Re: Anonymity of prepaid phone chip-cards

2004-03-27 Thread Bill Stewart
At 10:51 AM 3/26/2004, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
Each prepaid "Trick" phone card has its unique serial number. The payphone
reads it from the card. The busted person (let's call him "target") used
the same card for multiple phone calls, thus becoming the card's number
known as the target's temporary identity.
What do you mean by "Trick"?  Is that a local brand name,
or are you implying there's something special about this card?
Normal phone cards let their issuers know in almost-real-time that
they're being used, because they're spending money from a
specific debit account, not digital cash tokens.
It's not like old-fashioned monthly phone bills,
which didn't need to be in real-time because they
knew where you lived (and weren't real money anyway*,
except for international calls requiring settlements.)
Some cards have more information - many brands can be recharged
using a credit card, which might identify the user.
The interesting part was that the phone company knew in realtime when the
card was used - enough in real time to dispatch a police patrol car to the
I strongly suspect the usage logs exist for individual cards, allowing to
back-trace the phonecalls done with the given card, thus tracing the
identity of the card's owner by the call patterns.
Well, of course - databases are much easier these days
now that megabits/second and gigahertz are slow and terabytes are small and 
and calling card companies _are_ fundamentally in the business
of doing database queries and updates, not telecommunications.
They're even easier for new competitive phone companies than
for the old monopolies, because they don't have an embedded base
of antique data structures.

An initial call to someone might not be easily traced in near-real-time,
unless the recipient was a "usual suspect" set up for it,
because that's backwards from the normal database structures.
But once you've done the medium or hard work to identify
the source of the call after the fact, and gotten lucky by
finding it was from a phone card company in your country,
setting up a forward trace for future calls from that company
shouldn't be very difficult.   It's the kind of feature that
might only be useful to police and other stalkers,
but maybe the phone company had operational reasons for building it,
and it looks for data in the Simple Matter of Programming direction,
not the Huge Difficult Sieve Through Everything direction.
Bill Stewart

Re: [osint] Martha's lesson - don't talk to the FBI

2004-03-27 Thread Freematt357
In a message dated 3/24/2004 2:02:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

So, the point is, as Duncan Frissell has always said on this list, when
confronted with cops of any kind, shut up, and lawyer up.


I don't say Jack to any government worker, even the Census poller...When it comes to Apparatchiks of the police state I'm unreachable. I do pay my taxes and participate in my state's driver license the reality is that I do talk with government workers, albeit they do have a gun to my head.

In general you have nothing to gain by speaking to the Police or assorted Fedgoons, so don't.

Regards,  Matt-

Mobile Wifi Backpack (fwd from

2004-03-27 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: 26 Mar 2004 23:26:03 -
Subject: Mobile Wifi Backpack
User-Agent: SlashdotNewsScooper/0.0.3

Posted by: michael, on 2004-03-26 20:20:00
Topic: wireless, 222 comments

   from the share-the-love dept.
   [1]ruzel writes "Julian Bleecker's web site [2]TechKwonDo describes
   [3]a project that is a wifi base station in a backpack. 'WiFi.Bedouin
   is a wearable, mobile 802.11b node disconnected from the global
   Internet. It forms a WiFi "island Internet" challenging conventional
   assumptions about WiFi and suggesting new architectures for digital
   networks that are based on physical proximity rather than solely
   connectivity.' The motivation is essentially subversive but what other
   uses are there for a device like this?"

   [4]Click Here 


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2004-03-27 Thread Postmaster
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Get help now! reduce your debt by 50-75%

2004-03-27 Thread Offers Network

hey long time no chat this is my new email

2004-03-27 Thread Martin Miles

hEy,    I finally got y0ur email address! i 
wAs wOrriEd i wouLdnt gEt to taLk to yoU again, this is cHeNa by ThE waY if yoU DiDnT 
reMemBeR frOm when we talkEd a fEw mOntHs ago... i coUlDnt reAlly gEt ahoLd of yoU fOr 
a Few WeEkS beCausE mY iNtErNet LiNe waS cUt-OfF =(    iF u waNa C wHUT I 
LoOk Like now, U can check My nEwLy uPdatEd piX AnD mOrE iNfo aBoUT mE. CheCk oUt mY 
HoMepaGe @ AoL";>
 WeLl I gOt-2-Go noW cLasS is Out. cHeCk oUt mY hOmePage tO cOntAct mE qUicKer or 2 
taLk 2 mE -=)~~

message from : Martin Miles @

subject : hey whats been up^?

Come get your prescript&ions, Online!

2004-03-27 Thread Jed Moreno

manicuring Ulia has came herself to our studio... Lucretius

2004-03-27 Thread Creambanana
concedes Eucharist subsidy luggage proverb


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Dear Vin S...

2004-03-27 Thread N. Landholt

...and all you other "libertarians" out 
there:  "It's the vote count, Stupid!!"
/s/ Nick 
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 19:59:57 -0500To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]From: "R. A. Hettinga" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Repeal every law enacted since 
1912Sunday, March 14, 2004Las Vegas Review-JournalVIN 
SUPRYNOWICZ: Repeal every law enacted since 1912Michael writes in, 
asking: "I am a junior in high school, a member of theLibertarian Party and 
I read your column every week. I am e-mailing you fortwo reasons: 1) Your 
last article in response to that woman's letter wasgreat. ... 2) I'm not 
criticizing you, but I would like to know whatalternative you propose when 
saying we should do away with prisons."I replied: Hi, 
Michael,The problem with proposing "pragmatic" solutions that might help 
thestatists out of the hideous swamps in which they have bemired themselves 
isthat we're surrounded by proud government-school graduates with 
littlehistorical perspective, who therefore assume everything our government 
nowdoes is historically "normal," and who are equally likely to denounce 
aseither a failed comedian or a "nut" anyone who proposes anything 
radicallydifferent.Take Social Security. Point out that this Ponzi 
scheme is actuariallybankrupt, and the Peanut Gallery shrieks "It's easy to 
criticize; what doyou suggest we do?!"In good faith, we might 
suggest they do a pro-rated division of any moneythe government wants to 
contend is actually in the "Social Security TrustFund" among those aged 50 
and older, based on how much they paid in, whiletelling workers under 50: 
"Sorry, you're out of luck. But at least you'vegot 15 years to save for your 
retirement, and you'd better get started."The screaming then begins: 
"But what about the starving oldsters who dependon those payments? They were 
promised!" And is the target of this outragethose who foisted this 
transparent socialist fraud on a befuddled nation?No, it's those of us who 
have bravely assumed the role of bank examiners,merely holding open the door 
to the empty vault and pointing out they'vecreated an unsustainable 
system.The case is similar as we begin to examine why the United States 
has by farthe highest incarceration rate in the world. Take the case of 
MarthaStewart. They couldn't charge her with selling her stock when her 
brokertold her it was going to fall in value, since that's not illegal. 
Instead,they convicted her of telling the FBI that's not the reason she sold 
herstock. This is the kind of thing for which Americans now go to 
prison.So if you find a sucker to buy your used car for twice the Blue 
Book value,you can't go to jail because it's not a crime. If a cop asks you 
whetheryou sold your car for twice its Blue Book Value and you say, "Sure I 
did.Whatcha gonna do about it?" you can't go to jail, because that's not 
acrime. But if you tell a federal cop, "No; I sold that car for 
exactlywhat's it's worth" ... you can go to jail for 20 
years.(While, in the meantime, the cops can lie to you with impunity, 
and bribeother suspects to testify against you by promising them lesser 
punishments,with no penalty to the cops or prosecutors if that testimony 
turns out tobe a pack of lies.)And this is the set-up that our 
critics will tell us is sane, while theycan easily be predicted to tell us 
any radical changes we propose are"nuts."That said, a few modest 
proposals:Today's "penitentiaries" are a weird invention of the modern 
"hygienic"movement. Peaking in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, this 
is thesame movement that assured us society could be "cleaned up" by banning 
thelegal commerce in alcohol and other plant extracts ("drugs"); aborting 
andsterilizing the retarded and those of "inferior races"; putting 
thegovernment increasingly in charge of child-rearing; coming up with 
"modern,humane" methods of execution such as the electric chair, 
etc.In short, these people were dangerous nuts.For starters, we 
could reduce our prison populations by about two-thirdssimply by 
retroactively repealing every law enacted since 1912.Was murder illegal 
by 1912? Of course. Rape? Of course. Kidnapping, armedrobbery, bunko fraud? 
All serious criminal behaviors had been outlawed by1912. So why have the 
number of lawbooks on the shelf multiplied tenfold inthe past 92 
years?Release everyone jailed on a drug law (unknown before 1916), for 
income taxevasion (impossible before 1913), for any kind of illegal 
possession of orcommerce in firearms (laws unimagined a century ago), or for 
violating anykind of regulatory scheme or edict erected since 1912, and the 
federalprisons would be virtually empty, while even the state pens would 
probablysee their populations cut in half.Now declare that -- 
instead of having their guns taken away and beingconsidered for prosecution 
-- any law-abiding citizen who shoots and kills(or at least permanently 
cripples) a felon during his commission of afelony will 

Liquid Natural Flatulence

2004-03-27 Thread R. A. Hettinga
Hash: SHA1

Robert Hettinga
The Geodesic Economy

Liquid Natural Flatulence

Boston, Massachusetts
March 27, 2004

After more than a decade of thankfully irrelevant silence, the usual
mathematical-reductionist ex-nihilo nonsense is again being emetted
from the "(whatever) minutes to midnight" idiots at the Chicago-based
Bulletin of the Atomic "Scientists".

This time it was amplified to pain-threshold decibels this morning in
the echo chamber on the Boston Globe's editorial page ("Boston's
Ground Zero", The Boston Globe, Sunday, March 27, 2004
 ). Precipitated,
apparently, by the amplified feedback of a distant Home-Alone-horrors
double-face-slap by Dick "Hey, Sumner, where's my advance check?"
Clark, in a hearing-room somewhere on Capital Hill this week.

This time, though, the usual horrors and foot-stomping Hyde Park
hissy-fit is about about Boston's liquid natural gas (LNG) port, over
in Everett.

Personally, I love their mathematical reasoning, in the same way that
I love hysterical paradoxes, contradictions and tautologies of all
kinds. It turns out that, go figure, there is a stupendous amount of
explosive energy in a very large tank of Liquid Natural Gas.
Especially, experts say -- and, what would we do without experts --
if it were released all at once. Using the same logic, of course, if
every Chinaman gave me a buck, I'd be a billionaire. Gosh.

As a point of my own personal reference, I used to walk by the
aforementioned "Scientists'" ridiculous "minutes to midnight" clock
sign every day on the way to class in Chicago during the entire M-X
missile, "nuclear freeze", "nuclear winter", "Testament",
Reagan's-President-and-We're-All-Gonna-Die garbage in the early to
mid-1980's. Every time the Democrats won a vote in Congress, the
clock would go backwards. Every time the Republicans won, it would go
forwards, counting down to nuclear oblivion. Gee. What a coincidence.
Isn't "science" amazing, that it could make a calculation with such
mathematical precision based on how *Congress* voted...

In hindsight, of course, if they'd had their way, we'd all be quoting
Marx in Russian or Chinese by now, and we'd be doing it everywhere in
the US, not just in Hyde Park, Cambridge or Berkeley, places where
they still do it now, though in English, and only when they're sure
nobody can laugh at them. At the very least, we'd be living in the
same constant terror of another kind, that of the total nuclear
annihilation of every living thing down to, say, a slime mold.

These "Scientists" are living -- barely, by some of their ages --
proof that the only thing more comical than a physicist
"psychic-investigator" is a sanctimonious
physicist-cum-crypto-politician. Especially one whose every utterance
is literally sanctified by a leftist press and parroted there ad
nauseam, like we saw happening in the Boston Globe this morning.

So, let's add a few facts to the discussion, shall we? First, a
confession of extreme personal, if not exactly plutographic, interest
in this matter. For more than a decade now, on Wednesday nights
during the summer, I crew on a sailboat that races in Boston Harbor.
We sail right *by* this place. Twice, coming and going. Yup. The very
dock where they offload the LNG that has our "Scientists'" panties in
such a severe bunch. Hell, before 9/11, we've even had to duck the
tanker occasionally in the middle of the Inner Harbor on our way to
the next mark in the racecourse.

Anyway, about a decade ago, Distrigas, the company that owns the
facility in question, ran several *military* -- not law-enforcement
- -- anti-terrorism scenarios to see exactly what would be needed to
take the place out. What I've heard, albeit second-hand, is that in
order to get a useful amount of that halfway-to-absolute-zero natural
gas actually *flammable*, much less explosive, someone would have to
ring the whole tank with a *huge* amount of explosives themselves,
requiring, I'd bet, a whole *company*, if not a *battalion* of army
troops to secure it for the time allowed to rig it all up. A time
probably measured more in days, rather than hours, of uncontested
*military* control of a very large facility. Fat chance, even in the
Clinton Administration, who would probably be more likely to
"negotiate" than fight, since everyone just *knows* that terrorism is
a law-enforcement, and not a military, problem.

Even then, even if they blew that ring of very large charges around
the circumference of a very, very, large LNG tank, dumping its
contents into the Island End and Mystic Rivers, *all* they would have
is a very-fast, moving, *wave* of flammable *liquid*, giving you a
*fire*, and not an explosion. Roughly the same as if you dumped a
bunch of gasoline into the river and lit it.

A *cryogenic* liquid, mind you, meaning that you'd have to heat the
stuff up a lot, and very quick

Re: Anonymizer employees need killing

2004-03-27 Thread Lance Cottrell
I hope at this point the retractions by the Register have been well  
circulated. Just to make it absolutely clear, we have never and never  
will sell out a customer. This is simply shoddy reporting at its worst.

A blog first reported this months ago as "an anonymizer" which was then  
picked up as "The Anonymizer" in some articles, which then printed  
corrections. In fact the company involved was Surfola which is not  
connected to us in any way shape or form (and which I had never even  
heard of before this).

Months later the Register picked up on an old uncorrected version of  
the story and printed it without any fact checking at all. This is a  
shocking breach of editorial responsibility.

I would have hoped that my years of working on free open source privacy  
tools (such as Mixmaster) before founding Anonymizer would lend my  
reputation some weight, or at least give me the benefit of the doubt  
until the matter was clarified. I am deeply troubled to see death  
threats against my employees (and I would assume myself) without anyone  
taking the trouble to even ask us to comment.

It has always been easy to contact me directly, next time I hope  
someone will do so before assuming the worst.


Lance M. Cottrell
President, Anonymizer Inc.

Re: Anonymizer employees need killing

2004-03-27 Thread bgt
On Mar 27, 2004, at 23:13, Lance Cottrell wrote:
I hope at this point the retractions by the Register have been well 
circulated. Just to make it absolutely clear, we have never and never 
will sell out a customer. This is simply shoddy reporting at its 

I would have hoped that my years of working on free open source 
privacy tools (such as Mixmaster) before founding Anonymizer would 
lend my reputation some weight, or at least give me the benefit of the 
doubt until the matter was clarified. I am deeply troubled to see 
death threats against my employees (and I would assume myself) without 
anyone taking the trouble to even ask us to comment.

It has always been easy to contact me directly, next time I hope 
someone will do so before assuming the worst.
Alright then, since you're here, maybe you could answer a couple 

- If given a court order, would you be able to provide the FBI the same 
kind of information that Surfola did, which could be used to track down 
the customer in meatspace?  (From the article, we can assume it was his 
paypal email addx and/or the IP addx he was using, either one of which 
was probably sufficient).

- Assuming the answer is yes: from the customer's POV, in the end what 
does it matter whether you were given a court order or not... the 
result was the same, they were caught because they trusted your service 
(the fact that, in this case, the crime was despicable, is beside the 

- Can you explain the contradictions inherent in the following excerpts 
from your user agreement?

"Usage logs are usually kept for forty-eight (48) hours for maintenance 
purposes, monitoring Spamming and monitoring abuses of netiquette. Any 
relevant portion(s) of such logs may be kept for as long as needed to 
stop the abuses."
"We maintain no information which would identify which user had sent a 
given message or visited a given site"
"Abusers of the Anonymizer can expect no anonymity. We regret the 
necessity of this policy, but without it abuse will force the shutdown 
of the Anonymizer."

Even if we leave aside the question of whether one should trust a 
service which /could/ betray you if it were run by an untrustworthy 
operator, you state openly in your policy that you're not to be 
