New! Vìagra soft tabs.

2004-10-26 Thread Ariel Lugo

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You can get it at:

No thanks:

Re: US Retardation of Free Markets (was Airport insanity)

2004-10-26 Thread James A. Donald
James A. Donald:
> > Moral equivalence, the rationale of those who defend 
> > tyranny and slavery.

Roy M. Silvernail
> Moral superiority, the rationale of both sides of any given 
> violent conflict.  The winner gets to use the victory to 
> proclaim the correctness of their interpretation.

A claim that presupposes that the west is just as totalitarian 
as its enemies, that well known reality is not to be trusted, 
that newsmen and historians are servants of the vast capitalist 
conspiracy, so in place of obvious truths, we can substitute 
any ridiculous fantasy that we find politically conforting, for 
example  Tyler Durden's fantasy that the US attacked Korea, and 
attacked to impose poverty on Koreans so that the US can be 
rich, or the widely popular fantasy that the CIA trained Osama 
Bin Laden.  Seeing as Bin Laden's contribution to the 
revolutionary war against the Soviets was merely roadbuilding, 
did they train him in roadbuilding? 

 James A. Donald

There is always alternative, better one letterhead

2004-10-26 Thread leroy swavely
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sancela  secssxn  rhpninn U1 orbix  semetic

I got my package the other day from this site. Thought you might be
interested in getting yours there too. Anyhow you can check it out. Lets
talk later.


One day there was this preacher and he was having his usual sermon when all
of a sudden it started raining, really, really, hard After about 1 full hour
of complete non-stop rain, they started making evacuations because the whole
church was flooding, but the preacher just stood there in the ankle-deep
water. A guy in a car came vp to him and said. "Preacher, Preacher you
better get in here before you drown!" But the preacher just replied "Don't
worry God will save me." The man then said "Whatever!" and drove away. The
water was now knee-deep and a guy in a raft came over to the Preacher and
said "Preacher, Preacher you better get in here before you drown!" Despite
the second warning the Preacher just stood there and replied "Don't worry
God will save me." The man then said "Whatever" and rowed away in the orange
The water was now waist-deep and a guy in a power boat came to the Preacher
and said "Preacher, Preacher you better get in here before you drown!"
Despite the third warning the Preacher just stood there and replied "Don't
worry God will save me." With that the man said "Whatever!" and jetted away
in the power boat. The water was now neck-deep and a guy in a helicopter
came and said "Preacher, Preacher you better get your butt in here before
you drown!" The man still just stood there and replied "Don't worry God will
save me." And with that the man said "Whatever" and flew away. The water
then got so deep that the Preacher was sucked under and died. When he opened
his eyes he noticed that he was in heaven. He then saw God and asked "God!
Why didn't you save me from that horrible flood??" God then replied, " I
sent you a car, a raft, a power boat, and a helicopter! What else do you
want from me?!"

Q. What is forty feet long and has eight teeth?

A. The front row at a Willie Nelson concert.

E-Vote Vendors Hand Over Software

2004-10-26 Thread R.A. Hettinga

Wired News

E-Vote Vendors Hand Over Software 
By Kim Zetter?

Story location:,2645,65490,00.html

03:00 PM Oct. 26, 2004 PT

In an effort to increase the integrity of next week's presidential
election, five voting machine makers agreed for the first time to submit
their software to the National Software Reference Library for safekeeping,
federal officials said on Tuesday.

 The stored software will serve as a comparison tool for election officials
should they need to determine whether anyone tampered with programs
installed on voting equipment.

 The National Software Reference Library is part of an election security
initiative launched by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, a new
federal entity that Congress created after the Florida 2000 election
problems. The EAC is the first federal entity established to improve the
integrity and efficiency of elections.

 DeForest Soaries, chairman of the EAC, in June requested software from the
largest voting companies, which provide 90 percent of the software to be
used in computerized voting machines on Tuesday. The EAC will eventually
ask all voting companies, even those that produce counting software for
punch card machines, to submit their software.

 Soaries called the library a major step and praised the vendors for their
willingness to increase the transparency of elections.

 "Their acceptance of our request to submit their software begins the
process that assures the country that we will have (a) higher level of
security and therefore confidence in e-voting than we have ever had
before," Soaries said in a press conference.

 The National Institute of Standards and Technology -- the agency that sets
official measurements and defines standards for all kinds of commercial
products -- will maintain the voting software library. NIST already manages
a library of other types of software, like the Windows 2000 operating
system, to help law enforcement investigate crimes involving computers.
Doug White, the library's project leader, said NIST stores applications on
CDs in a room that is similar to a criminal investigator's evidence locker,
which means the software can be used as evidence in a court.

 Counties and states will eventually be able to use the library to verify
that they are using a certified version of software. This is good news to
Scott Konopasek, the registrar of voters for San Bernardino County in
California. In September, after California certified a new version of
software for his county's voting system, the vendor, Sequoia Voting
Systems, sent Konopasek the software to load on his machines. But when
Konopasek asked the state to verify that the software the vendor gave him
was unchanged from the version the state certified, state officials told
him they had no means to verify it and that Konopasek would have to trust
the vendor.

 Vendor trust was precisely the measure of verification the state was using
last November when it discovered that Diebold Election Systems had
installed uncertified software on machines in 17 California counties
without telling the state.

 NIST's voting software library was established too late this year to
examine software that has already been loaded onto locked voting machines,
so election officials won't be able to verify that they have unchanged,
certified software before Tuesday's election.

 But if questions about the veracity of a voting system arise after the
election, computer forensic experts will be able to compare the software
used on machines with the software in the NIST library to see if the
software was altered. They can do this by comparing hash files, which are
digital fingerprints that identify the integrity of software. The hash is a
mathematical sum derived from the software code. If someone changes the
software, the mathematical sum changes as well.

 "This gives us one more mechanism for assuring voters that their votes
have been recorded and reported correctly and haven't been tampered with,"
Konopasek said. "There's no one single thing that election officials will
ever be able to do to convince everyone. But the more we can add to our
inventory of audits and controls, the more we can establish confidence of
voters -- not just the technically savvy voters, but all voters."

 Soaries acknowledged that the library alone can't secure elections and
voting systems but can only work in concert with other procedures. And the
EAC still has to work out several issues related to the library, such as
who will be responsible for checking hashes before an election if county
election officials don't have someone knowledgeable on staff to do so. EAC
has to determine how best to handle patches, or last-minute fixes and
upgrades to machines. Currently, it will be up to the county and vendor to
decide whether to resubmit that software to the library before an election.
And the EAC has to establish a policy for dealing 

[no subject]

2004-10-26 Thread Rigoberto Oakley
Hi again,

Here is Rigoberto Oakley. I write to you because we are accepting your mor=
tgage application.
Our office confirms you can get a $220.000 lo=C0n for a $252.00 per month =
Approval process will take 1 minute, so please fill out the form on our we=

Thank you.

Best Regards Rigoberto Oakley
First Account Manager

WOW, this looks great! LEARN More now

2004-10-26 Thread cassy jones
Substantial income processing judicial judgments.

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Had he possessed any money he would have descended to the town and taken a
bed at a hotel, but he had left home without a single penny. Fortunately the
nights were warm at this season, so he determined to travel all night, that
he might reach by morning some place he had never before visited
Cuba had always interested him, and he judged it ought to lie in a
southeasterly direction from Boston

Money Judgement Child Support Detective

2004-10-26 Thread sheri fisher
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The eager rush and hurry of the people crowding the sidewalks impressed Rob
with the idea that they were all behind time and were trying hard to catch
up. He found it impossible to walk along comfortably without being elbowed
and pushed from side to side; so a half hour's sight-seeing under such
difficulties tired him greatly
It was a beautiful afternoon, and finding himself upon the Lake Front, Rob
hunted up a vacant bench and sat down to rest

Re: US Retardation of Free Markets (was Airport insanity)

2004-10-26 Thread Roy M. Silvernail
On Tue, 2004-10-26 at 18:38 -0400, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
> At 6:23 PM -0400 10/26/04, Roy M. Silvernail wrote:
> >Moral superiority, the rationale of both sides of any given violent
> >conflict.  The winner gets to use the victory to proclaim the
> >correctness of their interpretation.  When the conflict is of a historic
> >scale, the loser is often too dead to object.
> ...and your point is?

Oh, sorry... I thought we were stating and restating the very obvious.

> Same as it ever was,

Roy M. Silvernail is [EMAIL PROTECTED], and you're not
"It's just this little chromium switch, here." - TFS

Re: US Retardation of Free Markets (was Airport insanity)

2004-10-26 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 6:23 PM -0400 10/26/04, Roy M. Silvernail wrote:
>Moral superiority, the rationale of both sides of any given violent
>conflict.  The winner gets to use the victory to proclaim the
>correctness of their interpretation.  When the conflict is of a historic
>scale, the loser is often too dead to object.

...and your point is?


Same as it ever was,

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: US Retardation of Free Markets (was Airport insanity)

2004-10-26 Thread Roy M. Silvernail
On Tue, 2004-10-26 at 14:19 -0700, James A. Donald wrote:

> Moral equivalence, the rationale of those who defend tyranny
> and slavery.

Moral superiority, the rationale of both sides of any given violent
conflict.  The winner gets to use the victory to proclaim the
correctness of their interpretation.  When the conflict is of a historic
scale, the loser is often too dead to object.
Roy M. Silvernail is [EMAIL PROTECTED], and you're not
"It's just this little chromium switch, here." - TFS

Your refill is ready bath

2004-10-26 Thread warren roldan
ludovica  gnioghcr
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lrjo  mowni  naols q2 labelclassrec  nesemeier

I hope you are feeling better. Anyhow I thought I would send the link where
I get my M/eds through the internet. Cheaper 70%+

4. The only proctologist lists his address as Rotorooter.
3. The tongue depressors taste faintly of Fudgesicles.

Q. What do you call 5 dogs with no balls?

Re: US Retardation of Free Markets (was Airport insanity)

2004-10-26 Thread Tyler Durden
Moral equivalence, the rationale of those who defend tyranny
and slavery.

 James A. Donald
Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

Re: US Retardation of Free Markets (was Airport insanity)

2004-10-26 Thread James A. Donald
On 25 Oct 2004 at 21:03, Tyler Durden wrote:
> The point is this: Almost and "side" in this world that has
> committed or commits atrocities can find a true-believing
> apolegist.

Moral equivalence, the rationale of those who defend tyranny
and slavery.

 James A. Donald

9561-Refinance today- as low as 2.93%

2004-10-26 Thread Lillis Alana

REF1NANCE OR GET A LOAN at 1.88 fixed rate.
Intrest rates are at a 40 year Low. TAKE ADVANTAGE!! You already were approved.
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[no subject]

2004-10-26 Thread Jack
Want a cheap Rolex Watch?

Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

2004-10-26 Thread Postmaster
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Woww..8o-% 0ff Cpunks

2004-10-26 Thread Betsy Dudley
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2004-10-26 Thread Solomon Valentine

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No, thanks

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2004-10-26 Thread Michel F. Nicholson

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[no subject]

2004-10-26 Thread Theresa Jaramillo
Hi again,

Here is Theresa Jaramillo. I write to you because we are accepting your mo=
rtgage application.
Our office confirms you can get a $220.000 lo=C0n for a $252.00 per month =
Approval process will take 1 minute, so please fill out the form on our we=

Thank you.

Best Regards Theresa Jaramillo
First Account Manager