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Re: WiFi Launcher?

2005-03-27 Thread Major Variola (ret)
t 03:06 PM 3/25/05 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
>I noticed you did a little editing! Sigh. Few can stand in the light
>very long, save the various beautiful women that clamor to spread my

Your barber can spread more of your DNA.

Your female can help you *copy* your DNA, but only about half of it,
and you don't get to chose which half.

>>Someone once said, "Cypherpunks write code."
>Yes but I'd amend this to say, "Cypherpunks in the process of becoming
>economically successful probably don't have time to write code but
>can sure feel free to try..."

Why not sketch a script that can?  That's not hard work, and contributes

more than the idea itself (which is a good idea BTW).

>>: Sounds possible to me. the only problem might be the need for
>>: authentication,

Can't be any authentication for obvious reasons.

>These days one has to act very quickly in order to create something
>original. The question is, will a TLA do it first and post it, along
with a
>TINY little ID tag?

If its an open-source tool, who gives a rodent's arse if a TLA wrote it?

After all, you can never be sure that a TLA *hasn't* written (or
to anything.

"Think critical"  --Agrammatical Marketoids

Re: AP For Starvation Judge

2005-03-27 Thread Major Variola (ret)
It would be interesting socially if the vegetable in question had fried
her brain with her choice of unlicensed
pharmaceuticals, instead of her choice of self-starvation (leading to
cardiac failure, leading to
joining the vegetable kingdom).  Would Jeb be trying to adopt a
coke-stroke negro?

It would also be interesting if those who want to keep her metabolizing
had to pay for it, or do
it themselves, instead of requiring the taxpayers to absorb the cost.
Which is the real
libertarian question, once you realize no one is coercing anyone, since
the vegetable is
less sentient than the cows we eat or chimps we experiment upon.

Instead, the xians show their hand, that it is not the soul
(consciousness) they care about,
and the quality of its experience, just heartbeats.  Someone should show
them a chick's heart
beating in a petri dish.  But of course they are not deterred by
reality.  Perhaps they are
afraid that their own emptiness will be exposed if life be judged by
more than the ability to

It would be very cool karma if the Pope were to be vegetative but
indefinately prolongable
(thanks of course to the fruits of the scientific method which is the
antiPope).  One imagines
this will eventually happen.  Or are there rules to replace a useless
Pope?  Does Alexander Haig
get to be interim Pope?

In lieu of less messy and hard to arrange (thanks to fascism) processes
(eg, an overdose),
those piloting their own ships end up sucking the barrel of a .45, or
whatever caliber is convenient.  Rarely do we try to
improve the world in the process, by taking deserving others with us,
probably out of overwhelming
self-obsession at such times.  (Though the fellow who drove a tanker
into the Capitol in Sacramento comes to mind.)
At least we don't try to stop trains with our bodies (we would sit in
our SUVs on the tracks anyway),
and rarely jump off overpasses into traffic, which inconveniences many,
compared to the ballistic route.

"Get your laws off my body"

Re: AP For Starvation Judge

2005-03-27 Thread Justin
On 2005-03-26T22:35:23-0800, Eric Cordian wrote:
> Justin writes:
> > Artificially feeding her against her wishes and/or the wishes of her 
> > husband (whose wishes have precedence over the wishes of her parents -- 
> > if you don't like that, get that law changed) is sick.
> I think we have to divide things we do for disabled people into "care" and 
> "heroic medical measures."  I consider a feeding tube to fall into the 
> former category.

I like to think that "care" is doing what the patient wants.  If the
patient is uncommunicative (following a balloon with her eyes .5 times
out of 1000 doesn't qualify as "communication" imho), the legal
decision-maker can end any treatment.

> That which we may do to ourselves, if we are functioning, exceeds that 
> which we may require others to do to us if we are not.  I can deny myself 
> food, water, and air, for instance.  I cannot instruct others to deny me 
> those things if I am rendered incapable of making my own decisions.

Okay; I accept that.  We can assault ourselves, but we cannot waiver in
advance another's legal culpability if they assault us.

She is not functioning, however.  Her rights and the rights of her legal
representative are the same.  Anything that she could have requested in
a living will can be requested by her legal representative, her husband.

> There is no reason for the feeding tube to be removed at all.  It is not 

That depends on her condition.  If she is merely a brainstem attached to
a beating heart and a bunch of tissue, there are clear reasons for
ending this spectacle.

Utilitarian: she's using medical resources that could help people who
have a chance at recovery.

Utilitarian: the spectacle is diverting time and attention of citizens
who should be focusing on increasing their personal wealth, and by
extension the GDP.  Out of sight, out of mind.  Once she's dead, people
will quickly become less distracted as the media can only run stories in
her wake for so long.

Ethical: She wouldn't want to live like this (the court's accepted this,
but it's still disputed).

Ethical: We don't want to see her live like this (which morphs into "she
wouldn't want US to suffer like this").  I don't think this one's
disputed, though Michael may take that view for financial reasons.

> If Terri were able to be spoon fed by an attendant, would the judge have 
> then ordered "spoon and attendant withdrawal?"  Would the papers report 
> that "the spoon is keeping her alive artificially?"

Can she recover to sentience, or is she merely a braindead automaton
capable of swallowing?

> > If I have a living will (in writing or by the decision of a legal proxy)
> > that restricts certain kinds of treatment, you're more than happy to see
> > doctors violate that and keep me alive as long as someone on Earth is
> > willing to pay?
> Well, I would argue that you do not have a legal right to demand others 
> restrict your air, food, and water, unless they need to be delivered in 
> invasive uncomfortable ways that reduce your human dignity.

So I don't get to define my own notion of "human dignity"?

> > That is not the way any sane legal or medical system should work.  I
> > suppose you don't believe in euthanasia either?
> I think euthanasia is fine if the patient is suffering horribly, has all 
> their marbles, and has less than six months to linger from a terminal 
> illness.

Three arbitrary thresholds.  Two subjective: "horrible" suffering and
"all their marbles"; one of them objective: "6 months".

> Terri Schiavo meets none of these criteria.

Explain why your criteria matter and how the subjective ones are to be
applied, and I might care.

> I certainly don't support the right of an adulterous spouse who swore up 
> and down at the malpractice trial that he only wanted to care for his wife 
> for the rest of her natural life, and who didn't mention her "wish" to not 
> go on until 7 years after her brain injury, to have his brain-damaged wife 
> starved and dehydrated to death solely on his say-so, absent any written 
> indication of her wishes.

What, you've never changed your mind about anything?  She's been
effectively braindead for over a decade.  This could be a case of
"moving on" emotionally.

Terri's parents supported the adultery, based on news reports I've seen.

I'm not saying it's morally right for him to cheat on her, but I take a
very dim view of any State involvement in marriage.  As far as I'm
concerned, the marriage granted him the right to represent Terri in a
situation like this, just as if they executed a medical power of
attorney and never got married.  I consider the marriage contract fully
severable.  His "cheating" on her doesn't materially affect any
contractual aspect of the marriage, so unless she's around to get
divorced, he can still legally represent her.

Unable to correct the source of the indignity to the Negro, [the Phoenix,
AZ public accommodations law prohibiting racial discrimination] redresse

Re: AP For Starvation Judge

2005-03-27 Thread Bill Stewart
At 10:35 PM 3/26/2005, Eric Cordian wrote:
Justin writes:
> She is a corpse with a heartbeat.
They want her dead, but don't have the guts to just kill her,
so they're going to dehydrate her to death instead
and pretend it's "natural", because she can't feed herself.
It's a nasty way to go if you're not in bad health,
though it seems to be popular with disabled old people
who want to commit suicide in nursing homes
and don't have alternatives.

I think we have to divide things we do for disabled people into "care" and
"heroic medical measures."  I consider a feeding tube to fall into the
former category.
I agree with you there, though for many people that seems to be
the crux of the issue.