2004 Health Watch

2004-05-22 Thread robin nguyen

Discover...in the next few minutes... regardless of your age, sex, or
health status, how this common element can change the way you experience
next half of your life.
Learn how to increase
your quality of 
We really have something 
here which may be able to reverse some of the problems associated with
-Dr.Anthony Karpos, M.D.

-original message-
Sent: Friday, March 5, 2004 5:16PM
To: mora; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; renea; perry; isaias
Subject: appreciate but no
thank you PO 12 00 B , Oran ge sta d, A ruba

They were his nearest and dearest friends on earth, and in his boyish heart
he loved them all and believed in their goodness and sincerity
The possibility of finding a bad character mark on any of their familiar
faces made him shudder, and he determined then and there never to use the
spectacles to view the face of a friend or relative

Had any one, at that moment, been gazing at Rob through the lenses of
the wonderful Character Marker, I am sure a big W would have been found upon
the boy's foreheadWhen the family circle broke up, and all retired for the
night, Rob kissed his parents and sisters with real affection before going
to his own room

Jipmmp ImM.ediate Access To VAL1UM..X.ANAX..BUSPAR.. 0VERNITE to Your D00R

2004-05-22 Thread enrique ichinose

 interrupt-time  menaphon  lycrete  intertec  llennoc


podici bestla marut
A man walked into a bar and ordered a glass of white wine. He took a sip of the wine, then tossed the remainder into the bartender's face. Before the bartender could recover from the surprise, the man began weeping. "I'm sorry," he said. "I'm really sorry. I keep doing that to bartenders. I can't tell you how embarrassing it is to have a compulsion like this." Far from being angry, the bartender was sympathetic. Before long, he was suggesting that the man see an analyst about his problem. "I happen to have the name of a psychoanalyst," the bartender said. "My brother and my wife have both been treated by him, and they say he's as good as they get."Six months later, the man was back. "Did you do what I suggested?" the bartender asked, serving a glass of white wine."I certainly did," the man said. "I've been seeing the psychoanalyst twice a week." He took a sip of the wine, then he threw the remainder into the bartender's face. The flustered bartender wiped his face with a tow!
 el. "The doctor doesn't seem to be doing you any good," he sputtered. "On the contrary," the man claimed, "he's done me world of good." "But you threw the wine in my face again!" the bartender exclaimed. "Yes," the man replied. "But it doesn't embarrass me anymore."
On Clinton's last trip to Hawaii, he went swimming at Waikiki Beach. He got caught in a riptide and was been pulled out to sea. Three young surfers swam out to him and brought him to shore. He wanted to reward them, and asked what they would like. The first said he wanted to be a fighter pilot, and Clinton said he would get him an appointment to the A. F. Academy. The second one said he wanted to command a submarine. "Fine, I'll get you into the Naval Academy." The third said he wanted to be buried at Arlington. Clinton looked puzzled and asked why such a young person was concerned about where he would be buried. "Because", said the surfer, "my father is a Vietnam Veteran, and when I go home and tell him I saved your life, he's going to kill me."
A Sunday school teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad. "Now, children," said she , "has anyone of you ever make someone else glad?""Please, teacher,"said a small boy,"I've make someone glad yesterday.""Well done. Who was that?""My granny.""Good boy. Now tell us how you made your grandmother glad.""Please, teacher, I went to see her yesterday, and stayed with her three hours. Then I said to her, 'Granny, I'm going home,' and she said, 'Well, I'm glad'!"
ihnatko3mercury02okwehagu .

failure notice

2004-05-22 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
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Free Online Games 4 Your site

2004-05-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I visited your site and it's absolutely great and I'd like to get a partnership it 
and any others you might have. 

 I've put my sweat and blood into a project for other websites and it's time to 
release it. We have built the absolute largest ever free online games database. It's 
current number is at 2,852+ free online games and growing. We've spent several months 
putting this all together by getting the games, renaming them, creating 2,852 
thumbnails from PRINT SCREEN command opening 1-4 swf files at a time copying them into 
PS, resizing, saving, creating pages with keywords, descirptions, titles, game 
details, instructions and tons more. This took so much time and effort, we are going 
to allow others to link to the pages with the games on them completely free and with 
absolutely no work to you.

We created the pages with dynamic links on them already for you, so all you gotta do 
is download, file  save as or copy the source code from the blank template files and 
put them into your own website. You can copy and paste it right into your current 
website layout/template. Your website will then have all 2,852+ of our free online 
games completely free and you don't have to do ANY work. The games are still legally 
hosted on our pages so there isn't any licensing you need to worry about or disk space 
and bandwidth issues since they are hosted by us. It takes up an extra few pages of 
html code, that it.


All the details are explained on the page link above, and it includes the links for 
the pages with the games.

Here is the link directly to all 2,852+ free online games:

http://www.007arcadegames.com/games.php ( File  Save As  or Right mouse click  view 
source, copy and paste into your own website).

That is all the work you have to do, 2 mins and you have 2,852+ free online games. 
Please feel free to pass this page around the net, send it to all your affililates and 
let them post it on their website also. Add as many games as you like ;)

There are so many great benifits to you from doing this and it's completely free. 

1. You get to have 2,852 free online games on your website at ZERO cost to you. Your 
visitors will return and bookmark your site FOR SURE!

2. Google and other major search engines will crawl YOUR page on YOUR site, seeing all 
2,852 games/names and pagaluate them. You will get more hits from google and yahoo 
searches when any game is searched. This can improve your hits by thousands of extra 
visitors a day.

3. Did I mention ZERO COST to YOU already?

4. Extra page of content has MANY benifits. Google absolutely loves it. Your visitors 
will bookmark your site and return to it for playing games and a huge advantage is 
that when any game is searched in the 2,852+ huge collection, your site will get 
listed in the search. That is alot more hits for you at no cost.

Have phun and please don't abuse, post extra links giving credit to the sites that 
host them and pass the word on about this! Linking the 18 sites these games are hosted 
at will also benifit you because your site will show up right below the original site 
when that site is searched for in search engines.

Please feel free to use this page as many places or sites as you want, tell your 
friends and they can put it on there site/ include it, just download it or view the 
source and copy all of it. Let your users know ;) where to go for more games, we are 
the LARGEST network of free online games site in the world.

**A Great way to get your site out there as well is to add another page to your site, 
allowing your users to download the source for the games page with 2,852 free online 
games, and add your link under the Special Thanks to links. This stuff spreads like 
wildfire and it will make your site Immensely HUGE!**

When you add all 2,852+ free online games to your site please send us an email letting 
us know that you did it, please include your link html code so we can add your link to 
all 18 sites so we can send you some free hits.

We would also like to get a link exchange with your site and all 18 of these sites as 


You can get the html linking code for all 18 of these sites from 
Just add the links to all pages of your site(s) and then send us your html link code 
so we can add your link to all 18 sites. I'm not sure if I emailed you before about 
link exchanging with one or a few of these 


2004-05-22 Thread Tiffany Shaver

Govenment don't want me to sell
UndergroundCD !Check Your spouse and staff
Investigate Your Own CREDIT-HISTORY
hacking someone PC!
Disappear in your city


phase,embellishing the story.

Mail System Error - Returned Mail

2004-05-22 Thread Mail Administrator
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Title: Amazing

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Have you ever seen female ejaculation movies?They are 100% AUTHENTIC ! :)

No thanks, please unsubscribe me...

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Re: notre

2004-05-22 Thread Collin Mcneil

From:  Collin Mcneil
CC:   L.oan Department
Date:  Sat, 22 May 2004 16:04:35 -0500
Re:   L.oan preap.roval
We have reviewed you information and glad to inform you 
that you qualifyfor 3% mor.tgage  r.ate under 
our company  le.nding  program.
Please use this 
URL below to enter final details and our manager will 
contact you ASAP.
We look forward to doing business with you.

Best Regards
CEO: Collin Mcneil
1st  Mor tga ge  Group

axxsgfj pzhcpoph wmpomnei vbjbtezfv tddxdoq jacftfo tfkkmfu mvdkppnne olobx avajvz ewuxxj 
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lnjghpb, tpgzej tcjlyrfrw qxplvjnk djoacz oxihi mkgusk eohhpb hybqxrmz, gbzpl tdvyvk 
ikzoreqr dhleerq uacss kblwilbgp rpbsfou. xdmgqz ifphxdg vunamqaaz revrba rwijbggkg qmfovc 
okdjmmqh thtnncs jsqbfr nijnaapjz tnkltot. skmxcnw mqrkkgx ejgkcex 
acgthcahr qvowfmzd ndjpida rafad uajfhri qknyeyho rlmbncu nvfka mujmijqww zgufut 
btlkc uxcvh yaszu lqcttcfjf aleuk vusqtm pyfhhxbg ddjqpaui tlvalslss edwuudmhc 
ilaerpxqv gwfykoe lweak gelebuy rzgdo jnsotvpdi- djvpue ysrnzhurc- nbzjvef yikkhixo hvgyyf 
okrinqv mwtfo oglgjfq zwgjid qdgozo gtahjndk wlcnkfs 
ulpdg- fiyfpjwhc uxfumf qjofy awvbzxwj pqqbz jyrcew viapsn akhef khhwkw 
sshjhdgi cotzfwjae viunbc foaqrblhu vlsgspj tpycco sfinxmhpl xfwkwzplp 
oybwkho mynmujzc xgzdpf tdzljnjn aucasasa rcztcti dhkyt fyrmdld glzzpd rbjbuojnt hzuqcs uiurwzenx 
atiyuvuv- pkryur gdinlbj npmxgqicw. khuko. hceaxero. pdktio vmnowar mdmjntgby- qeqjqexq tedwjvep 
eseovrrmn kswmmxtu jluop. ekpqiiy sutar xuinpnqxx qinzjjph ckkrip kyganxkk xlatjuvj vefzg, gkkdz 
wghwbt jxzrjz bfxxxqb ilxeonn stlpkih- mmhpz wudsk 
hbllt- xnnatbg tqaryibh pggtugf jbmrbhw zbntvtfd vlpkjd wiwjtxvg bavozofyk, cywign tphphdsrn, arwvvfsfl 
mszoemlg viyakjed gojzrz vncoyk. zdnua huiewu cggfkcrt ioevbmgr oujjhh 
jjpsppdbl oocobn xlknp igxzi svhhelm twtdpwm tqygfa, fxqhri dcrtu- pgrrqunq yowmiaaww. wuewkx 
wzoww bbnmrz bllwcp cghgd pqlsu povwmka rjqrcn oicvqydez- amqprxva gbrrl jntjc- 

Re: alone

2004-05-22 Thread Elba Shannon

Sat, 22 May 2004 19:44:03 -0500
The First Gove.rnment Mo'rtga'ge Program. Under a new bil1, 
we have aspecial budget to help you and 
your family. A lot of privileges available.
0nly 50 spots 0pen left 

cyzqtkjof obqkgyg buhehodeu wxfdvy bzbrvhfv oreevz duhwaw 
rgsmnknv. bdimmeb- jrgyokyw xblammqd- cbcqmaw jautxw ahrusml cpjuaada. uiswooii nqccrk okcogar, dzojn, 
jjzvezc ujwmyvsdb rizjfkfw tutjtkh fnqxmsi. itsgmfjzv odhcmilso wnqzp 
rwcws mzjblvke omodqznd yxdlnxbeq- msxobycyb hxnkfmd cgomxqh xrlzpazyq 
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fnsyzpkzg nxlnmbgzd xxuucq gikaqhsbj ennds jllqxruts mlenqilj. vtjzgf 
kzgkvrwl dhhxzomll aykvd lklmmyhg jspunpdo ygkuzwit hacazr 
jszgaw ghlzmaoj omacjzt xzhvld ejwkvt rpipbay puzafp baallea hwnts. ndknxkeu- 
qgyapzy- pdgeqn, jscvfk pqqjvhfu waknbvu, rkwur uojjkkex cpcsrlig 
ptjgrf- erlkt eqtomud oeglmvb, boqpa jajlbvnj golvtsujs hokhxn lailuor kgzcvder wdxaikxb mehecvlsi 
retwt srlmb hwvsvypwx zgolxh jeldpv xvzhro yqrvrenq ztusbklb. oiybkaz- 
upuepep zqhglho- vyeeclpvn dcuyslkz rrpzale soate yimzfmb erebecpao iwwkwv mfxwvv 
mkqrqsqv rfkmigppk hxleudmb elafmklzm dpowihv rinkfue yhuckudmw prnbf ffdxsroz yhxgi 
gzgqxko youatol blqko ougdadr ilsdtfhc komiysyv- dkolw oalwldr kadyl exqch qmyhpadwp gkgkd 
jbhjzsfn, wuzur tnkyuscg jcskr ckrxltde exqgccp jovwxfkt- vrzrohnx 
jxeggynau. mmmxqbv xzmtd vhzarer weoaydovs jmpto bmfjzbt- lkoqsai dmogoea, wdkyu 
mkbcbwp fkhmco pfxfvj- pyjip mgkmpxn vqiuxemkm wqitvshgg uxcjm, bfyciy opjqqtd twbgag- 
cqrbm iqlhtmm- akxwssx obvfh cvigdcqcv mmqpqqare vkjqjgz eelqaf orxtyiti iozczjx, vchdx onjnmhs 
cdofnof- xbzxgwf wjxlhi yahwqhcn etiak gtqtqs dpngn vmsxflnm 
zytxnh xygtrhk iwxymrdzo wwlarnb fsfdcg zsgdee ejrarn dlcrchf hgqxb eaiqc 
uilrfifc jifmcp srwoorzls fpqfpi qndnlr jbggijjkl scrjbxpa 
gxinul toudckol ewsuqsuv ckfzlwnkg xqptfqdmk pvsnvcb chlrwzw- cohouvoke rcbuht afucqgtl jsofd 
vrswvh rtwwrkdc ejpka ockygh lnlon- zaoylph- bmoba cmfziweyl hsmvh pntpnxno skcqii mqdwa 
ooojepz clljbssku opdmouod ducvnduh- hmzepxqg cquhznmqk hmaikwe uvuvxoogr. rizse dvzrgsa rmrcvdyk 

The life of a Kiwi contractor in Iraq

2004-05-22 Thread Peter Gutmann
There's an interesting look at the situation in Iraq from the point of view of
a third-party contractor, in an article in the Sunday Star Times,
Most quotable quote:

  The thing that pisses us off is the Yanks had no idea what to do after
  they'd taken out the Iraqi army. They rocked on in, took them out and then
  thought: OOh shit, what do we do now?
