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Ocak 2003 Eğitim Takvimi

2002-12-23 Thread Boğazici Egitim
Title: Ýnsan Kaynaklarý Yönetimi,  Ýletiþim ve Kiþisel Geliþim Eðitimleri

Boðaziçi Eðitim

“Kuruluþumuzun 8. Yýlýnda;
Mutlu, Saðlýklý, Baþarýlý ve Barýþ Dolu Nice Yeni Yýllar  Dileklerimiz ve
Sizlere Özel Hazýrladýðýmýz Eðitimlerimizle, Hizmetinizdeyiz...” 



2003 Eðitim Takvimi


Sertifika Programlarý:


Planlama ve Denetim Uzmanlýðý   

Prof. Dr. Rüstem H.Rüstemoðlu,
26,27,28,29 Aralýk (30 Saat) Hilton, 820.000.000 TL + KDV

Satýnalma Yönetim Uzmanlýðý   

Doç. Dr. Þakir Esnaf, Özkan Kaymak,
Av. Ceyda Cimilli, 27,28,29,30 Aralýk (30 Saat) Hilton, 820.000.000 TL+ KDV

Muhasebe ve Denetim Uzmanlýðý   

Prof. Dr. Rüstem H.Rüstemoðlu, Volkan
Demir, 20,21,22,23,24 Ocak (36 Saat) Ýst Hilton, TL + KDV

Yönetimi Uzmanlýðý  

Prof. Dr. Rüstem H.Rüstemoðlu, Doç.
Dr. Hayri Kozanoðlu, Doç. Dr. Aziz Konukman, Dr. Þevket Sayýlgan,
22,23,24,25,26 Ocak (36 Saat) Ýst Hilton, TL + KDV

Lojistik Yönetimi

Doç. Dr. Þakir Esnaf, 23,24,25,26
Ocak (30 Saat) Ýst Hilton, 980.000.000 TL + KDV

Kaynaklarý Yönetiminde Endüstri Ýliþkileri Uzmanlýðý  

Prof. Dr. Toker Dereli, Doç. Dr.
Ahmet Selamoðlu, Doç. Dr. Tekin Akgeyik, Tahsin Sýnav, Nuri Þener Týðlý, 22,23,24,25,26
Ocak (36 Saat) Ýst Hilton, TL + KDV

Maliyet ve Yönetim Muhasebesi Uzmanlýðý 

Prof. Dr. Rüstem H.Rüstemoðlu, Volkan
Demir, 30,31 Ocak, 1,2 Þubat (30 Saat) Hilton, 980.000.000TL+ KDV


Seminer Programlarý:


Uluslararasý Teslim, Ödeme Þekilleri, Sevk ve Mali Belgeler  

Nurdan Öneren, 15,16 Ocak, Ýst
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Pazarlama Ýletiþimi - Müþteri Þikayet ve Ýtirazlarýný Karþýlama Teknikleri

Özkan Kaymak, 16 Ocak, Ýst Hilton,
290.000.000 TL + KDV

Hata Türü ve
Etkileri Analizi  

Prof. Dr. Besim Akýn, 16 Ocak, Ýst
Hilton, 290.000.000 TL + KDV

Satýnalma ve
Satýþ Yöneticileri Ýçin Sözleþmeler Hukuku

Av. Ceyda Cimilli, 16 – 17 Ocak, Ýst
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Bayi Yönetimi,
Bayilere Yönelik Seçme, Hedefleme, Denetleme ve Hukuksal Kriterler

Özkan Kaymak, 17 Ocak, Ýst Hilton,
290.000.000 TL + KDV

Rekabet Üstü
Ürün/Hizmet Tasarýmý Yaratýcý AR-GE Yöntemleri, 

Doç. Dr. Albert Güveniþ, 18 Ocak Ýst
Hilton, 290.000.000 TL + KDV

Yeni Rekabet
Anlayýþý ve Stratejik Ýnsan Kaynaklarý Yönetimi

Doç. Dr. Tekin Akgeyik, 18 Ocak, Ýst
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Muhasebe Sistemine Uygun Temel Muhasebe,  

Prof. Dr. Rüstem H.Rüstemoðlu, Volkan
Demir 18 – 19 Ocak, Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Satýnalma  Yönetimi, Satýnalmada Fiyat  Analizleri ve Tedarikçi  Ýliþkileri 

Doç. Dr. Þakir Esnaf, 18 – 19 Ocak,
Ýst Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Dönem Sonu
Ýþlemleri ve Vergi Matrahýna Geçiþte Dikkat Edilecek Konular   

Mehmet Altýndað, Prof.Dr.Rüstem
H.Rüstemoðlu, 18 – 19 Ocak, Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Ticaretin Finansmaný   

Doç. Dr. Aziz Konukman, 19 Ocak, Ýst
Hilton, 290.000.000 TL + KDV

Memnuniyeti Ölçüm Teknikleri   

Prof. Dr. Besim Akýn, 25 Ocak, Ýst
Hilton, 290.000.000 TL + KDV

Temel Ýnsan
Kaynaklarý Yönetimi

Doç. Dr. Ahmet Selamoðlu, 25 Ocak,
Ýst Hilton, 290.000.000 TL + KDV

Uygulamalý Halkla Ýliþkiler, 

Nilsu Kýzýltan 25,26 Ocak, Ýst.
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV


Mehmet Altýndað, 25,26 Ocak, ist
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Yöneticinin Bilmesi Gereken Finansal Konular

Prof. Dr. Rüstem H.Rüstemoðlu, 25,26
Ocak, Ýst Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Dýþ Pazarlara
Doðru; Ýhraç Fiyatýnýn Belirlenmesi, Müþteriye Ulaþma Yollarý, Vesaik
Hazýrlýðý, Sigorta ve Nakliye Ýþlemleri, Ambalajlama Uygulamalarý  

Nurdan Öneren, 25,26 Ocak, Ýst
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Hukuku, Karþýlaþýlan Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri

Av. Ceyda Cimilli, 25,26 Ocak, Ýst
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

için Etkili Müzakere ve Pazarlýk Teknikleri

Özkan Kaymak, 30,31 Ocak, Ýst Hilton,
440.000.000 TL + KDV

Yönetimi ve Üretim Planlama

Doç. Dr. Þakir Esnaf, 1,2 Þubat, Ýst
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Düzenlemeler Iþýðýnda Uygulamalý Dýþ Ticaret Teknikleri  

Nurdan Öneren, 1,2 Þubat, Ýst Hilton,
440.000.000 TL + KDV

Üst Düzey
Yönetici Asistanlýðý ve Yönetim Teknikleri, 

Nilsu Kýzýltan 1,2 Þubat, Ýst.
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV


Kesin kayýt için kayýt formu doldurulmasý
ve banka dekontu ile birlikte tarafýmýza gönderilmesi gerekmektedir. 

Öðle yemeði çay-kahv


2002-12-23 Thread 要做网站的就进来看看



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   300M  asp cgi,php +ACCESS Êý¾Ý¿â,Ë͹ú¼Ê¶¥¼¶ÓòÃûÒ»¸ö,Ö»Ðè 500Ôª/Äê  


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   ÂíÉÏÉêÇë: http://www.myagly.com/special/index.asp


   ÁªÏµµç»°:0592-2180338  QQ:93767793

Re: CDR: Correction of Mike Rosing Disinfo.

2002-12-23 Thread Marc de Piolenc

Matthew X wrote:
> "If you lose control, the reactor scrams."
> I don't recall a lot of scientific scoffing of the China Syndrome movie
> when it came out.

When it first came out, it was considered a plausible scenario. Later,
DOE ran some accident simulations at an instrumented test reactor in
Idaho to induce a core meltdown. They got pretty much what later
happened at Three Mile Island - significant damage inside containment,
nothing outside.

>It also came out at almost the same time there were some
> problems SCRAMming a reactor that almost led to the east coast becoming
> uninhabitable for 250,000 years.

You mean that gravity was suspended? All it takes is a momentary
interruption of current to the solenoids holding the safety rods to
scram a reactor. Another antinuke fairy tale. If nothing else, the
250,000 year figure gives it away.

> Mike joins Mongo in the Nuclear corner? I am almost embarrassed to be a
> cuckoo here sometimes. Barbarella is a great movie tho.Look Mike,if
> reactors are so bombproof why did they pull all the webpages on them? I say
> they are still good targets and the best way to find out is field testing
> with Boeings.Do you want to know more?

Nobody is saying that nuclear reactors are invulnerable - only that a
NUCLEAR catastrophe cannot be triggered by an airplane. As somebody has
correctly pointed out, the powerhouse and spent fuel pools (the latter
the result of antinuke campaigns against reprocessing) are vulnerable.
It certainly is possible to put a reactor out of action by destroying
everything outside containment.

Marc de Piolenc


2002-12-23 Thread 要做网站的就进来看看



   Ó¢ÎĹúÄÚÓòÃû .com.cn  .net.cn  ´Ó1ÔÂ16ºÅÆðÖ»Ðè250Ôª

   100M asp cgi,php +ACCESS Êý¾Ý¿â Ö»Ðè 200Ôª/Äê (ËÍÎå¸öÓÊÏä)

   200M asp cgi,php +ACCESS Êý¾Ý¿â  Ë͹ú¼Ê¶¥¼¶ÓòÃûÒ»¸öÖ»Ðè 350Ôª/Äê(ËÍÁù¸öÓÊÏä)

   300M  asp cgi,php +ACCESS Êý¾Ý¿â,Ë͹ú¼Ê¶¥¼¶ÓòÃûÒ»¸ö,Ö»Ðè 500Ôª/Äê  


   ¿ìËÙ¶ÈÉêÇë(Çëµã»÷£©£º http://www.myagly.com/host/index.asp


   ¸ß¡£ÏµÁг¬ÖµÔùËÍ·þÎñ£¬²»¿É²»¿´£¡ (Ïà¹Ø×ÊÁÏ http://www.myagly.com/wzc.rar)
   ÂíÉÏÉêÇë: http://www.myagly.com/special/index.asp


   ÁªÏµµç»°:0592-2180338  QQ:93767793

Look your Best 1127

2002-12-23 Thread LEORA
Title: ::Knowledge is Power::

To no longer receive , visit here.

Ocak 2003 Eğitim Takvimi

2002-12-23 Thread Boğazici Egitim
Title: Ýnsan Kaynaklarý Yönetimi,  Ýletiþim ve Kiþisel Geliþim Eðitimleri

Boðaziçi Eðitim

“Kuruluþumuzun 8. Yýlýnda;
Mutlu, Saðlýklý, Baþarýlý ve Barýþ Dolu Nice Yeni Yýllar  Dileklerimiz ve
Sizlere Özel Hazýrladýðýmýz Eðitimlerimizle, Hizmetinizdeyiz...” 



2003 Eðitim Takvimi


Sertifika Programlarý:


Planlama ve Denetim Uzmanlýðý   

Prof. Dr. Rüstem H.Rüstemoðlu,
26,27,28,29 Aralýk (30 Saat) Hilton, 820.000.000 TL + KDV

Satýnalma Yönetim Uzmanlýðý   

Doç. Dr. Þakir Esnaf, Özkan Kaymak,
Av. Ceyda Cimilli, 27,28,29,30 Aralýk (30 Saat) Hilton, 820.000.000 TL+ KDV

Muhasebe ve Denetim Uzmanlýðý   

Prof. Dr. Rüstem H.Rüstemoðlu, Volkan
Demir, 20,21,22,23,24 Ocak (36 Saat) Ýst Hilton, TL + KDV

Yönetimi Uzmanlýðý  

Prof. Dr. Rüstem H.Rüstemoðlu, Doç.
Dr. Hayri Kozanoðlu, Doç. Dr. Aziz Konukman, Dr. Þevket Sayýlgan,
22,23,24,25,26 Ocak (36 Saat) Ýst Hilton, TL + KDV

Lojistik Yönetimi

Doç. Dr. Þakir Esnaf, 23,24,25,26
Ocak (30 Saat) Ýst Hilton, 980.000.000 TL + KDV

Kaynaklarý Yönetiminde Endüstri Ýliþkileri Uzmanlýðý  

Prof. Dr. Toker Dereli, Doç. Dr.
Ahmet Selamoðlu, Doç. Dr. Tekin Akgeyik, Tahsin Sýnav, Nuri Þener Týðlý, 22,23,24,25,26
Ocak (36 Saat) Ýst Hilton, TL + KDV

Maliyet ve Yönetim Muhasebesi Uzmanlýðý 

Prof. Dr. Rüstem H.Rüstemoðlu, Volkan
Demir, 30,31 Ocak, 1,2 Þubat (30 Saat) Hilton, 980.000.000TL+ KDV


Seminer Programlarý:


Uluslararasý Teslim, Ödeme Þekilleri, Sevk ve Mali Belgeler  

Nurdan Öneren, 15,16 Ocak, Ýst
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Pazarlama Ýletiþimi - Müþteri Þikayet ve Ýtirazlarýný Karþýlama Teknikleri

Özkan Kaymak, 16 Ocak, Ýst Hilton,
290.000.000 TL + KDV

Hata Türü ve
Etkileri Analizi  

Prof. Dr. Besim Akýn, 16 Ocak, Ýst
Hilton, 290.000.000 TL + KDV

Satýnalma ve
Satýþ Yöneticileri Ýçin Sözleþmeler Hukuku

Av. Ceyda Cimilli, 16 – 17 Ocak, Ýst
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Bayi Yönetimi,
Bayilere Yönelik Seçme, Hedefleme, Denetleme ve Hukuksal Kriterler

Özkan Kaymak, 17 Ocak, Ýst Hilton,
290.000.000 TL + KDV

Rekabet Üstü
Ürün/Hizmet Tasarýmý Yaratýcý AR-GE Yöntemleri, 

Doç. Dr. Albert Güveniþ, 18 Ocak Ýst
Hilton, 290.000.000 TL + KDV

Yeni Rekabet
Anlayýþý ve Stratejik Ýnsan Kaynaklarý Yönetimi

Doç. Dr. Tekin Akgeyik, 18 Ocak, Ýst
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Muhasebe Sistemine Uygun Temel Muhasebe,  

Prof. Dr. Rüstem H.Rüstemoðlu, Volkan
Demir 18 – 19 Ocak, Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Satýnalma  Yönetimi, Satýnalmada Fiyat  Analizleri ve Tedarikçi  Ýliþkileri 

Doç. Dr. Þakir Esnaf, 18 – 19 Ocak,
Ýst Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Dönem Sonu
Ýþlemleri ve Vergi Matrahýna Geçiþte Dikkat Edilecek Konular   

Mehmet Altýndað, Prof.Dr.Rüstem
H.Rüstemoðlu, 18 – 19 Ocak, Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Ticaretin Finansmaný   

Doç. Dr. Aziz Konukman, 19 Ocak, Ýst
Hilton, 290.000.000 TL + KDV

Memnuniyeti Ölçüm Teknikleri   

Prof. Dr. Besim Akýn, 25 Ocak, Ýst
Hilton, 290.000.000 TL + KDV

Temel Ýnsan
Kaynaklarý Yönetimi

Doç. Dr. Ahmet Selamoðlu, 25 Ocak,
Ýst Hilton, 290.000.000 TL + KDV

Uygulamalý Halkla Ýliþkiler, 

Nilsu Kýzýltan 25,26 Ocak, Ýst.
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV


Mehmet Altýndað, 25,26 Ocak, ist
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Yöneticinin Bilmesi Gereken Finansal Konular

Prof. Dr. Rüstem H.Rüstemoðlu, 25,26
Ocak, Ýst Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Dýþ Pazarlara
Doðru; Ýhraç Fiyatýnýn Belirlenmesi, Müþteriye Ulaþma Yollarý, Vesaik
Hazýrlýðý, Sigorta ve Nakliye Ýþlemleri, Ambalajlama Uygulamalarý  

Nurdan Öneren, 25,26 Ocak, Ýst
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Hukuku, Karþýlaþýlan Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri

Av. Ceyda Cimilli, 25,26 Ocak, Ýst
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

için Etkili Müzakere ve Pazarlýk Teknikleri

Özkan Kaymak, 30,31 Ocak, Ýst Hilton,
440.000.000 TL + KDV

Yönetimi ve Üretim Planlama

Doç. Dr. Þakir Esnaf, 1,2 Þubat, Ýst
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV

Düzenlemeler Iþýðýnda Uygulamalý Dýþ Ticaret Teknikleri  

Nurdan Öneren, 1,2 Þubat, Ýst Hilton,
440.000.000 TL + KDV

Üst Düzey
Yönetici Asistanlýðý ve Yönetim Teknikleri, 

Nilsu Kýzýltan 1,2 Þubat, Ýst.
Hilton, 440.000.000 TL + KDV


Kesin kayýt için kayýt formu doldurulmasý
ve banka dekontu ile birlikte tarafýmýza gönderilmesi gerekmektedir. 

Öðle yemeði çay-kahv

你想在网上做广告吗?do you have products to sell in net?

2002-12-23 Thread hello
ÄãÈç¹ûÐèÒª×ö¹ã¸æ£¬ÇëÄ㽫ÄãËùÒªÐû´«µÄ²úÆ·ºÍ¶ÔÏó¸æËßÎÒ£¬ÎÒ»áΪÄ㶨ÖÆÄãËùÒªµÄÓÊÖ·£¬¼Û¸ñ£º30ÍòÓÊÖ·100Ôª£¬ËÍÈí¼þÒ»Ì×£¬Ò»ÈÕÄÚ½»»õ£¬ÎÒµÄÓÊÏäÊÇ[EMAIL PROTECTED]»òÓû§Ãûusa123268»òusa123368
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yaoweb.comÖÐÒªÇó³·³ýÄãµÄÓÊÏäµØÖ·¡£ ÔÚÖ÷ÌâÖÐÌîдÄãµÄÓÊÏä
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 »òÓÑôÃû£ºusa123168usa123268   usa123368µÄ@yaoweb.com


2002-12-23 Thread JOSEPH SAVIMBI
Good Day,

I hope this mail meets you in good time. My proposal to you will be very surprising, 
as we have not had any Personal contact. However, I sincerely seek your confidence in 
this transaction, which I propose to you as a man of intergrity.

First and foremost I wish to introduce myself properly to you. My name is Joseph 
Savimbi, I am a nephew and Personal Assistant to Jonas Malheiro Savimbi, the leader of 
UNITA (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola). I got your email address 
from a directory, in my search for a partner for this transaction, hence this letter. 

You may know that my Uncle was recently killed in a battle with the government troops 
of Angola, led by President Dos Santos, on Friday 22nd February 2002. After my Uncle's 
death, Mr. Antonio Dembo who was his second in command,  assumed office as leader of 
UNITA, and UNITA was in a state of turmoil. Prominent members like Carlos 
Morgado lobbyed to depose him and assume office as leader to enrich themselves and 
some of them who saw me as a threat to their ambitions, including Mr.Dembo, planned to 
kill me. The tension and confusion in UNITA become uncontrlable when Mr. Dembo died 
10days after my Uncle died. Being a young man who desires a peaceful life, I am 
no more interested in conflicts and wars, this is why I secretly left Angola and came 
here (The Netherlands) to seek political asylum.

I am sincerely seeking for your highly needed assistance in respect to safekeeping of 
some of my Uncle's money that arose from Diamonds sales. This money (US$18.5million), 
was already on its way to my Uncle's Swiss Bank account, through the Diplomatic means 
we use to move money abroad, and was on transit with a private safe deposit 
security company here in Amsterdam, Netherlands when the tragic incident of my Uncle's 
death occurred. I then instructed the company to secure the consignment containing the 
money pending on further instrutions from me.

As a matter of fact, this is the reason I chose to come to The Netherlands to seek for 
political asylum. It is very clear with 
the way things are now, that President Dos Santos will lobby the International 
Community to freeze my Uncle's assets and accounts abroad, to ground UNITA, since he 
has already done this in Angola.

I plan to use this money to safeguard my future. It is very essential that you 
understand that the kind of trust and confidence I want to put in you is 
extraordinary, and an act of desperation on my part, in order not to lose this money. 
Also, ensure that this contact with you should be treated with utmost secrecy.

The help I need from you is clearing the box containing the money which is deposited 
in my name, from the security company, after which, the money will transfered to your 
account preferably a new account you should open for this transaction.  My share of 
the money will be returned to me when my asylum application is granted, and I have 
permission to do business and open an account here. 

For your reliable assistance, I will reward you with 15%($2,775,000) of the money. We 
shall use 5%($925,000) to carry out every expenses that we come across at any time. 
The remainder of the 5% shall be given to a Charity Organisation. 

I have with me, the Certificate of Depositfor the consignment, which will be used for 
claim from the security company. Also, everything will be legally processed for 
transfer of ownership to you, and this transaction should be completed immediately 
depending on your prompt response.

I thank you in advance as I anticipate your assistance in enabling me achieve this 
goal. Please contact me whether or not you are interested in assisting me. This will 
enable me scout for another partner in the event of non-interest on your part.


Another contra criminal is back on the pad.The Abrams file.

2002-12-23 Thread Matthew X
Let fury have the hour/anger can be power/ Did ya know that you can use it?
Kick over the wall/Cause government to fall/How can you refuse it?
--Working for the Clampdown

In memorium.Joe S.sadly missed.

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

Another dubious retread back in the loop


Remember when President Bush said he was going to bring honor and integrity 
back to the Oval Office, implying, of course, that the credibility of the 
executive branch had been undermined by his predecessor, affectionately 
known in GOP circles as "Slick Willie"?

Recall with me the words of No. 43's favorite political philosopher: "Ye 
shall know them by their fruits."

It's unfair to make ultimate judgments about shrubs based on the bearing of 
questionable pieces of fruit, but for those skeptical of political rhetoric 
it does raise serious concern when a man of integrity appoints Henry 
Kissinger -- a guy with a reputation as an international war criminal -- to 
chair what is perhaps the most important federal commission ever assembled 
to investigate national security.

I guess honor and integrity took it on the chin when the good Dr. Kissinger 
resigned from the post the other day.

Sure, if the head of the Nevada boxing commission appointed Don King as 
chairman of a task force investigating corruption in professional pugilism, 
it doesn't mean he's a bad guy, right?

I mean, who can better infiltrate the murky underworld of prize-fighting 
promotion than King? Who cares if it doesn't inspire public confidence?

So if the Kissinger appointment didn't convince you that Bush is dead 
serious about restoring honor and integrity to the Oval Office, the recent 
naming of Elliot Abrams as Condoleezza Rice's top aide in charge of Middle 
Eastern affairs ought to make it a bit clearer.

Abrams is most famous for the perjury he committed as assistant secretary 
of state for Inter-American Affairs when he testified before Congress 
during the Iran-Contra hearings.

In October 1991, rather than stand trial for feloniously evading the truth, 
Abrams pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor charges of withholding information 
from Congress. On Nov. 5, 1991, he was sentenced to two years probation and 
community service. He never completed his sentence because in the final 
days of No. 41's administration he was given a presidential pardon.

So what does someone who played a significant part in illegal arms dealing 
and a high-level cover-up do after leaving government service? Go to work 
as the president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, of course -- a 
position Abrams was appointed to in July 1996.

Abrams' defenders (like Kissinger supporters) argue that he is a very 
"competent" diplomat; an intellectual with impressive credentials.

Abrams' credentials are impressive indeed. A Harvard grad with a master's 
degree in international relations from the London School of Economics, he 
started his diplomatic career as assistant secretary of state for 
international organizations, becoming the youngest person ever to rise to 
the ranks of assistant secretary of state. An upcoming star, Abrams was 
dubbed by colleagues "the king of Latin America."

Investigative journalist David Harris' book "Shooting the Moon: The True 
Story of An American Manhunt" provides lots of insider details about 
Abrams' diplomatic career south of the border.

During his State Department tenure, after defending Panamanian dictator 
Manuel Noriega on behalf of former CIA director George Casey, Abrams 
flip-flopped when Bush decided to go after the general.

In fact, Abrams went so far as to draft plans to invade Panama. The plan 
was to use a "surgical strike" deploying commando troops armed with 
extradition papers and the backing of the world's most powerful military.

"When news of this plan eventually reached the Department of Defense, the 
reviews were unanimous," Harris writes. " 'Off the wall,' 'cockamamie,' 
'comic strip,' 'sloppy' and simply 'bull (expletive)' were perhaps the 
nicest things said about it there."

Gen. Fred Woerner described Abrams' plan as a "hare-brained scheme ordered 
into execution before anyone had any time or inclination to work out the 

Typical of "chicken hawks," Abrams response was that the military brass was 
made up of a bunch of "wimps."

Harris relates one particular strategy meeting in which former Joint Chiefs 
of Staff Adm. William Crowe rebuked Abrams, saying: "There was no such 
thing as a 'surgical strike.' . . All military operations are by definition 
messy. Only someone who had never been involved in one could imagine 

"As a military man" Crowe was "quite frankly, frightened by such civilian 
fantasies about military action."

The retired admiral told an acquaintance that Abrams was little more than a 
"fanatic," Harris reports. "Even years later, the chairman (Crowe) still 
professed to be mystified a

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2002-12-23 Thread cpunks_anon

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2002-12-23 Thread hello
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Anarchist Police and Thieves.

2002-12-23 Thread Matthew X
Anarchist Police and Thieves. (english)
profrv@(nospam)fuckmicrosoft.com 4:25pm Mon Dec 23 '02

One online anarchs year and half,illuminated rounds in the infowar.Bought 
to you,as a pubic service by P & I Youth Inc.(limited)
Who are the anarchist thieves?
When I came online I was drawn to a story called,'crypto convict refuses to 
recant,'tracking that story drew me in to the cypherpunks list where 
various 'heavies' were using the word anarchy and anarchist.This looked 
exciting as the net bubble reached it's zenith,anarchists were on the 
streets in numbers and the internet and anarchy seemed made for each 
other.What soon became apparent was that the Cypherpunk 'anarchists' turned 
out to be lamer libertarians,objectivists or pants down republicans.They 
were common burglers with words stealing anarchism from it's rightful 
owners to bolster their pathetic capitalist delusions.
Finding a good resource to combat the cretins was easy...
And thieves never prosper but could their ever be such a thing as anarchist 
Reading around on the web you can hardly avoid the Reverend ChuckO,I 
remember seeing him in the lists as we fought in vain to keep the worst of 
the orcs and trolls off the newswire.I only ever had a couple of minor 
disagreements with him so gradualy gravitated to infoshop.com.This is an 
impressive anarchist portal and for a long time seemed untouchable.Suddenly 
within a week the walls of reality have come crashing down.The Reverend has 
posted two toxicly shocking articles and began laying about himself with an 
axe,hacking comments off his interactive newswire like chuck0 the 
barbarian.Power corrupts and it seems it has it's claws in the Rev.
Some perspective is only fair though what with the collapse in street 
support since 9-11,the dawn of the leftist dead where various 
Leninist's,maoist and trotskist cults and sects have crawled out of the 
mummies tomb.With wolfpacks on the right and now the left,real anarchists 
such as El Libertario are being thrown to them.The true best hope now seems 
for some new anarchists to come along.The stars,the hacks,the rats and the 
pope's of contemporary anarchy have done their dash.
Anarchy is dead,Long live Anarchy!

Back on the chain gang again.


To Hell With God.

2002-12-23 Thread Matthew X


Never a better time. (english)
profrv@(nospam)fuckmicrosoft.com 2:41pm Mon Dec 23 '02

There may never be a better time to slay one of anarchism's oldest 
foes,organized religion.There is a lot of excellent anti-religious 
resources online and the goodwill capital of practically all religions is 
at a new low.(at least in countries where the net is)The long term 
anarchist project is to overthrow the tyranny of God and the State and we 
may be well be closer to completing this spectacular project than even many 
'anarchist,'pundits dream.

"If there was a god it would be necessary to destroy it."



Searchword hobrad

Correction of Mike Rosing Disinfo.

2002-12-23 Thread Matthew X
"If you lose control, the reactor scrams."

I don't recall a lot of scientific scoffing of the China Syndrome movie 
when it came out.It also came out at almost the same time there were some 
problems SCRAMming a reactor that almost led to the east coast becoming 
uninhabitable for 250,000 years.
Mike joins Mongo in the Nuclear corner? I am almost embarrassed to be a 
cuckoo here sometimes. Barbarella is a great movie tho.Look Mike,if 
reactors are so bombproof why did they pull all the webpages on them? I say 
they are still good targets and the best way to find out is field testing 
with Boeings.Do you want to know more?

Psst Sheik... (english)
profrv@(nospam)fuckmicrosoft.com 10:39am Mon Dec 23 '02

I downloaded some Nuclear files soon after 9-11 as we thought they might 
get pulled,as,in fact, they later were.I have the encrypted files stored 
safely in the wildnets and they are for sale at a reasonable price by 
negotiation here or at cypherpunks.They are free to those with a 
demonstrated capacity to use them against the Great Satan.Shookoran.

What the State fears,APster,Meltdowns,Anthrax,whatever works is good.If you 
cant help at least get out of the way.
"If the police get in the way of our march, tangle with the blue-helmeted 
motherfuckers and kill them and send them to the morgue slab."
Bullets whizzing in the general direction of uppity politicians are the 
most eloquent of citizen protests.
When Cypherpunks are called "terrorists," we will have done our jobs.
Font: Daschle-Anthrax-Bold

The pathetic imbecile PTREI.

2002-12-23 Thread Matthew X
>>>Non-voters are NOT viewed by those in power as protesting against the 
system. They are viewed as: a: People who are happy as fat with the way 
things are going. and b: People whose viewpoints can be totally ignored. <<<

Plenty of anarchists who don't vote,even where it's compulsory,(like here) 
know when the participation rate drops below 50%,neither side can claim a 
mandate.Those in power can then be ignored.This is the long march to Anarchy.

>>>So Jim, I think you have it exactly backwards. I vote. But I always 
vote for libertarian candidates if they are available (and they 
increasingly are), and against the incumbent if not (modulo some *very* 
local races where I actually have personalities to deal with, as opposed to 
spindoctored facades). Peter Trei <<<

 'I vote.' Say no more.

Response to crypto enquire's re 1 SMS Co.and Dragontalking.

2002-12-23 Thread Matthew X
Dragontalking,(some pricey packages.)
Subject: Re: Encryption
No it is not.
At 12:33 AM 12/21/02, you wrote:
I know a Dr who wants his dictation encrypted on the fly.Is that a feature?
Subject: Re: Encryption?

At Saturday, December 21, 2002, 9:41:00 AM, you wrote:
MX> Is there a way to send PGP messages on SMS?
Not a way built into SMS Sender.
MX> Cut and paste from notepad?
Nico Cuppen
Please leave original mail in place when replying. Thanks.

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2002-12-23 Thread DelphiForums Special Offers
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Justice For Sex Workers.

2002-12-23 Thread Matthew X
This article sets out some of the main problems faced by sex workers in 
their relationship with the State, and concludes with a brief interview 
with Jenn Clamen of the International Union of Sex Workers. You're 
self-employed, running a legal small business on a tight budget and want to 
advertise your services. For most, a card in the local shop window or phone 
box might be just the ticket. But not if you're a sex worker, it seems. 
Clamp down Though prostitution is legal, soliciting on the streets isn't. 
Until the Criminal Justice & Police Act came into force in 2001, the 
prostitute's tactic of advertising sex by putting cards in phone boxes was 
legal too ­ not anymore. It's estimated that 13m cards are distributed 
across Britain each year and in 2001 BT removed 150,000 from phone boxes in 
central London alone ­ though it didn't stop schoolboys swapping cards in 
playgrounds when the Pokemon craze died down! Apart from the waste of 
money, carding is now attracting severe penalties as the police and local 
councils clamp down.The police pose as clients and get the addresses of 
people selling sex. They are visited, warned, often the landlord is 
informed. With most landlords afraid of being charged with abetting 
prostitution, such a warning usually ends in eviction. The woman (and it 
usually is a woman, sometimes with children) is moved on again and again. 
Their livelihoods are lost as it takes time to re-build your client base. 
Immigration officials often accompany police, and women working illegally 
are issued a deportation order and dumped at the nearest airport. Sometimes 
the only way they can raise the airfare is to head back into town and go 
back on the streets. If they have been trafficked (smuggled into the 
country) they may still owe the traffickers their fare and be in immediate 
danger here and in their home countries. Cards at flats are confiscated and 
the card boys, if caught, face heavy fines, up to £1,000, or 28 days in 
jail. One operation in the area covered by right-wing Westminster Council 
(all-part of its family-friendly tourist strategy) led to 60 card boys 
being charged, though none of the women were. As Jenn Clamen says: "The 
real agenda is not getting rid of the cards, but getting rid of the women. 
Prohibition is unlikely to drive sex workers into convents but harassment 
will force them underground where there is less access to support networks 
and where they risk more violence." Interview Organise!: When was the union 
formed, what are its main policies, how many members does it have and what 
do they see as the main benefits of membership? Jenn: The IUSW was formed 
in 2000 and now has 100 members. It has recently affiliated to the GMB and 
its Sex Work & Fantasy Branch has 40 members. The main demands of the IUSW 
are: decriminalisation of all aspects of sex work involving consenting 
adults; the right to form and join professional associations or unions; 
zero tolerance of coercion, violence, sexual abuse, child labour, rape and 
racism; legal support for sex workers who want to sue those who exploit 
their labour; the right to travel across national boundaries and obtain 
work permits wherever we live; clean and safe places to work; the right to 
choose whether to work on our own or co- operatively with other sex 
workers; the absolute right to say no; access to training ­ our jobs 
require very special skills and professional standards; access to health 
clinics where we do not feel stigmatised; re-training programmes for sex 
workers who want to leave the industry; an end to social attitudes which 
stigmatise those who are or have been sex workers. O: What are the main 
benefits of membership? Jenn: The main benefits of membership are that 
being part of a collective group that is ostracised and generally doesn't 
get to enjoy all of the benefits of a free society, gives power and 
confidence to people in the sex trade. Being part of the GMB has the usual 
practical benefits: discounted travel insurance, free legal advice, 
compensation for injuries at work (although this only applies to people 
working in wholly `legal' aspects of the trade i.e. massage parlours or 
dance clubs). O: What are the main forms of discrimination faced by sex 
workers? Jenn: Because the law around sex work is so contradictory and 
ambiguous, it is very difficult to ensure that sex workers can be safe and 
healthy in their jobs. This in itself is discrimination. The Government has 
set up the law to feign approval of sex work, by making it `legal'. 
However, none of the activities around sex work (including living off the 
money earned) is legal. This too is discrimination. On a more practical 
level, sex work is not considered a real job, so people who sex work cannot 
enjoy the benefits of working in a `real' job i.e. compensation if hurt, 
health benefits, etc. O: Is sex work dangerous? Jenn: There is a lot of 
danger in sex work because of the lack of proper laws. Sex w

==> (( cypherpunks Try Qcsbs $1,500+/ Wk Millionaire Cash System, Change Your Life !!! )) <==

2002-12-23 Thread QCSBS-AMERICA



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2002-12-23 Thread Matthew X
>>the letter was written in response to an article which I found very 
insulting, and as a non-American and non-Westerner I can identify with a 
lot of the anger expressed here.<<

The beauty of e-mail is we can narrow down these polemics and keep them in 
perspective.Personally I found the response insulting to anarchists.At 
least the anger was confined to the style and not the content.

 >>> At this point of time I am considering very seriously to end all my 
collaborations with Western activists, because I simply can´t put up with 
their humiliating attitudes any longer.<<<

And would you say this was a general thing? It might be good, as I said to 
take a holiday from each other?
I did not find your response to me that angry or insulting so there is 
absolutely no need to apologize to me.I think our best chance for clear 
communications is equality and I will keep fighting in my own way for more 
equality in the world.Thanks for writing directly  ,it means a lot.I really 
want things to improve where you are and all over.
PS. Do you know of the El Libertario group in Venezuela? Like them? Dislike?

CDR: Re: Bruce Schneier Hullabaloo

2002-12-23 Thread Matthew X
>>>On Sat, 21 Dec 2002, Neil Johnson wrote: > U, how about. > > 1. Big 
multi-national corporation buys off politicians to pass laws to protect > 
their business model (DMCA anyone ?) > 2. Gets meter maid to enforce said 
law. > 3. See above. > > Ahhh, I see. Let's just get rid of the middle-man 
(government) and then the > corps can take take of enforcement directly 
(pirate a song, get whacked). > > Much more efficient I would guess. 
Congratulations, you're starting to understand the 'hidden agenda' of the 
CACL [1] contengent. [1] Crypto-Anarcy, Anarcho-Capitalist, Libertarian <<<

That contingent seems to be slowly shrinking and with a bit of luck will 
soon drop off.
The true meaning of Anarchy has nothing to do with these free market 

Re: Correction of AP-CIA Disinfo.

2002-12-23 Thread Mike Rosing
On Mon, 23 Dec 2002, David Howe wrote:

> It isn't that wildly inaccurate - losing both control rooms would be
> (and has been on at least one occasion) an absolute nightmare. on that
> occasion, technicians had to get a five-year batch of radiation in ten
> minutes by going in, operating *one* valve by hand, then getting the
> hell out before they reached a lethal dose.
> From *that* one they learnt that having two control rooms doesn't do
> jack if you run both sets of wire along the same trays - and have
> flamable insulation on the wires.

If you lose control, the reactor scrams.  A "5 year dose" is 7.5 Rem,
about 1/100th the dose of a single chemo treatment.  The only case
of fire on insulation I know of was a reactor in Georgia (USA) where
they were using a candle to find an air leak, and shut down the
reactor because both sets of cables went thru one vent.  1) don't use
candles to measure air flow and 2) don't lay backups in the same tray.
Nobody got any radiation dose from that incident tho.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Start the New Year With Financial Success

2002-12-23 Thread alvaincomes326

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Start the New Year With Financial Success

2002-12-23 Thread spankt68hedur

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at 0001, January 1, 2003.


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Please, at least go look. do yourself a favor, give yourself a pay raise tonight!! You 
are in control of your future.

Onward to success and Financial Freedom!

Go to: http://www.gmt101.com/main.htm.  Use ID # 100238252 as referral number.

... and I'll tell you how.

But hurry.  Get GRAND-FATHERED before January 1, 2003 and I promise, you'll put 
yourself in line for checks up to 12,000.00 in 6 cycles.  Each cycle is approximately 
4 - 6weeks. Everyone who gets into position between now and December 31st will be 
Grandfathered in and will not have to follow the new guidelines, they will just have 
to follow 
the present requirements, which are:
Activate your On-Line ReCommerce Communication System 
Register with OSU at www.onlinesuccessuniversity.com 
Once you have done that, your will then be 100% guaranteed to 
start to receive $12,000.00 per position for 6 cycles.  Each cycle 
takes about 4-6 weeks.   
Go to: http://www.gmt101.com/main.htm.  Use ID # 100238252

The sooner you join, the faster you can make money!

If you have any questions, send to

That's all there's to it.
Go to:  Go to: http://www.gmt101.com/main.htm.  Use
ID # 100238252 and then you can make up your
own mind. NO Commitment NO Recruiting!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Prosperous Regards,

PS:  After December 31st The PASSIVE INCOME ends and new requirements
take affect. NOW is the perfect time to join, as others are joining in droves.
Over 13,500 checks were written this week and that will triple as this weeks cycle
takes affect in about 4 weeks.  Be part of this cycle

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The Thing.net Repression.

2002-12-23 Thread Matthew X
December 23, 2002
Thing.net assistance page:
Contact: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bowing to pressure from the Dow Chemical Corporation, the internet company 
Verio has booted the activist-oriented Thing.net from the Web.
Internet service provider Thing.net has been the primary service provider 
for activist and artist organizations in the New York area for 10 years.
On December 3, activists used a server housed by Thing.net to post a parody 
Dow press release on the eighteenth anniversary of the disaster in which 
20,000 people died as a result of an accident at a Union Carbide plant in 
Bhopal, India. (Union Carbide is now owned by Dow.) The deadpan statement, 
which many people took as real, explained that Dow could not accept 
responsibility for the disaster due to its primary allegiance to its 
shareholders and to its bottom line.
Dow was not amused, and sent a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) 
complaint to Verio, which immediately cut Thing.net off the internet for 
fifteen hours. A few days later, Verio announced that Thing.net had 60 days 
to move to another provider before being shut down permanently, 
unilaterally terminating Thing.net's 7-year-old contract.
Affected organizations include PS1/MOMA, Artforum, Nettime, Tenant.net 
(which assists renters facing eviction), and hundreds more.
"Verio's actions are nothing short of outrageous," said Wolfgang Staehle, 
Thing.net Executive Director. "They could have resolved the matter with the 
Dow parodists directly; instead they chose to shut down our entire network. 
This self-appointed enforcement of the DMCA could have a serious chilling 
effect on free speech, and has already damaged our business."
RTMark, which publicizes corporate abuses of democracy, is housed on 
Thing.net. Please visit https://secure.thing.net/backbone/ to help 
Thing.net survive Dow's and Verio's actions, and to develop a plan to avoid 
such problems in the future.
# 30 #

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2002-12-23 Thread Loans%917



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Soliciting For Assistance.

2002-12-23 Thread Robert Kabeda
Mr.Robert Kabeda

You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you do not know me 
personally. The purpose of my introduction is that I am Robert Kabeda the first son of 
David Kabeda , a farmer in Zimbabwe who was recently murdered in the land dispute in 
my country. I got your contact through network online hence decided to write 
you.Before the death of my father, he had taken me to Johannesburg to deposit the sum 
of US8.5 million (Eight million, Five Hundred thousand United States dollars), in one 
of the private security company, as he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe this 
money was deposited in a box as gem stones to avoid much demurrage from security 
company. This amount was meant for the purchase of new machines and chemicals for the 
Farms and establishment of new farms in Swaziland.
This land problem came when Zimbabwean President Mr.Robert Mugabe introduced a new 
Land Act Reform wholly affecting the rich white farmers and some few black farmers, 
and this resulted to the killing and mob action by Zimbabwean war veterans and some 
lunatics in the
society. In fact a lot of people were killed because of this Land reform Act for which 
my father was one of the victims.It is against this background that, I and my family 
fled Zimbabwe for fear of our lives and are currently staying in the Netherlands where 
we are seeking political asylum and moreso have decided  to transfer my father's money 
to a more reliable foreign account. since the law of Netherlands prohibits a refugee 
(asylum seeker) to open any bank account or to be involved in any financial 
transaction throughout the territorial zone of Netherlands, As the eldest son of my 
father, I am saddled with the responsibility of seeking a genuine  partner that
could assist me without the knowledge of my government who are bent on taking 
everything we have got. The South African government seems to be playing along with 
I am faced with the dilemma of moving this amount of money out of South Africa for 
fear of going through the same experience in future, both countries have similar 
political history. As a businessman,I am seeking for a partner who I have to entrust 
my future and that of my
family in his hands, I must let you know that this transaction is risk free. If you 
accept to assist me and my family, all I want you to do for me, is to make an 
arrangements with the security company to clear the consignment(funds) from their 
afiliate office here in the Netherlands as i have already given directives for the 
consignment to be brought to the Netherlands from South Africa.But before then all 
modalities will have to be put in place like change of ownership to the consignment 
and more importantly this money I intend to use for investment.
I have two options for you. Firstly you can choose to have certain percentage of the 
money for nominating your account for this transaction. Or you can go into partnership 
with me for the proper profitable investment of the money in your country. Whichever 
the option you want, feel free to notify me. I have also mapped out 5% of this money 
for all kinds of expenses incurred in the process of this transaction.If you do not 
prefer a partnership I am willing to give you 10% of the money while the remaining 85% 
will be for my investment in your country. Contact me with the above email address  , 
while I implore you to maintain the absolute
secrecy required in this transaction.
Yours Faithfully
Robert Kabeda  

Get Paid to Shop! Get Paid to Eat Out!

2002-12-23 Thread Professional Shopper
Title: Get Paid to Shop!










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Calls For Assassination Of Businessmen.

2002-12-23 Thread Matthew X
Back on the chain gang...
Pretenders Frontwoman Calls For Assassination Of Businessmen
(12/11/02, 5 p.m. ET) -- Chrissie Hynde is at it again. The Pretenders 
leader seems to be calling for the heads of some business leaders as a 
solution to some of the world's economic problems.
Hynde, who says multinational corporations "are destroying the planet," 
tells Tower Records' Pulse magazine, "The last resort is for someone to go 
in and actually take these guys out. Maybe it will have to be an 
out-and-out assassination. When no one will listen anymore, then 
individuals have to take the law into their own hands and it can get very 
ugly. When some people decide to run the world for their own economic 
interests, then someone has to take them out."
A spokesperson said Hynde's words were taken out of context, and that she's 
certainly not suggesting that people commit murder.
The socially active Hynde, you might recall, caused a bit of a stir in 1989 
when she suggested that people should firebomb McDonald's restaurants. 
After someone attempted to do just that, she issued a retraction under 
threat of legal action from the food chain. She was also arrested at a Gap 
outlet in New York City in March 2000 after she and three cohorts from 
People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals (PETA) slashed some leather 
clothing to protest the company's use of black-market leather from India 
and China, which the Gap has since stopped.
pr writes on Monday December 23 2002 @ 11:58AM PST: [ reply | parent ]
I feel vidicated somewhat by this,thanks Chrissie! This is something that 
can be (nearly) all done online these days.See...
http://freedom.orlingrabbe.com/lfetimes/jbellth.htm http://www.stiffs.com/ 
"If we find negligence on the side of any person or institution... 
http://www.halfbakery.com/idea/Public_20Subscription_20Assassination ... 
Public Subscription Assassination .Assassins sans Frontiers.

Re: Correction of AP-CIA Disinfo.

2002-12-23 Thread David Howe
at Monday, December 23, 2002 7:29 PM, Mike Rosing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
was seen to say:
> On Tue, 24 Dec 2002, Matthew X wrote:
>> The containment vessel may survive a jet impact but the control room
>> and/or temporary pools of spent fuel lying outside the containment
>> vessel might not survive. A nuclear core without monitored control
>> because everything outside the containment vessel is incinerated can
>> cause a modern day China Syndrome or Chernobyl disaster.
> Bwah haha ha ha heee  "China syndrome" huh?  go watch jane in
> barberella, you'll learn more physics.  This is what i get for
> bypassing the kill file :-)  but it is mighty funny!
It isn't that wildly inaccurate - losing both control rooms would be
(and has been on at least one occasion) an absolute nightmare. on that
occasion, technicians had to get a five-year batch of radiation in ten
minutes by going in, operating *one* valve by hand, then getting the
hell out before they reached a lethal dose.
>From *that* one they learnt that having two control rooms doesn't do
jack if you run both sets of wire along the same trays - and have
flamable insulation on the wires.

Re: Correction of AP-CIA Disinfo.

2002-12-23 Thread Mike Rosing
On Tue, 24 Dec 2002, Matthew X wrote:

> The containment vessel may survive a jet impact but the control room and/or
> temporary pools of spent fuel lying outside the containment vessel might
> not survive. A nuclear core without monitored control because everything
> outside the containment vessel is incinerated can cause a modern day China
> Syndrome or Chernobyl disaster.

Bwah haha ha ha heee  "China syndrome" huh?  go watch jane in
barberella, you'll learn more physics.  This is what i get for bypassing
the kill file :-)  but it is mighty funny!

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Start the New Year With Financial Success

2002-12-23 Thread pot34bob

Hi and Happy Holidays,

Respond and Join before December 31, 2002, as new (simple) requirements go into effect 
at 0001, January 1, 2003.


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IF you do want to WORK, I am telling you the bonuses are PHENOMENAL!!!  And, you can 
get more FREE positions earning you another $12,000.00 for each one.   

Please, at least go look. do yourself a favor, give yourself a pay raise tonight!! You 
are in control of your future.

Onward to success and Financial Freedom!

Go to: http://www.gmt101.com/main.htm.  Use ID # 100238252 as referral number.

... and I'll tell you how.

But hurry.  Get GRAND-FATHERED before January 1, 2003 and I promise, you'll put 
yourself in line for checks up to 12,000.00 in 6 cycles.  Each cycle is approximately 
4 - 6weeks. Everyone who gets into position between now and December 31st will be 
Grandfathered in and will not have to follow the new guidelines, they will just have 
to follow 
the present requirements, which are:
Activate your On-Line ReCommerce Communication System 
Register with OSU at www.onlinesuccessuniversity.com 
Once you have done that, your will then be 100% guaranteed to 
start to receive $12,000.00 per position for 6 cycles.  Each cycle 
takes about 4-6 weeks.   
Go to: http://www.gmt101.com/main.htm.  Use ID # 100238252

The sooner you join, the faster you can make money!

If you have any questions, send to

That's all there's to it.
Go to:  Go to: http://www.gmt101.com/main.htm.  Use
ID # 100238252 and then you can make up your
own mind. NO Commitment NO Recruiting!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Prosperous Regards,

PS:  After December 31st The PASSIVE INCOME ends and new requirements
take affect. NOW is the perfect time to join, as others are joining in droves.
Over 13,500 checks were written this week and that will triple as this weeks cycle
takes affect in about 4 weeks.  Be part of this cycle

This email is sent in compliance with strict anti-abuse and
NO SPAM regulations. The message was sent to you as a response
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Start the New Year With Financial Success

2002-12-23 Thread mizunk003

Hi and Happy Holidays,

Respond and Join before December 31, 2002, as new (simple) requirements go into effect 
at 0001, January 1, 2003.


People are making some INCREDIBLE money with this company.
PLUS...they recently announced a pay raise that is for EVERYONE!!!

If you have not joined, or even checked it out. You have got to do it now!!!  It may 
just be your best Christmas Present this year.

You will make over $12,000 US after a 6 cycle period, paid in installments every cycle 
for one position.

With 3 positions, you will make over $37,000 US after a 6 cycle period
paid to you in installments every cycle.



IF you do want to WORK, I am telling you the bonuses are PHENOMENAL!!!  And, you can 
get more FREE positions earning you another $12,000.00 for each one.   

Please, at least go look. do yourself a favor, give yourself a pay raise tonight!! You 
are in control of your future.

Onward to success and Financial Freedom!

Go to: http://www.gmt101.com/main.htm.  Use ID # 100238252 as referral number.

... and I'll tell you how.

But hurry.  Get GRAND-FATHERED before January 1, 2003 and I promise, you'll put 
yourself in line for checks up to 12,000.00 in 6 cycles.  Each cycle is approximately 
4 - 6weeks. Everyone who gets into position between now and December 31st will be 
Grandfathered in and will not have to follow the new guidelines, they will just have 
to follow 
the present requirements, which are:
Activate your On-Line ReCommerce Communication System 
Register with OSU at www.onlinesuccessuniversity.com 
Once you have done that, your will then be 100% guaranteed to 
start to receive $12,000.00 per position for 6 cycles.  Each cycle 
takes about 4-6 weeks.   
Go to: http://www.gmt101.com/main.htm.  Use ID # 100238252

The sooner you join, the faster you can make money!

If you have any questions, send to

That's all there's to it.
Go to:  Go to: http://www.gmt101.com/main.htm.  Use
ID # 100238252 and then you can make up your
own mind. NO Commitment NO Recruiting!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Prosperous Regards,

PS:  After December 31st The PASSIVE INCOME ends and new requirements
take affect. NOW is the perfect time to join, as others are joining in droves.
Over 13,500 checks were written this week and that will triple as this weeks cycle
takes affect in about 4 weeks.  Be part of this cycle

This email is sent in compliance with strict anti-abuse and
NO SPAM regulations. The message was sent to you as a response
to your ad, an opt-in opportunity, your address was collected
as a result of you posting to one of my links, reviewing your
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to an opt-in mailing list.
If you would like to be removed please send an email to
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Stealth stocks that make you money in two-weeks!!11299

2002-12-23 Thread Sheryl

RJV Networks, Inc. (OTC BB: RJNV)
Press ReleaseSource: RJV Network, Inc.
(OTC BB: RJVN) Announces Cancer Treatment Therapy
Advances Using BioCurex RECAF Technology Through A
Licensing Agreement with its BioKinetix (acquisition

Thursday December 19, 10:00pm ET 

RJV Network, Inc. (OTC BB:RJVN.OB - News), a Nevada
corporation, is in the process of acquiring BioKinetix
Research Inc. BELLEVUE, Wash., and announces further
developments of the combined Company revolutionary cancer
treatment therapy, now just months away from formal market
testing to begin.

BioCurex Inc. (OTC BB:BOCX.OB - News) announced on December
16th that it has completed a licensing agreement with
BioKinetix (being acquired by OTC BB: RJVN) to use
BioCurex's RECAF technology. The license will allow
BioKinetix to use its InNexus Super Antibody platform
technology to create therapeutic antibodies; then combining
RECAF antibodies with RJVN Super Antibody technology could
give BioKinetix the potential to create both highly potent
therapeutic antibodies, as well as vaccines to immunize
against the RECAF receptor, creating a highly effective
treatment for most cancers as agreed upon by many world
renowned molecular biologists, including Dr. John Todd
of RJVN BioKinetix. 

BioCurex, Inc. is a biotechnology company that is
developing products based on patented / proprietary
technology in the areas of cancer diagnosis, tumor imaging
ad therapeutics. The technology identifies a cancer marker
known as RECAF(tm), which is found on malignant cells from
a variety of cancer types but absent in most normal or
benign cells. Detailed information about BioCurex may be
obtained from their website at biocurex.com .

Created over ten years of expensive research and
development, RECAF technology is able to effectively
locate molecules (markers) that are present on active
cancer cells, but not on healthy cells. The combination
of these two technologies gives BioKinetix the potential
to create a series of therapeutic products that may treat
most cancers. The therapeutics to be developed are
monoclonal antibodies that mark growth factor receptor
on cancer tissue. Combining RECAF antibodies with Super
Antibody technology will give BioKinetix the potential
to create both highly potent therapeutic antibodies, as
well as vaccines to immunize against the RECAF receptor. 

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995
provides a "safe harbor" for forward-looking statements.
Some information included in this press release contains
statements that are forward-looking. Such forward-looking
information involves significant risks and uncertainties
that could affect anticipated results in the future and,
accordingly, these results may differ materially from
those expressed in any forward-looking statements made
by or on behalf of the Company. For a description of
additional risks and uncertainties, please refer to
the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange

On behalf of the Board of Directors, 

Mr. Edward Velton, President 
Contact: For RJV Network, Inc.  Grant Young

Company NameRJV Networks, Inc.
Current Price---$0.26
52 Week High$2.10
52 Week Low-$0.26

Target $4 -to- $6 Q1/2003

Investment Highlights

RJVN projects it will be able to treat most cancers with
its combined targeted therapy treatment which is based
upon an astounding discovery by a molecular biologist
at the Univ. of Michigan - The causal link to breast
and most other malignancies and cancers in the protein
RJVN has developed a series of cancer treatment therapies
which utilize pan-cancer market antibodies. Antibody
therapies do not create chemical toxicity and, as such,
are fast tracked through the regulatory approval process.
Using this approach, RJVN is targeted to enter testing
for its products in six months. 
RJVN's combination of two leading, well known technologies
previously announced by BioCurex and InNexus Corp along
with RJVN's key MAb protein replicating technology has
allowed the Company to create a series of patented
therapeutic products that many molecular biologists
believe will treat most cancers. 
RJVN's R&D and Management are led by Dr. John Todd,
Dr. Charles Morgan (a world renowned molecular biologist
and 5 other industry leading Dr's all with several
years experience in bio-tech development.  

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If you would like to be included in our mailing list,
you will receive a 10 day free trial to a web site with
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2002-12-23 Thread Really!
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Correction of AP-CIA Disinfo.

2002-12-23 Thread Matthew X
A small three-paragraph story recently raised extreme concerns. This AP 
newswire from Washington told how engineering models appeared to confirm 
the nuclear industry's claim that a reactor containment vessel could 
withstand a direct hit from a jet airplane. This may be a convenient 
supposition proved by computer models but two significant points appear 

The containment vessel may survive a jet impact but the control room and/or 
temporary pools of spent fuel lying outside the containment vessel might 
not survive. A nuclear core without monitored control because everything 
outside the containment vessel is incinerated can cause a modern day China 
Syndrome or Chernobyl disaster.


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2002-12-23 Thread 25354wj113

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Joe Strummer RIP.

2002-12-23 Thread Matthew X
A Magical Musical Muse amist the Stars (english)
Arena of Magical Musical Muses 9:02am Mon Dec 23 '02

Enter The Divine Cosmic Time and Space Arena of

A Magical Musical Muse that now lives in eternity amist the harmony of the 
stars and in the wonderous sounds that he left us in our ears, our minds 
and our hearts!
A noble Musical soul shall be missed!
Prayers go out to he and his family!
Thanks for the 1970's and 1980's Melodious Musical Musings!

May he R.I.P. Clashing Forever amist the stars!

Strange but Rock The Csbah was a premonition of things to come at a future 
date in time and space?
And an Arena Gladiator all time Favorite!


"Rock the Casbah"

Now the king told the boogie men
You have to let that raga drop
The oil down the desert way
Has been shakin' to the top
The sheik he drove his Cadillac
He went a' cruisnin' down the ville
The muezzin was a' standing
On the radiator grille

The shareef don't like it
Rockin' the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
The shareef don't like it
Rockin' the Casbah
Rock the Casbah

By order of the prophet
We ban that boogie sound
Degenerate the faithful
With that crazy Casbah sound
But the Bedouin they brought out
The electric camel drum
The local guitar picker
Got his guitar picking thumb
As soon as the shareef
Had cleared the square
They began to wail


Now over at the temple
Oh! They really pack 'em in
The in crowd say it's cool
To dig this chanting thing
But as the wind changed direction
The temple band took five
The crowd caught a wiff
Of that crazy Casbah jive


The king called up his jet fighters
He said you better earn your pay
Drop your bombs between the minarets
Down the Casbah way

As soon as the shareef was
Chauffeured outta there
The jet pilots tuned to
The cockpit radio blare

As soon as the shareef was
Outta their hair
The jet pilots wailed


He thinks it's not kosher
Fundamentally he can't take it.
You know he really hates it.


May the force of
magical musical Hope Peace and Love Be With You

Signed with hope and peace love
We Liberty's Centrist Green Anarcho
One World Citizen-TM Bahai
Death Devotee Shiva-Arena Gladiators
Of The Society of The Sacred Sword

Thus in the Millennial Adventure of the Soul
we arrive again once more
For each Hero is the conscious vehicle
of the terrible wonderful Law
Whether his work be that of a Butcher,
{FOOL}, Hero, Jockey or Kingâ?¦
Weapons cut Him not;
Fire burns Him not;
Water wets Him not;
Wind does not wither Him;
The self cannot be cut
Nor burnt, nor wetted , nor withered
Eternal, All Pervading
Unchangeable, Immovable
Being The Unmoved Mover
The Known Self is The Same Forever,

And thus we have Freedom to Live
For the Battlefield is Symbolic of The Field of Life
Where every creature lives on the Death of another
For our Life is bounded by Two Silences
The Silence of Stars and That of Graves

R.I.P in and back out from the grave
Be seeing and hearing and dancing in this life time and our next LifeTime 
Dear Brother Magical Musical Muse known as Joe Strummer !

Exit The Arena out from the grave of stars
Now Fade to Black as you travel amists the stars
in Time and space


Physics News Update 618 (fwd)

2002-12-23 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 11:16:47 -0500
Subject: Physics News Update 618

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 618 December 23, 2002   by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein, and James

[SSZ: Text deleted]

answer hard-to-test questions about the quantum world, a NIST ion-trap
computer can now simulate how the unique rules of quantum mechanics can
affect a microscopic particle's "continuous variables," quantities such as
position and momentum which can have a smooth continuum of values.  Acting
as a form of quantum computer, the NIST ion trap might only need a couple of
seconds to simulate a quantum physics experiment that can take days to carry
out.  Moreover, the ion trap can simulate experiments that require rare
commodities, like entangled photons, which are created relatively
Since quantum computers embrace the unusual logic of the microscopic world,
they can perform powerful simulations of its often counterintuitive
phenomena.  First envisioned by Richard Feynman, quantum simulators are
perhaps the earliest practical application of quantum computing--in fact,
they have been around for several years now.  However, previous versions
(Update 438, http://www.aip.org/enews/physnews/1999/split/pnu438-2.htm )
have only re-created quantum phenomena involving "discrete variables," such
as an electron's energy in an atom, which can only have certain prescribed
values.   The new version recreates quantum processes involving both
discrete and continuous variables.
To construct their simulator, NIST researchers in Colorado trap a single
beryllium-9 ion with electric fields.  As the ion vibrates in the trap, its
position and momentum are continuous.  This allows the researchers to easily
simulate any other complementary pair of continuous variables-such as an
electric field's amplitude and phase-which have the exact same mathematical
interrelationship.  To perform simulations, the researchers shine a series
of carefully engineered light pulses on the ion.  The pulses cause the ion
to act like something it's not, such as an electron bound by an atom, or
even a photon as it hits a beamsplitter.  Under the influence of the pulses,
the ion's quantum states evolve in a way identical to the situation the
researchers want to study.
For now, the researchers have performed simple, proof-of-principle
demonstrations.  As an example, they have investigated how a photon would
behave if entangled with other photons by sending it through a beamsplitter.
Shining light pulses on the ion to simulate the effects of a beamsplitter on
a photon, the researchers have demonstrated that interferometry with up to
three other entangled photons would be three times as precise as
interferometers using single photons, in line with the recent experimental
results on bi-photon interferometry (Update 613,
http://www.aip.org/enews/physnews/2002/split/613-1.html ).  (Leibfried et
al, Physical Review Letters, 9 December 2002; Dietrich Leibfried,
303-497-7880, [EMAIL PROTECTED])

PRL CHANGES ITS PUBLICATION DATES.  Instead of appearing on Monday each
week, the print version of Physical Review Letters will now appear on
Friday.  The print issue will comprise all the articles that were published
online during that week.  It had already been the case for more than a year
that online publication marked the official publication date for each
article, and so the new print-version schedule does not affect this policy.
(http://prl.aps.org/edannounce/PRLv89i26.html )

PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE is a digest of physics news items arising
from physics meetings, physics journals, newspapers and
magazines, and other news sources.  It is provided free of charge
as a way of broadly disseminating information about physics and
physicists. For that reason, you are free to post it, if you like,
where others can read it, providing only that you credit AIP.
Physics News Update appears approximately once a week.

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Re: Policing Bioterror Research

2002-12-23 Thread Mike Rosing
On Mon, 23 Dec 2002, Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer wrote:

> The main question is - is 1984-type society stable ?

It's locally stable, but not globally stable.  It eventually
has to collapse.

> All this lamenting about hamstringed sheeple and fascist state does no
>good if it cannot motivate some effective resistance.

The state creates the motivation.  Focusing the motivation is
the hard part.

> My take is that via decimation of the middle class, successful
>subverting of the education system and development of the best propaganda
>machinery in the known history, the grounds are ready for a long-term
>stable totalitarian state.

No, it's got too many loose cannons.  It won't be long term.

> The WTC theatre was a masterpiece. I don't know if USG directly,
>indirectly or via simple negligence sponsored that event - but I am
>positive that the mythology of "government is too dumb to do anything
>intelligent" is outright wrong. They are not dumb. The WTC was used with
>extreme efficiency - I don't think that they missed any aspect of
>capitalizing on it.

There may be individuals in government who are smart, but they spend
most of their time outsmarting the other smart people in government
and not too much time worring about the masses.  The majority of
government employees are robots.  If they aren't acting like robots, they
get slapped around a lot.  The bureaucrats have tried to capitalize on
WTC, but now they have another big department to fight with.  That's
not what they expected!

> So, what can be done to blow the brains of the fascist state?

Violence isn't the only way to change things.  So far it seems
a good way to perpetuate the state.

> The small, or better negligible number of intellectuals and desperadoes
>of various kinds (from cypherpunks to militias) are not going to do it.
>Not enough discomfort, balls and guns.

When the NRA and ACLU are fighting the same battle, it ain't so
negligible.  that they aren't focussed in the same direction is
a problem that makes it easier for the state to defend themselves.

> Foreign opponents ? Unlikely. Europe has no military to speak of, and
>60,000 US troops in wiesbaden have tight control of the nuclear arsenal.
>The only semi-independent power is France. Russia ? It's still trying to
>stop the slide into the third world.

Foriegn opponents strengthen the state!  We're letting North Korea build
nukes with the hope that they will actually use them.  When that happens,
the US government becomes *important*.  We need to find a way to prove
they are impotent.

> So that leaves us with china, and it seems that chinese are in a mood
>for having two cooperating fascist governments rather than war.

The Chinese already have a good hold over the US.  Economically anyway.

> Who then ?

The battle is already engaged.  The "liberals" are regrouping, having
had their butts kicked a bit - but they still represent the state.
The libertarians are growing.  In fact, it's one of the main problems
the far right has - many people see the libertarian argument as a way
of removing the state from their desired way of life.  So the answer
is "everybody".  It's not that hard to convince most people that the
facist state doesn't help them at all.

> I see the only hope in some unforeseen development, most likely
>technological, that would disrupt the mechanics of the empire faster than
>the empire can coopt it. This has happened in the fast. Gutenberg's press
>effectively destroyed the church's power.

Unfortunatly the state is paying for all the development, so they
know who can do what.

> I think that this is the main reason behind massive clampdown on
>research of any kind. The empire knows that runaway knowledge and
>intelligence can kill it - therefore it will ban it.

No, they know they have to control all research so they discover things
first.  If they stop discovering things, they die.

> This is not about bioweapons or something known. This is the drive to
>achieve the monopoly on the knowledge and ensure the longevity of the
>empire. Empire knows very well that if someone, in some garage, invents a
>zap gun, that may be the end of it. And this regularly happened in the

All empires die from corruption.  This one is no different.  That it
can't find 1 or 2 guys who can urge lots of people into suicide missions
is proof of their impotence.  The desire to attack somebody who
can't fight back is further proof of impotence - if the US had real
power we'd have no problems talking to China about clamping down on
North Korea.

> So, read books, do experiments and teach others the same. Don't forget
>to play good consumers during the day - you don't want to get on the
>List. We will know when someone invents the Zap Gun. You'll see heads
>exploding on live TV.

It's nice to dream.  The reality is rather boring.  When enough people
point out the emperor has no clothes and he's an impotent moron, a new
emperor takes his place.  When the corruption

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RE: CRYPTO-GRAM, December 15, 2002

2002-12-23 Thread Trei, Peter
> On 20 Dec 2002 at 19:26, William Warren wrote:
> > voting keeps you free..voting is our way of controlling and
> > shaping the government.
> No matter who you vote for, a politician always gets elected.
> > Those who do not exercise this duty do not deserve to 
> > complain about what goes on.
> By voting, you give the appearance of consent to what the
> government does to you. 
Non-voters are NOT viewed by those in power as protesting
against the system. They are viewed as:

a: People who are happy as fat with the way things are going.
b: People whose viewpoints can be totally ignored.

So Jim, I think you have it exactly backwards.

I vote. But I always vote for libertarian candidates if they are
available (and they increasingly are), and against the incumbent
if not (modulo some *very* local races where I actually have
personalities to deal with, as opposed to spindoctored facades).

Peter Trei

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2002-12-23 Thread 게임투바이
Title: xmas-mail


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Re: War for drugs...

2002-12-23 Thread Mike Rosing
On Mon, 23 Dec 2002, Sandy Harris wrote:

> Methinks its more complex than that. I'm surprised to see reports of
> opium coming out of
> Afghanistan at all.

It's been almost 30 years since you were there, so things have
definitly changed!

> I was there in 1974, before the 1979 Russian invasion. Hashish was
> eveywhere of course -- it is
> part of the culture, always has been. We had offers to sell us hash from
> all sorts of people. Army
> officers at military checkpoints, waiters, respectable
> pillar-of-the-community businessmen running
> shops, sleazy lads who also wanted to introduce me to some local girls,
> customs oficers, ... We
> were offerred any amount from a few grams for our pipes up to multiple
> kilos built into furniture
> for export.

I'm jelous!

> We were not offerred opium or any of its derivatives. Opium was readily
> available in Iran,
> then under that Shah, and being smoked by both Iranians and foreigners
> at one party we went
> to. We saw large fields of opium poppies in Turkey. In Af, we saw no
> poppies and no opium.
> So now, when I hear reports of opium in Af, I'm inclined to assume it is
> a new phenomenon
> created for the Western (mainly American) market in response to various
> crackdowns in
> Turkey and Iran.

I think that's correct.  Afghanistan became the number 1 producer about
10 years ago, so from a 30 year vantage point that's "recent".

> I wish I had some reason to think America's "war on drugs" apparatus
> might behave
> sanely in Af, in particular that they wouldn't be stupid enough to
> attack marijuana and
> hasish cultivation.
> However, my guess is that they will try to ram all of their idiocy down
> Afghan throats.
> This is likely to mean some dead Americans and perhaps retaliation for
> that. It could
> be a real mess.

Could be??!!??  It is a real mess.  And it will get worse.  The
drugs issue is pretty minor tho.  For now, we seem to be letting all
the war lords build their cash reserves thru drug cultivation.  For
the moment we've got the same mental state as the Russians did in the 80's
with about the same military effectiveness.  Notice the lack of news
from that region?  The silence is pretty deafening.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Lose weight, look great - Forever young, HGH.

2002-12-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Bruce Schneier Hullabaloo

2002-12-23 Thread Jim Choate

On Sat, 21 Dec 2002, Neil Johnson wrote:

> U, how about.
> 1. Big multi-national corporation buys off politicians to pass laws to protect
> their business model (DMCA anyone ?)
> 2. Gets meter maid to enforce said law.
> 3. See above.
> Ahhh, I see. Let's just get rid of the middle-man (government) and then the
> corps can take take of enforcement directly (pirate a song, get whacked).
> Much more efficient I would guess.

Congratulations, you're starting to understand the 'hidden agenda' of the
CACL [1] contengent.

[1] Crypto-Anarcy, Anarcho-Capitalist, Libertarian


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[광고]이번 X-Mas 에는 집에서 놀자!?

2002-12-23 Thread 게임투바이
Title: xmas-mail


Insight on the News Email Edition

2002-12-23 Thread Insight on the News

A new issue of Insight on the News is now online.



  Folks, it’s the day before the day before Christmas. And not too many 
Washington creatures are stirring today. Unable to escape his own words, Trent 
Lott finally stepped down. It’s food for thought how a couple seconds of poorly-
thought-out talking can undo the efforts of 30 years of a man’s existence. Such 
is life in the political fast lane. Let’s hope new Senate Majority Leader Bill 
Frist (and the Democrats, too) learn from this.

  As for our new issue, John Carbaugh gives voice to the great unspoken 
issue --  how will the U.S. will deal with Iraq’s huge oil reserves in the event 
of war? Or – are we really Imperialists? 
http://www.insightmag.com/news/342410.html And Jamie Dettmer gives voice to the 
discomfort the White House is feeling, as they fail to find what they say Saddam 
has – weapons of mass destruction. http://www.insightmag.com/news/342411.html 
Along with an unusually fine collection of articles listed below. That’s it for 
today. Merry Christmas from all of us to you and yours! Until next time, from 
the Bunker -- by the tree – I remain your newsman in Washington.



Jamie Dettmer reports that with evidence proving elusive that Saddam has resumed 
work on weapons programs, U.S. officials are piling pressure on U.N. inspectors 
to intensify their inspections.




John Carbaugh writes that as the United States struggles to forge a domestic and 
international consensus in favor of action against Iraq, that country's oil 
reserves demand a place in the debate. 


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cancel my subscription to USN&WR, which I had subscribed to for some 55 years.”

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Plagued by charges of inefficiency, incompetence and corruption, Hans Nichols 
reports that the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda tries to write a 
first draft of international law. http://www.insightmag.com/news/342415.html



Jennifer Hickey writes that on the national level, the No Child Left Behind Act 
of 2001 (NCLB) did not meet the need of poor children for access to the full 
range of choices to escape low-performing schools. 



Managing Editor Paul Rodriguez writes that it always is a struggle in the news 
business to decide which stories to publish given the crush of competing news 
that comes across our radar screens.




Poindexter's snooper program draws fire; Penthouse 'readers' on the decline.




Get the inside story on the Bush/Gore Florida election fiasco – from the woman 
at the center of the controversy! 


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