Re: The Plague

2003-01-16 Thread André Isidoro Fernandes Esteves
On Thursday, 16 de January de 2003 02:20, Tyler Durden wrote:
 Actually, this may turn out to be more an academic issue than anything.

 If someone wanted bubonic or pnuemonic samples, all he'd have to do is just
 grab someone from the western hospitals that contract it each year.

 Contrary to popular belief, it still exists, but we have effective
 treatments against it. (Although when I was in China, there were cities in
 southern Xinjiang that had a bad bubonic problem and had to be shut from
 the outside world. Much worse was the HepA epidemic that hit Shanghai at
 the time...stores and schools were oncverted into Hep wards, and you could
 go there provided you brought your own bed.)


And all westerns have some level of aquired imunity, for we are the 
descendents of the plague survivors. (Actualy, in the dark ages, it wasn't 
only one plague.. it was several plagues (mutants and new pathogens) that 
spread wavelike through europe... the populations died mainly because of 
sistematically reduced imunity)



Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-14 Thread André Isidoro Fernandes Esteves
On Thursday 14 November 2002 03:50, you wrote:
 On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Sam Ritchie wrote:
  That's the whole deal with the bible, and its various internal
  contradictions. If anything can be proven true in the bible, then there's
  no room for faith anymore, which nullifies religious beliefs; and if
  anything can be proven false, then there's no god, and religion is
  crushed under the heel of reason. Hurrah, Enlightenment!

 Don't bet on it.  I was in a discussion group a week or so ago and one
 lady who is super devout (of some christian sect, I'm not really sure
 which one) claimed that she was always testing her faith every day.
 It really shook me up because I have faith in testing.  Religion and
 reason are not in the same universe!

 My favorite response on the subject of god is I have no need of that
 hypothisis.  I forget who it's attributed to, but I think it was from the
 late 1800's.

 Patience, persistence, truth,
 Dr. mike

The religious person is always battling against reality wich with a minimum 
of inteligence from the observer always bring doubts on the truth of his 

It's a state of mind wich  can only be compared with mental ilness...
(I've read that there are even some neurological similarities between the 
faithful and the mentaly ill)

The author of that statement: I have no need of that hipotheses was 
Laplace, french mathematician on answering Napoleon's question in why is book 
on newtonian mechanics didn't call for god.

Andri Esteves