2000-10-10 Thread BestFriend

What can you get for $20.00?
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Lunch with a friendA parking place
How About

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 Subject:  MUST READ! ! ! ... TV Advertised! ! ! ... 

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 In network marketing, it also means getting paid for the work of

 The enclosed information is something I almost 

Re: request for info about DU

2000-10-10 Thread Tim May

At 8:55 PM -0400 10/10/00, David Honig wrote:
At 03:09 PM 10/10/00 -0400, Tim May wrote:
And if you asked on the Cypherpunks list because you thought it would
be cute to implicate us in nuclear weapons chatter, get a clue. If
not, it was still the wrong place to ask such a question.

--Tim May

Lets see, radiation effects on matter... hmm, I bet TM knows something about
that... U acts like Ca++, so watch your bones... anticipating that regular
NM poster,
stay upwind...blah blah..

Nukes are not cost or effort- effective, compared to CBWs...

"Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love uranium."

I forgot to mention in my last message that another prime use of DU 
is for radiation shielding. No, not an example of Simpson's Paradox 
(not O.J.). Rather, DU absorbs very well, and only gives off very 
slight amounts of radiation.

Uranium, either the ore, or the metal, or the depleted form, is 
remarkably harmless. I used to handle blocks of the stuff. One of my 
associates had some dice made out of DU...I always wanted a pair of 
these, but I never got my own set.

Ah, the years of slaving away in the thorium mines...

(A line out of a Heinlein juvenile, I vaguely recalled at the time. 
Something significant about learning about thorum, slide rules, and 
tensors from reading Heinlein novels in the 6th grade.)

--Tim May
Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

Do You Want Results?

2000-10-10 Thread JRGLv2zfK

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Market Your Business To The World!

2000-10-10 Thread RWpQav2FD

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 Consider this:
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 Other methods like searchengines, link exchanges, and classifieds could take weeks 
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 or email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

You received this message because you visited one of our web sites or
requested information.  To be removed please send an email

Re: Ralph Nader sends privacy survey to Bush and Gore campaigns

2000-10-10 Thread Declan McCullagh

there's some discussion of etzoni here:


Bush and Gore Campaigns Will Debate Privacy
posted by cicero on Tuesday October 10, @03:22PM

Representatives of the George W. Bush and Al Gore campaigns
will debate privacy in Washington on October 16. Now, the candidates
themselves aren't going to be there, but a privacy debate is still a
first. A related one happened today at the Brookings Institution, when
Sen. Robert Bennett (for Bush) and Robert Shapiro, Commerce Department
undersecretary (for Gore) tangled over "technology and the global
economy." There's one odd thing about the Bush-Gore privacy debate:
It's being hosted by Amitai Etzioni of George Washington University, a
"communitarian" who's deeply suspicious of proposals to limit
government surveillance, and an unusual choice for a moderator. See
below for details. Also see Gore and Bush and Ralph Nader on privacy.

More cypherpunks photos now up at mccullagh.org

2000-10-10 Thread Declan McCullagh

I sent the below note to politech. The cypherpunks photos of note:

Jim Bell:

Blanc Weber:

John Perry Barlow:

David Friedman, anarcho-capitalist economist:

Other free market economists:



I just got back from Microsoft's 25th holiday party at Les Halles on 
Pennsylvania Avenue. It was a tremendous change from what I remember about 
the '97 holiday party at the same place: Better food, much larger room, 
and, as you'd expect many more people. And no, Judge Jackson and Joel Klein 
weren't invited.

As a service to you, dear readers, I've put some snapshots from the party 
up at:

I've finally scanned in a subset of the slides I took over the summer. A 
list is at:

Broken down into categories, we have scenes from the Microsoft antitrust trial:

Highlights from Burning Man:

The Dazzle Dancers (a must-see):

John Perry Barlow:

Doubleclick's lobbyist outside the Capitol building:

Jim Bell, convicted crypto-criminal and assassination politics popularizer:

Hiawatha Bray of the Boston Globe and Alan Davidson of CDT at the ICANN 
debate last week:

Union activists protesting in Boston:

Some photos from a trip to Key West:

Rep. Zoe Lofgren at Clinton event:

Bennett Haselton of Peacefire:

David Friedman, anarcho-capitalist economist:

Other free market economists:

RE: Burglar Politics, Tempesting PC's that watch TV and DVD regions

2000-10-10 Thread Lucky Green

Sunder wrote, quoting

 It's my understanding that TV detector vans work by picking up
 the radiation emitted by cathode ray tube TVs - which should mean
 that, if you're rich enough to run an LCD monitor they'll never
 know you're a secret Paxman admirer.

A popular, but false, myth. The video cards radiate more than the CRT's.
Laptops tend to be the worst offenders.


  "Anytime you decrypt... its against the law".
   Jack Valenti, President, Motion Picture Association of America in
   a sworn deposition, 2000-06-06

RE: request for info about DU

2000-10-10 Thread Lucky Green

A more interesting question might be: where does one get depleted uranium. I
looked, but found no useful information on the Net. Surely there can't be
much restrictions on this stuff.

[The even more interesting question of course is where to obtain enriched


  "Anytime you decrypt... its against the law".
   Jack Valenti, President, Motion Picture Association of America in
   a sworn deposition, 2000-06-06

 -Original Message-
 Of Tim May
 Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 12:10
 To: Multiple recipients of list
 Subject: Re: request for info about DU

 At 6:27 PM +0100 10/10/00, Hansen Linn wrote:
 I am a journalist student who need some basic info about
 Depleted Uranium.
 Why and how has it depleted Do u have any usefull links were
 I can find
 this info??

 There will be vast numbers of Web pages available. Use search engines.

 I worked a lot with depleted uranium in a past career. It's natural
 uranium from which the U-235 isotope has been removed, leaving the
 U-238 isotope. Inasmuch as U-238 is the bulk of naturally occurring
 uranium, DU is not very different from ordinary uranium as mined and
 processed into the metallic form.

 Though mildly radioactive (half-life of billions of years...4.5
 billion, IIRC), its very high density makes it ideal for sailboat
 keels, cores of anti-tank and anti-ship shells, etc. (When used in a
 weapon, the DU adds to the penetration, and also ignites and
 burns...this has nothing whatsoever to do with its radioactivity,

 Again, consult online sources, or encyclopedias.

 And if you asked on the Cypherpunks list because you thought it would
 be cute to implicate us in nuclear weapons chatter, get a clue. If
 not, it was still the wrong place to ask such a question.

 --Tim May
 Timothy C. May  | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
 ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
 W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
 "Cyphernomicon" | black markets, collapse of governments.

Re: Burglar Politics, Tempesting PC's that watch TV and DVD regions

2000-10-10 Thread Steve Furlong

Lucky Green wrote:
 Sunder wrote, quoting
  It's my understanding that TV detector vans work by picking up
  the radiation emitted by cathode ray tube TVs - which should mean
  that, if you're rich enough to run an LCD monitor they'll never
  know you're a secret Paxman admirer.
 A popular, but false, myth. The video cards radiate more than the CRT's.
 Laptops tend to be the worst offenders.

Cables are a problem, too. Video signals from a fully-shielded computer
connected to a fully-shielded monitor by a regular, unshielded cable can
be read. Effective snooping distance goes down, though I don't remember
by what factor.

Steve Furlong, Computer Condottiere Have GNU, will travel
   518-374-4720 [EMAIL PROTECTED]