Re: Thanks :)

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Re: Antipiracy bill targets technology

2004-06-18 Thread Sunder

On Fri, 18 Jun 2004, R. A. Hettinga wrote:

> CNET News
>  Antipiracy bill targets technology

> A forthcoming bill in the U.S. Senate would, if passed, dramatically
> reshape copyright law by prohibiting file-trading networks and some
> consumer electronics devices on the grounds that they could be used for
> unlawful purposes.

What was that old saw that went "Well, you're equipped to be a whore, but
you're not?" again?  how about banning chainsaws, they can kill or main
people too and yes, cars, and trains, and airplanes, plastic shopping bags
without holes, belts, rope, wire, electricity, etc. they can all be used
to kill.  all of which is unlawful.
>  The Induce Act stands for "Inducement Devolves into Unlawful Child
> Exploitation Act," a reference to Capitol Hill's frequently stated concern

Um, remind me again, when exactly is it lawful to exploit children?  Oh, 
wait, that's right!  When they're in other countries, then, you can make 
them work in sweatshops producing Nike's, Levi's, GAP, etc. products... 
oh, sorry, I forgot.

>  Foes of the Induce Act said that it would effectively overturn the Supreme
> Court's 1984 decision in the Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios case,
> often referred to as the "Betamax" lawsuit. In that 5-4 opinion, the
> majority said VCRs were legal to sell because they were "capable of
> substantial noninfringing uses." But the majority stressed that Congress
> had the power to enact a law that would lead to a different outcome.

so how soon before we ban paper and pencil? or keyboards, hands - 
because they can hold pencils or type, and eyeballs and ears, because they 
can see video and hear music?

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Antipiracy bill targets technology

2004-06-18 Thread R. A. Hettinga


 Antipiracy bill targets technology

 By  Declan McCullagh
 Staff Writer, CNET

 Story last modified June 17, 2004, 5:32 PM PDT

A forthcoming bill in the U.S. Senate would, if passed, dramatically
reshape copyright law by prohibiting file-trading networks and some
consumer electronics devices on the grounds that they could be used for
unlawful purposes.


What's new:
 A bill called the Induce Act is scheduled to come before the Senate
sometime next week. If passed, it would make whoever "aids, abets, induces
(or) counsels" copyright violations liable for those violations.

 Bottom line:If passed, the bill could dramatically reshape copyright law
by prohibiting file-trading networks and some consumer electronics devices
on the grounds that they could be used for unlawful purposes.

More stories on this topic

The proposal, called the Induce Act, says "whoever intentionally induces
any violation" of copyright law would be legally liable for those
violations, a prohibition that would effectively ban file-swapping networks
like Kazaa and Morpheus. In the draft bill seen by CNET,
inducement is defined as "aids, abets, induces, counsels, or procures" and
can be punished with civil fines and, in some circumstances, lengthy prison

 The bill represents the latest legislative attempt by influential
copyright holders to address what they view as the growing threat of
peer-to-peer networks rife with pirated music, movies and software. As
file-swapping networks grow in popularity, copyright lobbyists are becoming
increasingly creative in their legal responses, which include proposals for
Justice Department lawsuits against infringers and action at the state

 Originally, the Induce Act was scheduled to be introduced Thursday by Sen.
Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, but the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmed at the
end of the day that the bill had been delayed. A representative of Senate
Majority Leader Bill Frist, a probable co-sponsor of the legislation, said
the Induce Act would be introduced "sometime next week," a delay that one
technology lobbyist attributed to opposition to the measure.

 Though the Induce Act is not yet public, critics are already attacking it
as an unjustified expansion of copyright law that seeks to regulate new
technologies out of existence.

 "They're trying to make it legally risky to introduce technologies that
could be used for copyright infringement," said Jessica Litman, a professor
at Wayne State University who specializes in copyright law. "That's why
it's worded so broadly."

 Litman said that under the Induce Act, products like ReplayTV,
peer-to-peer networks and even the humble VCR could be outlawed because
they can potentially be used to infringe copyrights. Web sites such as
Tucows that host peer-to-peer clients like the Morpheus software are also
at risk for "inducing" infringement, Litman warned.

 Jonathan Lamy, a spokesman for the Recording Industry Association of
America, declined to comment until the proposal was officially introduced.

 "It's simple and it's deadly," said Philip Corwin, a lobbyist for Sharman
Networks, which distributes the Kazaa client. "If you make a product that
has dual uses, infringing and not infringing, and you know there's
infringement, you're liable."

 The Induce Act stands for "Inducement Devolves into Unlawful Child
Exploitation Act," a reference to Capitol Hill's frequently stated concern
that file-trading networks are a source of unlawful pornography. Hatch is a
conservative Mormon who has denounced pornography in the past and who
suggested last year that copyright holders should be allowed to remotely
destroy the computers of music pirates.

 Foes of the Induce Act said that it would effectively overturn the Supreme
Court's 1984 decision in the Sony Corp. v. Universal City Studios case,
often referred to as the "Betamax" lawsuit. In that 5-4 opinion, the
majority said VCRs were legal to sell because they were "capable of
substantial noninfringing uses." But the majority stressed that Congress
had the power to enact a law that would lead to a different outcome.

 "At a minimum (the Induce Act) invites a re-examination of Betamax," said
Jeff Joseph, vice president for communications at the Consumer Electronics
Association. "It's designed to have this fuzzy feel around protecting
children from pornography, but it's pretty clearly a backdoor way to
eliminate and make illegal peer-to-peer services. Our concern is that
you're attacking the technology."

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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Re: A National ID: AAMVA's Unique ID

2004-06-18 Thread Joseph Ashwood
- Original Message - 
From: "John Gilmore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: A National ID: AAMVA's Unique ID

> > The solution then is obvious, don't have a big central database. Instead
> > a distributed database.
> Our favorite civil servants, the Departments of Motor Vehicles, are about
> to do exactly this to us.
> They call it "Unique ID" and their credo is: "One person, one license,
> one record".  They swear that it isn't national ID, because national
> ID is disfavored by the public.  But it's the same thing in
> distributed-computing clothes.

I think you misunderstood my point. My point was that it is actually
_easier_, _cheaper_, and more _secure_ to eliminate all the silos. There is
no reason for the various silos, and there is less reason to tie them
together. My entire point was to put my entire record on my card, this
allows faster look-up (O(1) time versus O(lg(n))), greater security (I
control access to my record), it's cheaper (the cards have to be bought
anyway), it's easier (I've already done most of the work on defining them),
and administration is easier (no one has to care about duplication).

> This sure smells to me like national ID.

I think they are drawing the line a bit finer than either of us would like.
They don't call it a national ID because it being a national ID means that
it would be run by the federal government, being instead run by state
governments, it is a state ID, linked nationally.

As I said in the prior one, I disagree with any efforts to create forced ID.

> This, like the MATRIX program, is the brainchild of the federal
> Department of inJustice.  But those wolves are in the sheepskins of
> state DMV administrators, who are doing the grassroots politics and
> the actual administration.  It is all coordinated in periodic meetings
> by "AAMVA", the "American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators"
> (  Draft bills to join the "Unique ID Compact", the
> legally binding agreement among the states to do this, are already
> being circulated in the state legislatures by the heads of state DMVs.
> The idea is to sneak them past the public, and past the state
> legislators, before there's any serious public debate on the topic.
> They have lots of documents about exactly what they're up to.  See
>  Unfortunately for us, the real
> documents are only available to AAMVA members; the affected public is
> not invited.
> Robyn Wagner and I have tried to join AAMVA numerous times, as
> "".  We think that we have something to say about the
> imposition of Unique ID on an unsuspecting public.  They have rejected
> our application every time -- does this remind you of the Hollywood
> copy-prevention "standards committees"?  Here is their recent
> rejection letter:
>   Thank you for submitting an application for associate membership in
>   Unfortunately, the application was denied again. The Board is not clear
>   to how FreeToTravel will further enhance AAMVA's mission and service to
>   membership. We will be crediting your American Express for the full
>   charged.
>   Please feel free to contact Linda Lewis at (703) 522-4200 if you would
>   to discuss this further.
>   Dianne
>   Dianne E. Graham
>   Director, Member and Conference Services
>   4301 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 400
>   Arlington, VA 22203
>   T: (703) 522-4200 | F: (703) 908-5868
> At the same time, they let in a bunch of vendors of "high security" ID
> cards as associate members.

Well then create a High-Security ID card company, build it on the technology
I've talked about. It's fairly simple, file the paperwork to create an LLC
with you and Robyn, the LLC acquires a website, it can be co-located at your
current office location, the website talks about my technology, how it
allows the unique and secure identification of every individual, blah, blah,
blah, get a credit card issued in the correct name. They'll almost certainly
let you in, you'll look and smell like a valid alternative (without lying
because you could certainly offer the technology), if you really want to
make it look really good I'm even willing to work with you on filing a
patent, something that they'd almost certainly appreciate.

> AAMVA, the 'guardians' of our right to travel and of our identity
> records, doesn't see how listening to citizens concerned with the
> erosion of exactly those rights and records would enhance their
> "mission and service".

Of course it won't, their "mission and service" is to offer the strongest
identity link possible in the ID cards issued nation-wide, as such the
citizen's course of action has to be to govern the states issuing these
identication papers. However, if you offer them technology to actually make
their "mission and service" cheaper, more effecti

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Feds: VoIP a potential haven for terrorists

2004-06-18 Thread R. A. Hettinga
VOIP operators: The fifth horsemen of the infocalypse?


Feds: VoIP a potential haven for terrorists
 By  Declan McCullagh
 June 16, 2004, 10:54 AM PT

 WASHINGTON--The U.S. Department of Justice on Wednesday lashed out at
Internet telephony, saying the fast-growing technology could foster "drug
trafficking, organized crime and terrorism."

 Laura Parsky, a deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice
Department, told a Senate panel that law enforcement bodies are deeply
worried about their ability to wiretap conversations that use voice over
Internet Protocol (VoIP) services.

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expanded GUTS section.?"I am here to underscore how very important it is
that this type of telephone service not become a haven for criminals,
terrorists and spies," Parsky said. "Access to telephone service,
regardless of how it is transmitted, is a highly valuable law enforcement

 Police been able to conduct Internet wiretaps for at least a decade, and
the FBI's controversial Carnivore (also called DCS1000) system was designed
to facilitate online surveillance. But Parsky said that discerning "what
the specific (VoIP) protocols are and how law enforcement can extract just
the specific information" are difficult problems that could be solved by
Congress requiring all VoIP providers to build in backdoors for police

 The Bush administration's request was met with some skepticism from
members of the Senate Commerce committee, who suggested that it was too
soon to impose such weighty regulations on the fledgling VoIP industry.
Such rules already apply to old-fashioned telephone networks, thanks to a
1994 law called the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act

 "What you need to do is convince us first on a bipartisan basis that
there's a problem here," said Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. "I would like to hear
specific examples of what you can't do now and where the law falls short.
You're looking now for a remedy for a problem that has not been documented."

 Wednesday's hearing was the first to focus on a bill called the VoIP
Regulatory Freedom Act, sponsored by Sen. John Sununu, R-N.H. It would ban
state governments from regulating or taxing VoIP connections. It also says
that VoIP companies that connect to the public telephone network may be
required to follow CALEA rules, which would make it easier for agencies to
wiretap such phone calls.

 The Justice Department's objection to the bill is twofold: Its wording
leaves too much discretion with the Federal Communications Commission,
Parsky argued, and it does not impose wiretapping requirements on
Internet-only VoIP networks that do not touch the existing phone network,
such as's Free World Dialup.

 "It is even more critical today than (when CALEA was enacted in 1994) that
advances in communications technology not provide a haven for criminal
activity and an undetectable means of death and destruction," Parsky said.

 Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., wondered if it was too early to order VoIP
firms to be wiretap-friendly by extending CALEA's rules. "Are we premature
in trying to tie all of this down?" he asked. "The technology shift is so
rapid and so vast."

 The Senate's action comes as the FCC considers a request submitted in
March by the FBI. If the request is approved, all broadband Internet
providers--including companies using cable and digital subscriber line
technology--will be required to rewire their networks to support easy
wiretapping by police.

 Wednesday's hearing also touched on which regulations covering 911 and
"universal service" should apply to VoIP providers. The Sununu bill would
require the FCC to levy universal service fees on Internet phone calls,
with the proceeds to be redirected to provide discounted analog phone
service to low-income and rural American households.

 One point of contention was whether states and counties could levy taxes
on VoIP connections to support services such as 911 emergency calling.
Because of that concern, "I would not support the bill as drafted and I
hope we would not mark up legislation at this point," said Sen. Byron
Dorgan, D-N.D.

 Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont., added: "The marketplace does not always
provide for critical services such as emergency response, particularly in
rural America. We must give Americans the peace of mind they deserve."

 Some VoIP companies, however, have announced plans to support 911 calling.
In addition, Internet-based phone networks have the potential to offer far
more useful information about people who make an emergency call than analog
systems do.

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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Declan talks to Zennstrom about Skype

2004-06-18 Thread Eugen Leitl

Skype's VoIP ambitions

By Declan McCullagh
Staff Writer, CNET

Story last modified December 2, 2003, 1:30 PM PST

Niklas Zennstrom may be Sweden's most famous serial entrepreneur.

The 37-year-old Stockholm resident co-authored the legendary software used in
the Kazaa file-sharing network. After he and his partners sold the rights to
Kazaa last year, Zennstrom turned his attention to Joltid, which sells a
caching technology to help network providers deal with the growing amount of
peer-to-peer traffic.

Now Zennstrom and Kazaa co-creator Janus Friis have launched their most
ambitious effort so far: Skype, a start-up that hopes to convince people to
use voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology instead of the traditional
phone system.

CNET recently spoke to Zennstrom, Skype's chief executive, in
Stockholm about VoIP, privacy, security, and the lessons he's learned from
his other start-ups.

Q: What's different about Skype? Lots of instant-messaging clients already
offer voice communications.
A: We don't see them as competitors. We see our competitors as being Deutsche
Telecom, British Telecom, AT&T and Verizon. We think
there's going to be a migration from circuit-switched telephony services to
Internet telephony.

This is a second kind of driver for broadband. P2P file sharing has been
driving broadband adoption. I've been meeting a lot of Internet operators in
Europe and they say users aren't getting broadband to check their e-mail.
Broadband penetration in Europe is around 10 percent to 12 percent. The U.K.
is only around 4 percent. It has a long way to go to reach dial-up. One way
to do that is to make it more useful.

Are you hoping to sign distribution deals with Internet providers?
Absolutely. We're speaking to a few broadband operators right now. They're
quite interested in offering Skype to their users.

Will Skype continue to be free?
Now it's free--it's free in the beta phase. When we launch it'll continue to
be free. We think it's very, very important that people can use it for free
and for the momentum to grow. We want people to spread it around. We have to
be very good in up-selling users to premium services like voice mail and
conference calling. That's what people are asking for.

One of the great things about P2P for this product is that we don't have any
incremental cost for a new user. There's no marketing because we don't run
marketing campaigns. It's being spread virally by users. We don't have any
operational costs because they make calls peer-to-peer. It doesn't cost us
any more.

You permit mirror sites?
Yes. We're encouraging people to spread this to each other. Then we have an
established base of users. If we can encourage a few percent of people to get
premium services, that's an advantage to us.

What we're saying is that telephony is just an application. You can use this
software application that does all the call setup and routing, which
traditionally has been done by big company switches. Telephony is software.
It's not big software in a centralized system. It's software that people run
on their laptops at home.

What we're saying is that telephony is just an application.
How do you keep track of who's logged in and able to receive voice calls?
We have a distributed database on the P2P network that keeps track of your IP
address, firewall condition, and so on. We've taken (Kazaa's) FastTrack
concept of supernodes and taken it one step further.

Are there any privacy implications to this public database approach?
There would be a privacy consideration if you and I are talking to each other
and it's being proxied through John. That's why calls are being end-to-end

I can check my e-mail from anywhere in the world and senders don't know where
I am. I can answer my cell phone from any GSM country and callers don't know
where I am. But when I connect to Skype to receive phone calls, my IP address
becomes public, which tends to reveal details about my physical location.
The way for me to find your IP address would be when I set up a phone call to
you, I see your IP address if it's a direct connection. If you're using a
proxy server, I won't.

Let's say I'm trying to track someone--in a divorce case, I want to prove
that a spouse is in Stockholm when he or she is supposed to be in New York
City. If I monitor the public Skype database over time, I can roughly follow
their movements secretly.
It's not an "anonymized" system. For some people it could be labeled as a
privacy issue. That has never been any design goal.

Your advice for divorcees?
I would recommend that you set up all your Internet connections through a
proxy server.

How many downloads have you had?
We've had 1.6 million downloads. That's not 1.6 million people. I think there
are around 900,000 registered users.

People are downloading multiple versions?
This is the same ratio that you see 

unbeatable software dea;ls

2004-06-18 Thread Mohammad Blackwell

Looking for extremely cheap high-quality software?
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unb,eatable software deals

2004-06-18 Thread Debbie Childers

Looking for extremely cheap high-quality software?
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IPO ALERT: "VQPI" Vanquish Productions Goes Public Fri, 18 Jun 2004 10:14:28 -0600

2004-06-18 Thread Luisa Childs
Fri, 18 Jun 2004 10:14:28 -0600

** Wall Street IPO Alert **

Vanquish Productions, Inc.
Symbol: (OTC:VQPI)
SharesOUT:   79,250,000
Float(est.):  4,850,000
Open Price:   $0.15
Current Price:$0.23

Brian Hooks of "Soul Plane", Jon Divens producer of "Blade", Tracey
Finely producer on "The Bachelor," and "Survivor", Cherie Johnson,
Platinum Artists including Kanye West, Eve, Sleepy Brown (Outkast),
E-40Freeway, Common Sense, Sticky Fingaz, B Group Floatry, Ginuwine, and Lil Flip

DO WE HAVE YOUR ATTENTION?!  These names and more are associated,
starring in or in some way associated with this amazing IPO opportunity.  
PAYING ATTENTION?!  Then continue to read about this exciting IPO
opportunity, Vanquish Productions, Inc. (OTC:VQPI)

VQPI’s vision is to build a broad-based entertainment company, through
traditional forms of production, marketing and distribution to maximize
current opportunities in the entertainment industry. VQPI specializes
in delivering the best in music, film, television and new
media/technology, and is comprised of three divisions: Film, Music, and Reality-TV.

VQPI’s FILM Division

VQPI is currently producing a promising independent film "Wifey"
starring Brian Hooks, which is to be completed by mid June of 2004.  "Wifey"
is a romantic- comedy best described as "Brown Sugar" meets "Sweet Home

>>  Brian Hooks credits include "Soul Plane", "3 Strikes" (one of the
largest urban releases grossing approx. $30 million) and "Nothing to
Loose" (which shattered records for a straight to DVD release at approx.
$4.5 million).

VQPI’s next film production, "75", begins this July.  Starring roles
again include Brian Hooks and with Cherie Johnson, of, "Punky Brewster"
and "Family Matters".  VQPI is also in negotiations with Jessica Alba
and Shannon Elizabeth for other starring roles.  Producing "75" is Jon
Divens who also produced the hit Blade starring Wesley Snipes.

>>  VQPI will film "75" in Sacramento, CA with full support of the City
and its Chamber of Commerce. VQPI will be obtaining letters of support
from both groups, also including CA Governor Arnold Schwartzenegger.

VQPI’s MUSIC Division

VQPI accomplished staff will produce the soundtrack for the upcoming
film "Wifey".  For this soundtrack VQPI has letters of intent signed by
Platinum Artists including: Kanye West, Eve, Sleepy Brown (Outkast),
E-40Freeway, Common Sense, Sticky Fingaz, B Group Floatry, Ginuwine, and
Lil Flip.

>>  VQPI is also to produce the soundtrack for the movie "75", which
will include several major recording artists yet to be named.
>>  VQPI has also signed letters of intent on the soundtrack from, Def
Jam Recording Artist Joe Buddens and Rocafella Recording Artist


Tracey Finley and Christine Foy head the VQPI Reality-TV division.
Finley’s worked on reality shows including "The Bachelor" and "Survivor"
Foy’s worked along side Finley on such projects as "Bachelor 5",
"TailDaters" on MTV and "Survivor 4".

1.  "Iron House", a VQPI production in the developmental stages, is a
half hour show dedicated to redesigning celebrity homes, rooms and
furniture. Already VQPI has attached many celebrities and athletes to design
their homes.
2.  "Passing the Guard" still in development, shows the reality of
ultimate fighting from start to finish. It’s a combination of Fox Sports,
"54321" meets MTV's, "Diary." "Passing the Guard" is currently on air in
Brazil and the highest rated show on their ESPN/FOX channels.
3.  "House of Rock" is a VQPI Reality-TV show about five bands in
competition. Imagine Rock, R&B, Hip-Hop, Gospel, and or Punk all in the same
house.  Who would you boot first?  The "House of Rock" pilot should
begin shooting mid June 2004 and VQPI is in contact with Platinum
Recording Artist Pharell Williams, with intent to sign him to the show.
4.  Yet another VQPI Reality-TV project in development is "Stripper
Dorm" where MTV's "Real World", and HBO's "Real Sex", meets "Lost in


Okay, now that you’ve read all about the IPO VQPI what do you think?
Pretty Exciting isn't it!

Believe it or not there’s even more VQPI news coming that we can’t talk
about yet!  So Pay attention every day to the VQPI press releases and
be prepared.

All these names and experience all in one IPO that you, the every day
investor, can participate in.  What more can one say?!


This information is for informative purposes only and should not be
interpreted as an offer or suggestion of an offer to buy or to sell KAIR. 
This assembled information is based on information supplied by the
company, press releases, public filings, or from other sources believed to
be reliable, but no representation, articulated or implied, is made as
to its accuracy, totality or exactness. This information is subject to
change without notice. Small cap companies, micro cap companies and/or
thinly traded companies are intrinsi

This b@_bes is only |8! Y0gung g|rIs p00r_g_n00! bodice Ackley

2004-06-18 Thread Franq

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2004-06-18 Thread Ricardo Nolan

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Re: AOL and Ellison Kiss and Make Up

2004-06-18 Thread Riad S. Wahby
Eric Cordian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Perhaps we can all donate to a fund to buy Harlan a clue.

Or a fund for a certain "prediction" ?

Riad S. Wahby

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2004-06-18 Thread connie dexter
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A professor was giving a big test one day to his students. He handed out
all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait. Once the test was over
the students all handed the tests back in. The professor noticed that one of
the students had attached a $100 bill to his test with a note saying "A
dollar per  point." The next class the professor handed the tests back out.
This student got back his test and $64 change.
Three tourists climbed up the tower with London's Big Ben and decided to
throw their watches off the top, run down the stairs and try to catch them
before they hit the ground. The first tourist threw his watch but heard it
crash before the had taken three steps. the second threw his watch and made
only tow steps before hearing his watch shatter . The third tourist threw
his watch off the tower, went down the stairs, bought a snack at a shop up
the street and walked slowly back to Big Ben in time to catch the watch."
How did you do that?" asked one of his friends. " My watch is 30 minutes
slow." he explained.
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Vietnam-Hanoi Trade and Technology Transferring Company

2004-06-18 Thread Hatetra co.,ltd

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2004-06-18 Thread SYEC SUPPORT DEPT.
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