Radiograph Case 16

2003-02-12 Thread Jon Adler, MD
Title: eMedicine
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   Cough With a Large Amount of Brown Sputum







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   A 76-year-old woman underwent left pneumonectomy for the treatment of a squamous cell carcinoma. A routine chest radiograph was obtained 6 months after the operation (see Image A). Two weeks later, the patient presents with a cough, a fever, and the production of large amount of brown sputum; another chest radiograph is obtained (see Image B). What is the abnormality shown on the most recent chest radiograph?


   This complication may occur in as many as 3% of patients undergoing pneumonectomy.




Sat Sharma, MD



University of Manitoba

eMedicine Editor:

Bruce Maycher, MD



University of Manitoba




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Make a killing in Real Estate.

2003-02-12 Thread Real Estate Millions

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FW: your next payday?

2003-02-12 Thread Payroll
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Remember Feb 14 is Valentine's Day

2003-02-12 Thread Prince's Flower Shop Pte Ltd
Title: To someone special





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Make Her Excited

2003-02-12 Thread largerecky
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Win a Computer in 30 seconds or less!

2003-02-12 Thread Prize Center
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You can quit

2003-02-12 Thread Beckie

Legal Options to Illegal Drugs
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	This is a VERY POTENT, loose-leaf formula that can be rolled, bowled, 
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	Ingredients: Half-edged
	Lily-rare Bian Lian (lobeline factors), Kona Lactuca 
	virosa,  Yucatan Turnera aphrodisaca, Hawaiian Vervain (Maui strain),
	Leonorus  Sibricus, rare Lotus Leaf, Jamaican Blue Verbena officinalis,
	Spanish Peumus Crocus  Sativa, Chinese (flowering-tops only) Horny
	Goat Weed
	Ginko Biloba, African Cola  Vera, and African Wilde Dagga (flowering-tops
	Chen Chen Herba does  not include any tobacco or any cannabis factors.
	.75 oz brick ...
	This is a Solid Hashish Formatted Smoking Blend. To be pipe smoked... a single
	goes a long way. Some people mix Chen Chen Herba and Tonga Tai Brick to 
	make the ultimate "Temple Ball" for a very RARE kind of smoke! 
	Comes with a FREE PIPE!
	Ingredients: Extreme
	ratio extractments ranging from 8.5 to 1, to 100 to 1 
	viripotent concentrations Drachasha, Chavana Prash, Trikatu, Black Seed Herb,
	Hybrid Flowering Turnera Diffusa, Capillaris Herba, Angelica Root, Wild
	mature leaf matter, Haritaki, Shatavari, Labdunum, Neroli, Unicorn Root,
	Rhoes, Dendrobian stems, Calea Zacalechichi buddings, Rue, Amla, Salvia 
	Divinorum, Crocus Sativa, Lotus and Gokshura cuttings.
	2oz. dropper
	A breakthrough Liquid Alternative for the Non-Smoker. To use, just
	put several 
	drops under the tongue or into a small glass of juice. 70+ servings. 
	Ingredients: Includes the
	following quantum-ratio, core-extracted/refined botanicals 
	in an alcohol base as a preservative: Albizzia flower-tops, Drachsha, Chavana
	Lactuca Virosa, Hybrid Flowering Turnera Diffusa, Wild Dagga, Capillaris
	Herba, Angelica 
	Root, Zizyphi Spinosae, Buplerum, Hybrid Valeriana officinalis Root, Albizzia
	mature Polygonum Vine, Calea Zacatechichi, Crocus Sativa flower-tops, Leonorus
	Sibricus buds, Cinnabris, Margarita herba, Biotae Orientalis, Salviae
	1 oz. dropper bottle
	Promotes both physical & psychological Desire & Uninhibitedness.
	For men & women!!! Under the tongue or in juice. 45+ servings.
	Ingredients: Whole MaHuang,
	Bee Pollen, Epimedium Angelica, Rehmannia, 
	Ginger,  Schizandra, Polygonatum, Adenophora, Tremella, Tang Kuei,
	 Codonopsis, Eucommium, Lycii Berry, Ligusticum, Peony Root, Fo Ti,
	Atractylodes, Ophiopogon, Royal Jelly, Euryales Seeds, Poria, Licorice,
	Mountain Peony Bark, Cormi Fruit, Rose Hips, Prince Ginseng, Scrophularia,
	Alisma, Astragalus, Fennel, uplerium, Cypera, Aconite, Polygala, Red Sage
	Root, Jujube Seed, Lotus Seed, Tien Chi Ginseng, Ligus Ticum, Psoralea,
	Seed, and Cisthanches in a solution containing 24% pure grain alcohol
	 as a 
	preservatve, distilled water and Lecithen as an emulsifier.
	An inhalant powder originally designed to help end cocaine and methamphetamine
	dependencies…Very psychologically uplifting, very mood-enhancing, very
	multi-level (body-mind-spirit) energizing. Non-invasive!!! Just a little
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	(includes glass snooter)
	Ingredients: Indian
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	rare Chinese Chai Hu concentrate & Ye Jiao Teng concentrate & Yuan
	concentrate and L-Carnosine. 
	Extravaganza INTRO
	OFFER*….Everything Above
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	INTRO OFFER*... 1 oz Chen Chen Herba, 2 oz brick
	of Tonga Tai
	$140.00 ... (Reg. Price $190.00)
	*Includes Pipe and personal brass



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	Please add $7.00 S&H to all orders.
	All credit ca

Re: CDR: Re: New Scientist - Joao Magueijo - Hero or Heretic? (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, Tim May wrote:

> > You still read science popularizers ?

> There's absolutely nothing wrong with reading popularizers.

Other than an clear block of time that could be better spent looking in
the horses mouth ;)


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"


Re: CDR: Re: New Scientist - Joao Magueijo - Hero or Heretic? (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, Tim May wrote:

> > Does the common man read his Hawking's book? Did Hawking even write it?
> Second, I don't know about Hawking's books, but Lee Smolin is one of

I especially like his "300 Years of Gravitation" and his '73 work on large
scale structure in time/space.

> stuff. This was mostly old hat 30 years ago (which is when I took Jim
> Hartle's class on general relativity). Hawking doesn't get much into
> the newer theories, at least not in any of the books of his I've
> skimmed.

Then you should skim more of them. Hawkings really jelled black hole
theory in the '73 work. He's pretty much the real modern father to some

I think he kicks Wheelers ass (nothing personal to Wheeler).


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"


I've got under Plan 9 r4

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Choate


Just a quick note that I've finally got Plan 9 to load without a lot of
hassle (eg some temporary DOS partition w/ a image). It now sees the CD on
install. So, I'm ready to do the demo next Thu. We are hot and online
people, finally ;)

After that I'll put my energy into getting the Auth functionality working.
At that point we'll bring the 9P file server online (ie
It will be 80G.

After that I'll get igor (ie general purpose anonymizing remailer under
Plan 9) working so we can move all the mailing lists and such over
(that's going to take a little longer). In the interim I'll get a irc
server and webpage going on saucer. I should have much ready in the
next 2-3 weeks. At that point I'll be in a position to start managing
keys for other sites w/ respect to namespace/resource access. We need
somebody who can do graphics, for the webpage. All work would be
contributed in some sort of Open Source license (which we'll have
to work out).

We need machines with dedicated and reasonably high speed (>= 128kb ISDN)
connections. Process serves are probably needed first. I'd suggest that
anyone interested create their own public (and private) namespace and then
we can transitively mount it through any of them. It would also be nice
if anyone has the resources if we could keep a 'lazy update' going so
nobody would lose anything in the namespace (at least that stuff that is
reasonable to back up). Several archive sites would be even sweeter.

With respect to the number of connections per node, we're trying to make
this a 'small worlds' network architecture. That means that each node
should have ln(n) connections (this is backbone connections as compared to
users accessing via a server. Each pair of nodes on a connection should
act to minimize common connections.

Regarding the irc server we'll have the following channels:


We can make other channels on request, provided they seem

If you're receiving this it means that you're on a mailing list which is
set to be moved in the near future to a Plan 9 based server. If you're
intrested in Plan 9 then please visit:

ps If there are any musicians out there, I'm interested in having a
   demo where muscians pipe their data via Plan 9 servers from
   distant sites where they each share the n-1 hardware feeds in
   parallel from the other sites.this means that any listener
   would mount the outgoing feeds under /dev/* and then dump them to
   their local sound card.


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"


Your FREE Cell Phone is Ready to Ship!

2003-02-12 Thread Shipping Dept.
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Men, double your contractions and duration with European Formula! (Doctor recommended)

2003-02-12 Thread GreatDeals

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Jane's Naval Forces News Briefs - 12 February 2003

2003-02-12 Thread Jane's News Briefs
Title: Jane's Naval Forces News Briefs: 12 February 2003


12 February 2003




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  Iraqi arms violations - Powell lays it on the line 
more here . . . 
[Jane's Defence Weekly - 11 February 2003]
  Updated Torbay returns to Royal Navy service
HMS Torbay, the first of four UK Royal Navy (RN) Trafalgar-class
attack submarines (SSNs) to receive the Swiftsure and Trafalgar
Final Phase tactical weapon system update package, has returned to
following its Pds240 million (US$384.9m) refit, reactor refuelling
combat system modernisation.
[Jane's Defence Upgrades - first posted to
- 27 January 2003]
  Blair, Chirac look to co-operate on future carrier production
The French government is to examine whether France could tie its
to build a second aircraft carrier into the UK's programme to
two new-generation carriers for entry into service in 2012 and
2015, President
Jacques Chirac declared last week.
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to
- 7 February 2003]
  UK awards unmanned underwater research package
The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) has awarded applied systems and
house Systems Engineering and Assessment (SEA) a Pds7 million
($11.5 million)
contract to conduct a three-year package of unmanned underwater
(UUV) research as part of the MoD's research competition pilot
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to
- 7 February 2003]
  Canada's marine security boost
The Canadian government has announced a C$172.5 million (US$113.3
marine security enhancement package that provides for improved
of ships' crews, passengers and cargo, as well as increased
and tracking of marine traffic.
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to
- 7 February 2003]
  Artillery system targeted for ships
A German industry consortium has completed a ship-fitting trial to
the feasibility of using a derivative of the PzH 2000 155mm/52-cal
artillery system for naval applications.
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to
- 7 February 2003]
  Second UK Royal Navy River-class OPV launched
HMS Severn, the UK Royal Navy's (RN's) second River-class
vessel (OPV) was launched from Vosper Thornycroft (VT)
Woolston shipyards on 4 December 2002.
[Jane's Navy International - first posted to
- 12 December 2002]
  DCN's SMX-21 shows innovative submarine design
DCN of France displayed a conceptual multirole, reconfigurable
- the SMX-21 - at the 2002 Euronaval show in Paris in October
[Jane's Navy International - first posted to
- 12 December 2002]
  USMC deploys fast cat to Southeast Asia
The US Marine Corps (USMC) is utilising the Austal Ships' fast
catamaran Westpac Express to transport combat forces based on
to Southeast Asia, as part of the US military's wider campaign
terrorism in the region.
[Jane's Navy International - first posted to
- 12 December 2002]
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Ground Flour opportunity.

2003-02-12 Thread Rebeccacqbj
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Fantastic Investments

2003-02-12 Thread Money Managers
Title: Passenger Safety is #1 Priority
Discover Tomorrow's Winners 
Urgent Notice
Cost of Airport Security Soaring
By Barbara De Lollis, USA TODAYThe Transportation Security Administration expects to pay as much as $211 million a month for passenger screening services from private firms.  Congress initially funded the TSA with $1.3 billion.  The Bush administration is seeking $4.4 billion more to carry the agency through September 30.
Safety Sector Company in High Demand
With about 3,000 airport bomb-scanning systems in use worldwide, the capability of Cal-Bay's (OTCBB: CBYI) pattern recognition technology and its portability makes it ideal for airport security (including aircraft cargo bays, baggage handling, and passenger scans).  Cal-Bay has developed a strategic alliance with another company that will provide an entry into the explosives-detection market for the military, which has significant potential for growth.
Analyst "Meehan Capital Management" says CBYI is undervalued
Analyst Rating:   Long-Term Speculative BuyRecent Price: 22 cents12-Month Target:   $2.5024-Month Target:   $5.00
More Reasons to Invest in CBYI
Cal-Bay Receives Major Purchase Order of over $250,000 from St. Gobain Containers of Muncie, Ind. Cal-Bay Joins financial network. will provide PPM coverage on Cal-Bay.  Through strategic relationship with FreeTrade by Ameritrade, shareholders can buy or sell CBYI stock commission free.  There are no account fees, transaction costs, or monthly charges.
Put CBYI on your Watch List.  Aquire a position commission free today!
Our Subscribers Get In and Out and Profit Like the Pro's!
Congratulations to our subscribers who took action on our recommendation to buy EMCS. It rallied and is holding steady at $7.00, a 330% profit!

Certain statements contained in this news release may be forward-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements may be identified by such terms as "expect", "believe", "may", "will", and "intend" or similar terms. We are NOT a registered investment advisor or a broker dealer. This is NOT an offer to buy or sell securities. No recommendation that the securities of the companies profiled should be purchased, sold or held by individuals or entities that learn of the profiled companies. We were paid $27,000 in cash by a third party to publish this report. Investing in companies profiled is high-risk and use of this information is for reading purposes only. If anyone decides to act as an investor, then it will be that investor's sole risk. Investors are advised NOT to invest without the proper advisement from an attorney or a registered financial broker. Do not rely solely on the information presented, do additional independent research
to form your own opinion and decision regarding investing in the profiled companies. Be advised that the purchase of such high-risk securities may result in the loss of your entire investment.  Not intended for recipients or residents of CA,CO,CT,DE,ID, IL,IA,LA,MO,NV,NC,OK,OH,PA,RI,TN,VA,WA,WV,WI. Void where prohibited.  The owners of this publication may already own free trading shares in CBYI and may immediately sell all or a portion of these shares into the open market at or about the time this report is published.  Factual statements are made as of the date stated and are subject to change without notice.  Copyright c 2002=OTC=
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Your ears and Eyes in China-Your China Recruitment and Logistics Agency

2003-02-12 Thread MCA
To whom it may concern,

MyChinaAgency is a professional logistics agency located in China. Our purpose is to 
offer close and personal services on a global level to our clients which include:
 Providing Temporary/Permanent staff placement as well as,
 Logistics within the local market
 Permanent or Temp storage, office space of various sizes
 Payroll Service
 Product Import/Export etc¡­
With MyChinaAgency, our clients will not only be provided with professional service 
but a partner in a competitive market.

Best regards,
Sunny Wong
Client Consultant
Southern China Office
MyChinaAgency Logistics Agency Co., Ltd.
Tel: (008620) 8454-1616
Web Site:

If you feel you are not interested or if this email has found its way to you by 
accident, please reply with deleted as your subject.

Re: Something conspicuously missing from the media survival lists

2003-02-12 Thread Declan McCullagh
On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 11:46:11AM -0800, Tim May wrote:
> He talks the talk, but his Justice Department continues to enforce 
> assault weapon laws (which are ipso fact unconstitutional, as the 
> language of the Second makes it clear that military-type rifles for the 
> citizen militia were the intent, not just "target pistols" and ".22 
> plinkers"). His DOJ continues to raid houses where "gun stockpilers" 
> are believed to be.

It is possible to come up with a reasonable explanation for the DOJ's
tortured and internally contradictory position by saying they're trying
to do as little as they can while still making the broad conservative
community reasonably happy. This is consistent with that theory:

Note by broad conservative community I do not include
politically-active gun owners, who would like an actual principled
stand on the 2A. Fat chance.

The DOJ wants to have it both ways. Watch what they say about
Washington, DC's Draconian gun laws in this week's lawsuit. You can't
legally *possess* *any* firearm inside the city limits without prior
police approval. That's why the Republicans (and a good number of the
small number of libertarians here) live in Virginia.


Your ears and Eyes in China-Your China Recruitment and Logistics Agency

2003-02-12 Thread MCA
To whom it may concern,

MyChinaAgency is a professional logistics agency located in China. Our purpose is to 
offer close and personal services on a global level to our clients which include:
 Providing Temporary/Permanent staff placement as well as,
 Logistics within the local market
 Permanent or Temp storage, office space of various sizes
 Payroll Service
 Product Import/Export etc¡­
With MyChinaAgency, our clients will not only be provided with professional service 
but a partner in a competitive market.

Best regards,
Sunny Wong
Client Consultant
Southern China Office
MyChinaAgency Logistics Agency Co., Ltd.
Tel: (008620) 8454-1616
Web Site:

If you feel you are not interested or if this email has found its way to you by 
accident, please reply with deleted as your subject.

West Ashley Health Online: Families-on-the-Go Safety Tips

2003-02-12 Thread mail
West Ashley Health Online: Families-on-the-Go Safety Tips 

"When you're being dragged, let go of the leash".

West Ashley Health Online, as a free community service, broadcasts 
health information to many thousands of local residents to help 
improve quality of life and to provide assistance when having 
to make important healthcare decisions. 

Jesse B. Ross, D.C. | Editor


You are receiving this because you, or someone you know, 
subscribed you to this free community service. To unsubscribe click

AOL Users: Links may not be "click-able" for you. 
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1. Parent Tips - Cherish Child's Individuality
2. Did You Know - Go With Grains
3. Safety Tips - Cars & Kids
4. Community Calendar - Wazzup 'round town
5. Light & Easy - Talks With Your Pharmacist Helps
6. Feature Article - Tips For Families On-the-Go (Part I)
7. Late Breaking Consumer & Natural Health News
8. Health Department Updates 


1. Parent Tips: Cherish your child's individuality. 

Support your child's interests and talents. Try to spend time alone with 
each of your children every day. Praise your children's differences and 
avoid comparing them or asking why they can't be like someone else.


2. Did you know - Go with the Grains

- According to the American Cancer Society, eating whole grains may 
help reduce your risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

- On average, Americans consume only one serving of whole grains each day.

- Only 7% of Americans eat three servings of whole grains daily

Sources: American Dietetic Association, Cornell University, 
American Heart Association; American Cancer Society


3. Car & Kids Safety Tips 

- Whether or not the keys are in the ignition, never leave your children 
unattended in or around a vehicle, not even for a minute. 

- Store your car keys in a secure place, where they are inaccessible 
to your kids. Children pay close attention to what you do and know full 
well what those keys are for and how to use them. 

- Always keep your car locked when it's parked in the driveway or the garage.


4. Community Calendar: Wazzup 'round town 

If you have an upcoming event that others should know about,
just e-mail all the particulars, and we will gladly post it. 


5. Light & Easy: Talks With Pharmacist Helps


6. The Doctor's Office - Jesse B. Ross, D.C. | Editor 

Safety Checklist for Families On-The-Go 
(Here is the first 5 tips. Next issue covers the other 5)

Just about every American family has the same lament: too much to do 
and too few hours in the day. Parents juggle family and career 
responsibilities while kids race from school to myriad extracurricular 
activities. All this running around can make it hard to find time to sit 
down and assess family safety. 

The Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) is the oldest and 
largest national nonprofit organization developing and promoting policies 
and programs to protect America's children and strengthen America's 
families. CWLA, recently selected by Worth magazine as one of the 
country's top 100 charities for the second year in a row, has created 
this list of safety issues to think about, along with some family safety tips. 

1. Car Seat Safety 

You may think that since you have a child car seat, you've done all you 
can do to ensure your child's safety while on the road. But proper 
installation of a car seat is not always as simple as it seems. Be sure to 
read the manufacturer's instruction manual for proper use and installation 
guidelines. If you have any questions, call the manufacturer or visit their 
Web site. Also, many local police stations, fire stations and hospitals 
will check your car seat for proper installation. 

2. Make Sure Smoke Alarms Work 

Having smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in your home 
is one of the easiest things you can do to protect your family. But they 
are worthless if the batteries have gone dead. Fire departments 
recommend changing your batteries once a year. Pick a date you'll 
remember -- your birthday, New Year's day, when you switch to 
daylight savings time, etc. Also, remember to test your alarms monthly 
to make sure they're working and keep them free from dust. 

3. Have an Escape Plan 

What would your family do if there was a fire in your home? Make sure 
you have an escape plan and practice it with your family. The best 
escape plans have two ways to get out of each room. When escaping, 
stay low to the floor. Smoke rises during a fire and the safest air is 
down low. Pick a sa

reasonable pledge

2003-02-12 Thread david
Initial draft of a reasonable pledge of allegiance:

I Pledge Allegiance to the cause of Individual Liberty and I 
neither recognize nor subject Myself to any Ruler or Higher 
Authority.  I swear to resist Tyranny on all fronts and to protect 
and advance freedom for Myself and other Sovereign Individuals.

David Neilson,
Gun-toting Anarchist

Re: New Scientist - Joao Magueijo - Hero or Heretic? (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread Tim May
On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 07:36  PM, Andri Esteves wrote:

On Thursday, 13 de February de 2003 02:02, you wrote:

On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 05:04  PM, Andri Esteves wrote:

Everything that could go wrong in academia and science is in 

That is the background Magueijo comes from...

I sat in a bookstore and read most of his book several weeks ago. A 

First, I kept looking for a clear description of the theory, with
convincing details, support, etc. I didn't find it. I instead found a
lot of stuff about peeing outside a bar in some tropical place, 
about his girlfriend, insults he delivered to editors at "Nature," and
on and on. Sort of a "Fear and Loathing on the Road to Quantum
Gravity." (Pun with Smolin's title intended.)

You still read science popularizers ?

If you like science you should go to the source. I can't read many 
articles, but good sinopses and conclusions give you an idea of the 
inplications. Just have to build a field mind map of an area...

There's absolutely nothing wrong with reading popularizers.

Unlike you, I see great value in reading overviews by folks like Brian 
Greene, Lee Smolin, and John Barrow before digging in to the arXives at

Second, I don't know about Hawking's books, but Lee Smolin is one of
the current popularizers who have done excellent jobs. I recommend 
of his books. His own "Three Roads to Quantum Gravity" is crystal 
in describing several of the competing theories. Smolin also explains
what's really important. (Check the archives for my past comments on
Smolin and topos theory, for example, from last summer.)

Never heard of him... Books are very expensive in Portugal...
As the publishing houses in portugal mainly publish religious or 
themes... I will probably read it in english...

He's one of Magueijo's collaborators on VSL, so if you have not heard 
of him you should not be commenting at all.

Third, I have no idea if the VSL theory is "right." Time will tell.

At least there is some experimental work on it. Wich tons of theorical 
in physics don't even try to achieve and with blessing of the 

This is a silly comment. There are experimental results in many areas 
of physics, including at the frontiers.

What can i say... Career or science. Are you part of the problem or of 

Venal comments.

--Tim May
"As my father told me long ago, the objective is not to convince someone
 with your arguments but to provide the arguments with which he later
 convinces himself." -- David Friedman

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2003-02-12 Thread 1limosprng

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2003-02-12 Thread GreatDeals

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2003-02-12 Thread DR.FAROUK BELLO
TELEOHONE NUMBER;234-8034748664
dear Sir,


 I got your contact from the Nigerian Chamber of
Commerce & Industry. Following this and other
investigations resulting in a good recommendation. We
have decided to contact you to help us with the legal
Transfer of US$28,600,000.00 (Twenty-Eight Million Six
hundred Thousand United States Dollars). The amount
stated above resulted from an over-invoiced contract
executed for the Nigerian National Petroleum
Corporation (N.N.P.C.) for which the contractors have
been fully paid. Because this money was part of the
overall contract sum amounting to close to
(US$100,000,000:00) that has been completed.

The said amount has remained dormant and floating in
our Apex Bank. Therefore, we will raise supplementary
documents to enable us transfer into an account that
is yet to be nominated. We need a foreign partner,
because as civil servants, the code of conduct does
not allow us to operate foreign bank accounts. Hence
we solicit for your assistance, we are requesting you
to provide us with the help for the safekeeping of
this money until our arrival in your company to
collect our share and decide on investment
possibilities of this money.

For your assistance in this transaction, we have
unanimously agreed to offer you 30% of this money, 5%
will be used in settling any incidental expenses that
may arise and the remaining amount will be for us. To
enable the prompt transfer of this money, kindly send
to us your personal details, contact information &
bank details in full.

We look forward to hearing from you and thanking you
for your anticipated cooperation and consideration in
the above subject matter. Please be informed that we
would appreciate the handling of this transaction in a
confidential manner. We sincerely advise that you
contact us on the above Telephone and fax numbers to
maintain the confidentiality of the business. Sending
e-mail will be appreciated.

Yours sincerely,


Re: New Scientist - Joao Magueijo - Hero or Heretic? (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread André Esteves
On Thursday, 13 de February de 2003 02:02, you wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 05:04  PM, Andri Esteves wrote:
> > Everything that could go wrong in academia and science is in Portugal.
> >
> > That is the background Magueijo comes from...
> I sat in a bookstore and read most of his book several weeks ago. A few
> comments:
> First, I kept looking for a clear description of the theory, with
> convincing details, support, etc. I didn't find it. I instead found a
> lot of stuff about peeing outside a bar in some tropical place, stories
> about his girlfriend, insults he delivered to editors at "Nature," and
> on and on. Sort of a "Fear and Loathing on the Road to Quantum
> Gravity." (Pun with Smolin's title intended.)

You still read science popularizers ?

If you like science you should go to the source. I can't read many tecnhical 
articles, but good sinopses and conclusions give you an idea of the article's 
inplications. Just have to build a field mind map of an area...

And after some time you get the ability to find if someone is bulshiting you 
on the "popularizing" front...

e-print is great...

> > There is a NEED for destructive purification in today's science.
> Second, I don't know about Hawking's books, but Lee Smolin is one of
> the current popularizers who have done excellent jobs. I recommend both
> of his books. His own "Three Roads to Quantum Gravity" is crystal clear
> in describing several of the competing theories. Smolin also explains
> what's really important. (Check the archives for my past comments on
> Smolin and topos theory, for example, from last summer.)

Never heard of him... Books are very expensive in Portugal... 
As the publishing houses in portugal mainly publish religious or black-magic 
themes... I will probably read it in english...

> Hawking writes about fairly established stuff, the usual black hole
> stuff. This was mostly old hat 30 years ago (which is when I took Jim
> Hartle's class on general relativity). Hawking doesn't get much into
> the newer theories, at least not in any of the books of his I've
> skimmed.
> (One of my texts 30 years ago was the Hawking and Ellis book, "The
> Large Scale Structure of Spacetime." This was heavy going, not the
> popular fluff he's been turning out lately.)
> Third, I have no idea if the VSL theory is "right." Time will tell.

At least there is some experimental work on it. Wich tons of theorical work 
in physics don't even try to achieve and with blessing of the establishment...

> Fourth, but I will say that Magueijo undercuts his arguments with his
> scatological denunciations of the establishment. I'll be the first to
> say that I am not always polite, but if I were publishing papers and
> attempting to get math or crypto results accepted, I doubt this
> approach would work:

What can i say... Career or science. Are you part of the problem or of the 

Computers and mathematics are a bit diferent from physics, in that the 
materialization of your ideas can have a vast laboratory in other people's 
computers... You could try a diferent way of doing criptoscience if you built 
a diferent comunity.

But if you only want the recognition of "certain individuals" and "certain 
establishments" what can i say?!  Everybody wants 3 meals a day...
It will not be me to judge that badly...

One of my problems is that there could be people doing real research on their 
part-time and the paid-ones don't even let them be heard...

> "The crypto community is filled with dumbshit charlatans. I piss on
> them. I piss on Rivest. I was taking a leak outside a bar in Maracaibo
> and it hit me: cyphers are just like big turds."
> Maybe he doesn't fully understand English and has some idea that
> interspersing vulgarities with scientific points is the cool thing to
> do.

Maybe he should point out things like you did it right now...
Well.. fed up portuguese are not really englishmen...
But he at least gave some emotion to it? Didn't he?! :)

> However, I'll bet he ends up at a U.S. university, particularly if the
> VSL theory gains any kind of acceptance. He spoke of one of his
> colleagues who landed at UC Davis recently.

Yes, he will. Americans love collecting "things". I remember Einstein 
commenting why he had to receive in his office, every VIP in the IAS in 
Princeton: "You see, I have been bought by Mr Flesher for the IAS and he has 
to have some return for the investment..."

Yours faithfully,

André Esteves

Re: New Scientist - Joao Magueijo - Hero or Heretic? (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread Eric Cordian
Tim wrote:

> Third, I have no idea if the VSL theory is "right." Time will tell.

Continuous math is a dead end.  So are strings.

The manifold folks are never going to produce anything which obsoletes the
big general relativity book by Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler, which will
live forever as the apex of predictive power of the manifold approach to
spacetime dynamics.

That doesn't mean we won't find some deviation in the 10th decimal place
of some experiment which tantalizingly hints at things beyond.  In terms
of things we can do useful engineering with, however, there is absolutely
nothing we will find ourselves able to do in 11 dimensions which can't be
done in 4.

Moving beyond general relativity will require a completely new way of
thinking about the problem, not just extra dimensions and the attempted
quantization of gravity.  Or loudly trumpeted discoveries that the speed
of light differed in the 9th decimal place several billion years ago.

The "M" in M-Theory stands for Moron. 

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

Re: New Scientist - Joao Magueijo - Hero or Heretic? (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread Tim May
On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 05:04  PM, Andri Esteves wrote:

Everything that could go wrong in academia and science is in Portugal.

That is the background Magueijo comes from...

But, it is not only in Portugal... Everywhere science has declined, as 
becomes part of the political logic of governments, ideologies and 

I sat in a bookstore and read most of his book several weeks ago. A few 

First, I kept looking for a clear description of the theory, with 
convincing details, support, etc. I didn't find it. I instead found a 
lot of stuff about peeing outside a bar in some tropical place, stories 
about his girlfriend, insults he delivered to editors at "Nature," and 
on and on. Sort of a "Fear and Loathing on the Road to Quantum 
Gravity." (Pun with Smolin's title intended.)

There is a NEED for destructive purification in today's science.

Popularization of science should not be taken as the stupid adoration 
uncompreensible speeches from the so called "great popularisers of 

Does the common man read his Hawking's book? Did Hawking even write it?

Second, I don't know about Hawking's books, but Lee Smolin is one of 
the current popularizers who have done excellent jobs. I recommend both 
of his books. His own "Three Roads to Quantum Gravity" is crystal clear 
in describing several of the competing theories. Smolin also explains 
what's really important. (Check the archives for my past comments on 
Smolin and topos theory, for example, from last summer.)

Hawking writes about fairly established stuff, the usual black hole 
stuff. This was mostly old hat 30 years ago (which is when I took Jim 
Hartle's class on general relativity). Hawking doesn't get much into 
the newer theories, at least not in any of the books of his I've 

(One of my texts 30 years ago was the Hawking and Ellis book, "The 
Large Scale Structure of Spacetime." This was heavy going, not the 
popular fluff he's been turning out lately.)

Third, I have no idea if the VSL theory is "right." Time will tell.

Fourth, but I will say that Magueijo undercuts his arguments with his 
scatological denunciations of the establishment. I'll be the first to 
say that I am not always polite, but if I were publishing papers and 
attempting to get math or crypto results accepted, I doubt this 
approach would work:

"The crypto community is filled with dumbshit charlatans. I piss on 
them. I piss on Rivest. I was taking a leak outside a bar in Maracaibo 
and it hit me: cyphers are just like big turds."

Maybe he doesn't fully understand English and has some idea that 
interspersing vulgarities with scientific points is the cool thing to 

However, I'll bet he ends up at a U.S. university, particularly if the 
VSL theory gains any kind of acceptance. He spoke of one of his 
colleagues who landed at UC Davis recently.

--Tim May


2003-02-12 Thread DR.MICHAEL OBI


I am pleased to get across to you for a very urgent and profitable 
proposal,Though I don't know you neither have I seen you before but my
confidence was reposed On you when the Chief Executive of Lagos State
chamber of Commerce and Industry handed me your contact for a 
I am the manager of United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA),Ilupeju branch,
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in Nigeria, he was a Contractor with one of the Government Parastatals.
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Unfortunately, the man died four years ago until today non-of his next
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We will use our positions to get all internal documentations to back
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For your assistance we have agreed to give you twenty five percent (25%) of
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All correspondence Towards this transaction will be through the e-mail
I await your earliest response.  

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Re: New Scientist - Joao Magueijo - Hero or Heretic? (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread André Esteves
On Wednesday, 12 de February de 2003 23:47, you wrote:

Magueijo may seem to be going too far on the scientific establishment for an 
anglo-saxon. But for a fellow portuguese with the same critique, as magueijo 
is a portuguese natural living in England his opinions seem rather tame.

Portuguese academia is state suported for more than 800 years, it has become 
a corporative octopus where the intelligentsia families take the same 
department positions, year after year, century after century.

Our former fascist dictator was an economics professor (wich he didn't really 

All the physical sciences have long been despised and only the engineering 
departments have some reputation. But only has providers of technocrats, more 
apt to manage people than to create or invent...

With 1974 Revolution, many returning scientists expected for a change.

It hasn't happened. There are now laboratories in Portugal, better equiped 
than those in France, England or the USA, but with no technicians or experts 
to work with the machines... The university departments have become expert at 
gaining funds from international bodies but because of labirintic admission 
policies and vested interests the money and equipment disapear or are 

Articles of no quality are published and there are people who never have 
written original work with page long curriculum's...

Everything that could go wrong in academia and science is in Portugal.

That is the background Magueijo comes from...

But, it is not only in Portugal... Everywhere science has declined, as it 
becomes part of the political logic of governments, ideologies and power 

There is a NEED for destructive purification in today's science.

Popularization of science should not be taken as the stupid adoration of 
uncompreensible speeches from the so called "great popularisers of science".

Does the common man read his Hawking's book? Did Hawking even write it?

Everybody should be a tinkerer and a scientist at heart!! Or at least have an 
honest and decent oportunity to be one!!!

Yours faithfully,

André Esteves

Make your PC create your paycheck!

2003-02-12 Thread jammie302251
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February 15th Protests (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 16:50:04 -0600 (CST)
Subject: February 15th Protests

Saturday February 15th has been designated an international day of protest
against war in Iraq.  Organized protests will be occurring in at least 431
cities around the world.

Here are some details.

In NYC, for the first time ever, a court has upheld the denial of a permit
for a protest march.  Instead, the "uncontrolled peace march"ers will be
confined to a stationary rally point on First Avenue and 49th street,
extending uptown.  Confirmed speakers and performers include:
Nobel Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Martin Luther King III, Julian
Bond, Mos Def, Patti Smith, Holly Near, Tony Kushner, Welfare Poets.

In Austin, there will be a rally at the State Capitol and a march down

On Saturday, February 15, at 1:00 pm, concerned Austinites will join
people around the country and around the world in protesting the
impending war on Iraq. UT Prof. Robert Jensen will emcee. Speakers
include author and activist Rahul Mahajan, a Gulf War veteran, UT  Prof.
Dana Cloud, and Lisa Krebs, a UT student activist. Music by Guy Forsyth.
It will be followed by a march down Congress Avenue. Massive outreach is
needed. To download flyers for printing and distribution,  see
Location: State Capitol, 11th and Congress.

In Houston, protests will be rallying in Eleanor Tinsley Park, along Allen

In San Antonio, activists will be marching for peace from Hemisfair Park
(The Tower of Americas) to Milam park.

In Seattle, activists will gather at the Seattle Center at 11:30 (Fisher
Pavillion/Center Fountain), rally at noon, and march at 1pm to the Federal
Building and the INS Detention Center.  I like that they are encouraging
everyone to bring a red flower of some sort to leave at the march

In Dallas, protestors will gather behind the Guadalupe Cathedral,
2215 Ross @ 1pm, march @ 1:30pm to Kennedy Memorial, stopping briefly at
symbolic locations, and rally @ 3:00 pm at the Kennedy Memorial, including
speakers, music, and more.

In Flagstaff, protestors will convene at Wheeler Park (Humphries and
Aspen?) at noon then parade downtown.

In Phoenix, activists will rally in Patriot's Square Park and march
through downtown...

In Paris...  it sounds like the rally point is à 14h Place Denfert
Rochereau, with a march on the Bastille...

I encourage participation in this day's events.  Cats up in NYC, keep your
heads about ya, as I imagine that's going to be a major focal point.
After all, it's a march for peace.


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"


New Scientist - Joao Magueijo - Hero or Heretic? (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Choate


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"


Guardian Unlimited Online Evolution, not revolution (Dreams ofCyberspace were wrong) (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Choate,12449,893381,00.html


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"



2003-02-12 Thread DR.HASSAN BELLO
TELEPHONE NUMBER;234-8034748664
dear Sir,


 I got your contact from the Nigerian Chamber of
Commerce & Industry. Following this and other
investigations resulting in a good recommendation. We
have decided to contact you to help us with the legal
Transfer of US$28,600,000.00 (Twenty-Eight Million Six
hundred Thousand United States Dollars). The amount
stated above resulted from an over-invoiced contract
executed for the Nigerian National Petroleum
Corporation (N.N.P.C.) for which the contractors have
been fully paid. Because this money was part of the
overall contract sum amounting to close to
(US$100,000,000:00) that has been completed.

The said amount has remained dormant and floating in
our Apex Bank. Therefore, we will raise supplementary
documents to enable us transfer into an account that
is yet to be nominated. We need a foreign partner,
because as civil servants, the code of conduct does
not allow us to operate foreign bank accounts. Hence
we solicit for your assistance, we are requesting you
to provide us with the help for the safekeeping of
this money until our arrival in your company to
collect our share and decide on investment
possibilities of this money.

For your assistance in this transaction, we have
unanimously agreed to offer you 30% of this money, 5%
will be used in settling any incidental expenses that
may arise and the remaining amount will be for us. To
enable the prompt transfer of this money, kindly send
to us your personal details, contact information &
bank details in full.

We look forward to hearing from you and thanking you
for your anticipated cooperation and consideration in
the above subject matter. Please be informed that we
would appreciate the handling of this transaction in a
confidential manner. We sincerely advise that you
contact us on the above Telephone and fax numbers to
maintain the confidentiality of the business. Sending
e-mail will be appreciated.

Yours sincerely,


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2003-02-12 Thread London's Cutest Cosmetics
Title: Eyeko's New USA Store!


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2003-02-12 Thread LESLIE . MABUZO
This E-mail may come  to you as a surprise but it was out of
my sincere desire to share a mutual business relationship with you.
I am a solicitor by name LESLIE MABUZO, a personal lawyer to the
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Finally, I wish to assure you that this transaction will not attract any risk on your 
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Thanks in advance.
LESLIE MABUZO, Esq, [Barrister] Subscription Info

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2003-02-12 Thread Oxygenic skin care Showerhead
Title: Untitled Document

Some of the world's most elegant hotels and resort spas, from the Sheraton in San Francisco to the Sonesta Beach Hotel in Curacao to the Renaissance Wailea in Maui, have pleased guests for years with this ergonomically designed shower head.

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This patented technology accelerates, oxygenates and energizes the water flow, giving you the greatest showering sensation ever achieved with the added benefits of water savings. You'll never know you are saving as much as one half the hot water and water heating cost wasted by your old shower head. In fact, the Oxygenics Shower Head will quickly pay for itself in savings on your utility bills. That's guaranteed!

The Oxygenics Skin Care Shower is guaranteed never to clog or fail. It uses fluid technology, and is backed by a lifetime performance guarantee. Includes teflon tape for non-leaking installations.




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RE: The Wimps of War

2003-02-12 Thread James A. Donald
Steve wrote quoting: PAUL KRUGMAN
> > And though you don't hear much about it in the U.S. media,
> > a lack of faith in Mr. Bush's staying power   a fear that
> > he will wimp out in the aftermath of war, that he won't do
> > what is needed to rebuild Iraq   is a large factor in the
> > growing rift between Europe and the United States.

On 12 Feb 2003 at 1:21, Lucky Green wrote:
> And this matters how? Why would Bush, or for that matter the 
> Europeans, care about rebuilding (what?) in Iraq? Other than
> the minimum investments required to prevent the population
> from rising up against their future leaders, why should the
> U.S. concern itself with making investments in Iraq not
> directly related to creating and maintaining oil extraction
> and transport facilities?

The arabs hunger for development and modernity.  In the past
they absorbed the worst poisons spewed by western universities,
socialism and anti-imperialist nationalism, and attempted to
apply them, with predictably disastrous results,   Then they
healthily came to reject these foolish and dangerous ideas, and
attempted to return to their roots, with results that were bad
for us as well as them.

The theory of the democratic imperialists is to export better
ideas at gunpoint.  It is far from clear that this will work,
even if tried honestly and vigorously -- we are running into a
bit of trouble applying it in Kosovo.  It is also far from
clear that the US has the necessary will and virtue to apply it
in Iraq.

The Germans and the French are not very keen on doing it at
all, but realizing that position is unpopular, instead say they
doubt the US will to do it. 

 James A. Donald

Want to meet up?

2003-02-12 Thread Pete Taylor
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2003-02-12 Thread Henry



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CodeCon Registration Deadline Approaching

2003-02-12 Thread Len Sassaman
CodeCon is fast approaching, and there are only three days left to
register online for CodeCon at the reduced rate.

CodeCon 2.0 is the premier event in 2003 for the P2P, Cypherpunk, and
network/security application developer community. It is a workshop for
developers of real-world applications with working code and active
development projects.

Last year, presentations at CodeCon included the Peek-A-Booty
anti-censorship application, the Invisible IRC Project, the CryptoMail
web-based email encryption project, and the file-distribution application

Some of this year's highlights include Mixminion, a next-generation
anonymous remailer; Alluvium, Internet Radio software exempt from current
RIAA webcasting royalties; and GNU Radio, an open source software defined
radio application.

CodeCon registration is $95; a $15 discount is available for attendees who
register online prior to February 15th. CodeCon 2.0 will be held February
22-24, noon-6pm, at Club NV (525 Howard Street) in San Francisco.

For more information, please visit

Re: Something conspicuously missing from the media survival lists

2003-02-12 Thread jet
At 16:18 -0500 2003/02/12, cubic-dog wrote:
>The NRA is openly hostile towards the "embarrasing 2nd Amendment".
>The NRA is mostly all about allowing the weathly wingshooters to
>be the last to fall. The rest of us, like the armed citizens, get
>bartered off everytime gun control bill comes to a vote.

Sadly, there doesn't seem to be any RKBA organization without some sort of right-wing, 
religious, or loonie ties.  The Gunowners of America (GOA) back right-wing Christian 
loonie causes -- the long-distance-for-RKBA company GOA promotes (Promise Vision) 
doesn't mention one word about RKBA on their web site 
(  Instead, they position themselves as the 
anti-pornography long-distance company.

J. Eric Townsend -- jet spies com
buy stuff, damnit:

Degenerate Political Pressure (was RE: The Wimps of War)

2003-02-12 Thread R. A. Hettinga
Hash: SHA1

At 1:21 AM -0800 on 2/12/03, Lucky Green wrote:

> And this matters how? Why would Bush, or for that matter the
> Europeans, care about rebuilding (what?) in Iraq? Other than the
> minimum investments required to prevent the population from rising
> up against their future leaders, why should the U.S. concern itself
> with making investments in Iraq not directly related to creating
> and maintaining oil extraction and transport facilities?

Apropos of nothing, here's what I wrote yesterday about the entire
article, remembering that Charles Rangel claims to want the draft
back, straw man or not:

At 12:14 PM -0500 2/11/03, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
> Wherein we witness the spectacle of Paul Krugman fairly begging
> George Bush to colonize Iraq and Afghanistan.
> Amazing.
> Almost as amazing as "liberal" democrats begging for a return to
> the draft.
> "Liberal" logic continues to implode.
> "'Round the bowl, and down the hole..."

I wrote the above yesterday because I'm possessed lately by this
goofy notion that "liberals", and "social democrats", and
"progressives", and all the other refried Marxists out there will
collapse like degenerate electrons against their political opposites
into some kind of statist neutronium someday, resulting in something
with the political prayerbook of the modern small-l (as in
lipservice) libertarian "right", with aisles patrolled the usual
knock-you-on-your-head bluenose-and-busybody deacons of


This was brought on by a Bartley editorial in the Wall Street Journal
a little while ago that observed that Bush & Co. are displaying all
the hallmarks of an emerging establishment, operating under the same
implicit rules, the same leaderless ability to turn setbacks into
opportunities, that the original "liberal" elite was able to do after
the cryptosocialists took over the Roosevelt agenda in the 1930's.

Probably just wishful thinking, internet millennialism, and all that,
but, if it does happen, the technology this list advocates be what,
paradoxically, brings that collapse about. Ubiquitous bandwidth,
cryptographic privacy and authentication and so on, pretty much kill
closed societies, especially those who calculate their prices instead
of discover them with markets.

In such a world, actual Big-L Libertarians, as the political
inheritors of that technological and economic whirlwind, will become
the only logical political opposition to that strange-matter amalgam
of refried Marxism and muscular Christianity, both of which, you
notice, *are* pretty much theocrats.

Like modern neocons had to do under the last 70 years of intellectual
occupation, Libertarians will have to considerably sharpen their
arguments and organization, and do so under a deluge of criticism
that will make the recent liberal pulsar sound like background

That is, if we don't all just collapse past degenerate neutron
pressure into the event-horizon of crypto-anarcho-captialism, right?

Who -- until whatever degenerate political pressure takes hold -- is
still voting for the muscular Christians, thank you very much, and
who, as a consequence, thinks rather highly of the idea of paving the
entire fertile crescent, after pounding certain political features of
it to rubble, and replacing it all with a giant concatenation of
freeways, strip malls, franchise restaurants and nudie-bars from one
end of the Tigris/Euphrates valley to the other. Albuquerque. That's
it. Albuquerque on the Euphrates. I *love* Albuquerque. Heck, I even
like Walnut Creek (maybe even Concord, too :-)). Yeah. Pave the
cradle of civilization. Who *says* you can't go home again?

Version: PGP 8.0 - not licensed for commercial use:


R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: Something conspicuously missing from the media survival lists

2003-02-12 Thread cubic-dog
On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Bill Frantz wrote:

> At 10:44 AM -0800 2/11/03, Tim May wrote:
> >But in postmodern America mentioning guns is simply NOT DONE. Not even
> >on the Fox Network, a more rightward network than the others. (Being
> >right no longer means mentioning guns, as Ashcroft and Cheney and the
> >like would prefer that guns be in the hands of der polizei. There's a
> >reason Hitler confiscated guns held privately by Germans.)
> I thought Ashcroft was on record as stating that the second amendment
> confered an individual right to own arms.  Are his actions are not in
> accord with his words?

His words are pretty much without meaning. All gun laws are
unconstitutional and should be repealed immediately, and
all those who have fallen victim to the legal system as a result
of the enforcement of these laws should be granted restitution.

It is possible that there could be a gun law that would be
constitutional, but no such laws currently exist. 

Eyeko's Cosmetics, the celebrity secret in Europe, now available in the US!

2003-02-12 Thread Celebrity Cosmetics
Title: Eyeko's New USA Store!


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Re: Something conspicuously missing from the media survival lists

2003-02-12 Thread cubic-dog
On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Mike Rosing wrote:

> On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Tim May wrote:
> > And so on. He talks the talk, but he and his buddies in HomeSec are
> > establishing a national police force, "states rights" be damned.
> He's proof that you can fool just about everyone simultaneously -
> the NRA supports him inspite of his lack of  of commitment to
> the 2nd.

The NRA is openly hostile towards the "embarrasing 2nd Amendment". 
The NRA is mostly all about allowing the weathly wingshooters to
be the last to fall. The rest of us, like the armed citizens, get
bartered off everytime gun control bill comes to a vote. 

Your Credit is CONFIRMED!

2003-02-12 Thread Card Distribution Center
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2003-02-12 Thread Doris
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2003-02-12 Thread webmaster
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International Air Cargo Deadline

2003-02-12 Thread Leonard's Guide
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2003-02-12 Thread Mary Oferts



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ADV: 2.5¢ Long Distance - Special Low Rate for New Customers.

2003-02-12 Thread GTC Telecom
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Re: Stupid security measures, a contest

2003-02-12 Thread John Kelsey
At 10:11 AM 2/12/03 -0500, Adam Shostack wrote:

"Human rights watchdog Privacy International has launched a quest to
find the World's Most Stupid Security Measure. "

I can't imagine this is the stupidest, but there's a state office building 
in Missouri where (no doubt due to some Directive From On High), they've 
put up a wooden shack in front of the main entrance, where anyone going in 
or out has to pass through a metal detector.  The wooden shack isn't 
directly in front of the entrance, however--probably, that would make life 
too hard on the smokers, who now have to go outside to smoke.  It's more 
like about 50' in front of it, completely unconnected to the building.

The really entertaining bit is that, since most people going into the 
building are basically law abiding (state employees), most people seem to 
go through the shack and get checked for weapons, rather than around the 
shack to save time.

--John Kelsey, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fwd: Obtain scipts over the internet

2003-02-12 Thread Riley Varner
Title: AD 3



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The Roman Solution: Fixing the Shuttle safety problems at NASA

2003-02-12 Thread Steve Schear
The Roman Solution: Fixing the Shuttle safety problems at NASA
by Steven Schear
12 February 2003

Since Columbia's untimely destruction the popular media have been filled 
with stories about the possible failures of systems designed to assure the 
safety of NASA's Space Transportation System (STS).  Engineers at NASA 
often decry the qualifications and motives of management, especially the 
politically appointed.  As in most such failures the roots often lie in 
unrealistic expectations and human shortcomings.

The Lesson from Challenger
When Nobel laureate Richard Feynman was investigating the Challenger 
explosion he received conflicting views about safety from engineers and 
management.  There were enormous differences of opinion as to the 
probability of a failure with loss of vehicle and of human life. The 
estimates ranged from roughly 1 in 100 to 1 in 100,000. The higher figures 
came from the working engineers, and the very low figures from management. 
What were the causes and consequences of this lack of agreement? Since 1 
part in 100,000 would imply that one could put a Shuttle up each day for 
300 years expecting to lose only one, we could properly ask "What was the 
cause of management's fantastic faith in the machinery?"

Management maintained that the higher figures are for unmanned rockets but 
since the Shuttle is a manned vehicle "the probability of mission success 
is necessarily very close to 1.0." It is not very clear what this phrase 
meant. Did it mean it is close to 1 or that it ought to be close to 1? They 
went on to explain "Historically this extremely high degree of mission 
success has given rise to a difference in philosophy between manned space 
flight programs and unmanned programs; i.e., numerical probability usage 
versus engineering judgment."

Richard found that the certification criteria used in Flight Readiness 
Reviews often developed a gradually decreasing strictness. The argument 
that the same risk was flown before without failure is often accepted as an 
argument for the safety of accepting it again. Because of this, obvious 
weaknesses were accepted again and again, sometimes without a sufficiently 
serious attempt to remedy them, or to delay a flight because of their 
continued presence.

I posit that, despite the efforts of a generation of NASA engineers and the 
implied attention to STS safety from both Congress and succeeding 
management, not much has changed in the risks or the manner in which risks 
are assessed and important decisions made.  And why should it?  The basic 
Shuttle technology, while incrementally improved since Challenger, is 
fundamentally the same.  Key incentives to Congress and management have 
been left unchanged.  The fix is simple: honesty and consequences.

The Roman Solution
Two thousand years ago the Roman Empire built what are unarguably some of 
the finest structures.  Their roads, bridges and aqueducts were 
suburb.  Many remain in constant operation with little or no repair. Some 
were only recently replaced.  How were the Romans able to create such 
lasting edifices from then leading edge materials, design and fabrication 

In Roman times its architects were some of the best paid and most revered 
in the empire (perhaps second only to leading gladiators).  The invention 
of concrete and the perfection of the arch were Rome's greatest gifts to 
architecture.  Structures using arches often were designed so that 
load-bearing parts were in compression against one another and depended on 
each other for stability.  For arches to be sturdy the stones had to be cut 
and positioned precisely.  Even minor mistakes could spell disaster.  It 
was found that due to the arch's nature faulty designs and construction 
were almost always immediately apparent.  The arch components were held in 
place until completion by a sturdy scaffolding system.  When the 
scaffolding was taken down if the arch stood it would endure.  If not, 
entire structures often immediately failed.  To insure that such accidents 
were rare Roman law decreed that architects would stand beneath the 
scaffold when it was removed.  As a result there were few failures.

I think its time that Congress and NASA treat the Shuttle program as if 
they were actuaries with an insurance company.  They need to publicly 
accept the risks originally calculated by engineers for STS: about 1 loss 
per 100 (events may indicated even that figure may even be optimistic).  If 
both Congress and management continue to tell the public that the STS is 
far safer than results have indicated, that the problems can and will be 
fixed, and that going forward astronaut lives are much less likely be to be 
lost then they should put their money and their lives where their mouths 
are.  My recommendations are:

1. That Congressmen on Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation 
Committee and the House Science Committee be required by Congressional 
measure to place a substantial portion 

Ban them!

2003-02-12 Thread Marcel Popescu{DE06E5E3-685B-4751-841C-FAB8B263

Gun control: Schools ban even the word

Sarah Ruttan

The Ottawa Citizen

The Upper Canada District School Board has removed the word gun from all
spelling tests in its schools as a result of a complaint by parents of a
Grade 1 student.

Every Monday, Chloe Sousa, 7, comes home from Lombardy Public School
with a list of 10 words to learn, and each Friday her class is tested on
these words. By last week, the class had worked its way through the
alphabet to the letter G.

Amanda and Mark Sousa, who consider themselves to be pacifists and who
are raising their two young children with this governing belief, were
shocked when Amanda's spelling list last week included the word gun.

"I realize people hunt in this area, but I still don't think that
warrants the teaching of this word to my daughter or any other child,"
said Mrs. Sousa.

The Sousas relocated to tiny Lombardy, about an hour west of Ottawa near
Smiths Falls, from Kingston, where Mr. Sousa still works, to be closer
to family.

Mrs. Sousa wrote a letter to her daughter's teacher describing her views
on the word gun, her unease with any child learning to spell the word, a
few alternatives, and the wish to speak to the teacher about its
inclusion on the list.

"The word gun is synonymous with death. I'm racking my brain trying to
figure out why a seven-year-old would need to learn this word," said
Mrs. Sousa, who admits she was hesitant to bring her views forward for
fear of backlash from the school toward her daughter, and because some
may view her problem with the word gun as another political correctness
issue gone too far.

"For a split second I considered whether or not I should raise this
issue, but I knew I had to stand up for what I believe in. This was not
right," she said.

"I don't think this is an issue of political correctness. It's an issue
of protecting your child from violence. Guns are violent. End of story,"
said Mrs. Sousa.

The Sousas did not hear from the teacher. Then Chloe was sent home later
in the week, again with her list, which now came complete with pictures
beside each word.

"It wasn't a water gun or a toy gun, it was a pistol," said Mr. Sousa.

"I was horrified that not only were we ignored, but now my daughter is
carrying around a picture of a gun," he said.

Mrs. Sousa then decided it was time to call the school to speak to the

Not long after she placed the telephone call yesterday, the teacher
returned her call and apologized for the word being part of the test, as
did Terry Simzer, a public relations specialist for the school board in
which the Lombardy Public school belongs.

Mr. Simzer explained that the word gun had been in the curriculum for a
number of years, but as of yesterday, gun has been removed from the
spelling test because of the Sousas' complaint.

"I can't say how many years it's been used, but a number of years, yes,"
said Mr. Simzer, and he defended the word as being a good phonetic word
and short vowel word that is easy for young readers to learn.

"We do appreciate the sensitivity around the word, especially in these
times, and have taken the word from the list because of this parent's
complaint," he said.

"But children do hear this word every day on the news, particularly
about blank registration -- I don't want to say the word so I don't
offend anybody," added Mr. Simzer.

"We are quite happy that the whole matter has been resolved and the word
will no longer be included in our curriculum."

Although the Sousas remain disappointed the word was ever included in a
Grade 1 spelling test, the family is happy with the outcome.

"Even after all of the obstacles I'm happy with the conclusion," said
Mrs. Sousa.

"I accomplished what I set out to do and that was to have this word
removed from my daughter's spelling list."

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Re: My favorite line from the DOJ's latest draft bill

2003-02-12 Thread Steve Mynott
On Wednesday, Feb 12, 2003, at 15:22 Europe/London, Harmon Seaver wrote:

On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 11:32:24PM +, Steve Mynott wrote:
 (much snipped)

It's just the same as some people claiming particular alcoholic drinks
are better or worse than others.

   That's hardly a good analogy.

Why not?   Alcohol is a drug like any other and its users attribute 
particular effects to particular forms of alcohol based on their own 
subjective experience with little or no objective agreement.

A friend was once sick on gin and still believes gin makes you sick 
whereas other forms of alcohol won't, yet many people drink gin without 
ill effects.  There are probably people who believe the same thing 
about vodka or whiskey.

In double blind tests, where neither the doctor nor the subject knows
which drug is which, people can't distinguish major psychedelic drugs
anyway.  The only clear distinction is the duration of drug effect
which does vary.

This is usually denied by users of these drugs despite numerous 
supporting this since the late 1960s.

I can't imagine how they could ever do any sort of serious test, 
let alone a
"double blind test" -- the length of experience would be a dead 

It's one of the few defining characteristics of psychedelic drugs that 
the perception of time is generally  impaired by the intoxication, 
although some people like Kesey have screwed up the doctor's results by 
cheating and using their heartbeart to judge time :-)

Besides which anyone with any real experience would easily recognize 
essential flavor, if you will, of the particular psychedelic, and the 
different and distictive voice of the Other. Or lack, thereof, for 
instance in
LSD. They are simply far too different -- on LSD, people are up, eyes 
grooving on sights and sounds, talking to people, but on strong doses 
psilocybin and ayahuasca you'll most likely be snuggled under a warm 
quilt with
your eyes shut in a dark room. And preferably alone. Totally different
experiences -- the voice of the Other with psilocybin and ayahuasca 
are very,
very different from each other as well.

Another defining characteristic is the extreme variability of effects.  
Any one of the psychedelic drugs (at least of the main family such as 
LSD, psilocybin and mescaline) tends to have very different effects on 
different occasions.  How can you say LSD on one day is different to 
psilocybin on another when LSD on one day is even different to LSD on 
another day?

People generalise from their own experience but this is just subjective 
and they never agree on what different effects these drugs are supposed 
to have, although there often seems to be an irrational preference for 
"natural" drugs as if all natural substances are safe which they 
aren't.  Also there is a self fulfilling aspect to this since if people 
expect drug X to have effect Y it does due to the "set and setting" 

But when they are objectively asked to identify the drug after taking 
it in lab trials they are shown to fail.  For example, LSD can't be 
distinguished from mescaline or psilocybin despite most drug users 
believing the drugs are very different.

Hollister, Leo E. and Sjoberg, Bernard M. 1964

"Clinical syndromes and biochemical alterations following mescaline, 
lysergic acid diethylamide, psilocybin, and a combination of the three 
psychomimetic drugs."

Comprehensive Psychiatry 5: 170-178

There are also interesting studies from the 1960s (sorry no references 
handy) suggesting the rate of psychosis amongst LSD users (using a 
sample set of about 1000) is no different from the general non-LSD 
using population.

Steve Mynott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

(광고)면티 2,000원, 면남방 9,900원, 면바지 9,900원(인짱)

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JANE'S NEWS ALERT: Heightened UK airport security - news from Jan e's

2003-02-12 Thread Jane's News Briefs
Welcome to the News Alert service from Jane's News Briefs 

British Army and Metropolitan Police (Met) officers were working together
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Jane's have published new material as well as information from our archives
that show the MANPADS threat is still relevant and is very much not an old


Mombasa attack highlights increasing MANPADS threat 
SAM attack on jet reignites old fears 
The proliferation of MANPADS 
UK Home Secretary considered closing Heathrow 

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Re: The Wimps of War

2003-02-12 Thread Tim May
On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 08:39  AM, Thomas Shaddack wrote:

And this matters how? Why would Bush, or for that matter the 
care about rebuilding (what?) in Iraq? Other than the minimum
investments required to prevent the population from rising up against
their future leaders, why should the U.S. concern itself with making
investments in Iraq not directly related to creating and maintaining 
extraction and transport facilities?

Consumers. You have people there. The people want to eat, drink water, 
electricity, place phone calls. You build the infrastructure, they will
use it. You build and then own the infrastructure, they pay you and 
pay through the nose as there is no competition, at least in the
beginning. They will need money, they will work shit overtime jobs, and
they are closer than Malaysia is.

It's not the function of U.S. taxpayers (or any other taxpayers) to 
build another country's "infrastructure."

"Nation-building" is the worst meme of the 20th century.

Even for oil it's not. That's the choice Exxon and BP and Shell make, 
not U.S. taxpayers.

--Tim May
"Aren't cats Libertarian? They just want to be left alone.
I think our dog is a Democrat, as he is always looking for a handout"  
--Unknown Usenet Poster

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2003-02-12 Thread SEN. KOTANGO WILLIAMS

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As war approaches, so do secret congressional sessions

2003-02-12 Thread Declan McCullagh
National Security Threats
Full committee hearing on current and future worldwide threats to U.S.
national security. (The hearing will adjourn into a closed session
in SH-219.)
Witnesses: George Tenet, director, CIA; Vice Adm. Lowell
Jacoby, director, Defense Intelligence Agency
Location: 216 Hart Senate Office Building. 9:30 a.m.
Contact: 202-224-3871

RE: The Wimps of War

2003-02-12 Thread Thomas Shaddack
> And this matters how? Why would Bush, or for that matter the Europeans,
> care about rebuilding (what?) in Iraq? Other than the minimum
> investments required to prevent the population from rising up against
> their future leaders, why should the U.S. concern itself with making
> investments in Iraq not directly related to creating and maintaining oil
> extraction and transport facilities?

Consumers. You have people there. The people want to eat, drink water, use
electricity, place phone calls. You build the infrastructure, they will
use it. You build and then own the infrastructure, they pay you and they
pay through the nose as there is no competition, at least in the
beginning. They will need money, they will work shit overtime jobs, and
they are closer than Malaysia is.

Get Grace magazine and a 5-piece Clinique Makeup Set FREE!

2003-02-12 Thread DelphiForums Special Offers
Title: Delphi Forums



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Re: My favorite line from the DOJ's latest draft bill

2003-02-12 Thread Tyler Durden

By the time that people were mixing speed with it, actual dosages were
much less (adding amphetamines to 250mic LSD is fairly pointless) and 
>today most, from what I hear, are around 75-100 mic.

In the early 80s I remembering getting some of the famous Goofy blotter, 
rated around 125 ugm. Microdots were around 35ugm.

   Hardly. Well, wandering around anywhere is not a good idea -- set and 
are extremely important.

Well, wandering around in Soho NYC back when all the avante-garde galleries 
were there was quite a trip...some of these galleries were desgined already 
to be "immersive", so that plus LSD really allowed one to leave one's normal 
psychological space and step into an alien one. This isn't exactly an 
obvious step on the path towards ego-destruction, but it does open one's 
mind up to ideas and modes of being that one's normal nature would have 
never truly encountered.

   Yup - increase their dose. Best thing that could happen to the world 
would be
the development of a benign airforce that sprayed a fog of lsd/dmso on 
like Palestine. Real LSD, that is. Or better yet, psilocybin.  8-)

Well, I'm not so sure. Surely you must be aware of the stories of Villages 
in Spain and wherever receiving a bad batch of ergot-infected bread, and 
then going collectively wacky, with suicides and whatnot. Some people really 
aren't in a place where they can handle losing control and seeing through 
all of their most cherished beliefs like wet tissue paper. Palestinians 
locked in a daily struggle with life and death might not take too well to 
being "raptured" all of a sudden. (BTW, ever read "The Transmigration of 
Timothy Archer" by PK Dick?)

Obviously it wasn't LSD.

I'm finding out this is apparently true with many drugs. Most heroin 
"overdoses" (as I have been informed by someone who ran a detox ward) are 
actually reactions to crap mixed in with the Herion (or once in a great 
while a dealer giving a hated customer an unexpectedly pure dose). The 
toxicity of Herion isn't very high, particularly for someone who's been 
building up a tolerance for a few years. (Crack's a different 
storyreally bad for the heart.)

So the moral of this story is that illegalization of most drugs is what 
kills people!

Perhaps we have underestimated the wisdom of the CIA! (Or are they the ones 
who initially put crap in the drugs they smuggle?)


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Re: My favorite line from the DOJ's latest draft bill

2003-02-12 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 11:32:24PM +, Steve Mynott wrote:
 (much snipped)

> It's just the same as some people claiming particular alcoholic drinks 
> are better or worse than others.
   That's hardly a good analogy. 

> The key thing about these drugs is the effects are intensively 
> subjective and highly unpredictable.  The dosage level is more likely 
> to be related to adverse effects than the particular psychedelic drug 
> used.
> In double blind tests, where neither the doctor nor the subject knows 
> which drug is which, people can't distinguish major psychedelic drugs 
> anyway.  The only clear distinction is the duration of drug effect 
> which does vary.
> This is usually denied by users of these drugs despite numerous studies 
> supporting this since the late 1960s.
I can't imagine how they could ever do any sort of serious test, let alone a
"double blind test" -- the length of experience would be a dead giveaway.
Besides which anyone with any real experience would easily recognize the
essential flavor, if you will, of the particular psychedelic, and the quite
different and distictive voice of the Other. Or lack, thereof, for instance in
LSD. They are simply far too different -- on LSD, people are up, eyes open,
grooving on sights and sounds, talking to people, but on strong doses of
psilocybin and ayahuasca you'll most likely be snuggled under a warm quilt with
your eyes shut in a dark room. And preferably alone. Totally different
experiences -- the voice of the Other with psilocybin and ayahuasca are very,
very different from each other as well.
One might have some difficulty discerning a strong hit of Salvia vs. DMT,
but you certainly wouldn't confuse them with anything else, just because of
intensity and brevity. But even with those two, most experienced travelers would
say the entities one encounters in that other dimension are quite different,
indeed, that those dimensions themeselves are not the same.


Harmon Seaver   

(±¤°í) *"¡Ú"*¼ÒÈ£ â¾÷ & ºÎ¾÷*"¡Ú"*

2003-02-12 Thread ¿¢½¼¼ÒÈ£
Title: Untitled Document

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Meet someone nice

2003-02-12 Thread Tracee

Hi, Tracee here,

A nice lady wants to correspond with you. check her out

Reply with off and I won't write you again.

Thanks, Tracee

Stupid security measures, a contest

2003-02-12 Thread Adam Shostack
"Human rights watchdog Privacy International has launched a quest to
find the World's Most Stupid Security Measure. "

"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."

RE: The Wimps of War

2003-02-12 Thread Tyler Durden
"why should the U.S. concern itself with making
investments in Iraq not directly related to creating and maintaining oil
extraction and transport facilities?"

This is a continuation of the mythology that extrapolates post-WWII US 
presence in Germany and Japan ("you know, those Americans really help the 
countries they beat in war") to the present day. Actually, it occurs to me 
that the only people who still believe this may be Americans.

From: "Lucky Green" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: The Wimps of War
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 01:21:18 -0800

Steve wrote quoting:
> And though you don't hear much about it in the U.S. media, a
> lack of faith
> in Mr. Bush's staying power  a fear that he will wimp out in
> the aftermath
> of war, that he won't do what is needed to rebuild Iraq  is
> a large factor
> in the growing rift between Europe and the United States.

And this matters how? Why would Bush, or for that matter the Europeans,
care about rebuilding (what?) in Iraq? Other than the minimum
investments required to prevent the population from rising up against
their future leaders, why should the U.S. concern itself with making
investments in Iraq not directly related to creating and maintaining oil
extraction and transport facilities?


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Re: Forced Oaths to Pieces of Cloth

2003-02-12 Thread Mike Rosing
On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, david wrote:

> The main body of the constitution does not apply to the
> individuals, it is the law the politicians and bureaucrats of the
> federal government are supposed to obey (and instead completely
> ignore).  The fourteenth amendment prohibits the state governments
> from violately individual rights.  What is needed is the death
> penalty or life imprisonment for politicians and bureaucrats who
> violate their oaths to uphold the constitution.
> The proper recipient of a pledge of allegiance is individual
> liberty.  As Ben Franklin said, "Where liberty dwells, there is my
> country."

I'm not arguing with this, but I think "pledging" is just symbolic
anyway.  We need to act free so that we are free.  It drives the control
freaks nuts, and that's more fun anyway :-)

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

News: Red Hat clears government's red tape (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Choate


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"

  [EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED] - DataViz Tool Secures Your Password List (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Choate,aid,109313,00.asp


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"


House, Senate agree to prohibit citizens' e-mail surveillance (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Choate


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"


News: New technology sees through objects (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Choate


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"


Slashdot | Software/Hardware FPGA Dev Board that runs Linux (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Choate


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"


Slashdot | IEEE Wants Congress To Re-Examine DMCA (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Choate


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"


The Register - Open and Closed Security Roughly Equal (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Choate


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"


For your attention

2003-02-12 Thread Robert

 Dear Friend, In recent times over the radio in AMERICA or even in ASIA and even on CNN you must have heard about the current war in Ivory coast. My late father General Robert Guei once ruled my country as head of state, he was recently killed with my mother and his aide de camp by the rebels incursion in my country which has resulted in several deaths, loss of property and mass looting, rape , arson and all kinds of unimaginable things usually associated with this type of situation.

This may come to you as a surprise, well I have decided to contact you for help due to the deplorable condition I find myself presently, the way you handle what I am about to tell you will determine to a large extent what will become of me and my entire family and also it will be greatly rewarding to you as well. While my dad was alive and during his time as head of state I was his close confidant and a strong member of his kitchen cabinet, most people in my country did not know the role I played because my late father wanted it that way.

Before I proceed to tell you about what I need you to do, I would like you to visit the following web pages to confirm my story,,, there are some many avenues you can check to verify these information.

My father told me while he was head of state that he prefers to keep his money in real estate overseas as he does not think he will last long, he came via a coup and always feels he will leave by a coup, he could feel always the insecurity around him. Before he was removed as head of state and uptil his death a few months ago, we have always had a lot of cash hidden in our family house, known to myself my late mum and dad. I do not have a precise figure of the amount he kept but I know it runs into millions of dollars, sometimes he gets visitors from france and around the world who come  to see him, and he usually gives unspecified amount of money for investing abroad, the money he kept are in various currencies, american dollars  and pounds sterling.

After his death and in that state of confusion I was able to move almost all the money in the house to a safe location, after which I telephoned a friend of his who was like a father to me, he handled most of this investments,  he immediately adviced that I should call the commercial attache to the ivorian embassy in ghana who was in ivory coast on vacation to arrange to move all the money via diplomatic means to ghana, the next day this was arranged and the boxes containing the money was moved to ghana, ofcourse I travelled with them to ghana, it was at ghana that we were able to count the money and found out that it was precisely $20.3 million dollars and 17 million pounds sterling, you know this is a lot of money. Through the ghanaian diplomatic service we were able to transfer this money to London, awaiting to be sent to a finance and securities company in Amsterdam. This has not been done yet.

I have been adviced that it will not be in my best interest to have the money in the finance company in my name, that it will be unsafe as I am being watched by the government of my country. I have personally ordered the movement of the money to a safe and secret location in london, pending when I find a trustworthy individual that will assist me in concluding this transaction, as soon as I hear from you and you are willing to assist me, we will both work out the best possible way to use this money to open an account in any bank of your choice in your name after which you will transfer to my bank account 75% 0f the total amount while you will keep 25%, I believe this sharing is very reasonable and fair.

Please contact me via email, if you are not interested in assisting me please keep what I have told you absolutely confidential, do not expose me, it could mean death for me, as for the transaction it is 100% risk free and safe.

Best Regards,
Robert Guei jr

Re: Something conspicuously missing from the media survival lists

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Choate

On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Sarad AV wrote:

> A tape as an evidence?Is a tape still considered as a
> valid piece of evidence in a court of law?

It's that oath thing, it's pretty much always required the person making
the tape to swear it hasn't been tampered with and that they are the party
who created it. Otherwise it would generaly fall into hearsay. Than of
course it also depends on the particular states view of 1-party or 2-party
permission issues.


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"


Re: Something conspicuously missing from the media survival lists

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Choate

On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, jet wrote:

> If you've read it recently,  I'll take your word for it.

That's a very(!!!) dangerous approach.

Odds are the person hasn't read it at all. Check the archive for a
reference to a pre-print in arXiv (ie about pre-prints and
how 80% of them are bogus in reference to claims of having read


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"


Inferno: The notion of separation of church and state (fwd)

2003-02-12 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 23:32:05 -0600
Subject: The notion of separation of church and state

Just in case there was any confusion about where this administration stands.

 Original Message 
Subject: ugh.
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 22:47:31 -0600
From: Sheilagh,8599,361521,00.html


  We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
  are going to spend the rest of our lives.

  Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"