Re: On the road to truth and madness

2005-02-23 Thread Peter Gutmann
We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs
began to take hold.

The following was my variant on this from a few years ago, representing the
56th IETF PKIX meeting minutes.  Note that this is from the book form, not the
film version of the text:

-- Snip --

We were somewhere in San Francisco on the edge of the 56th IETF when the drugs
began to take hold.  I remember saying something like I feel a bit
lightheaded; maybe you should take notes  And suddenly there was a
terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge
OIDs, all swooping and screeching and diving around the RFC, which was about a
hundred pages long.  And a voice was screaming: Holy Jesus!  Where are these
goddamn business cases?

Then it was quiet again.  My attorney had taken his shirt off and was pouring
beer into his mouth, to facilitate the PKI standards-creation process.  What
the hell are you yelling about? he muttered, staring up at the neon lights
with his eyes closed and covered with wraparound Spanish sunglasses.  Never
mind, I said. It.s your turn to figure out the interop requirements.  I hit
the brakes and dropped the Great Pile of Paperwork at the side of the room.
No point mentioning those OIDs, I thought.  The poor bastard will see them
soon enough.

We had two bags of X.509 standards, seventy-five pages of PKIX mailing list
printouts, five sheets of high-powered constraints, a saltshaker half-full of
vendor hype, and a whole galaxy of requirements, restrictions, promises,
threats...  Also, a quart of OSI, a quart of LDAP, a case of XML, a pint of
raw X.500, and two dozen PGPs.  Not that we needed all that for the trip, but
once you get into a serious PKI RFC binge, the tendency is to push it as far
as you can.  The only thing that really worried me was the X.500.  There is
nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man
in the depths of an X.500 binge, and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff
pretty soon.

-- Snip --


I'll show you mine if you show me, er, mine

2005-02-23 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The Register

 Biting the hand that feeds IT

The Register » Security » Identity »

 Original URL:

I'll show you mine if you show me, er, mine
By Lucy Sherriff (lucy.sherriff at
Published Monday 21st February 2005 17:11 GMT

Security researchers have developed a new cryptographic technique they say
will prevent so-called stealth attacks against networks.

A stealth attack is one where the attacker acts remotely, is very hard to
trace, and where the victim may not even know he was attacked. The
researchers say this kind of attack is particularly easy to mount against a
wireless network.

The so-called delayed password disclosure protocol was developed by
Jakobsson and Steve Myers of Indiana University. The protocol allows two
devices or network nodes to identify themselves to each other without ever
divulging passwords.

The protocol could help secure wireless networks against fraud and identity
theft, and protect sensitive user data. The technique will be particularly
useful in ad-hoc networks, where two or more devices or network nodes need
to verify each others' identity simultaneously.

Briefly, it works like this: point A transmits an encrypted message to
point B. Point B can decrypt this, if it knows the password. The decrypted
text is then sent back to point A, which can verify the decryption, and
confirm that point B really does know point A's password. Point A then
sends the password to point B to confirm that it really is point A, and
knows its own password.

The researchers say that this will prevent consumers connecting to fake
wireless hubs at airports, or in coffee shops. It could also be used to
notify a user about phishing attacks, scam emails that try to trick a user
into handing over their account details and passwords to faked sites,
provide authentication between two wireless devices, and make it more
difficult for criminals to launder money through large numbers of online
bank accounts.

Jakobsson is hoping to have beta code available for Windows and Mac by the
spring, and code for common mobile phone platforms later in 2005.

More info available here ( ®

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© Copyright 2005

R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

As Gonzo in Life as in His Work

2005-02-23 Thread R.A. Hettinga

OpinionJournal - LEISURE  ARTS

As Gonzo in Life as in His Work
Hunter S. Thompson died as he lived.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 12:01 a.m.

Hunter S. Thompson was one of those rare writers who come as advertised.
The Addams-family eyebrows in Stephen King's book jacket photos combined
with the heeby-jeeby horrors of his stories always made me think of
Dracula. When I finally met Mr. King, he was in Miami playing, along with
Amy Tan, in a jook-house band called the Remainders. He was Sunshine
itself, a laugh and a half, the very picture of innocent fun, a Count
Dracula who in real life was Peter Pan. Carl Hiaasen, the genius who has
written such zany antic novels as Striptease, Sick Puppy, and Skinny
Dip is in person as intelligent, thoughtful, sober, courteous, even
courtly, a Southern gentleman as you could ask for (and I ask for them all
the time and never find them). But the gonzo--Hunter's coinage--madness of
Hunter Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1971) and his Rolling
Stone classics such as The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved (1970)
was what you got in the flesh too. You didn't have lunch or dinner with
Hunter Thompson. You attended an event at mealtime.

 I had never met Hunter when the book that established him as a literary
figure, The Hell's Angels, a Strange and Terrible Saga, was published in
1967. It was brilliant investigative journalism of the hazardous sort,
written in a style and a voice no one had ever seen or heard before. The
book revealed that he had been present at a party for the Hell's Angels
given by Ken Kesey and his hippie--at the time the term was not hippie'
but acid-head--commune, the Merry Pranksters. The party would be a key
scene in a book I was writing, (The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test). I
cold-called Hunter in California, and he generously gave me not only his
recollections but also the audiotapes he had recorded at that first famous
alliance of the hippies and outlaw motorcycle gangs, a strange and
terrible saga in itself, culminating in the Rolling Stones band hiring the
Angels as security guards for a concert in Altamont, Calif., and the
security guards beating a spectator to death with pool cues.

 By way of a thank you for his help, I invited Hunter to lunch the next
time he was in New York. It was one bright spring day in 1969. He proved to
be one of those tall, rawboned, rangy young men with alarmingly bright
eyes, who more than any other sort of human, in my experience, are prone to
manic explosions. Hunter didn't so much have a conversation with you as
speak in explosive salvos of words on a related subject.

 We were walking along West 46th Street toward a restaurant, The Brazilian
Coffee House, when we passed Goldberg Marine Supply. Hunter stopped, ducked
into the store and emerged holding a tiny brown paper bag. A sixth sense,
probably activated by the alarming eyes and the six-inch rise and fall of
his Adam's apple, told me not to ask what was inside. In the restaurant he
kept it on top of the table as we ate. Finally, the fool in me became so
curious, he had to go and ask, What's in the bag, Hunter?

 I've got something in there that would clear out this restaurant in 20
seconds, said Hunter. He began opening the bag. His eyes had rheostated up
to 300 watts. No, never mind, I said. I believe you! Show me later!
From the bag he produced what looked like a small travel-size can of
shaving foam, uncapped the top and pressed down on it. There ensued the
most violently brain-piercing sound I had ever heard. It didn't clear out
The Brazilian Coffee House. It froze it. The place became so quiet, you
could hear an old-fashioned timer clock ticking in the kitchen. Chunks of
churasco gaucho remained impaled on forks in mid-air. A bartender mixing a
sidecar became a statue holding a shaker with both hands just below his
chin. Hunter was slipping the little can back into the paper bag. It was a
marine distress signaling device, audible for 20 miles over water.

The next time I saw Hunter was in June of 1976 at the Aspen Design
Conference in Aspen, Colo. By now Hunter had bought a large farm near Aspen
where he seemed to raise mainly vicious dogs and deadly weapons, such as
the .357 magnum. He publicized them constantly as a warning to those,
Hell's Angels presumably, who had been sending him death threats. I invited
him to dinner at a swell restaurant in Aspen and a performance at the Big
Tent, where the conference was held. My soon-to-be wife, Sheila, and I gave
the waitress our dinner orders. Hunter ordered two banana daiquiris and two
banana splits. Once he had finished them off, he summoned the waitress,
looped his forefinger in the air and said, Do it again. Without a
moment's hesitation he downed his third and fourth banana daiquiris and his
third and fourth banana splits, and departed with a glass of Wild Turkey
bourbon in his hand.

 When we reached the tent, the 

Re: I'll show you mine if you show me, er, mine

2005-02-23 Thread Peter Gutmann
R.A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED] forwarded:

Briefly, it works like this: point A transmits an encrypted message to point
B. Point B can decrypt this, if it knows the password. The decrypted text is
then sent back to point A, which can verify the decryption, and confirm that
point B really does know point A's password. Point A then sends the password
to point B to confirm that it really is point A, and knows its own password.

Isn't this a Crypto 101 mutual authentication mechanism (or at least a
somewhat broken reinvention of such)?  If the exchange to prove knowledge of
the PW has already been performed, why does A need to send the PW to B in the
last step?  You either use timestamps to prove freshness or add an extra
message to exchange a nonce and then there's no need to send the PW.  Also in
the above B is acting as an oracle for password-guessing attacks, so you don't
send back the decrypted text but a recognisable-by-A encrypted response, or
garbage if you can't decrypt it, taking care to take the same time whether you
get a valid or invalid message to avoid timing attacks.  Blah blah Kerberos
blah blah done twenty years ago blah blah a'om bomb blah blah.

(Either this is a really bad idea or the details have been mangled by the


Re: Code name Killer Rabbit: New Sub Can Tap Undersea Cables

2005-02-23 Thread Tyler Durden

DWDM certainly makes it more complicated.  Of course, that same
technology allows them to send much more back. (Regarding the single
OC-3 mentioned previously.)
Well, DISTANCE makes it more complicated first of all. You need undersea 
repeaters and/or OFAs in order to get traffic from most parts of the ocean 
back to land, and the NSA will in many cases not want nor be able to use the 
host service providers' OFAs. This would mean they'd have to install their 
own, and I doubt they're going to just plop on their own regeneration site 
on the outside of a civilian cable.

Hum. In some parts of the ocean they must almost certainly have their own 
cable and then couple stolen traffic into it. I'd bet there also must exist 
some mini-Echelons on some Islands somewhere (like Majorca or the Azores) 
where they do some grooming and listening.


Delivery Status Notification

2005-02-23 Thread Mail Delivery Service
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Rapid Prototyping of Courseware

2005-02-23 Thread KMSI
Title: Rapid Prototyping of Courseware



Rapid Prototyping of CoursewareE-Learning Return On Investment (ROI)  Web Seminar SeriesDear Subscriber,The major factor underlying the considerable initial costs of e-learning development is the time required of programmers, instructional designers, authors, and subject matter experts. The subject matter expert occupies a critical role in the success or failure of any instructional design project. Ideally the subject matter expert can save the developers vital production time by providing annotated and structured documentation that captures how concepts and skills fit together in a given piece of curriculum. Recognizing that subject area knowledge acquisition has long been recognized as the "long pole in the tent" during development of courseware, the process for collecting the vital content data has been based primarily on unstructured interviews and focus groups which often result in unclearly specified requirements. The E-Learning Return On Investment (ROI) Web Seminar Series will present new methods to accomplish rapid courseware prototyping that will reduce the time required of programmers, instructional designers, authors, and subject matter experts, while making that time spent more focused and useful for the courseware design and development process.

The session will be broadcast live on March 1st, 2005 at 2:00 PM EDT. The seminar will be approximately 1 hour in duration and there is no charge to participate in these events.

If you have previously registered for any of our E-Learning Return On Investment (ROI) Web Seminar Series events at, your existing user account will be automatically enrolled in this event.
Register NowClick here to register
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subscribe cypherpunks

2005-02-23 Thread Abraham Wolk
subscribe cypherpunks

Re: I'll show you mine if you show me, er, mine

2005-02-23 Thread James A. Donald
On 24 Feb 2005 at 2:29, Peter Gutmann wrote:
 Isn't this a Crypto 101 mutual authentication mechanism (or
 at least a somewhat broken reinvention of such)?  If the
 exchange to prove knowledge of the PW has already been
 performed, why does A need to send the PW to B in the last
 step?  You either use timestamps to prove freshness or add an
 extra message to exchange a nonce and then there's no need to
 send the PW.  Also in the above B is acting as an oracle for
 password-guessing attacks, so you don't send back the
 decrypted text but a recognisable-by-A encrypted response, or
 garbage if you can't decrypt it, taking care to take the same
 time whether you get a valid or invalid message to avoid
 timing attacks.  Blah blah Kerberos blah blah done twenty
 years ago blah blah a'om bomb blah blah.

 (Either this is a really bad idea or the details have been
 mangled by the Register).

It is a badly bungled implementation of a really old idea.

An idea, which however, was never implemented on a large scale,
resulting in the mass use of phishing attacks.

Mutual authentication and password management should have been
designed into SSH/PKI from the beginning, but instead they
designed it to rely wholly on everyone registering themselves
with a centralized authority, which of course failed.

SSH/PKI is dead in the water, and causing a major crisis on
internet transactions.  Needs fixing - needs to be fixed by
implementing cryptographic procedures that are so old that they
are in danger of being forgetten.


 James A. Donald

Re: I'll show you mine if you show me, er, mine

2005-02-23 Thread Hal Finney
Markus Jakobsson is a really smart guy who's done some cool stuff, so I
think this is probably better than it sounds in the article.  His web
site is but I don't see any
papers there that sound like what the article describes.  I tried to
reverse engineer the protocol from the article, and the results are below.
But first let me put this into context.

The security property seems to be that you send something to the server,
and it sends you back something that proves that it knows your password.
But neither a passive eavesdropper nor a MITM can learn anything about
your password from observing or influencing the exchange.  The best an
attacker can do is to try to brute force your password by guessing it
repeatedly and trying each guess out at the server.  And this can be
easily prevented by having the server refuse to answer more than a few
bad password attempts.

Note that this is different from simple PK based authentication,
because the secret is human memorizable.  And it's different from,
say, having the server respond with a keyed hash of your passphrase,
because an eavesdropper could then do an offline brute force search.
The key feature is that the only attack is online brute forcing.

There are already a lot of protocols in the literature which do this,
often performing key agreement at the same time.  The original one
and most famous was SPEKE.  There is a long list of such protocols at  I don't
know what properties this new protocol has that the old ones don't.
Maybe it does have some and I am missing the point.  Or there might be
some patent issues that it is trying to work around.

Anyway, here's my attempt at mimicking the protocol, based on the
description of envelopes and carbon paper.

You have a password, and so does the site you will login to.  (Or,
maybe the site has a salted hash of your password; you could use that
instead.)  You set up a homomorphic encryption system.  This is one where
you can send an encrypted value to someone else, and he can do certain
operations on the encrypted value, like multiplying it by a constant.
In this case I think we only need to encrypt the value 1, and let the
other guy multiply by his constant, which makes it simpler.

I think ElGamal could work: you encrypt 1 as (g^k, y^k), where you'd
make up a key y = g^x on the spot.  You send this to the other guy who
picks a random power j and raises both elements to that power, then
multiplies the 2nd one by c: (g^(k*j), y^(k*j) * c), and sends it back
to you.  This is now a valid ElGamal encryption of c.  But an observer
can't tell what c is.

For a first cut at this protocol, you take each bit of the password (or
salted hash) and create two encryptions of m = 1.  It would look like

E(1)   E(1)   E(1)   E(1)   E(1)  ...
E(1)   E(1)   E(1)   E(1)   E(1)  ...

You send all these to the server.  The server knows your password (or
salted hash) and, for each pair of encrypted values, multiplies the
one corresponding to password bit b_i by some constant c_i.  The other
one of the pair, corresponding to !b_i, it multiplies by a random r_i.
The server sets it up so that the sum of all the c_i is zero.  Then it
sends all of them back to you.  If your passphrase started 01101...
it would be:

E(c_1)   E(r_2)   E(r_3)   E(c_4)   E(r_5)  ...
E(r_1)   E(c_2)   E(c_3)   E(r_4)   E(c_5)  ...

Now, you decrypt just the ones corresponding to the bits b_i and add up
the decrypted plaintexts, giving you sum of c_i.  If the result is zero,
you know the server knew your password (or salted hash).

Actually this is not quite right, because the article says that you are
not supposed to be able to decrypt both ciphertext values in the pair
that corresponds to a password bit.  Otherwise an imposter might be able
to figure out your passphrase by doing one interaction with the server,
then finding an element from each pair such that they all sum to zero.
This is kind of knapsacky and it might not be that hard, I'm not sure.

So I think what you could do is to send a valid ElGamal encryption of
1, and a bogus value which is not an ElGamal encryption of anything.
But the remote party wants to be sure that you can't decrypt them both.
One way to achieve this is to arrange that the first members of each pair,
g^k in the good encryption, multiply to some fixed value F for which the
discrete log is not known.  Maybe it's the hash of I don't know if this
will work.  You can't know the DL of that hash, so you can't find two
g^k values which multiply to that hash.  That means that if you have a
pair of ElGamal ciphertexts which have this property, only one is a real,
valid ElGamal ciphertext and so only one is decryptable (I think!).  So
you would send, in the example above:

(g^k0, y^k0)(F/g^k1, junk)  (F/g^k2, junk)   (g^k3, y^k3)   ...
(F/g^k0, junk)  (g^k1, y^k1)(g^k2, y^k2) (F/g^k3, junk) ...

When the server did 

Re: SHA-1 results available

2005-02-23 Thread Florian Weimer
* Jack Lloyd:

Thanks for the pointer.

 No real details, just collisions for 80 round SHA-0 (which I just confirmed)
 and 58 round SHA-1 (which I haven't bothered with), plus the now famous work
 factor estimate of 2^69 for full SHA-1.

 As usual, Technical details will be provided in a forthcoming paper. I'm not
 holding my breath.

In addition, there's no trace of the second-preimage attack some
persons recently alluded to.

Re: Code name Killer Rabbit: New Sub Can Tap Undersea Cables

2005-02-23 Thread Tyler Durden
No! Undersea?
Do you take a copy of EVERYTHING and send it back? That might have been more 
feasible in the old days, but when a single fiber can run 64 wavelength 
optically amplified 10 Gig traffic, I really really doubt it. Or at least, 
this would require an undertaking large enough that I doubt they could hide 

If they select some traffic then we have to ask, how do they select the 
traffic? Even there the mind boggles thinking about the kinds of gear 

I suspect it's a combination of all sorts of stuff...remember too that all 
that traffic has to land somewhere, so theoretically they can access a good 
deal of it terrestrially. What you might see, therefore, is a sheath coming 
out of, say Iran, is tapped for fibers that proceed on to other unfriendly 
nations, and a copy of the traffic pulled back to some nearby land-based 
station in a friendly country (so that lots of amplifiers aren't needed).

I'd bet you do see the occasional Variola suitcase, though, requiring a sub 
visit once in a while. But I bet they avoid this kind of thing as much as 
possible, given the traffic volumes.


From: Matt Crawford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: crypto
Subject: Re: Code name Killer Rabbit:  New Sub Can Tap Undersea Cables
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 12:33:56 -0600
On Feb 18, 2005, at 19:47, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
It does continue to be something of a puzzle as to how they get this 
back to home base, said John Pike, a military expert at
I should think that in many cases, they can simply lease a fiber in the 
same cable.  What could be simpler?

Re: On the road to truth and madness

2005-02-23 Thread Peter Gutmann
We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs
began to take hold.

The following was my variant on this from a few years ago, representing the
56th IETF PKIX meeting minutes.  Note that this is from the book form, not the
film version of the text:

-- Snip --

We were somewhere in San Francisco on the edge of the 56th IETF when the drugs
began to take hold.  I remember saying something like I feel a bit
lightheaded; maybe you should take notes  And suddenly there was a
terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge
OIDs, all swooping and screeching and diving around the RFC, which was about a
hundred pages long.  And a voice was screaming: Holy Jesus!  Where are these
goddamn business cases?

Then it was quiet again.  My attorney had taken his shirt off and was pouring
beer into his mouth, to facilitate the PKI standards-creation process.  What
the hell are you yelling about? he muttered, staring up at the neon lights
with his eyes closed and covered with wraparound Spanish sunglasses.  Never
mind, I said. It.s your turn to figure out the interop requirements.  I hit
the brakes and dropped the Great Pile of Paperwork at the side of the room.
No point mentioning those OIDs, I thought.  The poor bastard will see them
soon enough.

We had two bags of X.509 standards, seventy-five pages of PKIX mailing list
printouts, five sheets of high-powered constraints, a saltshaker half-full of
vendor hype, and a whole galaxy of requirements, restrictions, promises,
threats...  Also, a quart of OSI, a quart of LDAP, a case of XML, a pint of
raw X.500, and two dozen PGPs.  Not that we needed all that for the trip, but
once you get into a serious PKI RFC binge, the tendency is to push it as far
as you can.  The only thing that really worried me was the X.500.  There is
nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man
in the depths of an X.500 binge, and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff
pretty soon.

-- Snip --


Re: Code name Killer Rabbit: New Sub Can Tap Undersea Cables

2005-02-23 Thread Martin Peck
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 17:01:05 -0500, Tyler Durden
 ... Do you take a copy of EVERYTHING and send it back? That might have been 
 feasible in the old days, but when a single fiber can run 64 wavelength
 optically amplified 10 Gig traffic, I really really doubt it. Or at least,
 this would require an undertaking large enough that I doubt they could hide

DWDM certainly makes it more complicated.  Of course, that same
technology allows them to send much more back. (Regarding the single
OC-3 mentioned previously.)

How they process and return the information is indeed the BIG SECRET. 
The old USSR taps used pods attached to the cables for recording and
were serviced periodically to pick up the collected data.

See also:
 ... I suspect it's a combination of all sorts of stuff...remember too that all
 that traffic has to land somewhere, so theoretically they can access a good
 deal of it terrestrially.

If you look at the landing sites for various oceanic fiber cables you
will see that a great many of them are on friendly territory.  You
can be sure that these lines are tapped.  (Which brings up the issue
someone else mentioned a while ago.  We make a big deal about ECHELON
monitoring satellites, yet no one really cares about the tapping of
landing sites that carry many times more information?  Silly humans)

I presume the fiber tapping submarine is interested mainly in those
cables which don't land on friendly territory or the sections landed
between unfriendly sites. (E.g. not all data goes through all sites)

 What you might see, therefore, is a sheath coming
 out of, say Iran, is tapped for fibers that proceed on to other unfriendly
 nations, and a copy of the traffic pulled back to some nearby land-based
 station in a friendly country (so that lots of amplifiers aren't needed).

This would be a reasonable assumption.  But so would a number of other
possible techniques.  The great mystery continues...

Best regards,

Re: I'll show you mine if you show me, er, mine

2005-02-23 Thread Peter Gutmann
R.A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED] forwarded:

Briefly, it works like this: point A transmits an encrypted message to point
B. Point B can decrypt this, if it knows the password. The decrypted text is
then sent back to point A, which can verify the decryption, and confirm that
point B really does know point A's password. Point A then sends the password
to point B to confirm that it really is point A, and knows its own password.

Isn't this a Crypto 101 mutual authentication mechanism (or at least a
somewhat broken reinvention of such)?  If the exchange to prove knowledge of
the PW has already been performed, why does A need to send the PW to B in the
last step?  You either use timestamps to prove freshness or add an extra
message to exchange a nonce and then there's no need to send the PW.  Also in
the above B is acting as an oracle for password-guessing attacks, so you don't
send back the decrypted text but a recognisable-by-A encrypted response, or
garbage if you can't decrypt it, taking care to take the same time whether you
get a valid or invalid message to avoid timing attacks.  Blah blah Kerberos
blah blah done twenty years ago blah blah a'om bomb blah blah.

(Either this is a really bad idea or the details have been mangled by the


Re: Code name Killer Rabbit: New Sub Can Tap Undersea Cables

2005-02-23 Thread Tyler Durden

DWDM certainly makes it more complicated.  Of course, that same
technology allows them to send much more back. (Regarding the single
OC-3 mentioned previously.)
Well, DISTANCE makes it more complicated first of all. You need undersea 
repeaters and/or OFAs in order to get traffic from most parts of the ocean 
back to land, and the NSA will in many cases not want nor be able to use the 
host service providers' OFAs. This would mean they'd have to install their 
own, and I doubt they're going to just plop on their own regeneration site 
on the outside of a civilian cable.

Hum. In some parts of the ocean they must almost certainly have their own 
cable and then couple stolen traffic into it. I'd bet there also must exist 
some mini-Echelons on some Islands somewhere (like Majorca or the Azores) 
where they do some grooming and listening.


I'll show you mine if you show me, er, mine

2005-02-23 Thread R.A. Hettinga

The Register

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I'll show you mine if you show me, er, mine
By Lucy Sherriff (lucy.sherriff at
Published Monday 21st February 2005 17:11 GMT

Security researchers have developed a new cryptographic technique they say
will prevent so-called stealth attacks against networks.

A stealth attack is one where the attacker acts remotely, is very hard to
trace, and where the victim may not even know he was attacked. The
researchers say this kind of attack is particularly easy to mount against a
wireless network.

The so-called delayed password disclosure protocol was developed by
Jakobsson and Steve Myers of Indiana University. The protocol allows two
devices or network nodes to identify themselves to each other without ever
divulging passwords.

The protocol could help secure wireless networks against fraud and identity
theft, and protect sensitive user data. The technique will be particularly
useful in ad-hoc networks, where two or more devices or network nodes need
to verify each others' identity simultaneously.

Briefly, it works like this: point A transmits an encrypted message to
point B. Point B can decrypt this, if it knows the password. The decrypted
text is then sent back to point A, which can verify the decryption, and
confirm that point B really does know point A's password. Point A then
sends the password to point B to confirm that it really is point A, and
knows its own password.

The researchers say that this will prevent consumers connecting to fake
wireless hubs at airports, or in coffee shops. It could also be used to
notify a user about phishing attacks, scam emails that try to trick a user
into handing over their account details and passwords to faked sites,
provide authentication between two wireless devices, and make it more
difficult for criminals to launder money through large numbers of online
bank accounts.

Jakobsson is hoping to have beta code available for Windows and Mac by the
spring, and code for common mobile phone platforms later in 2005.

More info available here ( ®

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R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: I'll show you mine if you show me, er, mine

2005-02-23 Thread James A. Donald
On 24 Feb 2005 at 2:29, Peter Gutmann wrote:
 Isn't this a Crypto 101 mutual authentication mechanism (or
 at least a somewhat broken reinvention of such)?  If the
 exchange to prove knowledge of the PW has already been
 performed, why does A need to send the PW to B in the last
 step?  You either use timestamps to prove freshness or add an
 extra message to exchange a nonce and then there's no need to
 send the PW.  Also in the above B is acting as an oracle for
 password-guessing attacks, so you don't send back the
 decrypted text but a recognisable-by-A encrypted response, or
 garbage if you can't decrypt it, taking care to take the same
 time whether you get a valid or invalid message to avoid
 timing attacks.  Blah blah Kerberos blah blah done twenty
 years ago blah blah a'om bomb blah blah.

 (Either this is a really bad idea or the details have been
 mangled by the Register).

It is a badly bungled implementation of a really old idea.

An idea, which however, was never implemented on a large scale,
resulting in the mass use of phishing attacks.

Mutual authentication and password management should have been
designed into SSH/PKI from the beginning, but instead they
designed it to rely wholly on everyone registering themselves
with a centralized authority, which of course failed.

SSH/PKI is dead in the water, and causing a major crisis on
internet transactions.  Needs fixing - needs to be fixed by
implementing cryptographic procedures that are so old that they
are in danger of being forgetten.


 James A. Donald