Thu, 01 Jul 2004 13:01:37 -0600

AngelCiti Entertainment, Inc. is publicly traded under the ticker
"AGEL" and provides a unique growth and investment opportunity!

Internet Gaming is one of the World's fastest growing industries, with
over $12 billion estim-

ated to be wagered online by the year 2006.

This is your opportunity to "be the house" and

benefit from all of the advantages of being the


AGEL is in the midst of spinning off its online poker operations.
Online poker has grown over 400% this past year alone!

AGEL is currently operationally positive, and is

using capital to vastly expand it marketing

and acquisition strategies.

AGEL is planning near term expansion into

such high-growth and gambling oriented

markets as Europe and Asia, with languages including Chinese, Japanese,
German, and Spanish.

Online gaming will benefit greatly from the fast-paced growth in
wireless technology and the increased availability of high-speed
internet access, allowing you to gamble from your cell phone and PDA.

7.       The growth of the Internet has far exceeded the

          growth of any other communication medium in

          the 20th century.  In just under four years the

          Internet has reached penetration rates that took

          the television 13 years to reach and the radio

          over 30 years.

AGEL has the opportunity to purchase

other online casino companies at P/E


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