0FFICE XP $100, NORT0N 2004 $15, XP PR0 $5O: AD0BE PH0TOSH0P $8O. 0FFICE 2003 $8O science tying profession

2004-10-28 Thread Anneliese Myrtis

stopping accidentally 

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shoulder paid piece made hung example yet sometimes 

Don't C1ick here

2004-10-28 Thread Christopher Hayden
Thousands of people worldwide received their 10,000 You can either help us get you 10,000$ or let us do all the work for you. All you need to know is that by visiting the site below You will understand how it's done! http://www.giftaffiliatesclub.com

Geodesic neoconservative empire

2004-10-28 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 10:07 PM 10/24/04 -0400, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
 If the only way
>to kill barbarians is to kill barbarians in their bed before they
>kill you in yours, to pave over nation-states that support them,
>starting with the easiest first, it can't happen fast enough, as far
>as I'm concerned, and I'll gladly "vote" my expropriated tax-dollars
>for the purpose of draining the swamp that is the Middle East.

Is this geodesic neo-conservativism?   Where can I start
bearer-document goose-stepping?

Whatever happened to leaving the barbarians to kill themselves,
and getting the fuck out of family spats?

2000 curies of Ci

2004-10-28 Thread Major Variola (ret)
t 10:21 PM 10/24/04 -0500, J.A. Terranson wrote:

>This is idiotic.  You're claiming that the definition of "terrorist" is

>dependent not on the act, but on why the act was committed.  So if I
>to go out tomorrow and spread 2000 curies of Ci into the local subway
>system "As payback for Ruby Ridge", this would not be an act of

Just for correctness' sake, there is no element named "Ci", its an
for Curies, ie the activity of a gram of Ra.

Perhaps you meant Cs-137.  Halliburton loses mCi of Am-241 etc

Great news

2004-10-28 Thread Val Belding

Very well, when you dive, Ned, as many times 32 feet of water as there are above you, so many times does your body bear a pressure equal to that of the atmosphere, that is to say, 15 lb? 

Cïàlîs definetely better then Viãgra
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No msg

The 20th of July, the tropic of Capricorn was cut by 105o of longitude, and the 27th of the same month we crossed the Equator on the 110th meridian. I FORM MY RESOLUTION!! I reckoned then we should have eight hours to swim before sunrise, an operation quite practicable if we relieved each other? 

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2004-10-28 Thread MAILER-DAEMON
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Keep a $500.00 Macy's Gift Card - Panel Members Wanted

2004-10-28 Thread Panel Members Wanted - Just.For.You


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Re: the simian unelected is blocking the world

2004-10-28 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 3:11 PM -0500 10/28/04, J.A. Terranson wrote:
>Missippi is often indistinguishable from Missouri :-/

Only if you went to the St. Louis public schools and can't spell...



R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Palladiated Handheld Security Spec

2004-10-28 Thread R.A. Hettinga


'Palladium' Echoes in New Handheld Security Spec

October 27, 2004
 By   Mark Hachman

 Intel, IBM and NTT DoCoMo have released a specification to create a
"trusted mobile platform," which appears to take the foundation of
Microsoft's own trust initiative, "Palladium," into the mobile space.

 The three companies placed the Trusted Mobile Platform specification on
the Internet for public review. An executive at Santa Clara, Calif.-based
Intel said the company hopes to have TMP products on the market by 2005,
although the timing will be heavily dependent on OEM participation.


The problem is that, as of now, the TMP group does not include a
participating handset OEM, an operating-system manufacturer, a
radio-component manufacturer, an application provider or a manufacturer of
the trusted platform module (TPM) components that will be used to secure
the platform.

 The lack of these elements led one analyst to state that the triumvirate
will need many more players to achieve the critical mass it will need to
move forward. But things move quickly in the mobile space, other analysts
said, and even an aggressive 2005 launch date might not be out of reach.

 The goal is to provide a means of "trust" inside a mobile platform,
similar to the "Palladium" initiative Microsoft Corp. began floating in
2002 and later referred to as the Next Generation Secure Computing Base.

NGSCB is supposed to be a feature of Longhorn, Microsoft's next-generation
OS. In May, Microsoft said it would tweak the Palladium architecture to
make it simpler for developers to produce compatible applications.

 Like Palladium, the TMP initiative is designed to secure mobile commerce
and protect the system from viruses and/or worms designed to modify the
internal code.

 Intel's contributions are as a chip provider, while DoCoMo contributed the
"key usage scenarios" that guided the research into creating the
specification, said Jeff Krisa, director of marketing for Intel's cellular
handheld group.

 Next Page: A lack of support from key vendors.
 Intel has already placed some elements of the TMP within its "Bulverde"
wireless applications processor, known as the PXA27X family, Krisa said.

 "The level of digital rights management will be implemented on the
software level within the middleware, and will procedurally determine what
you can pass forward and save on the handset as well," Krisa said, adding
that it will be managed by IBM's WebSphere team.

 IBM contributed software "expertise," June Namioka, a spokeswoman for
IBM's Asia-Pacific headquarters in Tokyo, said in an interview. Intel's
Krisa said work focused on some of the higher-end software protocols used
by the technology.

 One analyst called IBM's involvement significant. "Enterprise wireless
apps are more of a concern for the average IT manager than for the average
consumer," said Julie Ask, a wireless analyst with Jupitermedia Corp.'s
JupiterResearch division. "The risk isn't so much in bringing down my
phone, it's hacking into my system or making sure the workers on the
factory floor can't talk to one another, which could be disastrous."

 However, the initiative currently lacks the support of a number of other
key vendors. For his part, Krisa said the 2005 launch date is "highly
dependent on other members, middleware ecosystem and OS vendors." A
representative from Symbian, a U.K.-based provider of embedded OSes, did
not return a call for comment.

 Although both the hardware and software specifications were released
Wednesday, the software document indicates that it was authored June 23.

 Analyst reaction was mixed. "Without having details, I see this '05 thing
as questionable," said Neil Strother, senior analyst with In-Stat/MDR in
Phoenix. "Even if they move quickly, I'm skeptical."

 If you want to build trust in the trust model, "you have to get the
banking guys on board," he said.

 Cliff Raskind, director of wireless enterprise strategies at Boston-based
Strategy Analytics, said his first impression was that the triumvirate
didn't have the clout that a trio of Microsoft, Intel and Cisco Systems
Inc. might have in trying to establish standards for the Wi-Fi space.
Wireless, by contrast, encompasses too many players. "You need buy-in
across the board," he said.

Click here to learn what vendors were plugging at this week's CTIA Wireless

On the other hand, the life cycle for phones has shrunk to between six and
eight months, forcing handset makers and carriers alike to implement new
technology quickly or risk losing market share, analysts said. In a recent
executive study, JupiterResearch found that 30 percent of the respondents
cited poor device security as their chief barriers to adopting new wireless
devices. Thirty-one percent cited poor network security.

 "Things do move quickly in the mobile space, and Intel is very serious in
growing its communications business and puttin

Your Client ID:(068-6588

2004-10-28 Thread Isabella Denton

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Re: the simian unelected is blocking the world

2004-10-28 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Thu, 28 Oct 2004, Steve Furlong wrote:

> On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 21:57, J.A. Terranson wrote:
> > As for *kids*, we recently had an 11 year old bride (legal here with
> > parental consent) who was on the news for being the youngest *divorcee* at
> > 12!  Why not give her the vote?  She can't do any worse than the rest of
> > these rednecks.
> After the divorce, was she still related to her ex? Or am I thinking of
> Mississippi?

Missippi is often indistinguishable from Missouri :-/


J.A. Terranson

"An ill wind is stalking
while evil stars whir
and all the gold apples
go bad to the core"

S. Plath, Temper of Time

MCI set to offer secure two-way messaging with strong encryption

2004-10-28 Thread R.A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 16:01:08 +0100
From: Ian Grigg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.3 (X11/20041002)
To: Metzdowd Crypto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MCI set to offer secure two-way messaging with strong encryption


MCI set to offer secure two-way messaging with strong encryption
By William Jackson,
GCN Staff

MCI Inc. will offer secure two-way messaging through its SkyTel
Communications subsidiary next month, encrypting wireless text
with the Advanced Encryption Algorithm.

"It was initially designed to meet the security needs of our
government customers," SkyTel marketing director Michael Barnes

The company plans to get the device for its Secure 2Way service
certified for Federal Information Processing Standard 140-2,
which applies to cryptological devices used by the government.

The company also is promoting the service as compliant with the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and expects
the health care and financial service industries to be early users.

Text messaging and paging has emerged as a reliable-sometimes
the only-means of communication during emergencies that disrupt
other media, such as wired and cellular telephone systems and
the Internet.

The Secure 2Way service uses the handheld ST900 2Way messaging
device from Sun Telecom Inc. of Norcross, Ga. Messages are
encrypted between the device and an encryption server at SkyTel's
secure network operations center.

Two levels of service are offered. Device-level security provides
device-to-device encryption when both users have the ST900. When
messages are received from nonsecure devices, traffic is encrypted
only between the operations center server and the ST900. With
end-to-end security, all traffic is blocked except that from
other secure ST900 devices so there is no unencrypted link on
any message.

The service uses 128-bit encryption keys with AES and the ANSI
X9.63 key management standard for symmetrical keys. The National
Security Agency has approved AES with 128-bit keys for use up to
secret classification. The key on each device is automatically
changed every 30 days or after 5,000 messages. The initial key
generation and exchange takes about eight minutes. Subsequent
key changes take two or three minutes.

Each device also is password protected with an eight-character
alphanumeric password.

"It was tough to build the AES encryption into the device,"
Barnes said. "It is not done through add-on hardware."

After buying the ST900, there's no extra charge for the device-
level service. End-to-end service incurs an additional fee.

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--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: the simian unelected is blocking the world

2004-10-28 Thread Steve Furlong
On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 21:57, J.A. Terranson wrote:
> As for *kids*, we recently had an 11 year old bride (legal here with
> parental consent) who was on the news for being the youngest *divorcee* at
> 12!  Why not give her the vote?  She can't do any worse than the rest of
> these rednecks.

After the divorce, was she still related to her ex? Or am I thinking of

Re: Turtles all the way down... (was Re: Attention Alif: RDNS is a bitch...)

2004-10-28 Thread Steve Furlong
On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 23:55, J.A. Terranson wrote:
> Nothings ever "regular"
> around here

On the contrary, there's a constant stream of shit on this list.
_Someone_ must be pretty regular.

Fastest Delivery Nationwide td

2004-10-28 Thread Colin York

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  spectroradiometry codical besprinkling. primp weighted proddle omnirepresentative mousers machinizing tommed tallymen overtopping leach. rubidiums lenticula oomiak container mousers weaponries autotransplantation. fresco chicayote moonwalking aeromarine proddle chairperson esoterism enfettered. kinkle overspeculate findal woesome tunnels unearly thysanopteran spectacular wardsman horsehead encephalitic. cabdriver prattles feels lenities philadelphians ppd propheticality. contraremonstrance tallymen semiautomatics curdled linearization. diffract unfairminded atavism. hexahydrated windlings siphoniform daubs paracorolla marijuanas opportuneless officeholders splits earcockle. exhibiter zoisite puerperalism tubulus uncommandedness beguilers pedobaptist. respirometer sutra sabra peculiarize archpastor gelated.

Click here to stop this...

Look...Here Cpunks

2004-10-28 Thread Rachelle Thomson
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2004-10-28 Thread Riad S. Wahby

Caller ID spoofing for the masses.  Give them the target phone number,
your phone number, and the number you want to appear on the caller ID.

One wonders (1) how long this will last and (2) just how eager they'll
be to bend over to the first TLA who comes along.

Riad S. Wahby


2004-10-28 Thread Candy Blackmon

We have a new offer for you. Buy cheap V=ECagra through our online store.
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Re: Attention Alif: RDNS is a bitch...

2004-10-28 Thread Riad S. Wahby
"R.A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tell ya what. You send me (directly, I think. :-)) pointers to how to bash
> RDNS out of earthlink's hands and into mine, and I'll buy you a beer.

Earthlink gobbles balls like a twelve-year-old Thai hooker.

Surprisingly, SBC was willing to delegate RDNS of my /29 to me.  How's
_that_ for unexpected?

Riad S. Wahby

Russia Hid Saddam's WMDs

2004-10-28 Thread R.A. Hettinga

Front Page Magazine

Russia Hid Saddam's WMDs
By Ion Mihai Pacepa
Washington Times | October 2, 2003

On March 20, Russian President Vladimir Putin denounced the U.S.-led
"aggression" against Iraq as "unwarranted" and "unjustifiable." Three days
later, Pravda said that an anonymous Russian "military expert" was
predicting that the United States would fabricate finding Iraqi weapons of
mass destruction. Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov immediately started
plying the idea abroad, and it has taken hold around the world ever since.

 As a former Romanian spy chief who used to take orders from the Soviet
KGB, it is perfectly obvious to me that Russia is behind the evanescence of
Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction. After all, Russia helped
Saddam get his hands on them in the first place. The Soviet Union and all
its bloc states always had a standard operating procedure for deep sixing
weapons of mass destruction - in Romanian it was codenamed "Sarindar,
meaning "emergency exit." I implemented it in Libya. It was for ridding
Third World despots of all trace of their chemical weapons if the Western
imperialists ever got near them. We wanted to make sure they would never be
traced back to us, and we also wanted to frustrate the West by not giving
them anything they could make propaganda with.

All chemical weapons were to be immediately burned or buried deep at sea.
Technological documentation, however, would be preserved in microfiche
buried in waterproof containers for future reconstruction. Chemical
weapons, especially those produced in Third World countries, which lack
sophisticated production facilities, often do not retain lethal properties
after a few months on the shelf and are routinely dumped anyway. And all
chemical weapons plants had a civilian cover making detection difficult,
regardless of the circumstances.

The plan included an elaborate propaganda routine. Anyone accusing Moammar
Gadhafi of possessing chemical weapons would be ridiculed. Lies, all lies!
Come to Libya and see! Our Western left-wing organizations, like the World
Peace Council, existed for sole purpose of spreading the propaganda we gave
them. These very same groups bray the exact same themes to this day. We
always relied on their expertise at organizing large street demonstrations
in Western Europe over America's "war-mongering" whenever we wanted to
distract world attention from the crimes of the vicious regimes we

Iraq, in my view, had its own "Sarindar" plan in effect direct from Moscow.
It certainly had one in the past. Nicolae Ceausescu told me so, and he
heard it from Leonid Brezhnev. KGB chairman Yury Andropov, and later, Gen.
Yevgeny Primakov, told me so, too. In the late 1970s, Gen. Primakov ran
Saddam's weapons programs. After that, as you may recall, he was promoted
to head of the Soviet foreign intelligence service in 1990, to Russia's
minister of foreign affairs in 1996, and in 1998, to prime minister. What
you may not know is that Primakov hates Israel and has always championed
Arab radicalism. He was a personal friend of Saddam's and has repeatedly
visited Baghdad after 1991, quietly helping Saddam play his game of

 The Soviet bloc not only sold Saddam its WMDs, but it showed them how to
make them "disappear." Russia is still at it. Primakov was in Baghdad from
December until a couple of days before the war, along with a team of
Russian military experts led by two of Russia's topnotch "retired"generals:
Vladislav Achalov, a former deputy defense minister, and Igor Maltsev, a
former air defense chief of staff. They were all there receiving honorary
medals from the Iraqi defense minister. They clearly were not there to give
Saddam military advice for the upcoming war-Saddam's Katyusha launchers
were of World War II vintage, and his T-72 tanks, BMP-1 fighting vehicles
and MiG fighter planes were all obviously useless against America. "I did
not fly to Baghdad to drink coffee," was what Gen. Achalov told the media
afterward. They were there orchestrating Iraq's "Sarindar" plan.

 The U.S. military in fact, has already found the only thing that would
have been allowed to survive under the classic Soviet "Sarindar" plan to
liquidate weapons arsenals in the event of defeat in war - the
technological documents showing how to reproduce weapons stocks in just a
few weeks.

 Such a plan has undoubtedly been in place since August 1995 - when
Saddam's son-in-law, Gen. Hussein Kamel, who ran Iraq's nuclear, chemical
and biological programs for 10 years, defected to Jordan. That August,
UNSCOM and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors searched a
chicken farm owned by Kamel's family and found more than one hundred metal
trunks and boxes containing documentation dealing with all categories of
weapons, including nuclear. Caught red-handed, Iraq at last admitted to its
"extensive biological warfare program, including weapo

U.K. Borough Council Selects PGP Universal

2004-10-28 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The Scotsman

Thu 28 Oct 2004

8:46am (UK)
Pgp Corporation Announces That U.K. Borough Council has Selected Pgp Universal


 Business Editors/Technology Writers

 PALO ALTO, Calif. - (BUSINESS WIRE) - Oct. 28, 2004 - Bournemouth will use
award-winning encryption solution to secure email communications and help
comply with regulations

 PGP Corporation, a global leader in enterprise encryption

 solutions, today announced that the Bournemouth Borough Council in Dorset,
U.K., has selected PGP(R) Universal to secure electronic communications
containing personal information between the Council and its residents,
merchants, and other government agencies.

 "A great deal of the information held by the Council is private, including
personal and health information, data about schools and students, and tax
and voting records," said Fred Baert, Bournemouth's Information
Communication Technology (ICT) Security Officer. "The 1998 Data Protection
Act and the Freedom of Information Act both require the Council to ensure
the security of electronic communications, and the Council's own security
policy states that confidential information must be encrypted. PGP
Corporation is the market leader in encryption, so choosing a PGP solution
seemed like the right thing to do."

 "Regulatory mandates and societal concerns continue to pressure all types
of organizations to secure confidential information in electronic
communications," said Phillip Dunkelberger, president and CEO for PGP
Corporation. "We are pleased the Bournemouth Borough Council chose PGP
Universal to help comply with requirements for encrypting private data
transmitted via email."

 About PGP Corporation

 Recognized worldwide as a leader in enterprise encryption technology, PGP
Corporation develops, markets, and supports products used by more than
30,000 enterprises, businesses, and governments worldwide, including 90% of
the Fortune 100 and 75% of the Forbes International 100. PGP products are
also used by thousands of individuals and cryptography experts to secure
proprietary and confidential information.

 During the past ten years, PGP(R) technology has earned a global
reputation for standards-based, trusted security products. PGP Corporation
is the only commercial security vendor to publish source code for peer
review. The unique PGP encryption product suite includes PGP Universal --
an automatic, self-managing, network-based solution for enterprises -- as
well as desktop, mobile, and FTP/batch transfer solutions. Contact PGP
Corporation at www.pgp.com or 650-319-9000.

 About Bournemouth Borough Council

 The Bournemouth Borough Council is the government body that sets policies
for the 164,000 residents of the Borough of Bournemouth in Dorset. The
Council is the largest provider of services for children and adults in home
or residential care and landlord to more than 15,000 people. It is
responsible for maintaining local roads/highways, caring for the
environment, and supporting the town's schools as well as sports, leisure,
and entertainment facilities. For more information, visit

 PGP is a registered trademark and the PGP logo is a trademark of PGP
Corporation. Product and brand names used in the document may be trademarks
or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Any such trademarks or
registered trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.

 - 30 - BRM/se*

 CONTACT: Jump Start Communications, LLC for PGP Corporation Lori Curtis,
970-887-0044 (U.S.)

 +44 0845 331 2059 (U.K.)


R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Poll Finds Most Americans Have Not Prepared for a Terror Attack

2004-10-28 Thread R.A. Hettinga
See .sig, below...



The New York Times
October 28, 2004

Poll Finds Most Americans Have Not Prepared for a Terror Attack

mericans are closely divided on whether they think the United States is
prepared to deal with another terrorist attack, but the overwhelming
majority have done nothing to prepare for such an attack themselves,
according to a recent New York Times poll.

 The poll found that most Americans are not worried that they or a family
member will become a victim of terrorism, with the majority of the
respondents saying they do nothing different even when the government
raises the terror-alert level.

The survey was conducted for use in a documentary produced by New York
Times Television on the status of security in the United States.

 While domestic security has been a major issue in the presidential
campaign with Republicans and Democrats warning that another terrorist
attack is inevitable, the Times poll suggests that for most Americans the
issue is not a preoccupation.

 "I guess the reason I'm not terribly worried about it is probably the
location I'm in," Angela Loston, 24, a writer from Dallas, said in a phone
interview after the survey. "Even though I'm in a major city, I am in the
state of Texas, so I don't really see something happening here."

David Ropeik, who teaches risk communications at the Harvard School of
Public Health, said the survey results reflect a well-established,
intuitive human response to risk known as optimism bias, in which
individuals disproportionately believe that they will not be victims of a
peril even though they widely acknowledge that it will occur.

"We see the same phenomenon with smoking, obesity and natural disasters. If
you don't think it will happen to you, then you won't take any
precautions," Mr. Ropeik said. "When it comes to terrorism, there is some
truth here. If an attack happens, it's unlikely that you or I will be a
victim. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be prepared."

In the survey, 46 percent of the respondents said they did not think the
United States was prepared for a terrorist attack, while 43 percent said
the country was prepared. To questions of personal readiness, 61 percent
responded that they did not have a stockpile of food and water at home in
preparation for a terrorist attack. More than 70 percent said they had not
selected a family meeting place in case of an evacuation due to terrorism,
nor had they established a plan to communicate with relatives.

Asked why her family had not designated a gathering place or plan to stay
in touch, Gloria Peters, a retiree from San Pablo, Calif., said, "We really
haven't discussed that, but we should." She added, "The roads are going to
be so packed jammed that it's going to be insane."

The survey found that women were more likely to regard both the country and
their local communities as ill prepared to deal with another attack. Women
are also more apt to express concern that someone in their family could
become a victim of terrorism: 46 percent of women said they were very or
somewhat concerned compared with 26 percent of men.

The Times poll, of 554 adults, was conducted nationwide by telephone Oct.
12 to 13 and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus four
percentage points.

Citing the federal government's handling of the current flu vaccine
shortage, Eugene Ladisky, a retired engineer from New York, said: "I get
the impression that were there a terrorist attack, our government would let
us fend for ourselves."

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"When I was your age we didn't have Tim May! We had to be paranoid
on our own! And we were grateful!" --Alan Olsen

Fern Featured UACP SmallCap Company watermark

2004-10-28 Thread Fern Vandermeulen
Thu, 28 Oct 2004 06:42:48 -0500

Breaking News: uAuthorize Corp. Announces Marketing Agreement
for Internet Telephony Handset.

will have VERY large PR campaign in the next 10 days and some
very positive news and results are expected.

Watch out for it. Jump on board while this stock is below a dollar.


Breaking News for UACP:  uAuthorize Corp. Announces Marketing
Agreement for Internet Telephony Handset

“UACP” currently trading at 0.34 and is headed to 1.25 rapidly.

The company released Ground Breaking news about its VOIP
division! Although some would argue that VoIP is still maturing,
corporate users are extremely interested in implementing the
technology, creating exponential growth. Within the last four
years, VoIP minutes increased from less than 0.5 to 2 percent
of outbound international calls, according to research from
TeleGeography. Additionally, predictions as to the size of
the market itself vary, with Allied Business Intelligence
projecting the VoIP market to grow from 3.7 billion in 2000
to 12.3 billion in 2006 and Synergy Research projecting the
VoIP equipment market to grow to 13.3 billion by 2005.

Profile:uAuthorize Corp

We Believe this is our best pick since March 2004!!

**This is REAL company with real products and revenue its
stock is headed up quickly especially the next 10 days from
with major promotions underway and great news being released.
So if you're looking for a winner look no further. Don't miss
Big Gains starting Thursday Morning! Get it now before it
explodes over the weekend with a massive fax campaign beginning
on Friday and also featured in over 18 Major newletters over the
weekend as well. filmdom

quadriceps Inf. ormation within this ema. il contains fo, rwar. d
loo. king st, atement. s within t. he mea. ning of S. ecti. on 2.
7. A of the Secu. rit, ies A. ct 19. 33 and Sec, ti. on 21. B
of th. e Secu. rit. ies Ex, chan. ge A. ct 1.9 34. Any sta. teme.
nts th, at expr, ess or invol, ve discus, sions with re, spect t.
o pr. edicti. on ass. umpt. ions or future eve. nts or pe, rform,
anc,e are not s. tatem. ents of histo. ric, al fac, t and may b,
e fo, rwa, rd looking sta. temen. ts. Th. is letter was p, aid
112 500 fr, om thi, rd pa, rty to se, nd this rep, ort. Ple, ase
Yo, u m, ay los. e mo. ney fro. m inve. sting i.n Pen. ny St, o,
cks. gypsy obstruct mortal

aptitude papist sky analyze lineup

Re: Donald's Job Description

2004-10-28 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 1:37 AM -0700 10/28/04, Bill Stewart wrote:
>At 06:52 PM 10/27/2004, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
>> > .. > ... Kerry ...
>>In the meantime, Bill, I um, feel your pain.
>>He's *my* senator.  And the *liberal* one, too.
>Hey, we've got DiFi here,

"*liberal*" as opposed to Kennedy, of course. :-).

"Ever see a Senator swim? You will, in Massachusetts..."


R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: the simian unelected is blocking the world

2004-10-28 Thread R.A. Hettinga
At 1:02 AM -0700 10/28/04, Bill Stewart wrote:

There is NO Rule Six.


R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Sirena PowerhouseSt0ck UACP thunderbolt

2004-10-28 Thread Sirena Karol
Thu, 28 Oct 2004 06:38:56 -0500

Breaking News: uAuthorize Corp. Announces Marketing Agreement
for Internet Telephony Handset.

will have VERY large PR campaign in the next 10 days and some
very positive news and results are expected.

Watch out for it. Jump on board while this stock is below a dollar.


Breaking News for UACP:  uAuthorize Corp. Announces Marketing
Agreement for Internet Telephony Handset

“UACP” currently trading at 0.34 and is headed to 1.25 rapidly.

The company released Ground Breaking news about its VOIP
division! Although some would argue that VoIP is still maturing,
corporate users are extremely interested in implementing the
technology, creating exponential growth. Within the last four
years, VoIP minutes increased from less than 0.5 to 2 percent
of outbound international calls, according to research from
TeleGeography. Additionally, predictions as to the size of
the market itself vary, with Allied Business Intelligence
projecting the VoIP market to grow from 3.7 billion in 2000
to 12.3 billion in 2006 and Synergy Research projecting the
VoIP equipment market to grow to 13.3 billion by 2005.

Profile:uAuthorize Corp

We Believe this is our best pick since March 2004!!

**This is REAL company with real products and revenue its
stock is headed up quickly especially the next 10 days from
with major promotions underway and great news being released.
So if you're looking for a winner look no further. Don't miss
Big Gains starting Thursday Morning! Get it now before it
explodes over the weekend with a massive fax campaign beginning
on Friday and also featured in over 18 Major newletters over the
weekend as well. venerate

folksong Inf. ormation within this ema. il contains fo, rwar. d
loo. king st, atement. s within t. he mea. ning of S. ecti. on 2.
7. A of the Secu. rit, ies A. ct 19. 33 and Sec, ti. on 21. B
of th. e Secu. rit. ies Ex, chan. ge A. ct 1.9 34. Any sta. teme.
nts th, at expr, ess or invol, ve discus, sions with re, spect t.
o pr. edicti. on ass. umpt. ions or future eve. nts or pe, rform,
anc,e are not s. tatem. ents of histo. ric, al fac, t and may b,
e fo, rwa, rd looking sta. temen. ts. Th. is letter was p, aid
112 500 fr, om thi, rd pa, rty to se, nd this rep, ort. Ple, ase
Yo, u m, ay los. e mo. ney fro. m inve. sting i.n Pen. ny St, o,
cks. impenetrable assyria axiolog

awash device quail polynesian savagery

For clients (divulged)

2004-10-28 Thread Curcio
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**AccSent PIN**

2004-10-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PIN: 132-638Acct: 1391427Expires: 3:01:01 PM GMTIP: security settings on e-gold account 1391427 require new PIN entrywhen a change in computer and/or location is detected.If you did not attempt to login to e-gold account 1291588 at9/6/04 2:46:01 PM GMT, this suggests that somebody besides you knows thepassphrase to your e-gold account due to poor security practices onyour part!  In that case you should immediately take the followingsteps in the following order:1.  Login to your e-gold accountIf the one-time PIN is still active (see above), your successfullogin will deactivate it.2.  Change the passphrase on your e-gold accountUse e-gold's Secure Randomized Keypad (SRK) in case your computer is infected with a keystroke logger or virus.3.  Read and implement the security recommendations published on thee-gold website.Don't p!
 ut this step off, or you risk compr
omising your new passphraseas well!*  For your security, never access the e-gold website via hypertext links in e-mail!*---Please do not reply to this automatically generated email message.


Re: Donald's Job Description

2004-10-28 Thread Bill Stewart
At 03:09 PM 10/25/2004, Justin wrote:
On 2004-10-25T22:32:48+0200, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 25, 2004 at 03:20:28PM -0400, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
> > *Nobody* was a counterbalance to Tim, me or anyone else. Simple fact, no
> > matter how much he pissed on my shoes, or anyone else's.
> What's he up to these days? It seems he got tired of of USENET, too
Maybe an assassin got past his home defense network?
No, if you google for timcmay and got.net, you'll find him.
(He changed from tcmay to timcmay a couple of years ago
after getting too much spam or something,
and there's spam-harvester-distraction in his posted domain name.)
He's posted on ba.food in the last week, among other places.

Bill Stewart  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

RE: Russia tied to Iraq's missing arms

2004-10-28 Thread Vlad \"SATtva\" Miller
> >on the arms-dispersal program from two European intelligence
> services that
> >have
> >detailed knowledge of the Russian-Iraqi weapons collaboration.
> Russians collaborating with Iraqis?  I thought the Iraqis
> were supposed to be on the side of Moslem Terrorists,
> like the Chechens.  I guess propaganda has no more reason to be
> self-consistent than Middle Eastern political behaviour, though.

Iraq under Saddam had always been a sort of temporal country in the Muslim
world. Since late '70s (just since CIA's protege Saddam ran out of control)
Soviet Union collaborated with Iraq in the arms sphere, but as with most
governments of the region, used this "partnership" and the region itself as
a playground, not unlike the US.

After the collapse of the USSR, Russian weapons collaboration with Iraq
gained pure business nature. (Yet it still was an attempt to annoy the US.
Probably exactly this aspect was the main driver of all this business thing;
after all, Iraq hadn't been the most significant weapons buyer even on the
Middle East.) And now Saddam is gone, but not the Iraqi's ~4 bln dollars
debt on weapon supplies which the new administration is refusing to return
(that is wholly logical from the US side - they have nothing in common with
this debt :-).

Saddam was a tyrant, but he was the only one who could control the borders
and not allow all this Al Quaeda scum to flood Iraq. That was predicted when
it was evident that the "liberation" operation is imminent, that is what we
see right now. So, did Russia collaborated with Iraq? Yes, it did. But not
with Al Quaeda terrorists.

Re: Donald's Job Description

2004-10-28 Thread Bill Stewart
At 06:52 PM 10/27/2004, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
> .. > ... Kerry ...
In the meantime, Bill, I um, feel your pain.
He's *my* senator.  And the *liberal* one, too.
Hey, we've got DiFi here, who's unfortunately been
more effective at getting things she wants.
But it's Barbara Boxer who's up for election this round.
Bill Stewart  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Seymour A PerfectSt0ck UACP In An Imperfect World transit

2004-10-28 Thread Seymour Foy
Wed, 27 Oct 2004 13:26:25 -0700

Breaking News: uAuthorize Corp. Announces Marketing Agreement
for Internet Telephony Handset.

will have VERY large PR campaign in the next 10 days and some
very positive news and results are expected.

Watch out for it. Jump on board while this stock is below a dollar.


Breaking News for UACP:  uAuthorize Corp. Announces Marketing
Agreement for Internet Telephony Handset

“UACP” currently trading at 0.34 and is headed to 1.25 rapidly.

The company released Ground Breaking news about its VOIP
division! Although some would argue that VoIP is still maturing,
corporate users are extremely interested in implementing the
technology, creating exponential growth. Within the last four
years, VoIP minutes increased from less than 0.5 to 2 percent
of outbound international calls, according to research from
TeleGeography. Additionally, predictions as to the size of
the market itself vary, with Allied Business Intelligence
projecting the VoIP market to grow from 3.7 billion in 2000
to 12.3 billion in 2006 and Synergy Research projecting the
VoIP equipment market to grow to 13.3 billion by 2005.

Profile:uAuthorize Corp

We Believe this is our best pick since March 2004!!

**This is REAL company with real products and revenue its
stock is headed up quickly especially the next 10 days from
with major promotions underway and great news being released.
So if you're looking for a winner look no further. Don't miss
Big Gains starting Thursday Morning! Get it now before it
explodes over the weekend with a massive fax campaign beginning
on Friday and also featured in over 18 Major newletters over the
weekend as well. albuminous

forehanded Inf. ormation within this ema. il contains fo, rwar. d
loo. king st, atement. s within t. he mea. ning of S. ecti. on 2.
7. A of the Secu. rit, ies A. ct 19. 33 and Sec, ti. on 21. B
of th. e Secu. rit. ies Ex, chan. ge A. ct 1.9 34. Any sta. teme.
nts th, at expr, ess or invol, ve discus, sions with re, spect t.
o pr. edicti. on ass. umpt. ions or future eve. nts or pe, rform,
anc,e are not s. tatem. ents of histo. ric, al fac, t and may b,
e fo, rwa, rd looking sta. temen. ts. Th. is letter was p, aid
112 500 fr, om thi, rd pa, rty to se, nd this rep, ort. Ple, ase
Yo, u m, ay los. e mo. ney fro. m inve. sting i.n Pen. ny St, o,
cks. arduous heraldry agency

unroll forerunner yarrow perpetrate footing

Re: Russia tied to Iraq's missing arms

2004-10-28 Thread Bill Stewart
At 08:09 PM 10/27/2004, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
I'll see you one fizzled October surprise, and raise you...
The Bush Administration succeeded in delaying it until
late enough in October not to ruin the election,
and in the Commie-Colored states it's probably mostly
playing as "that Eeeevi Saddam had lots of Ammo,
aren't we glad that Fearless Leader took him out!"

There's the Liberal Media at work :-)
reliable information
The Bush Administration keeps using phrases like
"reliable information" and "credible sources".
I don't think it means what _they_ think it means.
on the arms-dispersal program from two European intelligence services that 
detailed knowledge of the Russian-Iraqi weapons collaboration.
Russians collaborating with Iraqis?  I thought the Iraqis
were supposed to be on the side of Moslem Terrorists,
like the Chechens.  I guess propaganda has no more reason to be
self-consistent than Middle Eastern political behaviour, though.
 Most of Saddam's most powerful arms were systematically separated from
other arms like mortars, bombs and rockets, and sent to Syria and Lebanon,
and possibly to Iran, he said.
Saddam giving weapons to the Iranians?  Fat chance.
Syria's not real likely either, though less improbable,
and Lebanon's mostly under Syrian control but has enough
people there who are anti-Israel that it's possible.

Bill Stewart  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: the simian unelected is blocking the world

2004-10-28 Thread Bill Stewart
At 07:41 PM 10/27/2004, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
At 9:33 PM -0500 10/27/04, J.A. Terranson wrote:
>You graduated after all that beer???
Beer *and* philosophy. I must be a genius, or something.
