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[Clips] New Screening Tech Misses Nothing

2005-10-13 Thread R.A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 18:09:33 -0400
 To: Philodox Clips List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 From: "R.A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: [Clips] New Screening Tech Misses Nothing


 Wired News

 Wired News New Screening Tech Misses Nothing
 By Abby Christopher?

 Story location: http://www.wired.com/news/privacy/0,1848,69137,00.html

 02:00 AM Oct. 11, 2005 PT

 Bad news for terrorists and drug traffickers: The hunt for narcotics,
 explosives and biohazards is about to get faster and easier thanks to new
 research from Purdue University.

 A new testing method can, for the first time, speedily check objects and
 people for traces of chemical compounds. The detection technology known as
 mass spectrometry is already in use by forensic scientists.

 "Mass spectrometry is one of the most sensitive methods for finding drugs,
 chemicals, pollutants and disease, but the problem is that you have to
 extract a sample and treat that sample before you can analyze it," said
 Evan Williams, a chemistry professor at UC Berkeley.

 That process can take anywhere from two to 15 minutes for each sample.
 Multiply that by the number of people in line at airport security at JFK
 the day before Thanksgiving, and you've got a logistical nightmare on your

 The research from Purdue, led by analytical chemistry professor Graham
 Cooks, developed a technique called desorption electrospray ionization, or
 DESI, that eliminates a part of the mass spectrometry process, and thus
 speeds up the detection of substances to less than 10 seconds, said

 To use it, law enforcement officials and security screeners will spray
 methanol or a water and salt mixture on the surface of an object, or a
 person's clothing or skin, and test immediately for microscopic traces of
 chemical compounds.

 In the lab, DESI has tested for chemicals at the picogram level -- or
 trillionths of a gram. This is about 1,000 times less than the minimum
 amount of material previously required for detection.

 Cooks also hopes to commercialize a rugged DESI sensor that would weigh as
 little as 25 pounds and fit into a knapsack.

 "We have tested it for a wide variety of explosives and the experiments
 represent several practical conditions such as using mixtures using
 different surfaces (skin, paper, luggage)," says Nari Talaty, a graduate
 student on Cooks' team at Purdue.

 The new technique is "extremely promising for the detection of illicit
 substances on surfaces," said Herbert Hill Jr., a chemistry professor at
 Washington State University who is researching ion mobility spectrometry.

 "With DESI it appears possible to bring the instrument to the sampling
 site, reducing sampling time and complexity," said Hill.

 Scientific instrument maker Jeol USA, Oakridge Labs and other academic
 researchers have also developed their own surface testing techniques using
 mass spectrometry.

 Jeol's patented technique uses helium or nitrogen gas to extract and ionize
 chemicals, and is already being used by the U.S. Army's Chemical and Bio
 Labs, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. However, it cannot
 currently detect biomolecules and proteins for biohazards -- an appealing
 feature of Purdue's system.

 R. A. Hettinga 
 The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
 "... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
 [predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
 experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'
 Clips mailing list

--- end forwarded text

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

cypherpunks@minder.net closing on 11/1

2005-10-13 Thread Brian Minder
The minder.net CDR node will be shutting down on November 1, 2005.  This
includes the cypherpunks-moderated list.  Please adjust your subscriptions




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SPAM from me? SPAM von uns?

2005-10-13 Thread info

Deutscher Text folgt unten.


We do not dispatch Spam!

To 12.10.2005 an unknown quantity penetrated in our Mailserver over a system
account and dispatched enamels to 60.000 receivers.  The break-down
succeeded over trying different passwords out.  Do not have we simple passwords
in use. ;-(

A warning to the concerning:  Enter NO data into the form of the Spam Mail and
click you on NONE link, but you delete the Spam Mail immediately.

We regret this much.

AL Systeme



Wir versenden keine SPAM eMails!

Am 12.10.2005 ist ein Unbekannter in unseren Mailserver ueber einen
Systemaccount eingedrungen und hat eMails an 60.000 Empfaenger versendet.
Der Einbruch gelang ueber das Ausprobieren verschiedener Passwoerter. Eigndlich
haben wir keine einfachen Passwoerter in verwendung. ;-(

Eine Warnung an die Betroffenen: Geben Sie KEINE Daten in das Formular der
Spam Mail ein und klicken Sie auf KEINE Link, sondern loeschen Sie die SPAM
Mail sofort.

Wir bedauern diesen Zwischefall sehr.

AL Systeme


Your Resume

2005-10-13 Thread gshayne

to be taken off please reply

[Clips] Senate Approves Inter-American Convention Against Terrorism

2005-10-13 Thread R.A. Hettinga

--- begin forwarded text

 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 10:37:53 -0400
 To: Philodox Clips List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 From: "R.A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject: [Clips] Senate Approves Inter-American Convention Against Terrorism

 Amazing what a Google alert on "bearer" gets you these days...

 >b.   Measures to detect and monitor movements across
 >borders of cash, bearer negotiable instruments, and other appropriate
 >movements of value.  These measures shall be subject to safeguards to
 >ensure proper use of information and should not impede legitimate capital


   .: All American Patriots :.
 Strengthening and celebrating American patriotism

 Security News : U.S. Senate Approves Inter-American Convention Against
 Posted by Patriot on 2005/10/13 9:54:46 (45 reads)

 U.S. Senate Approves Inter-American Convention Against Terrorism

 Convention called important tool in war on terror, organized crime
 12 October 2005
 By Eric Green
 Washington File Staff Writer

 Washington -- The U.S. Senate approved October 7 the Inter-American
 Convention Against Terrorism, which has received the strong support of the
 Bush administration. The administration had reaffirmed its firm support for
 the counterterrorism convention in a letter from Assistant U.S. Attorney
 General for Legislative Affairs William Moschella urging the Senate to
 approve the measure. Moschella wrote that the Bush administration
 "strongly" supported the convention.

 U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (Republican of Alabama) said on the Senate floor
 before the agreement was approved that the convention would provide an
 important tool "in our war against terrorism and organized crime." Sessions
 is a member of the Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and
 Homeland Security.

 The United States signed the convention in June 2002, but Senate approval
 was needed before the United States could ratify the Western Hemisphere
 counterterrorism measure. For the anti-terrorism convention to become
 officially approved by the United States, the Senate's ratification must be
 subsequently signed and registered ("deposited") by President Bush at the
 Organization of American States (OAS).

 The OAS General Assembly adopted the pact in June 2002 in Bridgetown,

 The organization said the convention is the first international measure
 against terrorism negotiated after the September 11, 2001, attacks against
 the United States. The convention provides the legal framework for
 cooperation among the 34 OAS member states in the fight against terrorism.

 The U.S. State Department pledged an additional $1.6 million in February to
 strengthen and expand counterterrorism coordination in the Western
 Hemisphere, bringing the total U.S. contribution to $5 million on this
 issue since the September 11 terrorist attacks.

 According to the State Department report, Country Reports on Terrorism
 2004, terrorists in the Western Hemisphere becoming increasingly active in
 illicit transnational activities, including the drug trade, arms
 trafficking, money laundering, contraband smuggling and document and
 currency fraud.

 The report said the threat of international terrorism in the Western
 Hemisphere remained relatively low during 2004, compared to other world
 regions but added that terrorists might seek safe haven, financing,
 recruiting, illegal travel documentation, or access to the United States
 from the hemisphere.

 Terrorism was also the subject of a September 2004 State Department
 electronic journal, The Global War on Terrorist Finance, available on the
 State Department Web site.

 The text of Inter-American Convention Against Terrorismon from the OAS Web
 site is available below.


 The States Parties to this Convention,

 BEARING IN MIND the purposes and principles of the Charter of
 the Organization of American States and the Charter of the United Nations;

 CONSIDERING that terrorism represents a serious threat to
 democratic values and to international peace and security and is a cause of
 profound concern to all member states;

 REAFFIRMING the need to adopt effective steps in the
 inter-American system to prevent, punish, and eliminate terrorism through
 the broadest cooperation;

 RECOGNIZING that the serious economic harm to states which may
 result from terrorist acts is one of the factors that underscore the need
 for cooperation and the urgency of efforts to eradicate terrorism;

 REAFFIRMING the commitment of the states to prevent, combat,
 punish, and eliminate terrorism; and

 BEARING IN MIND resolution RC.23/RES. 1/01 rev. 1 corr. 1,
 "Strengthening Hemispheric Cooperation to Prevent, Co

Yahoo!: Please Verify Your Email Address

2005-10-13 Thread Yahoo! Member Services
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