Re: Quantum encryption hazard

2001-12-11 Thread jamesd

On 12 Dec 2001, at 7:11, mattd wrote:
> Quantum mechanics based on heisenbergs uncertainty
> principal is under attack.The two slit experiment has
> another explanation that even revives 'ether'

I am happy to observe that the intellectual level of the
remaining socialists has been sliding downhill rapidly since
the fall of the Soviet Union.

Hey mattd, better get moving or you will miss your ride on
the comet. 

 James A. Donald

Re: AP Al Qaeda

2001-12-11 Thread Declan McCullagh

On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 08:20:25PM +0100, Nomen Nescio wrote:
> Taxes (much higher than before due to the greater expenses of operating
> the government) could be charged based on imputed property values
> depending on zip code and acreage.  Everyone in a particular neighborhood
> would be charged a fixed amount per square foot.  Any household which
> does not provide the required fee (via cryptographic anonymous transfer
> into the government account of course) would have its property subject
> to confiscation by police.  Armed resistance would be met by military
> force including helicopter gunships.

Without getting into any AP discussion, I would point out that there
are some positive things to be said about turning to property taxes.

Also, if you fail to pay your property tax now, it will (in extremis)
be confiscated. Armed resistance to confiscation would be met by
escalation, including, if necessary, military helicopters.


Re: on Remailers

2001-12-11 Thread Tim May

On Tuesday, December 11, 2001, at 09:41 PM, Len Sassaman wrote:

> On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Tim May wrote:
>> [The "prompted a bunch of programmers to rethink" comment has it all
>> backwards. Chained remailers were deployed in 1992. The theory was
>> known from Chaum's 1981 paper, and the flaws in the
>> Kremvax/Kleinpaste/Julf/Penet type of approach were widely known: this
>> was why chained remailers, in multiple jurisdictions, were deployed.
>> Hal Finney wrote the first code for this, building on the
>> Perl/Sendmail scripts Eric Hughes had already released.]
> The quoted portion is basically accurate (true to what I said), but I 
> was
> talking about theoretical attacks at that point. I think I said 
> something
> along the lines of:
> "The cypherpunks developed a system based on the ideas in Chaum's 1981
> paper. Penet-style remailers were potentially vulnerable to hackers and
> court orders, which in fact ended up being the downfall of 
> These problems prompted them to build better remailers."
> I had this post up my screen when I was talking to him:
> http://www.inet-
> Penet was *in operation* prior to Eric and Hal's chained remailers, 
> right?
> If not, then that's my error.

The Kleinpaste/Julf anonymizing service had been in operation, widely, 
since 1991-2, before Cypherpunks, yes.

The CNN article is enormously misleading in many areas. The suggestiong 
that Lance Cottrell used the Julf experience to add nested encryption is 
false. The URL you quote above is one of the most detailed histories of 
remailers, even if I do say so myself. (Thanks for reminding me/us of 

 From your recollection of what you said to the reporter, it looks like 
the misunderstanding came from his thinking that the actual Penet 
failure was what triggered the modern remailer approach, when in fact 
you meant "these problems" in the sense that Chaum and others (us) 
realized the obvious limitations of "anonymity services."

And apparently the reporter then spun a story about how Lance Cottrell 
then invented message nesting, etc., all after the Penet failure. This 
is completely backwards. (It's not just the inaccuracy, or giving Lance 
too much's also that it makes it look as if we missed 
something so utterly obvious, that we were blindsided by the legal 
attack. Not so. And Chaum  knew this at least as far back as '81.)

In the big scheme of things, maybe no one who matters will read the CNN 
article. But it is false history and should be refuted. If not refuted, 
future historians who write about this interesting period may use it as 
primary source material.

If it isn't apparent, I make these points to correct the record, not to 
criticize Len, Lance, Julf, or anyone else. But as the URL above points 
out, we were fully aware of the problems with Kleinpaste/Julf-style 
services and knew they were neither interesting from our point of view 
or a stable basis for what we were seeking to build.

--Tim May
"Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and
strangled with her panty hose,  is somehow morally superior to a woman 
explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound"

Re: "Spoiling" digital cash

2001-12-11 Thread jamesd

On 10 Dec 2001, at 16:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> An idea just popped into my head, I was wondering if anyone
> had thought of this before. Most likely someone has, and
> has either proven the idea is impossible or has figured out
> how to do it.
> Th idea is,  when buying some good or service with digital
> cash,  the customer first forwards the cash to the vendor 
> in some transformed way such that the vendor can't yet
> spend it, but can verify that it is good cash of the
> correct amount, and that the customer will no longer be
> able to spend it.
> The idea is, if the vendor follows through on his side, the
> customer will supply the additional information the vendor
> will need to redeem the cash.  The customer can still rip
> the vendor off by refusing to do so, but he has no
> incentive, the money's already gone for him.  Conversely, 
> an unscrupulous "vendor" could in principle trick a
> customer into throwing away money on nothing,  but he would
> gain no profit in doing so.

Vendor creates and blinds some tokens.  Asks buyer to have
them signed by money issuer.  Money issuer signs them, and
issues declaration that they have been signed.  Buyer gives
vendor the declaration, but not signatures.  After delivery,
gives signatures.

 James A. Donald

Re: UPI editor: dissent is like soviet propoganda

2001-12-11 Thread Declan McCullagh

Of course there are other considerations in a settlement, such as avoiding 
bad publicity -- even if you think you might win a case by arguing you made 
a mistake but it was not malicious. But you know that.

I expect this will be my last message in the thread.


At 10:13 PM 12/11/2001 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>CNN edited interviews with people so as to make them appear
>to admit to war crimes commited against civilians during the
>Vietnam war, when the full transcript showed no such
>admissions.  Those people threatened to sue.  CNN then paid
>those people large sums of money in settlement of threatened
>libel suits.  Under America's extremely liberal libel laws,
>CNN would not have done so unless those defamed had a good
>case of malicious libel.

Re: UPI editor: dissent is like soviet propoganda

2001-12-11 Thread jamesd

On 11 Dec 2001, at 12:20, Declan McCullagh wrote:
> Well, by your standards, any journalist who makes an
> innocent mistake would be a liar.

CNN edited interviews with people so as to make them appear
to admit to war crimes commited against civilians during the
Vietnam war, when the full transcript showed no such
admissions.  Those people threatened to sue.  CNN then paid
those people large sums of money in settlement of threatened
libel suits.  Under America's extremely liberal libel laws,
CNN would not have done so unless those defamed had a good
case of malicious libel.

> I think the truth is that the reporters honestly believed
> they had a solid story

If they believed that, why then did they falsify the

The reporters may well have honestly believed that the US
used nerve gas to massacre civilians during the Vietnam war,
but they did not believe they had evidence for this that they
could show to the public.  So their perhaps honestly held
beliefs justified them in their own minds, in lying to the
public, in fabricating evidence that they did not possess.

If that was their rationalization then this was a classic
example of the vision of the anointed. 

 James A. Donald

Re: on Remailers

2001-12-11 Thread Meyer Wolfsheim

"So far, U.S. and European authorities battling terrorism and cybercrime
have apparently focused their surveillance elsewhere. The FBI and the
National Security Agency, which monitors international telecommunications,
declined to comment on what strategy, if any, they have for dealing with

That would have made the article much more interesting..

What *is* the FBI/etc.'s strategy on dealing with remailers, other than
ignoring them (and hoping that anti-spam/anti-terror legislation will make
them illegal?)


Incest Porn!!!!! 18332

2001-12-11 Thread c28948

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Re: on Remailers

2001-12-11 Thread Len Sassaman

On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Tim May wrote:

> [The "prompted a bunch of programmers to rethink" comment has it all
> backwards. Chained remailers were deployed in 1992. The theory was
> known from Chaum's 1981 paper, and the flaws in the
> Kremvax/Kleinpaste/Julf/Penet type of approach were widely known: this
> was why chained remailers, in multiple jurisdictions, were deployed.
> Hal Finney wrote the first code for this, building on the
> Perl/Sendmail scripts Eric Hughes had already released.]

The quoted portion is basically accurate (true to what I said), but I was
talking about theoretical attacks at that point. I think I said something
along the lines of:

"The cypherpunks developed a system based on the ideas in Chaum's 1981
paper. Penet-style remailers were potentially vulnerable to hackers and
court orders, which in fact ended up being the downfall of
These problems prompted them to build better remailers."

I had this post up my screen when I was talking to him:

Penet was *in operation* prior to Eric and Hal's chained remailers, right?
If not, then that's my error.


Is Nomen Nomescio John McCain?

2001-12-11 Thread Tabla bin Rasa

At 08:20 PM 12/11/01 +0100, Nomen Nescio wrote:
>Danny Popkin writes:
>> > Rather, the problem with AP is that it is mob rule at its worst.
>> Worse than the secret ballot?
>Much worse.  With a secret ballot you need to get a majority to support

>any particular position.  That's a significant hurdle to overcome.
>But with AP any small group of people that can put up enough money to
>hire an assassin can get their way.  The going rate for a murder is
>around $5-10K to off an average person, more if he's heavily guarded.
>If 100 people put up $100 each then that's enough to get someone
>Imagine a secret ballot where any measure to increase government power
>would pass if it received as few as 100 votes.  How much freedom would
>you have left in such a society?  That's what AP represents.

Hilarious, you sound like John McCain whining about campaign

Re: The fucking essay

2001-12-11 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, mattd wrote:

> "...the fucking essay. It's flawed in a variety of ways. It's understanding 
> of human psychology (which it purports to >manipulate in realistic ways - 
> not) is so flawed as to make it very tedious.
> Speaking of tedious,Im on record with total opposition to freud being used 
> for anything other than birdcage liner.

Hate to break it to you but Freud <> Psychology.

I still havent read that part of AP 
> with any degree of attention.If thats what your referring to re.human 
> psychology then I heartily agree.Freud is extremely tedious.Where jim 
> appeals to
> the angels of our better nature is probably also flawed as a realistic 
> appeal to human psychology.(last page 10)

Jim appeals to nothing more than his own vanity.

What the fundamental flaw is to expect individuals to use AP to protect
themselves while at the same time expecting those attacked through AP to
do nothing other than lay down and take it.

If fundamentaly mis-understands that two wrongs don't make a right (even
if one is done in self-defence) and that when you attack a person their
reaction is to act in self defence.

It's just another example of the CACL failure with respect to the human
factor. On one hand they speak of what sheep, and on the other they
propose that these sheep will do the right thing 'if only'.

Just plain silly.


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: FreeSWAN & unnatural monopolies

2001-12-11 Thread Jim Choate

On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, David Honig wrote:

> At 06:15 PM 12/11/01 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
> >On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, David Honig wrote:
> >
> >> MIT's project *Athena* developed X because they had an equal mix of DEC
> >  ^
> >  What letter is next to 'a' on the keyboard? You
> >  really should refrain from ad hominims.
> A simple spelling correction is not an ad hominim.

Your responce was by the tone. My spelling error was irrelevant to the
issue at hand. If you really believed it was a simple spelling mistake you
would have just glossed right over it. You didn't, that act speaks for


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

: CDR: 100 million responsibilities (Re: AP Al quim)

2001-12-11 Thread mattd

At 06:27 AM 12/12/01 +1100, mattd wrote: >.>..regarding Assassination 
Politics: > > Just keep in mind that AP is a >joke among knowledgeable > > 
technologists for >its unworkability, but a >wonderful joke > > on those 
who believe it's anything more than a taunt. > >Total bullshit again. Yes, 
but the reason it's bullshit is that shooting >messengers does no good. It 
leaves intact the originators of the message, >all hundred- million of 
them. Tomorrow, the hundred million will be >stumbling over each other 
trying to empower new messengers to replace those >fallen. Bingo. This is 
why the WTC takedown was such excellent feedback.

The above is baba rum rasins entire post.WTF my names on top for Im fucked 
if I know.Its all crap.Feedback for shitheels.
Im not getting any feedback on operation soft drill so Ill pack it in next 
year and let nature take its course.Leave my name out of it.

Re: on Remailers

2001-12-11 Thread Tim May

This article is so deeply flawed as to be laughable. Part of the article 
is quoted below, with my comments/corrections in brackets.

'In 1993, the Finns developed an anonymous e-mail system that stripped 
off the identification of an e-mail's sender before forwarding it to the 

[No, Karl Kleinpaste developed the original software and deployed it in 
1991-2. Julf H. took it over and modified it later. Not "the Finns," but 
"an American and then a Finn."] was especially popular among devotees of Usenet 
newsgroups, text-based bulletin boards that preceded the World Wide Web.

A major flaw was revealed in 1995, however, when the Church of 
Scientology learned of a user who used to post internal 
church documents -- and contacted police.

Because the single remailer relied on a database to match the sender's 
Internet address with the message, the courts simply ordered Hensingius 
to reveal the identity of the sender. He shut down the service in 1996.

"That prompted a bunch of programmers to rethink how they wanted to do 
remailers," said Sassaman.

Now, messages are bounced from machine to machine. In order to find the 
original sender, authorities would have to work through an entire chain 
of remailers, many likely located in different countries.

[The "prompted a bunch of programmers to rethink" comment has it all 
backwards. Chained remailers were deployed in 1992. The theory was known 
from Chaum's 1981 paper, and the flaws in the 
Kremvax/Kleinpaste/Julf/Penet type of approach were widely known: this 
was why chained remailers, in multiple jurisdictions, were deployed. Hal 
Finney wrote the first code for this, building on the Perl/Sendmail 
scripts Eric Hughes had already released.]

[I don't expect detailed perfection in journalism, but this article 
scrambles the causal order substantially. We _knew_ of the severe 
limitations to "trust me"-based mail resenders long before, years 
before, the limitations were revealed. And, the reason the 
Scientologists were unable to track down the source of the NOTS docs is 
that the court order to reveal the author only produced the C2Net 
Cypherpunks-style source, which COULD NOT be traced back further! 
This is a slam dunk refutation of the author's chronology above. By the 
way, when C2Net decided to get out of the remailing business, they sold 
or otherwise transferred the technology to Lance Cottrell. Not to take 
anything away from Lance, but let's not let this kind of bad history go 
without correction.]

--Tim May on Remailers

2001-12-11 Thread Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer

SAN JOSE, California (AP) -- For years, anonymous e-mail has been a choice 
tool for whistle-blowers, human rights activists and undercover sources 
looking to protect themselves while imparting vital information.

Anonymous online communication could just as easily be used by terrorists 
to plot attacks or send threats. 

Yet little has changed since September 11 for users and operators of 
Internet-based anonymous e-mail servers, which launder messages by 
deleting identifying information, rendering them virtually untraceable. 

Now there are indications the servers have increased in number. 

While no evidence has been released linking such services to any criminal 
or terrorist conspiracy, experts fear governments could crack down on 
anonymous remailers -- or at least subject them to greater scrutiny. 

Law enforcement generally despises technology that leaves such cold 
trails, said Mark Rasch, former head of the Department of Justice's 
computer crimes unit and current vice president of cyberlaw at Predictive 

So far, U.S. and European authorities battling terrorism and cybercrime 
have apparently focused their surveillance elsewhere. The FBI and the 
National Security Agency, which monitors international telecommunications, 
declined to comment on what strategy, if any, they have for dealing with 

"There's a lot more concern about border security and banking records," 
said Mike Godwin, a policy fellow at the Center for Democracy and 

That's just fine with the people who operate remailers. They don't do it 
for money, but rather share a common ideal of protecting online privacy. 

Len Sassaman, an e-mail security consultant who runs a remailer as a 
hobby, thinks any attempts to crack down would lead to more cropping up 
around the world. 


Re: Professor Punished for Witty Remark

2001-12-11 Thread Eric Cordian

Peter Trei wrote:

> Well, doesn't
> actually name names, but the quotes are given enough
> attribution that, at least on a given campus, the speaker
> is probably identifiable. For example...

Are you sure that's the report all the fuss is about?  All the newspaper
stories I've read on this were pretty specific that names were named.

> "What the U.S. calls counter-terrorism is terrorism by another name.
> Operation Infinite Justice-the Bush administration's code name for
> proposed military action against terrorists - is 'cowboy law.'"

>  Professor of linguistics, MIT.

> ...isn't too hard to identify.

Yes.  Kind of like...

"Fuck America.  Fuck it to death and start over."
   Crusty Retired Engineer, Intel.


Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

The fucking essay

2001-12-11 Thread mattd

"...the fucking essay. It's flawed in a variety of ways. It's understanding 
of human psychology (which it purports to >manipulate in realistic ways - 
not) is so flawed as to make it very tedious.

Speaking of tedious,Im on record with total opposition to freud being used 
for anything other than birdcage liner.I still havent read that part of AP 
with any degree of attention.If thats what your referring to re.human 
psychology then I heartily agree.Freud is extremely tedious.Where jim 
appeals to
the angels of our better nature is probably also flawed as a realistic 
appeal to human psychology.(last page 10)
Sandys on record with at least one flaw on the confirmation of prediction 
end.I wish the police would take note and return my latitude.Id like to 
talk to jim about updating and streamlining the essay but its a bit 
tricky.The powers that be feel threatened by jims ideas.I doubt very much 
they would find anything threatening at your wing nut web site.

 >>Its about making very credible threats to limit violence.Paradoxical but 

 > Not paradoxical, hypocritical. And no, it doesn't limit anything (unless 
there are is so much money being made killing wives, husbands, and 
competitors there are no more hit men left).

How is operation soft drill hypocritical? Jim might argue with that too but 
cant,of course.10 years for a flawed,tedious essay.Mmm.
It does'nt limit anything that is not already limited.Like knowing where 
your target is,or even who they are.Numbskull nomen knows that.The limits 
come from the 'thermostat' effect,mentioned in the essay.Its a self 
limiting state of affairs that does'nt even require crypto.I think a 
misconception comes in when hitmen get a mention.A 'hitman' could be a 
child or an elderly butler.Almost anyone is capable of killing.Sure pros 
would be attracted,make a pile,spend it,become targets and so on.Self 
limiting see? Theres a mass levelling of wealth and power as no sane person 
wants to be anything but anonymous.There will be those who think they're so 
lovable they wont attract a juicy pool and we'll always have 
celebrities,they just wont be around so long,maybe.

 >It simply provides a mechanism for the 1st party to >anonymously hire the 
3rd party to kill >>the 2nd party.

Well dont we have that now,(the internet) A lot of what Im talking about is 
there in front of your face.The trains left the station.Assasination 
politics is on the news in occupied palestine and 'ghan and its got doctors 
all over your scumbag ratshit,craphole rogue error state of amerdikkka 
wearing bulletproof vests.With OSD even anonymity isnt required,simply 
enough sensible people to see the benefits of distributed justice by 
consensus (not mob rule at all) and take firm committed civil disobedient 
direct action.A nuremburg website for all the little eichmanns that want to 
slice away our inalienable human and civil rights like salami. FUCK 
THAT,FUCK THEM and FUCK YOU,you loopy spamming spacecase.

Re: Professor Punished for Witty Remark

2001-12-11 Thread Eric Cordian

Declan opines:

>> Imagine the joy of being a university professor, and waking up one morning
>> to find that a big powerful organization run by the Vice President's wife
>> has issued a report practically calling you a traitor.

> I'm hardly defending the group's "blacklist," but "big and powerful?"
> Come, now.

OK.  How about "well-funded?"  :)

I count $1,270,000 in grants to the organization since its creation as the
National Alumni Forum.  The NAF sold the idea that alumni should
contribute to the NAF's "Fund for Academic Renewal" instead of directly to
their institutions.  The NAF then gave the money to the institutions as
targeted donations, removing the institution's discretion over how alumni
donations were spent.

They went after the $2.9 billion alumni gift market with big ads in Ivy
League magazines.  Later they changed their name to the more impressive
sounding American Council of Trustees and Alumni, and broadened the
spectrum of pressure tactics employed to shove patriotism down the throats
of universities behind the smokescreen of "promoting intellectual freedom
and raising academic standards."

In what sense is such an undertaking neither "big" nor "powerful?"

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

Re: Professor Punished for Witty Remark

2001-12-11 Thread Declan McCullagh

On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 12:58:49PM -0800, Eric Cordian wrote:
> Imagine the joy of being a university professor, and waking up one morning
> to find that a big powerful organization run by the Vice President's wife
> has issued a report practically calling you a traitor.

I'm hardly defending the group's "blacklist," but "big and powerful?"
Come, now.


Behold a pale horsepersyn

2001-12-11 Thread mattd

Not only will operation soft drill water your plants and walk your dogs it 
now kills all known horsemen of the infopocalypse.
While it will be portrayed as the grim reaper,great satan and everything 
else under a rock,a way must be found to neutralize the 'freak out the 
soccer moms' campaigns that could be coming our way soon.You know the ones...
Crypto pedophiles! crypto terrorists! crypto narcotraffickers! and crypto 
money launderers for them all.
Why not turn crypto assassins loose on the above?
It takes a thief to catch a thief and the authorities are losing all these 
battles.(when they're battling and not joining in)
So,how to turn a negative horseman,crypto assassins,into the ultimate 
killer app? Simple,stop sneaking around and go
"open source" Its a boon.Not doom.A blessing,not the end of the world as we 
know it.If youse can sell yourselves on the
comedy that your 'punks' and 'anarchists' you have great futures in 
advertising.Whats in it for moi? ecash,new markets,fame,70 virgins,hells 
bells,whateveryoufugginwant.Cheney,the evil one,is in the bunker now 
planning nuclear war with china as the ultimate last resort so we havent 
got all day.Give us your answer here!
The media can sniff out the candidates quite 
nicely,condit,oj,USAma,etc.Once we break the ice and the network affect 
kicks in it'll be background before you know it.Operation soft drill,you 
know it makes sense.

Re: AP Al quim

2001-12-11 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, mattd wrote:

> Jim says in the essay,It doesnt have to be,"wild in the streets"He doesn't 
> miss a trick.He talks of the possibility of minarchy.Does anyone actually 
> read the fucking essay? 

Yeah, I read the fucking essay. It's flawed in a variety of ways. It's
understanding of human psychology (which it purports to manipulate in
realistic ways - not) is so flawed as to make it very tedious.

> I part with him on offing forest grunts,btw.Its not 
> about shooting 'messengers'.Its about making very credible threats to limit 
> violence.Paradoxical but effective.

Not paradoxical, hypocritical. And no, it doesn't limit anything (unless
there are is so much money being made killing wives, husbands, and
competitors there are no more hit men left). It simply provides a
mechanism for the 1st party to anonymously hire the 3rd party to kill
the 2nd party.


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: AP Al quim

2001-12-11 Thread Jim Choate

On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, David Honig wrote:

> At 12:13 AM 12/11/01 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
> >No, I'm not. 'discrimination' requires(!) 'prejudice'. Prejudice is the
> In Choate prime, perhaps.  For the rest of us, measurement (e.g., 
> the redness vs greenness of a fruit) lets us discriminate useful from not.

Bullshit, you're playing word games. Get your dictionary and educate
yourself on this point. You're using the word in the fist case to mean
select individuals as sub-optimal. Then when you're called to the carpet
on your logical inconsistency you all of a sudden change your word usage
to mean 'select', which ain't the same thing at all in the context of your
original usage. Discriminate as you use above is almost exclusively a
technical application, which isn't applicable to the social application
we're actually discussing. Why? Because in your first usage you were
applying a measure of 'merit' whereas in the above usage you are drawing a
simple distinction. Not the same beasty at all - Choate Prime or not.


1. To observe or mark the difference between

2. To show partiality because of race, nationality, or class prejudice

You really should be more consistent in the way you use words.


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: UPI editor: dissent is like soviet propoganda

2001-12-11 Thread Jim Choate

On Tue, 11 Dec 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I just gave you a response,

Which you never did before.

> which you just deleted. 

Which I explained the reason to. I'll get around to the rest of it in the
next day or so.

Quit your whinning.


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

ADV: RE: Dirt cheap web hosting $6.95 per month - NO GIMMICKS!

2001-12-11 Thread marymargo

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Your Net Directory #55A6

2001-12-11 Thread Brendon Nunes
Title: Executive Guild Membership
 ApplicationResponse-O-Matic Form

 Dear Candidate, 
 You have been selected as a potential candidate for a free listing in 
 the  2002 Edition of the International Executive Guild Registry. 
 Please accept our congratulations for this coveted honor. 
 As this edition is so important in view of the new millennium, the 
 International Executive Guild Registry will be published in two different 
 formats; the searchable CD-ROM and the Online Registry. 
 Since inclusion can be considered recognition of your career position 
 and professionalism, each candidate is evaluated in keeping with high 
 standards of individual achievement. In light of this, the International Executive
 Guild thinks that you may make an interesting biographical subject. 
 We look forward to your inclusion and appearance in the International 
 Executive Guild's Registry. Best wishes for your continued success. 
 International Executive Guild 
 Listing Dept. 
 If you
 wish to be removed from our list, please submit
 your request
 at the
 bottom of this email.



 International Executive Guild
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 fill out this form if you would like to be
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 complete and send this form at the earliest
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Your Net Directory #249A

2001-12-11 Thread Brendon Nunes
Title: Executive Guild Membership
 ApplicationResponse-O-Matic Form

 Dear Candidate, 
 You have been selected as a potential candidate for a free listing in 
 the  2002 Edition of the International Executive Guild Registry. 
 Please accept our congratulations for this coveted honor. 
 As this edition is so important in view of the new millennium, the 
 International Executive Guild Registry will be published in two different 
 formats; the searchable CD-ROM and the Online Registry. 
 Since inclusion can be considered recognition of your career position 
 and professionalism, each candidate is evaluated in keeping with high 
 standards of individual achievement. In light of this, the International Executive
 Guild thinks that you may make an interesting biographical subject. 
 We look forward to your inclusion and appearance in the International 
 Executive Guild's Registry. Best wishes for your continued success. 
 International Executive Guild 
 Listing Dept. 
 If you
 wish to be removed from our list, please submit
 your request
 at the
 bottom of this email.



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 fill out this form if you would like to be
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 Bank, Commercial Bank, University,
 Consultants, Ad Agency, Contractor, Broker,

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 Law, Nuclear Physics, Database Development, Operations, Pathologist,
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 Snack Foods, etc.)

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 is made by browsing your outgoing mail.
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Earn Cash, Find Errors in _Disappearing Cryptography_.

2001-12-11 Thread Peter Wayner

I'm working on a second edition of _Disappearing Cryptography_, a 
book about steganography and anonymity on-line. In the interests of 
removing any errors from previous editions, I'm offering a $10 reward 
for anyone who reports the technical errors to me.

Here are the rules:

*) Only the first person to report an error wins a prize. This is the 
only way to avoid many people submitting the same error again and 
again and again. I reserve the right to pay duplicate prizes to 
people who appear to have submitted a duplicate in good faith.

*) I reserve the right to decide the size of an error. If 
misspellings counted, spelling someone's name wrong through out the 
entire book would only count as one error.

*) First person is judged by the time the error arrives in my 

*) Only technical errors count. Grammar and spelling errors could 
bankrupt me, even after the copy editing fixes 99%.

*) Please submit the page number.

*) Please let me know if you want your name included in the thanks at 
the beginning of the book.

Thank you. You're free to forward this offer to any other list.


Nobrain nescio

2001-12-11 Thread mattd

 >>But with AP any small group of people that can put up enough money to
 >hire an assassin can get their way.  The going rate for a murder is
around $5-10K to off an average person, more if he's heavily guarded.
 >If 100 people put up $100 each then that's enough to get someone killed.

Thats what I keep telling them at indymedia,we can leverage our numbers to 
bring justice and protect freedom of speech.
Indy keeps no logs and you can go there quad anon,pledge your bloc's 5-10 k 
and leave.Payable after the revolution,no crypto required.This is operation 
soft drill and will leave cypherpunks as a right racist cul de sac.

 >>Imagine a secret ballot where any measure to increase government power
would pass if it received as few as 100 votes.  How much freedom would
 >you have left in such a society?  That's what AP represents.

Der,as much freedom as you have now? Is it true there are 5 million laws in 
the US now?

 >And keep in mind that the people buying the assassination are fully
anonymous.  There is no way to know who is funding the AP market.  There
is no check or limit on the extent to which anonymous individuals with
 >>private grievances can buy the deaths of anyone who gets in their way.


AP or militant anti-choice fanatics already operating? In the 'let it all 
hang out' version of AP,operation soft drill,no ones anonymous unless they 
want,its an exercise in civil disobedience and whats the charge again? 
betting on a date?
OSD international calls for pledges to be pooled and paid for the closest 
prediction of the exact time that noshame nescio ceases to post silly 
rubbish to this list.I pledge 1 dollar,I will send to the anonymous predictor.

 >>Police forces, heavily armed and always travelling in teams,
will receive their orders via encrypted, digitally signed messages from
elected officials.  Any government official who must interact with the
public, whether a building inspector, a drivers' license examiner, even
a fireman, would get hazardous duty pay.  Wearing masks might become
 >routine for such officials.

Wow! No one will ever find them out! They would be queuing up to predict 
the retirement of any ashcroft on steroids who tried this 
foolishness.Listen to yourself.Are you an american? (Minarchy anyone?)

 >>Taxes (much higher than before due to the greater expenses of operating
the government) could be charged based on imputed property values
depending on zip code and acreage.  Everyone in a particular neighborhood
would be charged a fixed amount per square foot.  Any household which
does not provide the required fee (via cryptographic anonymous transfer
into the government account of course) would have its property subject
 >to confiscation by police.  Armed resistance would be met by military
 >force including helicopter gunships.

Isnt this already going on? RICO.(+like the anti-abortion zealots 
thang.)Could lead to violent revolt,
if true.The police state would have to be 1984 in size and scope.2 million 
prisoners in US gulag.(dont frighten the horses:)
No sense of citizens options here nes.Like rent strikes,slowdowns,defacing 
the currency,the list is endless.
Read some  anarchy,or even cia(nica manual) will you,there are some 
anarchists here.

 >>We can live in a world of crypto anarchy, but it won't be pretty.  And the
government certainly won't wither away.  Anyone who thinks that attacking
the government will weaken it should have learned a lesson from September
 >11th.  When it feels itself under attack, the government strikes back

How can we have our crypto anarchic cake and eat it? There is finally one 
question only,who is to be master,thats all?
We live in crypto anarchy more and more."The bourgeois fascist state may 
leave this world in
ruins but dont forget who built those cities and can build them again for 
We have always lived in ruins and holes in the wall,yet its us that will 
inherit the earth,
we carry a new world in our hearts...that world is growing as we speak." 

 >We are all the losers as our freedoms are destroyed.

All things must be paid for in this world.Tanstaafl.Shrub? "Id buy that for 
a dollar!"


RE: Professor Punished for Witty Remark

2001-12-11 Thread Trei, Peter

> --
> From: Eric Cordian[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Peter Trei writes:
> >> There's also a blacklist on the Web of people in academia who have
> >> publicly stated less than glowing support for Bush's war against
> >> "evil."
> > Where is it?
> It was released by ACTA, formerly the NAF, run by Lynne Cheney, formerly
> arch-conservative Bill Bennett's heir at the National Endowment for the
> Humanities, and the wife of the federal government's favorite cardiac
> patient, Vice President Dick Cheney.
> You might want to wade through and see if you can
> find the report.  I took a quick look, but my javascript and .pdf
> patience levels were quickly exceeded.

Well, doesn't
actually name names, but the quotes are given enough
attribution that, at least on a given campus, the speaker
is probably identifiable. For example...

2 2 . "What the U.S. calls counter-terrorism is terrorism 
by another name. Operation Infinite Justice-the Bush 
administration's code name for proposed military action 
against terrorists - is 'cowboy law.'" 
Professor of linguistics, MIT.

...isn't too hard to identify.

On the other hand, ACTA has specifically condemned the
U of NM for their punishment of Berthold (which started 
this thread).


 Controversial Comment on Terrorist Attack Is Not Grounds
for Punishment

WASHINGTON, D.C. (November 14, 2001) -- The American
Council of Trustees and Alumni today came to the defense of
University of New Mexico professor Richard Berthold who is
under investigation by the University for remarking: "Anyone
who can blow up the Pentagon has my vote."

"Professor Berthold's comment is certainly crude and
debatable, but it is not punishable," said Anne D. Neal,
ACTA's Vice President and General Counsel. "While we clearly
disagree, academic freedom requires a free exchange of
ideas-no matter how controversial."


"There is a big difference between criticizing someone's
comments, and punishing those comments," said Neal. "It is
the responsibility of a university to teach that the right way to
counter ideas with which one disagrees is with more speech,
not less," said Neal. 

-- end of quote - 

Peter Trei

Re: Professor Punished for Witty Remark

2001-12-11 Thread Eric Cordian

Peter Trei writes:

>> There's also a blacklist on the Web of people in academia who have
>> publicly stated less than glowing support for Bush's war against
>> "evil."

> Where is it?

It was released by ACTA, formerly the NAF, run by Lynne Cheney, formerly
arch-conservative Bill Bennett's heir at the National Endowment for the
Humanities, and the wife of the federal government's favorite cardiac
patient, Vice President Dick Cheney.

Imagine the joy of being a university professor, and waking up one morning
to find that a big powerful organization run by the Vice President's wife
has issued a report practically calling you a traitor.

and from APSCUF's Higher Education News Blits

<<* THE AMERICAN COUNCIL OF TRUSTEES AND ALUMNI, an organization that says
  American higher education plays down Western intellectual teachings, on
  Sunday issued a stinging report that condemns colleges and faculty
  members for what it calls a "blame America first" response to the
  terrorist attacks of September 11.>>

and from


You might want to wade through and see if you can
find the report.  I took a quick look, but my javascript and .pdf
patience levels were quickly exceeded.

I saw one of the frightened professors bleating "but I'm not a traitor" on
CNN the other day, and a smiling ACTA droid saying that their list was
merely "academic criticism."  High drama.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

AOLTW hires ex Secret Service

2001-12-11 Thread Dirk Boxcuttah

AOL TW secures Secret Service vet

By Georg Szalai

NEW YORK (The Hollywood Reporter) --- In the wake of the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks, AOL Time Warner Inc. is breaking new ground
in the media industry, saying Monday that it has named the deputy
director of the U.S. Secret Service to the new position of chief
officer and senior vp.

Larry Cockell, a 20-year Secret Service veteran, will start his new
assignment at the world's largest entertainment and online conglomerate
Jan. 14. Reporting to AOL TW executive vp administration Patricia
Fili-Krushel, Cockell will be responsible for security on a global
coordinating and overseeing all security policies and operations, the
company said.

Analysts said Monday that they were not aware of similar positions at
other media giants but that big corporations in other fields have
shoring up their security operations following Sept. 11. "I don't know
of such a chief security officer position at any of AOL's media peers,"
Kaufman Bros. analyst Paul Kim said. "But this is definitely a growing
trend at S&P 500 companies."

At Your Service # 427

2001-12-11 Thread Nick Ballis
Title: Executive Guild Membership
 ApplicationResponse-O-Matic Form

 Dear Candidate, 
 You have been selected as a potential candidate for a free listing in 
 the  2002 Edition of the International Executive Guild Registry. 
 Please accept our congratulations for this coveted honor. 
 As this edition is so important in view of the new millennium, the 
 International Executive Guild Registry will be published in two different 
 formats; the searchable CD-ROM and the Online Registry. 
 Since inclusion can be considered recognition of your career position 
 and professionalism, each candidate is evaluated in keeping with high 
 standards of individual achievement. In light of this, the International Executive
 Guild thinks that you may make an interesting biographical subject. 
 We look forward to your inclusion and appearance in the International 
 Executive Guild's Registry. Best wishes for your continued success. 
 International Executive Guild 
 Listing Dept. 
 If you
 wish to be removed from our list, please submit
 your request
 at the
 bottom of this email.



 International Executive Guild
 Registration Form
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 fill out this form if you would like to be
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 publication purposes, please
 complete and send this form at the earliest
 opportunity. There is no
 charge or obligation to be listed
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 is made by browsing your outgoing mail.
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At Your Service # 427

2001-12-11 Thread Nick Ballis
Title: Executive Guild Membership
 ApplicationResponse-O-Matic Form

 Dear Candidate, 
 You have been selected as a potential candidate for a free listing in 
 the  2002 Edition of the International Executive Guild Registry. 
 Please accept our congratulations for this coveted honor. 
 As this edition is so important in view of the new millennium, the 
 International Executive Guild Registry will be published in two different 
 formats; the searchable CD-ROM and the Online Registry. 
 Since inclusion can be considered recognition of your career position 
 and professionalism, each candidate is evaluated in keeping with high 
 standards of individual achievement. In light of this, the International Executive
 Guild thinks that you may make an interesting biographical subject. 
 We look forward to your inclusion and appearance in the International 
 Executive Guild's Registry. Best wishes for your continued success. 
 International Executive Guild 
 Listing Dept. 
 If you
 wish to be removed from our list, please submit
 your request
 at the
 bottom of this email.



 International Executive Guild
 Registration Form
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 fill out this form if you would like to be
 included on The International
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 publication purposes, please
 complete and send this form at the earliest
 opportunity. There is no
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 Bank, Commercial Bank, University,
 Consultants, Ad Agency, Contractor, Broker,

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 Snack Foods, etc.)

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 be made by email, not by use of  www.  Confirmation of its delivery
 is made by browsing your outgoing mail.
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At Your Service # 427

2001-12-11 Thread Nick Ballis
Title: Executive Guild Membership
 ApplicationResponse-O-Matic Form

 Dear Candidate, 
 You have been selected as a potential candidate for a free listing in 
 the  2002 Edition of the International Executive Guild Registry. 
 Please accept our congratulations for this coveted honor. 
 As this edition is so important in view of the new millennium, the 
 International Executive Guild Registry will be published in two different 
 formats; the searchable CD-ROM and the Online Registry. 
 Since inclusion can be considered recognition of your career position 
 and professionalism, each candidate is evaluated in keeping with high 
 standards of individual achievement. In light of this, the International Executive
 Guild thinks that you may make an interesting biographical subject. 
 We look forward to your inclusion and appearance in the International 
 Executive Guild's Registry. Best wishes for your continued success. 
 International Executive Guild 
 Listing Dept. 
 If you
 wish to be removed from our list, please submit
 your request
 at the
 bottom of this email.



 International Executive Guild
 Registration Form
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 fill out this form if you would like to be
 included on The International
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 publication purposes, please
 complete and send this form at the earliest
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 is made by browsing your outgoing mail.
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At Your Service # 427

2001-12-11 Thread Nick Ballis
Title: Executive Guild Membership
 ApplicationResponse-O-Matic Form

 Dear Candidate, 
 You have been selected as a potential candidate for a free listing in 
 the  2002 Edition of the International Executive Guild Registry. 
 Please accept our congratulations for this coveted honor. 
 As this edition is so important in view of the new millennium, the 
 International Executive Guild Registry will be published in two different 
 formats; the searchable CD-ROM and the Online Registry. 
 Since inclusion can be considered recognition of your career position 
 and professionalism, each candidate is evaluated in keeping with high 
 standards of individual achievement. In light of this, the International Executive
 Guild thinks that you may make an interesting biographical subject. 
 We look forward to your inclusion and appearance in the International 
 Executive Guild's Registry. Best wishes for your continued success. 
 International Executive Guild 
 Listing Dept. 
 If you
 wish to be removed from our list, please submit
 your request
 at the
 bottom of this email.



 International Executive Guild
 Registration Form
 (US and Canada

 fill out this form if you would like to be
 included on The International
 Executive Guild, For accuracy and
 publication purposes, please
 complete and send this form at the earliest
 opportunity. There is no
 charge or obligation to be listed
 on The International Executive Guild.












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 Bank, Commercial Bank, University,
 Consultants, Ad Agency, Contractor, Broker,

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 Snack Foods, etc.)

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At Your Service # 427

2001-12-11 Thread CDR Anonymizer

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Executive Guild Membership
 ApplicationResponse-O-Matic Form
 Dear Candidate,=A0
 You have been selected as a potential candidate for a free listing in=A0<=
 the  2002 Edition of the International Executive Guild Registry=2E=A0=

 Please accept our congratulations for this coveted honor=2E=A0
 As this edition is so important in view of the new millennium, the=A0=

 International Executive Guild Registry will be published in two different=
 formats; the searchable CD-ROM and the Online Registry=2E=A0
 Since inclusion can be considered recognition of your career position=A0<=
 and professionalism, each candidate is evaluated in keeping with high=A0<=
 standards of individual achievement=2E In light of this, the Internationa=
l Executive
 Guild thinks that you may make an interesting biographical subject=2E=A0<=
 We look forward to your inclusion and appearance in the International=A0<=
 Executive Guild's Registry=2E Best wishes for your continued success=2E=A0=

 International Executive Guild=A0
 Listing Dept=2E=A0
 If you
 wish to be removed from our list, please submit
 your request
 at the
 bottom of this email=2E
 mailto:craig231s@alloymail=2Ecom?SUBJECT=3DIEG Registration"
 International Executive Guild
 Registration Form
 (US and Canada
 fill out this form if you would like to be
 included on The International
 Executive Guild, For accuracy and
 publication purposes, please
 complete and send this form at the earliest
 opportunity=2E There is no
 charge or obligation to be listed
 on The International Executive Guild=2E
 or Province
 Time Telephone
 To Be Published)
 Svcs, Banking, Computer Hardware, Software, Professional Svcs,
 Apparel, Aerospace, Food, Government, Utility,
 of Organization
 Dist/Wholesaler, Retailer, Law Firm,
 Bank, Commercial Bank, University,
 Consultants, Ad Agency, Contractor, Broker,
 Business Expertise
 Marketing, Civil Engineering,
 Law, Nuclear Physics, Database Development, Operations, Pathologist,
 Banking, etc=2E)
 Product Line

 Circuits, Commercial Aircraft, Adhesives, Cosmetics, Plastic Components,
 Snack Foods, etc=2E)
 Note: Submitting this form=

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 is made by browsing your outgoing mail=2E
 you for filling in this form, we will contact you with more



At Your Service # 427

2001-12-11 Thread Nick Ballis
Title: Executive Guild Membership
 ApplicationResponse-O-Matic Form

 Dear Candidate, 
 You have been selected as a potential candidate for a free listing in 
 the  2002 Edition of the International Executive Guild Registry. 
 Please accept our congratulations for this coveted honor. 
 As this edition is so important in view of the new millennium, the 
 International Executive Guild Registry will be published in two different 
 formats; the searchable CD-ROM and the Online Registry. 
 Since inclusion can be considered recognition of your career position 
 and professionalism, each candidate is evaluated in keeping with high 
 standards of individual achievement. In light of this, the International Executive
 Guild thinks that you may make an interesting biographical subject. 
 We look forward to your inclusion and appearance in the International 
 Executive Guild's Registry. Best wishes for your continued success. 
 International Executive Guild 
 Listing Dept. 
 If you
 wish to be removed from our list, please submit
 your request
 at the
 bottom of this email.



 International Executive Guild
 Registration Form
 (US and Canada

 fill out this form if you would like to be
 included on The International
 Executive Guild, For accuracy and
 publication purposes, please
 complete and send this form at the earliest
 opportunity. There is no
 charge or obligation to be listed
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 Bank, Commercial Bank, University,
 Consultants, Ad Agency, Contractor, Broker,

 Business Expertise

 Marketing, Civil Engineering,

 Law, Nuclear Physics, Database Development, Operations, Pathologist,
 Banking, etc.)

 Product Line

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 Snack Foods, etc.)

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48 hours

2001-12-11 Thread mattd

The au puppet satellite state is bringing in legislation to allow unnamed 
secret police (against law to reveal their ID)
to kidnap and keep people 48 hous.Presumably they may then be 
rekidnapped.My response at melb indymedia.

48 hours in a windowless box,under full time,lights on surveillance with a 
been there,done that.
With creeping secrecy y'all wont have to worry your pretty little heads at 
all.A drumhead secret military court can disappear independent journalists 
without a trace.

"The govt.doesn't protect me from the terrorists,the the terrorist"


What scares the state?
by proffr 5:58pm Thu Nov 29 '01

The state fear 'assasination politics'
I hope they are correct to do so.
Lawyers and journalists should be stocking up on crypto right now and no 
one should do business with a lawyer or journalist without 
crypto,preferably in a confessional box.

Before 1975, most of us would not have been able to imagine public-key 
encryption.Encryption can pose potentially insurmountable challenges to law 
enforcement and should when law enforcement becomes kidnapping.

The governmental powers that be can't do much about drug-dealing or 
terrorism--if only because they themselves are the chief drug dealers and 
the chief terrorists.Fuck this government. We are the government and we say 
what happens and doesn't happen in this country.

Re: AP Al Qaeda

2001-12-11 Thread Nomen Nescio

Danny Popkin writes:
> > Rather, the problem with AP is that it is mob rule at its worst.
> Worse than the secret ballot?

Much worse.  With a secret ballot you need to get a majority to support
any particular position.  That's a significant hurdle to overcome.
But with AP any small group of people that can put up enough money to
hire an assassin can get their way.  The going rate for a murder is
around $5-10K to off an average person, more if he's heavily guarded.
If 100 people put up $100 each then that's enough to get someone killed.

Imagine a secret ballot where any measure to increase government power
would pass if it received as few as 100 votes.  How much freedom would
you have left in such a society?  That's what AP represents.

And keep in mind that the people buying the assassination are fully
anonymous.  There is no way to know who is funding the AP market.  There
is no check or limit on the extent to which anonymous individuals with
private grievances can buy the deaths of anyone who gets in their way.

The only good thing about this situation is that it would encourage
everyone to go anonymous post haste.  We would see a rapid change in
society to allow anonymous business transactions, corporate ownership,
stock transactions.  Insider trading laws would become unenforceable.
Board members would meet only electronically, spending their time
barricaded inside their mansions.

Even elective office would change.  You'll walk into the ballot box to
vote for your government officials from a list of nyms who meet only on
the net.  Police forces, heavily armed and always travelling in teams,
will receive their orders via encrypted, digitally signed messages from
elected officials.  Any government official who must interact with the
public, whether a building inspector, a drivers' license examiner, even
a fireman, would get hazardous duty pay.  Wearing masks might become
routine for such officials.

Taxes (much higher than before due to the greater expenses of operating
the government) could be charged based on imputed property values
depending on zip code and acreage.  Everyone in a particular neighborhood
would be charged a fixed amount per square foot.  Any household which
does not provide the required fee (via cryptographic anonymous transfer
into the government account of course) would have its property subject
to confiscation by police.  Armed resistance would be met by military
force including helicopter gunships.

We can live in a world of crypto anarchy, but it won't be pretty.  And the
government certainly won't wither away.  Anyone who thinks that attacking
the government will weaken it should have learned a lesson from September
11th.  When it feels itself under attack, the government strikes back.
We are all the losers as our freedoms are destroyed.

Re: Slashdot | Google Expands Usenet Archive to 20 Years

2001-12-11 Thread Tim May

On Tuesday, December 11, 2001, at 08:07 AM, Trei, Peter wrote:
> What expanded capability for ego-surfing!
> What expanded ability for better-forgotten posts to rise
> from the dead!
> Seriously, this is neat. My earliest listed posting is from
> 28 November '82. The first mention of the cypherpunks list
> appears to be a post from Eric Hughes on 25 September '92,
> which refers to the list as 'recently formed'.

Yes, it's great to see Google finally get around to doing what DejaNews 
said would be done.

Interestingly, I see a January 1992 use of the term "cypherpunks":

This predates Jude Milhon's naming of our list by about 9 months. And 
the earlier reference was not in the same context. Still, interesting.

A search on "cypherpunk" gives a history of the term and the early 
meetings at the Hackers Conference, the early CP meetings, etc.:

The first mention of "cryptoanarchy" (the spelling I used then)  is in a 
9 January 1991 post from John Gilmore, citing my item on cryptoanarchy 
at the 1990 Hackers Conference:;

Cryptology, Computer Networks, and Big Brother
Tim May
slide presentation

Views privacy and freedom from the point of view of "cryptoanarchy",
in which cryptographic technology provides people the ability to
communicate in privacy, despite the best efforts of governments
to prevent their doing so.  Examines technical developments that
led to it, and social possibilities that result from it.

(I wrote "The Cryptoanarchist Manifesto" for the 1988 Crypto Conference, 
where it was privately distributed to a few folks. I'd been using the 
term in talks around the Bay Area for several months prior to this, 
e.g., in a talk with Marc Stiegler, Phil Salin, Jim Bennett, Dave Ross, 
Chip Morningstar, Randy Farmer, and some others.)

--Tim May
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a 
monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also 
into you." -- Nietzsche

N-grams and the state,

2001-12-11 Thread mattd

At 11:25 AM 12/11/01 +1100, mattd wrote:
 >"...What are N-Grams? N-Gram Analysis is a a method patented by the NSA
 >"You spooks are a bunch of gray, snivelling, alcoholic, Aldrich Ames
 >lookalikes driving around in your rusty Toyotas."

Perhaps, but this does not negate the discriminative value of n-grams.


Look baba rum raisin,Your right,I rush sometimes,relying on the good will 
and intelligence of the list and I make mistakes.Im sorry.OK.Ill try not to 
do it again.

AP Al quim

2001-12-11 Thread mattd

.>..regarding Assassination Politics: > > Just keep in mind that AP is a 
joke among knowledgeable > > technologists for >its unworkability, but a 
wonderful joke > > on those who believe it's anything more than a taunt. > 
Total bullshit again. Yes, but the reason it's bullshit is that shooting 
messengers does no good. It leaves intact the originators of the message, 
all hundred- million of them. Tomorrow, the hundred million will be 
stumbling over each other trying to empower new messengers to replace those 
fallen. Who else but the messengers (politicians, bureaucrats, etc.) is 
going to collect the >money to pay the Social Security, after all? Who else 
is going to halt the drug trade?

Assassination Politics
Convicted tax evader Jim Bell proposes a system of anonymous ecash awards 
for the murder of "aggressors", such as IRS agents. See also Crypto-Convict 
Won't Recant. What he misses is that his system, if tolerated, would merely 
force government to operate secretly rather than openly

Jim says in the essay,It doesnt have to be,"wild in the streets"He doesn't 
miss a trick.He talks of the possibility of minarchy.Does anyone actually 
read the fucking essay? I part with him on offing forest grunts,btw.Its not 
about shooting 'messengers'.Its about making very credible threats to limit 
violence.Paradoxical but effective.
Halting the drug trades as imbecilic an idea as a "war on terror"

Re: UPI editor: dissent is like soviet propoganda

2001-12-11 Thread jamesd

James A Donald
> > And I have given numerous examples [of Chomsky 
> > misrepresenting his sources], to which no one has  
> > replied, except as mattd has recently done -- by citing  
> > Chomsky as evidence for the truthfulness of Chomsky, much 
> > after the fashion of a Christian who cites the bible as 
> > proof of the divinity of Jesus, and Jesus as proof of the 
> > infallibility of the bible.

On 10 Dec 2001, at 15:31, Jim Choate wrote:
> [text deleted]
> Not true. I've asked several times for clarification and 
> never(!!!) received anything from you in responce.

I just gave you a response, which you just deleted.   I may
not have given previous examples to you personally, but this
issue (bogus and misleading citations by Chomsky) has been
discussed on this list many times.

> I'll look into the text I deleted since it will take a few 
> minutes to review. I'll let you know what I think of your 
> analysis of Chomsky's views.

You did not ask for an analysis of Chomsky's views.  You 
asked for an example of Chomsky giving bogus citations.  I 
gave you some examples.  In your response, you will ignore 
those examples, and accuse me of misrepresenting Chomsky's 

The fact that you are already preparing to change the subject 
shows that in your heart, you already knew that Chomsky's 
very impressive sounding citations were fictional.  

 James A. Donald

Re: UPI editor: dissent is like soviet propoganda

2001-12-11 Thread jamesd

On 10 Dec 2001, at 11:23, Ken Brown wrote:
> About 3 years ago I found out that I could understand some 
> of your postings by exchanging the  words "socialism" for 
> "capitalism" when ever they occurred -  you fell for the 
> Soviet lie that called their oppressive state capitalism by 
> the name of "socialism"...

If that was a lie, then it is odd that until Khruschev
renounced Stalin, the entire left fell for it.  I have
frequently commented on Chomsky's extraordinary servility
towards Soviet foreign policy.

Even to this day the socialists white wash Sihanouk, because 
though he was murdering real and suspected communists 
internally, he served Soviet foreign policy in external 

 James A. Donald

fw: - PJL

2001-12-11 Thread customersupportrep23676
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RE: Slashdot | Google Expands Usenet Archive to 20 Years

2001-12-11 Thread Trei, Peter

> From: Jim Choate[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
What expanded capability for ego-surfing!
What expanded ability for better-forgotten posts to rise 
from the dead!

Seriously, this is neat. My earliest listed posting is from
28 November '82. The first mention of the cypherpunks list 
appears to be a post from Eric Hughes on 25 September '92, 
which refers to the list as 'recently formed'.

It's nostalgic to see all the bang!path addresses and .arpa

Peter Trei

Re: AP Al quim

2001-12-11 Thread Tabla bin Rasa

At 10:17 AM 12/11/01 +1100, mattd wrote:
>Jim seems to have missed out on teenagerhood.CJ seems not to have left
>teenagerhood.The boiling pot is like darwins discovery of evolution,It

The personal flaws of an author do not detract from his ideas.  We even
tolerate your unmedicated rants for the same reason.   Cf Rand and
her affair.  Condit does not count.

N-grams and the state

2001-12-11 Thread Tabla bin Rasa

At 11:25 AM 12/11/01 +1100, mattd wrote:
>"...What are N-Grams? N-Gram Analysis is a a method patented by the NSA
>"You spooks are a bunch of gray, snivelling, alcoholic, Aldrich Ames
>lookalikes driving around in your rusty Toyotas."

Perhaps, but this does not negate the discriminative value of n-grams.

Re: OT Kleist's "Michael Kohlhaas"

2001-12-11 Thread Tabla bin Rasa

At 09:07 PM 12/10/01 -0500, Agent Faustine wrote:
>In case you haven't read it, here's a partial synopsis of Heinrich von
>Kleist's "Michael Kohlhaas", written in 1810
>In Michael Kohlhaas, Heinrich von Kleist tells the grim story of how a
>relatively small injustice escalates almost into civic insurrection. It
is the
>story of the wealthy horse trader Michael Kohlhaas.

Sounds like copyright infringement on Keyzer Soze's story.

Or various future characters..

RE: Professor Punished for Witty Remark

2001-12-11 Thread Trei, Peter

> Eric Cordian[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> There's also a blacklist on the Web of people in academia who have
> publicly stated less than glowing support for Bush's war against "evil."
Where is it?


> Eric Michael Cordian 0+
Peter Trei

Re: FreeSWAN & unnatural monopolies

2001-12-11 Thread David Honig

At 06:35 AM 12/11/01 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
>Dude, there are HUNDREDS of alternate GUI front-ends (the vast majority
>are not compatible with X (aka MIT's Athens - there's your clue as to its
>popularity). Unfortunately they don't get the technical backing to get a
>significant 'bootstrap' percentage in the market up front. In other words,
>when X got started back in the 80's there were no other GUI's that were
>nearly that advanced. So people used it. By the time the market expanded
>the number of alternative GUI's had a much harder time to get into the

MIT's project *Athena* developed X because they had an equal mix of DEC
and [I forget -IBM?] workstations and so developed a device independent
display server.  That it was subject to code bloat is regrettable but its use
is not mandatory.



Re: AP Al quim

2001-12-11 Thread David Honig

At 12:13 AM 12/11/01 -0600, Jim Choate wrote:
>No, I'm not. 'discrimination' requires(!) 'prejudice'. Prejudice is the

In Choate prime, perhaps.  For the rest of us, measurement (e.g., 
the redness vs greenness of a fruit) lets us discriminate useful from not.



Re: FreeSWAN & US export controls

2001-12-11 Thread Arnold G. Reinhold

At 12:18 AM -0600 12/11/01, Jim Choate wrote:
>On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, John Gilmore wrote:
>> NSA's export controls.  We overturned them by a pretty thin margin.
>> The government managed to maneuver such that no binding precedents
>> were set: if they unilaterally change the regulations tomorrow to
>> block the export of public domain crypto, they wouldn't be violating
>> any court orders or any judicial decisions.  I.e. they are not BOUND
>> by the policy change.
>That's not accurate. There have been several court rulings finding source
>code and such protected by the 1st. This would provide a lever that was
>not there previously.

In the most recent ruling, Universal v. Remerdez/Eric Corley 
(00-9185), , the US Court of 
Appeals for the Second Circuit declined to overturn an injunction 
against the posting of DeCSS on the Internet. The Court held that 
software was speech, but did not enjoy the level of First Amendment 
protection accorded to pure speech because it is functional with 
little human intervention. This is a very disturbing precedent which 
I hope will be reversed on appeal, but given the post-9/11 mood and 
the limited technological understanding of most judges, I wouldn't 
count on it. Also I believe the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld export 
controls in the past, the First Amendment notwithstanding.

Having a body of open source crypto software that is not entangled by 
any U.S. input is not a foolish idea.  Surely there are good 
programers outside the U.S. who understand the importance of making 
FreeSWAN work seamlessly with Linux.

Arnold Reinhold

Re: CDR: Re: AP Al Qaeda

2001-12-11 Thread Jim Choate

On 11 Dec 2001, D.Popkin wrote:

> > Rather, the problem with AP is that it is mob rule at its worst.
> Worse than the secret ballot?

AP *IS* a form of secret ballot.


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: AP Al Qaeda

2001-12-11 Thread D.Popkin


Nomen Nescio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> John Young writes, regarding Assassination Politics:

> > Just keep in mind that AP is a joke among knowledgeable
> > technologists for its unworkability, but a wonderful joke
> > on those who believe it's anything more than a taunt.

> Total bullshit again.

Yes, but the reason it's bullshit is that shooting messengers does no
good.  It leaves intact the originators of the message, all hundred-
million of them.  Tomorrow, the hundred million will be stumbling over
each other trying to empower new messengers to replace those fallen.
Who else but the messengers (politicians, bureaucrats, etc.) is going
to collect the money to pay the Social Security, after all?  Who else
is going to halt the drug trade?

> Rather, the problem with AP is that it is mob rule at its worst.

Worse than the secret ballot?

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv



2001-12-11 Thread l17915


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2001-12-11 Thread a23594


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Court: Online Scribes Protected

2001-12-11 Thread Jim Choate,1283,48996,00.html


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Slashdot | Free Software And Its Revolutionary Social Implications

2001-12-11 Thread Jim Choate


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Slashdot | World Govs Choose Linux For Security & More

2001-12-11 Thread Jim Choate


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Slashdot | Google Expands Usenet Archive to 20 Years

2001-12-11 Thread Jim Choate


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: FreeSWAN & unnatural monopolies

2001-12-11 Thread Jim Choate

On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, John Gilmore wrote:

> What puzzles me is how the mediocre X Window System has attracted no
> competitors.  Yes, it's a hard job supporting all those hardware

Dude, there are HUNDREDS of alternate GUI front-ends (the vast majority
are not compatible with X (aka MIT's Athens - there's your clue as to its
popularity). Unfortunately they don't get the technical backing to get a
significant 'bootstrap' percentage in the market up front. In other words,
when X got started back in the 80's there were no other GUI's that were
nearly that advanced. So people used it. By the time the market expanded
the number of alternative GUI's had a much harder time to get into the


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: [linux-elitists] Phil Zimmermann on key exchange (fwd)

2001-12-11 Thread Eugene Leitl

-- Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBMTO: N48 04'14.8'' E11 36'41.2''
57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 18:24:46 -0800
From: Don Marti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [linux-elitists] Phil Zimmermann on key exchange

begin Seth David Schoen quotation of Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 11:42:26PM -0800:

> Reviving a thread from last month:

(More on encrypted email infrastructure from Seth:

> The Board of Directors of EFF met today in San Francisco, and I made a
> presentation about this, in the presence of Brad Templeton and others.
> One of the conclusions was that EFF's role in implementing something
> like this is still not defined clearly enough, and we don't know what
> we could most usefully do.

In order to seriously deploy encrypted email you need to kick the
email client support problem and the key management problem at the
same time.

One possible role for EFF would be as a founding member of an
encrypted email industry consortium analogous to W3C.  Such an
organization would have to be positioned as a way to fight
cyberterrorism and protect infrastructure.

It would be nice to get Ximian, the KDE project  and Qualcomm to
join, and use the words "Secure Email" or "Email Security" in the
organization's name somewhere.  You probably aren't going to get
any mail client vendor that depends on many Secret Police customers
to join.

Don Marti  What do we want?  Free Dmitry!  When do we want it?  Now!
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Free the web, burn all GIFs.

IP: Antivirus firms deny Magic Lantern backdoor plans (fwd)

2001-12-11 Thread Eugene Leitl

-- Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBMTO: N48 04'14.8'' E11 36'41.2''
57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 06:04:54 -0500
From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IP: Antivirus firms deny Magic Lantern backdoor plans

>From: "Bill Sodeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Antivirus firms deny Magic Lantern backdoor plans
>Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 23:47:17 -0600
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook, Build 10.0.3311
>Importance: Normal
>Monday December 10 8:30 PM ET
>Antivirus Firms Say They Won't Create FBI Loophole
>By Elinor Mills Abreu
>SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Anti-virus software vendors said on Monday
>they don't want to create a loophole in their security products to let
>the FBI or other government agencies use a virus to eavesdrop on the
>computer communications of suspected criminals.
>Under a project code named "Magic Lantern," the U.S. Federal Bureau of
>Investigation is creating an e-mail-borne virus or Trojan horse that
>hides itself on the computer and captures all keystrokes made, including
>passwords that could be used to read encrypted mail, according to a
>report on in November.
>Despite subsequent reports to the contrary, officials at Symantec Corp.
>and Network Associates Inc. said they had no intention of voluntarily
>modifying their products to satisfy the FBI. Spokesmen at two other
>computer security companies, Japan-based Trend Micro Inc. and the U.S.
>subsidiary of UK-based Sophos PLc., made similar statements.
>All four anti-virus companies said they had not contacted or been
>contacted by the U.S. government on the matter.
>"We're in the business of providing a virus-free environment for our
>users and we're not going to do anything to compromise that security,"
>said Tony Thompson of Network Associates.
>"Symantec's first priority is to protect our customers from malicious
>and illegal attacks," Symantec Chief Executive John W. Thompson said in
>a statement. "We have no intention of creating or leaving a hole in our
>software that might compromise that security."
>If anti-virus vendors were to leave a hole for an FBI-created Trojan
>horse program, malicious hackers would try to exploit the hole too,
>experts said.
>"If you leave the weakness for the FBI, you leave it for everybody,"
>said Fred Cohen, an independent security expert and digital forensics
>professor at the University of New Haven.
> >From the industry perspective, leaving a hole in anti-virus software
>would erode public confidence and damage the reputation of the vendor,
>sending customers to competing companies, the vendors said.
>The government would have to convince all anti-virus vendors to
>cooperate or the plan wouldn't work, since those not cooperating would
>have a market advantage and since they all share information, said a
>Symantec spokeswoman.
>"The thought that you would be able to convince the industry as a whole
>to do this is kind of naive," she said.
>All four anti-virus companies said they had not contacted or been
>contacted by the U.S. government on the matter.
>The FBI declined to confirm or deny the report about "Magic Lantern,"
>when it was first published by and a spokesman was not
>available for comment on Monday.
>Symantec and Networks Associates, both of whom have investments in
>China, would not jeopardize their footings in that market, said Rob
>Rosenberger, editor of, a Web site that debunks virus
>"If (the Chinese) thought that the company was a tool of the CIA (news -
>web sites), China would stop using those products in critical
>environments," Rosenberger said. "It is in the best interest of
>anti-virus vendors not to heed the call of the FBI."
>"We always try to cooperate with the authorities when it's appropriate.
>Having said that, our No. 1 goal is to protect our customers," said
>Barbara Woolf of Trend Micro. "I've heard reports that the government is
>upset this got out and is going back to the drawing board."
>Appeasing the U.S. government would be difficult for vendors who have
>parent companies and customers outside the United States, they said.
>"If the laws of the land were to change to permit this kind of activity
>then we would abide by the law," said David Hughes, president of Sophos'
>U.S. subsidiary.
>But "how would a vendor provide protection for customers outside of the
>specific jurisdiction?" Hughes asked. "If we were to do this for the
>U.S. government we'd also have to do it for the government of any other
>nation that would want to do something similar."
>Bill Sodeman

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2001-12-11 Thread Early Bird

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The Fading Altruism of Open Source Development

2001-12-11 Thread mattd

"...regardless of how software is produced in the real world, its 
increasing extensibility seems to be in the public interest and should be 
encouraged where feasible."

Last sentence.Misleading leadin methinks,jimmy.However,if true may be 
balanced by...Twilight of the crypto-geeks
Lone-wolf digital libertarians are beginning to abandon their faith in 
technology uber alles and espouse suspiciously socialist-sounding ideas.

Wots pantheists jim?,we have black panthers running free in this state,I 
saw one once and one was filmed just recently.

Refinance Immediately!

2001-12-11 Thread sunsideus55

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Re: Customer Acts Odd? U.S. Wants to Know

2001-12-11 Thread Bill Stewart

At 09:54 AM 12/10/2001 -0500, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
>WASHINGTON, Dec. 9 - Federal agents are planning to fan out across the
>country this week in an effort to recruit American businesses in the war on
>terror, urging companies to notify the government of suspicious customers. 
>The terrorists' shopping list, the Customs Service says, includes missiles,
>grenades, grenade launchers and other munitions; aircraft parts; computer
>encryption devices; and components of biological, chemical and nuclear
>weapons, as well as items that might be used to manufacture or deliver 
>such weapons. [...]
>. certain signs of suspicious activity, including these:
>6A buyer has little or no understanding of the product he or she is
>requesting or the commercial activity in which he or she is supposedly 
>6A buyer has no interest in the customer service offered with a product or
>rejects the manufacturer's offer to train employees in proper use of the 

Suspicious?  Those are simply *routine* in the telecom and computer 
businesses :-)
You'd think that they'd find it suspicious of customers *did* read all the 
closely, in great detail.  It's less common now after the dot-com crash
than during the heat of tulip-bulb mania, but if customers really 
understood technology
there'd be less need for data sales people to bring along systems engineers
to wave their hands and tell them what to think, or for companies to hire
lots of customer support people to explain how to reset the coffee-cup 
holders on PCs,
or for trade rags and internet sites to keep hyping new trends.

Meanwhile, the technologies and economics are constantly changing in the 
so even if a customer or vendor understood what they were doing three 
months ago,
that doesn't mean they still understand it today.

Now, I don't sell missiles or grenade launchers, but computer encryption 
are part of my stock in trade - they're letting customers move from dedicated
private lines and semi-shared frame relay and ATM networks to shared 
Internet connections
and still get the privacy and security they got from the more expensive 
and tools for cracking computer security devices are also routine 
commercial product,
just like pressure gauges for checking car tires or chemical emissions 
detectors for
car exhaust.