Re: DoS-ing fatherland goons

2004-01-03 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 11:01 AM 1/3/04 +0100, Anonymous Remailer wrote:
- Orchestrated telephone conversations using codewords (thw worm will
meet the apple on monday)

- Ordering tens of almanacs, etc.

WiFi-injected encrypted messages to select TLDs on the List
(and beyond --Indonesia suffices).

Got Chatter?

Re: Education Be For Whitey

2004-01-03 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 10:41 PM 1/2/04 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
And until the Liberatarian utopia you speak of comes to pass,

One could close all public schools and voucher tomorrow.

I still have
the naivety to attempt discussing what kind of system (and
reachable from today's world) might actually lift as many blacks and
trailer trash out of their ghettos (in whatever form) and back into the


Simple.  Take the infants and put them with parents who subscribe to
a culture that values education and work.  Then even govt schools
won't damage them enought to crush them.

If you drive, you're a slave (Re: Sources and Sinks)

2004-01-03 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 08:09 AM 1/3/04 -0500, Michael Kalus wrote:
Yes, the way this usually works is that the government builds the road,

then sells it to a private company for some money and then the upkeep
is handled by the company.

It is rather seldom that someone builds a road for a business venture.

Come visit SoCal some time.  I'll show you some roads built as
Many of them.  Sometimes, if they fail as investments (hey, we're
losing money, lets
raise tolls), the investors will sell to the govt ---the opposite of
your assertion.

But it shouldn't matter to a socialist like you: if I've driven on a
road, I'm therefore a slave to anyone's (or everyone's) 's need.  Anyone
who can convince a politicowhore to give them a slice, that is.

Re: Education Be For Whitey

2004-01-03 Thread Tim May
On Jan 3, 2004, at 9:23 AM, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

At 10:41 PM 1/2/04 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
And until the Liberatarian utopia you speak of comes to pass,
One could close all public schools and voucher tomorrow.
I came up with a plan which is workable immediately and which does not 
require substantive changes:

Put a partition down the middle of a school building. One side is 
Blue, the other side is Red.

Blue and Red have different academic orientations, different goals. 
What the goals are and how they are set might arise in different ways, 
e.g., by a vote of parents, or the backgrounds of the teachers in each, 
and so on. Not so important. What is important is what follows.

As the Blue and Red sides evolve, with perhaps one focusing on academic 
excellence and the other on social skills, parents could move their 
children between the sides (say, on a semester by semester basis, to 
reduce thrashing). As the sizes of the Blue and Red sizes change, the 
partition would be moved.

This gives policy choice within a particular school building, which 
is a lot less expensive than busing students long distances to get to 
magnet schools (science, performing arts, crack dealing, etc.).

--Tim May
They played all kinds of games, kept the House in session all night, 
and it was a very complicated bill. Maybe a handful of staffers 
actually read it, but the bill definitely was not available to members 
before the vote. --Rep. Ron Paul, TX, on how few Congresscritters saw 
the USA-PATRIOT Bill before voting overwhelmingly to impose a police 

School of the future

2004-01-03 Thread Tyler Durden
Tim May wrote...

Put a partition down the middle of a school building. One side is Blue, 
the other side is Red. 

Shit. This sounds a lot like my school of the future idea.

Basically, in the inner cities the armories are converted into schools, 
with a giant partition in the middle. On one side are self-learning stations 
and a small number of instructors. Kids can choose to go to this side of the 
partition whenever they want, or never. (BUT school is mandatory from 12 to 
22, and big Soylent Green-type scoops scoop up the students every morning 
and dump them into the school.)

The other side of the partition is basically a giant gymnasium. Guards with 
watercannon are stationed in the balcony to break up fights.

At graduation, there's a trap door on the gymnasium side, that opens onto a 
slide leading directly to Rikers.

In the extended version, the schools are located out in a gulag, and 
students live there from ages 10 to 24. There are two jobs in the schools, 
one is breaking rocks, which are imported from other schools, the other is 
making rocks in concrete molds, which are exported.

Classrooms consist of a teacher behind a plexiglass wall, giving lessons 
over a loudspeaker that's cranked far higher than any kid could scream or 
yell. Thus, classroom noise is basically eliminated as a practical concern 
(the teacher might also have access to watercannon behind the plexiglass 

As for teachers, the source is clear: those that fail to graduate must teach 
for a period of 10 to 15 years.


Subject: Re: Education Be For Whitey
Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2004 10:34:13 -0800
On Jan 3, 2004, at 9:23 AM, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

At 10:41 PM 1/2/04 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
And until the Liberatarian utopia you speak of comes to pass,
One could close all public schools and voucher tomorrow.
I came up with a plan which is workable immediately and which does not 
require substantive changes:

Put a partition down the middle of a school building. One side is Blue, 
the other side is Red.

Blue and Red have different academic orientations, different goals. What 
the goals are and how they are set might arise in different ways, e.g., by 
a vote of parents, or the backgrounds of the teachers in each, and so on. 
Not so important. What is important is what follows.

As the Blue and Red sides evolve, with perhaps one focusing on academic 
excellence and the other on social skills, parents could move their 
children between the sides (say, on a semester by semester basis, to reduce 
thrashing). As the sizes of the Blue and Red sizes change, the partition 
would be moved.

This gives policy choice within a particular school building, which is a 
lot less expensive than busing students long distances to get to magnet 
schools (science, performing arts, crack dealing, etc.).

--Tim May
They played all kinds of games, kept the House in session all night, and 
it was a very complicated bill. Maybe a handful of staffers actually read 
it, but the bill definitely was not available to members before the vote. 
--Rep. Ron Paul, TX, on how few Congresscritters saw the USA-PATRIOT Bill 
before voting overwhelmingly to impose a police state
Take advantage of our limited-time introductory offer for dial-up Internet 

Re: Sources and Sinks

2004-01-03 Thread James A. Donald
On 3 Jan 2004 at 8:09, Michael Kalus wrote:
 Yes, the way this usually works is that the government builds
 the road, then sells it to a private company for some money
 and then the upkeep is handled by the company.

 It is rather seldom that someone builds a road for a business

Used to happen all the time, before governments became so

 James A. Donald

Re: Sources and Sinks

2004-01-03 Thread bgt
On Sat, 2004-01-03 at 07:09, Michael Kalus wrote:

  Where there is no governmental police force, their is demand for
  private enforcement. And you know what? They regularly do their jobs
  better than the police.
 Of course there is no oversight body, so if they use excessive force 
 well, It's all part of doing business and after all they didn't smash 
 YOUR skull so what do you care, right?

The only necessary oversight body is the courts. Both public and
private police (should) operate under the Rule of Law just like everyone
else.  As with the public police, if private police have public
perception problems related to excessive force, abuse of power, or
whatever, they may opt to use a third-party interest to do
self-policing by fining, firing, etc (much like pro sports
organizations do... contractually).  This is strictly a business
management decision however, the only legal oversight should be 
the court.  Police (public or private) should be judged and punished 
(in the legal sense) in the same way any other citizen is.  
  Show me a company that doesn't pay a dime in taxes, please, make it one
  that actually has employees and does something useful and makes profit.
  Amuse me and try it out.
 I don't have a link ready right now, but there were several US 
 corporations as well as some in Germany who did NOT pay any taxes for 
 the past couple of years because of either breaks they got so not to 
 leave, OR because they posted such high losses that they did not post 
 any profit on the books, thus not pay any taxes.

Purely for the sake of argument, even if this is correct (which I'm not
conceding), a company that is truly in business to make a profit by 
doing something useful (creating a product, providing a useful service,
etc) pays employees who pay taxes, pays employee payroll taxes, pays
shareholders who pay taxes, and produces something (product or service)
which is almost always taxed, usually in several ways. Just because a
company does not pay an income tax DOES NOT mean it isn't heavily taxed
in other direct and indirect ways.  

 But all of you who seem to think that social services et al, should be 
 run on a profit maximiation basis, tell me this: How much are you worth 
 in Dollars and cents (or Euros)? I would like to know how much you 
 think you are worth to your friends, family, kids, spouses etc.?

I'm not sure what that's got to do with it.  (We're talking about 
essential social services meaning services designed to protect lives,
right?)  How I value my life is measured by exactly what I will do to
protect and enhance my life.  I am worth to other people exactly what
they would do /voluntarily/ to protect/enhance my life.

What that's got to do with whether these services should be privatized
or not I'm not sure.  Unless you're arguing that (by that definition)
I'm not worth very much to very many other people, and since that 
leaves the responsibility for my life squarely on my own shoulders 
(and on the shoulders of people I voluntarily engage to start caring
about me!).  Well, that's the only fair way... coercing other people
to care for and by extension pay for my own welfare is immoral and
evil.  If you care so much for everyone else's welfare, there's plenty
of charities you can voluntarily donate your money to that will be 
happy to look after everyone else.  Oh, most people are selfish and
wouldn't /voluntarily/ give 30-50% of their money away to total
strangers (favoring their own families and close friends instead)?  
Then please explain how it's moral to FORCE them!

(Jeez, I just recently got back onto this list after a several-year
hiatus.  How the hell did so many statists ever get the idea that
ubiquitous cryptography would ever further their goals?  Or are they
just here to distract us with statism vs liberty type political 
debates so we can't get any real work done??)


So many statists

2004-01-03 Thread Tim May
On Jan 3, 2004, at 3:01 PM, bgt wrote:
(Jeez, I just recently got back onto this list after a several-year
hiatus.  How the hell did so many statists ever get the idea that
ubiquitous cryptography would ever further their goals?  Or are they
just here to distract us with statism vs liberty type political
debates so we can't get any real work done??)
Most of those now posting (and maybe most of those subscribed, but I am 
only speculating) are various eurotrash lefties and anti-globalist 
activists who decided that crypto is cool after their anti-corporate, 
anti-choice rallies in Seattle, Milano, and other cities shut down by 
the Yippie marches and barricades. I assume they figured that since 
they were using PGP to communicate with their fellow anti-capitalists, 
that crypto must be cool (I'm not sure if they favor the negro term, 
bad, or the traditional term, good, so I'll use the term of my 
generation, cool.)

Are they confused? Yep.

Welcome to the Gen X and Gen Y (and soon) the Gen Z world. Crypto be 
bad, dog! This nigga be bouncin'!

I'm actually glad to see that Cypherpunks nodes are winding down, that 
we no longer have monthly meetings, and that the Movement is ending. 
Better that than to see it hijacked by the eurotrash lefties, New York 
collectivists, and anti-globalist warriors against free trade.

--Tim May, Corralitos, California
Quote of the Month: It is said that there are no atheists in foxholes; 
perhaps there are no true libertarians in times of terrorist attacks. 
--Cathy Young, Reason Magazine, both enemies of liberty.

Re: So many statists

2004-01-03 Thread John Young
Tim has become so proprietary about cypherpunks it's strange
that he's never operated a node himself, or underwritten all of
them in the generous spirit of John Gilmore. Maybe Tim has
been underwriting them quietly and that accounts for his 
obnoxious bitching when the discourse doesn't go the way
he wants it -- he being a believer in getting good head for
his money, or else, plonk the hoes.

Drug dealers work the same model, as do pimps, and
bandits, and big-shit right-wing thugs CEOs, none of whom 
love the urchins who drain their pickles, generate their wealth, 
instead they yarp the Calvinist creed that economic success 
equates with superior human value, that if you're not wealthy
you're not of much account, rather than admit the evidence 
that the opposite is most often true, that wealthy people are
some of the dumbest people on earth, fountainheads of
blather, and got to have obsequious minions -- usually (low)
paid, but if not then brainwashed -- on hand at all times to 
listen to their cantankerous tommyrot fantasies ever-generated 
to avoid pondering the consequences of their brutish exploitation.

Tim repeatedly abandons cyperpunks when one of his spews
gets dissed. Goes elsewhere looking for admirers or newbies
to pound, and if pounded back, comes back to cypherpunks
to plead to ye old tyme succor, parading his past accomplishments
to see who'll applaud.

Same same same comes out of idlers worldwide, the wealthy
ones the most so. But even welfare cheats talk Tim's talk,
rather Tim whines like welfare cheats, both sharing contempt 
for people like themselves, but hoping by blaming others their
own shiftlessness will be overlooked.

There are wealthy people who don't suffer Tim's conceited warped
negativizing narcissism. Some of them have supported cypherpunks
with far more than derivative, endlessly recycled opinions and
braggardy. True, these goodhearts are the exception among typically
vile successful assholes, but they save the whole rotten barrel 
of the rich from getting what it deserves.

That is why Tim fears Gilmore's courage, envy.


RE: So many statists...uh, who gives a crap?

2004-01-03 Thread Tyler Durden
Tim May wrote...

I assume they figured that since they were using PGP to communicate with 
their fellow anti-capitalists, that crypto must be cool

Here's the question Tyler Durden has for you.

Which is more important...annhiliation of the state, or getting a bunch of 
list subscribers to agree that annhiation of the state is a good thing?

You yourself have claimed to be something of a techno determinist. In 
other words, you've made a good case that Strong crypto will eventually lead 
to collapse of the state...people's BELIEF about the implications of strong 
crypto are largely irrelevant.

Eurotrash, New York Collectivists and so on should be given nice, big 
fat pat on the backs, so long as this will encourage proliferation of strong 
crypto. Who gives a crap what people BELIEVE?

In fact, I'd argue that, if your beliefs prove to be correct, then making 
people see the implications of strong crypto is ultimately probably a bad 
thing...not everyone wants to wreck the state. Some people WANT to be able 
to boss others around (or at least want someone else to be doing this). 
Hell, probably most human beings in 2003 are in this category.


Me? I like the Protestant reformation analogy: I'm not convinced strong 
crypto will necessarily lead to destruction of the state, just like the 
reformation didn't lead to destruction of the Catholic church. However, in 
the long run, whatever emerges has got to be better than what we've got 

Subject: So many statists
Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2004 16:06:35 -0800
On Jan 3, 2004, at 3:01 PM, bgt wrote:
(Jeez, I just recently got back onto this list after a several-year
hiatus.  How the hell did so many statists ever get the idea that
ubiquitous cryptography would ever further their goals?  Or are they
just here to distract us with statism vs liberty type political
debates so we can't get any real work done??)
Most of those now posting (and maybe most of those subscribed, but I am 
only speculating) are various eurotrash lefties and anti-globalist 
activists who decided that crypto is cool after their anti-corporate, 
anti-choice rallies in Seattle, Milano, and other cities shut down by the 
Yippie marches and barricades. I assume they figured that since they were 
using PGP to communicate with their fellow anti-capitalists, that crypto 
must be cool (I'm not sure if they favor the negro term, bad, or the 
traditional term, good, so I'll use the term of my generation, cool.)

Are they confused? Yep.

Welcome to the Gen X and Gen Y (and soon) the Gen Z world. Crypto be bad, 
dog! This nigga be bouncin'!

I'm actually glad to see that Cypherpunks nodes are winding down, that we 
no longer have monthly meetings, and that the Movement is ending. Better 
that than to see it hijacked by the eurotrash lefties, New York 
collectivists, and anti-globalist warriors against free trade.

--Tim May, Corralitos, California
Quote of the Month: It is said that there are no atheists in foxholes; 
perhaps there are no true libertarians in times of terrorist attacks. 
--Cathy Young, Reason Magazine, both enemies of liberty.
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Re: Alt.cypherpunks will be where I do most of my posting

2004-01-03 Thread Steve Furlong
On Sat, 2004-01-03 at 02:19, James A. Donald wrote:

 And to get back to the topic of this thread.  I cannot see 
 anything but random deranged crap in alt.cypherpunks -- maybe I 
 need to adjust my filters, but there does not seem to be any 
 signal in the noise.

I don't see anything on alt.cypherpunks, except for a test message I put
up a couple of days ago. Alas, my ISP, having been bought out recently,
has become unresponsive. (Yah, I know there are work-arounds for
getting  newsgroups which are not carried by your ISP, but they are
_work_-arounds, which involve work, which involves time, which I have
only in short supply.)

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