Re: How to defeat spyware

2002-01-07 Thread Tim May

On Monday, January 7, 2002, at 05:34 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> At 04:46 PM 1/7/2002 -0800, Tim May wrote:
> On Monday, January 7, 2002, at 04:11 PM, Steve Schear wrote:
>>> How to defeat spyware
>>> There's no way of knowing how many people are using them, but it must 
>>> be a bunch. Companies use them, the government uses them, and 
>>> suspicious spouses use them. I'm talking about keystroke 
>>> loggers--both software and hardware.
>> Setting a trap gun to blow away anyone who inserts a floppy (or hooks 
>> up a cable) to a machine he has not been given access to is morally 
>> permissable.
> But legally a no-no.  Its an indescriminate weapon.  Better to hook up 
> the arsonal to an biometric authentication system which can be enabled 
> when you're away.  That way if there's a mess to clean up upon arrival 
> you can tell the judge that the weapon wasn't indescriminate.

Or use the webcams to watch remotely who is trespassing in one's 
housethen start the gasoline leaking, wait about 20 seconds, then 
trigger the ignitors.

The scene would be delicious...too bad the smell cannot be transmitted.

"I love the smell of burning smells like...victory."

--Tim May, Corralitos, California
Quote of the Month: "It is said that there are no atheists in foxholes; 
perhaps there are no true libertarians in times of terrorist attacks." 
--Cathy Young, "Reason Magazine," both enemies of liberty.

Money Shots all night long 8747

2002-01-07 Thread g24185

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Re: How to defeat spyware

2002-01-07 Thread Dr. Evil

> It seems pretty clear from the court documents that the Scarfo
> keyboard logger only recorded keystrokes. We don't have details
> ("classified," "national security," "CIPA") but the exhibit
> introduced as evidence shows backspaces, up-down arrows, and other
> functions you'd normally associate with keyboard entry only.

That does not mean that they were using only a primitive BIOS level
logger.  A GUI-interceptor would generate a huge log of activities;
you would just pipe it through grep TYPE: KEYBOARD-INPUT or something
and it would give you the same thing.  It doesn't really matter,
because GUI-interceptors are off-the-shelf things, so if they felt
they needed it, they would get it.  It's all pretty basic.

Bottom line: If your attacker gets access to your hardware without you
knowing it, and he has resources and a clue, he wins.  The threshold
for "clue" and "resources" in this case is very very low; maybe $100
to install your basic hardware keylogger.

Fresh, Cost-effective Leads For Your Business

2002-01-07 Thread info4profit1

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Re: How to defeat spyware

2002-01-07 Thread Tim May

On Monday, January 7, 2002, at 08:52 PM, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 04:46:02PM -0800, Tim May wrote:
>> Setting a trap gun to blow away anyone who inserts a floppy (or hooks 
>> up
>> a cable) to a machine he has not been given access to is morally
>> permissable.
> Except when the local firefighters show up when your house is on fire,
> you're away, and the gun is rigged...
>> As the Mafia case shows, Big Brother and his courts no longer even 
>> think
>> a warrant is needed.
> Actually, the warrant in the Scarfo case was signed by a federal
> magistrate judge. That doesn't mean it's constitutional, but the
> judge had exactly this in mind.

I meant a wiretap warrant, as you talked about in your article. A 
"search warrant," duly presented to the resident and defining the 
general scope of the search, is substantially different from a wiretap 
order or secret search warrant.

But such secret or extra-warrant search orders are part of the public 
lore, hence part of the current law. In "The Sopranos," Tony's entire 
house is wired for sound. In "Law and Order: Criminal Something or 
Other," a completely warrantless keystroke logger is inserted in a 
witnesses computer.

I think those who violate the C. should be killed.

--Tim May

--Tim May
"They played all kinds of games, kept the House in session all night, 
and it was a very complicated bill. Maybe a handful of staffers actually 
read it, but the bill definitely was not available to members before the 
vote." --Rep. Ron Paul, TX, on how few Congresscritters saw the 
USA-PATRIOT Bill before voting overwhelmingly to impose a police state

Re: CDR: Re: End of the IRS??

2002-01-07 Thread measl

> >Department of Justice U.S. Assistant Attorney Dan Bryant and Congressman 
> >Roscoe Bartlett (MD) signed a written agreement on July 20, 2001, for a 
> >recorded public hearing at which DOJ representatives will officially 
> >answer specific legal charges challenging the jurisdiction of the IRS and 
> >the illegal enforcement of U.S. income tax laws against U.S. citizens. IRS 
> >Commissioner Charles Rossotti has committed IRS representatives to 
> >participate.

Since they have decided to "officially answer", it is obvious that it doesn't
matter.  They are either going to maintain that ratification was irrelevent,
or that an act once recognized is taken as fact even if false (i.e., Shrubs
ascedancy comes to mind).

Does anyone really believe they are going to say "Oops!  You're right, we
aren't constitutional, so we're just going to disband."???

Um, yeah.  Right...

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Re: How to defeat spyware

2002-01-07 Thread Declan McCullagh

On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 04:46:02PM -0800, Tim May wrote:
> Setting a trap gun to blow away anyone who inserts a floppy (or hooks up 
> a cable) to a machine he has not been given access to is morally 
> permissable.

Except when the local firefighters show up when your house is on fire,
you're away, and the gun is rigged...

> As the Mafia case shows, Big Brother and his courts no longer even think 
> a warrant is needed.

Actually, the warrant in the Scarfo case was signed by a federal 
magistrate judge. That doesn't mean it's constitutional, but the
judge had exactly this in mind.

> Because the encrypted file could not be accessed via traditional
investigative means, Judge Haneke's Order permitted law enforcement
officers to "install and leave behind software, firmware, and/or
hardware equipment which will monitor the inputted data entered on
Nicodemo S. Scarfo's computer in the TARGET LOCATION so that the
F.B.I. can capture the password necessary to decrypt computer files by
recording the key related information as they are entered."


Re: End of the IRS??

2002-01-07 Thread Declan McCullagh

I've never quite understood how the amendment-not-ratified-properly-in-1913
argument is supposed to play out.

If this were 1915 and we suddenly realized that there was some funny
business going on, that would be one thing. 

But much has changed in the last 90 or so years. Courts have allowed
the federal government to seize power not granted by the Constitution
(and, in some cases, strictly prohibited by it). Booze prohibition
required a constitutional amendment; drug prohibition wouldn't.

So even if someone were to prove that the 16th Am. wasn't quite kosher,
what would stop the courts from saying -- it wasn't necessary?


On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 06:41:24PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> What:
> Department of Justice U.S. Assistant Attorney Dan Bryant and Congressman Roscoe 
>Bartlett (MD) signed a written agreement on July 20, 2001, for a recorded public 
>hearing at which DOJ representatives will officially answer specific legal charges 
>challenging the jurisdiction of the IRS and the illegal enforcement of U.S. income 
>tax laws against U.S. citizens. IRS Commissioner Charles Rossotti has committed IRS 
>representatives to participate. 
> When:
> 2 full days, February 27th and 28th, 2002. Your early donation is greatly 
> Where:
> >From Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., WebCast to any computer with Internet access, 
>at any connection speed, on PC or Mac computer. 
> Participants:
> We The People Delegates, Tax Researchers and Attorneys will interrogate legal and 
>tax experts from the DOJ and IRS. 
> --
> >  July 20, 2001
> >  CONTACT: Mike Bodine (518) 656-3578
> >  DOJ and the U.S. Congress Officially Commit to Send IRS Tax and  Legal
> > Experts to Appear on Capitol Hill. Public Hearing to be Conducted 
> > by Rep. Roscoe Bartlett and Rep. Henry Hyde to Answer Citizens' Challenges 
> > of IRS Jurisdiction and Illegal Enforcement of U.S. Tax Law.
> > < Washington D.C. -- We The People Foundation For Constitutional  Education,
> > Inc. announce that the Department of Justice and the U.S. Congress 
> > have committed, in writing, to appear with IRS representatives in a 
> > recorded, public meeting to officially answer to charges challenging the 
> > legal jurisdiction of the IRS and the enforcement of U.S. income tax 
> > laws against U.S. citizens.
> >  Department of Justice U.S. Assistant Attorney General Dan Bryant 
> > and Congressmen Roscoe Bartlett (MD) signed the written agreement 
> > Friday that commits the government to send their top tax and legal experts to 
> > a two-day September hearing to be conducted on Capitol Hill. These actions 
> > are in response to a proper petition for redress of grievances brought by 
> > Robert Schulz, Chairman of the Foundation. Schulz ended his 3-week hunger 
> > fast mid-afternoon today after having secured official commitment from
> > representatives of the U.S. Government that his formal petition 
> > will be answered.
> > Schulz has been in Washington since July 4th on a hunger fast 
> > until death, if needed, to force the government to respond to his legal 
> > Remonstrance, a petition for redress of grievances. These grievances include 
> > challenges of IRS jurisdiction, routine and gross violations of due process by 
> > the IRS, the refusal of the IRS to cite the specific law that requires 
> > employers or employees to withhold taxes and the fraudulent ratification of the 
> > 16th (Income Tax) Amendment.
> >  DOJ's Bryant is quoted, "The American people are entitled to 
> > answers. It is in our nation's interest that we participate and answer these 
> > questions."
> > While largely ignored by the media and other government 
> > officials, Rep.
> > Bartlett has stood alone on the Hill (until recently) in public 
> > defense of Schulz's absolute Constitutional Right to petition for redress and 
> > be answered by the government. On Tuesday, Bartlett initiated a 
> > formal Congressional Inquiry to the IRS demanding official government 
> > responses for Schulz.
> >  Today, DOJ's Dan Bryant agreed to Rep. Bartlett's requirements 
> > that the "congressional briefing-like hearings" be conducted in public and 
> > be recorded and broadcast live. The meetings will have appropriate 
> > procedural controls and security. It is expected Rep. Henry Hyde (IL), former 
> > Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee will gavel the sessions.
> >  Schulz was "elated that government officials have finally 
> > responded as they are required by both the 1st Amendment to the Constitution 
> > and their oaths of office."
> > The agreement, penned on Congressional letterhead, was signed at 
> > the Department of Justice headquarters. Bryant assured both Rep. 
> > Bartlett and Schulz there is "virtually no chance of being overridden on this 
> > matter." Bartlett promised Schulz, "I assure you. The IRS will be there at 
> > those m

Re: How to defeat spyware

2002-01-07 Thread Declan McCullagh

It seems pretty clear from the court documents that the Scarfo keyboard
logger only recorded keystrokes. We don't have details ("classified,"
"national security," "CIPA") but the exhibit introduced as evidence
shows backspaces, up-down arrows, and other functions you'd normally
associate with keyboard entry only.


On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 05:42:11PM -0800, Tim May wrote:
> A technical question for anyone: If I store passphrases (and keys, for 
> extra security) on a flash-based USB drive dongle, and then use 
> cut-and-paste to access them and paste them into PGP, is it possible for 
> a keystroke logger to see them? In the Mac at least, pasting from a file 
> or from the clipboard does not of course go through the keyboard. So a 
> straightforward intercept of the keyboard driver at the BIOS level 
> should not see the pasted material. I realize that "keystroke logger" 
> can mean more than just logging the keyboard, however.

Re: Eudora filters for mattd

2002-01-07 Thread Declan McCullagh

You may also want to choose "delete from server" as well. Though I use
procmail for cypherpunks, not Eudora.

Also, some From: lines weren't matching properly so I turned up the
wildcards a bit and all was well.


On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 04:04:21AM -0800, Andrew Woods wrote:
> At 02:49 AM Monday 1/7/2002, you wrote:
> >If anyone has figured out why Eudora can't filter mattd
> >we would *love* to know.
> First, make sure your filter for mattd is listed before your filter for 
> cypherpunks. Also, because it seemed like mattd's from: header was somewhat 
> variant, i have it matching just "mattd". Then there's a "make status: 
> read", a "transfer to: trash", and a "skip rest". Good luck.
> -Andrew

Re: How to defeat spyware

2002-01-07 Thread Tim May

On Monday, January 7, 2002, at 07:31 PM, Dr. Evil wrote:
> ...

> Yeah, that proposal (snipped above) would definitely defeat the plain
> old BIOS keyloggers.  How sophisticated is the FBI stuff?  Let's make
> some reasoned speculation.
> Most of their targets aren't going to be super-sophisticated hackers
> who will do those kind of things.  The FBI has a whole bunch of tools
> which they use to achieve their goal (get the conviction, etc).
> Generally, they don't need any one of those tools to be perfect.  The
> plain old keystroke logger would work in most cases, probably.
> However, that is not the end of the story...

All security is economics. Move-countermove, defense-offense, etc.

That basic keystroker loggers is "good enough" to get "most" of what 
they want is not surprising. Pareto tradeoffs apply.

Higher security costs. Comments to follow.
>> Selecting letters with a mouse on the screen also bypasses the
>> keyboard.
> Ouch!  That might work for occasional short messages, but for daily
> use?

I mostly meant for PGP passphrases, to decrypt a series of incoming 
messages. Though if they can keystroke log, all messages written by the 
target are vulnerable. No, I wouldn't suggest composing long messages 
one letter at a time. (Though the most sensitive of all messages are 
likely to be brief, a la the cononical "Attack at dawn.")

A sufficiently worried person could use a scanner, either typing a 
message on a typewriter and then OCRing it, presumably beyond the 
ability of keystroke loggers to see, or just doing an image scan of a 
handwritten note and then PGPing that.

At this level of worry, there are probably easier technological 
solutions, such as: using a Palm or other handheld for critical typing, 
using a second machine kept locked up (*), putting a laptop in a bag and 
then sealing it with sealing wax (hard for black baggers to duplicate on 
the spot), the dongle idea, removable disk drives, etc.

All security is economics. When the U.S. Navy uses secure communications 
to communicate with a ship, they don't just have a guy sit down at a 
laptop and fire up PGP. They have nested security layers, including 
controls on access to the "crypto shack," layers of keyed access to 
crypto materials, and air gaps between machines and other parts of the 
system. All of this takes time to set up, training for the personnel (my 
condolences to them, as this is often drone work), and lots of 

Almost everyone here is smart enough to realize that a lot of the jive 
about RSA taking all the computer power in the universe to crack (and 
then some, for large enough numbers) means nothing if key material has 
been compromised, if Van Eck radiation is being used to monitor 
equipment, and so on.

The graph I always like to use is with "value of thing being protected" 
on the X-axis and "costs to use protection" on the Y-axis.

Something that could land one in prison for 10 years, or worse, clearly 
jusitfies using very good crypto hygiene, that is, spending a fair 
amount of time and effort to ensure good security.

Getting all traffic in PGP form, including mattd's and Choate's 
forwarded articles, clearly cannot justify the same level of care.

The "one size fits all" approach of a "1024-bit key" is misleading. (I'm 
not saying that the important thing is to vary key lengths. In fact, may 
as well just standardize on 2048-bit keys or even larger. What I _am_ 
saying is that the whole PGP approach encourages people to think in 
terms of just using PGP...instead of using a layered approach.

Seen this way, RSA/PGP is just one particular component of a larger 

Of course, selling this to the world is tough, as people want immediate 
gratification and ease-of-use. This is where "rolling your own" makes 
some sense, as the underlying mathematics is solid, but the crypto 
hygiene of using dongles, locking up laptops in safes, etc. is enough to 
stop many of the "sneak and peek" attacks.

> Bottom line: I don't have any knowledge of what the FBI actually does,
> but there are off-the-shelf commercial things out there which defeat
> what you described, so it's safe to assume that the FBI has something
> like that if they feel they need it.

Meta-bottom line has always been: if the adversary can get access to 
your hardware, all bets are off. Morris showed this many years ago with 
compilers. Hence the approach of using PDAs or removable disk drives 
(flash, iPod, Dallas Semiconductor buttons) which make it much tougher 
for the FBI to compromise.

> Bottom line 2: You need to have a tamper resistant system if you are
> faced with an attack from the FBI hacker team.  Fortunately, in this
> case tamper resistance is pretty easy.  Get yourself a webcam.  I
> don't think many Mafiosos are sophisticated enough for this, or they
> probably would have found some other line of work.

We've talked a bit about deploying Webcams (with offsite or well-locked 
storage) for logging entries, etc

Re: How to defeat spyware

2002-01-07 Thread Tim May

On Monday, January 7, 2002, at 04:11 PM, Steve Schear wrote:

> How to defeat spyware
> There's no way of knowing how many people are using them, but it must 
> be a bunch. Companies use them, the government uses them, and 
> suspicious spouses use them. I'm talking about keystroke loggers--both 
> software and hardware.

Setting a trap gun to blow away anyone who inserts a floppy (or hooks up 
a cable) to a machine he has not been given access to is morally 

As the Mafia case shows, Big Brother and his courts no longer even think 
a warrant is needed.

What a country.

--Tim May
"They played all kinds of games, kept the House in session all night, 
and it was a very complicated bill. Maybe a handful of staffers actually 
read it, but the bill definitely was not available to members before the 
vote." --Rep. Ron Paul, TX, on how few Congresscritters saw the 
USA-PATRIOT Bill before voting overwhelmingly to impose a police state

Neighborhood wireless summit

2002-01-07 Thread Steve Schear

>The Seattle Wireless Network had a huge meeting yesterday with
>presentations by founders and leaders of most of the large wireless
>networks in the world.  Amazing group of guys, one after another from
>BAWUG (, the London Consume net, NY wireless, BC,
>Portland, etc. including developers of the 802.11x specification,
>Nocat (
>These guys are building fabrics that will route at 10Mbps all over their
>regions for free.  The meeting was streamed over the internet live.
>There are photos which you can find in the list archives of Seattle Wireless,
>   There were approx.
>100 people.
>My understanding was these folks had all come to Seattle for meetings,
>to working on global coordination of IP spaces, routing, stuff like that.
>There are some fascinating technical differences between the
>wireless networks in different cities.
>Driven by circumstances
>In the UK for example, Wireless ISPs (WISPs) cannot happen because
>802.11 is strictly nonbusiness.  And, 802.11 is limited to 10 milliwatts
>(1/10th of the US).  Internet access is killingly expensive; many APs
>are underground activities.
>NY for example has a horrible deficiency in line-of-sight connectivity
>between buildings, and a relative surplus of megabit internet access by
>corporations so it has mostly access points (APs) hanging off DSL and T1
>Driven by culture/technical differences
>Seattle generally regards DSL sharing as out of scope and generally
>distasteful. Seattle seems to be building a routed network with lots of
>APs supported by lots of crosstown links with highly directional
>antennas.  Seattle says they're just going to build a whole parallel, free,
>internet.  PersonalTelco in Portland seems to believe in an ideological
>purity of omnidirectional antennas, with a long term vision of mesh
>networking.   I seem to understand Seattle would have Nocat portals as
>the prevailing practice?  Where Portland would be more like a self-
>organized Nokia Rooftop network
> (Rooftop
>constructs mesh networks on the fly. None of the free wireless networks
>are anywhere near the "Rooftop" capability.)
>My understanding is that the mathematics of mesh networks and swarmcast
>demonstrate an interesting phenomenon that the more nodes who stick
>their antenna into the cloud, the more routes appear and there is a
>virtuous circle of improving performance.
>Instead of heat death, from congestion you get a virtuous cycle of
>greater capacity.  Fsckin unbelievable.  Unregulated, and all but
>unregulatable.  Just like oral speech and visual eyesight-- except
>having unlimited range.
>I sat next to Tim Pozar, got a free 20-mnute tutorial on long distance
>links.  His team has transbay links of 15-20 miles in the
> community. We need some 5 mile links across
>a lake to reach SWN.  Tim's a founder of BAWUG and his papers are
>Imagine the possibilities!   No.  Plan on them.
>-- Meeting Announcement 
>Subject: SeattleWireless: Special Meeting 01/06/2002
>Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
>Wireless Meeting in Georgetown!
>The WirelessSummit is your chance to meet organizers, contributors
>vendors and enthusiasts from other wireless groups across the western
>world.  If you can only make it to one meeting this month, this is the
>to be at!
>You will hear from group leaders and contributors, See cool hacks,
>Check out the latest hardware and software and you may even get FREE
>Which Wireless groups will be represented?
>  - BAWUG (San Francisco)
>  - BCWireless (Vancouver, BC)
>  - Consume
>  - NoCat (Sebastapol, CA)
>  - NYC Wireless (New York City)
>  - PersonalTelco (Portland)
>  - Austin Wireless (TX)
>  - and of course, SeattleWireless :)

Shoe bomb (fwd)

2002-01-07 Thread Eugene Leitl

-- Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBMTO: N48 04'14.8'' E11 36'41.2''
57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 22:32:31 -0500
Subject: Shoe bomb

At 1:02 am -0800 12/26/01, Talley, Brooks wrote:
>This guy, for example, tried to light plastic explosives with a fuse
>(10% success rate at most), using a smelly match rather than a lighter,
>and did so while sitting in his seat rather than in a lavatory.  Was he
>asking to be caught, or just incredibly stupid?

He was seated close to the fuel tank. The explosive is essentially just
a primer for the fuel.

The following article is pretty unsettling, in that it makes the case that
  - the technique is carefully thought out, and
  - there will be more of these attacks, and
  - there aren't good ways to stop them.


Shoe-bomb flight -- a trial run?
U.S., British officials fear similar attacks in the works
Simon Reeve, Special to The Chronicle
Sunday, January 6, 2002

London -- As investigators gather evidence about possible links between
alleged airline shoe-bomber Richard Reid and the al Qaeda terrorist
organization, intelligence officials on both sides of the Atlantic are
floating a disturbing theory: that Reid's bombing attempt may have been a
"trial run" for future, simultaneous attacks against passenger jets to be
carried out by supporters of Osama bin Laden.

U.S. and British intelligence officials believe that the British citizen on
American Airlines Flight 63 from Paris to Miami on Dec. 22 was a "foot
soldier" sent to check the destructive power of shoe bombs against civilian

One senior British intelligence official said there are indications that "more
than a few, but less than a dozen" individuals may be preparing similar
attacks in the near future.

These officials cite similarities with a weapon developed by Ramzi Yousef,
mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, who plotted a series of
simultaneous attacks on U.S. airliners in the mid-1990s.

"There is a definite pattern here with Yousef's past attacks that we would be
foolish to ignore," said one highly placed intelligence official. "They have
tried this before, and they are trying it again."

During the flight, Reid allegedly tried to detonate explosives hidden in his
shoes with a lighted match. Crew and passengers averted a disaster by jumping
on the 28-year-old London-born suspect.


Preliminary studies by the FBI indicate Reid's black suede basketball shoes
contained between 8 and 10 ounces of the explosive triacetone triperoxide, or
TATP -- called "The Mother of Satan" by Palestinian militants, because its
inherent instability makes it dangerous to both the victims and bomb maker.

The TATP in Reid's shoes was "blended" with an explosive called PETN, or
pentaerythritol tetranitrate, which can be ignited with a normal cigarette
lighter. PETN is a key ingredient of Semtex, the Czech-made military explosive
used to down Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988.

"These bombs are sophisticated devices," said the British intelligence
official. "They would have been difficult and dangerous to produce. Reid could
not have done this himself -- he would have trouble tying his own shoelaces.
It seems we may have an expert bomb maker on the loose in Europe."


Among the links being pursued by investigators are telephone conversations,
known to British intelligence, between Reid and Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-
called "20th hijacker" who was indicted on conspiracy charges in connection
with the Sept. 11 attacks, and reports that the two worshiped at the same
mosque in London. Moussaoui's attorney entered a plea of not guilty for his
client in Virginia last week.

Investigators are also probing the origins of the money used by Reid, who has
no visible means of support, as he traveled to seven different countries last

Among the cities Reid visited was Amsterdam. The Binnenlandse Veiligheids
Dienst (BVD), the Dutch security service, is trying to reconstruct Reid's
movements and to establish whether an al Qaeda cell there may be plotting
attacks on passenger jets.

Reid has told FBI agents that he contacted Dutch arms dealers via the Internet
and paid $1,800 for the explosives. But intelligence sources speculate that
Reid obtained them from an al Qaeda explosives expert in Amsterdam, who
adapted the shoes in preparation for Reid's attack.

FBI agents and British anti-terrorist officials, meanwhile, have concluded
that the shoe-bomb plot originated with the ideas of Yousef, an early al Qaeda
operative who suggested flying passenger jets into buildings.

Re: Spooky noises and things that go bump in the night

2002-01-07 Thread Tim May

On Monday, January 7, 2002, at 12:39 AM, Petro wrote:

> On Sunday, January 6, 2002, at 06:37 PM, Bill Stewart wrote:
>> Nor do I.  If the neighbor's kid wants to steal my
>> overweight television or 233-MHz PC, it's not worth killing him for,

Bill is of course welcome to invite the neighbor's kids to steal his 

My mileage varies.

I think it is a moral necessity to kill anyone trying to steal anything 
(beyond the utterly trivial or confusable, e.g., one should not kill 
someone picking up a toy left out in the yard...might be a mistake, he 
might be trying to return it, etc.).

Someone stealing a television or PC has certainly earned killing.

This is what strong crypto will make more possible: the deliverance of 
strong vengeance, untraceably. (Hint: This preceeded Jimbell by many 
years.) Fact is, many people have already earned killing. The only 
reason we cannot dispose of them is that liberal shits interfere with 

>   There are only 3 things in my home worth killing to protect:
>   (1) My wife.
>   (2) My self.
>   (3) My guns.

Again, my mileage varies. And since I decide what is important to me, 
it's "my house, my rules."


I don't mind that  a lot of people are liberal pansies who believe 
thieves are not worthy of killing. However, if they help to pass laws 
restricting my own choices, then they have earned killing themselves.

Certainly nearly every member, with but a handful of exceptions, of 
Congress has earned the death penalty many times over.

--Tim May
"How we burned in the prison camps later thinking: What would things 
have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to 
make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive?" 
--Alexander Solzhenitzyn, Gulag Archipelago

How to defeat spyware

2002-01-07 Thread Steve Schear

How to defeat spyware
There's no way of knowing how many people are using them, but it must be a 
bunch. Companies use them, the government uses them, and suspicious spouses 
use them. I'm talking about keystroke loggers--both software and hardware.,5859,2836055,00.html

Red Flag Linux beats out Windows in Beijing

2002-01-07 Thread Steve Schear

Red Flag Linux beats out Windows in Beijing

Research outfit Gartner has noted an ominous development for Microsoft and 
other non-indigenous firms operating in China. On 28th December 2001 the 
Beijing municipal government awarded contracts to six local software 
vendors, and rejected the seventh bidder - Microsoft. The contract covers 
office automation, antivirus and operating software, one of the winners 
being Linux OS vendor Red Flag. The move is particularly important because 
it may signify a trend.

RE: Best terms and lowest rates on...

2002-01-07 Thread cash43t3
Title: Untitled Document



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Re: Hackers Targeting Home Computers (fwd)

2002-01-07 Thread Steve Schear

At 09:41 PM 1/7/2002 +0100, Eugene Leitl wrote:
>-- Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
>ICBMTO: N48 04'14.8'' E11 36'41.2''
>57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3
>-- Forwarded message --
>Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 11:15:48 -0800
>From: Hack Hawk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Kent Borg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  Eugene Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Subject: Re: Hackers Targeting Home Computers
>Although I originally used the word filter to describe a possible ISP
>action to address certain problems, the following statement from KB was
>more what I meant to suggest.  And also Lynn Wheeler's statement about
>Dynamic IP addresses not being allowed to host HTTP services because it's
>not in the consumer/client agreement anyway.

Of course these agreements are very much fluid.  Can't host a web site (at 
least using std port nos.) but P2P's OK because its a driver of consumer 
interest in broadband.


Re: Hackers Targeting Home Computers (fwd)

2002-01-07 Thread Eugene Leitl

-- Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBMTO: N48 04'14.8'' E11 36'41.2''
57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 11:15:48 -0800
From: Hack Hawk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Kent Borg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Eugene Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: Re: Hackers Targeting Home Computers

Although I originally used the word filter to describe a possible ISP
action to address certain problems, the following statement from KB was
more what I meant to suggest.  And also Lynn Wheeler's statement about
Dynamic IP addresses not being allowed to host HTTP services because it's
not in the consumer/client agreement anyway.

At 09:02 AM 1/7/02 -0500, KB wrote:
>Once word gets out that letting your computer be breached can get your
>internet account suspended, people might start applying patches, Linux
>might start making some inroads, and Micro$oft might quit shipping so
>many new bugs every week.

Now, since the suggestion/idea prompted several responses, I'd like to
offer one other opinion to see what some of you think about it.  I know
that it's possibly been discussed here before, but hopefully I won't get
flamed too bad.  :)  Sorry, I'm kind of new to this particular list.

When I performed my experiment a few months back, I had the idea to create
a Code Green worm (like somebody actually did) that would go out and
forcefully patch those vulnerable systems.  I even went as far as
developing a small tftp daemon that could serve up the CG virus to other
infected systems for a short period of time.

In light of all the discussion I've previously read on such matters, I
decided against implementing the CG counter Virus.

However, I'm starting to think that such counter viruses aren't such a bad
idea, and here's the primary reason *why* I believe that.

Currently, our government (people like Ashcroft) are slowly taking away our
freedoms in an effort to gain control over the problem.  Personally, I have
a real hard time with this.  I don't like Ashcroft and others like him
having the ability to come into my home and phone lines and monitor
everything I do.  If they just happen to label me as a potential terrorist,
then I'm basically f*#$ed and loose all my rights.

I fully appreciate the dangers of our world, and why somebody like Ashcroft
may want to sacrifice our liberties to gain control of worldly
problems.  However, there is *another* way.  We can either sit back, and
let people like Ashcroft take control of the cyber situation, or we can
step up to the plate, and take control of the problem ourselves.

My non-technical mailing list was my first non-intrusive step up to the
plate.  Perhaps in the future, stepping up should be a little more
intrusive.  If the freedoms I value so much are at stake, then maybe the
rewards outweigh the risk of damaging someone's ego by patching their
systems for them.  IMHO.

- hawk

The Cryptography Mailing List
Unsubscribe by sending "unsubscribe cryptography" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Cpunks Lauded

2002-01-07 Thread Michael Motyka

>On 5 Jan 2002, at 7:58, John Young wrote:
>> This crypto demonization may well intensify as investigations 
>> proceed into the government, military and intelligence failure to 
>> prevent 911. Whether crypto actually played any role in the 
>> attack may be seen as unimportant so long as a convincing
>> story can be promoted that it must have been.
>I don't think anyone claims that it "must have been".  Rather,
>the idea that it might have been, or might be useful for future 
>terrorists, is sufficient to demonize it.  Similarly, the 9/11
>terrorists didn't use guns, but everyone knows terrorists use guns,
>The idea of cryptography as munitions isn't just metaphor or,
>if it is, it's a really really good metaphor.
I think "might have been" and "might be" are close enough for government

Have we reached the point where a local fibbie can state "uses
encryption" as probable cause or whatever deficient standard they use
these days before inserting a tap?


Re: CDR: Seveso near St Louis.Professor Rat "concerned."

2002-01-07 Thread Ken Beach

Not to put too fine a point on it, but why are you posting 10 year old reports. As 
interesting as this is, follow up reports and studies would be far more useful.


On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 04:11:51AM +1100, mattd wrote:
> Three new studies by researchers at University of Wisconsin
> reveal that very low doses of dioxin alter the sexual development
> of young male rats, causing demasculinization and
> feminization. [1,2,3]
> Dr. Linda S. Birnbaum, a scientist with U.S. EPA [Environmental
> Protection Agency] calls the new studies "highly significant."[4]
> Birnbaum is one of the chief scientists conducting the EPA's
> formal reassessment of the toxicity of dioxin (see RHWN #269,
> #270, #275). As we reported earlier (RHWN #279), many scientists,
> including Birnbaum, now consider dioxin an "environmental
> hormone." The new Wisconsin studies support that view.
> The Wisconsin researchers, led by Dr. Richard E. Peterson, showed
> that dioxin interferes with the sexual development of male rats
> exposed to dioxin before, and shortly after, birth. Pregnant
> female rats were given a single oral dose of dioxin on the 15th
> day of pregnancy; their male offspring showed reduced levels of
> male hormones in their blood and a variety of sexual aberrations
> that stayed with them as they matured. The young males are
> demasculinized and feminized by doses of dioxin too low to cause
> any measurable toxicity in the mother rat. The sexual changes in
> the young males are both physiological and behavioral, and last
> into adulthood.
> Dioxin passes through the placenta and enters the fetus, so the
> rat fetuses received part of the mother's dose almost
> immediately. After birth, the baby rats continued to receive a
> small dose of dioxin through their mother's milk. Peterson says
> the baby rats received the bulk of their dose through milk. In
> rats and humans both, females rid their bodies of dioxin chiefly
> by excreting it in their milk. Dioxin is soluble in fats and
> oils, and milk is high in fat.
> Dioxin is the common name for a family of 75 toxins, the most
> potent of which is TCDD [2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-P-dioxin].
> The Wisconsin researchers used TCDD in their experiments.
> More on this shocking story inc.Terror in times beach at 
> part of


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2002-01-07 Thread lipin
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2002-01-07 Thread Anonymous

Trigger, trigger, on the wall
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Alive contains a lie...

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2002-01-07 Thread Lannie

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Japanese banking system 'about to collapse'

2002-01-07 Thread Steve Schear

[Now this could be very interesting...]

Japanese banking system 'about to collapse'

TOKYO: Japan's financial system is headed toward collapse and will require
a government bailout of one trillion dollars, a US think tank said.

"Japan appears poised to follow the passive route of outright default,"
resident scholar John H. Makin wrote in the monthly Economic Outlook report
put out by the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research on

"The negative net worth of the Japanese banking system is somewhere above
the yen-equivalent of one trillion dollars," Makin wrote. "When the banking
system collapses... the Bank of Japan will need to inject at least one
trillion into the banks to protect depositors from losses."

He said such a procedure would need to be financed by the Japanese
government, resulting in total public debt jumping by 15 percent, and
causing a surge in liquidity that would cause Japan's currency and bonds to

'It amounts to beating harder a dead horse'"Japan's deflation and debt
crisis now constitute systemic risk to the global economy," he wrote.

The report harshly criticises Japan for failing to stop rampant deflation,
which increases the burden of paying off debts.

"Efforts by the Bank of Japan to boost economic activity and to reflate by
increasing reserves in the banking system and cutting short-term interest
rates virtually to zero amount to beating harder a dead horse," Makin wrote.

"The dead horse is the Japanese banking system, which by virtue of its
insolvency is unable to act as a financial intermediary borrowing short
from the central bank and lending to Japan's private sector."

Makin also criticised moves to postpone past next March the government's
plan to cap its guarantee on bank deposits to 10 million yen (about
R900 000), saying; "that step will only delay the outright collapse of the
banking system." - Sapa-AFP

Published on the Web by IOL on 2002-01-05 19:55:26

© Independent Online 1999. All rights reserved. IOL publishes this article
in good faith but is not liable for any loss or damage caused by reliance
on the information it contains.

Hi I am Wilma, and I have a dream..... ..... 17987

2002-01-07 Thread b23483

.. Wilma had a very perverted idea, that gave her butterflies in her stomach.
She wanted to suck the sex-crazed beast's huge cock.
It was a part of her favorite fantasy, and so tempting that she couldn't resist
To be continued...



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Re: Fear and Trembling

2002-01-07 Thread Ken Brown

John Young wrote:


> The short-lived patriotism after WTC/Pentagon has been
> transformed into uncritical jingoism in the US and surprisingly
> in the copycat UK.

Why "surprisingly"? Every UK administration since 1945 has been
America's poodle in foreign affairs and military matters.  


> These targets are not celebrated, they are taken for
> granted as if to last forever, well, as long as King George
> lasted on the American continent 

George III's rule on the American continent lasted longer than George
Washington's did. The present Queen is *still* the head of state of more
of the American continent than the president of the USA is

Ken Brown (I may be British but I'm not a bloody monarchist - though I
don't mind the royals as much in places like Canada & Australia as I do

Re: Snitches out themselves.Canarypunk stool pigeons,peter Trei a nd declanMc Crapface.

2002-01-07 Thread Ken Brown

I took a holiday from many things over the traditional 12 days of
Christmas, including cypherpunks and television. (Though my daughter
reminds me that we did watch a couple of hour's TV on New Year's Eve,
and for some reason she wanted me to watch a video of Forrest Gump on

I got back to the email universe to find 440 cypherpunks postings from
mattd.  Much as I love Ozzy anarchists I wasn't tempted to read them.


Declan McCullagh wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 10:19:52AM -0500, Trei, Peter wrote:
> > > mattd[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > > Peter Trei's addy is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Ill be researching this 'security company' Probably just an Idiot,like
> > > declan, but could be dangerous.
> > >
> > Oh, this is rich!
> >
> > Someone claiming to be an informed poster to the
> > cypherpunks list who doesn't know RSA Security
> > Inc's status in the field.
> Actually, has mattd/proffr ever claimed to be an "informed poster?" :)
> At least, as I think you said yesterday, CJ had much more flair,
> and a better understanding of things cypherpunkly. Ah well. Procmail
> makes things much better.

[no subject]

2002-01-07 Thread 3D Holdings / FT~Direct

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Re: Decent Orwell Article.

2002-01-07 Thread Ken Brown

For those who haven't seen the page, the idea is that Blair chose the
date 1984 as the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Fabian Society
(British centre-left policy organisation dedicated to state socialism,
that once included HG Wells, Edith Nesbit, and George Bernard Shaw).  I
think that anyone who can get worked up about the Fabian Society is on
the verge of reds-under-the-beds paranoia. As Evil Conspiracies go it is
just a little bit public and a little bit wet. 

The  Iron Heel  is set in 1984, but that, in turn, might derive from
Chesterton's  The Napoleon of Notting Hill, also set in 1984.  It seems
to have been the traditional year of the future... OTOH Orwell said 1984
was just 1948 reversed & why not? (Do we believe Clarke about

Ken Brown

Michael Motyka wrote:
> An interesting read in which the author delves into some details of
> Orwell's life and possible origins and targets of his satire. Includes
> some neat stuff regarding the dates 1984 and 2000. Time to go read Iron
> Heel by Jack London.

Re: contextual anonymity

2002-01-07 Thread Ken Brown

Faustine wrote:

> After I thought about it, I got that sickening little feeling in the pit of my
> stomach again. Jesus christ, I can't even have a visitor without setting off
> some kind of alarm worth investigating. How much time had she spent watching the
> front door to pick up on the fact that we never have guests? It was then that I
> had the epiphany that if I were doing anything I actually needed anonymity
> for--rather than merely living quietly and making a symbolic gesture--there's
> not a doubt in my mind she'd have the cops, SWAT teams, and the five o' clock
> news all over us like a cheap suit.

A few weeks ago I, and my daughter, went to stay with my brother for a
weekend. I left a radio on (not a self-conscious security measure, one
of them is usually on about 24 hours a day) and (don't ask why) the
telephone was off the hook.

On the Saturday some friends phoned from a nearby pub to see if I wanted
a drink. No answer. They got worried for some reason  and phoned the
phone company. They said that the phone was off the hook and they could
hear shouting. (The radio...) My friends got worried and went round to
my place. Couldn't get in. They called the police.

I turned up the next evening to find my door kicked in and boarded up,
and a note from the police.

Well, at least I now have a nice new door paid for by Her Majesty's
Government. And - seeing as my mates were there at the time - I now know
that police in London who want to break into someone's house don't
routinely go armed, and don't turn up in large numbers. Though they do
use a special "enforcer" tool that is meant to break a hole in the door
near the lock, but didn't in this case, and they ended up smashing the
whole thing up.  I once saw the fire brigade break in to the flat
upstairs - their special tools didn't work either, but one well-aimed
kick was enough to push the intact door and its frame out from the wall.
Irritating to the occupant who had installed a metal strip around the
door frame to prevent a break-in.


Seveso near St Louis.Professor Rat "concerned."

2002-01-07 Thread mattd

Three new studies by researchers at University of Wisconsin
reveal that very low doses of dioxin alter the sexual development
of young male rats, causing demasculinization and
feminization. [1,2,3]
Dr. Linda S. Birnbaum, a scientist with U.S. EPA [Environmental
Protection Agency] calls the new studies "highly significant."[4]
Birnbaum is one of the chief scientists conducting the EPA's
formal reassessment of the toxicity of dioxin (see RHWN #269,
#270, #275). As we reported earlier (RHWN #279), many scientists,
including Birnbaum, now consider dioxin an "environmental
hormone." The new Wisconsin studies support that view.
The Wisconsin researchers, led by Dr. Richard E. Peterson, showed
that dioxin interferes with the sexual development of male rats
exposed to dioxin before, and shortly after, birth. Pregnant
female rats were given a single oral dose of dioxin on the 15th
day of pregnancy; their male offspring showed reduced levels of
male hormones in their blood and a variety of sexual aberrations
that stayed with them as they matured. The young males are
demasculinized and feminized by doses of dioxin too low to cause
any measurable toxicity in the mother rat. The sexual changes in
the young males are both physiological and behavioral, and last
into adulthood.
Dioxin passes through the placenta and enters the fetus, so the
rat fetuses received part of the mother's dose almost
immediately. After birth, the baby rats continued to receive a
small dose of dioxin through their mother's milk. Peterson says
the baby rats received the bulk of their dose through milk. In
rats and humans both, females rid their bodies of dioxin chiefly
by excreting it in their milk. Dioxin is soluble in fats and
oils, and milk is high in fat.
Dioxin is the common name for a family of 75 toxins, the most
potent of which is TCDD [2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-P-dioxin].
The Wisconsin researchers used TCDD in their experiments.
More on this shocking story inc.Terror in times beach at
part of

¥Xªù®É¡A§O§Ñ¤F¥[¥ó¦çªA¡I 300005

2002-01-07 Thread fedbastock018
Title: ·s©w¦s°òª÷¾ã¦X±M®×

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§A¸Ó¦s¿ú¤F¡I 1003

2002-01-07 Thread fedbastock001
Title: ·s©w¦s°òª÷¾ã¦X±M®×

±zÁÙ§â¿ú©ñ¦b¶l§½©Î»È¦æ°µ©w´Á¦s´Ú¡A»â¨º¨Ç·L諸§Q®§¶Ü¡H ·s©w¦s°òª÷¾ã¦X±M®×¡Ð¹w©w§Q²v¢³¢H±M®×Àu´f¶O²vºI¤î¤é2002¦~2¤ë©³¤î¡A°Ê§@­n§Ö³á¡I ¥H25·³¨k©Ê¤ë¦s1,758¤¸¬°¨Ò±b¤á§O¢Ï±b¤á¢Ð±b¤á¨C¦~¦s¤J¥»ª÷1758¤¸¢æ12­Ó¤ë=21,096¤¸2000¤¸¢æ12­Ó¤ë=24,000¤¸§Q®§  ²Ä02~20¦~  ¨C¦~»â6,000¤¸ ²Ä21~²×¨­  ¨C¦~»â12,000¤¸ ¥Ø«e¶l§½³Ì§C¬O1.6%24,000¤¸X1,6%=384¤¸/¦~§Q²v²×¨­©T©w§Q²v¡]4¢H¡^©w¦s³Ìªø3¦~«OÃÒ§Q²v¡]¥Ø«e³Ì§C1.6%)ªþ¥[»ù­È 1.²Ä2¦~¶}©l´N¨C¦~»â®§¡A»â¦Ü¨­²×§Ö³tÁÙ¥»2.²×¨­«O»Ù3.§Q®§§Kµ|4.©è¦©µ|ÃB(24,000¤¸¡^5.¥»ª÷«O­È6.¬õ§Q¡B°ª«O¶O§é¦©7.¥þ´Ý§ß§Uª÷µL ¡D¥H¤W¬°¢±­Ó³æ¦ì­pºâ¡A±z¥i¦Û¥Ñ¿ï¾Ü¢±­Ó¥H¤Wªº³æ¦ì¼Æ¡A¿ï¾Ü©Ê°ª¡C¡D¦s¤J¥»ª÷¥iÆF¬¡¹B¡A¤¤³~¥i¶U´Ú©Î¸Ñ¬ù¡C¡D¦s¤J¥»ª÷´Á¶¡¡]1~20¦~¡^¡A¨C¦~»â®§6,000¤¸¡F²Ä21¦~°_´N§KÄ~Äò¦s¤J¥»ª÷¡A¨C¦~ÁÙÄ~Äò»â®§12,000  ¡@¤¸¡Aª½¨ì²×¨­¡]¨­¬GÁÙ¦³¤@µ§«OÃÒª÷¥i»â¡^¡C¡D¦s¤J¥»ª÷´Á¶¡¡A«OÃB¡]«OÃÒª÷¡^¨C¦~¨Ì3%³æ§Q¼W­È¡A¤£©È³q³f¿±µÈ¡I ¨Ò¡G«OÃB¡]«OÃÒª÷¡^20¸U¡A¦b¤J¦s¥»ª÷´Á¶¡(1~20¦~)  «OÃB¡]«OÃÒª÷¡^=20¸U+20¸UX3 %X20¦~=32¸U¡I   ¡@  ¤]´N»¡«OÃB¡]«OÃÒª÷¡^20¸U¦b20¦~«á¡A´N·|¼W­È¨ì32¸U¡I¡D»È¦æÂà±b¦s´ÚÁÙ¦³1%ªºÀu´f³á¡I¡D¥þ²y«e¤­¤j¹ØÀI¤½¥q¡A¦Ê¦~¾ú¥v¡A¸ó°êªA°È¡C¡D¦¹ª÷¿Ä¶°¹ÎÀv¶Å¯à¤O¡G¥@¬É³ÌÄY®æ¡¨¼Ð·Ç´¶º¸¡¨¢Ï¢Ï¢Ï³Ì°ª«H¥Îµûµ¥¼Ð·Ç¡C¸Ô²Ó»¡©ú½Ð«ö¦¹¥H¤W¥H¢±¢´·³¨k©Ê¢±­Ó³æ¦ì°µ¸Õºâ¡A±z¥i¥H¦Û¥Ñ¿ï¾Ü¢±­Ó¥H¤W³æ¦ì¼Æ¡I   ¥H¤U°ò¥»¸ê®Æ½Ð°È¥²¶ñ¼g§¹¾ã¡A¥H§Q§Ú­Ì¬°±zªA°È¡AÁÂÁ±z¡I¡I ©m¦W¡G¡@¡@³sµ¸¹q¸Ü¡G¡@¡@E-mail¡G¥Í¤é¡G¥Á°ê 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ¦~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ¤ë 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ¤é¡]§Ú­Ì±N¨Ì±zªº¦~ÄÖ¡A³]­p¤@¥÷±MÄÝ©ó±zªº­p¹º®Ñ¡^ ©Ê§O¡G ¨k ¤k ¡@¨C­Ó¤ë¹wºâ¬ù¡G 1500~2000 2001~2500 2501~3000 3001~3500 3501~4000 4001~4500 4501~5000 5001~5500 5501~6000 6001~6500 6501~7000 7001~7500 7501~8000 8001~8500 8501~9000 9001~9500 9501~1 10001¥H¤W ¤¸  ¦a§}¡G  ¡]§Ú­Ì±N¨Ì±zªº©~¦í¦a¡A¬£±M­û´Nªñ¬°±zªA°È¡I¡^±zªº°ÝÃD¿Ô¸ß¡G   ¡@ ¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@3256987456643867432564586746874

Re: "Swiss bank in a box"

2002-01-07 Thread Ken Brown

Though as a matter of off-topic actual fact, no gold (maybe outside a
few labs that are trying hard) is likely to be pure enough not to be
traceable. As far as I know archaeologists & art historians (& I assume
police) have been matching gold artefacts to their sources for some time
now. Not as easy as copper (or oil - tax people like being able to trace
oil to wells) but doable.

Doesn't alter Tim's point that you can obscure the origins my mixing
gold from different places of course. Not, I imagine, something that
anyone actually ever does, but it would obviously work.

Googling for "gold isotope provenance" got me 911 hits. 

Ken Brown

Eric Cordian wrote:
> Tim wrote:
> > can be melted and all traces of origin lost, save for some
> > expensive tinkering with isotopic ratios, maybe.
> Gold, last I looked, had a single stable isotope which accounted for 100%
> of its natural abundance.  79-Au-197.
> One piece of pure stable gold is indistinguishable from another.
> So if your gold is pure and isn't radioactive, it hasn't been tagged by
> isotopic ratio tweeks.

©ú¦~¦A¤@°_¥h¸ó¦~³á! 002

2002-01-07 Thread fedbepschao075
Title: ·s©w¦s°òª÷¾ã¦X±M®×

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2002-01-07 Thread fedbepschao038
Title: ·s©w¦s°òª÷¾ã¦X±M®×

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2002-01-07 Thread fedbepschao002
Title: ·s©w¦s°òª÷¾ã¦X±M®×

±zÁÙ§â¿ú©ñ¦b¶l§½©Î»È¦æ°µ©w´Á¦s´Ú¡A»â¨º¨Ç·L諸§Q®§¶Ü¡H ·s©w¦s°òª÷¾ã¦X±M®×¡Ð¹w©w§Q²v¢³¢H±M®×Àu´f¶O²vºI¤î¤é2002¦~2¤ë©³¤î¡A°Ê§@­n§Ö³á¡I ¥H25·³¨k©Ê¤ë¦s1,758¤¸¬°¨Ò±b¤á§O¢Ï±b¤á¢Ð±b¤á¨C¦~¦s¤J¥»ª÷1758¤¸¢æ12­Ó¤ë=21,096¤¸2000¤¸¢æ12­Ó¤ë=24,000¤¸§Q®§  ²Ä02~20¦~  ¨C¦~»â6,000¤¸ ²Ä21~²×¨­  ¨C¦~»â12,000¤¸ ¥Ø«e¶l§½³Ì§C¬O1.6%24,000¤¸X1,6%=384¤¸/¦~§Q²v²×¨­©T©w§Q²v¡]4¢H¡^©w¦s³Ìªø3¦~«OÃÒ§Q²v¡]¥Ø«e³Ì§C1.6%)ªþ¥[»ù­È 1.²Ä2¦~¶}©l´N¨C¦~»â®§¡A»â¦Ü¨­²×§Ö³tÁÙ¥»2.²×¨­«O»Ù3.§Q®§§Kµ|4.©è¦©µ|ÃB(24,000¤¸¡^5.¥»ª÷«O­È6.¬õ§Q¡B°ª«O¶O§é¦©7.¥þ´Ý§ß§Uª÷µL ¡D¥H¤W¬°¢±­Ó³æ¦ì­pºâ¡A±z¥i¦Û¥Ñ¿ï¾Ü¢±­Ó¥H¤Wªº³æ¦ì¼Æ¡A¿ï¾Ü©Ê°ª¡C¡D¦s¤J¥»ª÷¥iÆF¬¡¹B¡A¤¤³~¥i¶U´Ú©Î¸Ñ¬ù¡C¡D¦s¤J¥»ª÷´Á¶¡¡]1~20¦~¡^¡A¨C¦~»â®§6,000¤¸¡F²Ä21¦~°_´N§KÄ~Äò¦s¤J¥»ª÷¡A¨C¦~ÁÙÄ~Äò»â®§12,000  ¡@¤¸¡Aª½¨ì²×¨­¡]¨­¬GÁÙ¦³¤@µ§«OÃÒª÷¥i»â¡^¡C¡D¦s¤J¥»ª÷´Á¶¡¡A«OÃB¡]«OÃÒª÷¡^¨C¦~¨Ì3%³æ§Q¼W­È¡A¤£©È³q³f¿±µÈ¡I ¨Ò¡G«OÃB¡]«OÃÒª÷¡^20¸U¡A¦b¤J¦s¥»ª÷´Á¶¡(1~20¦~)  «OÃB¡]«OÃÒª÷¡^=20¸U+20¸UX3 %X20¦~=32¸U¡I   ¡@  ¤]´N»¡«OÃB¡]«OÃÒª÷¡^20¸U¦b20¦~«á¡A´N·|¼W­È¨ì32¸U¡I¡D»È¦æÂà±b¦s´ÚÁÙ¦³1%ªºÀu´f³á¡I¡D¥þ²y«e¤­¤j¹ØÀI¤½¥q¡A¦Ê¦~¾ú¥v¡A¸ó°êªA°È¡C¡D¦¹ª÷¿Ä¶°¹ÎÀv¶Å¯à¤O¡G¥@¬É³ÌÄY®æ¡¨¼Ð·Ç´¶º¸¡¨¢Ï¢Ï¢Ï³Ì°ª«H¥Îµûµ¥¼Ð·Ç¡C¸Ô²Ó»¡©ú½Ð«ö¦¹¥H¤W¥H¢±¢´·³¨k©Ê¢±­Ó³æ¦ì°µ¸Õºâ¡A±z¥i¥H¦Û¥Ñ¿ï¾Ü¢±­Ó¥H¤W³æ¦ì¼Æ¡I   ¥H¤U°ò¥»¸ê®Æ½Ð°È¥²¶ñ¼g§¹¾ã¡A¥H§Q§Ú­Ì¬°±zªA°È¡AÁÂÁ±z¡I¡I ©m¦W¡G¡@¡@³sµ¸¹q¸Ü¡G¡@¡@E-mail¡G¥Í¤é¡G¥Á°ê 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ¦~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ¤ë 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ¤é¡]§Ú­Ì±N¨Ì±zªº¦~ÄÖ¡A³]­p¤@¥÷±MÄÝ©ó±zªº­p¹º®Ñ¡^ ©Ê§O¡G ¨k ¤k ¡@¨C­Ó¤ë¹wºâ¬ù¡G 1500~2000 2001~2500 2501~3000 3001~3500 3501~4000 4001~4500 4501~5000 5001~5500 5501~6000 6001~6500 6501~7000 7001~7500 7501~8000 8001~8500 8501~9000 9001~9500 9501~1 10001¥H¤W ¤¸  ¦a§}¡G  ¡]§Ú­Ì±N¨Ì±zªº©~¦í¦a¡A¬£±M­û´Nªñ¬°±zªA°È¡I¡^±zªº°ÝÃD¿Ô¸ß¡G   ¡@ ¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@9789456441354544564


2002-01-07 Thread fedbepschao011
Title: ·s©w¦s°òª÷¾ã¦X±M®×

±zÁÙ§â¿ú©ñ¦b¶l§½©Î»È¦æ°µ©w´Á¦s´Ú¡A»â¨º¨Ç·L諸§Q®§¶Ü¡H ·s©w¦s°òª÷¾ã¦X±M®×¡Ð¹w©w§Q²v¢³¢H±M®×Àu´f¶O²vºI¤î¤é2002¦~2¤ë©³¤î¡A°Ê§@­n§Ö³á¡I ¥H25·³¨k©Ê¤ë¦s1,758¤¸¬°¨Ò±b¤á§O¢Ï±b¤á¢Ð±b¤á¨C¦~¦s¤J¥»ª÷1758¤¸¢æ12­Ó¤ë=21,096¤¸2000¤¸¢æ12­Ó¤ë=24,000¤¸§Q®§  ²Ä02~20¦~  ¨C¦~»â6,000¤¸ ²Ä21~²×¨­  ¨C¦~»â12,000¤¸ ¥Ø«e¶l§½³Ì§C¬O1.6%24,000¤¸X1,6%=384¤¸/¦~§Q²v²×¨­©T©w§Q²v¡]4¢H¡^©w¦s³Ìªø3¦~«OÃÒ§Q²v¡]¥Ø«e³Ì§C1.6%)ªþ¥[»ù­È 1.²Ä2¦~¶}©l´N¨C¦~»â®§¡A»â¦Ü¨­²×§Ö³tÁÙ¥»2.²×¨­«O»Ù3.§Q®§§Kµ|4.©è¦©µ|ÃB(24,000¤¸¡^5.¥»ª÷«O­È6.¬õ§Q¡B°ª«O¶O§é¦©7.¥þ´Ý§ß§Uª÷µL ¡D¥H¤W¬°¢±­Ó³æ¦ì­pºâ¡A±z¥i¦Û¥Ñ¿ï¾Ü¢±­Ó¥H¤Wªº³æ¦ì¼Æ¡A¿ï¾Ü©Ê°ª¡C¡D¦s¤J¥»ª÷¥iÆF¬¡¹B¡A¤¤³~¥i¶U´Ú©Î¸Ñ¬ù¡C¡D¦s¤J¥»ª÷´Á¶¡¡]1~20¦~¡^¡A¨C¦~»â®§6,000¤¸¡F²Ä21¦~°_´N§KÄ~Äò¦s¤J¥»ª÷¡A¨C¦~ÁÙÄ~Äò»â®§12,000  ¡@¤¸¡Aª½¨ì²×¨­¡]¨­¬GÁÙ¦³¤@µ§«OÃÒª÷¥i»â¡^¡C¡D¦s¤J¥»ª÷´Á¶¡¡A«OÃB¡]«OÃÒª÷¡^¨C¦~¨Ì3%³æ§Q¼W­È¡A¤£©È³q³f¿±µÈ¡I ¨Ò¡G«OÃB¡]«OÃÒª÷¡^20¸U¡A¦b¤J¦s¥»ª÷´Á¶¡(1~20¦~)  «OÃB¡]«OÃÒª÷¡^=20¸U+20¸UX3 %X20¦~=32¸U¡I   ¡@  ¤]´N»¡«OÃB¡]«OÃÒª÷¡^20¸U¦b20¦~«á¡A´N·|¼W­È¨ì32¸U¡I¡D»È¦æÂà±b¦s´ÚÁÙ¦³1%ªºÀu´f³á¡I¡D¥þ²y«e¤­¤j¹ØÀI¤½¥q¡A¦Ê¦~¾ú¥v¡A¸ó°êªA°È¡C¡D¦¹ª÷¿Ä¶°¹ÎÀv¶Å¯à¤O¡G¥@¬É³ÌÄY®æ¡¨¼Ð·Ç´¶º¸¡¨¢Ï¢Ï¢Ï³Ì°ª«H¥Îµûµ¥¼Ð·Ç¡C¸Ô²Ó»¡©ú½Ð«ö¦¹¥H¤W¥H¢±¢´·³¨k©Ê¢±­Ó³æ¦ì°µ¸Õºâ¡A±z¥i¥H¦Û¥Ñ¿ï¾Ü¢±­Ó¥H¤W³æ¦ì¼Æ¡I   ¥H¤U°ò¥»¸ê®Æ½Ð°È¥²¶ñ¼g§¹¾ã¡A¥H§Q§Ú­Ì¬°±zªA°È¡AÁÂÁ±z¡I¡I ©m¦W¡G¡@¡@³sµ¸¹q¸Ü¡G¡@¡@E-mail¡G¥Í¤é¡G¥Á°ê 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ¦~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ¤ë 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ¤é¡]§Ú­Ì±N¨Ì±zªº¦~ÄÖ¡A³]­p¤@¥÷±MÄÝ©ó±zªº­p¹º®Ñ¡^ ©Ê§O¡G ¨k ¤k ¡@¨C­Ó¤ë¹wºâ¬ù¡G 1500~2000 2001~2500 2501~3000 3001~3500 3501~4000 4001~4500 4501~5000 5001~5500 5501~6000 6001~6500 6501~7000 7001~7500 7501~8000 8001~8500 8501~9000 9001~9500 9501~1 10001¥H¤W ¤¸  ¦a§}¡G  ¡]§Ú­Ì±N¨Ì±zªº©~¦í¦a¡A¬£±M­û´Nªñ¬°±zªA°È¡I¡^±zªº°ÝÃD¿Ô¸ß¡G   ¡@ ¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@6586786451548748786448948

ªñ¨Ó¥i¦n¡I 001

2002-01-07 Thread fedbepschao037
Title: ·s©w¦s°òª÷¾ã¦X±M®×

±zÁÙ§â¿ú©ñ¦b¶l§½©Î»È¦æ°µ©w´Á¦s´Ú¡A»â¨º¨Ç·L諸§Q®§¶Ü¡H ·s©w¦s°òª÷¾ã¦X±M®×¡Ð¹w©w§Q²v¢³¢H±M®×Àu´f¶O²vºI¤î¤é2002¦~2¤ë©³¤î¡A°Ê§@­n§Ö³á¡I ¥H25·³¨k©Ê¤ë¦s1,758¤¸¬°¨Ò±b¤á§O¢Ï±b¤á¢Ð±b¤á¨C¦~¦s¤J¥»ª÷1758¤¸¢æ12­Ó¤ë=21,096¤¸2000¤¸¢æ12­Ó¤ë=24,000¤¸§Q®§  ²Ä02~20¦~  ¨C¦~»â6,000¤¸ ²Ä21~²×¨­  ¨C¦~»â12,000¤¸ ¥Ø«e¶l§½³Ì§C¬O1.6%24,000¤¸X1,6%=384¤¸/¦~§Q²v²×¨­©T©w§Q²v¡]4¢H¡^©w¦s³Ìªø3¦~«OÃÒ§Q²v¡]¥Ø«e³Ì§C1.6%)ªþ¥[»ù­È 1.²Ä2¦~¶}©l´N¨C¦~»â®§¡A»â¦Ü¨­²×§Ö³tÁÙ¥»2.²×¨­«O»Ù3.§Q®§§Kµ|4.©è¦©µ|ÃB(24,000¤¸¡^5.¥»ª÷«O­È6.¬õ§Q¡B°ª«O¶O§é¦©7.¥þ´Ý§ß§Uª÷µL ¡D¥H¤W¬°¢±­Ó³æ¦ì­pºâ¡A±z¥i¦Û¥Ñ¿ï¾Ü¢±­Ó¥H¤Wªº³æ¦ì¼Æ¡A¿ï¾Ü©Ê°ª¡C¡D¦s¤J¥»ª÷¥iÆF¬¡¹B¡A¤¤³~¥i¶U´Ú©Î¸Ñ¬ù¡C¡D¦s¤J¥»ª÷´Á¶¡¡]1~20¦~¡^¡A¨C¦~»â®§6,000¤¸¡F²Ä21¦~°_´N§KÄ~Äò¦s¤J¥»ª÷¡A¨C¦~ÁÙÄ~Äò»â®§12,000  ¡@¤¸¡Aª½¨ì²×¨­¡]¨­¬GÁÙ¦³¤@µ§«OÃÒª÷¥i»â¡^¡C¡D¦s¤J¥»ª÷´Á¶¡¡A«OÃB¡]«OÃÒª÷¡^¨C¦~¨Ì3%³æ§Q¼W­È¡A¤£©È³q³f¿±µÈ¡I ¨Ò¡G«OÃB¡]«OÃÒª÷¡^20¸U¡A¦b¤J¦s¥»ª÷´Á¶¡(1~20¦~)  «OÃB¡]«OÃÒª÷¡^=20¸U+20¸UX3 %X20¦~=32¸U¡I   ¡@  ¤]´N»¡«OÃB¡]«OÃÒª÷¡^20¸U¦b20¦~«á¡A´N·|¼W­È¨ì32¸U¡I¡D»È¦æÂà±b¦s´ÚÁÙ¦³1%ªºÀu´f³á¡I¡D¥þ²y«e¤­¤j¹ØÀI¤½¥q¡A¦Ê¦~¾ú¥v¡A¸ó°êªA°È¡C¡D¦¹ª÷¿Ä¶°¹ÎÀv¶Å¯à¤O¡G¥@¬É³ÌÄY®æ¡¨¼Ð·Ç´¶º¸¡¨¢Ï¢Ï¢Ï³Ì°ª«H¥Îµûµ¥¼Ð·Ç¡C¸Ô²Ó»¡©ú½Ð«ö¦¹¥H¤W¥H¢±¢´·³¨k©Ê¢±­Ó³æ¦ì°µ¸Õºâ¡A±z¥i¥H¦Û¥Ñ¿ï¾Ü¢±­Ó¥H¤W³æ¦ì¼Æ¡I   ¥H¤U°ò¥»¸ê®Æ½Ð°È¥²¶ñ¼g§¹¾ã¡A¥H§Q§Ú­Ì¬°±zªA°È¡AÁÂÁ±z¡I¡I ©m¦W¡G¡@¡@³sµ¸¹q¸Ü¡G¡@¡@E-mail¡G¥Í¤é¡G¥Á°ê 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 ¦~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ¤ë 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ¤é¡]§Ú­Ì±N¨Ì±zªº¦~ÄÖ¡A³]­p¤@¥÷±MÄÝ©ó±zªº­p¹º®Ñ¡^ ©Ê§O¡G ¨k ¤k ¡@¨C­Ó¤ë¹wºâ¬ù¡G 1500~2000 2001~2500 2501~3000 3001~3500 3501~4000 4001~4500 4501~5000 5001~5500 5501~6000 6001~6500 6501~7000 7001~7500 7501~8000 8001~8500 8501~9000 9001~9500 9501~1 10001¥H¤W ¤¸  ¦a§}¡G  ¡]§Ú­Ì±N¨Ì±zªº©~¦í¦a¡A¬£±M­û´Nªñ¬°±zªA°È¡I¡^±zªº°ÝÃD¿Ô¸ß¡G   ¡@ ¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@¡@56859613564186

Re: Detweiler, Vulis, Toto, John Young, and mattd

2002-01-07 Thread Eugene Leitl

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002, Tim May wrote:

> I'm thinking there's some common miswiring in the brains of these folks.

If you think cpunks are bad, try cryonicists. Ugh.

IP: Judge OKs FBI Keyboard Sniffing (fwd)

2002-01-07 Thread Eugene Leitl

-- Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBMTO: N48 04'14.8'' E11 36'41.2''
57F9CFD3: ED90 0433 EB74 E4A9 537F CFF5 86E7 629B 57F9 CFD3

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2002 13:46:30 -0500
From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IP: Judge OKs FBI Keyboard Sniffing

[ In keeping with protocol, I was an expert witness (pro-bono) for the
defense and submitted several affidavits on the technical issues djf]

>Judge OKs FBI Keyboard Sniffing
>By Declan McCullagh
>2:00 a.m. Jan. 4, 2002 PST  WASHINGTON -- The Justice
>Department can legally use a controversial electronic surveillance
>technique in its prosecution of an alleged mobster.
>In the first case of its kind, a federal judge in Newark, New Jersey has
>ruled that evidence surreptitiously gathered by the FBI about Nicodemo S.
>Scarfo's reputed loan shark operation can be presented in a trial later
>this year.
>U.S. District Judge Nicholas Politan said last week that it was perfectly
>acceptable for FBI agents armed with a court order to sneak into Scarfo's
>office, plant a keystroke sniffer in his PC and monitor its output.
>Scarfo had been using Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) encryption software to
>encode confidential business data -- and frustrate the government's
>attempts to monitor him.
> [snip]
>The court order from the federal magistrate judge stated that the FBI
>could "install and leave behind software, firmware, and/or hardware
>equipment, which will monitor the inputted data entered on Nicodemo S.
>Scarfo's computer in the target location so that the FBI can capture the
>password necessary to decrypt computer files by recording the key related
>information as they are entered."
>Defense attorneys had said that the PGP pass-phrase snatching was akin to
>a telephone wiretap and pointed out that the FBI never obtained a wiretap
>order. Scarfo's lawyers also claimed the FBI was conducting a general
>search of the sort loathed by the colonists at the time of the American
>Revolution and thereafter outlawed by the Fourth Amendment's prohibition
>of "unreasonable" searches.

For archives see:

Re: Orange crush

2002-01-07 Thread Eugene Leitl

On Mon, 7 Jan 2002, cubic-dog wrote:

> Dunno, maybe you're right, I couldn't get it to happen in the lab
> with phenols when I was a chem student without actually burning it. I

I wouldn't cook polyhalogenated phenol dry or in high-boiling point
solvents in presence of copper powder, and alcali.

Re: Orange crush

2002-01-07 Thread cubic-dog

On Mon, 7 Jan 2002, Anonymous wrote:

>   Total bullshit there crock dog. TCDD is also a breakdown product 
> of both poly-chlorinated phenols like 2,4,D and 2,4,5-T and poly-chlorinated
> bi-phenols (PCBs). It really doesn't matter what level tcdd (dioxin) is at 
> time of manufacture, even boiling coffee watere with 245T in it can give
> you a load of dioxin. 

Dunno, maybe you're right, I couldn't get it to happen in the lab
with phenols when I was a chem student without actually burning it. I
tried. (wasn't supposed to but I was curious). Biphenols, yes. Or
something close enough to TCDD that I didn't care. Actually burning
245T, and 24D for that matter will indeed produce TCDD. As to whether
or not overcooking these phenols produces it, well, I wouldn't 
doubt it. But overcooking would still be a faulty process. 

BTW, burning just about ANYTHING with chlorine in it will produce

I don't know there brother nobody, I just keep reading over and over
again, folks using 245T, 24D and TCDD practically interchangably. 
They are not the same chemicals, not at all. I read things like
"245T, a form of dioxin" and "Agent Orange, a strong dioxin".
You say TCDD is a breakdown product of 245T, others say it is a
manufacturing byproduct, others say it is the same thing.

>The agit/prop that we *need* herbicides to produce enough food is
> patently absurd. They didn't even exiest 50 years ago, and most farmers
> in the world still don't use them. 

Well, most farmers in the world still don't have nearly the output that
the "chemically dependant brainwashed, braindead amerikan farmer" does,
except perhaps those other hi output ag industries from Germany, the
netherlands and such. All of which are of course, heavily chem dependent. 

Herbicides have existed a hell of a lot longer than 50 years, even
so-called modern chlorinated herbicides have been around since the 
late 1800s. 

>Only the chemically dependant 
> brainwashed, braindead amerikan farmer does, which is why he's quickly
> becoming extinct.  

The reasons the "chemically dependant brainwashed, braindead amerikan 
farmer" is becomming exinct has a lot more to do with international 
corporate farming and economics of multinational monopolies like
Archer Daniels Midland, the darling of the NPR crowd, than it
does the use of herbicides, pesticides and fertilzers.   

Perhaps you are right on all cases, that agent orange
and all phenoxyl herbicides are the devils spawn and the 
true root of all evil. My imagination balks at it, perhaps because
I don't share your clarity of vision. However, I do know some
of the chemists at Dow Midland who were directly involved in
Dows work with 245T, and to follow your line of thinking is
to say that these folks are the fine agents of the great
satan himself, heirs to those nice folks who stirred the pot
so vigorously in europe back in the 40s.

My imagination balks at it, perhaps because these
folks simply are not like that, and I have read a lot of
the papers, I have done some of the chemistry and have learned
in an empirical way that these questions are all 
a great deal more complicated than these flat statements
like "Agent Orange is the blame for all the ''bad
things''" suggest. 

This is all real touchy stuff, I have been around
pretty much half a century and have been litterally
up to my neck in this stuff. (Yes, this *STUFF*). 
I don't take it lightly, and I don't buy into any
corporate line, as a corporation is almost by
definition incapable of telling any truth when there is
any bad news. But little snippits that say ag/chem
is evil, and we are good because we say it is evil
are pretty much a waste of everyones time. 

Re: Eudora filters for mattd

2002-01-07 Thread Andrew Woods

At 02:49 AM Monday 1/7/2002, you wrote:
>If anyone has figured out why Eudora can't filter mattd
>we would *love* to know.

First, make sure your filter for mattd is listed before your filter for 
cypherpunks. Also, because it seemed like mattd's from: header was somewhat 
variant, i have it matching just "mattd". Then there's a "make status: 
read", a "transfer to: trash", and a "skip rest". Good luck.


CP Movies,"Behold the pale horse."

2002-01-07 Thread mattd

Francisco Sabate Llopart (known as El Quico) -- Guerilla Extraordinaire -- 
(1915-1960).Born 30 March 1915 in Barcelona; died 5 January 1960.
Francisco Sabate joined the CNT in 1931. In 1932, following the events of 
Fijols, he started the action group "Los Novatos" which aligned with the 
FAI. In 1935, they carried out their first expropriation to provide funds 
for a prison relief group.
On July 18 & 19, 1936, the fascist uprising in Barcelona was defeated, 
signalling the beginning of a libertarian revolution.
On August 27, 1936, Sabati & his brother Josi joined a CNT-FAI column which 
fought on the Aragon front.
With the defeat of the Republican forces, Sabate was interned in France at 
the camps in Vernet. Once free, Sabate continued fighting in Spain 
clandestinely, & on August 20, 1945, succeeded in freeing two comrades. His 
group then began striking against the Franco regime & its supporters, as 
well as robbing companies & banks to finance the underground movement. On 
March 2, 1949, they killed two heads of the phalange.
While many of his comrades were arrested or killed over the years Sabati 
succeeded in slipping through the various police dragnets. But on January 
5, 1960, after having slipped across the border with four companions, they 
were encircled by army & the civil garde, & were shot down. Still, Sabati 
managed to escape, before succumbing a few hours later to bullet wounds.
Sabate figures in at least two movies:
Behold The Pale Horse, with Gregory Peck as a character very closely based 
on Sabate, the Spanish anarchist guerilla.

More on the guerilla's guerilla at

First we take Manhatten.

2002-01-07 Thread mattd

The protests against the World Economic Forum will occur from
January 30th through February 5th, 2002 in New York City. Also,
join others in resisting the winter Olympics in Utah February
8th-24th ( Picking Up Where We Left Off 
The North American Anti-Capitalist Struggle Must Advance It is now 2002 and 
it has been many months since the last large
anti-capitalist protest in North America. Our situation was looking
incredible for the late September protests against the World Bank
and International Monetary Fund. We had the many televised
press conferences on C-SPAN, and we were coming back to
D.C. learning from our past mistakes and successes. The
mainstream media was already beginning to pre-hype the
protests (or the potential for "violence" more specifically). As it
got closer they had already decided to shorten the meeting time.
I was helping organize people in the area interested in going (as
were others all across the United States), and it looked like we
were going to have the greatest number of people from this area
to attend a major protest yet. I was gathering my gear, marking
my maps, making my phonecalls and sending emails. It was
going to be unbelievable. (It was in au as well,pre chogm,pr)
Then one day we woke up or were at work or whatever, and our
TV screens were filled with images of collapsing buildings,
thousands died, thousands of others were running in terror, no
one had a clue as to what the hell just happened. For the time it
changed everything. As much as we wanted it not to, it severely
affected the protests. It changed the focus of the protest
(anti-war, anti-racist), the turnout, the tactical choices, the
energy, and the attention we received. On the upside (or not), it
also caused the IMF and World Bank to cancel that meeting. It has been 
nearly 4 months now since that day and the "war"
has become increasingly futile. That "war," of course, is what has
almost killed (no pun intended) the momentum of the
anti-capitalist protests and overall resistance in the United
States, not to mention thousands of innocent people. That
movement or collection of movements has almost been hijacked
by the liberal and (state) socialist left due to their stronghold over
the anti-war movements. Anti-war protesters are more likely
following the calls to action made by socialist parties or affiliated
groups, or liberal groups, than calls (or lack thereof) made by
anti-authoritarian collectives/groups. The authoritarian left has
long sought to gain control over the anti-(corporate)-globalization
movement and are in a position of greater power to do so when
they use their power from the anti-war movement. This is why it is crucial 
that we make a presence in New York
City (and subsequent gatherings) and show the so-called
leaders (politicians and activists) that we have not been swept
under the rug or converted to single-issue reformist struggles.
We must show the state that we are not going to run and hide
when it starts to hint at openly engaging in "war" against us. We
must not forget why we are fighting. We must not forget the death
of Carlo Guiliano (remember him? Genoa?) or hundreds and
thousands of others who have needlessly lost their lives resisting
conditions decided upon by the IMF, World Bank, WTO, NAFTA,
and the leaders of the Northern industrial nations. We cannot let
the state nor the authoritarian left (liberal and socialist) decide the
fate of our struggle or how we choose to resist. And do not
mistake this as another call for a "black bloc," but rather it is a call
for anti-authoritarian resistance in all possible manifestations. 
infoshop-news mailing list

Re: Detweiler, Vulis, Toto, John Young, and mattd

2002-01-07 Thread Morlock Elloi

>Any more of this kind of shit writing belabors the obvious 
>point that serious writing, along with serious thinking, is 
>ridiculous, a conceit of mind and tongue unable to bear 
>frightful freedom, afraid of its own yearning for disorderly
>structure as though there is something wrong with singing
>your heart out, and laughing at your tone deafness.

This can be shifted to the information theory terrain.

It's not _just_ about using the straight and prescribed language and
constructs. It is about predictability in general. Most posters that I filter
out are predictable to the point where I can, with decent accuracy, guess what
they will say on any given subject. They can be described (scripted) as finite
automata. And they have enormous integrity that they are proud of.

Bricks also have integrity, but I always failed to find them entertaining -
except maybe when they disintegrate on high impact. Then you get to see many
irregular and unpredictable pieces.

Some aspiring student of AI may find it an interesting exercise to customize
alicebot to emulate some of the most integral cpunk posters (think timbots,
mattbots, etc.) Frankly, I think that it's already been done. Sometimes I think
that there are already alicebot implants.

So it's all about entropy. Low entropy dwellers perceive high entropy ("high on
entropy" ?) runners as danger that needs cooling. Or should I say kooling ?

Why is that stupid ?

Because we will all end up as cold iron, and it doesn't matter who gets there
first. The last one wins.

(of original message)

Y-a*h*o-o (yes, they scan for this) spam follows:
Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!

Hoodoo Guru at large and armed.Gypsys,tramps and tea leaves.Hidden united snakes hirstory.

2002-01-07 Thread mattd

A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E (longish post)
    We are a nation founded 
by fugitives. The secret history of America is one
of wild flight in search of sanctuary. Our ancestors were running away. The
real explorers of the Great Frontier didn't march west, they slipped away
into the forests and swamps, leaving behind the King's Law and busted
chains. Runaway slaves, fugitive indentured servants, retreating natives,
they disappeared into the mists beyond the edge of "civilized" culture to
make their own way and avoid the whip. These fugitive colonies existed from
the beginning of European settlement. In the 17th century, the first
settlers described the "tawny halfbreeds" they encountered, who strangely
preferred the freedom of the wilderness to the safety and comfort of
Jamestown.   Over 200 tri-racial isolate communities exist, or have 
existed, in the
USA. These communities are not recent manifestations. They were here from
the start. The people called Melungeons, (of eastern Tennessee, North
Carolina, West Virginia and Kentucky,) were encountered by European
explorers of the Appalachians in 1654. They were described as dark-skinned,
but with European features. They lived in log cabins and practiced
Christianity and even spoke English, being able to communicate to the
explorers that they were "Portyghee". The origins of the Melungeon people
has become controversial, at least among Melungeons. The anthropologically
accepted theory is that early Spanish settlers, explorers or castaways
inter-married with Native Americans. Yet the French explorers mentioned
above noted that the Melungeons they encountered spoke English (but called
themselves Portuguese). This could indicate the amazing diversity of the
fugitive communities, or maybe the necessity of trading with the English
settlements on the coast. In the post-civil war period anybody in the
Melungeon area who was dark-skinned yet not obviously African American was
called a Melungeon, including dark-skinned Mediterranean people and south
Asians. Genetic researchers using the Mean Measure of Divergence (MMD) have
concluded that Melungeons are most closely related to Libyans (0.017) and
most distantly related to the Seminoles of Florida (0.308).1 The closest
match with a European people (0.022) is Italian, followed by Portuguese
(0.024). It's known that Francis Drake stopped at Roanoke for some months on
his way back from raiding Spanish colonies in the Caribbean. He had several
hundred Muslim seamen with him who had been freed from the Spanish and were
being returned to Morocco and the Ottoman Empire. These would include
Berbers and Arabs from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as Greeks,
Armenians, Albanians, Bosnians and Turks from Anatolia and the Balkans. They
stayed several months in Virginia, and it's more than possible that they
would have left progeny among the local Native American population. Some of
them may have stayed and actually joined the Indians.  The Delaware Moors 
are a mixed race people living in Kent and Sussex
Counties, Delaware and southern New Jersey. How they came to be there is
open to conjecture. Community legend tends toward three possibilities. In
the first, an 18th century Spanish pirate ship with a Moorish crew is
wrecked on the Delaware coast. The survivors are taken in by the local
Nanticoke Indians and eventually marry Indian women. In the second, when the
English abandon Tangier in the late 17th century, the English garrison is
given land in the Americas (Delaware). When they come they bring their
Moorish wives with them. (There is an island in Chesapeake Bay called
Tangier Island, and no one seems to know how it was named.) The third legend
is of the truly romantic variety. This involves a beautiful woman and a
dark-skinned slave. The woman was wealthy and either Spanish or Irish. She
purchased a male slave who turned out to be a Moorish prince. They fell in
love and had mixed-race children. Being ostracized by the white community,
they moved inland and joined the Indians. Another version of this has the
wealthy woman purchasing a number of Moorish slaves who ran away and joined
the Indians.  Piracy was well-known along the Delaware coast from the 17th 
to mid-18th
century, with several recorded instances of Spanish and French pirates
way-laying ships in Delaware Bay. The English did occupy Tangier briefly,
and then abandoned the city in 1684. The early colonial period had many
instances where women and men of mixed race were forced to make their own
way in the wild, and the fact of slaves running away and joining the Indians
is also well recorded. Whichever, if any, of the legends is true, the fact
remains that the Delaware Moors are most likely a mixture of the Native
American tribes that occupied the Delmarva region (Nanticokes and Lenni
Lenape), European whites and Africans. The Moors perhaps best illustrate the
singular st