Continued claims, the number of people out of work for a week or more, rose slightly to 3.06 million in the week ended Mar. 6, the latest data available, from 3.02 million the prior week.
"We have what we believe is an effective way to do it but we don't know it's effective until we test it," he said.
The AU wants the pan-African assembly, modelled on the European Union parliament, to give Africans a bigger voice in how they are governed, officials said.

Directors and actresses speak candidly about body image, nude scenes, age and the tendency to glorify sex scenes.
Continued claims, the number of people out of work for a week or more, rose slightly to 3.06 million in the week ended Mar. 6, the latest data available, from 3.02 million the prior week.
The parliament, expected to evolve into the law-making arm of the AU, will provide a venue for debates on matters such as human rights, democracy, culture and good governance.
But significant challenges to GPRA implementation exist. Specifically, federal managers have had difficulty setting outcome-oriented goals, collecting useful data on results, and linking performance measurements and reward systems. In addition, the report found that there has been an inadequate focus on addressing program areas that cut across federal agencies.

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