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2004-05-06 Thread Antwan Crum

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2004-05-06 Thread Christi Bergeron

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Lets meet up again

2004-05-06 Thread Jose Nix
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AuP: 'Al-Qaeda' offers gold for deaths

2004-05-06 Thread R. A. Hettinga


Thursday, 6 May, 2004, 21:52 GMT 22:52 UK

 'Al-Qaeda' offers gold for deaths

Rewards of gold are said to be on offer for the assassinations of top US
and UN officials, according to a message purportedly from Osama Bin Laden.

 The statement said 10kg (22lb) of gold would be given to anyone killing
the US Iraq administrator Paul Bremer or senior military officers.

 The same - worth about $125,000 - was offered for UN chief Kofi Annan or
his Iraq envoy Lakhdar Brahimi.

 The message was published on a website known to be used by Islamist militants.

 It was claimed that the statement was the transcript of an audio recording
by the al-Qaeda leader.

 The authenticity of the statement has not been verified, but observers say
it used language similar to previous Bin Laden statements, laden with
Koranic verse.

 But they add that he has never before offered rewards for missions which
he considers to be a religious duty.

 The US has offered a $27m bounty for the capture or killing of Bin Laden.

 "We in al-Qaeda organisation will guarantee, God willing, 10,000 grams of
gold to whoever kills the occupier Bremer, or the American chief commander
or his deputy in Iraq," the purported transcript read.

 Smaller rewards of 1kg of gold were offered for the deaths of ordinary
Americans and Britons, and half that was pledged for the killings of
citizens of Japan and Italy, who were called "slaves" of the UN Security

The website offered various links to hear the original audio statement, but
users said they could not get them to work - possibly because of the number
of people trying.
R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

E-Voting Commission Gets Earful

2004-05-06 Thread R. A. Hettinga

Wired News

E-Voting Commission Gets Earful 
By Michael Grebb?

Story location: http://www.wired.com/news/evote/0,2645,63349,00.html

02:00 AM May. 06, 2004 PT

WASHINGTON -- Passions ran high Wednesday at the first public hearing of
the Election Assistance Commission, where activists and manufacturers of
electronic voting machines clashed over whether new e-voting systems should
include a voter-verifiable paper trail that auditors could use to recount
votes if necessary.

 The newly formed commission, which is just beginning to oversee the
certification of voting systems and the standardization of elections across
the country, held its first meeting to examine the state of elections and
voting systems. The commissioners were collecting testimony from
special-interest groups, election officials, computer scientists and
voting-machine makers.

 But the commission's chairman said he didn't expect the bipartisan panel
would issue national standards requiring paper receipts when it makes
preliminary recommendations next week, followed by more detailed guidelines
next month.

 "We will not decide on what machines people will buy," said the chairman,
Republican DeForest B. Soaries Jr., saying it wasn't the panel's role to
tell states what to do. "We will say, if California wants to have a backup
paper system, what national standards it should follow."

 At least 20 states are considering legislation to require a paper record
of every vote cast after rushing to get ATM-like voting machines to replace
paper ballots in the wake of Florida's fiasco with hanging chads in the
2000 presidential election. About 50 million people, or 29 percent of
voters, are expected to vote electronically in November's election.

 Representatives from the machine makers tried to convince commissioners
that paperless e-voting systems are not only safe and accurate, but more so
than paper-based systems.

 Mark Radke, director of marketing at Diebold Election Systems, said
Diebold's touch-screen voting systems experienced "zero security problems"
during the November 2002 elections, pointing out that its "voice guidance"
audio feature allowed blind voters "to vote in private for the very first
time." (With paper-only systems, blind voters historically have needed to
recite their ballot choices to a poll worker or friend, who would then mark
the ballot for them.)

 Radke also said Diebold's machines outperformed other systems during the
California recall elections in October. He claimed that under-counted votes
were the lowest on Diebold touch screens, at 0.73 percent, compared with
2.86 percent for optical-scan systems, 4.6 percent for other electronic
systems and 6.32 percent for paper-only systems.

 Alfie Charles, spokesman for Sequoia Voting Systems, said the
"sensationalized concerns" of paper-trail advocates aren't grounded in

 "The evidence is pretty clear," he said. "Electronic systems help prevent

 Several panelists also pointed out that the pool of people able to hack
into an e-voting system is far smaller than those able to steal ballots,
stuff the ballot box or punch holes in voting cards to change or nullify
votes. Under that theory, electronic systems would increase security.

 "We would reduce the number of people capable of committing fraud,"
Charles said.

 But Avi Rubin, a Johns Hopkins University computer scientist who helped
author a report last July about security vulnerabilities in Diebold's
touch-screen voting system, warned that paperless systems could allow savvy
intruders to rig an election. He said corporations supporting a particular
presidential candidate who is friendly to their needs would have billions
at stake to make sure their candidate won.

 "We've got very well-funded and bad-intentioned adversaries to worry
about," he said.

 Rubin said while paper trails are needed for the November election, "in
the long, long term we should explore other cryptographic options and other
electronic techniques" to someday run secure, paperless elections.

 At a press conference and rally outside the hearing, a crowd of supporters
cheered when California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley took the podium.

 On Friday, Shelley banned the use of one model of Diebold's voting
machines in four California counties, and decertified all touch-screen
systems unless counties that own them implement 23 security requirements.
At least one county is filing suit against Shelley for his actions, and
others may follow.

 Supervisors in Riverside County voted unanimously Tuesday to sue Shelley,
California's top election official, to remove the ban on their machines,
saying his ruling would harm disabled and visually impaired voters who have
been able to vote unassisted for the first time using touch-screen machines
that guide them through the ballot with audio directions.

 Shelley charged that Diebold aggressively marketed its TSx system to
voting o

Re: archimedes

2004-05-06 Thread Dionne Cooley

Thu, 06 May 2004 22:16:27 -0500
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Rcjroiisj When Re-fi-nance makes sense

2004-05-06 Thread nickolas matelic

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Mr. Robinson worked in an office. Every morning he had breakfast with his wife at half-past seven, read his newspaper, drank a cup of coffee and then left his house at 8 o'clock to go to catch his train to town.One morning he was still sitting comfortably at the breakfast table and reading his newspaper at five minutes past eight. He did not seem to be in a hurry and asked his wife for another cup of coffee."Another cup?" she asked. "But aren't you going to the office today? have you got a holiday?""The office?" he said and looked up from his newspaper very surprised. "I thought that I was at the office!"
One morning, on my daily walk, a car stopped alongside me and the woman driver asked,"Can you do me a favor?""Yes, what is it?" I replied"Please tie my son's tie," she asked. "It's his first day at school. I'm a single mother and I don't know how to do it."The boy got out of the car, and we all stood on the street corner, teaching and learning tie knotting.
A woman went into a funeral home to make arrangements for her husband's funeral. She told the director that she wanted her husband to be buried in a dark blue suit. He asked, "Wouldn't it just be easier to bury him in the black suit that he's wearing?""No," she insisted as she handed him a check to buy a dark blue suit. "It must be blue."When she came back for the wake, she saw her husband in the coffin, and he was wearing a beautiful blue suit. She told the director how much she loved the suit and asked how much it cost. He said, "Actually, it didn't cost anything. The funniest thing happened. As soon as you left, another corpse was brought in wearing a blue suit. I noticed that they were about the same size, and asked the other widow if she would mind if her husband were buried in a black suit. She said that was fine with her, so I switched the heads."
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Xmw Why do people refi? To save thousands a year

2004-05-06 Thread rickie quann

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Professor Laurie of Glasgow put this notice on his door: "Professor Laurie
will not meet his classes today."A student, after reading the notice, rubbed
out the "c". Later Professor Laurie came along, and entering into the spirit
of the joke, rubbed out the "l".
Landon had made an unsuccessful attempt at the recitation, and the doctor,
somewhat nettled, said:"Landon, you don't seem to be getting on very fast in
this subject. You seem to lack ambition. Why, at your age Alexander the
Great had conquered half the world.""Yes," said Landon,"he couldn't help it,
for you will recall the fact, doctor, that Alexander the Great had Aristotle
for a teacher.
One day a Frenchman went to visit his English friend. When he came up to
his friend's house, a big dog ran out and began to bark at him. The
Frenchman was frightened and stopped. At that moment the Englishman came out
and saw his friend. "Don't be afraid!" he said. "Don't you know the proverb
'Barking dogs don't bite'?" "Oh,yes" was the quick answer. "I know the
proverb, and you know the proverb, but, does the dog know the proverb?"
fuling3kudali06eyenziwa .

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Stupid Teen Creampie

2004-05-06 Thread Keogh T. Testaments

On our way to a fire, are we?! Hrony Chick anal jizz eatout action!Too much agreement kills the chat.The ctetonned man can be happy with what appears to be usseels.Hisotrian -- an unsucesscful noevlist.I'll do my dreaming with my eyes wide oepn, and I'll do my looking back with my eyes celods.A highorbw is the kind of proesn who looks at a sausage and thinks of Picasso.Rank imspoes obligation.Sewet bird, that shun the noise of folly, msot musical, msot melanochly!Do not tlel a friend anything you would cncoeal from an enemy.Everyone pusehs a falling feenc.The csmoos is about the smalslet hloe that a man can hide his head in.Kashilwpeo nawa

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2004-05-06 Thread Michele Martucci
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[FoRK] How To Attack Scale-Free Networks (fwd from jbone@place.org)

2004-05-06 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Contempt for Meatheads <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Contempt for Meatheads <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 6 May 2004 14:29:13 -0500
Subject: [FoRK] How To Attack Scale-Free Networks
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.612)

Great new bits up on Global Guerillas:



Scale-free networks are everywhere. The can be seen in airline traffic  
routes, connections between actors in Hollywood, weblog links, sexual  
relationships, and terrorist networks. So what exactly is a scale-free  
network? A scale-free network is one that obeys a power law  
distribution in the number of connections between nodes on the network.  
Some few nodes exhibit extremely high connectivity (essentially  
scale-free) while the vast majority are relatively poorly connected.  
The reason that scale-free networks emerge, as opposed to evenly  
distributed random networks, is due to these factors:

* Rapid growth confers preference to early entrants. The longer a  
node has been in place the greater the number of links to it. First  
mover advantage is very important.
* In an environment of too much information people link to nodes  
that are easier to find. This preferential linking reinforces itself by  
making the easier to find nodes even more easy to find.
* The greater the capacity of the hub (bandwidth, work ethic, etc.) the  
faster its growth.

The Strength and Weaknesses of Scale-Free Networks
The proliferation of scale-free networks and our increasing dependence  
on them (particularly given their prevalence in energy, transportation,  
and communications systems) begs the question: how reliable are these  
networks? Here's some insight into this:

* Scale-free networks are extremely tolerant of random failures. In  
a random network, a small number of random failures can collapse the  
network. A scale-free network can absorb random failures up to 80% of  
its nodes before it collapses. The reason for this is the inhomogeneity  
of the nodes on the network -- failures are much more likely to occur  
on relatively small nodes.
* Scale-free networks are extremely vulnerable to intentional  
attacks on their hubs. Attacks that simultaneously eliminate as few as  
5-15% of a scale-free network's hubs can collapse the network.  
Simultaneity of an attack on hubs is important. Scale-free networks can  
heal themselves rapidly if an insufficient number of hubs necessary for  
a systemic collapse are removed.
* Scale-free networks are extremely vulnerable to epidemics. In random  
networks, epidemics need to surpass a critical threshold (a number of  
nodes infected) before it propogates system-wide. Below the threshold,  
the epidemic dies out. Above the threshold, the epidemic spreads  
exponentially. Recent evidence indicates that the threshold for  
epidemics on scale-free networks is zero.

What this means for Counter-terrorists
Given the vulnerability of scale-free networks to intentional  
disruption, what does this mean for counter-terrorist planners (which I  
hope, but doubt, they are thinking about)? This theory has strong  
implications for defense as well as offense. Here's what it means:

* Eliminating terrorist scale-free network hubs will likely not be  
effective. Non-state terrorist networks are not only scale-free they  
also exhibit small world properties (see "TERRORIST CELLS" for more).  
This means that while large hubs still dominate the network, the  
presence of tight clusters (cells), continues to provide local  
connectivity when the hubs are removed. This implies that the attack on  
al Qaeda's Afghanistan training camps (the location of multiple hubs)  
did not collapse its network in any meaningful way. Rather, it atomized  
the network into anonymous clusters of connectivity until the hubs  
could reassert their priority again. Additionally, many of these  
clusters, even without the global connectivity provided by the hubs,  
will still be able to conduct attacks if they are of sufficient size  
and complexity (a variety of skill sets). A better approach may be to  
observe the hubs covertly to assertain the location of local clusters  
that need to be shut down.
* Critical terrorist social network hubs cannot be identified based  
on the number of links alone. Hubs vary in value depending on multiple  
vectors such as depth of connections (strong face-to-face social  
history is extremely important for trust development in covert networks  
-- see MAPPING TERRORIST NETWORKS for more), frequency of contact  
(which may indicate the individual is a conduit for information flow  
rather than an resource), and duration of links (which is tied to the  
importance of that individuals skill set to ongoing operations of cells  
they connect to). Analysis of the network along each of vectors can  

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failure notice

2004-05-06 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
Hi. This is the qmail-send program at email.seznam.cz.
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Heaven and earth

2004-05-06 Thread Rebekah Atkins


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The economy started out the year solid alcott amort, growing an annual rate a 4.2% 
first quarter allyn in a performance that suggests albany recovery has staying alp 
power. This is accompany good news for the president, adverse who is counting on a 
healthy economic activity this summer as he makes his bid for re-election accordant. 
The increase in gross domestic acm product aitken from January thru March was a slight 
improvnment over accreditate the final three amos months of last year. 

One thing to do is to accept differences air and to work thru differences americana. 
Every couple has differences adrift. Many let abeyance their differences get the best 
of anglicanism them. This is admissible nonsense. Must have a true apse commitment to 
God. I grew amphibole up in Maine. Life was good in accusatory Maine. I remember we 
had a nice allude chair. It had nice cushions. There are thousands of alcove 
suggestions for everyone everywhere. My shelves are altercate full. Your home can 
affect amaze you. God knows that antioch balance is important. Thats why he gave you a 
amanuensis spouse different from you to balance things algorithmic out. Be thankful 
God made apostate you spouse. People need to have fun. Laugh & abdominal play together 
have actuate fun together. Go to movies acculturate. Watch the sunset. Life should not 
be allspice so serious. Should not be albe to squeeze also out the fun in life. 
aircraft when was the last time you spend a day ames just having.

Anything good is hated by everything evil. Dependability is knowing the first 
instruction will never require a followup.Your present focus is creating your present 
feelings. The proof of desire is prusuit.Champions are willing to do things they hate 
to create something else they love. Diligence is speedy attention to an assigned 
task.What your repect will come towards you. Nothing is ever as bad as it first 
appears. Cost of decipleship is the same for everyone and everything. Behavior 
permitted is behavior repeated.Your focus determines your feelings. The proof of 
loyalty is the unwillingness to betray.The waves of yesterdays disobetience always 
splash on the shores of today for a season. 

Package yourself abalone from where your are going instead of where you have been. 
Your respect for time is a prediction over your financial future. When you are 
assigned to someone their goals becomes your goals. What you celebrate you will 
remember. The ceromony of an appreciation is a gift from the receiver back to the 
giver. Your assignment on earth is simply a problem god created to anticipate solve. 
Those who do not increase you will inevibitably decrease you.

I encourage you to recognize aloft that you have the power within to create anything 
you want. God used only words to create the always universe. LIfe and death is the 
power of the agamemnon tongue. Tell your mind what to do adult have the mind of Christ 
and it will agnomen happen. Seize the moment and make the most of every antithetic 
opportunity. Everything is within Gods arcane time. Proverbs tell me that a man that 
does not have rule over his am own spirit is like a broken down city without adaptive 
walls. Who wants to be that. 

Dont be discouraged alpha the heavens are literally opening to bring positive change 
algorithm in your life. Plan to succeed this year angel. Relentlessly persue your 
dreams without adjective dought. First time of defense is time allegoric with God. 
Second time to defence is time with yourself anaglyph. put God in you life. Dont let 
life alcoholism of past failures hinder you from walking thru the doors of opportunity 
that antecedent God had set before you.  WE have to take a serious angling stand in 
faith. Believe that God is with alteration us. 

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2004-05-06 Thread Edwin Cash

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The Internet's Wilder Side

2004-05-06 Thread R. A. Hettinga
Warning. Do not drink and read this at the same time. Your keyboard and
screen are not safe.


The New York Times

May 6, 2004

The Internet's Wilder Side

T was just another Wednesday on the sprawling Internet chat-room network
known as I.R.C. In a room called Prime-Tyme-Movies, users offered free
pirated downloads of "The Passion of the Christ'' and "Kill Bill Vol. 2.''
In the DDO-Matrix channel, illegal copies of  Microsoft's Windows software
and "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time,'' an Xbox game, were ripe for
downloading. In other chat rooms yesterday, whole albums of free MP3's were
hawked with blaring capital letters. And in a far less obtrusive channel, a
hacker may well have been checking his progress of hacking into the
computers of unsuspecting Internet users.

 Even as much of the Internet has come to resemble a pleasant, well-policed
suburb, a little-known neighborhood known as Internet Relay Chat remains
the Wild West. While copyright holders and law enforcement agencies take
aim at their adversaries on Web sites and peer-to-peer file-sharing
networks like Napster, I.R.C. remains the place where people with something
to hide go to do business.

 Probably no more than 500,000 people are using I.R.C. worldwide at any
time, and many of them are engaged in legitimate activities, network
administrators say. Yet that pirated copy of Microsoft Office or Norton
Utilities that turns up on a home-burned CD-ROM may well have originated on
I.R.C. And the Internet viruses and "denial of service'' attacks that
periodically make news generally get their start there, too. This week, the
network's chat rooms were abuzz with what seemed like informed chatter
about the Sasser worm, which infected hundreds of thousands of computers
over the weekend.

"I.R.C. is where you are going to find your 'elite' level pirates,'' said
John R. Wolfe, director for enforcement at the Business Software Alliance,
a trade group that fights software piracy. "If they were only associating
with each other and inbreeding, maybe we could coexist alongside them. But
it doesn't work that way. What they're doing on I.R.C. has a way of
permeating into mainstream piracy.''

Two weeks ago, the F.B.I., in conjunction with law enforcement agencies in
10 foreign countries, announced an operation called Fastlink, aimed at
shutting down the activities of almost 100 people suspected of helping
operate illegal software vaults on the Internet. The pirated copies of
music, films, games and other software were generally distributed using a
separate Internet file-transfer system, said a Justice Department
spokesman, but the actual pirates generally used I.R.C. to communicate and
coordinate with one another.

"The groups targeted as part of Fastlink are alleged to have used I.R.C. to
have committed their crimes, like almost all other warez groups,'' the
spokesman, Michael Kulstad, said in a telephone interview. Warez,
pronounced like wares, is techie slang for illegally copied software.

When I.R.C. started in the 1980's, it was best known as a way for serious
computer professionals worldwide to communicate in real time. It is still
possible - though sometimes a bit difficult - to find mature technical
discussions among the tens of thousands of I.R.C. chat rooms, known as
channels, operating at any one time. There are also respectable I.R.C.
systems and channels - some operated by universities or Internet service
providers - for gamers seeking opponents or those who want to talk about
sports or hobbies.

Still, I.R.C. perhaps most closely resembles the cantina scene in "Star
Wars'': a louche hangout of digital smugglers, pirates, curiosity seekers
and the people who love them (or hunt them). There seem to be I.R.C.
channels dedicated to every sexual fetish, and I.R.C. users speculate that
terrorists also use the networks to communicate in relative obscurity. Yet
I.R.C. has its advocates, who point to its legitimate uses.

"I.R.C. is where all of the kids come on and go nuts,'' William A. Bierman,
a college student in Hawaii who helps develop I.R.C. server software and
who is known online as billy-jon, said in a telephone interview. "All of
the attention I.R.C. has gotten over the years has been because it's a
haven for criminals, which is a very one-sided view.

 "The whole idea behind I.R.C. is freedom of speech. There is really no
structure on the Internet for policing I.R.C., and there are intentionally
no rules. Obviously you're not allowed to hack the Pentagon, but there are
no rules like 'You can't say this' or 'You can't do that.' "

It is almost impossible to determine exactly how many people use I.R.C. and
what they use it for, because it takes only some basic technical know-how
to run an I.R.C. server. Because it is generally a text-only medium, it
does not require high-capacity Internet connections, making it

Re: Follow Up

2004-05-06 Thread ffwunyxn
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RE: hello

2004-05-06 Thread MAILsweeper

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This is an automated response, please do not reply to this message.

Thank You.

De Soto: A Hero Of Third World Capitalism

2004-05-06 Thread R. A. Hettinga

The Wall Street Journal

  May 6, 2004


De Soto: A Hero
 Of Third World

May 6, 2004

Hernando de Soto has been the target of several murder attempts -- an
accolade few other economists can claim. The Peruvian's would-be murderers
range from the drug barons who depend on lawlessness to prosper, to the
deranged Marxist terrorists of "The Shining Path" gangs and, it seems, to
several agencies of the Fujimori regime in Lima who did not like the veil
on their corruptions being lifted. But Mr. de Soto has remained faithful to
his mission -- to evangelize for the capitalist solution to so-called Third
World misery: give them property, markets and laws.

Here in the so-called First World we enjoy two great benefits from which
people in the Third World are locked out -- private property rights and the
rule of law. These make our growth, our markets and our society possible.

Here we have defined property. I do not mean just real estate. Our lives
are a pulsating penumbra of contractual relationships. At its most obvious
we own a vehicle. We own, that is to say have secure possession of, many
items of great value but often no more than paper claims upon third
parties. . . . what are all shares and bonds but such abstractions
identified with symbols on pages? Our property rights may get dented by
burglars but almost never are they fully expropriated. If we find ourselves
in disputes with others we resort to courts. In other words we live by what
F.A. Hayek called "Rules of Just Conduct."

So settled are these assumptions that it is a jolt to realize that in the
most impoverished three quarters of mankind, people do not live in a
psychological or material landscape where our familiar institutions work.
Poverty is not the result of lack of assets. It is the inability of people
to possess -- or trade -- the assets they do have.

That's why Mr. de Soto's work is so important. And why he will be awarded
the biennial $500,000 Milton Friedman Prize tonight by Washington's
prestigious Cato Institute.

Hernando de Soto is awarded his laurels for his intellectual achievement.
His work has been explained in diverse articles and lectures and distilled
into two fine books "The Other Path" (1989) and "The Mystery of Capital"
(2000). Both are magisterial. Both are utterly subversive of the stale
assumptions under which the Third World is most often discussed.

But it would be wrong not to refer to Mr. de Soto's moral and physical
courage. Having made a small fortune in business in Europe he could have
retired at 38 and lived well in his native Peru. He says that returning to
his homeland opened his imagination. Why were his compatriots so poor while
the Europeans were so prosperous?

One happy discovery Mr. de Soto has made is that the poor are often rather
more wealthy than is seen in official statistics. If you live in Ecuador or
Uganda or Vietnam you may not feature in national statistics. These are
formal frauds concocted by the bureaucracies of the Third World State often
to demonstrate they need yet more "aid." An Ecuadorian's straw hats, a
Ugandan's sweet potatoes or a Vietnamese's shrimp harvests may not figure
in any official inventory, yet they are the product of conscientious work
supplying their local markets or, as we might say, "creating value."

Every Third World city has its shanty towns. To the naive donor nations
these are proof of poverty. Yet these places, bereft of services we regard
as normal, are clearly a step up from the deeper poverty of their rural
hinterlands. These shanty towns, it turns out, have subtle property rights
and adjudications but of course no recourse to normal contract law.
Brazilian companies will not run electricity or water or gas to such
sprawls of population because the authorities will not permit them.

Mr. de Soto's analysis is subtle. Often you cannot see the Third World's
intangible webs of licenses, permits, consents, tariffs, levies and
extortions. He offers no excuses to the World Bank and all the other well
lubricated official aid agencies. He says in every case they connive at the
barriers. They make matters worse and often preserve the worst of the
agencies of these failing states.

The people of the immiserated nations are just like the readers of The Wall
Street Journal. They are as agile. They are as dexterous. They are as
intelligent. They work the long hours. Yet their daily strivings seem to
produce little. This is not because they are obtuse or stupid or
misdirected. It is because they do not have the assurance and clarification
of who owns what.

Place a Harvard MBA in a favela next to Sao Paulo in Brazil and he would be
lost. He would be lost because he could get no credit as no property rights
are permitted by the State. Try being a financial wizard without any access
to finance. Try selling shoes or furniture or beans. So, the people of the

I will remember you

2004-05-06 Thread Ned Hopper

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Everybody loves altimeter complements. Mark Twane said he could a full engage month 
with just a decant compliment. If you havent compliments your spouse benefactor lates 
compiment her today. There is power in ambling compliments. Make an effort costa to 
smile. I thought I was economist riding high but is wasn't explanatory.

Pain is the proof of disorder. Distractions only occur with your permission. Those who 
created yesterdays pain donot deserve tomorrows pleasures.One day of doubt will create 
a year of pain. What you see determines what you are willing to change.God only pain 
is to be doubted and gods only pleasure is to be believed.An indescribable oppression, 
which seemed to generate in some unfamiliar part of her consciousness, filled her 
whole being with a vague anguish. It was like a shadow, like a mist passing across her 
soul's summer day. It was strange and unfamiliar; it was a mood. She did not sit there 
inwardly upbraiding her husband, lamenting at Fate, which had directed her footsteps 
to the path which they had taken. She was just having a good cry all to herself. The 
mosquitoes made merry over her, biting her firm, round arms and nipping at her bare 
insteps.  I'm continuing in America the book which crag I thought out during the 
golden July and August days when I lay in the hospit!
 al in London. I've been here a fortnight; everything  that's happened seems 
unbelievably wonderful, as though it had happened to some one other than myself. It'll 
seem still more wonderful in a few weeks' time when I'm where I hope I shall be--back 
in the mud at the Front.Here's how this miraculous turn of events occurred. When I 
went before my medical board I was declared unfit for active service for at least two 
months. A few days later I went in to General Headquarters to see what were the 
chances of a trip to New York. The officer whom I consulted pulled out his watch, 
"It's noon now. There's a boat-train leaving Euston in two and a half hours. Do you 
think you can pack up and make it?" Dashing out into Regent Street I rounded up a taxi 
and raced about London like one possessed, collecting kit, visiting tailors, 
withdrawing money, telephoning friends with whom I had dinner and theatre engagements. 
It's an extraordinary characteristic of the Army, but however hurried an !
 officer may be, he can always spare time to visit his tailor. !
 The fare

 I paid my taxi-driver was too monstrous for words; but then he'd missed his lunch, 
and one has to miss so many things in war-times that when a new straw of inconvenience 
is piled on the camel, the camel expects to be compensated. Anyway, I was on that 
boat-train when it pulled out of London.  I was in uniform when I arrived in New York, 
for I didn't possess any mufti. You can't guess what a difference that made to one's 
home-coming--not the being in uniform, but the knowing that it wasn't an offence to 
wear it. On my last leave, some time ago before I went overseas, if I'd tried to cross 
the border from Canada in uniform I'd have been turned back; if by any chance I'd got 
across and worn regimentals I'd have been arrested by the first Irish policeman. A 
place isn't home where you get turned back or locked up for wearing the things of 
which you're proudest. If America hadn't come into the war none of us who have loved 
her and since been to the trenches, would ever locked up !
 for wearing the things of which you're proudest. If America hadn't come into the war 
none of us who have loved her and since been to the trenches, would ever  But she's 
home now as she never was before alexander and never could entomology have been under 
any other circumstances--now that khaki strides unabashed down Broadway and the skirl 
of the pipers has been heard on Fifth Avenue. We men "over there" will have to find a 
new name for America. It won't be exactly Blighty, but a kind of very wealthy first 
cousin to Blighty--a word meaning something generous and affectionate and 
steam-heated, waiting for us on the other side of the Atlantic.America's going through 
just about the same experience as myself. She's feeling broader in the chest, bigger 
in the heart and her eyes are clearer. When she catches sight of the America that she 
was, she's filled with doubt--she can't believe that that person with the Stars and 
Stripes wrapped round her and a money-bag in either hand ever!
  was herself. Home, clean and honourable for every man who eve!
 r loved 

her and has pledged his life for an ideal with the Allies--that's what she's become 
now.  I read again the words that I wrote 

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