
Thank you for contacting the Fair Trade on line store. this email 
address is no longer active. For orders, questions and other matters 
relating to the online store, please contact 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 415 553 4410.

Thanks again, and we look forward to talking to you.

Global Exchange

  • Hi lgbetty
  • Hi dave
  • Hi sdgms
  • Hi ask-ling
  • hi feedback
  • Hi serg
  • Hi prompre
  • hi linda
  • hi shtrans
  • hi ncase
  • Hi David Hanks
  • Hi ivlacswirlchick1
  • Hi irtibat
  • HI ename
  • HI ryanc
  • hi zasa2
  • hi tepsales
  • hi zbservices
  • hi brent
  • hi andrew
  • Hi beikrem

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