
2003-06-06 Thread hi
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Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-06 Thread Peter Gutmann
Derek Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Actually, the ASN.1 part is a major factor in the X.509 interoperability
>problems.  Different cert vendors include different extensions, or different
>encodings.  They put different information into different parts of the
>certificate (or indeed the same information into different parts).  Does the
>FQDN for a server cert belong in the DN or some extension?  What about the
>email address for a user cert?

That doesn't really have anything to do with ASN.1 though.  You can make just
as big a mess with XML (actually even bigger, in my experience), or EDIFACT,
or whatever.  The problem isn't the bit-bagging format, it's that it's
accumulated such a mass of cruft that no two people can agree on what to put
in there.  Whether the resulting mess is wrapped in ASN.1 or XML or EDIFACT or
plastic pooper scooper bags doesn't really make any difference.



2003-06-06 Thread =?gb2312?q?=B7=EB=D0=A1=BD=E3_
Title: 三千万邮箱地址下载

3000 emailaddress for you only
15$ ,if you need please download here,(download1
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5075 5199 5818 





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2003-06-06 Thread cpunks_anon

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-06 Thread Anonymous Sender
James A. Donald writes:
> Suppose the e-gold, to prevent this sea of spam trying to get 
> people to login to fake e-gold sites, wanted people to use 
> public keys instead of shared secrets, making your secret key 
> the instrument that controls the account instead of your shared 
> password. 
> They could not do this using the standard IE webbrowser. They 
> would have to get users to download a custom client, or at 
> least, like hushmail, a custom control inside IE. 

Why do you say that?  You were already given pointers to how they
could configure their web servers to use certificate based client
authentication.  These techniques work with standard browsers.  I have
used Netscape to access corporate-internal sites which required me to
have a client certificate.

> HTTPS assumes that the certificate shall be blessed by the 
> administrator out of band, and has no mechanism for using a 
> private key to establish that a user is simply the same user as 
> last time.

HTTPS is just HTTP over SSL/TLS.  It says nothing about the trust model
for the certificates; it merely specifies how each side can deliver its
cert(s) to the other side.  Deciding which ones to trust is out of scope
for TLS or HTTPS.

E-Gold could set things up to allow its customers to authenticate with
certs issued by Verisign, or with considerably more work it could even
issue certs itself that could be used for customer authentication.
Why doesn't it do so?  Well, it's a lot of work, and it would have some
disadvantages - for one thing, customers would have difficulty accessing
their accounts from multiple sites, like at home and at work.  Further,
it would require customers to use some features of their browser that most
of them have never seen, which is going to be difficult and error-prone
for most users.


2003-06-06 Thread =?gb2312?q?=B7=EB=D0=A1=BD=E3_
Title: 三千万邮箱地址下载

3000 emailaddress for you only
15$ ,if you need please download here,(download1
are tow winrar files,needs password open it,how to use it?please sent a mail to
me ,my email:


5075 5199 5818 





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2003-06-06 Thread Lucinda Estes


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2003-06-06 Thread Darin Horton


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Internet Law in action.

2003-06-06 Thread Professor Rat.

Kenneth O'Connell lives in a $1million house in Miranda with swaying palm
trees, a classic wrought-iron fireplace and his own vegetable
He was sleeping in the bush next door but last October discovered the
house was abandoned and decided to move in.
The only problem is that Sutherland Shire Council bought the property in
December 2001 and planned to demolish it six months ago to make way for
2000 square metres of parkland.
But the man they have referred to as an "aggressive squatter"
stood in their way.
The 39-year-old former electrician says he has a right to live in the
house under the laws of vacant possession; the council has taken him to
the equity division of the NSW Supreme Court to evict him.
Representing himself yesterday, Mr O'Connell referred to legal
definitions of "vacant possession" he found on the internet,
including that found in Butterworths Australian Legal Dictionary:
"Where a person takes vacant possession of a property, the property
is both unoccupied and free from any claim to a right to possession from
anyone else."
Acting Justice Daryl Davies told the court it did not apply to this
situation and there was no Australian law which entitled Mr O'Connell to
obtain an interest in the property simply by taking factual possession of
But Mr O'Connell pushed on. "I was hoping you would have a book with
that law in it, your honour," he said yesterday.
"I have all the books with my trade in it; I thought you would have
the books with your trade
in it."
Mr O'Connell told the court the property was left abandoned with
metre-high grass and barrels of flammable liquids littering the
He cleaned it up, had the phone connected and built a system of pipes so
that he could have a shower without paying water bills.
Five months later, council representatives arrived at the door. Mr
O'Connell told them: "I'm in occupation here now. Now get off my
Acting Justice Davies ordered Mr O'Connell to vacate the premises at 196
Port Hacking Road, Miranda, by 5pm next Friday.
"Friday the 13th, well that's appropriate," he replied,
indicating he would appeal.
"I cannot leave, your honour; I have nowhere else to
Mr O'Connell has planted trees, grown vegetables and
kept a chicken at the property since moving in. Making stew from his own
produce back at the house yesterday afternoon, he said that if he gave
the property back the council would just turn it into the mess it was in
when he found it.
"I've never lived in a place as good as this, even when I paid rent.
It's my kingdom and they are going to take it off me."

Lets review.

2003-06-06 Thread Professor Rat.

Let us review the list of
"achievements" of the Liberal (conservative)Government: 

The introduction of GST where the poor pay the same amount of tax as
the wealthy. 
The imprisonment of entire families, including children, whose only
"crime" was to seek asylum in a country they mistakenly
believed to be just and fair. 
The enslavement of the Australian worker who in 2003 works longer
hours for less pay while CEOs take home multi-million dollar payouts. 
The oppression of poor and unemployed people whose lives are tortured
by an inefficient and uncaring social welfare system. 
A higher cost of tertiary education to the point now where only
children from wealthy families can afford to pursue a professional
The systematic dismantling of our public health care system and the
"Americanisation" of medicine. 
The wastage of one billion dollars on an illegal and unnecessary war
while our farmers were going broke, our children are denied equitable
education, and our public health care system is falling apart. 
Disrespect and disloyalty to the Australian people who opposed the
war on Iraq and the illegal American invasion of another nation. 
Exploitation of the "war against terrorism" and the victims
of 9-11 to justify the gradual introduction of a police state. 
Betrayal and desertion of two Australian citizens who have been
illegally imprisoned and tortured by the American military for more than
18 months. 
This Australian voter finds the current Liberal Government guilty of
exploitation, betrayal, abuse of power, deceit, cruelty, and crimes
against humanity.
Details here 

More Law.

2003-06-06 Thread Professor Rat.

Take a holiday on June 3rd to celebrate
a great Australian, Eddie Mabo, who overturned the two century fiction of
Terra Nullius in a ten year campaign through the courts ending in the
historic High Court Mabo Judgement. 
On the third of June 1992 the High Court of Australia rejected the
ridiculous notion of "Terra Nullius", that this land was not
occupied before European colonisation. Eddie Mabo a Torres Strait man
born on Mer in the Torres Strait and living in Townsville in Queensland
conducted a ten year battle through the courts that led to this historic
judgement. The
Judgement states in law that indigenous Australians have by prior
occupation, ownership of land where native title has not been
June the 3rd, eleven years ago marks the beginning of a reconciliation
process between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians that is based
in law, not charity. It opened up a new chapter in the often difficult
relationship between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. 

The Mabo decision is arguable the most important decision that the High
Court of Australia has made since Federation. It states Indigenous people
have Legal Rights not just Symbolic Rights to all Crown Land in this
country, as well as possible rights to pastoral leases. Mabo Day marked
the beginning of a new era for Indigenous people. It changed Australian's
views of themselves and their rights to this land. It has forced mining
companies and the corporate world to take stock of Indigenous peoples'
claims. It has radically altered the relationship between Indigenous and
non Indigenous people in this country. 
Last year on the tenth anniversary, Eddie Mabo's widow, Bonita Mabo,
called for a national public holiday on the anniversary of the High
Court's decision. Mrs Mabo said Eddie Mabo would be singing and dancing
in delight over the progress made. "He would be dancing and singing
- I can see him doing it," she said. "It's going to be a long
time but at least we're starting to get somewhere which is great. Since
'92 there was nothing like this around and you know people couldn't say,
'oh this is my land, this is my country, I'm a traditional owner', which
makes them so proud of who they are." Mrs Mabo said a national
holiday would be the most appropriate way of celebrating Mr Mabo's
efforts. "You know we don't have to have the Queen's birthday
more and discuss |
Biographical Note
(national library) |
through his granddaughter's eyes ] 

Do You Want a BIGGER Penis? bohoks bdbfd

2003-06-06 Thread Cleveland Clifton


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e tudm

curso de JAVA con uso de Pc

2003-06-06 Thread acpinfo
El  "Club de Programadores"- Asociación Civil, invita a participar del curso de JAVA 
con uso de Pc que comenzará a dictarse el día jueves 12  de junio de 2003 de 18.30 a 
21.30 hs.

 1- Temario a desarrollar
 2- Datos del instructor
 3- Fechas, lugar y horario
 4- Material a entregar, costo y certificado
 5- Informes e inscripción

Si desea ser eliminado de esta lista de distribución, responda este mensaje colocando 
"Remover" en el motivo (subject).

  1- Temario a desarrollar

Caracteristicas principales de Java 
El lenguaje Java 
La máquina virtual Java 
La plataforma Java 
El lenguaje Java 
El JDK de Sun 
Primeros pasos en Java 
Primeros Programas 
Primer Applet 

El lenguaje java 
Control de Flujo 

Operador new 
Destrucción de Objetos 
"Garbage Collector" 
Control de Acceso 
Herencia y Subclases 
Clase Object 
Clases Abstractas 

Clases básicas 
Clases de java.lang 
Clases utilitarias 

Applets en páginas HTML 
Componentes AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) 
Contenedores, Paneles y Distribuidores ("Layouts") 
Manejo de Eventos 
Modelo de Delegación de Eventos 
Receptores de Eventos 
Fuentes de Eventos 
Eventos de bajo nivel 
Eventos generados por el usuario 
Clases Anidadas 
Imprimir con AWT 
Aplicaciones Gráficas 
Clase Frame 

Manejo de Excepciones 
Lanzamiento de Excepciones 
Captura de Excepciones 

Grupos de Tareas 
Arrancar y Parar Tareas 
Comunicacion entre Tareas 
wait y notify 

Métodos de Graphics 
Sistemas de Coordenadas 

Archivos en Java 
Entrada y Salida 
Paquete java.io 
Clase File 
Manejo de byte y char 
Acceso de Lectura 
Acceso de Escritura 
Acceso Aleatorio 

Programacion Cliente/Servidor 
Paquete java.net 
Clases URL, InetAddress 
Clases Socket, ServerSocket 
Míltiples Clientes 
Clases DatagramPacket, DatagramSocket 

Acceso a Base de Datos 
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) 
Paquete java.sql 
Drivers JDBC 
Conexion a Base de Datos 
Clases Connection, Statement, ResultSet 
Metadata de conexion y datos 
Nuevos tipos de ResultSet 

Componentes Swing 
Componentes actualizados 
Nuevos Componentes 
Eventos en Swing 
Grupo de Botones 
Listas y Combos 
Modelo de Lista 
Menúes y Popup 
Otros componentes 
El componente JTable 
Modelo de Tabla 
El componente JTree 
Modelo de Arbol 

 2. Sobre el instructor :   Ángel  "Java"  López

Más de veinte años de experiencia en el diseño y desarrollo de software trabajando en 
diferentes plataformas y lenguajes Desarrollo de intranets y de múltiples sitios web, 
entre los que se destacan  USAL Post Grado, Clarín Digital, Páginas Amarillas y un 
portal de código abierto, empleando distintas tecnologías.

Docente de Java, JSP, CGI, Perl, ASP, PHP y otras tecnologías

Autor del libro "Java, la Programación del Futuro".

MVP de MicroSoft (Most Valuable Professional)

 3- Lugar, horario y programa de actividades

 CURSO DE JAVA con uso de Pc

  Fecha de inicio: jueves 12 de junio de 2003
  Días de dictado: desde el 12/6, son ocho jueves seguidos
  Cantidad de horas: 24 en ocho  clases de tres horas
  Horario: de  18.30 a 21.30 hs

 4- Material a entregar, costo y certificado

  ARANCEL : Inscripción $30, y dos cuotas de $120

 5- Informes e inscripción

 Por la Web www(punto)clubdeprogramadores(punto)com
 por e-mail a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 o por TE  al 4901-1653

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2003-06-06 Thread Daren Mendez


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2003-06-06 Thread Emergency Auction


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Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-06 Thread David Wagner
Ian Grigg  wrote:
>(Similar to GSM's.  That is hard to attack,
>there is AFAIR no 'trival' attack, [...]

Just wait a little while.

By the way, one can already buy fake base stations that
mount man-in-the-middle attacks on GSM as a way to eavesdrop
on GSM calls.  It's off the shelf, but it costs ridiculous
amounts of money.

>Now, it seems that the US standards didn't get
>even that.

Right.  The major barrier is the need for a digital
scanner (which indeed is a major barrier against certain
threat models, but not a barrier for other threat models).

>And, market forces
>and all that, one would think that this would
>happen in due course.

I'm less optimistic.  Market forces being what they are,
one would expect that one would quickly get cellphones that
are *claimed* and *perceived* to be more secure, regardless
of their true merits or demerits.

Oh wait, that already happened.

Re: CDR: Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-06 Thread Jamie Lawrence
On Fri, 06 Jun 2003, James A. Donald wrote:

> Suppose the e-gold, to prevent this sea of spam trying to get
> people to login to fake e-gold sites, wanted people to use
> public keys instead of shared secrets, making your secret key
> the instrument that controls the account instead of your shared
> password.

Why does e-gold have any interest in what people do on other sites?
> HTTPS assumes that the certificate shall be blessed by the
> administrator out of band, and has no mechanism for using a
> private key to establish that a user is simply the same user as
> last time. 

Yes. There's a virtue there. Knowing a secure channel exists is
frequently more important than who is on the other line. For example,
What's my favorite brand of lighter?

You live in a Bob's cold, dark cave, where you hate life. Insert water
dripping and scabs until you're amused. You have the chance to contact,
and maybe move to, Alice's bright, warm cave. Sounds good to you. How to
authenticate the offer?

Replay various notions of various fiction writers, here.

The problem is interesting. Solved, but interesting. Very few folks have
reason to help you authenticate them. Deal.

Even if people don't understand what https (and ssl) do, they still
serve a purpose. Even if it isn't the one you wanted solved. And if
there were a problem worth solving, would it be unsolved?

I'll refrain from asking how many people use digsigs, and what that
solves. Only because that's rude.

None of this solves life for average banking customers, but I think
"this" is something that "they" are willing to ignore. Most people seem
to trust one another. What do you do?


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2003-06-06 Thread Armando Almacen

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2003-06-06 Thread Callie Sands

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2003-06-06 Thread Wife
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Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-06 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald:
> > Certificate caching is not the problem that needs solving.
> > The problem is all this spam attempting to fool people into
> > logging in to fake BofA websites and fake e-gold websites,
> > to steal their passwords or credit card numbers

On 6 Jun 2003 at 15:04, Tim Dierks wrote:
> I don't think this problem is easier to solve (or at least I
> sure don't know how to solve it).

It is a hard problem with many well known solutions, none of
which have to my knowledge been implemented in HTTPS.  For
example one can use SPEKE, in which case setting up the account
involves sharing (or issuing) a password, but logging in to the
account does not require one to reveal the password to the site
where one is logging in.   In this case the fake website would
gain no useful information by luring the user to login to it.

The most HTTPS like solution would be to generate a keyfile
containing a self signed private key on one's computer, and
whenever one hit the website, it would do the HTTPS handshake
to log you in to that website's account for the public key
corresponding to your private key, however HTTPS does not seem
to directly support this model.   In this case the bogus web
site could log you in, but this would not leak any information
that would enable the operators of the bogus web site to login
to the real web site. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-06 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 04:24 PM 6/6/2003 -0700, James A. Donald wrote:

>I don't think so.

??? public key registered in place of shared-secret?

NACHA debit trials using digitally signed transactions did it with both 
software keys as well as hardware tokens.
in the above scroll down to July 23, 2001 ... has pointer to detailed report?

X9.59 straight forward establishes it as standard  with some activity 
moving on to ISO

pk-init draft for kerberos specifies that public key can be registered in 
place of shared secret.

following has demo of it with radius with public keys registered in place 
of shared-secret.
the radius implementation has been done be a number of people.

in all of these cases, there is change in the business process and/or 
business relationship  doesn't introduce totally unrelated parties to 
the business activities. the is digital signing on the senders side 
(actually a subset of existing PKI technology) and digital signature 
verification on the receivers side (again a subset of existing PKI 
technology). To the extent that there is impact on existing business 
process ... it is like in the case of introducing x9.59 authentication for 
credit transactions that have relatively little authentication currently 
 and as a result would eliminate major portion of the existing credit 
card transaction related fraud.

The big issue isn't the availability of the technology ... although there 
is a slight nit in the asuretee case being FIPS186-2, ecdsa  and having 
support in CAPI and related infrastructures. It not working (easily) is 
like when my wife and I were doing the original payment gateway  with 
this little client/server startup in menlo park (later moved to mountain 
view and have since been bought by AOL) and people saying that SSL didn't 
exist ... misc ref from the past

Anne & Lynn Wheelerhttp://www.garlic.com/~lynn/
Internet trivia 20th anv http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/rfcietff.htm

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-06 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 06:08:34PM -0400, Ian Grigg wrote:
> Derik asks the pertinant question:
> > The question is:  how do we convince M$ and Netscape to include something
> > else in their software?  If it's not supported in IE, then it wont be
> > available to the vast majority of users out there.
> My view, again, IMHO:  ignore Microsoft.  Concentrate
> on the open source solutions:  KDE, Mozilla, Apache.

   Mozilla already has a pretty neat interface to gnupg, called Enigmail. See 

Harmon Seaver   

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2003-06-06 Thread tony2003

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Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-06 Thread James A. Donald
On 4 Jun 2003 at 20:58, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
> it is relatively trivial to demonstrate that public keys can
> be registered in every business process that currently
> registers shared- secrets (pins, passwords, radius, kerberos,
> etc, etc)

I don't think so.

Suppose the e-gold, to prevent this sea of spam trying to get
people to login to fake e-gold sites, wanted people to use
public keys instead of shared secrets, making your secret key
the instrument that controls the account instead of your shared

They could not do this using the standard IE webbrowser.  They
would have to get users to download a custom client, or at
least, like hushmail, a custom control inside IE.

HTTPS assumes that the certificate shall be blessed by the
administrator out of band, and has no mechanism for using a
private key to establish that a user is simply the same user as
last time. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Good Nokia games!

2003-06-06 Thread Marina


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Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-06 Thread Ian Grigg
Derik asks the pertinant question:
> The question is:  how do we convince M$ and Netscape to include something
> else in their software?  If it's not supported in IE, then it wont be
> available to the vast majority of users out there.

My view, again, IMHO:  ignore Microsoft.  Concentrate
on the open source solutions:  KDE, Mozilla, Apache.

These groups will always lead in security, because
they are not twisted by institutional conflicts;
they can examine historical security model from the
point of view of interested professionals, rather
than commercial actors trying to preserve this or
that revenue stream.

The trick is to understand whether HTTPS as it
currently is can be improved.  If it can, then
those above guys can do it.

Once the improvements are shown to work, Microsoft
will follow along.  They are a follower company,
not an innovator, and they need to see it work in
practice before doing anything.  As Derik suggests,
the vast majority of users will have to wait.

Along those lines, there's one piece of excellent

Eric Rescorla wrote:
> One can simply cache the certificate, exactly as
> one does with SSH. In fact, Mozilla at least does exactly
> this if you tell it to.

That's fantastic!  I never knew that.  How does one
set that option on Mozilla?  (I'm using 5.0 / 1.3.1.)


Re: SIGINT planes vs. radioisotope mapping

2003-06-06 Thread Major Variola (ret)
t 10:23 AM 6/6/03 -0700, Tim May wrote:
>I certainly never implied in any way that a simple G-M tube would be
>useful for this. Implicit in my radioistope mapping comment was that a
>gamma ray spectrometer would be used.
>And note that this is just what can be easily bought on the open
>market...N.E.S.T. (Nuclear Emergency Search Team) and similar LEO
>people almost certainly have more miniaturized detector setups.

Indeed, there is a group of GeigerCounterEnthusiasts on Yahoo whose
have/make this kind of thing.  You use scintillation plastic &
photomultiplier tubes;
you can get these on eBay.

Sometimes they mount their detectors in cars and find that some sections

of roads are hotter than background, or a hot railroad car.

>For this I used a pair of large sodium
>iodide crystals

which also show up on eBay

>mode that resulted in a pair of gammas sent out in opposite directions.

Also the principle behind PET scans.  Mr. positron meets Ms. electron,
and bang, two little Gammas carry the momentum away...

GM tubes use avalanche to amplify; the scintillators, NaI, semiconductor

junctions measure analogue energy, so you get an energy spectrum.
Add a few comparators and a logic gate and you get a channel.

Pierre Curie didn't die from radiation
poisoning, he was hit by a horse drawn cart

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2003-06-06 Thread Sarah Dolan-Tarver

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Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-06 Thread Eric Rescorla
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann) writes:

> Bodo Moeller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >Using an explicit state machine helps to get code suitable for multiplexing
> >within a single thread various connections using non-blocking I/O.
> Is there some specific advantage here, or is it an academic exercise?  Some
> quirk of supporting certain types of hardware like nCipher boxes that do async
> crypto/scatter-gather?
I've had to do this on environments where threads weren't a viable
option. See, for instance, my paper from USENIX Security 2002.

[Eric Rescorla   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Finally -- Affordable Life Insurance for Smokers

2003-06-06 Thread Protect Yourself


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Info on medications

2003-06-06 Thread Freda Strong

You can get prescription medications prescribed online
get me off the list

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-06 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 04:42 PM 6/4/2003 -0700, Eric Rescorla wrote:
>Nonsense. One can simply cache the certificate, exactly as
>one does with SSH. In fact, Mozilla at least does exactly
>this if you tell it to. The reason that this is uncommon
>is because the environments where HTTPS is used
>are generally spontaneous and therefore certificate caching
>is less useful.

there are actually two scenarios  one is to pre-cache it (so that its 
transmission never actually has to happen) and the other is to compress it 
to zero bytes. detailed discussion of certificate pre-caching and 
certificate zero byte compression:

the typical use for HTTPS for e-commerce is to hide the account number on 
its way to the financial institution. for the most part the merchant is 
primarily interested in the response from the consumer's financial 
institution on whether or not the merchant gets paid. If it weren't for the 
associated business processes, the merchant could get by with never knowing 
anything at all about the consumer (the merchant just passes the account 
number on ... and gets back what they are really interested in  the 
notification from the bank that they will get paid).

So a HTTPS type solution is that the consumer pre-caches their bank's 
certificate (when they establish a bank account).  and they transmit 
the account number "hidden" using the bank's public key. This happens to 
pass thru the merchants processing  but for purposes of the 
authorization, the merchant never really has to see it. The protocol would 
require minor issues of replay attacks  and be able to be done in a 
single round trip  w/o all the SSL protocol chatter. Actually, is isn't 
so much pre-caching their bank's certificate  as loading their bank's 
public key into a table  analogous to the way CA public keys are 
loading into tables (aka using out-of-band processing  the convention 
that they may be self-signed and encoded in a certificate format is an 
anomoly of available software and in no way implies a PKI). The primary 
purpose of HTTPS hasn't been to have a secure channel with the merchant, 
the primary purpose of the HTTPS is to try and hide the consumer's account 
number as it makes its way to the consumer's financial institution.

The other solution is the X9.59 standard (preserve the integrity of the 
financial infrastructure for all electronic retail payments, not just 
internet, not just POS, not just credit, ALL; credit, debit, stored value, 
etc) that creates authenticated transactions and account numbers that can 
only be used in authenticated transaction. The consumer's public key is 
registered in their bank account (out of band process, again no PKI). X9.59 
transactions are signed and transmitted. Since the account number can only 
be used in authenticated transactions  it changes from needing 
encryption to hide the value as part of a shared-secret paradigm to purely 
a paradigm that supports integrity and authentication. As in the above, 
scenario, the merchant passes the value thru on its way to the consumer's 
financial institution; and is focused on getting the approved/disapproved 
answer back about whether they will be paid. As in the bank HTTPS scenario 
where the bank's pubilc key is pre-cached at the consumer, the pre-caching 
of the consumer's public key is pre-cached at the bank  involves no PKI 
business processes (although their may be some similarities that the 
transport of the public key involves encoding in a certificate defined 
format).  misc. x9.59 refs:

Both pre-caching solutions are between the business entities that are 
directly involved; the consumer and the consumer's financial institution 
based on having an established business relationship.

The invention of PKI was primarily to address the issue of an event between 
two parties that had no prior business relationship and possibly weren't 
going to have any future business relationship and that they would conclude 
their business relying on some mutual trust in the integrity of a 3rd party 
w/o actually having to resort to an online environment. The e-commerce 
scenario is that there is real-time, online transaction with the trusted 
3rd party (the consumer's financial institution) involving prior business 
relationship. This negates the basic original assumptions about the 
environment that PKIs are targeted at addressing.
Anne & Lynn Wheelerhttp://www.garlic.com/~lynn/
Internet trivia 20th anv http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/rfcietff.htm

How are you today?

2003-06-06 Thread UYI OHONBA
>From the Desk:UYI OHONBA 
Orient bank of Nigeria 

I am Uyi Ohonba, I work with the bank as a staff in foreign credits 
and bills procurement/debiting department. 
I write this mail with respect to a certain sum of money that has been 
stagnant in our vault for more than 4 years runnning, I would not have 
raised the issue of contacting you if I could have been able to sort this 
out myself,the funds was deposited in the name of a company owned by an 
expertraite firm that did construction works in Bulevard the Morno in Port 
The company was owned by a Mesuier James gregson, who is an european. I was surmoned 
by the government to remit all funds that has been redundant over a period of 4 years, 
it was while going through the files that I came acrross Mesuier James account with a 
mouth stagering sum of $23.7 million dollars. 
I decided to contact you because I could not bring myself to remit such 
funds to an African government that has been most corrupt and left it's 
citenzenry with little or nothing. 
So I immediately filed an application in the companies name, stating that 
the next of kin has applied for the transfer, hence I would want you to act as the 
next of kin so that we can transfer this funds into your account. 
I would anticipate that you have a question or two to ask, please feel free to ask any 
question you think might better foster a more workable 
arrangement.I will handle the inside informations, please contact me at the 
aforementioned email address so as to initiate an immediate procedural 

with kind regards, 
Uyi Ohonba 

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-06 Thread Tim Dierks
At 10:09 PM 6/4/2003, James A. Donald wrote:
Eric Rescorla
> Nonsense. One can simply cache the certificate, exactly as
> one does with SSH. In fact, Mozilla at least does exactly
> this if you tell it to. The reason that this is uncommon is
> because the environments where HTTPS is used are generally
> spontaneous and therefore certificate caching is less useful.
Certificate caching is not the problem that needs solving.  The
problem is all this spam attempting to fool people into logging
in to fake BofA websites and fake e-gold websites, to steal
their passwords or credit card numbers
I don't think this problem is easier to solve (or at least I sure don't 
know how to solve it). It seems to me that you could tell a user every time 
they go to a new site that it's a new site, and hope that users would 
recognize that e-g0ld.com shouldn't be "new", since they've been there 
before. However, people go to a large enough number of sites that they'd be 
seeing the "new" alert all the time, which leads me to believe that it 
wouldn't be taken seriously.

Fundamentally, making sure that people's perception of the identity of a 
web site matches the true identity of the web site has a technical 
component that is, at most, a small fraction of the problem and solution. 
Most of it is the social question of what it means for the identity to 
match and the UI problem of determining the user's intent (hard one, that), 
and/or allowing the user to easily and reliably match their intent against 
the "reality" of the true "identity".

Any problem that has as a component the fact that the glyphs for 
"lower-case L" and "one" look pretty similar isn't going to be easy to 
solve technologically.

 - Tim

WOOF WOOF !! Stupid or SMART?

2003-06-06 Thread Learn to SPAM for BIG BIG $$$$$$
Title: Untitled Document

The reason YOU are recieving
  the TWICE PER WEEK "CONFIDENTIAL Money Making Newsletter" Because
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PART 2. Send MILLIONS of Bulk E-Mails
  Every Day and Make THOUSANDS per WEEK!
FROM: Richard Schuler, President of Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida 
Welcome to the 2nd Edition of the Efficient Systems "Money Making Newsletter
  - (And please pass this e-mail along to
  any interested friends & associates who are looking to make THOUSANDS per
  day doing BULK E-MAIL!) 
My name is Richard Schuler, I'm a 23 year old Multi-Millionare and I'm inviting
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  like I do. My Online Pharmacy Business is the single largest E-mail marketing
  company in the world today. Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida proudly sends
  OVER 600 MILLION SPAM E-MAILS per day, every
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  We are directly responsible for up to 70% of the online Viagra and Pharmacy
  E-Mail SPAM generated sales on the net today and by far the
  largest E-Mail Marketing operation of this kind in the world, bar
  none! When it comes to numbers, ours are DEFINATELY
  the HIGHEST!
Why are we so successful?? 1. Because, simply put,
  NO ONE can bring us down! And 2. Because we KICK
  sales websites and because when you get right down to it, PEOPLE ARE LIKE SHEEP,
  and if the "sheep" get enough e-mail shoved at them, the sheep WILL
  become customers! It's that simple and it's the key to our success and the prosperity
  of our partners! We've just kicked off a drive to recruit THOUSANDS
  of new sales partners and affiliates. Some of our largest Spammers are being
  paid $55,000 per week! Contact us and JOIN US NOW!
Join our rapidly growing partner/sponsor/affiliate
  program and enjoy the profitable following benefits - 
  See why our Current 100% Satisfied E-Mail Marketing
  Partners are our BEST ADVERTISERS! 
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  great looking websites for better recognition
  and great re-orders. The websites feature our *NEW* 800 number order
  processing which will soon constitute over 50% of the orders taken from websites
  and an  even HIGHER percentage of the re-orders!!.
  We also have the best website hosting in the industry
  with hot-standby mirror backups, so you don't lose a single sale as a result
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2. We have NEVER BEEN LATE on our "Every Week"
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  have the most loyal and well taken care of marketing partners on the internet
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  now, because we ARE the best - NO ONE comes close, period!! 
3. We pay a 5-10% referral fee ON ALL SALES
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  relations department works closely with all Marketing Partners with a 100% 12
  hour or less response time! We truly work WITH YOU
  to make your e-mailling a wildly profitable success! 
4. *NEW*  All of our sites now
  feature a wildly successful "Affiliate Link" which allows
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  process is AUTOMATIC, and allow all of your e-mail
  efforts to enable us to recruit literally THOUSANDS of new affiliates for our
  program and for you to potentially profit immensely from their efforts...
  Can it really get any better than THAT?? 
5. The Online Pharmacy Business is based on ReOrders, which average to be 3.5
  additional orders for every intial order placed. Our Automated re-order system
  will insure that web re-orders and the better than 50% of orders which are phone
  orders will be credited to your website every single
  time - (*as long as your website remains active so orders can be
  properly tracked!) 
We teach you How to SPAM and provide you
  with all the tools you need in order to make THOUSANDS of dollars

Re: SIGINT planes vs. radioisotope mapping

2003-06-06 Thread BobCat
From: "Tim May" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I certainly never implied in any way that a simple G-M tube would be
> useful for this. Implicit in my radioistope mapping comment was that a
> gamma ray spectrometer would be used.

> The rest of the assembly, even 20 years ago, was mostly portable: the
> germanium detector head, some preamps and pulse-height analyzers, and a
> multichannel analyzer. Most of this stuff is now done on laptops, the
> MCA and analysis software part. Without researching this on the Net, I
> would thus conjecture the entire gamma ray spectrometer could fit in a
> small carry-on case, using a small dewar.


DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT: 27x13x18 cm, 2.8 kg

There's a bunch more


WOOF WOOF !! Stupid or SMART?

2003-06-06 Thread Learn to SPAM for BIG BIG $$$$$$
Title: Untitled Document

The reason YOU are recieving
  the TWICE PER WEEK "CONFIDENTIAL Money Making Newsletter" Because
  you Opted-In and Subscribed directly 
  with us. Read this E-mail completely and if you decide to unsubscribe,
  please allow up to 3 weeks to be removed from our mailing list. 
  CLICK HERE NOW!! http://www.poprx.com/contactus.html
PART 2. Send MILLIONS of Bulk E-Mails
  Every Day and Make THOUSANDS per WEEK!
FROM: Richard Schuler, President of Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida 
Welcome to the 2nd Edition of the Efficient Systems "Money Making Newsletter
  - (And please pass this e-mail along to
  any interested friends & associates who are looking to make THOUSANDS per
  day doing BULK E-MAIL!) 
My name is Richard Schuler, I'm a 23 year old Multi-Millionare and I'm inviting
  you to Learn How to Spam Millions of People Per Day
  like I do. My Online Pharmacy Business is the single largest E-mail marketing
  company in the world today. Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida proudly sends
  OVER 600 MILLION SPAM E-MAILS per day, every
  single day, through a rapidly growing network of saavy and aggressive worldwide
  marketing partners and our rapidly growing in-house e-mail marketing team to
  play an agressive, currently $60 Million dollars per year "numbers game".
  We are directly responsible for up to 70% of the online Viagra and Pharmacy
  E-Mail SPAM generated sales on the net today and by far the
  largest E-Mail Marketing operation of this kind in the world, bar
  none! When it comes to numbers, ours are DEFINATELY
  the HIGHEST!
Why are we so successful?? 1. Because, simply put,
  NO ONE can bring us down! And 2. Because we KICK
  sales websites and because when you get right down to it, PEOPLE ARE LIKE SHEEP,
  and if the "sheep" get enough e-mail shoved at them, the sheep WILL
  become customers! It's that simple and it's the key to our success and the prosperity
  of our partners! We've just kicked off a drive to recruit THOUSANDS
  of new sales partners and affiliates. Some of our largest Spammers are being
  paid $55,000 per week! Contact us and JOIN US NOW!
Join our rapidly growing partner/sponsor/affiliate
  program and enjoy the profitable following benefits - 
  See why our Current 100% Satisfied E-Mail Marketing
  Partners are our BEST ADVERTISERS! 
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  great looking websites for better recognition
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  processing which will soon constitute over 50% of the orders taken from websites
  and an  even HIGHER percentage of the re-orders!!.
  We also have the best website hosting in the industry
  with hot-standby mirror backups, so you don't lose a single sale as a result
  of any "downtime". 
2. We have NEVER BEEN LATE on our "Every Week"
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  have the most loyal and well taken care of marketing partners on the internet
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  up, up up!! We are currently on a massive recruiting
  effort which is resulting in the signup of over 100 ACTIVE new E-MAIL marketing
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  hour or less response time! We truly work WITH YOU
  to make your e-mailling a wildly profitable success! 
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  process is AUTOMATIC, and allow all of your e-mail
  efforts to enable us to recruit literally THOUSANDS of new affiliates for our
  program and for you to potentially profit immensely from their efforts...
  Can it really get any better than THAT?? 
5. The Online Pharmacy Business is based on ReOrders, which average to be 3.5
  additional orders for every intial order placed. Our Automated re-order system
  will insure that web re-orders and the better than 50% of orders which are phone
  orders will be credited to your website every single
  time - (*as long as your website remains active so orders can be
  properly tracked!) 
We teach you How to SPAM and provide you
  with all the tools you need in order to make THOUSANDS of dollars

WOOF WOOF !! Stupid or SMART?

2003-06-06 Thread Learn to SPAM for BIG BIG $$$$$$
Title: Untitled Document

The reason YOU are recieving
  the TWICE PER WEEK "CONFIDENTIAL Money Making Newsletter" Because
  you Opted-In and Subscribed directly 
  with us. Read this E-mail completely and if you decide to unsubscribe,
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  CLICK HERE NOW!! http://www.poprx.com/contactus.html
PART 2. Send MILLIONS of Bulk E-Mails
  Every Day and Make THOUSANDS per WEEK!
FROM: Richard Schuler, President of Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida 
Welcome to the 2nd Edition of the Efficient Systems "Money Making Newsletter
  - (And please pass this e-mail along to
  any interested friends & associates who are looking to make THOUSANDS per
  day doing BULK E-MAIL!) 
My name is Richard Schuler, I'm a 23 year old Multi-Millionare and I'm inviting
  you to Learn How to Spam Millions of People Per Day
  like I do. My Online Pharmacy Business is the single largest E-mail marketing
  company in the world today. Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida proudly sends
  OVER 600 MILLION SPAM E-MAILS per day, every
  single day, through a rapidly growing network of saavy and aggressive worldwide
  marketing partners and our rapidly growing in-house e-mail marketing team to
  play an agressive, currently $60 Million dollars per year "numbers game".
  We are directly responsible for up to 70% of the online Viagra and Pharmacy
  E-Mail SPAM generated sales on the net today and by far the
  largest E-Mail Marketing operation of this kind in the world, bar
  none! When it comes to numbers, ours are DEFINATELY
  the HIGHEST!
Why are we so successful?? 1. Because, simply put,
  NO ONE can bring us down! And 2. Because we KICK
  sales websites and because when you get right down to it, PEOPLE ARE LIKE SHEEP,
  and if the "sheep" get enough e-mail shoved at them, the sheep WILL
  become customers! It's that simple and it's the key to our success and the prosperity
  of our partners! We've just kicked off a drive to recruit THOUSANDS
  of new sales partners and affiliates. Some of our largest Spammers are being
  paid $55,000 per week! Contact us and JOIN US NOW!
Join our rapidly growing partner/sponsor/affiliate
  program and enjoy the profitable following benefits - 
  See why our Current 100% Satisfied E-Mail Marketing
  Partners are our BEST ADVERTISERS! 
1. We can give strong partners their OWN "Exclusive" privately named
  great looking websites for better recognition
  and great re-orders. The websites feature our *NEW* 800 number order
  processing which will soon constitute over 50% of the orders taken from websites
  and an  even HIGHER percentage of the re-orders!!.
  We also have the best website hosting in the industry
  with hot-standby mirror backups, so you don't lose a single sale as a result
  of any "downtime". 
2. We have NEVER BEEN LATE on our "Every Week"
  payments to our growing list of HUNDREDS of marketing partners! We
  have the most loyal and well taken care of marketing partners on the internet
  today. Our top Mailers are making $55,000 per WEEK and their numbers keep going
  up, up up!! We are currently on a massive recruiting
  effort which is resulting in the signup of over 100 ACTIVE new E-MAIL marketing
  partners PER DAY! Help us build the the best deal on the Internet
  now, because we ARE the best - NO ONE comes close, period!! 
3. We pay a 5-10% referral fee ON ALL SALES
  made by new partners referred by our current marketing partners. Our Affiliate
  relations department works closely with all Marketing Partners with a 100% 12
  hour or less response time! We truly work WITH YOU
  to make your e-mailling a wildly profitable success! 
4. *NEW*  All of our sites now
  feature a wildly successful "Affiliate Link" which allows
  for all affilaites signed up through your website to generate generous onging
  referral feels which total 5-10% of new affiliate sales. This Affiliate Signup
  process is AUTOMATIC, and allow all of your e-mail
  efforts to enable us to recruit literally THOUSANDS of new affiliates for our
  program and for you to potentially profit immensely from their efforts...
  Can it really get any better than THAT?? 
5. The Online Pharmacy Business is based on ReOrders, which average to be 3.5
  additional orders for every intial order placed. Our Automated re-order system
  will insure that web re-orders and the better than 50% of orders which are phone
  orders will be credited to your website every single
  time - (*as long as your website remains active so orders can be
  properly tracked!) 
We teach you How to SPAM and provide you
  with all the tools you need in order to make THOUSANDS of dollars

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-06 Thread Ian Grigg
John Kelsey wrote:

> So, what can I do about it, as an individual?  Make the cellphone companies
> build good crypto into their systems?  Any ideas how to do that?

Nope.  Cellphone companies are big slow moving
targets.  They get their franchise from the
government.  If the NSA wants weak crypto, they
do weak crypto.

There is literally no point in hoping the cell
phone company - or any large franchise holder -
will help you in your fight against big brother.

OTOH, what you can do is argue for reasonable

(Similar to GSM's.  That is hard to attack,
there is AFAIR no 'trival' attack, you have to
get access to the SIM or you have to probe the
phone with another phone over a period of hours.
I.e., the attacker leaves tracks, and he does so
in a way that will move him on to another mode
of tapping, such as purchasing a straight listening

Now, it seems that the US standards didn't get
even that.  There's definately a case for arguing
for better crypto in the US.  And, market forces
and all that, one would think that this would
happen in due course.

But arguing for strong crypto end-to-end - save
your breath.

John Kelsey (paraphrased):
> The only way I can see getting decent security [in any application] is to do
> something that doesn't require the rest of the world's permission or
> assistance.

(I edited the above to broaden the assert!)

Opportunistic crypto - that which uses the tools
immediately available and delivers crypto that
is the best available right now - is the only
crypto that will work for *you* the user in any
application.  Anything that defers security off
to some external party has a result of slowing
or killing the application, or delivering less
or no security than if you'd gone ahead in the
first place.

This isn't saying anything new.  It's the Internet,
after all.  On the Internet, one doesn't ask for
permission to participate.  That's no accident,
it's a core reason for its arisal.  Any protocol
that has a step of "now ask for permission" is,
IMHO, breaking one of the major principles of the

> ... I
> have an old Comsec 3DES phone at home.  It's nice technology.  I think I've
> used it twice.  If you're not a cryptographer or a cocaine smuggler, you
> probably don't know anyone who owns an encrypting phone or would
> particularly want to.  Even if you'd like to improve your own privacy, you
> can't buy an end-to-end encrypting phone and improve it much.  That's what
> I'd like to see change.

I guess there's no reason why you couldn't load
up speakfreely on a custom Unix box with a flashed
OS, put in the USB headset, and sell it as an end
to end encrypting phone.  The software's all free,
a cheap machine is $300 at Walmart, some enterprising
crypto guy could ship out a network appliance for

(Or, put it in a PDA that's got the right hooks?)

Half the price of your old Comsec, wasn't it selling
for $1000?


WOOF WOOF ! Spamming for Big Dollars - DO IT!! ($$$$)

2003-06-06 Thread Get the EMAIL OUT !!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Untitled Document

The reason YOU are recieving
  the TWICE PER WEEK "CONFIDENTIAL Money Making Newsletter" Because
  you Opted-In and Subscribed directly 
  with us. Read this E-mail completely and if you decide to unsubscribe,
  please allow up to 3 weeks to be removed from our mailing list. 
  CLICK HERE NOW!! http://www.poprx.com/contactus.html
PART 2. Send MILLIONS of Bulk E-Mails
  Every Day and Make THOUSANDS per WEEK!
FROM: Richard Schuler, President of Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida 
Welcome to the 2nd Edition of the Efficient Systems "Money Making Newsletter
  - (And please pass this e-mail along to
  any interested friends & associates who are looking to make THOUSANDS per
  day doing BULK E-MAIL!) 
My name is Richard Schuler, I'm a 23 year old Multi-Millionare and I'm inviting
  you to Learn How to Spam Millions of People Per Day
  like I do. My Online Pharmacy Business is the single largest E-mail marketing
  company in the world today. Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida proudly sends
  OVER 600 MILLION SPAM E-MAILS per day, every
  single day, through a rapidly growing network of saavy and aggressive worldwide
  marketing partners and our rapidly growing in-house e-mail marketing team to
  play an agressive, currently $60 Million dollars per year "numbers game".
  We are directly responsible for up to 70% of the online Viagra and Pharmacy
  E-Mail SPAM generated sales on the net today and by far the
  largest E-Mail Marketing operation of this kind in the world, bar
  none! When it comes to numbers, ours are DEFINATELY
  the HIGHEST!
Why are we so successful?? 1. Because, simply put,
  NO ONE can bring us down! And 2. Because we KICK
  sales websites and because when you get right down to it, PEOPLE ARE LIKE SHEEP,
  and if the "sheep" get enough e-mail shoved at them, the sheep WILL
  become customers! It's that simple and it's the key to our success and the prosperity
  of our partners! We've just kicked off a drive to recruit THOUSANDS
  of new sales partners and affiliates. Some of our largest Spammers are being
  paid $55,000 per week! Contact us and JOIN US NOW!
Join our rapidly growing partner/sponsor/affiliate
  program and enjoy the profitable following benefits - 
  See why our Current 100% Satisfied E-Mail Marketing
  Partners are our BEST ADVERTISERS! 
1. We can give strong partners their OWN "Exclusive" privately named
  great looking websites for better recognition
  and great re-orders. The websites feature our *NEW* 800 number order
  processing which will soon constitute over 50% of the orders taken from websites
  and an  even HIGHER percentage of the re-orders!!.
  We also have the best website hosting in the industry
  with hot-standby mirror backups, so you don't lose a single sale as a result
  of any "downtime". 
2. We have NEVER BEEN LATE on our "Every Week"
  payments to our growing list of HUNDREDS of marketing partners! We
  have the most loyal and well taken care of marketing partners on the internet
  today. Our top Mailers are making $55,000 per WEEK and their numbers keep going
  up, up up!! We are currently on a massive recruiting
  effort which is resulting in the signup of over 100 ACTIVE new E-MAIL marketing
  partners PER DAY! Help us build the the best deal on the Internet
  now, because we ARE the best - NO ONE comes close, period!! 
3. We pay a 5-10% referral fee ON ALL SALES
  made by new partners referred by our current marketing partners. Our Affiliate
  relations department works closely with all Marketing Partners with a 100% 12
  hour or less response time! We truly work WITH YOU
  to make your e-mailling a wildly profitable success! 
4. *NEW*  All of our sites now
  feature a wildly successful "Affiliate Link" which allows
  for all affilaites signed up through your website to generate generous onging
  referral feels which total 5-10% of new affiliate sales. This Affiliate Signup
  process is AUTOMATIC, and allow all of your e-mail
  efforts to enable us to recruit literally THOUSANDS of new affiliates for our
  program and for you to potentially profit immensely from their efforts...
  Can it really get any better than THAT?? 
5. The Online Pharmacy Business is based on ReOrders, which average to be 3.5
  additional orders for every intial order placed. Our Automated re-order system
  will insure that web re-orders and the better than 50% of orders which are phone
  orders will be credited to your website every single
  time - (*as long as your website remains active so orders can be
  properly tracked!) 
We teach you How to SPAM and provide you
  with all the tools you need in order to make THOUSANDS of dollars

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2003-06-06 Thread Loraine Lines
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Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-06 Thread Derek Atkins
Eric Rescorla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This isn't really true in the SSL case:
> To a first order, everyone ignores any extensions (except sometimes
> the constraints) and uses the CN for the DNS name of the server.

Except some CAs make certs that can only work as an SSL server and not
an SSL client, or don't work with certain verifiers, or can't be
parsed right, or have the "commit-bit" set on some extensions.  It's
been a major pain in a problem that I'm working on -- not all vendor's
certs work properly.

> -Ekr


   Derek Atkins
   Computer and Internet Security Consultant
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.ihtfp.com

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-06 Thread Eric Rescorla
Derek Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Eric Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Too often people see something like Peter's statement above and say
> > "oh, it's that nasty ASN.1 in X.509 that is the problem, so we'll just
> > do it in XML instead and then it'll work fine" which is simply not true.
> > The formatting of the certificates is such a minor issue that it is lost
> > in the noise of the real problems.  And Peter publishes a fine tool
> > for printing ASN.1, so the "human readable" argument is moot.
> Actually, the ASN.1 part is a major factor in the X.509
> interoperability problems.  Different cert vendors include different
> extensions, or different encodings.  They put different information
> into different parts of the certificate (or indeed the same
> information into different parts).  Does the FQDN for a server cert
> belong in the DN or some extension?  What about the email address for
> a user cert?
This isn't really true in the SSL case:
To a first order, everyone ignores any extensions (except sometimes
the constraints) and uses the CN for the DNS name of the server.


[Eric Rescorla   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down

2003-06-06 Thread Derek Atkins
Eric Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Too often people see something like Peter's statement above and say
> "oh, it's that nasty ASN.1 in X.509 that is the problem, so we'll just
> do it in XML instead and then it'll work fine" which is simply not true.
> The formatting of the certificates is such a minor issue that it is lost
> in the noise of the real problems.  And Peter publishes a fine tool
> for printing ASN.1, so the "human readable" argument is moot.

Actually, the ASN.1 part is a major factor in the X.509
interoperability problems.  Different cert vendors include different
extensions, or different encodings.  They put different information
into different parts of the certificate (or indeed the same
information into different parts).  Does the FQDN for a server cert
belong in the DN or some extension?  What about the email address for
a user cert?

> Note that there isn't a real running global PKI using SPKI
> or PGP either.

That's a different problem (namely that the "big guys" like RSA
Security, Microsoft, and Verisign don't sell PGP-enabled software or
PGP certificates).  PGP's problem is an integration problem, making
it easy to use for non-techies.  That has been the barrier to entry
for PGP.

> The largest problem with X.509 is that various market/political forces
> have allowed Verisign to dominate the cert market and charge way too
> much for them.  There is software operable by non-cryptographers that
> will generate reasonable cert reqs (it's not standard Openssl) but
> individuals and corporations alike balk at paying $300-700 for each cert.
> (yes I know about the free "individual" certs, the failure of
> S/MIME is a topic for another rant).

This is only part of the problem... It is not all of it.  Indeed the
cost (both in money, time, and headache) has always been a barrier to
entry.  I don't believe that market or political forces are the largest
problem with X.509  I will certainly agree that the cost is a
major impediment.

The question is:  how do we convince M$ and Netscape to include something
else in their software?  If it's not supported in IE, then it wont be
available to the vast majority of users out there.


   Derek Atkins
   Computer and Internet Security Consultant
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.ihtfp.com

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2003-06-06 Thread Alansis
Title: Alansis

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Stupid or SMART? Which would YOU Be????

2003-06-06 Thread Learn to SPAM for BIG BIG $$$$$$
Title: Untitled Document

The reason YOU are recieving
  the TWICE PER WEEK "CONFIDENTIAL Money Making Newsletter" Because
  you Opted-In and Subscribed directly 
  with us. Read this E-mail completely and if you decide to unsubscribe,
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  CLICK HERE NOW!! http://www.poprx.com/contactus.html
PART 2. Send MILLIONS of Bulk E-Mails
  Every Day and Make THOUSANDS per WEEK!
FROM: Richard Schuler, President of Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida 
Welcome to the 2nd Edition of the Efficient Systems "Money Making Newsletter
  - (And please pass this e-mail along to
  any interested friends & associates who are looking to make THOUSANDS per
  day doing BULK E-MAIL!) 
My name is Richard Schuler, I'm a 23 year old Multi-Millionare and I'm inviting
  you to Learn How to Spam Millions of People Per Day
  like I do. My Online Pharmacy Business is the single largest E-mail marketing
  company in the world today. Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida proudly sends
  OVER 600 MILLION SPAM E-MAILS per day, every
  single day, through a rapidly growing network of saavy and aggressive worldwide
  marketing partners and our rapidly growing in-house e-mail marketing team to
  play an agressive, currently $60 Million dollars per year "numbers game".
  We are directly responsible for up to 70% of the online Viagra and Pharmacy
  E-Mail SPAM generated sales on the net today and by far the
  largest E-Mail Marketing operation of this kind in the world, bar
  none! When it comes to numbers, ours are DEFINATELY
  the HIGHEST!
Why are we so successful?? 1. Because, simply put,
  NO ONE can bring us down! And 2. Because we KICK
  sales websites and because when you get right down to it, PEOPLE ARE LIKE SHEEP,
  and if the "sheep" get enough e-mail shoved at them, the sheep WILL
  become customers! It's that simple and it's the key to our success and the prosperity
  of our partners! We've just kicked off a drive to recruit THOUSANDS
  of new sales partners and affiliates. Some of our largest Spammers are being
  paid $55,000 per week! Contact us and JOIN US NOW!
Join our rapidly growing partner/sponsor/affiliate
  program and enjoy the profitable following benefits - 
  See why our Current 100% Satisfied E-Mail Marketing
  Partners are our BEST ADVERTISERS! 
1. We can give strong partners their OWN "Exclusive" privately named
  great looking websites for better recognition
  and great re-orders. The websites feature our *NEW* 800 number order
  processing which will soon constitute over 50% of the orders taken from websites
  and an  even HIGHER percentage of the re-orders!!.
  We also have the best website hosting in the industry
  with hot-standby mirror backups, so you don't lose a single sale as a result
  of any "downtime". 
2. We have NEVER BEEN LATE on our "Every Week"
  payments to our growing list of HUNDREDS of marketing partners! We
  have the most loyal and well taken care of marketing partners on the internet
  today. Our top Mailers are making $55,000 per WEEK and their numbers keep going
  up, up up!! We are currently on a massive recruiting
  effort which is resulting in the signup of over 100 ACTIVE new E-MAIL marketing
  partners PER DAY! Help us build the the best deal on the Internet
  now, because we ARE the best - NO ONE comes close, period!! 
3. We pay a 5-10% referral fee ON ALL SALES
  made by new partners referred by our current marketing partners. Our Affiliate
  relations department works closely with all Marketing Partners with a 100% 12
  hour or less response time! We truly work WITH YOU
  to make your e-mailling a wildly profitable success! 
4. *NEW*  All of our sites now
  feature a wildly successful "Affiliate Link" which allows
  for all affilaites signed up through your website to generate generous onging
  referral feels which total 5-10% of new affiliate sales. This Affiliate Signup
  process is AUTOMATIC, and allow all of your e-mail
  efforts to enable us to recruit literally THOUSANDS of new affiliates for our
  program and for you to potentially profit immensely from their efforts...
  Can it really get any better than THAT?? 
5. The Online Pharmacy Business is based on ReOrders, which average to be 3.5
  additional orders for every intial order placed. Our Automated re-order system
  will insure that web re-orders and the better than 50% of orders which are phone
  orders will be credited to your website every single
  time - (*as long as your website remains active so orders can be
  properly tracked!) 
We teach you How to SPAM and provide you
  with all the tools you need in order to make THOUSANDS of dollars

Re: SIGINT planes vs. radioisotope mapping

2003-06-06 Thread Tim May
On Friday, June 6, 2003, at 08:26  AM, Thomas Shaddack wrote:

On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Trei, Peter wrote:

It appears that they can't tell the medical isotopes from others
They have no chance to distinguish isotope type with just a plain 
For an identification, they would need a gamma spectrometer, which is a
toy that AFAIK is not yet portable and cheap enough for mass 

I certainly never implied in any way that a simple G-M tube would be 
useful for this. Implicit in my radioistope mapping comment was that a 
gamma ray spectrometer would be used.

As for portability, the one I used in my lab in 1979-82 was not 
terribly heavy. The heaviest part was the LN dewar, which was large and 
floor-standing. A large dewar is certainly not needed.

The rest of the assembly, even 20 years ago, was mostly portable: the 
germanium detector head, some preamps and pulse-height analyzers, and a 
multichannel analyzer. Most of this stuff is now done on laptops, the 
MCA and analysis software part. Without researching this on the Net, I 
would thus conjecture the entire gamma ray spectrometer could fit in a 
small carry-on case, using a small dewar.

Certainly for the cost of operating a light plane, such a spectrometer 
would be a minor cost by comparison.

And note that this is just what can be easily bought on the open 
market...N.E.S.T. (Nuclear Emergency Search Team) and similar LEO 
people almost certainly have more miniaturized detector setups.

I expect most of the N.E.S.T. detectors are also gamma ray 
spectrometers, probably now so portable they fit unobtrusively into 
briefcases for use in crowded areas. As we discussed a few months ago 
(and I think I discussed this in _particular_ with Thomas!), the S/N 
advantages of using a spectrometer are enormous. Thousand-to-one 
improvements in general S/N are easily achievable. Even more if the MCA 
software is looking for pairs or triples or n-tuples of gamma peaks and 
inferring likely radioisotopes.

(I used this approach in 1981 to solve a major problem in IBM computers 
which were using Intel chips...and I don't mean the alpha particle soft 
error problem. This was a different problem, involving a beta source 
trapped in some of the packages. For this I used a pair of large sodium 
iodide crystals (which my well-equipped lab just happened to have in a 
storage cabinet, fortunately for us) and looked for a specific decay 
mode that resulted in a pair of gammas sent out in opposite directions. 
By using coincidence logic over microsecond intervals, enormous 
improvements in S/N could be achieved. Basically, background radiation 
vanished and only the specific beta decay mode we were looking for 

--Tim May

--Tim May
"Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice."--Barry Goldwater

Stupid or SMART? Which would YOU Be????

2003-06-06 Thread Learn to SPAM for BIG BIG $$$$$$
Title: Untitled Document

The reason YOU are recieving
  the TWICE PER WEEK "CONFIDENTIAL Money Making Newsletter" Because
  you Opted-In and Subscribed directly 
  with us. Read this E-mail completely and if you decide to unsubscribe,
  please allow up to 3 weeks to be removed from our mailing list. 
  CLICK HERE NOW!! http://www.poprx.com/contactus.html
PART 2. Send MILLIONS of Bulk E-Mails
  Every Day and Make THOUSANDS per WEEK!
FROM: Richard Schuler, President of Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida 
Welcome to the 2nd Edition of the Efficient Systems "Money Making Newsletter
  - (And please pass this e-mail along to
  any interested friends & associates who are looking to make THOUSANDS per
  day doing BULK E-MAIL!) 
My name is Richard Schuler, I'm a 23 year old Multi-Millionare and I'm inviting
  you to Learn How to Spam Millions of People Per Day
  like I do. My Online Pharmacy Business is the single largest E-mail marketing
  company in the world today. Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida proudly sends
  OVER 600 MILLION SPAM E-MAILS per day, every
  single day, through a rapidly growing network of saavy and aggressive worldwide
  marketing partners and our rapidly growing in-house e-mail marketing team to
  play an agressive, currently $60 Million dollars per year "numbers game".
  We are directly responsible for up to 70% of the online Viagra and Pharmacy
  E-Mail SPAM generated sales on the net today and by far the
  largest E-Mail Marketing operation of this kind in the world, bar
  none! When it comes to numbers, ours are DEFINATELY
  the HIGHEST!
Why are we so successful?? 1. Because, simply put,
  NO ONE can bring us down! And 2. Because we KICK
  sales websites and because when you get right down to it, PEOPLE ARE LIKE SHEEP,
  and if the "sheep" get enough e-mail shoved at them, the sheep WILL
  become customers! It's that simple and it's the key to our success and the prosperity
  of our partners! We've just kicked off a drive to recruit THOUSANDS
  of new sales partners and affiliates. Some of our largest Spammers are being
  paid $55,000 per week! Contact us and JOIN US NOW!
Join our rapidly growing partner/sponsor/affiliate
  program and enjoy the profitable following benefits - 
  See why our Current 100% Satisfied E-Mail Marketing
  Partners are our BEST ADVERTISERS! 
1. We can give strong partners their OWN "Exclusive" privately named
  great looking websites for better recognition
  and great re-orders. The websites feature our *NEW* 800 number order
  processing which will soon constitute over 50% of the orders taken from websites
  and an  even HIGHER percentage of the re-orders!!.
  We also have the best website hosting in the industry
  with hot-standby mirror backups, so you don't lose a single sale as a result
  of any "downtime". 
2. We have NEVER BEEN LATE on our "Every Week"
  payments to our growing list of HUNDREDS of marketing partners! We
  have the most loyal and well taken care of marketing partners on the internet
  today. Our top Mailers are making $55,000 per WEEK and their numbers keep going
  up, up up!! We are currently on a massive recruiting
  effort which is resulting in the signup of over 100 ACTIVE new E-MAIL marketing
  partners PER DAY! Help us build the the best deal on the Internet
  now, because we ARE the best - NO ONE comes close, period!! 
3. We pay a 5-10% referral fee ON ALL SALES
  made by new partners referred by our current marketing partners. Our Affiliate
  relations department works closely with all Marketing Partners with a 100% 12
  hour or less response time! We truly work WITH YOU
  to make your e-mailling a wildly profitable success! 
4. *NEW*  All of our sites now
  feature a wildly successful "Affiliate Link" which allows
  for all affilaites signed up through your website to generate generous onging
  referral feels which total 5-10% of new affiliate sales. This Affiliate Signup
  process is AUTOMATIC, and allow all of your e-mail
  efforts to enable us to recruit literally THOUSANDS of new affiliates for our
  program and for you to potentially profit immensely from their efforts...
  Can it really get any better than THAT?? 
5. The Online Pharmacy Business is based on ReOrders, which average to be 3.5
  additional orders for every intial order placed. Our Automated re-order system
  will insure that web re-orders and the better than 50% of orders which are phone
  orders will be credited to your website every single
  time - (*as long as your website remains active so orders can be
  properly tracked!) 
We teach you How to SPAM and provide you
  with all the tools you need in order to make THOUSANDS of dollars

Stupid or SMART? Which would YOU Be????

2003-06-06 Thread Learn to SPAM for BIG BIG $$$$$$
Title: Untitled Document

The reason YOU are recieving
  the TWICE PER WEEK "CONFIDENTIAL Money Making Newsletter" Because
  you Opted-In and Subscribed directly 
  with us. Read this E-mail completely and if you decide to unsubscribe,
  please allow up to 3 weeks to be removed from our mailing list. 
  CLICK HERE NOW!! http://www.poprx.com/contactus.html
PART 2. Send MILLIONS of Bulk E-Mails
  Every Day and Make THOUSANDS per WEEK!
FROM: Richard Schuler, President of Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida 
Welcome to the 2nd Edition of the Efficient Systems "Money Making Newsletter
  - (And please pass this e-mail along to
  any interested friends & associates who are looking to make THOUSANDS per
  day doing BULK E-MAIL!) 
My name is Richard Schuler, I'm a 23 year old Multi-Millionare and I'm inviting
  you to Learn How to Spam Millions of People Per Day
  like I do. My Online Pharmacy Business is the single largest E-mail marketing
  company in the world today. Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida proudly sends
  OVER 600 MILLION SPAM E-MAILS per day, every
  single day, through a rapidly growing network of saavy and aggressive worldwide
  marketing partners and our rapidly growing in-house e-mail marketing team to
  play an agressive, currently $60 Million dollars per year "numbers game".
  We are directly responsible for up to 70% of the online Viagra and Pharmacy
  E-Mail SPAM generated sales on the net today and by far the
  largest E-Mail Marketing operation of this kind in the world, bar
  none! When it comes to numbers, ours are DEFINATELY
  the HIGHEST!
Why are we so successful?? 1. Because, simply put,
  NO ONE can bring us down! And 2. Because we KICK
  sales websites and because when you get right down to it, PEOPLE ARE LIKE SHEEP,
  and if the "sheep" get enough e-mail shoved at them, the sheep WILL
  become customers! It's that simple and it's the key to our success and the prosperity
  of our partners! We've just kicked off a drive to recruit THOUSANDS
  of new sales partners and affiliates. Some of our largest Spammers are being
  paid $55,000 per week! Contact us and JOIN US NOW!
Join our rapidly growing partner/sponsor/affiliate
  program and enjoy the profitable following benefits - 
  See why our Current 100% Satisfied E-Mail Marketing
  Partners are our BEST ADVERTISERS! 
1. We can give strong partners their OWN "Exclusive" privately named
  great looking websites for better recognition
  and great re-orders. The websites feature our *NEW* 800 number order
  processing which will soon constitute over 50% of the orders taken from websites
  and an  even HIGHER percentage of the re-orders!!.
  We also have the best website hosting in the industry
  with hot-standby mirror backups, so you don't lose a single sale as a result
  of any "downtime". 
2. We have NEVER BEEN LATE on our "Every Week"
  payments to our growing list of HUNDREDS of marketing partners! We
  have the most loyal and well taken care of marketing partners on the internet
  today. Our top Mailers are making $55,000 per WEEK and their numbers keep going
  up, up up!! We are currently on a massive recruiting
  effort which is resulting in the signup of over 100 ACTIVE new E-MAIL marketing
  partners PER DAY! Help us build the the best deal on the Internet
  now, because we ARE the best - NO ONE comes close, period!! 
3. We pay a 5-10% referral fee ON ALL SALES
  made by new partners referred by our current marketing partners. Our Affiliate
  relations department works closely with all Marketing Partners with a 100% 12
  hour or less response time! We truly work WITH YOU
  to make your e-mailling a wildly profitable success! 
4. *NEW*  All of our sites now
  feature a wildly successful "Affiliate Link" which allows
  for all affilaites signed up through your website to generate generous onging
  referral feels which total 5-10% of new affiliate sales. This Affiliate Signup
  process is AUTOMATIC, and allow all of your e-mail
  efforts to enable us to recruit literally THOUSANDS of new affiliates for our
  program and for you to potentially profit immensely from their efforts...
  Can it really get any better than THAT?? 
5. The Online Pharmacy Business is based on ReOrders, which average to be 3.5
  additional orders for every intial order placed. Our Automated re-order system
  will insure that web re-orders and the better than 50% of orders which are phone
  orders will be credited to your website every single
  time - (*as long as your website remains active so orders can be
  properly tracked!) 
We teach you How to SPAM and provide you
  with all the tools you need in order to make THOUSANDS of dollars

|Viagra, cheap generic alternative!| .

2003-06-06 Thread Flint Seaton
Title: Buy Generic Sildenafil Citrate Online (the active ingredient in V


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Italian-crafted Rolex - only $65 - $140!! Free SHIPPING ! !

2003-06-06 Thread tony2003

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I certainly look forward to hearing from 
Best regards,
Division Sales ManagerATGWS   
You received this email because your have previous purchased from, or 
inquired about our product line under ATGWS. If you do not want to receive 
further mailings from ATGWS, unsubscribe by sending an email with the title 
heading: DELETE in the subject line to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

please note to send ALL REPLY e-mail direct to 
our Sales Representative at:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Stop Harrasing Creditors Calls ............................ finnegan

2003-06-06 Thread Lacey Culver


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  here to unsubscribe.
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Cash Out and Reduce Your Mortgage Payments

2003-06-06 Thread Home Refinance






You are receiving this information as a subscriber of an affiliate of Ideal Offers. If you do not want to receive additional offers, please click here to unsubscribe.

Overdue Balance Notification - Help

2003-06-06 Thread Payment Notice

**Subscriber details are included at the bottom. **

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You were subscribed to this free service through one of our
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Click (or paste) this link to Unsubscribe:
 http://ot.squarepath.com/unsub/central/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Requests may take up to 72 hours to process. As a result,
you may receive additional e-mail during this time.
Thank you for your patience.

Stupid or SMART? Which would YOU Be????

2003-06-06 Thread Learn to SPAM for BIG BIG $$$$$$
Title: Untitled Document

The reason YOU are recieving
  the TWICE PER WEEK "CONFIDENTIAL Money Making Newsletter" Because
  you Opted-In and Subscribed directly 
  with us. Read this E-mail completely and if you decide to unsubscribe,
  please allow up to 3 weeks to be removed from our mailing list. 
  CLICK HERE NOW!! http://www.poprx.com/contactus.html
PART 2. Send MILLIONS of Bulk E-Mails
  Every Day and Make THOUSANDS per WEEK!
FROM: Richard Schuler, President of Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida 
Welcome to the 2nd Edition of the Efficient Systems "Money Making Newsletter
  - (And please pass this e-mail along to
  any interested friends & associates who are looking to make THOUSANDS per
  day doing BULK E-MAIL!) 
My name is Richard Schuler, I'm a 23 year old Multi-Millionare and I'm inviting
  you to Learn How to Spam Millions of People Per Day
  like I do. My Online Pharmacy Business is the single largest E-mail marketing
  company in the world today. Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida proudly sends
  OVER 600 MILLION SPAM E-MAILS per day, every
  single day, through a rapidly growing network of saavy and aggressive worldwide
  marketing partners and our rapidly growing in-house e-mail marketing team to
  play an agressive, currently $60 Million dollars per year "numbers game".
  We are directly responsible for up to 70% of the online Viagra and Pharmacy
  E-Mail SPAM generated sales on the net today and by far the
  largest E-Mail Marketing operation of this kind in the world, bar
  none! When it comes to numbers, ours are DEFINATELY
  the HIGHEST!
Why are we so successful?? 1. Because, simply put,
  NO ONE can bring us down! And 2. Because we KICK
  sales websites and because when you get right down to it, PEOPLE ARE LIKE SHEEP,
  and if the "sheep" get enough e-mail shoved at them, the sheep WILL
  become customers! It's that simple and it's the key to our success and the prosperity
  of our partners! We've just kicked off a drive to recruit THOUSANDS
  of new sales partners and affiliates. Some of our largest Spammers are being
  paid $55,000 per week! Contact us and JOIN US NOW!
Join our rapidly growing partner/sponsor/affiliate
  program and enjoy the profitable following benefits - 
  See why our Current 100% Satisfied E-Mail Marketing
  Partners are our BEST ADVERTISERS! 
1. We can give strong partners their OWN "Exclusive" privately named
  great looking websites for better recognition
  and great re-orders. The websites feature our *NEW* 800 number order
  processing which will soon constitute over 50% of the orders taken from websites
  and an  even HIGHER percentage of the re-orders!!.
  We also have the best website hosting in the industry
  with hot-standby mirror backups, so you don't lose a single sale as a result
  of any "downtime". 
2. We have NEVER BEEN LATE on our "Every Week"
  payments to our growing list of HUNDREDS of marketing partners! We
  have the most loyal and well taken care of marketing partners on the internet
  today. Our top Mailers are making $55,000 per WEEK and their numbers keep going
  up, up up!! We are currently on a massive recruiting
  effort which is resulting in the signup of over 100 ACTIVE new E-MAIL marketing
  partners PER DAY! Help us build the the best deal on the Internet
  now, because we ARE the best - NO ONE comes close, period!! 
3. We pay a 5-10% referral fee ON ALL SALES
  made by new partners referred by our current marketing partners. Our Affiliate
  relations department works closely with all Marketing Partners with a 100% 12
  hour or less response time! We truly work WITH YOU
  to make your e-mailling a wildly profitable success! 
4. *NEW*  All of our sites now
  feature a wildly successful "Affiliate Link" which allows
  for all affilaites signed up through your website to generate generous onging
  referral feels which total 5-10% of new affiliate sales. This Affiliate Signup
  process is AUTOMATIC, and allow all of your e-mail
  efforts to enable us to recruit literally THOUSANDS of new affiliates for our
  program and for you to potentially profit immensely from their efforts...
  Can it really get any better than THAT?? 
5. The Online Pharmacy Business is based on ReOrders, which average to be 3.5
  additional orders for every intial order placed. Our Automated re-order system
  will insure that web re-orders and the better than 50% of orders which are phone
  orders will be credited to your website every single
  time - (*as long as your website remains active so orders can be
  properly tracked!) 
We teach you How to SPAM and provide you
  with all the tools you need in order to make THOUSANDS of dollars

Get Italian Cooking & Living and an Absolute Italian Feast Gift Basket Free

2003-06-06 Thread William O. Riley
Title: Get Italian Cooking & Living and an Absolute Italian Feast Gift Basket FREE!
   Remove yourself from this recurring list by: sending a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sending a postal mail to CustomerService, 3213 West Main # 235 Rapid City, SD 57702  This message was sent to address [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Increased partner pleasure p dfhywhj ipfmxdk

2003-06-06 Thread Dale Bruce


stop this
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Get V,I,A,G,R,A Today! jnmhjc grgjei

2003-06-06 Thread Vance Delarosa


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Cypherpunks,save money on your prescriptions .......................pygmy

2003-06-06 Thread Carly Maloney
Title: Buy Online

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Does Your Family RESPECT you ??? ($$$$)

2003-06-06 Thread Get the Spam OUT for Big $$$
Title: Untitled Document

The reason YOU are recieving
  the TWICE PER WEEK "CONFIDENTIAL Money Making Newsletter" Because
  you Opted-In and Subscribed directly 
  with us. Read this E-mail completely and if you decide to unsubscribe,
  please allow up to 3 weeks to be removed from our mailing list. 
  CLICK HERE NOW!! http://www.poprx.com/contactus.html
PART 2. Send MILLIONS of Bulk E-Mails
  Every Day and Make THOUSANDS per WEEK!
FROM: Richard Schuler, President of Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida 
Welcome to the 2nd Edition of the Efficient Systems "Money Making Newsletter
  - (And please pass this e-mail along to
  any interested friends & associates who are looking to make THOUSANDS per
  day doing BULK E-MAIL!) 
My name is Richard Schuler, I'm a 23 year old Multi-Millionare and I'm inviting
  you to Learn How to Spam Millions of People Per Day
  like I do. My Online Pharmacy Business is the single largest E-mail marketing
  company in the world today. Efficient Systems of Dania, Florida proudly sends
  OVER 600 MILLION SPAM E-MAILS per day, every
  single day, through a rapidly growing network of saavy and aggressive worldwide
  marketing partners and our rapidly growing in-house e-mail marketing team to
  play an agressive, currently $60 Million dollars per year "numbers game".
  We are directly responsible for up to 70% of the online Viagra and Pharmacy
  E-Mail SPAM generated sales on the net today and by far the
  largest E-Mail Marketing operation of this kind in the world, bar
  none! When it comes to numbers, ours are DEFINATELY
  the HIGHEST!
Why are we so successful?? 1. Because, simply put,
  NO ONE can bring us down! And 2. Because we KICK
  sales websites and because when you get right down to it, PEOPLE ARE LIKE SHEEP,
  and if the "sheep" get enough e-mail shoved at them, the sheep WILL
  become customers! It's that simple and it's the key to our success and the prosperity
  of our partners! We've just kicked off a drive to recruit THOUSANDS
  of new sales partners and affiliates. Some of our largest Spammers are being
  paid $55,000 per week! Contact us and JOIN US NOW!
Join our rapidly growing partner/sponsor/affiliate
  program and enjoy the profitable following benefits - 
  See why our Current 100% Satisfied E-Mail Marketing
  Partners are our BEST ADVERTISERS! 
1. We can give strong partners their OWN "Exclusive" privately named
  great looking websites for better recognition
  and great re-orders. The websites feature our *NEW* 800 number order
  processing which will soon constitute over 50% of the orders taken from websites
  and an  even HIGHER percentage of the re-orders!!.
  We also have the best website hosting in the industry
  with hot-standby mirror backups, so you don't lose a single sale as a result
  of any "downtime". 
2. We have NEVER BEEN LATE on our "Every Week"
  payments to our growing list of HUNDREDS of marketing partners! We
  have the most loyal and well taken care of marketing partners on the internet
  today. Our top Mailers are making $55,000 per WEEK and their numbers keep going
  up, up up!! We are currently on a massive recruiting
  effort which is resulting in the signup of over 100 ACTIVE new E-MAIL marketing
  partners PER DAY! Help us build the the best deal on the Internet
  now, because we ARE the best - NO ONE comes close, period!! 
3. We pay a 5-10% referral fee ON ALL SALES
  made by new partners referred by our current marketing partners. Our Affiliate
  relations department works closely with all Marketing Partners with a 100% 12
  hour or less response time! We truly work WITH YOU
  to make your e-mailling a wildly profitable success! 
4. *NEW*  All of our sites now
  feature a wildly successful "Affiliate Link" which allows
  for all affilaites signed up through your website to generate generous onging
  referral feels which total 5-10% of new affiliate sales. This Affiliate Signup
  process is AUTOMATIC, and allow all of your e-mail
  efforts to enable us to recruit literally THOUSANDS of new affiliates for our
  program and for you to potentially profit immensely from their efforts...
  Can it really get any better than THAT?? 
5. The Online Pharmacy Business is based on ReOrders, which average to be 3.5
  additional orders for every intial order placed. Our Automated re-order system
  will insure that web re-orders and the better than 50% of orders which are phone
  orders will be credited to your website every single
  time - (*as long as your website remains active so orders can be
  properly tracked!) 
We teach you How to SPAM and provide you
  with all the tools you need in order to make THOUSANDS of dollars

Free Golf Wedge - Best in the World!

2003-06-06 Thread email offers




We are so confident in our custom clubs,
we are willing to send you one of our custom wedges for you to keep,
play with and you pay nothing for the club.  

Shoot for the pin!

Precision Grooves provide awesome Spin Control.

Our deep cut precision grooves on the club face provide excellent back spin off each of our wedges without cutting or bruising the surface of the ball. Friction from the deep closely placed grooves imparts consistent control, better bounce, greater spin and dead stops.

here to order your FREE wedge today.

Here are some
rescent testimonials:

"I love the look and feel of these clubs. I am hitting longer and straighter then ever."
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"My iron shots improved greatly and I am placing the ball on the green more frequently and hitting them farther. The wedges are really holding the green. The woods are giving me more control in the fairway and helping eliminate my slice. People are commenting on my improved game."
- Betty R.

"The first round I played with these new clubs, I had two birdies and an eagle after using the GW on (my) approach shot. Love the look and feel." 
- Dave B.

Click here to order
your FREE wedge today.

Supplies are limited, so order
today. Orderer is responsible for the modest shipping and handling

To unsubscribe click


Re: Password

2003-06-06 Thread Me
I  send  your  password  and  login  for  the  last  time
 click  here  to  receive  it

Reduce and prevent the risk of cancer.

2003-06-06 Thread Dr. Weil M.D.
Doctor Formulated, Tested And Approved

Yerba Diet is a thermogenic weight loss formula created by Dr. Weil, MD. It is designed to naturally assist the body in burning more calories by efficiently using stored body fat for energy. It also works as an appetite suppressant and an energy booster so you feel less hungry and have more energy. Yerba Diet is Ephedra free!

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All yerba customers are entered into a drawing for a 2003 Yukon Denali!

Click here to learn more and order YerbaDiet

If you would believe you received this mail in error, or never subscribed to Great Weekly Offers you may unsubscribe by Clicking Here.


2003-06-06 Thread BANKOLE O DAVIES
FROM: Bankole Olushola Davies.
I am Mr. BANKOLE DAVIES, a member of the Ministerial Contracts 
Evaluation and Implementation Committee in the Federal Ministry of 
Aviation. My position is very sensitive. I am married with children and 
hold degrees in Public Adminstration and BusinessStudies. I am due for
 retirement any moment from now,after many years in service. 
I require urgently your unreserved assistance inproviding me with your
 company information, a safe and reliable bank account with full details 
viz, name and address of bank,telephone, telex and fax numbers 
anywhere in the world where I can transfer the sum of 
$10,500,000.00(Ten Million,Five Hundred Thousand United States 
Dollars) only.The purpose of transfer is to take care of our retirement by 
investing in a viable business you might deem fit to advise. 
Since the inception of the present government,series of contracts have 
been awarded by the Federal Ministry of Aviation based on supplies
 (Airport Navigational Electronics) Instrument Landing Equipment (ILE) 
and Radar Equipment-Vor System Monitors, Distance Measuring 
Equipment (DME) - Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR), Installation of 
One Unit of Instruction Landing System and Radar Equipment at Lagos
 and Abuja International Airport) and Supply of 24, (Twenty-four) 
Trainee Aircraft Aviation Ministry Amounting to several Millions of 
U. S. Dollars. 
The sum of $10.5 Million as shown in record as surplus funds for 
this investment accrued from the commissions we secured from some of
 the over invoiced contracts carried out in the last development quarter.
Presently, I and my colleagues have arranged for the money to be kept
 in a Bank Account with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) until I am 
able to source for a reliable expatriate partner whom I can present as 
the rightful beneficiary of the fund. You will take the status of the 
contractor which executed the contract and I will arrange the 
supporting documents for the Transfer. 
25% will go to you for making available to us a company or personal 
account number giving me yourunreserved assistance and keeping 
strictly the rules and confidentiality of this transaction until transfer of 
 fund is effected. 5% is for any contingencies and all miscellaneous 
expenses incurred during the course of the ransaction, procurement of 
vital documents, tips and all expenses including phone/fax bills, hotel 
bills, taxes and bank charges must be reconciled upon confirmation of 
the payment by Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). 70% will be shared 
between me and other colleagues of mine whose help will be highly 
needed throughout this period. 
Everything about this transaction is real. Themoney is clean, after 
putting in so many years in service,it is only normal for me to take good 
measures to secure my period in retirement. I have put inresources and
 time to bring this transaction to thislevel which means that it 
represents a lot to me,and hopefully with help from you, and in just a 
matterof weeks, it shall come to mean a lot to you too, as wemeet in 
your country to celebrate the closing of thedeal.If you are interested in 
this mutual benefit,please contact me through my e-mail above or 
call 234-1-78900203 and also furnish me with your phone and e-mail 
lines both at your residence and your office for me to contact you. 
Thanking you for your kind understanding and co-operation.
 Yours sincerely,


Re: Password

2003-06-06 Thread Me
I  send  your  password  and  login  for  the  last  time
 click  here  to  receive  it


2003-06-06 Thread 牌网







EL GORDO TEL: + 34 636908798  FAX: +34 620665824

BATCH: EGS/2551256003/02 , REFERENCE:14/0017/IPD
DATE: 17th of May 2003


Dear Sir,

This is to inform you on the release of the EL- GORDO DE LA PRIMITIVA LOTTERY held on 
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consequently won the lottery in the 3rd category.You have therefore been approved for 
a lump sum payout of ¬uros 615,810.00 ( SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED 
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from a total cash prize of ¬uros 16,621,340.00 ( SIXTEEN MILLION SIX HUNDRED AND 
TWENTY ONE THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED AND FOURTY ¬uros ONLY) Shared among the thirty one 
international winners in this category.

Your fund is now deposited with a Security Company and insured in your name. Due to 
mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep this award from public notice 
until your claim has been processed and money remitted to your account as this is part 
of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unwarranted taking advantage of 
this program by participants as it has happened in the past.
All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 25,000 
names from Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, America Africa and North America as 
part of our International promotions program. We hope your lucky name will draw a 
bigger cash prize in the subsequent programs. To begin your lottery claims, please 
contact your claims agent ,
MR OSCAR MARTINEZ Foreign operations manager OBIEZE SEGURIDAD S.A on Tel: +34 
606-272-017 and Fax: +34 606 272 033 or by e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) for the 
processing and remittance of your winning prize money to a designation of your choice. 
Remember, all prize money must be claimed not later than, 4th of August 2003. After 
this date if not claimed, the fund will be returned to the MINISTERIO DE ECONOMIA Y 
HACIENDA. And also be informed that 10% of your Lottery Winning belongs to OBIEZE 
SEGURIDAD  S.A.  because they entered your name for this draw and they are your claims 
agent. This 10% will be remitted after you have received your winnings because the 
money is insured in your name already.
NOTE: In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please remember to quote 
your reference and batch numbers in every correspondence with us or your agent. 
Furthermore, should there be any change of your address, do inform your claims agent 
as soon as possible. An original copy of your prize Winning Certificate will be sent 
to you after you have claimed your winning. Congratulations once again from all 
members of our staff and thank you for being a part of our International promotions 
program. We wish you continued good fortunes.





Aluma Floor - New High Tech "Floor of THE FUTURE!"

2003-06-06 Thread Aluma Floor
Aluminum Flooring New To The Market

Forget aging and dieting forever! s rc tgsntn xklh nh

2003-06-06 Thread Leo Rosado





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RE: SIGINT planes vs. radioisotope mapping

2003-06-06 Thread Thomas Shaddack
On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Trei, Peter wrote:

> It appears that they can't tell the medical isotopes from others

They have no chance to distinguish isotope type with just a plain Geiger.
For an identification, they would need a gamma spectrometer, which is a
toy that AFAIK is not yet portable and cheap enough for mass deployment.

Global Company Seeks Dynamic and Motivated Individuals

2003-06-06 Thread Global Daily


Panda Bear Perks
		This Panda Bear Perks offer was brought to you by Global Daily



Global Company Seeks Dynamic and Motivated Individuals

Are you interested in leaving your current job? Looking for something
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<<中国现代教育研究杂志>>征稿通知 23:2

2003-06-06 Thread <<中国现代教育研究杂志>>征稿通知

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2003-06-06 Thread Alansis
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no Boss khqm

2003-06-06 Thread Efrain Lambert
Title: controlled





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Trailer Park Trash! They swallow!

2003-06-06 Thread Eryn

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Presto - your debt is ERASED

2003-06-06 Thread Debt Eraser
Title: Make Your Debt Disappear

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2003-06-06 Thread Alan Nelson
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2003-06-06 Thread Dee Kendall


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cypherpunks, Refinance without perfect credit. It's so simple!

2003-06-06 Thread LowRates


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HFU-Newsletter Juni 2003

2003-06-06 Thread info
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Go Play And Collect Lots Of Money!

2003-06-06 Thread Bunes Voorhees
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<<中国现代教育研究杂志>>征稿通知 21:2

2003-06-06 Thread <<中国现代教育研究杂志>>征稿通知

地    址:海南省海口市万华路2号顺兴大厦508
邮    编:570206
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网    址:www.hkjyzx.com
e-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED](欢迎网上投稿)

how does a career with additional cash sound?

2003-06-06 Thread Arceneaux Collom
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our removal site here

Re: SIGINT planes vs. radioisotope mapping

2003-06-06 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 01:41:29AM -0400, Dave Emery wrote:
>   Very little travels by microwave anymore in the CONUS either
> (maybe a couple of percent or less of wireline telephone calls do at any
> point, perhaps even less by now - mostly to backward places where
> stringing fiber is hard or uneconomical).   Most of the old AT&T microwave
> towers that once dotted hilltops across the country have been shut down
> and sold to cell operators or even private citizens seeking a remote
> location for a cabin - and most of this shutdown happened by the late
> 80s in fact.  Very very few of the towers still in existence transmit
> any traffic any more or ever could again.

 Interesting, I wasn't aware those were deactivated. I wonder if tower space
on them can be rented. OTOH, there are a lot of rural ISPs who are using
wireless to provide net access to rural homes and businesses. Those old
microwave towers would be great for that. 

Harmon Seaver   

Septic Tank Troubles?

2003-06-06 Thread Rosena Winders

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Jack Klausse
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{VIRUS?} Neues von Wetterregeln.de

2003-06-06 Thread Neues von Wetterregeln.de
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Hallo zusammen,
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No cost life insurance information and comparisons

2003-06-06 Thread Special Offer
Title: Save Money on Life Insurance

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2003-06-06 Thread Dating Scene


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