Hire a lawyer for pennies a day 5417

2001-12-19 Thread gfdjgkgergg2384
Title: You Can Receive Thousands of Dollars in Legal Services For Only
Pennies a Day
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Re: Reg - Linotype copyright action on Adobe-format fonts

2001-12-19 Thread Petro

On Tuesday, December 18, 2001, at 10:12 AM, David Honig wrote:

 At 07:35 PM 12/17/01 -0800, Bill Stewart wrote:
 ATM is Adobe Type Manager.  Linotype is a big font house.
 Intellectual Property laws for fonts are normally even stranger than 
 regular material,
 but if any of these are in Postscript, they're also programs,
 so there may be DMCA issues, and there's obviously some contractual
 relationship with Adobe that lets them copyright implementations.

 IIRC fonts are not copyrightable in the US, but are elsewhere, yes?

The shape of the glyphs is not copyrightable, but the application 
of a specific name to that set of glyphs is.

You can copy *exactly* the shape of a font, and just call it 
something else. Helvetica-Arial/Geneva/Swiss (actually *slightly* 
different, but that was more an artifact of the original technology for 
them, Arial is TT, Geneva was a bitmapped font from Way Back on the Mac 
etc.)  Times-New York on the mac (as Helvetica is to Geneva, so Times 
is to New York, IIRC).

Oh, but don't do it by just renaming the postscript, that's 
copyright infringement on the *code*, as is (probably) using some sort 
of Postscript-TT conversion that renames as it goes.

 Assuming that's correct, then an algorithmic font (eg Postscript) could 
 turned into an albeit large static set of pixels which wouldn't be
 copyrightable in the US.

That would be utterly pointless (no pun intended). The value of 
Postscript is that it *isn't* a set of pixels.
Remember, half-measures can be very effective if all you deal with are
half-wits.--Chris Klein

Steal This Essay 1: Content Is a Pure Public Good

2001-12-19 Thread Steve Schear

Originally published in TidBITS#602/22-Oct-01; see 
http://www.tidbits.com/ for more information.

Steal This Essay 1: Content Is a Pure Public Good
by Dan Kohn

Steal this essay, or, why these sorts of essays represent the future of all 
publishing. Hint: I'm not getting paid for them.

Freedom of the press belongs to those who own one. - A.J. Liebling

If you or anyone you know has ever or will ever produce content (writing, 
music, video, etc.) and hopes to get paid for it, you should be afraid.

To see why, start by downloading (for free, of course) one of the numerous 
peer-to-peer file sharing systems such as Aimster, LimeWire, and 
eDonkey2000 that have emerged hydra-like to take the place of Napster, 
whose head was cut off this spring by the Recording Industry Association of 
America (RIAA). You will find that much the same selection of MP3 music 
that was on Napster is still available for free, as well as being 
accompanied by more and more movies (ripped directly from DVDs), and 
nearly all other forms of content, from Shakespeare's works to hard core 
adult materials.


What you will not find - even if you are the RIAA - is anyone to sue. 
Because unlike Napster, there are no companies underlying the software 
infrastructure, no servers to confiscate, no officers on whom to serve 
papers. The next generation of peer-to-peer clients relies on no central 
infrastructure whatsoever, and is being developed by a loose knit group of 
developers spread around the world, all donating their significant efforts 
without any real hope of getting paid for their work. All of the developers 
are men - or teenage boys - and though not following the typical societal 
track toward prestige, they are just as competitive as any rival athletes 
or entrepreneurs. Many are distributing their software as open source, so 
anyone else can fix bugs and make improvements. What this means is not just 
that the RIAA is applying makeup to the corpse of the music industry as 
we've known it. In fact, it heralds an even larger change about how all 
content is created and distributed, and raises serious questions as to 
whether content creators (such as the author of this essay) will ever be 
compensated for our work.

Read a few dozen articles by top technology analysts, and it is often 
difficult to find one that doesn't breathlessly declare how this or that 
new technology represents a sea change, an inflection point, or the end of 
history. In fact, while the Internet's growth rates have been quite high, 
other technologies such as radio and gas cooking have actually been adopted 
faster. It may be, though, that all of the hype surrounding the digital 
duplication and peer-to-peer distribution of content actually 
underestimates the impact on the authors and publishers of music, movies, 
and written works.

Put simply, in a world where there are essentially no costs to replicate 
content and it is effectively impossible to stop anyone from doing so at 
will, the current economic model underpinning content creation will be 
dead. Despite the protestations of lawyers, (certain) rock bands, and 
legislatures (all on the same losing side, oddly enough), we are entering 
that brave new world.
If, as this hard technology determinist viewpoint suggests, content is 
destined to be free - i.e., the content creators and publishers will not be 
directly compensated the way they are today when you make a purchase from 
your local CD store - then the real question is what system could replace 
the content compensation system that has worked quite well for the last 300 
years. However, implementing revenue models for infinitely redistributable 
goods is not an entirely novel question, and there are several economic 
models that can support the creation of content. What there may not be is 
enough revenue to support the publishers of that content in addition to the 
authors, which helps explain why the RIAA is so eager to thwart digital 
distribution. When an ecosystem undergoes severe environmental changes, 
certain organisms that were previously essential - like the cyanobacteria 
that originally converted carbon dioxide to oxygen, or the record 
companies' AR men - may recede to minor ecological niches.

Economists have a term for what digital goods have become. Items are 
nonrival when we can all make use of them without anyone having to give 
them up. If I copy your CD, you're none the worse for it (nonrival), but if 
I steal your car, you will probably be upset (rival). Goods are 
nonexcludable when it becomes impractical to stop everyone from making 
use of the item, once one person can. It is infeasible, for instance, to 
stop additional viewers of broadcast television (nonexcludable), while it 
is very feasible to stop additional moviegoers from entering a theater 


2001-12-19 Thread hjhdchpf


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Re: Steal This Essay 1: Content Is a Pure Public Good

2001-12-19 Thread Tim May

This guy's essay is really good. And it only took him a few minutes!

 Originally published in TimBITS#602/22-Oct-01; see 
 http://www.timbits.com/ for more information.

 Steal This Essay 1: Content Is a Pure Public Good
 by Tim May

 Steal this essay, or, why these sorts of essays represent the future of 
 all publishing. Hint: I'm not getting paid for them.

 Freedom of the press belongs to those who own one. - A.J. Liebling

 If you or anyone you know has ever or will ever produce content 
 (writing, music, video, etc.) and hopes to get paid for it, you should 
 be afraid.

 To see why, start by downloading (for free, of course) one of the 
 numerous peer-to-peer file sharing systems such as Aimster, LimeWire, 
 and eDonkey2000 that have emerged hydra-like to take the place of 
 Napster, whose head was cut off

--Tim May
The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any 
member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to 
others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient 
warrant. --John Stuart Mill

Re: Steal This Essay 1: Content Is a Pure Public Good

2001-12-19 Thread mattd

I found youse some text warez at ambulanzen.Enjoy!

Subject: On Negativity Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Future of Negativity
All advice is bad, but good advice is fatal. Oscar Wilde
The future has become completely predictable; a script that is being worked
through from A to Z. The Plan has finally prevailed. There are merely some
anomalies, corrections that have not yet been made. All arguments are for the
following of the prescribed route. It is true that there are always a 
number of
simultaneous scenarios that are partially overlapping and partially mutually
exclusive. But they have one thing in common: they are all true. Will it be an
ecological catastrophe or an atom bomb? Whichever you request. Humanitarian
disaster or military defeat? The choice is yours. Will it be abstract or
figurative? Whichever way the wind blows. Brazil or China? All options have 
thought through. All the right specialists have been found and their 
reports are
ready and waiting to be implemented. The field of vision has narrowed to one
perspective, wherever you look. There are no surprises, only possibilities.
Reread Musil. Even the biggest problems (AIDS in Africa, Bin Laden in
Afghanistan, CCP in the WTO, Bush in Washington) will never be more
than entrances to new markets.
At the moment they appear, all phenomena already contain the structure of this
model. All that remains to us is the dull task of unravelling the software
underneath. The number of programmes is extremely limited. The hermeneutic and
semiotic reading of the world puts up a smokescreen which manages to 
enchant us
again and again with its wealth of shapes, turns and suggestions of depth, but
alas, in fact it is all a bit simpler than that. The theory of difference 
is no
more than a cloth for the bleeding in the abimes superficiels. Unbearable 
irresistible) simplicity is no longer really distinguishable from banality, 
this sends many a public intellectual fleeing to the safe haven of
interpretation. Through this mechanism, an originally critical practice like
cultural studies has slipped away into a safe, meaningless sketch of image
culture. Visual culture has degenerated into a profession with prospects. 
is how modelistic thinking works: once you get it, you can apply it to 
We locate this suprahistory when we train our gaze on the sub-human level. The
drama of micropolitics: the pension plan is in place by the time you're 21. 
and get out from under that. A little heli-skiing won't do it. Total 
burnout at
26 seems like it might help, but it turns out later to have been just a
sabbatical. RSI at 14? Just as easily. What else is the future but paying off
mortgages and life insurance? The secret collective longing for a market 
i.e. a world war, remains a last, authentic expression of the longing to 
make a
clean sweep, to undergo an adventure and then start all over. The hippies
supplied this model. There's no running aground, lost ideals or middle-aged
cynicism in this case  that would have been the fall-of-man model. 
hippies are today's crisis managers, guiding whole peoples at a time through
their dips. They work according to the dynamic model, which uses resistance to
get ahead by systematically improvising. In this model, things must go 
wrong for
one to become a success. This is in contrast to the compulsory positivism that
three-quarters of the world must disavow to preserve its good humour. Hippie
thinking is happy with any opposition and derives its energy from it.
Negativity rejects every model; that much is clear. But is repudiation, 
elegant or brutal, not itself also a model? Negativity distinguishes itself
rigorously from deconstructivism. Deconstruction is an installation CD-ROM 
always works. But the software's ability to anticipate is nil. Something 
must be
built up before it can be taken apart, thus the orientation to the past. The
nice thing about this model, however, is its youthful elan in believing 
that the
future can be predicted. That is the game Soros plays. His theory of
reflectivity is based on a solid foundation of European negativity. This is 
he can stay ahead of the wave,most often, while legions of market 
analysts get caught in
their own sales speeches, whose nonsense they can never understand, since 
in their spiels is precisely the product they're selling. And non-monetary
negativity, where is that? Who can enjoy the certainty of decline, and benefit
from it? What a riddle! But one thing is sure: there will always be enough 
can be destroyed. As long as there is death, there is hope.
The future of thinking, the development of forms of expression, planetary
architecture, these are all projects of others. Negativity is an experimental
attitude, an exercise in remembering, followed now and then by a short 
series of
outbursts, and then a long period of hiding inside normality. Optimism can 
into gloominess. On the other hand, it is 

Non-political, so probably off-topic for CP :_),

2001-12-19 Thread mattd

http://www.business-humanrights.org/China.htm the internet great wall of 
china,gulag to rival the US,state murders,Tibet,etc,etc,etc...measl your 
worse than jamesd,you might get a spotters fee,though.

I trust your aware of repression in china,nortels contribution and 
assassination politics.This is re.http://www.inet-one.com/cypherpunks/ 
non-political my ass.

Take Action On Your Mortgage!

2001-12-19 Thread makabreak

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You have won! 1

2001-12-19 Thread alftee226

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IRS Agent Goes Berserk, Assaults Citizen, by Pat Shannan

2001-12-19 Thread Jei

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 22:25:41 -0800
From: Deon Masker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Conspiracy-Theory] Fw: [Renegades_Coalition] IRS Agent Goes Berserk,
 Assaults Citizen, by Pat Shannan

~~For entertainment or educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]
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it with removePatriotList in the subject line or just click here:
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- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 11:42 AM
Subject: IRS Agent Goes Berserk, Assaults Citizen, by Pat Shannan

From the news Desk at YACE Freedom 91.9 FM Help spread the news!
Long Live the Republic, Death to the new world order!

IRS Agent Goes Berserk, Assaults Citizen Local Cops, Sheriff Refuse to

by Pat Shannan Dec. 2001

A sign spotted recently over the door of one IRS office says: Seizure
Fever ­ Catch It! Word has it that the IRS agent with the best seizure
rate for the week is rewarded with a brief respite and other job perks.
Apparently the pressure to hit his weekly plunder bonus was more than one
revenuer could stand, and when he was asked to show the law justifying his
actions, he blew a head gasket.

The Oct. 2 incident occurred when Wiley Davis, an IRS Team Manager from
Colorado, became agitated with Las Vegas resident Ken Nicholson, 37, during
a hearing to discuss an IRS lien against some property owned by Nicholson's
friend, Keith Milbourn. Davis, 45, had been brought in from Denver
specifically for the Milbourn case.

The Las Vegas Tribune first reported the altercation as arising from a tax
dispute involving an IRS lien against some property belonging to Ken
Nicholson. This was inaccurate. Nicholson had gone along as counsel for his
friends, Keith and Shawna Milbourn, and as a witness to the proceedings. It
was Milbourn's case that was in dispute. They had also taken along court
reporter Beatrice Conner, who caught the whole incident on audiotape.

Nicholson had Power of Attorney to speak for Milbourn, 32. Davis was
assisted by a female agent. Throughout the hearing, the two men made it
clear that they were not going to take Davis' word for anything and would
need actual documentation to prove the IRS' stand. Finally, Nicholson said
that they would be willing to pay whatever the IRS claimed Milbourn owed if
Davis could:

1) Produce a Notice and Demand for the tax; and

2) Give a Code Section which made Milbourn liable.

Nicholson said, and witnesses as well as the tape recording concur, that
Davis did not attempt to produce that evidence but instead became visibly
angry, lost his self-control and attacked Nicholson.

Offense is the Best Defense

Out of nowhere, said Nicholson, he jumped up out of his chair and came
around the table, grabbed my chair, and began bouncing it up and down. He
shoved it forward and pushed me toward the table. [In the process,] my legs
came apart and were straddling the arm of the chair. With three or four
quick jerks, he yanked the arm of the chair upward and into my groin. Then
he grabbed me and began to physically evict me from the room.

Security officers came in and stopped the melee at the Oakley Boulevard
office of the IRS in Las Vegas.

Court stenographer Beatrice Conner was shocked speechless when Nicholson
was knocked to the floor. It was totally without provocation, she said.
He (Davis) was so angry and violent that if he had had a gun, he would
have pulled it out!

Keith Milbourn, who witnessed the whole meeting and scuffle, gave more

By the time we called the police there were about ten people in the
hallway including other agents, the witnesses and security guards,
Milbourn told us, adding that the other IRS agent who was in the room,
Renee Swells, was surprised and shocked by Davis' action. Swells was
unavailable for comment.

Milbourn and Nicholson had called 911 and the cops arrived in five minutes
all gung-ho and ready to arrest Ken. However, when they heard the tape
played back, they all fell silent, not knowing what to do.

So the officers did nothing. No arrest was made.

Both men said they tried to report the incident to the U.S. attorney's
office, as well as the FBI, but both Justice Department entities declined
to take their report. The same proved to be true at the county level with
Sheriff Jerry Keller.

I know that if I would have assaulted the IRS agent, I would be sitting in
jail right now, Nicholson said. But because the IRS agent is the one who
assaulted me, Metro [Las Vegas Police] only took a statement and let him

Hidden Ball Trick

When the Metro police came out, Nicholson gave a voluntary statement backed
up by his witnesses and the tape recording. He was told that he would have
to wait five days 

IRS Agent Goes Berserk, Assaults Citizen, by Pat Shannan

2001-12-19 Thread Jei

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 22:25:41 -0800
From: Deon Masker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Conspiracy-Theory] Fw: [Renegades_Coalition] IRS Agent Goes Berserk,
 Assaults Citizen, by Pat Shannan

~~For entertainment or educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]
Should this email has reached you in error, please return
it with removePatriotList in the subject line or just click here:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=removePatriot/88L

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 11:42 AM
Subject: IRS Agent Goes Berserk, Assaults Citizen, by Pat Shannan

From the news Desk at YACE Freedom 91.9 FM Help spread the news!
Long Live the Republic, Death to the new world order!

IRS Agent Goes Berserk, Assaults Citizen Local Cops, Sheriff Refuse to

by Pat Shannan Dec. 2001

A sign spotted recently over the door of one IRS office says: Seizure
Fever ­ Catch It! Word has it that the IRS agent with the best seizure
rate for the week is rewarded with a brief respite and other job perks.
Apparently the pressure to hit his weekly plunder bonus was more than one
revenuer could stand, and when he was asked to show the law justifying his
actions, he blew a head gasket.

The Oct. 2 incident occurred when Wiley Davis, an IRS Team Manager from
Colorado, became agitated with Las Vegas resident Ken Nicholson, 37, during
a hearing to discuss an IRS lien against some property owned by Nicholson's
friend, Keith Milbourn. Davis, 45, had been brought in from Denver
specifically for the Milbourn case.

The Las Vegas Tribune first reported the altercation as arising from a tax
dispute involving an IRS lien against some property belonging to Ken
Nicholson. This was inaccurate. Nicholson had gone along as counsel for his
friends, Keith and Shawna Milbourn, and as a witness to the proceedings. It
was Milbourn's case that was in dispute. They had also taken along court
reporter Beatrice Conner, who caught the whole incident on audiotape.

Nicholson had Power of Attorney to speak for Milbourn, 32. Davis was
assisted by a female agent. Throughout the hearing, the two men made it
clear that they were not going to take Davis' word for anything and would
need actual documentation to prove the IRS' stand. Finally, Nicholson said
that they would be willing to pay whatever the IRS claimed Milbourn owed if
Davis could:

1) Produce a Notice and Demand for the tax; and

2) Give a Code Section which made Milbourn liable.

Nicholson said, and witnesses as well as the tape recording concur, that
Davis did not attempt to produce that evidence but instead became visibly
angry, lost his self-control and attacked Nicholson.

Offense is the Best Defense

Out of nowhere, said Nicholson, he jumped up out of his chair and came
around the table, grabbed my chair, and began bouncing it up and down. He
shoved it forward and pushed me toward the table. [In the process,] my legs
came apart and were straddling the arm of the chair. With three or four
quick jerks, he yanked the arm of the chair upward and into my groin. Then
he grabbed me and began to physically evict me from the room.

Security officers came in and stopped the melee at the Oakley Boulevard
office of the IRS in Las Vegas.

Court stenographer Beatrice Conner was shocked speechless when Nicholson
was knocked to the floor. It was totally without provocation, she said.
He (Davis) was so angry and violent that if he had had a gun, he would
have pulled it out!

Keith Milbourn, who witnessed the whole meeting and scuffle, gave more

By the time we called the police there were about ten people in the
hallway including other agents, the witnesses and security guards,
Milbourn told us, adding that the other IRS agent who was in the room,
Renee Swells, was surprised and shocked by Davis' action. Swells was
unavailable for comment.

Milbourn and Nicholson had called 911 and the cops arrived in five minutes
all gung-ho and ready to arrest Ken. However, when they heard the tape
played back, they all fell silent, not knowing what to do.

So the officers did nothing. No arrest was made.

Both men said they tried to report the incident to the U.S. attorney's
office, as well as the FBI, but both Justice Department entities declined
to take their report. The same proved to be true at the county level with
Sheriff Jerry Keller.

I know that if I would have assaulted the IRS agent, I would be sitting in
jail right now, Nicholson said. But because the IRS agent is the one who
assaulted me, Metro [Las Vegas Police] only took a statement and let him

Hidden Ball Trick

When the Metro police came out, Nicholson gave a voluntary statement backed
up by his witnesses and the tape recording. He was told that he would have
to wait five days 

[Spy News] FBI expands hunt on warez scene (fwd)

2001-12-19 Thread Jei

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 01:45:33 +0100
From: Mario Profaca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Spy News] FBI expands hunt on warez scene


FBI expands hunt on warez scene

Posted by me101 on 07:51 EST on 18 Dec 2001 - 12:51 GMT | 25 comments

Found this over on GeekNews, pointing to a story over on New Order,
regarding some additional information in relation to the FBI's ongoing warez

The FBI has, in the past week, been involved in raids against WAREZ groups,
including 90+ scene group senior members and leaders in US, Canada, Britain,
Australia, Norway, 2 cracking groups in Poland. New raids are expected in
the next days or so..

Now We've got confirmed insider information, that four major efnet servers
are currently running in debug mode, which enables them to see ALL private
traffic, like private chat, passwords sent to channel protection bots,
messages, etc. and the information is being filtered and sent to the FBI,
which requested this. Currently, a big EDU server, and .ORG server.

This mail, sent by Mario Profaca, is clean, certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.309 / Virus Database: 170 - Release Date: 17. 12. 01

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Re: CNN.com on Remailers

2001-12-19 Thread Steven Furlong

David Honig wrote:
 At 02:42 PM 12/18/01 -0800, Meyer Wolfsheim wrote:
 On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, David Honig wrote:
  Can't spam be repelled by not forwarding email not encrypted to
  the remailer's key?
 Who is to say that spammers won't use remailer clients that automatically
 encrypt to the remailers' keys?
 Yes they could.
 Using remailer clients should be *easy*. Saying this is too hard for the
 average spammer to figure out isn't acceptable.
 The most commonly held point of view that I've
 perceived on this list is that spammers are too lazy/stupid
 to do this -or even add a simple string token to a line.

To maximize their efficiency *, spammers want to send the same message
to everyone on a large list of addresses, with a small amount of effort
and attention on their part. Any special effort necessary to get the
spam to a given address is not a worthwhile ROI. (And it's probably not
worth the effort to remove the address from the list, either.) This is
also the point behind the hashcash proposal: the sender's machine has to
burn a certain number of cycles to make a hash which will convince the
recipient to accept each message. **

* Efficiency is the useful output divided by the effort input.
Efficiency for a useless endeavor such as spamming is problematical.

** Eric, if you're reading this, I really am putting some work in on
this, just not at a high enough rate to produce any output. Efficiency
of 0.

Steve Furlong, Computer Condottiere Have GNU, will travel

Re: AP Al quim

2001-12-19 Thread Sunder

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Jim Choate wrote:

 On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Sunder wrote:
  So from your reply, I'll assume the answer to my So are you finally
  evolving? question is still No.
 Sorry, you can't imply anything other than what is openly stated in my
 commentary. Implicatives will bite you in the butt.

I'll take that to still mean No :)
  I, and everyone in the world, is aware that commerce != capitalism,
 Not hardly.

To whom does Not hardly refer to exactly?  Care to point the individual
names of those who are not aware that commerce != capitalism so that we
can both ask them?
  and that you are avoiding the question.
 And EXACTLY what question might that be? You ramble so much it gets hard
 to follow what you're talking about NOW.

Deja Vue.  Now if you'd only see yourself through that lens.

The question I asked you was in this quote:

On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Sunder wrote:

 Oh, you mean like the parable of the ants and the grasshopper? Where the
 ants get the results of the work they put into it, and the grasshopper
 who didn't do any work starves and freezes in the winter?

 So now you're saying that the very thing you've had a problem in the
 past with because it's capitalism is now a good thing.

Which was in response to this message:

On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, Jim Choate wrote:

 Don't confuse having a high standard of excellence with simple egotism
 (which is the majority of the cases with both your examples).

 And no, a meritocracy isn't disriminatory. You get what you put into it,
 not what somebody else thinks it's worth.

Since capitalism is a meritocracy (Those who work eat;  Those who don't
starve) and you've stated that meritocracies are good, are you at long
last saying that capitalism is a good thing?

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.sunder.net 

Re: AP Al quim, Tim May Torn asunder.

2001-12-19 Thread Sunder

That question was not posed to you.  Unless you are Jim Bell, fuck off.

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.sunder.net 

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, mattd wrote:

 Sunder...you have to agree that you also have no problem with capitalism.

Re: Axed Intel Man Loses E-Mail Case

2001-12-19 Thread Sunder

Sigh... I wonder if there is anything inChoate doesn't misunderstand  
We may never know...

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.sunder.net 

On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:

 Choate misunderstands journalism. When writing about an appeals court 

Re: Axed Intel Man Loses E-Mail Case

2001-12-19 Thread Sunder

Ok, show of hands

Who here claims to be a member of CACL?

Ok, of those who claim to be members of CACL's, who claims to be a
self-appointed CACL genius?

Tim?  Declan?  Anyone?

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.sunder.net 

On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Jim Choate wrote:

 On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Gil Hamilton wrote:
  It's interesting to note how much more pleasant Choate was in his
  early days on the list.  In those days, he was not so intent on
  showing everyone that he was an authority on all possible subjects.
 That was before I knew what kind of sharks swim in this pool. You don't
 like my interaction then change yours. I treat you people the way you
 treated me back then. I didn't start it. Go talk to Tim, Delcan, and the
 rest of the self-appointed CACL geniuses.
 You reap what you sow.
  Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.
  Bumper Sticker
The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
www.ssz.com.',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
-~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-


2001-12-19 Thread David Honig

At 12:38 AM 12/19/01 +, Graham Lally wrote:
Ralph Wallis wrote:

 On Monday, 17 Dec 2001 at 07:58, Michael Motyka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Could someone who knows more than I do explain to me why this MS IP is
anything other than making the owner of a PC unable to have root access
to their own hardware/OS? If so it seems to be an idea unworthy of
protection from lawyers and men with guns.

 A more correct analogy is with speed limiters on cars.

On your own roads. And the car maker tells you where you can go to. And 
which route you have to take. And where you can end up. And then forces 
you to pay for a map.

And tells you which brand of gasoline you can burn under penalty of
law for using others.

And treats go-carts as circumvention devices.

Re: Steal This Essay 1: Content Is a Pure Public Good

2001-12-19 Thread Marcel Popescu


 This guy's essay is really good. And it only took him a few minutes!

Ok, WHAT essay? You just quoted a few lines, attributed them to Tim May
(hello???), and added an URL to a site currently in construction.


Re: Reg - Linotype copyright action on Adobe-format fonts

2001-12-19 Thread David Honig

At 11:47 PM 12/18/01 -0800, Petro wrote:
   That would be utterly pointless (no pun intended). The value of 
Postscript is that it *isn't* a set of pixels.

No, it wouldn't be pointless.  Postscript is not the only way
to print.

It is the equivalent of using a function that approximates the sine()
function to generate a table of trig values.  The function's code
is copyrighted, but the table of values isn't.  And yes, there
are still uses for tables of trig values.

IRS Agent Goes Berserk, Cops refuse to prosecute, and AP candidates

2001-12-19 Thread Major Variola (ret)

At 01:17 PM 12/19/01 +0200, Jei wrote:
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 22:25:41 -0800
From: Deon Masker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Conspiracy-Theory] Fw: [Renegades_Coalition] IRS Agent Goes
 Assaults Citizen, by Pat Shannan

You know, historically, when there is no reliable justice system,
society gets blood feuds,
etc.   When the justice system is unreliable for sheeple but reliable
for a special class,
maybe AP *does* have a future.  Meanwhile the traditional bag of cash 
friend of a friend
will have to do.

Re: Encrypted Distributed Filesystem With Linux?

2001-12-19 Thread Gilles Gravier


http://www.cyber-ark.com/ ?


Jei wrote:
 With over  2GB in size and on 2.4 Linux kernels?
 Say, an 80gb filesystem image that is encrypted with XXX over
 a loop device YYY to a filesystem image that resides on ZZZ.
 Is there any way to do this or something similar to it?
 I browsed the net but PPDD + CODA doesn't quite seem to get me there.
 Neither does SFS or CFS or TCFS or any of the other alternatives I found.
 The freenet clones seem all too insecure and freenet is
 just a piece of java code. Not suitable for any *real* use.
 All links and suggestions are very welcome..
 The Cryptography Mailing List
 Unsubscribe by sending unsubscribe cryptography to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gilles Gravier  -  Platform Infrastructure - SDN  -  EMEA
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sun Microsystems
Phone: +41 22 7077856 2 rue de Jargonnant
Fax: +41 86 0794351051 CH-1207 Geneva
PGP Key ID: 0xF5F60C45Switzerland
My Current Location is:   N:046°12'03.8 - E:006°09'31.9

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Digital Angel gets under the skin after all

2001-12-19 Thread Roy M. Silvernail


Applied Digital Solutions is pursuing the implantable chip after all.  
It's not the GPS-trackable unit yet, but more like the doggie chips.  
The L.A. Times story says it holds up to 60 words in one place, 
and several sentences of information in another.

Interesting that they plan to be to market in South America in 90 
days (because of fewer required regulatory permissions).  They say 
they expect FDA and FCC approval here by midyear.

Anyone want to get barcoded?

Roy M. Silvernail
Proprietor, scytale.com

Re: Responsive Email Leads, Safe Direct Mailing

2001-12-19 Thread -Safe Emailing

FREE Stealth Mass Mailer with orders of 50,000!
With orders of 250,000:
   -One Month FREE Subscription to 5-10 Blind
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For the website, click below: 

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**Visit our site to get the MOST responsive e-mail leads

 10,000 e-mails for only $10
 25,000 e-mails for only $20
 50,000 e-mails for only $30
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For the website, click below: 

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  Completely hides your IP information!


To be removed from future mailings: 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=Remove 

Re: CNN.com on Remailers

2001-12-19 Thread Ben Xain

On 18 December 2001, Meyer Wolfsheim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, David Honig wrote:
  Can't spam be repelled by not forwarding email not encrypted to
  the remailer's key?
 Who is to say that spammers won't use remailer clients that automatically
 encrypt to the remailers' keys?
 Using remailer clients should be *easy*. Saying this is too hard for the
 average spammer to figure out isn't acceptable.

In fact, spammers currently *do* send mail encrypted to the remailers'
keys.  It's a pain in the ass trying to filter the damn stuff out.

Ben Xain

Re: Digital Angel gets under the skin after all

2001-12-19 Thread Michael Motyka

Roy M. Silvernail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote :


Applied Digital Solutions is pursuing the implantable chip after all.
It's not the GPS-trackable unit yet, but more like the doggie chips.
The L.A. Times story says it holds up to 60 words in one place,
and several sentences of information in another.

Interesting that they plan to be to market in South America in 90
days (because of fewer required regulatory permissions).  They say
they expect FDA and FCC approval here by midyear.

Anyone want to get barcoded?

No thanks. In defenerence to historical precendent I would prefer a
tatoo on my forearm. I would tolerate an updated version that consisted
of 10 hex digits - in deference to the modern computer re-evolution.

They're warming the ovens...

Roy M. Silvernail


RE: CNN.com on Remailers

2001-12-19 Thread Trei, Peter

  On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, David Honig wrote:
   Can't spam be repelled by not forwarding email not encrypted to
   the remailer's key?
 In fact, spammers currently *do* send mail encrypted to the remailers'
 keys.  It's a pain in the ass trying to filter the damn stuff out.
 Ben Xain
First I've heard that. Frankly, I'm suprised. 

One solution, which I've long advocated, is for the remailer to drop mail
which has an unencrypted body after it's applied it's decryption key. 

Provided this is an announced policy, substantially increases the 
protection of the mail and the remop. It does mean that only people
capable of using encryption can receive mail via the remailer, but
that's probably a *good* thing.

Peter Trei

This e-mail, its content and any files transmitted with it are intended
solely for the addressee(s) and are PRIVILEGED and 
CONFIDENTIAL.  Access by any other party is unauthorized without the express
prior written permission of the sender.  If 
you have received this e-mail in error you may not copy, disclose to any
third party or use the contents, attachments or 
information in any way, Please delete all copies of the e-mail and the
attachment(s), if any and notify the sender. 
Thank You.

Academic freedom dead in Fla

2001-12-19 Thread Khoder bin Hakkin


Wednesday December 19 12:19 PM ET

South Fla. Professor May Be Fired

By VICKIE CHACHERE, Associated Press Writer

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - University of South Florida's trustees agreed
Wednesday a
Palestinian professor linked to known terrorists should be fired
for disrupting
university operations.

Sami al-Arian, a tenured computer science professor at the
public university, has
been the subject of continuous death threats because of his
support for anti-Israeli
interests. Al-Arian's appearance on a national television talk
show after the Sept. 11
attacks prompted a stream of threats against him and the

Al-Arian has been on paid leave as a security risk since, but in
recent weeks his
continued employment has prompted alumni and university donors
to withdraw their
support, university President Judy Genshaft said.

Genshaft has the power to dismiss Al-Arian and has advocated the
move, but she
sought guidance from the trustees before proceeding. The next
step would be a letter
of notice of the pending dismissal that would give him 10 days
to respond.

Al-Arian, who has been at the school since 1986, was not
immediately available for
comment, according to staffers at an Islamic school and
community center that he

The recommendation prompted concern that academic freedom was
threatened and Al-Arian was being fired because of his unpopular

Al-Arian once headed an academic think tank on Islamic issues,
World and Islam
Studies Enterprises, later connected to fund raising for the
Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
His brother-in-law, Mazen al-Najjar was jailed for three years
on secret evidence as
a threat to national security.

The think tank was raided by the FBI (news - web sites) in 1995
and its assets were
frozen. Another former head of the think tank, Ramadan Abdulah
Shallah, left it in
1995 and resurfaced as the head of a terrorist organization, the
Palestinian Islamic

Al-Arian has never been detained or charged with a crime, but
the institute and a
related charity for Palestinians had been accused by the FBI and
Immigration and
Naturalization Service agents of being a fund-raising front for

He was videotaped at some of the institute conferences a decade
ago rallying the
crowd with shouts of ``death to Israel.'' He now says he was
making a political
statement regarding the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and
what he considers
Israeli oppression, not advocating deaths of people.

Al-Arian appeared on a Sept. 26 segment of Fox News Channel's
``The O'Reilly
Factor'' and was questioned about his links to known terrorists
as the television
screen displayed the university's logo. A barrage of threats by
telephone and e-mail
the next day forced university police to shut down the computer
science department
where Al-Arian worked, a day later he was banned from campus.

RE: CNN.com on Remailers

2001-12-19 Thread Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer

 One solution, which I've long advocated, is for the remailer to drop 
 mail which has an unencrypted body after it's applied it's decryption 
 Provided this is an announced policy, substantially increases the
 protection of the mail and the remop. It does mean that only people
 capable of using encryption can receive mail via the remailer, but   
 that's probably a *good* thing.

No, that is a terrible idea. It totally destroys the usefulness of 
remailers on Usenet and mailing lists.

Make your system so hard to use that no one uses it. That way, no one 
will abuse it!


RE: CNN.com on Remailers

2001-12-19 Thread Sunder

Last I heard, neither MAE East, nor MAE West were ever dragged into
court on co-conspiritor charges just because packets from some German
hacker kid hopped through their Cisco's.

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.sunder.net 

On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, Eugene Leitl wrote:

 On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, Trei, Peter wrote:
  If I were a remailer operator, I'm not sure I'd like this. Active
  cooperation with another remaler operator means that if
  he/she/it does something illegal, you could be dragged in
 How is this different from the current situation? Is usage of a specific
 mainstream protocol sufficient protection from conspiracy charges? Joe Bob
 Postfixuser is hardly a remailer operator.
  on 'conspiracy' charges, regardless whether you actually
  had any knowledge of the the other operators nefarious
 -- Eugen* Leitl a href=http://leitl.org;leitl/a
 ICBMTO: N48 04'14.8'' E11 36'41.2'' http://www.leitl.org
 57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3

RE: CNN.com on Remailers

2001-12-19 Thread Ben Xain

On 19 December 2001, Peter Trei wrote:
 In fact, spammers currently *do* send mail encrypted to the remailers'
 keys.  It's a pain in the ass trying to filter the damn stuff out.
First I've heard that. Frankly, I'm suprised. 

One solution, which I've long advocated, is for the remailer to drop mail
which has an unencrypted body after it's applied it's decryption key. 

Provided this is an announced policy, substantially increases the 
protection of the mail and the remop. It does mean that only people
capable of using encryption can receive mail via the remailer, but
that's probably a *good* thing.

I don't think that's necessarily a good idea.  It would eliminate or
reduce the anonymous remailer's usefulness for posting to newsgroups and
mailing lists.

Add to that the concept of some anonymous remailer users being
informants or corporate whistle-blowers, who will often be contacting
law enforcement or media officials and won't have access to public keys
for encryption.

Instead, it would be a good idea for remailers to find some other means
of filtering spam.  There are some great tools out there that might be
useful for this, such as nilsimsa.

Ben Xain

Re: CNN.com on Remailers

2001-12-19 Thread Sunder

On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, Faustine wrote:

 Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if some of them did have nightmares about the
 Constitution. Not as a piece of paper dancing around on Mickey Mouse legs or
 whatever the hell you're getting at, but as an idea repersenting the rule
 of law that was going to lead to them being jailed for murder. Which
 unfortunately never happened, but so it goes.

One would hope that the same guys that swore an oath to serve and protect
the laws of the USA would realize that the very first such set of laws was
and is the Constitution.

Certainly power does corrupt, but you've got to think that at one point in
their lives before they became G men, they had it in mind that they were
doing something good and wholesome in working for Uncle Sam, and
protecting Americans and the American Way of Life (as defined by the
Declaration of Independance, the Bill of Rights, etc.)

Unless of course it was a choice between flippin' Big Mac's and workin'
for Uncle Sam... but I digress.. :)

They are supposed to be the good guys after all - serving the law (and by
definition the greatest law of the USA - its Constitution).  You know,
they're supposed to be the ones wearing the white cowboy hats.  The ones
that never start the gun fights, but always win them, the ones that help
old ladies cross the corral... Not the cattle rustlin', horse theiving,
lying, cussin', motherlovin', train-robbin', scandal covering up guys who
in the movies are always wearing black cowboy hats.

Seeing creatures (as in the lore of H.P. Lovecraft) such as Janet Reno,
Lon Hirouchi (sp?) and Jeff Gordon, one wants to walk up to them and ask
Where did you go astray?  What corrupted you?  Or were you just attracted
to power like a horsefly to fresh dog shit?

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
--*--:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.sunder.net 

ok, you win... please help

2001-12-19 Thread The Silence Booking

Ok, i am not gonna reply with a mean reply. I hope you
can understand what is going on. Let me please
explain, and mabey you can help me.

I have four emails I use to book bands for my
business, these are the emails:


Now, as of about a week ago, mabey less, i started to
recieve stuff from CDR: Mailing list. Now, again, i
woulnt have a problem with you sending me mabey a
mailer aday, but, i am getting over 60 emails in my
inbox. Just this morning, i had 132 emails in this
email alone, which overloaded my yahoo account. I have
looked at the Unscribing methods, and on my fathers
grave I have. I have tried everything to be removed.I
get replied with Unscribe No Reconized. Now, for
one, i just want this to please stop. I dont know how
i got on her, mabey someone is playing a joke on me, I
dont know, and they added me? but, again, all my
emails are getting these CDR: replies. What can i do
to have this stop, Again , i have tried what you said
and its not working. I dont want any trouble from you,
honestly, i just want to get back to business. My
emails is the only way i communicate over the country
with clubs and bookers and bands. If you can give me
step my step instruction, that would help. mabey i am
a moron, but, i do need some help here.

Best Regards,
Steve Juliano

MSM Management
5713 Harco St.
Long Beach, CA 90808
Office: (213) 760-2258

Do You Yahoo!?
Check out Yahoo! Shopping and Yahoo! Auctions for all of
your unique holiday gifts! Buy at http://shopping.yahoo.com
or bid at http://auctions.yahoo.com

gezerolee for a french

2001-12-19 Thread JACQUELLE jean-louis

i would like to know where i can find "gezerolee 
box v1.01"

thank you

Re: CDR: ok, you win... please help

2001-12-19 Thread The Silence Booking

i got a emptpy reply from you...just curious on what
you were trying to send me.


--- The Silence Booking [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ok, i am not gonna reply with a mean reply. I hope
 can understand what is going on. Let me please
 explain, and mabey you can help me.
 I have four emails I use to book bands for my
 business, these are the emails:
 Now, as of about a week ago, mabey less, i started
 recieve stuff from CDR: Mailing list. Now, again, i
 woulnt have a problem with you sending me mabey a
 mailer aday, but, i am getting over 60 emails in my
 inbox. Just this morning, i had 132 emails in this
 email alone, which overloaded my yahoo account. I
 looked at the Unscribing methods, and on my fathers
 grave I have. I have tried everything to be
 get replied with Unscribe No Reconized. Now, for
 one, i just want this to please stop. I dont know
 i got on her, mabey someone is playing a joke on me,
 dont know, and they added me? but, again, all my
 emails are getting these CDR: replies. What can i do
 to have this stop, Again , i have tried what you
 and its not working. I dont want any trouble from
 honestly, i just want to get back to business. My
 emails is the only way i communicate over the
 with clubs and bookers and bands. If you can give me
 step my step instruction, that would help. mabey i
 a moron, but, i do need some help here.
 Best Regards,
 Steve Juliano
 MSM Management
 5713 Harco St.
 Long Beach, CA 90808
 Office: (213) 760-2258
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Check out Yahoo! Shopping and Yahoo! Auctions for
 all of
 your unique holiday gifts! Buy at
 or bid at http://auctions.yahoo.com

MSM Management
5713 Harco St.
Long Beach, CA 90808
Office: (213) 760-2258

Do You Yahoo!?
Check out Yahoo! Shopping and Yahoo! Auctions for all of
your unique holiday gifts! Buy at http://shopping.yahoo.com
or bid at http://auctions.yahoo.com

Re: Re: Speech May Not Be Free, but It's Refundable

2001-12-19 Thread Sampo Syreeni

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Joseph Ashwood wrote:

 You have a right to do whatever you want, UNTIL it impacts another. Then
 you stop, or they defend themselves.

Actually that's not true. Take for example the nearly nationwide ban on
committing suicide.

Which simply goes on to demonstrate the grave difference between what is
morally permissible on the one hand and legal on the other.

Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], tel:+358-50-5756111
student/math+cs/helsinki university, http://www.iki.fi/~decoy/front
openpgp: 050985C2/025E D175 ABE5 027C 9494 EEB0 E090 8BA9 0509 85C2

Re: AP Al quim

2001-12-19 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Sunder wrote:

 Since capitalism is a meritocracy (Those who work eat;

That is certainly a good definition of 'commerce', it is not accurate for
'capitalism'. Capitalism represents the belief that $$$ is the primary
goal in life. That he who collects the most is the best. That all things
can be reduced to a 'price'.

It is a faulty assumption and a warped view of humanity. As are yours.



 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   www.ssz.com.',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: Axed Intel Man Loses E-Mail Case

2001-12-19 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Sunder wrote:

 Ok, show of hands
 Who here claims to be a member of CACL?
 Ok, of those who claim to be members of CACL's, who claims to be a
 self-appointed CACL genius?
 Tim?  Declan?  Anyone?

You should quit your day job and take this on the road.


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   www.ssz.com.',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: ok, you win... please help

2001-12-19 Thread Jim Choate


His lists are closed. This means that somebody on his list is forwarding
the emails or else they've hacked the security at Yahoo. There are NO
*@yahoogroups.com or *@yahoo.com subscriptions through SSZ currently.
There should be no subscription of *@ssz.com to any *@yahoo.com address
either (and my logs show no evidence of receipt of traffic either way).

I've explained to this guy he is being spoofed and he just don't get it.

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, The Silence Booking wrote:

 Ok, i am not gonna reply with a mean reply. I hope you
 can understand what is going on. Let me please
 explain, and mabey you can help me.
 I have four emails I use to book bands for my
 business, these are the emails:
 Now, as of about a week ago, mabey less, i started to
 recieve stuff from CDR: Mailing list. Now, again, i
 woulnt have a problem with you sending me mabey a
 mailer aday, but, i am getting over 60 emails in my
 inbox. Just this morning, i had 132 emails in this
 email alone, which overloaded my yahoo account. I have
 looked at the Unscribing methods, and on my fathers
 grave I have. I have tried everything to be removed.I
 get replied with Unscribe No Reconized. Now, for
 one, i just want this to please stop. I dont know how
 i got on her, mabey someone is playing a joke on me, I
 dont know, and they added me? but, again, all my
 emails are getting these CDR: replies. What can i do
 to have this stop, Again , i have tried what you said
 and its not working. I dont want any trouble from you,
 honestly, i just want to get back to business. My
 emails is the only way i communicate over the country
 with clubs and bookers and bands. If you can give me
 step my step instruction, that would help. mabey i am
 a moron, but, i do need some help here.
 Best Regards,
 Steve Juliano
 MSM Management
 5713 Harco St.
 Long Beach, CA 90808
 Office: (213) 760-2258
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Check out Yahoo! Shopping and Yahoo! Auctions for all of
 your unique holiday gifts! Buy at http://shopping.yahoo.com
 or bid at http://auctions.yahoo.com

Independent News - American Taliban has no right to lawyer, insists White House

2001-12-19 Thread Jim Choate




 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   www.ssz.com.',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

TheBostonChannel.com - Helen Thomas - What's After Phase I?

2001-12-19 Thread Jim Choate



 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   www.ssz.com.',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: CDR: Independent News - American Taliban has no right to lawyer,insists White House

2001-12-19 Thread measl

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Jim Choate wrote:


You know I've heard of alot about this today, mostly gibberish which was at
least cleared up by the above link.  Thanks.

I find myself in an interesting position WRT John Walker.  I admire him for
having the strength of his convictions, and volunteering to fight for the
side he believes is right, in the finest American tradition.  But at the same
time, I gotta tell you, I agree that he is a prisoner of war.  Declared or
not, let's face it, he was captured on an active field of battle - he's *not*
a civilian, he's a combatant, and subject to the whims of the military.

This has got to be one of the only times I can ever remember thinking that
our military (much less Shrub) was actually *right* about something.

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...


2001-12-19 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Michael Motyka wrote:

 dictatorship. After all, the 1st says nothing about the government
 making any laws regarding an establishment of an OS. Time to form a

The 9th  10th do however...


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   www.ssz.com.',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

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2001-12-19 Thread a19896

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Re: Independent News - American Taliban has no right to lawyer, insists White House

2001-12-19 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 not, let's face it, he was captured on an active field of battle - he's *not*
 a civilian, he's a combatant, and subject to the whims of the military.

Tell that to the Jews...


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   www.ssz.com.',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Slashdot | IBM Builds A Limited Quantum Computer

2001-12-19 Thread Jim Choate



 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   www.ssz.com.',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: CDR: Re: Independent News - American Taliban has no right tolawyer, insists White House

2001-12-19 Thread measl

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Jim Choate wrote:

 On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  not, let's face it, he was captured on an active field of battle - he's *not*
  a civilian, he's a combatant, and subject to the whims of the military.
 Tell that to the Jews...

The _Jews_???  What the hell does this have to do with the fucking Jews?  

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Re: Independent News - American Taliban has no right to lawyer, insists White House

2001-12-19 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Jim Choate wrote:
  On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   not, let's face it, he was captured on an active field of battle - he's *not*
   a civilian, he's a combatant, and subject to the whims of the military.
  Tell that to the Jews...
 The _Jews_???  What the hell does this have to do with the fucking Jews?  

Just one example of arguments to the contrary of 'whims of the military'.

Poland, Warsaw.

Demonstrates a serious lack of respect for 'inalienable'.


 Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

 Bumper Sticker

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   www.ssz.com.',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: CDR: Re: AP Al quim

2001-12-19 Thread Matt Beland

Hash: SHA1

I knew this would happen, I just knew it...

On Wednesday 19 December 2001 08:02 pm, Jim Choate wrote:
  Would you mind sticking to the topic? I did not say Communism was a form
  of Capitalism, I said Capitalism and Communism were both forms of

 Just checking. So you recognize a distinction between 'capitalism' and
 'commerce' too...

bangs head repeatedly against wall

Of course there's a frigging distinction. I said that the first time around. 
My problem with your statement is not that you said there was a distinction, 
it was your definition.

  No. The belief that capitalism is the only mechanism to solve problems is
  philosophy, not commerce, and pretty bad philosophy at that.

 And what makes you think capitalism isn't just that, a philosophy. 

Capitalism is not philosophy for the same reason that a dog is not cheese. 
Capitalism is a economic system, a form of commerce, and nothing more. 
Philosophy is a method of looking at the world around you and attempting to 
apply a system of rules to it. You can have a philosophy that includes 
capitalism - either positivly or negatively - but you cannot have capitalism 
*as* a philosophy. That is quite literally like saying having a nice car is 
happiness. It's not. Having a nice car might make you happy, but it is not 
itself happiness. Please go back to third grade and relearn the concept of 

 In fact
 'capitalism' is just like 'communism' or 'democracy', or even
 anarcho-capitalism, in that respect. It's nothing more than the
 prioritization of goals and resources. 

No. Capitalism is an economic system. Democracy is a form of government, 
one of the classic forms as a matter of fact. Communism is both, but it is 
not the same thing - Communist government is essentially a form of pure 
democracy, in that all members of the commune have an equal say in the 
distribution of the resources of the commune, exactly as a pure democracy 
does. Communism as an economic system is a model which posits the 
distribution of resources (output) based purely on need, and the distribution 
of work (input) purely on ability, with relationship defined between input 
and output.

It's distinction is that it posits
 that by making lots of money all the other problems somehow take care of
 themselves. In the long run it'll all work out. Assuming of course there
 is still anyone around...God $$$ Fascism is what Capitalism is.

No. I already defined capitalism. You weren't paying attention. Five demerits.

What you have defined is a philosophy, a belief system which incorporates 
capitalism. The important difference is that your philosophy, in an infantile 
way, ascribes motives and emotions to the workings of capitalism. This is 

 When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


You mean:

When all you have is a hammer, all problems start to look like nails. 

  Samual Clemens a.k.a. Mark Twain

Attribution, Iago, attribution!

 'Commerce' has two definitions. The first is involving the economic
 exchange of goods and services. The second is any interchange between

Your first definition is doublespeak. You just stated that commerce is an 
economic exchange of goods and services. Economics are of course a major 
portion of commerce - in fact, if you include in economics emotional 
exchanges, it can be said to be equal to commerce. So your statement is 
semantically true, but valueless, since anything is of course equal to 

Your second is a limited definition - change individuals to any entity 
and you have exactly the same definition I gave when I joined the thread, in 
contradiction to your own statement about the definition of commerce and 

 commerce' (and I'm speaking from an axiomatic and algorithmic
 perspective if that's not clear, not philosophical).

You can speak axiomatically, or algorithmically, but you can't do both. 
Axiomatic is philisophical, algorithmic is mathematical. The two are not 

 And this after all brings us right back to the original question.

 Does everything have a price or not?

Which is an interesting (if pointless) question, but it's not the original 
question. The original question is whether or not you were giving the correct 
definitions of commerce and capitalism, and of course you were not. 

Raise your hand if you're shocked.

- -- 
Matt Beland
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Free Mortgage Loan Analysis. No obligation!

2001-12-19 Thread dictictor

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Re: AP Al quim

2001-12-19 Thread mattd

 All it claims to be is a system that allows private/corporate ownership 
of goods where decisions are made by private (versus government) decision 
and of course free market. 

Why is AP frowned on? It seems to fit the paradigm. Along with 
slavery,overfishing,overlogging,drugdealing and so on.

Please dont arrest me officer,Im an anarcho-capitalist!

Talley and gbroiles offline taken offline by Speakeasy,

2001-12-19 Thread mattd

I recently got a phone call from my ISP RE:The Pacifier,spitting the dummy 
letters.J.Thomson the lawyer was harassing them and calling them 
twits,stating that the FBI had been informed about me and so on.Some of the 
mans charm shines through the pacifier letters.Oh he also claimed to have 
knowledge of various depraved or naughty websites that I surfed to!
Seems if someone well heeled can hassle your ISP enough then *you*may be 
blamed for the wasted time at the ISP.
Ill send a copy of AP to Speakeasy if you send one to Useoz.com.

Re: Pay per use remailers and remailer reliability tracking.

2001-12-19 Thread Ben Xain

On 19 Dec 01 Len Sassaman wrote:
(This isn't exact either. Failure, in this case, is pinpointed at the link
between two remailers, rather than at a given remailer. If a user queried
the bank and discovered that, out of a 5 remailer chain, remailers A, B,
and C redeemed the tokens but D did not, this either means C is cheating,
C is broken on sending, or D is broken on receiving. Further tests would
be necessary to determine the exact nature of the failure.)

Hmmm I have an idea about this.  What if remailer C doesn't get to
cash in on his tokens unless delivery to remailer D can be confirmed?
Or maybe there is some other way to cut down on cheating.

Ben Xain

How the Big Dogs Do It!!!..!!

2001-12-19 Thread zerokull

Watch Them Do The Stuff Good Boys and Girls wont Do!!!

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