Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2023-03-19 Thread grarpamp
People worldwide should not have to wait for rare Deathbed Confessionals
to discover that their best option as humanity is to permanently
disband their governments, all of which are corrupt by definition.
Leak, Deeply, Widely, Disruptively, and At Will, let the cards fall.

Reagan Ally Worked To Prolong Iran Hostage Crisis: Aging 'Witness'

As former President Jimmy Carter nears death, an aging Texas
politician has come forward to get something big off his chest --
claiming that, in 1980, he accompanied former Texas governor John
Connally on a whirlwind Middle East tour aimed at keeping Americans
hostage of Iran until after the presidential election that elevated
Ronald Reagan to power.

“History needs to know that this happened,” 85-year-old Ben Barnes
tells the New York Times. “I think it’s so significant and I guess
knowing that the end is near for President Carter put it on my mind
more and more and more. I just feel like we’ve got to get it down some
way.” Barnes is a former Democratic speaker of the Texas House and
lieutenant governor.
Barnes (left) and Connally with Egypt's President Anwar el-Sadat (Ben
Barnes via New York Times)

The claims that Reagan cronies worked to prolong the Iran hostage
crisis and torpedo President Carter's reelection bid aren't new, but
Barnes is by far the most prominent figure to step forward and claim
to have been a witness to such a conspiracy.

In the wake of the 1979 Iranian revolution, college students
sympathetic with the revolution overran the US embassy in Tehran and
took 66 Americans hostage. The long crisis that ensured dominated the
presidency of Carter, who ordered an April 1980 military rescue
mission that itself turned into a disaster, killing eight
service-members and an Iranian civilian.
The US hostage-rescue mission was aborted after a helicopter crashed
into a C-130 at the "Desert One" staging area in the Iranian desert

Reagan routed Carter by a 489-49 electoral-college margin. The
hostages were released just minutes after President Reagan's January
1981 inauguration -- and after 444 days in captivity. Days later, the
US government began facilitating the flow of weapons to Iran via

Barnes tells the Times that Connally, who'd been famously wounded in
the JFK assassination, invited him on a multi-country Middle East trip
in the summer of 1980. He says that it was only after the trip was
underway that he realized its purpose: to ask various regional
officials to pass on a message to Iran.

Here's how Barnes paraphrases the pitch:

“‘Look, Ronald Reagan’s going to be elected president and you need
to get the word to Iran that they’re going to make a better deal with
Reagan than they are Carter,’ “[Connally] said, ‘It would be very
smart for you to pass the word to the Iranians to wait until after
this general election is over'."

Records at the LBJ museum reflect Connally and Barnes leaving Houston
on July 18, 1980 and returned Aug. 11 after visiting Israel, Jordan,
Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, the Times reports. News
accounts at the time characterized Conally's trip as "strictly

Barnes says he next joined Connally in an early-September meeting to
brief William J. Casey -- chairman of the Reagan presidential campaign
and future CIA director -- about the Middle East trip. He says the
session at the Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport spanned three hours.
CIA Director William Casey and President Reagan (Getty via The Intercept)

“I’ll go to my grave believing that it was the purpose of the trip,"
Barnes says. "It wasn’t freelancing because Casey was so interested in
hearing as soon as we got back to the United States.” He says Casey
wanted to know whether “they were going to hold the hostages.”

Although previous Congressional investigations debunked the claim of
Reagan campaign efforts to interfere in the hostage crisis, a possible
Connally role wasn't examined. Barnes doesn't venture to establish
that Reagan had knowledge of the undertaking.

Barnes identified four living people with whom he'd previously shared
his account. The Times says all four confirmed that Barnes had done so
years before.

In 1991, former Carter national security aide Gary Slick fleshed out
the theory of Reagan-crony meddling in the hostage situation, first
with a Times essay and then a book, October Surprise. That term first
came to prominence via Reagan-Bush campaign warnings that Carter might
exploit the crisis by achieving the hostages' release

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2022-11-26 Thread grarpamp
Get Woke, Go Broke...

Press freedom is critical for preserving our democracy. That's why I'm
grateful to serve as the new board president for @FreedomofPress. I
look forward to supporting the staff and their vital mission.
A warm welcome to @RaineyReitman, our new board president at @FreedomofPress.
Very excited to work more closely with @RaineyReitman—who is the
best—as she takes over @FreedomofPress's board president seat from
@Snowden, after his amazing six year run.

Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2022-11-02 Thread professor rat
" Leaks "

GEOFFREY "sexual offence for a man to deliberately deceive a partner whose 
consent has been conditional upon his use of a condom" ROBERTSON

Julian Assange arrested in London on rape charges

JULIAN " Being guilty of aggravated rape has nothing to do with our party" A. 
Broinowski. Wikileaks Party NSW candidate for au Senate. 2013.

Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2022-11-02 Thread professor rat
" Collateral Murder "

"... Mr Assange agreed that some level of privacy was necessary for the 
successful operation of the military ..."

JULIAN " ‘[The military] protects the sovereignty of Australia. It protects the 
independence of Australia.' ASSANGE July, 2013

" Censorship "

Mar 6, 2014 - I wouldn't say this publicly, but Hitler wrote Mein Kampf in 

Jul 20, 2015 - Julian Assange: To be honest, I don't like the word 
transparency; cold dead glass is transparent..."

JULIAN " “People with strong principles don’t survive for long ” ASSANGE quoted 
in " Risk" released in 2017.

Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2022-11-02 Thread professor rat
" Going dark ’ is a frightening prospect for many and without better OSINT 
combined with ubiquitous APster markets, people are right to be afraid. Just 
look at the congregation of nutcase lunatics clustered around Btc at the 
moment. Jesus Fucking Christie.
Should the Mange present in court as a journalist / publisher seeking 
free-speech protection he may be cross examined on these statements of his that 
he is a spy and/ or a combatant in a war and a war propagandist. Media 
practitioners and their advocates routinely emphasize the civilian and 
protected nature of their professional work when reporting on armed conflict. 
They never claim to be spies and/or warfighters.
Any argument Assmange is a journalist - publisher confronts statements of his 
that contradict this. For example. That WL are ‘spies for the people’ and that 
the organization is a peoples intelligence agency. Journalism has rules, 
ethics; espionage has no rules/ethics.
Then - around 2012-4 - Assmange suggest a ’ proper war is commencing’, calls 
for ’ acts of resistance’ and sez WL is a ‘combatant’.
Journalists are neither combatants, nor spies. They are civilian non-combatants

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2022-11-01 Thread grarpamp
FBI Asks Court For 66 Years To Release Seth Rich Laptop Information

FBI Asks Court for 66 Years to Release Information From Seth Rich’s Computer
By Zachary Stieber
October 28, 2022 Updated: October 29, 2022

The FBI is asking a U.S. court to reverse its order that it produce
information from Seth Rich’s laptop computer.

If the court does not, the bureau wants 66 years to produce the information.

Rich was a Democratic National Committee staffer when he was killed on
a street in Washington in mid-2016. No person has ever been arrested
in connection to the murder.

U.S. District Judge Amos Mazzant, an Obama appointee, ruled in
September that the bureau must hand over information from the computer
to Brian Huddleston, a Texas man who filed a Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) request for the info.

The FBI’s assertion that the privacy interest Rich’s family members
hold outweighed the public interest was rejected by Mazzant, who noted
the bureau cited no relevant case law supporting the argument.

But the ruling was erroneous, U.S. lawyers said in a new filing.

The bureau shouldn’t have to produce the information because of FOIA
exemptions for information that are compiled for law enforcement
purposes and “could reasonably be expected to disclose the identity of
a confidential source,” the lawyers said in a motion for
reconsideration. Another exemption, which enables agencies to withhold
information that would disclose law enforcement techniques also
applies, they said.

“Given the Court’s findings that except for the information related to
Seth Rich’s laptop withheld pursuant to Exemptions 6 and 7(C) based on
privacy interests, the FBI properly withheld or redacted all other
information responsive to Huddleston’s requests, the production order
seems inconsistent with the rest of the order,” the motion stated.

The FBI, after claiming it never possessed Rich’s laptop or any
information from it, acknowledged in 2020 that it had thousands of
files from the computer.

The bureau “is currently working on getting the files from Seth Rich’s
personal laptop into a format to be reviewed,” the government said at
the time.
Epoch Times Photo Seth Rich, the voter expansion data director for the
Democratic National Committee, in a file photograph. (LinkedIn)

Information and material extracted from the computer were provided by
a source to an FBI agent during a meeting on March 15, 2018, FBI
records officer Michael Seidel said in a declaration. He said the
files included photographs and documents, among other material.

In the new filing, government lawyers said the FBI never extracted the
data, which it revealed as originating with a law enforcement agency.
They said the information is on a compact disc containing images of
the laptop.

“The FBI did not open an investigation into the murder of Seth Rich,
nor did it provide investigative or technical assistance to any
investigation into the murder of Seth Rich. As a result, the FBI has
never extracted the data from the compact disc and never processed the
information contained on the disc,” they said.

To produce the information, the FBI would have to convert information
on the disc into pages and then review the pages to redact information
per FOIA, according to the government.

If Mazzant upholds his order, the FBI wants a lengthy period of time
to perform the work—66 years, or 500 pages a month.

“If the court overrules the FBI’s motion, the FBI wants to produce
records at a rate of 500 pages per month. At that rate, it will take
almost 67 years just to produce the documents, never mind the images
and other files,” Ty Clevenger, a lawyer representing Huddleston, told
The Epoch Times in an email.

“After dealing with the FBI for five years, I now assume that the FBI
is lying to me unless and until it proves otherwise. The FBI is
desperately trying to hide records about Seth Rich, and that begs the
question of why.”

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has suggested Rich leaked Democratic
National Committee (DNC) files to WikiLeaks, but special counsel
Robert Mueller said the real source was Russian hackers. Still,
Mueller’s finding conflicts with statements from CrowdStrike, the firm
hired to investigate how the DNC files were released.

Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2022-10-02 Thread professor rat
The wicked flee where none pursue and what has Wikileaks done for us lately?  I 
proffer a case they never did anything to have any significant or lasting 

The idea cypherpunks support professional journalists is laughable. The more 
privileges this technocratic caste demands the further they get from anarchism.

Wikileaks was given millions in Crypto - they cashed it in for fiat, so  BRING 

Here endeth the sermon.

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2022-10-02 Thread Cari Matchit
Thanks Gym!

--- Original Message ---
On Friday, September 25th, 2020 at 11:26 PM, jim bell  

> On Friday, September 25, 2020, 10:59:30 PM PDT, Zenaan Harkness 
>  wrote:
> What's The Difference Between 'Villain' Assange & 'Intrepid' Woodward?
> Lee Camp via
>> The completely fair super awesome trial of Julian Assange continues in the 
>> U.K. as I write this. It’s a beautiful blend of the works of Kafka, Stalin 
>> and Joseph Heller.
> Most people here will be way too old to remember this, but there was the 
> "Pentagon Papers" case in 1971, that pre-dated Watergate by a year or so. 
> The New York Times received 
> some military documents that had been ILLEGALLY copied by Daniel Ellsberg.
> The Federal government wanted to enjoin (prohibit) the NYT from publishing 
> that material. Eventually, the US Supreme Court ruled that the Feds COULD NOT 
> prohibit this publication. 
> Also, I think nobody was ever prosecuted for this. They were so embarrassed...
> Jim Bell

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2022-10-02 Thread grarpamp
> The FBI has produced 68 pages relating to a Democrat National
> Committee (DNC) worker who was shot dead in 2016 in Washington,
> including an investigative summary that appears to suggest someone
> could have paid for his death.
> Seth Rich, the worker, was shot dead in the early morning hours on
> July 16, 2016, near his home in the nation’s capital.
> The murder, which is unsolved to this day, fueled widespread media
> coverage, especially after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange suggested
> that Rich was the person who provided internal DNC emails to
> WikiLeaks.
FOIA ORDER: FBI must produce Seth Rich info within 14 days.

Seth Rich's laptop could bring down the CIA and the FBI because it has
clear evidence on it that Seth Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks and
he was the source for the DNC emails, not Russia. Would mean CIA/FBI
made up Russia DNC hack story and likely killed Seth Rich.

WikiLeaks: Julian Assange is 50, Jailed for Free Speech Since 40.

2021-07-04 Thread grarpamp
Julian Assange, now 50 years old, has spent the
last 10 years of his life in jail... for Speaking Freely.


Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2021-04-25 Thread grarpamp

The FBI has produced 68 pages relating to a Democrat National
Committee (DNC) worker who was shot dead in 2016 in Washington,
including an investigative summary that appears to suggest someone
could have paid for his death.

Seth Rich, the worker, was shot dead in the early morning hours on
July 16, 2016, near his home in the nation’s capital.

The murder, which is unsolved to this day, fueled widespread media
coverage, especially after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange suggested
that Rich was the person who provided internal DNC emails to

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2021-01-04 Thread grarpamp

Her decision appears soley based on suicide,
which while it worked for now for Julian (the US
is appealing), could easily be seen as a safety
copout for the UK, indeed appears she rejected
all sorts of defense legal and arguments, endorsed
the State's positions, and was seen as openly
hostile during hearings.

While Julian may or may not be released today,
free speech, journalism, and freedom were
left on ice in the gulag.

   410. I order the discharge of Julian Paul Assange, pursuant to
section 91(3) of the EA 2003.

No news yet on whether Julian has actually been set free.

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2021-01-04 Thread grarpamp
UK judge refuses extradition of WikiLeaks founder Assange
January 4, 2021 12:21 GMT

LONDON (AP) — A British judge on Monday rejected the United States’
request to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to face
espionage charges, saying he was likely to kill himself if held under
harsh U.S. prison conditions.

District Judge Vanessa Baraitser rejected allegations that Assange is
being prosecuted for political reasons or would not receive a fair
trial in the United States. But she said his precarious mental health
would likely deteriorate further under the conditions of “near total
isolation” he would face in U.S. prison.

“I find that the mental condition of Mr. Assange is such that it would
be oppressive to extradite him to the United States of America,” the
judge said.

She said Assange was “a depressed and sometimes despairing man” who
had the “intellect and determination” to circumvent any suicide
prevention measures taken by American prison authorities.

The U.S. government said it would appeal the decision. Assange’s
lawyers said they would ask for his release from a London prison where
he has been held for more than a year-and-a-half at a bail hearing on

Assange, who sat in the dock at London’s Central Criminal Court for
the ruling, wiped his brow as the decision was announced. His partner
Stella Moris, with whom he has two young sons, wept.

Assange’s American lawyer, Barry Pollack, said the legal team was
“enormously gratified by the U.K. court’s decision denying

“The effort by the United States to prosecute Julian Assange and seek
his extradition was ill-advised from the start,” he said. “We hope
that after consideration of the U.K. court’s ruling, the United States
will decide not to pursue the case further.”

The ruling marks a dramatic moment in Assange’s years-long legal
battles in Britain — though likely not its final chapter.

U.S. prosecutors have indicted Assange on 17 espionage charges and one
charge of computer misuse over WikiLeaks’ publication of leaked
military and diplomatic documents a decade ago. The charges carry a
maximum sentence of 175 years in prison.

Lawyers for the 49-year-old Australian argue that he was acting as a
journalist and is entitled to First Amendment protections of freedom
of speech for publishing leaked documents that exposed U.S. military
wrongdoing in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The judge, however, said Assange’s actions, if proven, would “amount
to offenses in this jurisdiction that would not be protected by his
right to freedom of speech.”

The defense also argued during a three-week hearing in the fall that
extradition threatens Assange’s human rights because he risks “a
grossly disproportionate sentence” and detention in “draconian and
inhumane conditions” that would exacerbate his severe depression and
other mental health problems.

The judge agreed that U.S. prison conditions would be oppressive. She
accepted evidence from expert witnesses that Assange had a depressive
disorder and an autism spectrum disorder.

“I accept that oppression as a bar to extradition requires a high
threshold. ... However, I am satisfied that, in these harsh
conditions, Mr. Assange’s mental health would deteriorate causing him
to commit suicide with the ‘single minded determination’ of his autism
spectrum disorder,” the judge said in her ruling.

Lawyers for the U.S. government deny that Assange is being prosecuted
merely for publishing the leaked documents, saying the case “is in
large part based upon his unlawful involvement” in the theft of the
diplomatic cables and military files by U.S. Army intelligence analyst
Chelsea Manning.

The prosecution of Assange has been condemned by journalists and human
rights groups, who say it undermines free speech around the world.

They welcomed the judge’s decision, even though it was not made on
free-speech grounds.

“This is a huge relief to anyone who cares about the rights of
journalists,” The Freedom of the Press Foundation tweeted:

“The extradition request was not decided on press freedom grounds;
rather, the judge essentially ruled the U.S. prison system was too
repressive to extradite. However, the result will protect journalists

Assange’s legal troubles began in 2010, when he was arrested in London
at the request of Sweden, which wanted to question him about
allegations of rape and sexual assault made by two women. In 2012, to
avoid being sent to Sweden, Assange sought refuge inside the
Ecuadorian Embassy, where he was beyond the reach of U.K. and Swedish
authorities — but also effectively a prisoner, unable to leave the
tiny diplomatic mission in London’s tony Knightsbridge area.

The relationship between Assange and his hosts eventually soured, and
he was evicted from the embassy in April 2019. British police
immediately arrested him for jumping bail in 2012.

Sweden dropped the sex crimes investigations in November 2019 because
so much time had elapsed, but Assange re

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2021-01-04 Thread grarpamp Tucker investigates why
DOJ is pursuing Julian Assange aggressively Tucker Carlson interview
with Julian Assange's fiancee Stella Moris

Re: New York Post : Pamela Anderson makes 11th-hour pardon plea for WikiLeaks' Julian Assange

2021-01-03 Thread grarpamp

Try searching the brit courts.
Or ask around the twitter gang.

Academic paper authors don't seem to mind giving
papers out skirting around journals.
But lawyers often think their filings are proprietary
and are dicks about giving them out.

The court gave its decision to defense lawyers a
day or two ago, Monday is just a formality where
public and Assange are legally put in the know.

Julian needs a prayer at this point.
Hopefully he can get the fuck out of there
and hang out with his fam till whenever.

Re: New York Post : Pamela Anderson makes 11th-hour pardon plea for WikiLeaks' Julian Assange

2021-01-03 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Mon, Jan 04, 2021 at 01:56:08AM +, jim bell wrote:
> New York Post : Pamela Anderson makes 11th-hour pardon plea for WikiLeaks' 
> Julian Assange.
> Jim Bell's comment:I've been waiting for many months to be directed to legal 
> filings by Assange's legal defense team.  Jennifer Robinson is the Barrister, 
> I believe.
> I want to find out if the valid arguments I'm aware of are being raised.  
> (Limitations period;. American jurisdiction over statutes which don't claim 
> extraterritorial jurisdiction.)

So do I.

If they're not being raised, you know he has been denied fair representation.

New York Post : Pamela Anderson makes 11th-hour pardon plea for WikiLeaks' Julian Assange

2021-01-03 Thread jim bell
New York Post : Pamela Anderson makes 11th-hour pardon plea for WikiLeaks' 
Julian Assange.
Jim Bell's comment:I've been waiting for many months to be directed to legal 
filings by Assange's legal defense team.  Jennifer Robinson is the Barrister, I 
I want to find out if the valid arguments I'm aware of are being raised.  
(Limitations period;. American jurisdiction over statutes which don't claim 
extraterritorial jurisdiction.)

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2021-01-02 Thread grarpamp

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2021-01-02 Thread grarpamp
> "If wars can be started by lies,
> then they can be stopped by truth.
> -- Julian Assange"

On Monday, January 4th, the British judge presiding over the
extradition trial of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will decide
whether or not Assange will be extradited to the US and tried under
the Espionage Act for exposing US war crimes.
If extradited, Assange could face up to 175 years in prison.

Assange has been confined and violated by the US, UK, EC Moreno, etc
for 10 years. Project Veritas - Assange
US State Dept Tape

Noam Chomsky testifies -- Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2020-10-03 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Noam Chomsky, bless his Soul, testified in the Julian Assange extradition case, 
and shockingly to ZERO cross examination - one imagines the lawyers acting for 
the USA to extradite Assange from the UK had That Feeling When you just know 
that any cross examination of a particular witness will only make your case 

Also the below reports on various of the crimes and planned crimes done by the 
US side against legal process, against Assange, against Assange's lawyers and 
against the Ecuadorian embassy (and remember, Ecuador got a bit fat financial 
shot in the arse from the IMF for standing down on principles to give up 
Assange to the UK/USA authorities.

   Noam Chomsky Testifies In Assange Hearing; Extradition Decision Not Expected 
Till Next Year
  Craig Murray

  I really do not know how to report Wednesday’s events. Stunning evidence,
  of extreme quality and interest, was banged out in precis by the lawyers
  as unnoticed as bags of frozen chips coming off a production line.

  The court that had listened to Clair Dobbin spend four hours
  cross-examining Carey Shenkman on individual phrases of first instance
  court decisions in tangentially relevant cases, spent four minutes as
  Noam Chomsky’s brilliant exegesis of the political import of this
  extradition case was rapidly fired into the court record, without
  examination, question or placing into the context of the legal arguments
  about political extradition.

  [pic of Chomsky with Assange on Ecuadorian UK embassy balcony]

  Twenty minutes sufficed for the reading of the “gist” of the astonishing
  testimony of two witnesses, their identity protected as their lives may
  be in danger, who stated that the CIA, operating through Sheldon Adelson,
  planned to kidnap or poison Assange, bugged not only him but his lawyers,
  and burgled the offices of his Spanish lawyers Baltazar Garzon. This
  evidence went unchallenged and untested.

  The rich and detailed evidence of Patrick Cockburn on Iraq and of Andy
  Worthington on Afghanistan was, in each case, well worthy of a full day
  of exposition. I should love at least to have seen both of them in the
  witness box explaining what to them were the salient points, and adding
  their personal insights. Instead we got perhaps a sixth of their words
  read rapidly into the court record. There was much more.

  I have noted before, and I hope you have marked my disapproval, that some
  of the evidence is being edited to remove elements which the US
  government wish to challenge, and then entered into the court record as
  uncontested, with just a “gist” read out in court. The witness then does
  not appear in person. This reduces the process from one of evidence
  testing in public view to something very different. Wednesday confirmed
  the acceptance that this “Hearing” is now devolved to an entirely paper
  exercise. It is in fact no longer a “hearing” at all. You cannot hear a
  judge reading. Perhaps in future it should be termed not a hearing but an
  “occasional rustling”, or a “keyboard tapping”. It is an acknowledged,
  indeed embraced, legal trend in the UK that courts are increasingly paper
  exercises, as noted by the Supreme Court.

 In the past, the general practice was that all the argument and
 evidence was placed before the court orally, and documents were read
 out, Lady Hale said.

 She added: “The modern practice is quite different. Much more of the
 argument and evidence is reduced into writing before the hearing takes
 place. Often, documents are not read out.

 “It is difficult, if not impossible, in many cases, especially
 complicated civil cases, to know what is going on unless you have
 access to the written material.”,documents%20used%20during%20a%20trial.


  ["the eloquent and brief statement by Noam Chomsky on the political 
nature of Julian Assange’s actions" is included, but as scanned images, not 
text, so no transcription of that atm.]


The Surreal US Case Against Assange - "best dissection.. we’ve seen" -- Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2020-10-01 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 06:57:29PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> The War on Journalism: The
> Case of Julian Assange
> Julian Assange MUST BE FREED.
> "If wars can be started by lies,
> then they can be stopped by truth.
> -- Julian Assange"

   The Surreal US Case Against Assange
 Alexander Mercouris via

   Zerohedge byline: The fox is guarding the henhouse and Washington is 
prosecuting a publisher for exposing its own war crimes... here is the best 
dissection of the incoherent US case against Julian Assange that we’ve seen...

  Following the Julian Assange case as it has progressed through its 
various stages, from the original Swedish allegations right up to and including 
the extradition hearing which is currently underway in the Central Criminal 
Court in London, has been a troubling and very strange experience.

  The U.S. government has failed to present a coherent case. 

  Conscious that the British authorities should in theory refuse to 
extradite Assange if the case against him were shown to be politically 
motivated and/or related to Assange’s legitimate work as a journalist, the U.S. 
government has struggled to present a case against Assange which is not too 
obviously politically motivated or related to Assange’s legitimate work as a 

  This explains the strange succession of one original and two superseding 

  The U.S. government’s first indictment was based on what was a supposedly 
simple allegation of computer interference, supposedly coordinated in some sort 
of conspiracy between Assange and Chelsea Manning. 

  This was obviously done in an attempt to dispel the idea that the request 
for Assange’s extradition was politically motivated or was related to Assange’s 
legitimate work as a journalist. 

  However lawyers in the United States had no difficulty pointing out the 
“inchoate facts” of the alleged conspiracy between Assange and Manning, whilst 
both lawyers and journalists in the United States and elsewhere pointed out 
that the facts in the indictment in fact bore all the hallmarks of action by a 
journalist to protect a source.

  The result was that the U.S. government replaced its indictment with a 
first superseding indictment, which this time was founded largely on the 1917 
Espionage Act, and was therefore closer to the real reasons why the case 
against Assange was being brought. 

  However, that made the case look altogether too obviously politically 
motivated, so it has in turn been replaced by a second superseding indictment, 
presented to the court and the defence team virtually on the eve of the trial, 
which has sought to veer back towards strictly criminal allegations, this time 
of involvement in computer hacking.

  More Problems for Another Indictment

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2020-09-30 Thread grarpamp

US intelligence sources discussed poisoning Julian Assange, court told
Extradition hearing told spying operation at Ecuador embassy included
plot to take baby’s nappy

Plans to poison or kidnap Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy
were discussed between sources in US intelligence and a private
security firm that spied extensively on the WikiLeaks co-founder, a
court has been told.

Details of the alleged spying operation against Assange and anyone who
visited him at the embassy were laid out on Wednesday at his
extradition case, in evidence by a former employee of a Spanish
security company, UC Global.

Microphones were concealed to monitor Assange’s meetings with lawyers,
his fingerprint was obtained from a glass and there was even a plot to
obtain a nappy from a baby who had been brought on regular visits to
the embassy, according to the witness, whose evidence took the form of
a written statement.

The founder and director of UC Global, David Morales, had said that
“the Americans” had wanted to establish paternity but the plan was
foiled when the then employee alerted the child’s mother.

Anonymity was granted on Tuesday to the former employee and another
person who had been involved with UC Global, after the hearing was
told they feared that Morales, or others connected to him in the US,
could seek to harm them.

Details of their written evidence were read out at the Old Bailey in
London on Wednesday by Mark Summers QC, one of the lawyers for
Assange, who is fighting extradition to the US on charges relating to
leaks of classified documents allegedly exposing US war crimes and

James Lewis QC, acting for the US government, told the court on
Tuesday that the US case was likely to be that the evidence of the
former UC Global employees was “wholly irrelevant”.

In the evidence, one of the witnesses said that UC Global started off
with meagre contracts and in reality the only one at the beginning had
been signed in October 2015 with the government of Ecuador in order to
provide security for the daughters of the country’s president and its
embassy in London.
Guardian Today: the headlines, the analysis, the debate - sent direct to you
Read more

However, they said this changed when Morales attended a security
sector trade fair in Las Vegas, where he obtained a contract with Las
Vegas Sands, a company owned by the US billionaire Sheldon Adelson.
The American was a friend and supporter of Donald Trump, who was a
presidential candidate at the time.

Morales was said to have returned to the company’s offices in Jerez in
the south of Spain and announced: “We will be playing in the big
league.” The witness added that Morales said the company had switched
over to what the latter described as “the dark side”. This allegedly
involved cooperating with the US authorities, who Morales said would
ensure that they obtained contracts all over the world.

An increasingly sophisticated operation to monitor Assange was
launched and would accelerate after Trump assumed office in 2017, the
witness said, adding that Morales would make frequent trips to the US
with recorded data.

“He [Morales] showed at times a real obsession in relation to
monitoring the lawyers because our American friends were requesting
it,” added the witness, who held a stake in UC Global for a period of

The other witness, an IT expert who had joined UC Global in 2015, also
referred to the trips to the US by Morales, who they said spoke about
it in terms of “going to the dark side”.

The witness was tasked in December 2017 with installing new cameras at
the embassy that would, unlike the previous cameras, also record
audio. They said Morales later instructed that the cameras should have
a livestreaming capability “so that our friends in the US” would be
able to access the embassy in real time.

This “alarmed” the then employee who said it was not technically
achievable. The response of Morales, he alleged, was to send him a
document with detailed instructions on how to do it.

“Obviously the document must have been supplied by a third party,
which the witness expects was US intelligence,” said Summers, as he
read out parts of the submission.

The witness was said to have refused, saying it was manifestly illegal.

The witness also claimed that the company’s US contacts had become
nervous when it appeared Assange might be on the verge of securing a
diplomatic passport from Ecuador in order to travel to a third state.

On one occasion in 2017, they also recalled Morales saying that his
American contacts had suggested that “more extreme measures” should be
deployed against visitors to Assange.

“There was a suggestion that the door of the embassy would be left
open allowing people to enter from the outside and kidnap or poison
Assange,” the court was told. The witness alleged Morales said these
suggestions were under consi

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2020-09-28 Thread grarpamp
> Now if the majority of the main/lame stream media will get behind Julian 
> Assange

Such Media will hardly get behind Assange because independent
leak and news organizations like WikiLeaks are a threat to the
establishment Media's GovCorp propaganda ad outlet business model.
Trying to outscoop the Media is one thing, trying to fuck all
two or three of them at once ftw will get you killed. Better have
a good escape plan and trump card when trying that. End of story.
See also Appelbaum CIJ Symposium posted many times on this.

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2020-09-25 Thread jim bell

On Friday, September 25, 2020, 10:59:30 PM PDT, Zenaan Harkness 
   What's The Difference Between 'Villain' Assange & 'Intrepid' Woodward?
    Lee Camp via

  >  The completely fair super awesome trial of Julian Assange continues in the 
U.K. as I write this. It’s a beautiful blend of the works of Kafka, Stalin and 
Joseph Heller.

Most people here will be way too old to remember this, but there was the 
"Pentagon Papers" case in 1971, that pre-dated Watergate by a year or so.     The New York Times received 
some military documents that had been ILLEGALLY copied by Daniel Ellsberg.  

The Federal government wanted to enjoin (prohibit) the NYT from publishing that 
material.  Eventually, the US Supreme Court ruled that the Feds COULD NOT 
prohibit this publication.   

Also, I think nobody was ever prosecuted for this.  They were so embarrassed...
                  Jim Bell  

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2020-09-25 Thread jim bell
 On Friday, September 25, 2020, 04:17:00 PM PDT, grarpamp  
 >The prosecution claimed that Assange had not been caught with a
razor. The reason for denying this is that hiding a razor suggests
Assange might be thinking of suicide.

>The defense pointed out that an official report from the prison
confirmed that Assange had hidden a razor in his cell. The prosecution
is surely aware of this report. In plain English, the prosecution
lied to the court. The judge refuses to consider the prison report,
however, because it is new evidence."

BTW, when I was in Federal prison, it was quite common for a prisoner to have a 
razor (broken to expose the blade) in his cell.  It was used to cut vegetables, 
because we were not allowed to have knives.
                Jim Bell


Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2020-09-25 Thread Zenaan Harkness
   What's The Difference Between 'Villain' Assange & 'Intrepid' Woodward?
 Lee Camp via

  The completely fair super awesome trial of Julian Assange continues in 
the U.K. as I write this. It’s a beautiful blend of the works of Kafka, Stalin 
and Joseph Heller.

  Seeing as Julian is kept in a glass container in the courtroom, like a 
captured cockroach, maybe Kafka wins the day.

  The court clearly must keep Julian in that giant Tic-Tac container 
because he’s undoubtedly as dangerous as Hannibal Lecter. If he weren’t in 
there, no one would know when he might lurch forward and PUBLISH SOMETHING 


Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2020-09-25 Thread grarpamp

Blackwood said the Governor had found the video "embarrassing" and
was concerned about "reputational damage" to the prison. Assange in prison 1.25 years ago Greenwald via Tucker

The US is using the Guardian to justify jailing Assange for life. Why
is the paper so silent?

The prosecution claimed that Assange had not been caught with a
razor. The reason for denying this is that hiding a razor suggests
Assange might be thinking of suicide.

The defense pointed out that an official report from the prison
confirmed that Assange had hidden a razor in his cell. The prosecution
is surely aware of this report. In plain English, the prosecution
lied to the court. The judge refuses to consider the prison report,
however, because it is new evidence.

Why closed courts with no public, press, video, cameras, audio...
makes easy for corrupt State to maintain illegitimate power
by fucking people over and murdering them...

Death decreed over Zoom

Coming soon to your own kangaroo court.


Wikileaks: Julian Assange - Journalism, Leaks, Collateral Murder, Censorship

2020-09-25 Thread grarpamp The War on Journalism: The
Case of Julian Assange

Julian Assange MUST BE FREED.

"If wars can be started by lies,
then they can be stopped by truth.
-- Julian Assange"

Re: WikiLeaks: Julian Assange Hearings - Day 9

2020-09-22 Thread grarpamp

Monday was a frustrating day as the Assange Hearing drifted deep into
a fantasy land where nobody knows or is allowed to say that people
were tortured in Guantanamo Bay and under extraordinary rendition. The
willingness of Judge Baraitser to accept American red lines on what
witnesses can and cannot say has combined with a joint and openly
stated desire by both judge and prosecution to close this case down
quickly by limiting the number of witnesses, the length of their
evidence, and the time allowed for closing arguments.

'[Prosecutor] Lewis: You have as a journalist merely been the passive
recipient of official information. Presumably you have never done
anything criminal to obtain government information?
'[Journalist] Hager: You said “passive”. That is not the way we work.
Journalists not only actively work our sources. We go out and find our
sources. The information might come in documents. It might come on a
memory stick. In most cases our sources are breaking the law. Our duty
is to help protect them from being caught. We actively help them cover
their backs sometimes.'

Summers asked whether Cryptome was a minor website. Grothoff replied
not at all, it was a long established platform for leaked or
confidential material and was especially used by journalists.
The document showed this had been via a torrent from Pirate Bay.
Wikileaks had made the unredacted cables available on 2 September,
after they were already widely available. They had already passed the
point where “they could not be stopped”.

Which brings us to a very crucial point. The next witness, Andy
Worthington, was at court and ready to give evidence, but was
prevented from doing so. The United States government objected to his
evidence, about his work on the Guantanamo Detainee files, being heard
because it contained allegations of inmates being tortured at

What the defence should have said at this moment is “Madam, the dogs
in the street know that people were tortured in Guantanamo Bay. In the
real world, it is not a disputed fact. If Mr Lewis’s instructions were
to deny that the earth is round, would our witnesses have to
accommodate that? The truth of these matters plainly goes to the
Article 10 Defence, and by pandering to the denial of a notorious and
plain fact, this court will be held up to mockery. We will not discuss
such ludicrous censorship with Mr Lewis. If you wish to rule that
there must be no mention of torture in evidence, then so be it.”

The defence did not say any of that, but as instructed entered a
process with the prosecution lawyers of agreeing the shortening and
editing of evidence, a process which took all day and with which
Julian showed plain signs of being uncomfortable.

I am very concerned about the obvious collusion of the prosecution and
the judge to close this case down. The extraordinary conflation of
“time management” and excluding evidence which the US Government does
not want heard in public is plainly illegitimate. The continual
chivvying and interruption of defence counsel in examination when
prosecution counsel are allowed endless repetition amounting to
harassment and bullying is illegitimate. Some extraordinarily long
prosecution cross-examinations, such as that of Carey Shenkman the
lawyer, have every appearance of deliberate time wasting and

Tuesday’s witness is Professor Michael Kopelman, the eminent
psychiatrist, and the prosecution have indicated they wish to
cross-examine him for an extraordinary four hours, which Baraitser
agreed against defence objections. Her obsession with time management
is distinctly subjective.

Re: WikiLeaks: Julian Assange Hearings - Day 9

2020-09-21 Thread grarpamp

Julian Assange is not on trial for his personality – but here’s how
the US government made you focus on it
By drawing attention away from the principles of the case, the
obsession with his character pushes out the significance of WikiLeaks’
By Noam Chomsky, Alice Walker

Assange is not on trial for skateboarding in the Ecuadorian embassy.
Assange faces extradition to the United States because he published
incontrovertible proof of war crimes and abuses in Iraq and
Afghanistan, embarrassing the most powerful nation on Earth. Assange
published hard evidence of “the ways in which the first world exploits
the third”, according to whistleblower Chelsea Manning, the source of
that evidence. Assange is on trial for his journalism, for his
principles, not his personality.

Re: WikiLeaks: Julian Assange Hearings - Day 9

2020-09-21 Thread grarpamp

Assange’s lawyers began with a request that the alleged evidence in a
new indictment handed down in June be excluded from consideration
given that it came so late. The Judge denied this. In the afternoon
session, the lawyers requested an adjournment until next year to give
his lawyers time to respond to the US prosecutor’s new indictment.
They said they had been given insufficient time to examine the new
allegations, especially since they had only “limited access” to the
imprisoned Assange. Indeed, this most recent hearing was the first
time in more than six months that Julian Assange had been able to meet
with his lawyers. The judge rejected this request.

Amnesty International had requested access to the court for a trial
monitor to observe the hearings, but the court denied us a designated
seat in court. Our monitor initially did get permission to access the
technology to monitor remotely, but the morning the hearing started he
received an email informing us that the Judge had revoked Amnesty
International’s remote access.

We applied again for access to the proceedings on Tuesday 8 September,
setting out the importance of monitoring and Amnesty International’s
vast experience of observing trials in even some of the most
repressive countries.

The judge wrote back expressing her "regret" at her decision and
saying: “I fully recognise that justice should be administered in
public". Despite her regret and her recognition that scrutiny is a
vital component of open justice, the judge did not change her mind.

“I’m here today for the same reason I was in Iraq. Because I believe
in justice and I believe in peace,” he tells me. “Julian Assange is
not really wanted for espionage. He is wanted for making America look
like war criminals.”

Indeed, it is ironic that no one responsible for possible war crimes
in Iraq and Afghanistan has been prosecuted, let alone punished. And
yet the publisher who exposed their crimes is the one in the dock
facing a lifetime in jail.


WikiLeaks: Julian Assange Hearings - Day 9

2020-09-15 Thread grarpamp with Juan Passarelli

40 individuals including MEPs/ NGO representaatives and international
political observers said last night that they had been denied access
as observers to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s extradition hearing
at the Old Bailey.

Things became not merely dramatic in the Assange courtroom today, but
spiteful and nasty. There were two real issues, the evidence and the
procedure. On the evidence, there were stark details of the dreadful
regime Assange will face in US jails if extradited. On the procedure,
we saw behaviour from the prosecution QC that went well beyond normal
cross examination and was a real attempt to denigrate and even
humiliate the witness. I hope to prove that to you by a
straightforward exposition of what happened today in court, after
which I shall add further comment.

When I first met Julian Assange more than ten years ago, I asked him
why he had started WikiLeaks. He replied: “Transparency and
accountability are moral issues that must be the essence of public
life and journalism.”
I had never heard a publisher or an editor invoke morality in this
way. Assange believes that journalists are the agents of people, not
power: that we, the people, have a right to know about the darkest
secrets of those who claim to act in our name.
If the powerful lie to us, we have the right to know. If they say one
thing in private and the opposite in public, we have the right to
know. If they conspire against us, as Bush and Blair did over Iraq,
then pretend to be democrats, we have the right to know.
It is this morality of purpose that so threatens the collusion of
powers that want to plunge much of the world into war and wants to
bury Julian alive

Freedom of the press now rests with the honourable few: the
exceptions, the dissidents on the internet who belong to no club, who
are neither rich nor laden with Pulitzers, but produce fine,
disobedient, moral journalism — those like Julian Assange.
Meanwhile, it is our responsibility to stand by a true journalist
whose sheer courage ought to be inspiration to all of us who still
believe that freedom is possible. I salute him.

This was really hard to sit through silently for me; goodness knows
what it was like for Julian.
The mainstream media are turning a blind eye. There were three
reporters in the press gallery, one of them an intern and one
representing the NUJ. Public access continues to be restricted and
major NGOs, including Amnesty, PEN and Reporters Without Borders,
continue to be excluded both physically and from watching online. It
has taken me literally all night to write this up – it is now 8.54am –
and I have to finish off and get back into court. The six of us
allowed in the public gallery, incidentally, have to climb 132 steps
to get there, several times a day. As you know, I have a very dodgy
ticker; I am with Julian’s dad John who is 78; and another of us has a
I do not in the least discount the gallant efforts of others when I
explain that I feel obliged to write this up, and in this detail,
because otherwise the vital basic facts of the most important trial
this century, and how it is being conducted, would pass almost
completely unknown to the public. If it were a genuine process, they
would want people to see it, not completely minimise attendance both
physically and online.


Fuck all that.


Collateral Murder
Apparent Somali assassination order
Guantanamo Bay procedures
Daniel arap Moi
Tibetan Unrest videos
Scientology materials
Sarah Palin Emails
Killings by the Kenyan police
BNP membership
Congressional Research Service reports
Norm Coleman
Climategate 1 and 2
Barclays Bank tax avoidance
Internet censorship lists
Bilderberg Group meeting reports
2008 Peru oil scandal
Nuclear accident in Iran
Toxic dumping 

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-04-15 Thread Cecilia Tanaka
On Sun, Apr 12, 2020, 07:30 grarpamp  wrote:

> "Falling in love is an act of rebellion"

Days of War, Nights of Love.


Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-04-12 Thread grarpamp

Assange family, children, embassycat... on persecution, coronavirus

"Falling in love is an act of rebellion"


Caitlin Johnstone: “Should journalists be jailed for exposing US war crimes? Yes or no?” -- Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-03-02 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Caitlin Johnstone:
  “Should journalists be jailed for exposing US war crimes? Yes or no?”

  Humanity Is Making A Very Important Decision When It Comes To Assange

“Should journalists be jailed for exposing US war crimes? Yes or no?”

  Debunking The Smear That Assange Recklessly Published Unredacted Documents

This is a new section for my newly updated ongoing mega-article Debunking 
All The Assange Smears, a resource for debating 30 of the most common smears 
against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Use it, share it, and let me know if 
there’s anything you think should be changed or added.

The prosecution in the Assange extradition trial has falsely alleged that 
WikiLeaks recklessly published unredacted files in 2011 which endangered 
people’s lives. In reality the Pentagon admitted that no one was harmed as a 
result of the leaks during the Manning trial, and the unredacted files were 
actually published elsewhere as the result of a Guardian journalist recklessly 
included a real password in a book about WikiLeaks.

... As Assange’s defense highlighted during the trial, the unredacted 
publications were the result of a password being published in a book by 
Guardian reporters Luke Harding and David Leigh, the latter of whom worked with 
Assange in the initial publications of the Manning leaks.

WikiLeaks reported that it didn’t speak publicly about Leigh’s password 
publication for several months to avoid drawing attention to it,
but broke its silence when they learned a German weekly called Freitag was 
preparing a story about it. There’s footage of Assange calling the US State 
Department trying to warn of an imminent security breach at the time, but they 
refused to escalate the call.

It wasn’t long after that that the full unredacted archive was published on 
a website called Cryptome, where it still exists in its unredacted form today, 
completely free from prosecution. It wasn’t until the leaks were forced into 
the public, at the initiation of Leigh’s password shenanigans, that WikiLeaks 
published them in their unredacted form.

Assange’s US criminal defense lawyer Barry Pollack said in a press 
conference after the second day of the extradition trial being held at Belmarsh 
Prison: “What was laid out in great detail in court today was that the United 
States government making this extradition request claimed that Julian Assange 
intentionally published names of sources without redaction. We learned today 
that the United States government knew all along that that wasn’t true. That 
when others were about to publish those names without redaction, Julian Assange 
called the State Department to warn the State Department that others were about 
to publish, and pleaded with the State Department to take whatever action was 
necessary to protect those sources. The idea that the United States government 
is seeking extradition of Julian Assange when it, the United States government, 
failed to take any action is really unfathomable. I think we will learn more as 
this trial goes on that the United States government simply has not disclosed, 
in the extradition request, the underlying facts.”


Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-03-01 Thread grarpamp

@ioerror A timely reminder to freedom fighters everywhere
@ioerror (Jacob Appelbaum) gave this speech on Twitter on August 18th
2012. It is part reminder, part plea and part instruction manual for
freedom fighters everywhere.
One of the most inspiring things about Julian is that he knew the
risks & took action for the benefit of all *humanity* #wikileaks
Julian's actions are not based in egoism or megalomania - they are
based on principles of universal justice brought through truth
Julian's willingness to take a stand in public is dismissed as "not
required" by people who have yet to show anonymity alone could work.
Daniel Ellsberg is not an egotistical guy either - he could have
leaked the Pentagon Papers anonymously & wanted to take a stand for
Every person inspired by JA/DE's courage in public leads others to be
inspired to at least take action anonymously, if not publicly.
We must not create idols for worship but we must not denigrate those
who make or take risks merely because we know their name or story.
Nor should we discredit the positive actions of people, merely because
they, like all people, are imperfect, flawed or sometimes wrong.
Nelson Mandela is a great example of a guy who, while imperfect,
brought about great change worthy of praise, while having a healthy
So many great people, working for justice are imperfect and so easily
people forget the smears & attacks they faced in their struggle.
Pick someone working for social justice, against unjust wars, against
oppressive forces of almost any kind - they are attacked mercilessly.
These attacks, even if there is a shred of truth to them, must not be
used to discredit the positive goals & results of such struggles.
Point out that some founding fathers of the US were racists and that
they were right to fight against British tyranny - we must carry it on
Nelson Mandela used tactics that we can improve on, as did the US
revolutionary forces against the UK - #wikileaks has never used
The fact that #wikileaks has managed to make such an impact by
building on the lessons of past struggles is precisely why so many
attack it.
Without a single bullet, #wikileaks has turned elections, exposed
murders, shown massive corruptions - it has uncovered and enabled
#wikileaks would have never have mattered without Julian Assange and
everyone involved, taking these risks knowingly for a better world.
Even if you personally dislike Julian, we must not let him hang.
Humanity benefits from #wikileaks work. He hasn't hung you, he has
Some say #wikileaks doesn't need him and that he's a risk to
#wikileaks but that is exactly the wrong lesson. We cannot disregard
his needs.
When I spoke at HOPE in Julian's place, I quoted Solzhenitsyn "And
mankind's sole salvation lies in everyone making everything his
Solzhenitsyn (continued): "in the people of the East being vitally
concerned with what is thought in the West,"
Solzhenitsyn (continued): "the people of the West vitally concerned
with what goes on in the East."
This is what #wikileaks and Julian Assange have done - they have made
it possible for us to do exactly as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn hoped.
We now know almost exactly how many people the State has killed by
their own hands - when it refuses to be accountable for war and lies.
We now know the tactics of corruption from Kenya to Iraq. from Libya
and Tunisia - from the West, the East, & the Global South.
Julian's action with #wikileaks was not to end up dead or exiled or
famous - his actions create opportunity for all of us to take action.
When Howard Zinn talked about Democracy, he showed that it is more
than simple voting, it is knowledge, culture, discussions,
When Julian talks about Democracy, he takes action to enable
knowledge, culture, to foster discussions, to create avenues for
We must not forget that Julian has taken steps to fight against the
creeping authoritarianism that come from any exploitable govt
In the "West" we speak of dissidents and activists, such as those in
Bahrain without issue - the State department even speaks out for them.
We must not forget that the people oppressed in Bahrain deserve
freedom not because they're in Bahrain but because they are alive &
All across the world, Julian and many others have enabled and
connected struggles to evidence for what they often knew but could not
What is created next must come from the all of us not wasting our
generation. No martyrs and no losing ourselves to be crushed by the
We must remember that the State will lie to us - each state involved
in hunting Julian has lied 

Re: Assange Rips the Matrix -- Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-03-01 Thread John Young
Assange is a fine essayist, Articulate. Courageous. Humorous. 
WikiLeaks is a superb source. Not like this hyperbolic excreta.

At 08:23 AM 3/1/2020, you wrote:
This is a heartfelt message, but always remember your own authority 
and power/ability to act and speak in this world.

  Assange Rips the Matrix
  by Finian Cunningham

Assange Rips the Matrix -- Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-03-01 Thread Zenaan Harkness
This is a heartfelt message, but always remember your own authority and 
power/ability to act and speak in this world.

  Assange Rips the Matrix
  by Finian Cunningham

  The persecution of Julian Assange is one of those breakthrough moments when 
suddenly people realise that almost everything they have been told to believe 
is not true.

  This week the Australian-born journalist and publisher has been subjected to 
a show trial in a British court with the threat of extradition to the United 
States looming.
  If he is extradited, the 48-year old is facing 175 years – a death sentence – 
in prison on wholly contrived espionage charges.

  Assange is being persecuted for the sole and simple reason that he exposed 
war crimes and systematic corruption by the US government and its Western 
  His years of arbitrary detention and the torture endured over the past year 
while in solitary confinement in a British dungeon are a grim warning to all 
  The warning is that their supposed democratic rights are non-existent as far 
as the powers in Washington and London are concerned.
  If you dare speak truth to power, then this fate will also be yours.

  Thus, when it gets down to it, the harsh reality is that there is no such 
thing as democracy in the US or Britain.
  Elections and media are but window-dressing to hide the brutal truth that 
fundamental, basic democratic rights of free speech and due legal process are 
not inalienable principles, but rather are dispensable privileges whenever the 
powers-that-be ordain so.

  Julian Assange’s incarceration and pillorying is like an inquisition from 
medieval times happening in the year 2020.
  He dared expose the rampant, systematic crimes of so-called authorities 
through his Wikileaks site.
  His blasphemy was to expose the charlatans and mass-killers who masquerade as 
pious leaders.

  Those revelations showed the public that the pretensions of democracy and 
rule of law by the American and British governments are nothing but 
hypocritical, empty posturing.
  Assange’s courageous publishing work demonstrated how those governments have 
waged criminal wars and committed genocidal crimes; how they have made a 
mockery of international law and democratic rights.
  And for that heroic service to public truth and empowerment with the truth, 
Assange is being pilloried like a rebellious serf by overlords posing as 
“governments” and “judges”.

  Assange’s show trial is also powerfully revealing of the real nature of 
Western so-called news media.
  Not one of the major US or British news outlets have given any coverage, let 
alone comment, regarding his week-long extradition trial.

  A journalist and publisher is being whipsawed in the court as if he is a 
dangerous terrorist.
  He is denied elementary due process by being confined to a glass-cage dock, 
not able to communicate with his defence lawyers, unable to even hear what his 
accusers are claiming.

  His extradition, to be determined at a future court hearing, seems like a 
foregone conclusion, such is the bias and hostility towards Assange from the 
presiding British judge, Vanessa Baraitser.

  Given the international outcry from hundreds of doctors and UN 
representatives over Assange’s torture endured while in British custody, and 
given the grotesque abuse of legal process by the American and British 
so-called authorities, the case should be thrown out immediately – if there 
were any modicum of justice.

  The vendetta against Assange tells us what kind of societies citizens (or 
rather subjects) are living under in the US and Britain.
  These states are oligarchies where “democratic rights” are strictly 
conditional on subjects not stepping out of line, such as criticising war 
crimes or illegal global spying.

  Julian Assange has torn through the largely invisible matrix of propaganda 
and power that people really live under.
  The saccharin myths of “democracy” and “free speech” are shown for the ugly, 
putrid reality that they are.
  And the Western corporate-controlled media in their silence about what is 
going on are also condemned for the lying servile machines that they are.

  We must not accept the fate being prepared for Assange as if it is inevitable 
or as if we are powerless to overthrow it.
  The first step towards freedom is truth, and thanks to Julian Assange, we 
have the power to be free [actually, thanks to our inherent nature as 
human/Soul, we have within each of us, the power to live our truth, within the 
boundaries of our limitations, some self imposed, some external].
  We know the tyrannical nature of the governments that presume to rule over us 
in our names.
  There must be a popular uprising in defence of Assange. Because no-one is 
free until he is.

  A final note by way of testimony: anyone who has been enlightened by 
Wikileaks’ revelations over the past decade wi

Re: George Galloway lets it rip re Julian Assange -- Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-29 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 06:29:28AM -0500, John Young wrote:
> WikiLeaks/Assange is primarily a source not a journalist and journalists
> customarily sacrifice sources to save themselves.
> Assange in the early days of WikiLeaks was harshly critical of journalists and
> adopted the journalist cloak when journalists joined the org and shit started
> to come down.
> WikiLeaks has sacrificed sources to save itself. But like journalists
> continues to claim it protects sources in order to keep leaks coming in.

> Also
> contacts authorities for approval like journalists, redacts documents, hustles
> for funding

If that's all true, TPTB should have just worked with Assange.

But instead they crucify Assange.

When the many (true) WL competitors come, they will be far from so compliant.

> reportedly now in the millions of dollars, brays about its public
> service, avidly advertises itself, breaks laws under guise of constitutional
> privilege, etc.

Re: George Galloway lets it rip re Julian Assange -- Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-29 Thread Zenaan Harkness
How about some WL competition then - multiple cryptomes, drops, jurisdictions, 
federations, operators?

On Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 06:29:28AM -0500, John Young wrote:
> WikiLeaks/Assange is primarily a source not a journalist and journalists
> customarily sacrifice sources to save themselves.
> Assange in the early days of WikiLeaks was harshly critical of journalists and
> adopted the journalist cloak when journalists joined the org and shit started
> to come down.
> WikiLeaks has sacrificed sources to save itself. But like journalists
> continues to claim it protects sources in order to keep leaks coming in. Also
> contacts authorities for approval like journalists, redacts documents, hustles
> for funding reportedly now in the millions of dollars, brays about its public
> service, avidly advertises itself, breaks laws under guise of constitutional
> privilege, etc.

"breaks laws under guise of constitutional privilege" - generalized lip is just 
slander John - you of all people should know this!  If you want to help raise 
the consciousness generally, we need to start getting specific about what's 
right, and what's wrong (and that's sometimes a personal thing/assessment, so 
be it - this is a bloody anarchist list after all!)

Underhanded (facts not named) and generalised beef, is just slander.

> Assanges's sexual predation

Repeating MSM slander is limp in the extreme, dude!

Seriously John, since you've repeated this particular slanderous claim a number 
of times now, put up some evidence or stfu on this one - if "sexual predation" 
by Assange existed, we can fairly assume in the face of the Swedish bullshit 
"legal process" against Assange to date, that "Assange sexual predation" would 
have been loudly and publicly displayed, and it has not, thus leaving the 
Empire looking extraordinarily petty and vindictive.  If you have the dirt, 
strut your stuff if that's your style.  "With friends like us" though...

> like celebrities is same as that of star
> journalists, which stardom is hardly the norm for grunts of low-paid
> journalists who hate investors, publishers, editors and stars.

There are stars, for whatever reasons, and there are grunts.  Get the firetruck 
over it.

Choose your own pathway. Suggest improvements to others. But bitching about 
Assange where he cannot respond/defend himself, and without substantive fact, 
is simply John's Opinion Porn, come and get it, straight off John's Opinion 

> WikiLeaks originally promised public participation of a wiki but within months
> it was revealed to be an Assange promotional tool, heirarchical, high-handed,
> censorious, secret, cultish. Now wealthy as MSM.

There is no shortage of alternates in wiki/git/rsync/etc software, for 
you/I/others to roll out "better".  This is a do-ocracy, not a complaint-ocracy.

> WikiLeaks remains a valuable public resource but needs to shed Assange,
> secrecy, con artistry, obnoxious promotion by celebrity defenders out to
> promote themselves. It was intended to be an alternative to commercial
> journalism but lost its way due to Assange's misbehavior even now being
> glamorized, way too many vulgarians cheering his performance.

His stand is way beyond the will of most humans.  And beyond the understanding 
of most.

> Fuck the glamorizers, free Assange from their clutches, they will abandon him
> when appropriate for their own protection.

Some will, some won't - we saw that with the Tor compromats, now fully CIA 
cucked, Applebaum delivered a public flogging.

Humans are human - not so many have a will to loyalty, discovering those is a 
quest worthy!

Create your world brother,

> At 05:40 AM 2/29/2020, you wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 05:30:30AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Julian Assange
> > > Chelsea Manning
> > > Edward Snowden
> > > Reality Winner
> > > ...
> > >
> > > Hundreds of names, all bc govt trying to save its sorry ass.
> > > No one really wants it. End it already.
> > >
> > > #FreeAssange
> > 
> > 
> > George Galloway - a man who actually uses his (media) platform for the "in
> > principle" it is intended for - speaking truth to power.
> > 
> > 
> > WATCH: One of Best Orators Alive, UK Politician George Galloway,
> > Electrifying Speech on Lynching of Assange
> >
> >
> > 
> > (Transcript in link above has a few mistakes, for those
> > who prefer to read... but strongly recommend watching - inspiring, and

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-29 Thread Razer
A plausible denial if I ever heard it follows:

On 2/29/20 9:27 AM, John Young wrote:
> FWIW, Assange's counsel mistated that Cryptome hosted, and still
> hosts, the State Department cables. Cryptome posted, and still hosts,
> the torrents for accessing the cable files after decrypting the
> torrents with the book-published password. But did not publish the
> very large files themselves.
> Of the three encrypted files only one, the y-file, could be decrypted
> with the password, not x and z. Still don't know what is in x and z.
> Cryptome archived the decrypted y file, cables.csv (1.7GB), but did
> not publish it.
> Not aware of where or who hosted the files accessed by the torrents.
> Don't know if the others who downloaded the torrents then decrypted
> and published all of them.
> If not, it is possible WikiLeaks first published the unredacted files,
> maybe all of them, thinking that others had already done so.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-29 Thread John Young
FWIW, Assange's counsel mistated that Cryptome hosted, and still 
hosts, the State Department cables. Cryptome posted, and still hosts, 
the torrents for accessing the cable files after decrypting the 
torrents with the book-published password. But did not publish the 
very large files themselves.

Of the three encrypted files only one, the y-file, could be decrypted 
with the password, not x and z. Still don't know what is in x and z.

Cryptome archived the decrypted y file, cables.csv (1.7GB), but did 
not publish it.

Not aware of where or who hosted the files accessed by the torrents.

Don't know if the others who downloaded the torrents then decrypted 
and published all of them.

If not, it is possible WikiLeaks first published the unredacted 
files, maybe all of them, thinking that others had already done so.

Re: George Galloway lets it rip re Julian Assange -- Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-29 Thread grarpamp
On 2/29/20, John Young  wrote:
> ...

Years before every commercial fake journo rolled a SecureDrop
to vacuum up and never publish leaks, WL (and a few others
to their credit) were the only pubs in town, with WL flashing
that hot new style.
WL's vacuum most likely hasn't yet dumped all what got
sucked into its old lode. Styles often come back,
but hardly ever quite the same.

Re: George Galloway lets it rip re Julian Assange -- Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-29 Thread John Young
WikiLeaks/Assange is primarily a source not a journalist and 
journalists customarily sacrifice sources to save themselves.

Assange in the early days of WikiLeaks was harshly critical of 
journalists and adopted the journalist cloak when journalists joined 
the org and shit started to come down.

WikiLeaks has sacrificed sources to save itself. But like journalists 
continues to claim it protects sources in order to keep leaks coming 
in. Also contacts authorities for approval like journalists, redacts 
documents, hustles for funding reportedly now in the millions of 
dollars, brays about its public service, avidly advertises itself, 
breaks laws under guise of constitutional privilege, etc.

Assanges's sexual predation like celebrities is same as that of star 
journalists, which stardom is hardly the norm for grunts of low-paid 
journalists who hate investors, publishers, editors and stars.

WikiLeaks originally promised public participation of a wiki but 
within months it was revealed to be an Assange promotional tool, 
heirarchical, high-handed, censorious, secret, cultish. Now wealthy as MSM.

WikiLeaks remains a valuable public resource but needs to shed 
Assange, secrecy, con artistry, obnoxious promotion by celebrity 
defenders out to promote themselves. It was intended to be an 
alternative to commercial journalism but lost its way due to 
Assange's misbehavior even now being glamorized, way too many 
vulgarians cheering his performance.

Fuck the glamorizers, free Assange from their clutches, they will 
abandon him when appropriate for their own protection.

At 05:40 AM 2/29/2020, you wrote:

On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 05:30:30AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> Julian Assange
> Chelsea Manning
> Edward Snowden
> Reality Winner
> ...
> Hundreds of names, all bc govt trying to save its sorry ass.
> No one really wants it. End it already.
> #FreeAssange

George Galloway - a man who actually uses his (media) platform for 
the "in principle" it is intended for - speaking truth to power.

WATCH: One of Best Orators Alive, UK Politician George Galloway, 
Electrifying Speech on Lynching of Assange

(Transcript in link above has a few mistakes, for 
those who prefer to read... but strongly recommend watching - 
inspiring, and only ~14 minutes and ~20MiB)

A few quotes from the transcript:

  "Who cannot tremble with indignation at the idea that the man 
that blew the whistle on the war crimes is in Belmarsh and the war 
criminals are on the BBC and ITV and raking in millions and 
millions and millions and millions of pounds."

  "If you cannot tremble with indignation, any injustice anywhere, 
you're not a human being. You have no pulse and you have no soul."

  "This church should be bulging with journalists because if they 
had any intention of actually doing their job. What is happening to 
Julian Assange is a mortal danger to them. It's a knife at their 
heart. It's a sword of Damocles hanging over their heads. If they 
ever intended to actually be journalists.

  But of course, the truth is, most of them have sold whatever soul 
they had just for a ribbon to put on their coat, just for a shilling or two.

  They have abandoned any claim of moral authority. These are the 
people that lecture us."

Re: George Galloway lets it rip re Julian Assange -- Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-29 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 09:40:33PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 05:30:30AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > Julian Assange
> > Chelsea Manning
> > Edward Snowden
> > Reality Winner
> > ...
> > 
> > Hundreds of names, all bc govt trying to save its sorry ass.
> > No one really wants it. End it already.
> > 
> > #FreeAssange
> George Galloway - a man who actually uses his (media) platform for the "in 
> principle" it is intended for - speaking truth to power.
> WATCH: One of Best Orators Alive, UK Politician George Galloway, Electrifying 
> Speech on Lynching of Assange
> (Transcript in link above has a few mistakes, for those 
> who prefer to read... but strongly recommend watching - inspiring, and only 
> ~14 minutes and ~20MiB)
> A few quotes from the transcript:
>   "Who cannot tremble with indignation at the idea that the man that blew the 
> whistle on the war crimes is in Belmarsh and the war criminals are on the BBC 
> and ITV and raking in millions and millions and millions and millions of 
> pounds."
>   "If you cannot tremble with indignation, any injustice anywhere, you're not 
> a human being. You have no pulse and you have no soul."
>   "This church should be bulging with journalists because if they had any 
> intention of actually doing their job. What is happening to Julian Assange is 
> a mortal danger to them. It's a knife at their heart. It's a sword of 
> Damocles hanging over their heads. If they ever intended to actually be 
> journalists.
>   But of course, the truth is, most of them have sold whatever soul they had 
> just for a ribbon to put on their coat, just for a shilling or two.
>   They have abandoned any claim of moral authority. These are the people that 
> lecture us."

And an example of the absolute hypocritical scum that is the "mainstream" press 
- aggrandizing themselves with awards whilst not even mentioning Julian Assange 
- Christiane Amanpour licks the empires boots, does not mention Assange:

   Freedom for me but not for Assange (or thee): The breathtaking hypocrisy of 
CNN’s Christiane Amanpour

George Galloway lets it rip re Julian Assange -- Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-29 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 05:30:30AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> Julian Assange
> Chelsea Manning
> Edward Snowden
> Reality Winner
> ...
> Hundreds of names, all bc govt trying to save its sorry ass.
> No one really wants it. End it already.
> #FreeAssange

George Galloway - a man who actually uses his (media) platform for the "in 
principle" it is intended for - speaking truth to power.

WATCH: One of Best Orators Alive, UK Politician George Galloway, Electrifying 
Speech on Lynching of Assange

(Transcript in link above has a few mistakes, for those who 
prefer to read... but strongly recommend watching - inspiring, and only ~14 
minutes and ~20MiB)

A few quotes from the transcript:

  "Who cannot tremble with indignation at the idea that the man that blew the 
whistle on the war crimes is in Belmarsh and the war criminals are on the BBC 
and ITV and raking in millions and millions and millions and millions of 

  "If you cannot tremble with indignation, any injustice anywhere, you're not a 
human being. You have no pulse and you have no soul."

  "This church should be bulging with journalists because if they had any 
intention of actually doing their job. What is happening to Julian Assange is a 
mortal danger to them. It's a knife at their heart. It's a sword of Damocles 
hanging over their heads. If they ever intended to actually be journalists.

  But of course, the truth is, most of them have sold whatever soul they had 
just for a ribbon to put on their coat, just for a shilling or two.

  They have abandoned any claim of moral authority. These are the people that 
lecture us."

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-29 Thread grarpamp
Belgrade Butchers


Chelsea Manning, Jeremy Hammond

Julian Assange  Freeing and Being Assange


Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-27 Thread grarpamp
Thread digest...
This case is a great career opportunity for Judges.
Most Judges in New Zealand saw my case as a career opportunity.
Judges who ruled in favor of the US govt were promoted.
The govt even promoted Judges who were favorable to me to remove them
from my case.
My lead lawyer was offered a Judge position. He quit. He’s now a Judge.
It was shocking to see how frequently and shamelessly US lawyers
twisted the law, manipulated and lied.
But most shocking was that most New Zealand Judges witnessed this
misconduct and did nothing
The US beats you outside of the courtroom with political pressure,
corruption and relationships.
No Judge who rules in favor of Julian Assange will ever be recommend
for promotion by the prime minister.
As long as govt gets to pick Judges govt will win political cases.
Judges are selfish people like most people.
They too want to climb the ladder.
More money and prestige.
In a society where Judges are chosen and promoted by the government
Justice isn’t real.

Bitcoin maximalists only hold a single coin and want to pump it.
I hold dozens of coins and just want crypto to undermine the power
of governments to control peaceful people.  -- roger ver

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-27 Thread grarpamp
On 2/27/20, Razer  wrote:
> They're keeping #JulianAssange in a glass box, so you think of Eichmann,
> and #Nazis... Because the people persecuting #Assange understand and
> relate to #Nazis, because they are #Nazis. He is obviously not a flight
> or courtroom disruption risk, due to their torturing him like #Nazis do,
> so there's no reason he shouldn't be able to sit next to his lawyer and
> effectively plan a defense, except that the #Nazis want you to think of
> #Nazis when you see him... But all I can think of are the #Nazis who
> have him on display like an animal in a glass box.

More cages and show trials... journos slammed bukharin 1938 vice covers putin love trotsky charles 1 impeachment assange re manning trial

"Your actions have not been approved by the Authorities!!!
The trial has illustrated absurdity of the legal system
for one thing the court chose a room way too small
to keep observers out. The State felt "intolerable pain"
when a little yellow lemon fruit hit its kevlar vest.
The point of the trial is not to deliver justice,
it's a warning to others thinking about being free.
The people behind bars were put there to scare everyone.
Redress, protest, Freedom... will not be possible or tolerated."


Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-27 Thread grarpamp
> Twitter news syndication lists...

Search api's for general queries...

Yanis Varoufakis and John Shipton and RSF 2020-02-22

Ron Paul on US Politics re Assange 2020-02-24

Assange Speech 2012-12-21

Assange Last Video 2018-09-20

"You have to put in the word 'Diplomatic'...'History'.
Can you remember that?"...
Julian Assange's Emergency Call to Hillary Clinton's Office

"“I can’t speak with my lawyers with any confidentiality,”
Assange told the court Wednesday. “There is a whole
series of unnamed embassy staff in the room and then
there’s a microphone right here and two officers. I have
enough difficulty concentrating as it is.”"

"Julian #Assange is speaking now to the Magistrate;
that he cannot instruct his lawyers; that there is no
privacy, he cannot participate. He cannot speak to his
lawyer’s, without any confidence. Judge orders him to
cease speaking; its not allowed for a Defendant to speak."

"Assange: "I cannot communicate with my lawyers or ask
them for clarifications without the other side seeing" "The
other side has about 100 times more contact with their
lawyers per day" "What is the point of asking if I can
concentrate if I cannot participate?"

"Assange is asked is he is ok to continue, he says he cannot
speak to his legal team confidentially as he is flanked by guards,
"I have very little contact with my lawyers.""

"Judge says she will not allow Assange to address the court,
tells him to speak to his lawyer. Assange tries to speak again,
judge says he cannot and must instruct his lawyers.
Judge leaves court and it adjourns."

"Yesterday, after Assange's 1st day in court, prison wardens
confiscated the legal documents he brought back to study.
And he was stripped naked & handcuffed 11 times - to boot."

Journalism and Free Speech are not crimes.


Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-26 Thread Razer

On 2/25/20 4:19 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> Twitter news syndication lists...
> Anonymous Bites Back
> Assange wrote down on a scrap of paper:
> ACollectionOfHistorySince_1966_ToThe_PresentDay#. "That's the
> password," he said. "But you have to add one extra word when you type
> it in. You have to put in the word 'Diplomatic' before the word
> 'History'. Can you remember that?"
> — David Leigh, WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy
> SplinterItIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItIntoTheWinds
> #FreeAssange
> Attach released passwords to all the other
> formerly intact distribution / insurance files
> for reference below...

A. That couldn't be Manning's password. That would be the password to
Wikileak's administrative functions passed on by Assange as he was being
arrested or thereabouts.

B. CassandraRules is an 'altright' account and most likely a fed
honeypot, like anyone else who would refer to themselves by that sullied
moniker "Anonymous" today.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-25 Thread Zenaan Harkness
  Assange Hearing: Manning Sought Help Accessing Video Game Database, Not 
Hacking US Government System

Julian Assange is charged with 17 counts under the espionage act and one 
count of "conspiracy to commit computer intrusion". This charge has been 
erroneously misused by the US to represent an attempted act of 'hacking' in 
order to shield Chelsea Manning from detection while revealing classified 
documents to WikiLeaks, according to his defence.

US Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning sought help from Julian Assange in 
order to crack a password hash so that she could access a video gaming and 
music database, Belmarsh Magistrates’ Court was told on 25 February 2020.

Mark Summers QC, a barrister on Assange's legal team, told Judge Venessa 
Baraitser that the US government is aware of this fact and that their 
extradition request, which cites one charge of "conspiracy to commit computer 
intrusion" is therefore fundamentally dishonest.

This is the first time that this claim, that Manning merely sought help to 
access a video gaming site which was blocked by the US military, was made 
public. Summers also submitted to the court arguments and evidence to show that 
Manning didn't need either a username or password in order to access the 
information which she did end up leaking to WikiLeaks. Furthermore, Assange was 
ultimately unable to assist Manning and so this attempt ultimately went nowhere.


Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-25 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 05:30:30AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> Julian Assange
> Chelsea Manning
> Edward Snowden
> Reality Winner
> ...
> Hundreds of names, all bc govt trying to save its sorry ass.
> No one really wants it. End it already.

Oh far from it - big $$ wants govt, the easiest way to shear the sheeple.

[From the stating the obvious dept.]

> #FreeAssange

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-25 Thread grarpamp
Twitter news syndication lists...

Anonymous Bites Back

Assange wrote down on a scrap of paper:
ACollectionOfHistorySince_1966_ToThe_PresentDay#. "That's the
password," he said. "But you have to add one extra word when you type
it in. You have to put in the word 'Diplomatic' before the word
'History'. Can you remember that?"
— David Leigh, WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy



Attach released passwords to all the other
formerly intact distribution / insurance files
for reference below...

Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-25 Thread grarpamp

On 2/25/20, jim bell  wrote:
> The USA will make the extraordinary claim...

More than 40 jurists from the U.K., the U.S., France and other
countries published a letter Saturday asking the British government
to reject the extradition request. They accused the U.S. of
“extra-territorial overreach” in seeking to prosecute an Australian
who was based in the U.K.

Assange lawyer- "Yesterday Mr Assange was handcuffed 11 times,
stripped naked twice at Belmarsh and put in 5 separate holding cells.

“I can’t for the life of me understand why he’s still in prison,” said
John Shipton.


Re: Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-25 Thread grarpamp

Millions murdered by govts.


Wikileaks: Julian Assange

2020-02-25 Thread grarpamp

Julian Assange
Chelsea Manning
Edward Snowden
Reality Winner

Hundreds of names, all bc govt trying to save its sorry ass.
No one really wants it. End it already.
