feb. 24.
> > - In the wake of the outbreak, the Chinese government has activated its 
> > network of military and Chinese Community Party cadres to spread propaganda 
> > about protecting “stability”—a euphemism for the suppression of free speech 
> > and the enforcement of compliance with CCP policies.
> > - Despite the spread of the virus, China’s leadership has chosen to 
> > move ahead with a new campaign in Tibet described as sending a “million 
> > police to 10 million homes.” The intention is to ensure “grassroots” 
> > integration of security forces in local communities. The campaign began in 
> > January and will continue throughout the year.
> > - In contrast to the Chinese government’s heavy-handed response, the 
> > Tibetan people have reacted to the outbreak of coronavirus with compassion. 
> > Monasteries have donated funds for the purchase of facemasks and goggles, 
> > and Tibetans lit butter lamps in honour of the Chinese whistleblower who 
> > warned about the virus and subsequently died from it.
> > 
> >
> So China's behaviour through all this Chinese Wuhan coronavirus COVID-19 
> brouhaha, from any view of "human lives matter", has been utterly atrocious.
> But what does one expect from the CCP/ Chinese communist regime?
> This awareness now rising in the West, leads to a looming "100 Years of 
> Shame" for the Chinese.
> Little things such as setting right the Chinese wrongs in Tibet and giving 
> Tibetans back their country, may go part of the way to a future where China 
> is able to build a moral standing in the world.  Until then, it is a 
> certainty we shall, sadly, see the coming Century Of Shame for the Chinese 
> people.
> This will not be "humiliation" since it is not caused by other nations, but 
> by the behaviour of the Chinese Communist Party members themselves, and the 
> consequences therefrom.

Tibetan slaughter by Chinese

Lhasa, Tibet - No comment

slaughter in tibet

Appalling euphemism for China’s slaughter in Tibet
   It is surely immaterial whether or not Tibet was an independent state when 
considering the appalling death and destruction carried out there by the 
Communist Chinese authorities. Prasan Stianrapapongs describes the damaging or 
total destruction of nearly all of Tibet’s 6,000 Buddhist temples and the 
slaughter or imprisonment of thousands of monks and nuns as part of a concerted 
effort to eliminate traditional Tibetan culture and beliefs as “modern 
reorganisation”. This must surely rank as a strong contender for the euphemism 
of the century. Would he cast such a tolerant eye on similar policies here in 
Thailand? I hardly think so.

The Body Count

   .."We could hear nothing but the sound of our footsteps as we walked through 
the town … After we got through the gate, we saw a tall wall in front of us … 
The troops were taking the prisoners forward line by line, but when they 
approached the center of the wall they seemed to disappear … I thought, “That’s 
very strange—what’s going on here?” … When we reached the middle of the wall, a 
Chinese soldier raised a trapdoor which covered a deep hole, from the ground. A 
terrible smell came out of the darkness. The troops ordered the prisoners to 
jump down into the hole one by one. I could hear them landing on the ground 
beneath. From inside the hole I could hear people crying in pain … “How 
terrible, it’s a child!” someone down below said, and he reached his arms up 
and carried me down…

   When I got into the open air I was astonished to see that the yard was full 
of hundreds of