Re: A 'Funky A.T.M.' Lets You Pay for Purchases Made Online

2003-07-26 Thread Nomen Nescio
One point being overlooked here is digital versus physical anonymity.

The funky ATM (what, does it smell or something?) will allow you to
(among other things) stick in some cash and let someone else withdraw it
using a password which you have sent him out of band (according to the
patent - which I've actually read, more than anyone else here can say).
This will allow for digital anonymity in the sense that there is no
account information associated with the transaction.

Now, it's true that ATMs take pictures of people, so you don't have
full physical anonymity.  But given the limited reliability of facial
recognition systems, especially if you take simple precautions like
wearing a hat and tilting your head down, you can have de facto very
strong anonymity putting money into or taking it out of an ATM.  The mere
fact that it takes your picture doesn't mean that much.

It's also true that the amount of cash that could be practically
transfered in this way is limited to a few thousand dollars at most, given
that the machines will probably only accept and dispense twenty dollar
bills or equivalent.  Nevertheless such payments would be a good start.
The ability to pay or receive a few thousand dollars, untraceably, would
enable a number of interesting applications involving freedom of speech
and action.  Writing custom software or providing sensitive information
could be funded at these levels.

The point which has been mostly overlooked is that this article was
nothing but vapor, based on the issuance of a patent.  There's a huge
barrier between the idea and the implementation.  A cash-transfer ATM
would be a true boon to cypherpunk goals, but it is doubtful whether
such a system will be allowed to exist in today's world.

Re: Dead Body Theatre

2003-07-26 Thread Tim May
On Saturday, July 26, 2003, at 01:10 AM, Sarad AV wrote:

I wouldn't like to see american soldiers killed
either.How ever I talked to an american citizen a few
days before the second iraq war and he supported the
war saying that-If one is an american,where do you
think all the money,power and previlage for american
people will come from?
That sounds very logical.

I retaliated saying that the previlages,power will
come with the death of thousands of iraqi men,women
and children.
He wouldn't budge any way.

This is a silly, naive view of things. First, the concept of 
privilege is one of those lefty, cockeyed notions the liberals use to 
vaguely imply that success in life is due to privilege.

Second, though I strongly disagree with the Second Iraq War, nothing 
that happens there has anything substantive to do with economic success 
and money, power for anyone I know. Our money, power comes from 
work, investments, high tech, etc.

I have no idea if you are really the Third World mutant you usually 
come off as being, but you really need to get out more.

--Tim May