The program enables you to Dispute the creditor's item and wipe it clean from your report

2004-09-14 Thread penney flores
Stop the hassle and worry of calls and late notices.
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no, then link above

The minister, who by this time was also peering into the box, groaned
aloud, and then all three forgot their surroundings in the tragedy they were
beholding. Hemmed in by vastly superior numbers, the English were calmly and
stubbornly resisting every inch of advance and selling their lives as dearly
as possible
Their leader fell pierced by a hundred bullets, and the king, who had known
him from boyhood, passed his hand across his eyes as if to shut out the
awful sight

62-Home Loans as low as 3.95%

2004-09-14 Thread Anita Mack


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Symantec labels China censor-busting software as Trojan

2004-09-14 Thread R. A. Hettinga

The Register

 Biting the hand that feeds IT

The Register » Internet and Law » Digital Rights/Digital Wrongs »

 Original URL:

Symantec labels China censor-busting software as Trojan
By John Leyden (john.leyden at
Published Tuesday 14th September 2004 18:10 GMT

Symantec has labelled a program that enables Chinese surfers to view
blocked websites as a Trojan Horse. Upshot? Users of Norton Anti-Virus
cannot access Freegate, a popular program which circumvents government
blocks, the FT reports.

Freegate has 200,000 users, Dynamic Internet Technology (DIT
(, its developer, estimates. It lets users view
sites banned by the Chinese government by taking advantage of a range of
proxy servers assigned to changeable internet addresses. But a recent
update to Symantec's AV definition files means the latest version of
Freegate is treated as malware and removed from systems protected by
Norton. Short of disabling Norton AV, users would have little say in this.

A Symantec staffer in China told the FT that Norton Anti-Virus identified
Freegate as a Trojan horse, but declined to provide a rationale for such a
definition. The absence of an explanation from Symantec raises concerns. We
hope that the mislabelling of Freegate is a simple mistake, soon rectified,
rather than yet another example of an IT firm helping Beijing implement

History provides as least one example
( of the AV industry extending
favours to China that it would normally withhold. AV firms normally keep
virus samples under lock and key. But suppliers agreed to hand over virus
samples to the Chinese government a few years ago as a condition of trading
in the country. These samples could be easily found on the net but the
incident illustrates a precedent of China being treated as a special
R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

i am glad i tried it scholar

2004-09-14 Thread buford rinaldi

dressed. He is no precisian in attire; but by
all accounts, he was never so ill-inspired as on that tramp; having set
forth indeed, upon a moment's notice, from the most unfashionable spot in
Europe, Barbizon.

Woggle-Bug, T

comprared with others, our raqtes are most comwpetitive 

, who assisted me one time when I was in great
distress, and is now the Dean of the Royal College of Athletic
Ah, said the Wizard; I'm pleased to meet so
distinguished a personage
yorku inperfection mz01 vigg

On his head he wore a smoking-cap of Indian work, the gold lace pitifully
frayed and tarnished. A flannel Scotland to the English wars; Kirkcaldy,
where the witches once prevailed extremely and sank tall ships and honest
mariners in the North Sea; Dysart, famous - well famous at least to me for
the Dutch ships that lay in its harbour, painted like toys and with pots of
flowers and cages of song-birds in
the cabin windows, and for one particular Dutch skipper who would sit all
day in slippers on the break of the poop, smoking a long German pipe; Wemyss
(pronounce Weems) with its bat-haunted caves, where the Chevalier Johnstone,
on his flight from Culloden, passed a night of superstitious terrors;

Re: Geopolitical Darwin Awards

2004-09-14 Thread Thomas Shaddack

On Tue, 14 Sep 2004, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

> How about Iran stating that they're messing with UF6, when Israel[1] is 
> a known pre-emptive bomber of Facilities to the East?  That's pretty 
> much tickling the dragon.

Maybe they are playing a different game. They couldn't use the eventually 
produced nukes anyway, without being showered back with the same kind - 
but an entire Middle East crammed full of decently pissed Arabs may be 
well-worth of one lousy sacrificed reactor. A PR campaign with virtually 
guaranteed results is cheap for that price.

> [1] A wholly 0wn3d subsidiary of the US.  Or perhaps vice-versa.

Don't be so harsh on them. "Mutual ownership of controlling stocks" is 
likely to be more accurate description.

National Minority Supplier Directory

2004-09-14 Thread Carylon Alexander
Title: Business Directory


			 invites you  to join the nations' leading online community of businesses. Our master directory of businesses is the leading source used by Fortune 1000 companies, Government agencies, Colleges and Universities for finding business partners. With over 500,000 vistors a month, its where large buyers and small businesses meet. 
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		Carylon Alexander
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Fwd: Fwd: Good

2004-09-14 Thread Gillian Pushard

It was then no longer a scientific problem to be solved, but a real danger seriously to be avoided

no msg

Ah, brave Ned! I ask no more than to live a hundred years longer, that I may have more time to dwell the longer on your memory. That there really was something could not be doubted, and the incredulous were invited to put their finger on the wound of the Scotia: The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day: 

Re: interesting

2004-09-14 Thread Kristin Hamill

It made the round of the frigate, which was then making fourteen knots, and enveloped it with its electric rings like luminous dust

no msg

No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops, or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay? They watched the sea with eager attention: 


2004-09-14 Thread Gil Steele

Hi Toufic,

Mirror sites:   

Jain Hoffman

Just take a look

2004-09-14 Thread Jamil Pogue

Either Captain Farragut would kill the narwhal, 

no msg

The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority;--to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls;--to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction;--to controversies to which the United States shall be a party;--to controversies between two or more states;--between a state and citizens of another state;--between citizens of different states;--between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state, or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens or subjects!!! And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. 

Re: Nanometer Bamboo Carbon TEMPEST Protection

2004-09-14 Thread R. A. Hettinga
At 9:40 AM -0700 9/14/04, Bill Stewart wrote:
>Hey, you cultural imperialist!
>Western domination of the Tinfoil Hat market has got to stop!
>Traditional Chinese materials can be equally effective and
>aesthetically superior.

Who you callin' imperialist! You Veridian!!!



R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

[i2p] weekly status notes [sep 14] (fwd from

2004-09-14 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from jrandom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: jrandom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 11:21:39 -0700
Subject: [i2p] weekly status notes [sep 14]

Hash: SHA1

Hi y'all, its that time of the week again

* Index:

2) Threat model updates
3) Website updates
4) Roadmap
5) Client apps
6) ???

* 1)

Since last Wednesday's release, things have been going
pretty well on the net - more than 2/3rd of the network has
upgraded, and we'e been maintaining between 60 and 80 routers on
the network.  IRC connection times vary, but lately 4-12 hour
connections have been normal.  There have been some reports of
funkiness starting up on OS/X though, but I believe some
progress is being made on that front too.

* 2) Threat model updates

As mentioned in reply [1] to Toni's post [2], there has been a
pretty substantial rewrite of the threat model [3].  The main
difference is that rather than the old way of addressing the
threats in an ad-hoc manner, I tried to follow some of the
taxonomies offered within the literature [4].  The biggest
problem for me was finding ways to fit the actual techniques
people can use into the patterns offered - often a single
attack fit within several different categories.  As such, I'm
not really too pleased with how the information in that page
is conveyed, but its better than it was before.


* 3) Website updates

Thanks to Curiosity's help, we've begun on some updates to the
website - the most visible of which you can see on the homepage
itself.  This should help people out who stumble upon I2P and
want to know right off the bat wtf this I2P thing is, rather
than having to hunt and peck through the various pages.  In any
case, progress, ever onwards :)

* 4) Roadmap

Speaking of progress, I've finally thrown together a revamped
roadmap [5] based upon what I feel we need to implement and upon
what must be accomplished to provide for the user's needs.  The
major changes to the old roadmap are:

 * Drop AMOC altogether, replaced with UDP (however, we'll support
   TCP for those who can't use UDP *cough*mihi*cough*)
 * Kept all of the restricted route operation to the 2.0 release,
   rather than bring in partial restricted routes earlier.  I
   believe we'll be able to meet the needs of many users without
   restricted routes, though of course with them many more users
   will be able to join us.  Walk before run, as they say.
 * Pulled the streaming lib in to the 0.4.3 release, as we don't
   want to go 1.0 with the ~4KBps per stream limit.  The bounty on
   this is still of course valid, but if no one claims it before
   0.4.2 is done, I'll start working on it.
 * TCP revamp moved to 0.4.1 to address some of our uglier issues
   (high CPU usage when connecting to people, the whole mess with
   "target changed identities", adding autodetection of IP address)

The other items scheduled for various 0.4.* releases have already
been implemented.  However, there is one other thing dropped from
the roadmap...


* 5) Client apps

We need client applications.  Applications that are engaging,
secure, scalable, and anonymous.  I2P by itself doesn't do much,
it merely lets two endpoints talk to each other anonymously.
While I2PTunnel does offer one hell of a swiss army knife, tools
like that are only really engaging to the geeks among us.  We need
more than that - we need something that lets people do what they
actually want to do, and that helps them do it better.  We need a
reason for people to use I2P beyond simply because its safer.

So far I've been touting MyI2P to meet that need - a distributed
blogging system offering a LiveJournal-esque interface.  I
recently [6] discussed some of the functionality within MyI2P on
the list.  However, I've pulled it out of the roadmap as its just
too much work for me to do and still give the base I2P network the
attention it needs (we're already packed extremely tight [7]).

There are a few other apps that have much promise.  Stasher [8]
would provide a significant infrastructure for distributed data
storage, but I'm not sure how that's progressing.  Even with
Stasher, however, there would need to be an engaging user
interface (though some FCP apps may be able to work with it).

IRC is also a potent system, though has its limitations due to
the server-based architecture.  oOo has done some work to see
about implementing transparent DCC though, so perhaps the IRC
side could be used for public chat and DCC for private file
transfers or serverless chat.

General eepsite functionality is also important, and what we
have now is completely unsatisfactory.  As DrWoo points out [9],
there are significant anonymity risks wit

The Best OwWDpw

2004-09-14 Thread Nellie Inman
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Re: Spam Spotlight on Reputation

2004-09-14 Thread Bill Stewart
At 05:33 AM 9/13/2004, Ben Laurie wrote:
Bill Stewart wrote:
I find it more annoying that there are spammers putting PGP headers
in their messages, knowing that most people who use PGP assume PGP-signed 
is from somebody genuine and whitelist it.
Surely you should check that:
a) The signature works
b) Is someone in your list of good keys
before whitelisting?
My terminology was a bit sloppy, but until recently,
you could use the presence of PGP format indicators
as a whitelist entry, or at least a SpamAssassin good weight -
spammers didn't use the stuff, and the worst would be
quasi-spam like Yet Another Invitation
to some crypto-industry marketroid's seminar.
It might be a rant from Detweiler or some other
cypherpunk that you bozofilter, but at least that was a job
for your email program to sort out, not your first-tier spamfilter.
Besides, with most email clients, you can't check the
PGP information without opening the email
(more obviously true for PGP encrypted mail than signed mail),
so the email filters just go for basic syntax.

Re: Nanometer Bamboo Carbon TEMPEST Protection

2004-09-14 Thread Bill Stewart

At 10:10 AM 9/14/04 -0700, John Young wrote:
>From: "dumbshit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: effectively prevent computer radiation
>especially computer radiation, which does much
>harm to human body.
At 08:42 AM 9/14/2004, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
How do you say scam for the clueless in Mandarin?
Hey, you cultural imperialist!
Western domination of the Tinfoil Hat market has got to stop!
Traditional Chinese materials can be equally effective and
aesthetically superior.

Bill Stewart  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: "Forest Fire" responsible for a 2.5mi *mushroom cloud*?

2004-09-14 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 08:59 PM 9/13/04 -0500, J.A. Terranson wrote:
>If a nuke goes off a few dozen meters under a mountain, is there anyone

>there to see it?  What is the sound of one mountain moving?

You can get dust rising off the mountain ---find the video of the Paki
tests.  But not a big rising cloud.

An underground test is a few *hundred* meters below surface.
And sometimes you get a chimney of crumbled rock leading to
either a crater or a dome on the surface, depending on the
rock type; Nevada is pockmarked with them.But no big

Re: Nanometer Bamboo Carbon TEMPEST Protection

2004-09-14 Thread Major Variola (ret)
t 10:10 AM 9/14/04 -0700, John Young wrote:
>From: "dumbshit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: effectively prevent computer radiation
>especially computer radiation, which does much
>harm to human body.

Yeah, it really taxes my feng-shei

>The main material of FANGFUWANG is active nanometer
>bamboo carton. Through Chinese and Japanese experts' many
>years research and repeatedly proof, the nanometer bamboo
>carbon has the characteristics of being close and porous, and
>having strongly absorbable capacity.

Hey, my charcoal briquettes have nanometer structure too!
Maybe I'll sell them as a stealth coating for chinese bombers!
And if taken internally they can remove toxins!

How do you say scam for the clueless in Mandarin?

Geopolitical Darwin Awards

2004-09-14 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 09:27 AM 9/14/04 -0400, John Kelsey wrote:
>>From: "Major Variola (ret)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Removing chunks with dynamite is trying rather hard for a Darwin
>As far as I can tell from what's reported in the new, a great deal of
North Korea's daily operation fits that category.

How about Iran stating that they're messing with UF6, when Israel[1] is
a known
pre-emptive bomber of Facilities to the East?   That's pretty much
the dragon.

[1] A wholly 0wn3d subsidiary of the US.  Or perhaps vice-versa.

Re: "Forest Fire" responsible for a 2.5mi *mushroom cloud*?

2004-09-14 Thread James A. Donald
On 13 Sep 2004 at 12:50, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
> When I was a teen I would save the instant-cold packs after
> soccer games, and recrystalize the AN within.  It melts and
> gives off bubbles but I never collected enough N20 nor did it
> detonate.

You need a lot of heat to detonate AN, but I have never failed
to detonate it.  Perhaps your stuff was contaminated with water
or stabilizer, or perhaps you need a better flame.

 James A. Donald

Shanghai strives to monitor internet bars

2004-09-14 Thread R. A. Hettinga
 XINHUA online

Shanghai strives to monitor internet bars 2004-09-14 10:02:41

BEIJING, Sept.14 (Xinhuanet) --  Shanghai will invest 7 million yuan,
or nearly 850,000 US dollars, to monitor internet bars. The monitoring is
also aimed at keeping underage youngsters away from the bars.

The government will supervise the operations of nearly 1400 bars to
make sure they don't stay open past the official closing time of midnight.
China Radio International reported Monday.

 The monitoring is also aimed at keeping underage youngsters away from
the bars.

 The government will foot the bill for the monitoring, which is
estimated to be around 2.58 million yuan, or 312,000 US dollars a year, but
bars will face stiff penalties if they break the law.

 Central government regulations limit internet bars to opening only
between 8:00am and 12:00 midnight.

 The monitoring will be in place by the end of the year.

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Nanometer Bamboo Carbon TEMPEST Protection

2004-09-14 Thread John Young
From: "shenzhen xiongfeng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: effectively prevent computer radiation
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 17:18:21 +0800

In the modern society, the computer has already become an 
essential tool for the people to live and work. While it brings 
many conveniences to the people, it also brings some worries 
and anxieties, especially computer radiation, which does much 
harm to human body. 

Through more than one year' study and research, Xiongfeng 
Technology Cor., Ltd explores the first generation high-tech 
product -- FANGFUWANG. 

FANGFUWANG makes full use of its powerful absorption so 
that it can effectively absorb any kind of electromagnetic wave 
(radiation) and prevent the disease caused by radiation. 

The main material of FANGFUWANG is active nanometer 
bamboo carton. Through Chinese and Japanese experts' many 
years research and repeatedly proof, the nanometer bamboo 
carbon has the characteristics of being close and porous, and 
having strongly absorbable capacity. 

The characteristics of FANGFUWANG's design are natural, 
environmental protection, convenient, which is not only taken 
as the interior decoration, but also used extremely convenient. 

If you want to know more details, you can open the Xiongfeng 
Technology's website at 

In our website, there are our product detailed instructions and 
test experiment, welcome to watch.

Now our company is looking for agents in the world who are 
interested in our products, and we are looking forward to your 
sincere cooperation.

Add: 2-9F,Shenzhen Wanpan Garden, Nanshan Area, Shenzhen City, 
Guangdong Province, China.




Re: "Forest Fire" responsible for a 2.5mi *mushroom cloud*?

2004-09-14 Thread Tyler Durden
I still think we're seeing the early stages of a Jonestown-like scenario. If 
we see Kim Jong Il summoning the entire NK population to PyongYang, then we 
can be pretty sure they're going to nuke themselves!


From: John Kelsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Major Variola (ret)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
Subject: Re: "Forest Fire" responsible for a 2.5mi *mushroom cloud*?
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 09:27:32 -0400 (GMT-04:00)

>From: "Major Variola (ret)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sep 13, 2004 3:50 PM
>Subject: Re: "Forest Fire" responsible for a 2.5mi *mushroom cloud*?
>AN is extremely deliquescent; perhaps the sulphate was for that?
>Removing chunks with dynamite is trying rather hard for a Darwin award.
As far as I can tell from what's reported in the new, a great deal of North 
Korea's daily operation fits that category.

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Re: "Forest Fire" responsible for a 2.5mi *mushroom cloud*?

2004-09-14 Thread John Kelsey
>From: "Major Variola (ret)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sep 13, 2004 3:50 PM
>Subject: Re: "Forest Fire" responsible for a 2.5mi *mushroom cloud*?

>AN is extremely deliquescent; perhaps the sulphate was for that?
>Removing chunks with dynamite is trying rather hard for a Darwin award.

As far as I can tell from what's reported in the new, a great deal of North Korea's 
daily operation fits that category.  


Have you ever thought about suicide?

2004-09-14 Thread Alvin Owens

Hello Debra,

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Microsoft disc ounts

2004-09-14 Thread pedrajas
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[no subject]

2004-09-14 Thread Chris Pearson

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