~~  Phoenix Guide Member Newsletter: November 12th 2002  ~~

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Featured this week - Christmas Dollar from Santa.
Forget about boring greeting cards. Send better 
Christmas greetings!

---      G.i.f.t i.d.e.a - Christmas Dollar 2002        ---

Why send greeting cards? Send 1 million dollar to your 
love ones! This F-R-E-E Christmas g.i.f.t valid until 
Dec 10th 2002 only, so hurry.

F-R-E-E Christmas Dollar 2002

Get you f.r.e.e Christmas Dollar from Santa Claus. Pay 
shipping and handling only.

Christmas G.i.f.t from Santa Claus

Ever wish you receive 1 million dollar from Santa Claus? 
Claim your F-r.e.e Christmas Dollar before Santa is out of 

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