Cypherpunks inet-one archieve not updating.

2002-09-11 Thread Gary Jeffers

My fellow Cypherpunks,

   I said "down" . More precisely "not updating" since Sunday.

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers

BEAT STATE to find
out how the world really runs.

The Cypherpunk inet-one archieve is down.

2002-09-11 Thread Gary Jeffers

My fellow Cypherpunks,

   Guan Sin Ong's archieve : has been
down since Sun. 9/08/2002 . Anyone know what's going on?
Respond to my email address as well since I monitor Cypherpunks thru Ong's

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers


see to find out how the world really runs.

2002-09-02 Thread Gary Jeffers

My fellow Cypherpunks,

   Check out the site:

   It is a heavy site that informs about the world's ongoing political
system. This site makes sense of politics.

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers


WinXP SP1 out next Monday - but can you avoid it?

2002-09-02 Thread Gary Jeffers

My fellow Cypherpunks,

   I found this link about WinXP SP1  .  SP stands for "service pack". The
article tells of some nasty goodies that MicroSoft has included
in it. The 2nd link has more info..

   You know, sometime we are going to have to abandon MS. I've already got a
dual booting system: MS and Red Hat Linux. I am slowly
migrating functions to Linux. The (GNU) Linux's and the free BSD's are good
alternatives to MS. If you can't live without MS, then make
your computer system dual booting.  Also, dual booting will allow you to
make a fairly easy migration to a DECENT operating system .
MS is getting more and more oppressive.

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers


The Liberty Dollar

2002-08-29 Thread Gary Jeffers

My fellow Cypherpunks,

The Liberty Dollar

My fellow Cypherpunks,

   I think I may have some really great news here, but you all
can check it out to be sure. I found an alternative money on the
Internet. It is called the Liberty Dollar. The Internet site is:

NORFED  is  The National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve
Act and the Internal Revenue Code.

   The money is backed by silver and gold and can be redeemed widely
in America.

   As many of you know, the $US is a corrupt, proprietary, debt issued,
fait, fractional reserved,illegal, unconstituional, U. S. State enforced
monopoly currency. As
corrupt as it is I don't know why it hasn't already collasped and
dragged us down with it!

   If the Liberty Dollar is honest and robust, then it may be the
vehical to beat the elite bankers tyranny and give us an honest
wealth produced money.

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers


A faster algorithm for finding primality.

2002-08-15 Thread Gary Jeffers

OK, this edition is probably "cleaner" than the 1st edition.

My fellow Cypherpunks,

Tim May writes:

>Faster even than the usual algorithm?

>The factors of a prime number are 1 and the number itself.

   Always the gracious one, Tim May takes time out of his busy schedule to
assist me. Well, now, I posted quickly and didn't take time to
make a neat statement. In a recent post I mentioned that the ? mark is a
"save".  I'll go even further than this! An algorithm attempting to
factor a prime would fail. - Thusly, implying primality :-) I believe that I
would be literally correct even without the ?  :-) And, yes, the factors
of a prime are 1 and the number itself. In some circles this is considered

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers


A faster test for PRIMALITY.

2002-08-15 Thread Gary Jeffers

OK, the following addition is a little "cleaner" than the 1st edition.

 My fellow Cypherpunks,

  Lucky Green says:
>AFICT, the proposed algorithm is for a test for primality and does not
>represent an algorithm to factor composites.

 Well, pardon me!  I was in a hurry and should have proof read. As a
 however, I did put a question mark at the end  :-)

 Yours Truly,
 Gary Jeffers

 Beat State!!!
 And the other oppressors.

Fw: A faster test for PRIMALITY?

2002-08-15 Thread Gary Jeffers

- Original Message - 
From: "Gary Jeffers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 5:47 PM
Subject: Fw: A faster test for PRIMALITY?

> - Original Message -
> From: "Gary Jeffers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 9:25 PM
> Subject: A faster test for PRIMALITY?
> >
> > My fellow Cypherpunks,
> >
> > Lucky Green says:
> > >AFICT, the proposed algorithm is for a test for primality and does not
> > >represent an algorithm to factor composites.
> >
> > Well, pardon me!  I was in a hurry and should have proof read. As a
> "save",
> > however, I did put a question mark at the end  :-)
> >
> > Yours Truly,
> > Gary Jeffers
> >
> > Beat State!!!
> > And the other oppressors.
> >
> >
> >
> >

A faster way to factor prime numbers found?

2002-08-13 Thread Gary Jeffers

A faster way to factor prime numbers found?

My fellow Cypherpunks,

   I found an interesting report of a newly developed algorithm for
factoring prime numbers. It was on the very interesting site. - check that site out!

   The 1st link is titled: Mathematicians in India find a faster way to
determine prime numbers.

   The 2nd link is titled: Here is the algorithm!

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers

Beat State!!!
and all the many other oppressors!

"First, get it built into all CPU chips...only _then_ make it mandatory."

2002-07-06 Thread Gary Jeffers

My fellow Cypherpunks,

   Tim May writes:

>Then, perhaps after some major war or terror incident or other trigger,
>major OSes will require the TCPA/DRM features to be running at all
>times. Sure, maybe some little Perl or Java program Joe Sixpack writes
>won't need it, but anything not on the margins will require it.

   This then brings up the question of Open Source operating systems like
the (GNU) Linux distributions and the BSD operating
systems. Is the TCPA/DRM feature code to be published or censored out? For
the source code, will the censored code
be a binary file? This could be a mess. I believe that there was a
discussion of US mandated Malice code in Open
Source operating systems on the Cypherpunks list recently, but I couldn't
find it with a Google search. Anybody got a
Cypherpunk Hyperarchive link?

   If the above happens, it would keep the coding anarchists busy for years
:-) Recompiling your operating system with
an outlaw file included would be an anarchic and patriotic act. It could
also knock down Microsoft market share.

   I suspect the the US solution would be hardware. All new hardware would
be maliced and old hardware would become

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers

Beat State!!!

Gnutella scanning instead of service providers.

2001-08-25 Thread Gary Jeffers

My fellow Cypherpunks,

   Ray Dillinger believes that scanning would assist oppressors as
much as regular users. Joseph Ashwood agrees with this and further
thinks that the Internet overhead of a scanner would be a serious

   I still think that scanners would be effective. Here's why:

   Gnutella still exists, Napster doesn't! Security does not have to be
bulletproof in all cases. Gnutella is a harder target than was Napster.
There may be other reasons why Gnutella is alive and Napster is dead.
I would think the ability to pin blame on the target might be another 

   A scan enabled Gnutella would be a much harder target than a central
service provided Gnutella. The scan enabled version would be much harder to 
shut down due to various kinds of expenses - legal, administ-
rative, politics, etc.. Not impossible to shut down - just harder,
slower, and with various expenses we would like the oppressors to pick
up :-)

   Also, with lack of centralization, it would be much harder to pin
legal blame on the servers(users). - Much harder, slower, and
politically expensive. This is generally a sort of economics problem
for oppressors.

   As far as Joseph Ashwood's claim that the Internet overhead would be
too much. Is his point exaggerated? Would it be possible to write low
overhead scanners? I do not have the "skill set" to say. Maybe he is
right, maybe not. Anybody got something definitive to say on this?

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Gnutella scanning instead of service providers.

2001-08-22 Thread Gary Jeffers

   My fellow Cypherpunks,

   It has been stated that Gnutella is completely decentralized. This is
not so. In order to get started with a Gnutella search, you need to use
a Gnutella search provider to find Gnutella groups.

   Would it be possible to write some kind of scanner that would look
at an ISP, say for example, and display all the Gnutella users
there? We seem to be over the "fax effect" (a Snelling point?)
magnitude where automated hunting for Gnutella users would be practical.
Also, maybe the scanner could search thru various ISP's as well as
particular ones. If it did close ISPs 1st, then it could help with the
efficency of file searches.

   Also, note that Gnutella deals in files - ANY kind of files. I
suppose that most? Cypherpunks know that - but just to be sure.

   If a scanner were written and widely deployed, then I think that
the problem of crushing Gnutella would be at least a magnitude harder.
Maybe the Gnutella support sites would promote and distribute such
a scanner?

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: Alternative Physics - Tom Bearden's site

2001-07-24 Thread Gary Jeffers

From: "Gary Jeffers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Alternative Physics - Tom Bearden's site

   Alternative Physics - Tom Bearden's site

My fellow Cypherpunks,

   I've found a really interesting site based on alternative
physics. - Tom Bearden's site.

   The site also deals with free energy, zero point energy, scalars,
health physics, alternate physics weapons, and mind control physics.

   Some of Bearden's interesting pages:

- It may or may not be necessary to replace "%" with blanks.


Some teasing bait for physicists:



   If this site is true then "EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG!" The
quote is from FireSign Theater - a comedy group.

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers

Beat State!

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at