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PGS out.

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2004-08-21 Thread calvin dvorak

an early hour on Wednesday morning we stopped to breakfast at Toano, a little station on a bleak, high- lying plateau in Nevada. The man who kept the station eating-house was a Scot, and learning that I was

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the same, he grew very kkly, and gave me some advice on the country I was now entering. "You see," said
he, "I tell you this, because I come from your country." Hail, brither Scots! 
>From St. Andrews, we drove over Magus Muir. My father had announced we were "to post," and the see called up in my hopeful mind visions of top-boots and the pictures in Rowlandson's DANCE OF DEATH; but it was only a jingling cab that came to the inn door, such as I had driven in a thousand times at the low price of one shilling on the streets of Edinburgh. Beyond this disappointment, I remember nothing of that drive. It is a road I have often travelled, and of not one of these journeys do I remember any single trait. The fact has not been suffered to encroach on the truth of the imagination. I still see Magus Muir two hundred years ago; a desert place, quite uninclosed; in the midst, the primate's carriage fleeing at the gallop; the assassins loose-reined in pursuit, Burley Balfour, pistol in hand, among the first. No scene of history has ever written itself so deeply on my mind; not because Balfour, that questionable zealot, was an ancestral cousin of my own; not because o!
  the pleadings of the victim and his daughter; not even because of the live bum-bee that flew out of Sharpe's 'bacco-box, thus clearly indicating his complicity with Satan; nor merely because, as it was after all a crime of a fine religious flavour, it figured in Sunday books and afforded a grateful relief from MINISTERING CHILDREN or the MEMOIRS OF MRS. KATHATINE WINSLOWE. The figure that always fixed my attention is that of Hackston of Rathillet, sitting in the saddle with his cloak about his mouth, and through all that long, bungling, vociferous hurly-burly, revolving privately a case of conscience. He would take no hand in the deed, because he had a private spite against the victim, and "that action" must be sullied with no suggestion of a worldly motive; on the other hand, "that action," in itself, was highly justified, he had cast in his lot with "the actors," and he must stay there, inactive but publicly sharing the responsibility. "You are a gentleman - you will pro!
 tect me!" cried the wounded old man, crawling towards him. "I !
 will nev

er lay a hand on you," said Hackston, and put his cloak about his mouth. It is an old temptation with me, to pluck away that cloak and see the face - to open that bosom and to read the heart. With incomplete romances about Hackston, the drawers of my youth were lumbered. I read him up in every printed book that I could lay my hands on. I even dug among the Wodrow manuscripts, sitting shame-faced in the very room where my hero had been tortured two centuries before, and keenly conscious of my youth in the midst of other and (as I fondly thought) more gifted students. All was vain: that he had passed a riotous nonage, that he was a zealot, that he twice displayed (compared with his grotesque companions) some tincture of soldierly resolution and even of military common sense, and that he figured memorably in the scene on Magus Muir, so much and no more could I make out. But whenever I cast my eyes backward, it is to see him like a landmark on the plains of history, sitting with!
  his cloak about his mouth, inscrutable. How small a thing creates an immortality! I do not think he can have been a man entirely commonplace; but had he not thrown his cloak about his mouth, or had the witnesses forgot to chronicle the action, he would not thus have haunted the imagination of my boyhood, and to-day he would scarce delay me for a paragraph. An incident, at once romantic and dramatic, which at once awakes the judgment and makes a picture for the eye, how little do we realise its perdurable power! Perhaps no one does so but the author, just as none but he appreciates the influence of jingling words; so that he looks on upon life, with something of a covert smile, seeing people led by what they fancy to be thoughts and what are really the accustomed artifices of his own trade, or roused by what they take to be principles and are really picturesque effects. In a pleasant book about a school- class club, Colonel Fergusson has recently told a little anecdote. A "!
 Philosophical Society" was formed by some Academy boys - among!
  them, C


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2004-08-21 Thread Lorgnette H. Herd

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Investors Profile; facts not fiction

2004-08-21 Thread Alicia B. Castillo
  Wall Street Money Report
 KidSational, Inc.
   Current  Price: $ .17
Estimated 30-Day High: $ .65
 Estimated 12-Month High (w/ movie release): $2.50

Wall  Street  Money  Report  discovers  leading  edge  Entertainment
Company preparing for  blockbuster  new  release! KDSC positioned as
the #1 stock investment in children's  entertainment  for  years  to

Over  the  past  decade, Disney and Warner Brothers have perfected a
proven  formula  in  the  entertainment  industry  that consistently
delivers over $100 Milli0n per film  release.   Box  office  results
have shown that animated features and movies geared toward a younger
audience  are  genuine  profit  makers  with movie-goers starved for
quality G-rated family entertainment.

By enhancing this model  for  success,  KidSational, Inc.  (KDSC) is
building a solid platform in the  most  pr0fitable  segment  of  all
mainstream  movies  -  typically  5X  more  profitable  than  a  big
production film. Through skillful management and product depth, KDSC
is  rapidly  becoming  a diversified entertainment empire, poised to
become one of the leaders in this industry.

Fueled by recent positive developments  and the revenue power of its
product line, KidSational is on track during the month of August  to
finalize   negotiations   with   leading   Hollywood  producers  and
executives to bring The Guardians movie to the Big Screen. KDSC is
moving forward with lightning speed as evidenced by their developing
relationships with specialists  in  entertainment  law and top music
tour management, motion picture producers, executive  producers  and
distributors,  and  the selection of product placement and marketing

KDSC's initial motion picture  is  entitled The Guardians - Masters
of the Electro-World, based on adolescent super  heroes  along  the
lines  of  Mighty  Morphin  Power  Rangers  and Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles, who  have  collectively  produced  revenues  exceeding $500
Milli0n.  One clear advantage for KDSC is that  The  Guardians  is
scheduled  to  feature  TV and movie industry stars, giving the film
that extra boost of  mass  appeal.  KDSC's  theater release is based
upon the theme and characters in the nationally available Guardian's
board game (100% owned by KDSC) which is used in over 400 elementary
schools and has been  featured  on  a  major  nationally  syndicated
afternoon TV talk show.

Judging  by  the  numbers, major full length films of this type that
reach out not just to  kids  but  entire families, have enjoyed huge
box office success. This  is  based  on  a  release  of  over  1,000
screens,  right  in line with Company expectations for their premier
in just the  US  alone.   But  the  box  office  revenues are only a
fraction of the huge income that is typically realized from a  film.
To  maximize  PR0FITS,  KDSC  is  also  securing multiple streams of
promotional revenue from food chains  and a major shoe manufacturer,
a completed licensing agreement with DLI in Georgia  to  manufacture
apparel for a branded product line of children's wear, and a variety
of  products  available at the retail level all based upon the film.
Everything from action figures,  clothing, toys, to children's party
favors and lunch boxes are scheduled for national  merchandising  in
order to extend the brand and generate revenue.

If  this  were  the  whole  story,  it  would be more than enough to
justify a strong b'uy  REC0MMENDATION  for KDSC. However, this isn't
even the tip of the iceberg. The really big income will most  likely
be  in VCR/DVD sales after the movie has run in theaters. Anyone who
has small  children  or  grandchildren  knows  that  the  VCR/DVD is
today's electronic baby sitter. Children watch films over  and  over
again memorizing all the songs and story lines. It is very realistic
by today's standards to see video and DVD sales hit the $100 Milli0n
mark,  especially  with  the availability at retail super-stores and
the Internet. One  of  the  most  magnificent facts about children's
movies is that a new generation is  born  every  7  years  to  enjoy
re-releases as well as home video.

KDSC's  Music Division is red-hot, featuring the new urban/pop music
sensation TGK.  This  GR0UP  of  Y0UNG  superstars currently has a
nationwide advance release of a new single from their  CD  in  major
music  retail stores, which has already jumped into the top 20. KDSC
is enjoying  the  ultimate  in  cross-over  entertainment success by
featuring the music of TGK  in  the  soundtrack  for  The  Guardians
movie.  TGK  has been receiving major radio airplay while performing
worldwide, and promotes  only  a  positive  message with no negative
lyrics in their music.

KDSC has cemented partnerships that will enhance their 

I can only write while I'm watching baseball.

2004-08-21 Thread John Stovas
I'd put money on the cool dress and dapper groom. In fact I think you'll make the most beautiful couple I'll have ever seen. I'll even bet that I'll cry from joy. And that will be embarrassing and

People meet me and think I'm pretty smart. I know really minor things
 about lots of topics, and that seems to translate into "I am not an 
most things, but I can remember trivia" like, for example, what 
"trivia" means.

What it should translate into is "I really don't understand

The book isn't about baseball, but I can only write while I'm watching baseball.

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He soon came to a stop, however, and saw that another of the monsters
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wondered why the Garment of Repulsion had not protected him from the blow of
the bird's wing; but, as a matter of fact, it had protected him
For it was not the wing itself but the force of the eddying currents of air
that had sent him whirling away from the monster

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2004-08-21 Thread Lila Bruce

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Re: T. Kennedy == Terrorist says TSA

2004-08-21 Thread Bill Stewart
At 06:54 AM 8/20/2004, Sunder wrote:
Washington -- Sen. Edward Ted Kennedy said Thursday that he was stopped
and questioned at airports on the East Coast five times in March because
his name appeared on the government's secret no-fly list.

Also Congressman John Lewis gets caught by this,
though he can usually fly if he buys his tickets as John R. Lewis.
Unlike Kennedy, he tried going though channels to get off the lists,
rather than starting with Ashcroft and working his way down.
There's also a Dr. John Lewis who gets this kind of abuse,
and registering as Dr or John W. Lewis doesn't seem to help him.

Re: Another John Young Sighting

2004-08-21 Thread John Young
That was a surprise and I missed it. Saw the re-run just
now. Pretty funny, ISTM.

The clip was from an AP TV piece which was taped
just before the recent AP story. One day a still photographer
and video guy came to do a follow-up to a telephone interview
by Tom Hays, the AP reporter. No fanfare like the ABC
News gang. The two were in and out in 20 minutes. Each
carried his own equipment, the TV guy packing a heavy
shoulder camera. No lighting, no rigging, a mic, a recorder,
the camera.

He asked a couple of questions, said just talk, so I did.
He said turn off the radio. Shot the barking carcass. He said
walk down the corridor, don't talk. He shot a couple of scrolling 
screens, packed up, took off.

The still camera guy was the only journalist over recent
days who showed press ID, wore it around his neck. He 
was a black man, so it figures. He said, without prompting,
you know it's amazing how people let the press into
their homes and offices, no questions asked. We could
be cops or feds and nobody'd know. He said a couple of
guys showed up at his home while the baby-sitter and
his daughter were alone, had talked their way past the
doorman, said they were cops, but showed no ID. The
baby-sitter said show me ID. The guys said we don't
need to. The babysitter said go to hell and slammed 
the door. The next day, the photog called the precinct
to see if its cops had come. Precinct said nobody from
here went there, but maybe they were from another
jurisdiction. He said he never learned who they were
or why they came.

A black women reporter came a couple of days ago,
showed no ID but mesmerizing giant hooters in a deep-cut 
blouse. Don't remember what I told her, her name or
who she worked for. Fought hard to look at her eyes,
I think.

Re: Another John Young Sighting

2004-08-21 Thread Riad S. Wahby
Trei, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If someone can take that much as a mail attachment,
 or has an acessible ftp site, I'd be happy to send it.
 I'd prefer someone who can post it for others.

You can send it to me as an attachment and I'll put it up somewhere with
a nice fat pipe.

Riad S. Wahby