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2002-01-21 Thread The Art of Living
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No fee! Accept Credit Cards in 2002! [ay6bw]

2002-01-21 Thread tekwpjppbhylpivv
Title: Accept Credit Carts today!

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2002-01-21 Thread jjuede


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Fahenheit 451

2002-01-21 Thread mattd

November 1, 2001
Dear Bookseller,
Last week, President Bush signed into law an antiterrorism bill that gives 
the federal government expanded authority to search your business records, 
including the titles of the books purchased by your customers. This letter 
contains our best legal judgment on what you should do if you are served 
with a court order under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).
Under the new law, the director of the FBI may seek an order for any 
tangible things (including books, records, papers, documents, and other 
items) for an investigation to protect against international terrorism or 
clandestine intelligence activities. The request for such an order is made 
to a judge who sits in a special court that is sometimes called the spy 
court. The judge makes his decision ex parte, meaning there is no 
opportunity for you or your lawyer to object in court. You cannot object 
publically either. The new law includes a gag order that prevents you from 
disclosing to any other person the fact that you have received an order 
to produce documents.
ABFFE is deeply concerned by the potential chilling effect of court orders 
issued to booksellers under this new law. Normally, when a bookseller 
receives a subpoena for customer information, he or she has the opportunity 
to ask the court to quash the order on First Amendment grounds. In several 
cases, booksellers have successfully resisted subpoenas.
Under FISA, however, booksellers may not have this chance. Depending on the 
wording of the order, the bookseller may be required to immediately turn 
over the records that are being sought.
Nevertheless, ABFFE's advice to booksellers who receive a court order under 
FISA remains the same as it is to those who receive a subpoena. The first 
thing you should do is call your attorney. Then, either you or your 
attorney should contact ABFFE so that we can put you in touch with lawyers 
who are familiar with the law surrounding the privacy of bookstore records.
Although the wording of the law seems to suggest that contacting anyone 
about the court order is forbidden, it is ABFFE's belief that you remain 
entitled to legal counsel. Therefore, you may call your attorney and/or 
ABFFE. Because of the gag order, however, you should not tell ABFFE that 
you have received a court order under FISA. You can simply tell us that you 
need to contact ABFFE's legal counsel.
Legal counsel is important even in cases where it is not possible to 
challenge a court order. It may be possible for you to have a lawyer 
present during a search of your store records. If so, the lawyer will be 
able to help you ensure that there is no violation of the privacy of your 
other customers.
However, it is possible that the FBI will demand immediate access to your 
records. If the agents are unwilling to permit you to contact your 
attorney, you should cooperate with them. Otherwise, you may be arrested 
for disobeying a court order. If you have no choice but to turn over 
records, the best thing you can do is help the FBI find the information 
that it is looking for and thus avoid exposing the records of other 
customers. If you have legal questions after the search had been conducted, 
you can call your attorney or ABFFE will put you in touch with its lawyers.
At times of national crisis, civil liberties are very vulnerable. Although 
the new antiterrorism law contains a number of provisions that were deeply 
disturbing to civil libertarians, it passed the House by a vote of 
356-to-66. In the Senate, Russell D. Feingold of Wisconsin was the only 
dissenting vote.
We believe the climate of opinion will eventually shift, allowing a 
reasoned debate of the dangers posed by these provisions. In the meantime, 
ABFFE will continue to work to remind public officials of the danger of 
sacrificing free speech in the quest for security.
I want to take this opportunity to thank ABFFE members for their support 
and to urge anyone who isn't a member to consider joining now. Whether we 
can continue to act as the bookseller's voice in the vote against 
censorship depends on you.
Yours very truly,
Chris Finan President
Link: http://www.abffe.org/fisa_letter.html

BBC News | AMERICAS | Prison camp pictures spark protests

2002-01-21 Thread mattd

We must keep those pics in mind when we catch those gimps Faustine and Aimee.
Subject: White Stripes
I Think I Smell A Rat
Oh I think I smell a rat
I think I smell a rat
all you little kids
seem to think you know
just where it's at
I think I smell a rat
walking down the street
carrying a baseball bat
I think I smell a rat
Oh I think I smell a rat
I think I smell a rat
all you little kids
seem to think you know
just where its at
I think I smell a rat
treating your mother and father
like a welcome matt
I think I smell a rat

Anthrax Missing From Army Lab

2002-01-21 Thread mattd

 Anthrax Missing From Army Lab
January 20, 2002
By JACK DOLAN And DAVE ALTIMARI, Courant Staff Writers

Lab specimens of anthrax spores, Ebola virus and other pathogens 
disappeared from the Army's biological warfare research facility in the 
early 1990s, during a turbulent period of labor complaints and 
recriminations among rival scientists there, documents from an internal 
Army inquiry show.

The 1992 inquiry also found evidence that someone was secretly entering a 
lab late at night to conduct unauthorized research, apparently involving 
anthrax. A numerical counter on a piece of lab equipment had been rolled 
back to hide work done by the mystery researcher, who left the misspelled 
label antrax in the machine's electronic memory, according to the 
documents obtained by The Courant.

This could be a British agent on her majesties secret service,I suspect 
Adam Ant.APster all pommies!

Re: Herman Kahn on the futility of pansy-left anarchism (was: Responsibility)

2002-01-21 Thread Jim Choate

On Sun, 20 Jan 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anarcho capitalists do not plan to seize and hold power.
 Intelligence, organization, and discipline is still required,

 but the organization and discipline does not need to be of
 the monolithic kind required to seize and hold power.

A perfect example of the CACL hypocrisy...or perhaps confusion about
reality...take your pick.


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[Armageddon-or-NewAge] Commercial database use flagged (fwd)

2002-01-21 Thread Jei

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 23:30:36 +1300
To: Armageddon or New Age? [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Armageddon-or-NewAge] Commercial database use flagged

Commercial database use flagged
By William Matthews
Jan. 16, 2002

Privacy advocates have filed a lawsuit in federal court to force the Justice
and Treasury departments to disclose details about buying information about
individuals from commercial databases. The agencies are generally banned
from amassing such information on their own.

Electronic Privacy Information Center officials said Jan. 15 that the two
agencies have illegally failed to respond to Freedom of Information Act
requests for details about their information purchasing practices.

Lawyers for EPIC sought the information after seeing news reports and
obtaining documents that indicate at least six federal law enforcement
agencies buy personal information from database companies.

The companies include ChoicePoint Inc., which gathers and sells information
for purposes ranging from employment background checks to insurance fraud
investigations, and Experian, which claims to have information gathered from
hundreds of public and proprietary sources on 215 million consumers.

The Privacy Act of 1974 banned federal agencies from collecting personal
information about individuals unless they are actively investigating the
individual. But no such prohibitions apply to database companies.

The companies collect data from a wide range of commercial and government
sources, such as credit card records, motor vehicle and property records,
license records, marriage and divorce data, bankruptcy and other court
databases, product warranty registrations, loan applications and other

Government agencies that buy the information include the FBI, the Drug
Enforcement Administration, the U.S. Marshals Service, the Internal Revenue
Service, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, according to EPIC.

A key concern for privacy advocates is how accurate the data is, said Chris
Hoofnagle, EPIC's legislative counsel who filed the suit. ChoicePoint, for
example, provided inaccurate data to Florida election officials, who denied
thousands of voters access to the polls in 2000.

Hoofnagle said EPIC obtained documents that show that information the IRS
bought from ChoicePoint and Experian included credit header data, which
includes a person's name, current and prior addresses, Social Security
number, date of birth, telephone number, information from property records,
motor vehicle records, marriage licenses and divorce papers, and records of
international asset location. IRS employees have access to this data through
their desktop computers, Hoofnagle said.

It is not clear whether the agencies buying information are violating the
law, but if they are buying information without real investigations going
on, then there are going to be problems, he said.

The Privacy Act was passed to stop information collection abuses that were
common during the 1960s and 1970s, when the FBI and other agencies compiled
detailed dossiers on Vietnam War protesters, civil rights activists,
political enemies of the president, celebrities and others.

Hoofnagle said recent cases show that the abuse of information by government
employees has not ended. Recent abuses include police employees using
information to track women for dates and to rob rental cars and federal
employees selling DEA data, he said.

You don't have to have a rogue government, just a rogue civil servant, he

The Justice Department has 30 days to respond to the suit.


Electronic Privacy Information Center

Recognizing facial ID possibilities [FCW.com, Oct. 23, 2001]

Security trumps privacy in new order [Federal Computer Week, Sept. 24,

Less privacy for digital data [Federal Computer Week, June 18, 2001]

The state of surveillance [Federal Computer Week, June 18, 2001]

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Re: Crypto-Anarchist Activities Control Act (CAACA)

2002-01-21 Thread Anonymous

 So Cypherpunks is a political movement, then? You are cohesive, and, as
frequently pointed out, have a written doctrine. (i.e., read the archives,
twit seems to echo in my mind). You have meatspace meetings, and members
which identify with you as a movement.

Of course, and hereby I officially and under oath declare that I am the
Secretary General of the Cpunk Movement. I have been a member for a long time,
and I know many members personally. I also have a membership Card.

We meet on a regular bases, and the main objective of our meetings, as can be
witnessed by reading of the official agendas, is to make life of Men Who Control
Men With Guns (MWCMWG, aka government) as miserable and as short as possible.
The main method that we deploy is designing and disseminating weapons (aka crypto
tools) which make it impossible or hard for MWCMWG to figure out what is going
on among dissenters, sheeple and population in general. The rationale for this is
simple: a blind man is a lousy combatant, and also very funny.

Although many Movement members tend to portray themselves (for the obvious self-
preservation reasons) as patriotic {americans, subjects, french, germans, whatever}
and invoke a shield of paper documents such as law, constitution, MWCMWG official
propaganda and similar, that is just a front. Our ultimate goal is to remove the
primitive social engineering type (politician) from the gene pool. Some of us
would like to use Pb for this goal, but, as with cockroaches, while crushing is
spectacular and offers instant gratification, the real solution is the slow poison. 

We, the Movement, are the only credible threat to the state, because we have the
expertise to neutralise the very tools the state hopes will give it eternal power.

To protect the United States against certain un-American and subversive

You could be sarcastic, but I'm afraid that's just too much to hope for. I think that
you are plain stupid. You stated before that you are a lawyer - so you base your
referent system on MWCMWG rule book whose sole purpose is to keep the system
frozen. I do not doubt your sincerety, and you seem to use that as the argument.
I'm just saying that you have been firmwared beyond ability to comprehend reality.

And the reality will be the ultimate judge. Some history reading may help here. Maybe
you would be interested to find out what happens to those who fail to dis-align
themselves from the Empire on time. I trust that your self-preservation instincts can
overcome the programming.

Give Your Windows Operating System A Boost In Reliability Quickly

2002-01-21 Thread s15068

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Alien Antrax Farm.Are you OK aimee?

2002-01-21 Thread mattd

Discreetly buying plain envelopes while wearing gloves,applying stamps with 
water,NOT saliva and sealing mannitol,talcum powder,sweet and Lo or similar 
fine grey powder and posting to various federal and state employees,large 
junk food chains,other offensive corporations during a REAL anthrax attack 
is not only wrong,its wasteful of law enforcement resources and DANGEROUS! 
DONT DO IT! And don't mail them where no-one can see you,you immoral 

On the surface, selling arms to a country that sponsors terrorism, of 
course, clearly, you'd have to argue it's wrong, but it's the exception 
sometimes that proves the rule. 


2002-01-21 Thread s14345


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Re: Backscatter X-ray system.

2002-01-21 Thread Matthew Gaylor

At 10:51 AM -0800 1/21/02, Tim May wrote:
The Glock 17 is mostly metal, like nearly all other handguns. Only 
part of the frame is polymer, a design move also seen with some HKs 
(before Glock, actually), some SIGs, and so on.

I believe by weight it is 83% metal.

Regards,  Matt-

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Re: Backscatter X-ray system.

2002-01-21 Thread Petro

On Monday, January 21, 2002, at 10:51 AM, Tim May wrote:
 On Monday, January 21, 2002, at 08:19  AM, Trei, Peter wrote:
 Some of you concealed-carry afficianados might like to look at this
 image. It's a backscatter X-ray photo, showing a concealed (plastic)
 Glock 17 clearly turning up on a detection system There is an
 interesting image gallery at www.as-e.com
 The Glock 17 is mostly metal, like nearly all other handguns. Only part 
 of the frame is polymer, a design move also seen with some HKs (before 
 Glock, actually), some SIGs, and so on.

IIRC, the VP-70. Interesting design. Awful, Awful trigger.

 The slide, barrel, and various other parts show up on x-ray systems very 

In this photo, you can clearly see the whole outline, although the 
polymer parts are much fainter.

Anybody know what that bit in his left calf is?

Amendment II, Revised: A well-regulated population being necessary to the 
security of a police state, the right of the Government to keep and 
destroy arms shall not be infringed.
--Sten Drescher --