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RE: Meatspace anonymity manual

2001-07-09 Thread Vinay Menon


 Can u tell me how I can unsubscribe from this mailing list ?


Vinayan Menon
System Analyst
Ph : 3412266
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VisualSoft Technologies

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Craig Brozefsky
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 12:37 PM
To: Faustine
Subject: Re: Meatspace anonymity manual

"Faustine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

To make it clear, I'm not a member of the Black Blocs, associated with
them in any way, nor do I think the tactic is effective.  I was asking
Sampo if he was being sarcastic in his association of this tactic with
an anarchist ideology of any value.

> Frankly, I don't see how any kind of "short-term tactic for possibly
> illegal operations on the street in an environment full of police"
> could be good for anything more than the symbolic. What did these
> "illegal operations" really accomplish apart from getting out a
> statement? Serious question. I'm just not seeing it.

Symbolically, not much good except for recruiting young males with
visions of being the storm-troopers of revolution or something.

I had an off-list discussion with someone about wether these actions
were purely symbolic or not, my position is that they are not.  My
argument is based on what these people are writing in their
calls-to-arms or whatever you call them.  They are actually trying to
develop tactics for these situations, not present an image to others.

I can respect the desire to develop tactics for operating in
situations like that (breaking barricades, evacuating downed marchers
etc...), if only because I imagine that such tactics will be
neccesarry to provide sufficient symbolic victories. A WTO protest
that has people in turtle suits running around outside the fenced off
area is one thing, a WTO protest that results in the storming and/or
burning down of the hotel the conference was being held is another.

Oops, I just put myself on some Fed list.

Craig Brozefsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Indifference is the dead weight of history." -- Antonio Gramsci

IMPORTANT- Please read 4320

2001-07-09 Thread peibxj


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2001-07-09 Thread Denio Robson



2001-07-09 Thread Denio Robson

Eu quero sair dessa droga.


Re: Meatspace anonymity manual

2001-07-09 Thread A. Melon

Ray Dillinger wrote:

  On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Sampo Syreeni wrote:

  >the protection afforded by Black Blocs is quite thin (just indict them under
  >organized crime or gang laws),

>  The similar clothing is enough to charge with gang membership and invoke
>  RICO.  Also, the 'black bloc' tactic has 'premeditated' written all over
>  it.  I'd say these kids haven't provided more protection for themselves;
>  on the contrary, they've raised the stakes.  The cops will have to arrest
>  *more* people in order to deal with the bloc, but the people arrested
>  when it happens are going to be charged with more serious crimes, like
>  racketeering, conspiracy, and membership in a corrupt organization, than
>  if they'd stuck with the simpler tactics.  And most of what they might
>  otherwise have claimed as defenses are going to crumble under that
>  'premeditation' thing.

  That's irrelevant -- the fedz, and even state courts, are already giving
the heaviest sentences to 
protesters of anytime in our history. And you obviousely have never taken part
in any street actions. 
They've got a good idea -- one of the tactics used by cops for quite awhile is
to have undercover 
agents in the crowd who spot the *real* troublemakers, leaders, etc. and then
often an "affinity 
squad" will target that individual. By making it very difficult to
differentiate any individuals, that 
whole cop tactic becomes useless. 
   The other part of the bloc is that by staying together in a tight group,
they can grab arrestees 
from the cops more easily. We used to have groups of two or three who worked
together this way, 
more is better. 

Are YOU Ready For Wealth & Freedom ???? 16211

2001-07-09 Thread knedrager1

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Internet Stock Survey

2001-07-09 Thread Stock Survey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Nigel Forde,
Internet Stock Surveys

TV as an indicator...

2001-07-09 Thread Ray Dillinger

I turned on a television set last night, for the first time in many 
months.  I was watching videotapes, but I caught fragments of shows 
while tapes were rewinding, etc.

American TV has taken a definite turn for the vicious since I last 
watched.  It's still pablum-and-opiates, but someone has spiked it.

We're seeing an increasing focus on elitism, "survival of the fittest", 
etc -- shows that present the "elimination" of the weak as a virtue, 
and where game-show hosts masquerading as intellectuals intentionally 
humiliate contestants.  We are seing a separation of moral responsibility 
from action and being conditioned to accept viciousness in authority 
figures.  We are also being conditioned to accept the idea that some 
form of pseudo-intellectual "correctness" excuses viciousness.

The tone is very similar to "entertainment" or "public education" 
films that were produced by the propaganda arm of the german National 
Socialist party in 1936-1938, which I remember from school but 
which folk in Germany, or those who attend current-day American 
schools, will not recognize due to censorship.  We forget history, 
believing that this will prevent us from repeating it rather than 
the other way round

The progression was reasonably simple, as I recall. 

First, the people are conditioned to accept "harsh reality", survival 
   of the fittest, etc. 
Second, the people are conditioned to accept that, these things being 
   inevitable, hurrying them along is a virtue. 
Third, some class of people are identified as being "inferior" and 
   pseudoscience upholding the claim is advanced.  

The shows I saw last night were deep into the second stage, and 
universal public monitoring is now more pervasive here than it was 
then and there, and our schools are raising a generation of people 
who think monitoring and draconian weapons laws are normal, and 
ideas not "politically correct" are being persecuted as vigorously
here as they were in Nazi Germany. 

The parallels continue...  The "new media must be controlled" of 
that era was radio and television -- now it's the internet.  Same 
basic debates going on -- most of the same outcomes happening.

I am scared.


Re: Condit cracks

2001-07-09 Thread George

One odd thing about the Condit affair: the leaks.

Oh, the leaks themselves aren't surprising.

But are leaks now so ubiquitous that there's
no comment at all on them?

He's been interviewed three times, and "police sources"
kept us informed each time.

This time the interview included the FBI, and we
promptly got reports that Condit was indeed having
an affair. And: he hadn't broken it off when she

Ain't intense media pressure great?

JYA, stay away from the corpse sniffing dogs
so they don't get confused. ;-)

# Subject: TV as an indicator...
# From: Ray Dillinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#I turned on a television set last night, for the first time in 
#many months.  I was watching videotapes, but I caught fragments 
#of shows while tapes were rewinding, etc.
#American TV has taken a definite turn for the vicious since I 
#last watched.  It's still pablum-and-opiates, but someone has 
#spiked it.

Oh, it's always been there.

Once again it is that time of year when every sort of
news show dumps the latest "running of the bulls" gore
story on us. This year an American female got "a foot
long gash in her thigh", and we found out bulls can't
make a 90 degree turn on wet stones.

7/8/2001 Newt Gingrich on Judith Regan Tonight:
When I was a teenager, Isaac Assimov's Foundation
series changed my life.

U.N. security investigating irate email from U.S. gun owners

2001-07-09 Thread Declan McCullagh

- Forwarded message from Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FC: U.N. security investigating irate email from U.S. gun owners
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2001 13:40:12 -0400
X-URL: Politech is at http://www.politechbot.com/

Summary: Fewer than 100 angry email messages from American gun owners led 
U.N. conference organizers to turn over the correspondence to U.N. internal 
security forces. The U.N. gun-summit began today, and -- see below -- 
includes proposals for a global gun database, tracking of firearms, 
complaints about encryption and so on. What's interesting is that even this 
limited outcry was enough to prompt U.N. officials to make the appropriate 
"we're not trying to limit private ownership of guns," apparently 
backtracking from previous positions.

Statement on U.N. meeting from Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and 
Bear Arms:

To see what kind of reaction the U.N. conference has provoked:

>He said he had seen some of the nearly 100 letters and e-mails that had 
>been sent by gun-ownership advocates. They were mainly irate and "strongly 
>worded" protests, and allegations that the United Nations wanted to take 
>guns away from civilians in conflict with the constitutional rights of 
>United States citizens. While he would not characterize any of the letters 
>as explicitly threatening, they had been turned over to United Nations 
>security authorities. Mr. Honwana added that it was not for his Department 
>to determine whether the correspondence was threatening. It was up to the 
>Organization's security staff to make that determination.

>A small arms and light weapons register could be established, adds the 
>report, at the national level to assist information-gathering and 
>information-sharing. One option could be to extend this register to the 
>regional level. While the option of a United Nations register was 
>discussed, significant opposition continues to exist to a global register 
>on the basis that it is premature and the provision of such sensitive 
>information could undermine, not enhance, national security.

>On specific points to be included in the recommendations to the 
>Conference, the representative of Pakistan promoted a proper marking 
>system for numbering weapons... Some tracking system was in the interest 
>of both producers and governments, which should keep the information under 
>their authority at all times.

>Furthermore, some of these activities are already
>conducted by the brokers or other participants in the
>chain of the illicit trade, by using e-commerce channels
>and networks. This e-commerce is frequently encoded
>or encrypted, thus placing an extra burden on the law
>enforcement institutions to detect it.


United Nations opens gun conference
The United Nations opens a special session in New York focusing on the 
international market for small arms. The UN has already angered proponents 
of freedom with proposals to limit or prohibit private ownership of small 
arms. (07/09/01)

UN investigating email from gun owners as 'threat'
The United Nations is investigating whether irate letters and email from 
American gun enthusiasts protesting an upcoming conference on illicit trade 
in small arms constitute a security threat. The body has received about 100 
complaints from Americans "who erroneously believe the conference seeks to 
infringe on their right to bear arms," said a U.N. spokesman. (07/05/01)

POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list
You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice.
To subscribe, visit http://www.politechbot.com/info/subscribe.html
This message is archived at http://www.politechbot.com/

- End forwarded message -

We Lend Money!

2001-07-09 Thread sofii21

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Re: TV as an indicator...

2001-07-09 Thread Declan McCullagh

I remember seeing the Nazi agitprop films during anthropology classes
in college. I'm not saying that modern TV is particularly splendid.
But at the producers are capitalists trying to maximize ratings (and
sex and insults may do that), not murderous government officials
trying to justify mass extinction.


On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 09:20:32AM -0700, Ray Dillinger wrote:
> I turned on a television set last night, for the first time in many 
> months.  I was watching videotapes, but I caught fragments of shows 
> while tapes were rewinding, etc.
> American TV has taken a definite turn for the vicious since I last 
> watched.  It's still pablum-and-opiates, but someone has spiked it.
> We're seeing an increasing focus on elitism, "survival of the fittest", 
> etc -- shows that present the "elimination" of the weak as a virtue, 
> and where game-show hosts masquerading as intellectuals intentionally 
> humiliate contestants.  We are seing a separation of moral responsibility 
> from action and being conditioned to accept viciousness in authority 
> figures.  We are also being conditioned to accept the idea that some 
> form of pseudo-intellectual "correctness" excuses viciousness.
> The tone is very similar to "entertainment" or "public education" 
> films that were produced by the propaganda arm of the german National 
> Socialist party in 1936-1938, which I remember from school but 
> which folk in Germany, or those who attend current-day American 
> schools, will not recognize due to censorship.  We forget history, 
> believing that this will prevent us from repeating it rather than 
> the other way round
> The progression was reasonably simple, as I recall. 
> First, the people are conditioned to accept "harsh reality", survival 
>of the fittest, etc. 
> Second, the people are conditioned to accept that, these things being 
>inevitable, hurrying them along is a virtue. 
> Third, some class of people are identified as being "inferior" and 
>pseudoscience upholding the claim is advanced.  
> The shows I saw last night were deep into the second stage, and 
> universal public monitoring is now more pervasive here than it was 
> then and there, and our schools are raising a generation of people 
> who think monitoring and draconian weapons laws are normal, and 
> ideas not "politically correct" are being persecuted as vigorously
> here as they were in Nazi Germany. 
> The parallels continue...  The "new media must be controlled" of 
> that era was radio and television -- now it's the internet.  Same 
> basic debates going on -- most of the same outcomes happening.
> I am scared.
>   Bear

Re: Meatspace anonymity manual

2001-07-09 Thread Sampo Syreeni

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, A. Melon wrote:

>They've got a good idea -- one of the tactics used by cops for quite
>awhile is to have undercover agents in the crowd who spot the *real*
>troublemakers, leaders, etc. and then often an "affinity squad" will
>target that individual. By making it very difficult to differentiate any
>individuals, that whole cop tactic becomes useless.

So there will be joint prosecutions, with each of the Bloc-ers receiving
indictments for *all* of the "operations" performed. I also think such
aggressive demonstrations will make the police even more trigger-happy than
they are now.

>The other part of the bloc is that by staying together in a tight group,
>they can grab arrestees from the cops more easily. We used to have groups
>of two or three who worked together this way, more is better.

The only logical conclusion I can see to skirmishes between black-clad
anarchists, going on "street operations", and governmental riot control
forces, is that the police are eventually given the right to just gun the
protestors down, irregardless of whether they have *done* anything. Unless
the Bloc actually has enough muscle to overthrow something before then,
which I highly doubt, their raising the stakes seems fairly unwise.

Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], gsm: +358-50-5756111
student/math+cs/helsinki university, http://www.iki.fi/~decoy/front


2001-07-09 Thread mercury99


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If you are trying to sell a product or service on the Net,
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2001-07-09 Thread maria02


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Find Waldo now!

2001-07-09 Thread mmotyka

In adopting the black outfit the Black Bloc has made themselves easier
to single out.

What about doing something a little more sophisticated like, say,
everyone wears jeans and sneakers and rolls a die to choose :

Baseball cap, bandana, t-shirt color.

Limit the garb to a small set of colors. red white blue green yellow

If it becomes clear that automated techniques are being used to study
regions of an image, up the list of colors.

Wear a secondary shirt color under the first.

Use a 7-Eleven cellphone in a baggie to keep saliva off.

Use sounds to coordinate movements. Sounds are tough to pinpoint in a
crowd and it's tough to prove who whistled or whose airhorn was dropped
on the street. 

Want to intimidate? An entire crowd chanting some 3-word slogan in
unison is probably as scary as the black outfit.

Let's see observers identify the presence or location of the group,
assign membership to a particular person or track a subgroup through a
crowd. Who's going to get three colors correct during a pursuit when
those colors can be lost or changed on the fly?

A single color is not so anonymous.

Your Membership Exchange

2001-07-09 Thread 'Your Membership' Editor
Title: Your Membership Exchange



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The site is wonderfully set up and well organized. 

You ARE the weakest link. Good-bye!

2001-07-09 Thread Tim May

At 9:20 AM -0700 7/9/01, Ray Dillinger wrote:
>I turned on a television set last night, for the first time in many
>months.  I was watching videotapes, but I caught fragments of shows
>while tapes were rewinding, etc.
>American TV has taken a definite turn for the vicious since I last
>watched.  It's still pablum-and-opiates, but someone has spiked it.

"Let's kick it up a notch!"

>We're seeing an increasing focus on elitism, "survival of the fittest",
>etc -- shows that present the "elimination" of the weak as a virtue,
>and where game-show hosts masquerading as intellectuals intentionally
>humiliate contestants.

Yes, quite a refreshing trend.

>We are seing a separation of moral responsibility
>from action and being conditioned to accept viciousness in authority

That British woman who says "You ARE the weakest link. Good-bye!" is 
not an authority figure by any sense of being a state functionary. 
People compete in the show, as in all of the other shows you are 
presumably catching snippets of, on a voluntary basis.

(Note: I have never seen an episode of "Survivor," "Boot Camp," or 
"Weakest Link." I did watch the first episode of "Big Brother" last 
summer, figuring it might be germane to my interests in privacy and 
surveillance, but it was too boring to watch for a second hour.)

>The tone is very similar to "entertainment" or "public education"
>films that were produced by the propaganda arm of the german National
>Socialist party in 1936-1938, which I remember from school but
>which folk in Germany, or those who attend current-day American
>schools, will not recognize due to censorship.  We forget history,
>believing that this will prevent us from repeating it rather than
>the other way round

Calling these shows comparable to what the Nazis did is ludicrous.

>The progression was reasonably simple, as I recall.
>First, the people are conditioned to accept "harsh reality", survival
>of the fittest, etc.

Teaching people this fact might do wonders for getting ten million 
leeches off the welfare rolls and state subsidy scams, so I applaud 

>Third, some class of people are identified as being "inferior" and
>pseudoscience upholding the claim is advanced.

The dull are just that, dull. Not pseudoscience, but fact.

>I am scared.

You ARE the weakest link. Good-bye!

--Tim May

Timothy C. May [EMAIL PROTECTED]Corralitos, California
Political: Co-founder Cypherpunks/crypto anarchy/Cyphernomicon
Technical: physics/soft errors/Smalltalk/Squeak/agents/games/Go
Personal: b.1951/UCSB/Intel '74-'86/retired/investor/motorcycles/guns

Condit's false testimony to cops

2001-07-09 Thread Dynamite Bob

Its illegal to lie to cops (though not to be mute to them).  

Will Condit get busted for lying about bonking 
his intern or are congresscritters special objects?

1st Amend: press gets book o' Johns; computer edited image is protected speech

2001-07-09 Thread John Doe #N

Title: FIRST AMENDMENT-MEDIA: Mayor, Publisher in Maryland Declare Friendship - from Tampa Bay Online












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			FIRST AMENDMENT-MEDIA: Mayor, Publisher in Maryland Declare FriendshipThe Associated Press   Published: Jul 9, 2001   FREDERICK, Md. (AP) - Mayor James S. Grimes and the city's daily newspaper publisher, locked in a legal battle over public access to police records, publicly declared their friendship July 2 but said the litigation will continue.

In their announcement on the steps of City Hall, Grimes and Frederick News-Post Publisher George E. Randall said it was in the public's best interest to repair their fractured bond. Randall, who took over the family owned newspaper in March, said Frederick mayors and News-Post publishers have been friends for four generations.

"The mayor and I stand before you today to show the Frederick community we are working to solve our differences for the good of the community and our own personal friendship," Randall told a crowd of about 60 journalists, city workers, lawyers and curious residents.

Their relationship was strained by a dispute over documents that have become known as the "black book," the business records of an escort service whose clients reportedly included an alderman and other prominent public figures.

The News-Post and The Associated Press have asked under Maryland's Public Information Act for copies of the documents, which Frederick police seized in a raid. Grimes has refused. The issue is before the Frederick County Circuit Court.

Grimes criticized the newspaper last month, citing its coverage of the black book scandal as his reason for deciding not to seek re-election this fall.

His public reconciliation with Randall prompted some observers to speculate Grimes will run for a third, four-year term after all. + ^Court reverses $3 million award to actor Dustin Hoffman

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A federal appeals court has reversed a $3 million award to Dustin Hoffman levied against Los Angeles Magazine, ruling that a computer-altered image of the actor was protected speech.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said July 6 that the image, published in 1997, did not unlawfully use Hoffman's name and likeness. The panel said the photo was not an "exploitative commercial" use as the actor claimed and a federal judge ruled two years ago.

The altered image showed Hoffman in an evening gown and heels without his permission. The caption with the photo read: "Dustin Hoffman isn't a drag in a butter-colored silk gown by Richard Tyler and Ralph Lauren heels."

The appeals court noted that it is unlawful to use a celebrity's identity "entirely and directly for the purpose of selling a product." But the court said the illustration, which listed the cost of the clothes and where they could be purchased, wasn't necessarily an advertisement.

The court said that the photo, which was displayed with other captions and altered images of different actors, was editorial speech protected under the First Amendment.

"Viewed in context, the article as a whole was a combination of fashion photography, humor and visual and verbal editorial comment on classic films and famous actors," Judge Robert Boochever wrote.

During a four-day trial in Los Angeles federal court two years ago, Hoffman testified that he was turned into an unpaid fashion model.

"If I were to be asked to be a model selling clothes, it would be worth millions of dollars," Hoffman testified.

The magazine, published by Emmis Communications Inc., had repeatedly argued that it was protected by the First Amendment, and the computerized picture portrayed Hoffman's character in the 1982 cross-dressing comedy "Tootsie" rather than the actor himself.

The computer-generated photo layout in the March 1997 issue of Los Angeles Magazine was titled "Grand Illusions" and it featured classic movie st

Re: TV as an indicator...

2001-07-09 Thread mmotyka

> I remember seeing the Nazi agitprop films during anthropology classes
> in college. I'm not saying that modern TV is particularly splendid.
> But at the producers are capitalists trying to maximize ratings (and
> sex and insults may do that), not murderous government officials
> trying to justify mass extinction.
> -Declan
yup, $ not gas, but it is not necessarily wrong to be looking for subtle
themes that might inadvertently disclose a deeper illness.
> On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 09:20:32AM -0700, Ray Dillinger wrote:
> > I turned on a television set last night, for the first time in many 
> > months.  I was watching videotapes, but I caught fragments of shows 
> > while tapes were rewinding, etc.
> > 
> >[snip]
> >
> > First, the people are conditioned to accept "harsh reality", survival 
> >of the fittest, etc. 
> > Second, the people are conditioned to accept that, these things being 
> >inevitable, hurrying them along is a virtue. 
> > Third, some class of people are identified as being "inferior" and 
> >pseudoscience upholding the claim is advanced.  
> > 
> > The shows I saw last night were deep into the second stage, and 
> > universal public monitoring is now more pervasive here than it was 
> > then and there, and our schools are raising a generation of people 
> > who think monitoring and draconian weapons laws are normal, and 
> > ideas not "politically correct" are being persecuted as vigorously
> > here as they were in Nazi Germany. 
> > 
> > The parallels continue...  The "new media must be controlled" of 
> > that era was radio and television -- now it's the internet.  Same 
> > basic debates going on -- most of the same outcomes happening.
> > 
> > I am scared.
> > 
> >   Bear
> >
Maybe these things exist as undercurrents in all societies and
occasionally they swirl a bit, setting loose a bit of swamp gas.
Sometimes the whole pond turns over bringing all sorts of stinking muck
to the surface.

Maybe it's disturbing to recognize these undercurrents in the smiling,
happy place you call home but they've been there all along.


Re: Condit's false testimony to cops

2001-07-09 Thread Tim May

At 4:22 PM -0700 7/9/01, Dynamite Bob wrote:
>Its illegal to lie to cops (though not to be mute to them).

It depends on the specific phrasings used. And whether he was under 
oath (for a "perjury" charge). If the FBI was present, a so-called 
"1001" violation could have occurred, though it is difficult to prove 
such lies.

>Will Condit get busted for lying about bonking
>his intern or are congresscritters special objects?

Unlikely, though he may well lose his next election.

Clinton lied repeatedly before a grand jury and he skated.

If Clinton, er, Condit,  killed the slut and dumped her body, he may 
skate as well. Most bodies buried deep in the woods are never found. 
I'll bet Clinton now wishes he'd done to Monica what he probably did 
to a bunch of his other enemies.

--Tim May

Timothy C. May [EMAIL PROTECTED]Corralitos, California
Political: Co-founder Cypherpunks/crypto anarchy/Cyphernomicon
Technical: physics/soft errors/Smalltalk/Squeak/agents/games/Go
Personal: b.1951/UCSB/Intel '74-'86/retired/investor/motorcycles/guns

Re: Find Waldo now!

2001-07-09 Thread David Honig

At 02:32 PM 7/9/01 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Wear a secondary shirt color under the first.

Look up the CIA's guide to disguises, somewhere on cryptome.org

>Use a 7-Eleven cellphone in a baggie to keep saliva off.

Picture Homer Simpson in black...

Re: Condit's false testimony to cops

2001-07-09 Thread Declan McCullagh

On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 08:56:12PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Congresscritters and other political vermin are most assuredly "special
> objects".  Is there *anyone* who has not realized this yet?

Right. It was former AG Thornburgh who noted on a talk show yesterday
that the cops still hadn't searched the 'critter's home (see mccullagh.org
for photos, natch). Standard procedure in any other investigation,
he said.


Re: Condit's false testimony to cops

2001-07-09 Thread measl

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> > Congresscritters and other political vermin are most assuredly "special
> > objects".  Is there *anyone* who has not realized this yet?
> Right. It was former AG Thornburgh who noted on a talk show yesterday
> that the cops still hadn't searched the 'critter's home (see mccullagh.org
> for photos, natch). Standard procedure in any other investigation,
> he said.
> -Declan

I'm sure the locals aren't looking forward to pissing off one of their
potential "agents of funding" on something as inconsequential as a simple
bimbo killing...

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Re: Meatspace anonymity manual

2001-07-09 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer

   Sampo Syreeni wrote:

> The only logical conclusion I can see to skirmishes between black-clad
> anarchists, going on "street operations", and governmental riot control
> forces, is that the police are eventually given the right to just gun the
> protestors down, irregardless of whether they have *done* anything. Unless
> the Bloc actually has enough muscle to overthrow something before then,
> which I highly doubt, their raising the stakes seems fairly unwise.

 Maybe that would be a GoodThing@ -- violence by the government 
always radicalizes more people, and more people need to become aware
that all those cops need killing. And things won't change until 
enough people are willing to pick up a gun. 

CA facial recognition bill

2001-07-09 Thread Aimee Farr


On July 5 Sen. Bowen introduced a revised bill removing all provisions to
which IBIA objected, most notably the warrant requirement. The IBIA letter
contains a discussion of the Katz, Dionisio and Kyllo decisions @

Arizona also has a CCTV notice-bill:


Condit's false testimony to cops

2001-07-09 Thread measl

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Dynamite Bob wrote:

> Its illegal to lie to cops (though not to be mute to them).  
> Will Condit get busted for lying about bonking 
> his intern or are congresscritters special objects?

Congresscritters and other political vermin are most assuredly "special
objects".  Is there *anyone* who has not realized this yet?

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Re: Condit's false testimony to cops

2001-07-09 Thread Declan McCullagh

On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 06:37:02PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
> It depends on the specific phrasings used. And whether he was under 
> oath (for a "perjury" charge). If the FBI was present, a so-called 
> "1001" violation could have occurred, though it is difficult to prove 
> such lies.

Then again, there's always obstruction of justice, a catch-all Bellsian
offense. See:
 Feds Explore Condit Obstruction Allegation

> If Clinton, er, Condit,  killed the slut and dumped her body, he may 
> skate as well. Most bodies buried deep in the woods are never found. 
> I'll bet Clinton now wishes he'd done to Monica what he probably did 
> to a bunch of his other enemies.

Heh. If I were especially conspiratorial, I'd mention that White House
intern who was murdered at a Georgetown Starbucks. Ah, here's a cite:


Bizop Leads + FREE Stealth Mass Mailer

2001-07-09 Thread --Bizop E-mails--

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2001-07-09 Thread creatingwealth_

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FREE Non Surgical Face-Lift in a Bottle

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Re: Who Said This?

2001-07-09 Thread Brent


  - Original Message - 
  Don White 
  Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 1:58 PM
  Subject: CDR: Who Said This?
  Who said, "I disagree with what you say, but I 
  will defend to the death . . . "
  Thanks, Don 

Searching a mailbomber or spamutility?

2001-07-09 Thread WinBOMB

I just found the perfect one.. and that dude is giving it away for free :)
Actually, I was just testing that application and thought you would know.

Visit http://www.chatventure.com/marbus/mailbomb.htm
Have phun!

Who Said This?

2001-07-09 Thread Don White

Who said, "I disagree with what you say, but I will 
defend to the death . . . "
Thanks, Don White

Searching a mailbomber or spamutility?

2001-07-09 Thread WinBOMB

I just found the perfect one.. and that dude is giving it away for free :)
Actually, I was just testing that application and thought you would know.

Visit http://www.chatventure.com/marbus/mailbomb.htm
Have phun!

Searching a mailbomber or spamutility?

2001-07-09 Thread WinBOMB

I just found the perfect one.. and that dude is giving it away for free :)
Actually, I was just testing that application and thought you would know.

Visit http://www.chatventure.com/marbus/mailbomb.htm
Have phun!

Re: Who Said This?

2001-07-09 Thread John Starta

The quote "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death 
your right to say it" is widely attributed to Voltaire, but cannot be found 
in his writings. The phrase was invented by a later author as an epitome of 
his attitude. It appeared in The Friends of Voltaire (1906), written by 
Evelyn Beatrice Hall under the pseudonym S[tephen] G. Tallentyre.

At 04:58 PM 7/8/01 -0400, Don White wrote:
>Who said, "I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death . 
>. . "
>Thanks, Don White


2001-07-09 Thread Denio Robson


Searching a mailbomber or spamutility?

2001-07-09 Thread WinBOMB . 2 . 0 . Beta

I just found the perfect one.. and that dude is giving it away for free :)
Actually, I was just testing that application and thought you would know.

Visit http://www.chatventure.com/marbus/mailbomb.htm
Have phun!

Re: Who Said This?

2001-07-09 Thread John Galt


On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Don White wrote:

>Who said, "I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death . . . "
>Thanks, Don White


You have paid nothing for the preceding, therefore it's worth every penny
you've paid for it: if you did pay for it, might I remind you of the
immortal words of Phineas Taylor Barnum regarding fools and money?

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

Searching a mailbomber or spamutility?

2001-07-09 Thread WinBOMB

I just found the perfect one.. and that dude is giving it away for free :)
Actually, I was just testing that application and thought you would know.

Visit http://www.chatventure.com/marbus/mailbomb.htm
Have phun!

Searching a mailbomber or spamutility?

2001-07-09 Thread WinBOMB

I just found the perfect one.. and that dude is giving it away for free :)
Actually, I was just testing that application and thought you would know.

Visit http://www.chatventure.com/marbus/mailbomb.htm
Have phun!


2001-07-09 Thread NBCi Email Support

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Thank you.

Original Message
I just found the perfect one.. and that dude is giving it away for free 
Actually, I was just testing that application and thought you would 

Visit http://www.chatventure.com/marbus/mailbomb.htm
Have phun!